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- ERC-20 Tokens (124)205,028,862.784874 PODThe Other Pa... (POD)$1.70@0.0029,078,400.3857801 APUGURLApu Gurl (APUGUR...)$183.09@0.001,660 btcbitcoin (btc)$506.26@0.30527,308,814,358.0453 BOPPYBoppy The Ba... (BOPPY)$135.64@0.0056,361,614.5317812 CONANConan (CONAN)$72.71@0.0038,848,970,264.1406 HOKKHokkaidu Inu (HOKK)$0.36@0.00637,473,362,979.161 KLEEKlee Kai (KLEE)10,830 NEWSNewsly (NEWS)$66.99@0.0062104,447.00128586 Q*QSTAR (Q*)$40.94@0.0004900 RLBRollbit Coin (RLB)$124.25@0.138120,711.3357511 SAITAMASAITAMA (SAITAM...)9,184,946,263.76604 SIMBASimbaToken (SIMBA)$0.92@0.0017,370.15598458 SPELLSpell Token (SPELL)$17.02@0.00110,000,000 STARLStarLink (STARL)$14.51@0.0020,000 DOGThe Doge NFT (DOG)$83.17@0.0042262.52 WMCWrapped Mist... (WMC)$8,739.29@33.29913.32759637 wSHIFTWrapped Shif... (wSHIFT)$1.16@0.00130 WETHWrapped Ethe... (WETH)$0.00@3,903.192928,600 Get $CONAN reward at https://theconan.orgERC-20: ! CO... (Get $C...)472,800 $KIZUNA Reward Event at kizunaland.comERC-20: ! KI... ($KIZUN...)0 NEWSLY WALLET DRAIN WARNING- CHECK MY SOURCE CODEERC-20: !SCA... (NEWSLY...)1 FOFAR Reward Token (https://fofar.org)ERC-20: # fo... (FOFAR ...)157,560 HOPPY Airdrop Ticket | hoppycoinerc20.orgERC-20: # ho... (HOPPY ...)64,300 KISHU Reward Ticket (Website: kishuv2.com)ERC-20: # KI... (KISHU ...)724,000 Get $MIHARU reward at https://miharuhq.comERC-20: # MI... (Get $M...)89 WMC Bounty Pass (https://misteth.org)ERC-20: # mi... (WMC Bo...)783,000 DOG Voucher Token (https://ownthedog.org)ERC-20: $ ow... (DOG Vo...)41,412,750.200039 AIGFERC-20: AIGF (AIGF)7,613,386,400.92 ARAIDAirRaid.org43,830,182.6900779 BADCATAndy Alter Ego$17.39@0.00120,000 ANFDAngry Doge85,105,176,042.6153 APOSTLEERC-20: Apos... (APOSTL...)140.37906461 basedAIbasedAI$895.62@6.3825,355.19004951 BTCRCGERC-20: Bitc... (BTCRCG)8,403,046.86986076 blobsERC-20: blob... (blobs)66.43 BOOPBoop$2.10@0.03161,123,376,334,525.05 BUGGBugg Inu87,292,910.5343844 CATGPTERC-20: CatG... (CATGPT)4,909,134,579,450.22 CHARIZARDCharizard Inu269,867,006.225108 CHKNChickencoin$27.04@0.00945,056,711,410.554 CGRERC-20: Coug... (CGR)13,400.2545941 CUMINUCum Inu$0.61@0.0040,000,000,000 DRAGGYDraggy$488.03@0.0091,351,892,723,999 ErenYeagerInuERC-20: Eren... (ErenYe...)2,000,000 ETHGERC-20: Ethe... (ETHG)356,718,514.331824 EPROEthereum Pro82,700.54796535 NFDFeisty Doge NFT$14.90@0.0002172,380,047,916,449 FLOKIELONERC-20: Flok... (FLOKIE...)10,000,000 FOFARFofar$99.30@0.00100,575,060.478871 FOTTIEFottie$238.36@0.0018,223,660.95 GenImGenshinImpact90 GETHGoerli ETH$0.95@0.010652,333,633.8844957 GONDOLAGondola$258.00@0.0015,660,199.1665444 GECERC-20: Gove... (GEC)2,574,117.15310241 GYOZAGYOZA$2,702.08@0.001393,126,856.394517 HODLERC-20: HODL... (HODL)9,597,063,842.93816 HOPPYERC-20: Hopp... (HOPPY)78,546,100,945.7635 KEANUKeanu Inu19,000,000,000 KIZUNAKIZUNA$300.76@0.00123,857,282,978,754 Kumo InuERC-20: Kumo... (Kumo I...)76,190 LIZLizcoin$423.15@0.00565,076,568 MARVINMarvin Inu5,076,568.45581777 $MarvinERC-20: Marv... ($Marvi...)168,980,104,756,668,000 MONGOOSEERC-20: Mong... (MONGOO...)146,387.19237366 MUFFINMuffin$10.38@0.000148,449,195.4847449 NEKONERC-20: Neko... (NEKON)37,465.25713264 NEOWERC-20: Neow (NEOW)28,293,692,888.0359 NITEFEEDERNitefeeder$195.36@0.0025,678,128,933,599 NVDAERC-20: NVDA... (NVDA)765,220,112,011.527 NYANSHIBERC-20: NYAN... (NYANSH...)15,171.20335966 OIBERC-20: Ordi... (OIB)39,649,080,134,878,900,0...ERC20 ***2,800 $PAPERERC-20: Pape... ($PAPER)104.80253245 PEPEERC-20: Pepe (PEPE)2,704.18580077 POINTSPOINTS$2.77@0.001453,043.75532501 QUANTERC-20: Quan... (QUANT)5,800,000 RPILLERC-20: RED ... (RPILL)5,800,000 RPILLERC-20: RED ... (RPILL)5,800,000 RPILLERC-20: RED ... (RPILL)1,420,775,836,973.3 RICKERC-20: Rick... (RICK)1,283,819.41458967 ROCKERC-20: ROCK (ROCK)59,247,022.5400486 SafeMoon2ERC-20: Safe... (SafeMo...)20,374,147,433.4045 SAITAMASaitama Inu30,000 SENTERC-20: Sent... (SENT)20,070,549,509,218.5 SHIBSHABUShiba Shabu30,529,180,689,029,600 SHINJAShibnobi543,301,149.90962 SOVShibOriginalVision$2.05@0.0050,000 STAOERC-20: Shit... (STAO)0.00008807 SIMPERC-20: Simp... (SIMP)2,341.01354872 MIHARUERC-20: Smil... (MIHARU)6,546,855.51272655 SPTHUERC-20: SOUT... (SPTHU)5,519,157,228.81768 SPACECATERC-20: SPAC... (SPACEC...)227,321,277.404939 TechAkitaERC-20: Tech... (TechAk...)15,585.70215103 TEEERC-20: Tee_... (TEE)565,147,016.996008 RALPHERC-20: Tee_... (RALPH)10,796.66081707 CITADELERC-20: The ... (CITADE...)10,291,002,244,923.7 TheCitadelERC-20: The ... (TheCit...)26,484,171.9375538 SHABAERC-20: The ... (SHABA)4,507,668.78760667 TKINGERC-20: Tige... (TKING)117,011.89962048 TIPERC-20: Tips... (TIP)101,682,472.322307 🍜TONKOTSUERC-20: Tonk... (Ӿ...)845,492,140.42004 TKINUTsuki Inu$0.36@0.00231,208.91085813 USAGIERC-20: Usag... (USAGI)196 WAACWrapped AyeAyeCoin$580.16@2.960.00002708ERC20 ***83,249,422,983.5432 ZEFOERC-20: ZenF... (ZEFO)495,590,903,126.535 AIDIAidi Inu441,983.95687933 CLIFFCliffordInu20,000,000 DINGERDinger Token$54.20@0.0010,000,000 HOPPYHoppy$1,885.34@0.00023,795,250,753.24275 KISHUKishu Inu$2.04@0.001,451,477,822.64165 LADYSMilady$144.44@0.000.16266069 MMMillion$0.18@1.087299,370,338,175.492 SANSHUSanshu Inu$1.87@0.008,677,847.7746 SOSSOS$0.14@0.004,507,669 TKINGTiger King$3.81@0.00198,559.75025056 WOOFWoofWork.io$43.54@0.000286,400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]68,400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]106,400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7,650,000,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]9,900 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]80,137,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]360,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (69)LOBSlobsterdaoERC-721LSSLostSoulsSanctuaryERC-721BASEINTRODUCEDBase, IntroducedERC-721CHECKSChecksERC-721LIZARDEthlizardsERC-721GTAGG TagERC-721OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared StorefrontERC-1155OPEPENOpepen EditionERC-721LLparallelERC-1155SJShonen Junkx2ERC-721SPACECRAFTSpaceCraftERC-721ORASSugartown OrasERC-721WNDRWonderPalsERC-721YAYYaypegsERC-721ACROCAcrocalypseERC-721Advanced FL CollectionAdvanced FL CollectionERC-1155Atsui Art ClubAtsui Art ClubERC-1155TCKTBidTicketERC-1155BMAMBABlack Mamba GENESISERC-721████████CensoredERC-721jdcCOLOMBOERC-721Crypto DT ClubCrypto DT ClubERC-721CYBERTCyberTurtlesx2ERC-721EATEatCollectiveERC-721EncyrptxDEncryptxDERC-721LIZARDEthlizardsERC-721FLYFlys Alpha Access PassERC-721FlyFlysAlpha Contract of The FutureERC-1155FACHECKSFlysAlpha x ChecksERC-721MEME42Freedom toERC-1155FLYZFrenly FlyzERC-721ECTOLANDGenesis Ecto LandERC-721GSGenesis SoulERC-721GOBLINSGoblinarinosERC-721Good SlumdogeGood SlumdogeERC-1155SeasonPassGURU Season Pass NFTERC-721GPSJGutter Punks - Shonen Junkx2ERC-721XHHAPE: EXODUSERC-721HeyBear OriginHeyBear OriginERC-1155Hot NFTLottery OfficialHot NFTLottery OfficialERC-1155KCBCKillaChronicles Burn CardERC-721Liquidity Uniswap V3 Positions OriginLiquidity Uniswap V3 Positions OriginERC-1155MANEKILUCIAN MANEKI CATERC-1155VVMRGMERGEx2ERC-721MTOOLSMetal Tools Access PassERC-721MNBMidnightBreezeERC-721NTNametagERC-721ATTPASSNFTPassERC-721NANinja AlphaERC-1155PEPECOINCOLLABSPepecoin x Frensx2ERC-1155claim rewards on pooled-eth.orgpooled-eth.orgERC-1155Rebels of Gyaku OriginalsRebels of Gyaku OriginalsERC-1155SRSSecret Rat SocietyERC-721sCyberStaked Cyber Turtlesx2ERC-721The Crypto LegendsThe Crypto LegendsERC-1155ESCHThe Escher Editionx5ERC-721The HadaPixels - OfficialThe HadaPixels - OfficialERC-1155PepecoinThe Pepecoin PepeverseERC-1155PepecoinThe Pepecoin PepeverseERC-1155TCOETurf CartridgesERC-1155ZEN IDZenAcademy Student IDsERC-721ZGCZerion Genesis CollectionERC-1155
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Latest 25 from a total of 433 transactions
Transaction Hash |
Take Ask Single | 21393869 | 2024-12-13 13:24:23 | 8 hrs ago | 1734096263 | OUT | 0.038897 ETH$151.82 | 0.0021637 | 16.37940177 | ||||
Transfer* | 21338973 | 2024-12-05 21:26:47 | 8 days ago | 1733434007 | IN | 0.01917784 ETH$74.85 | 0.00052934 | 24.60706629 | ||||
Transfer* | 21338964 | 2024-12-05 21:24:59 | 8 days ago | 1733433899 | IN | 0.05885255 ETH$229.71 | 0.00047656 | 22.15364281 | ||||
Execute | 21267069 | 2024-11-25 20:11:23 | 18 days ago | 1732565483 | OUT | 0.06166207 ETH$240.68 | 0.00291456 | 17.56354069 | ||||
Execute | 21234320 | 2024-11-21 6:28:59 | 22 days ago | 1732170539 | OUT | 0.035 ETH$136.61 | 0.00265158 | 11.33915004 | ||||
Claim | 21130650 | 2024-11-06 19:18:23 | 37 days ago | 1730920703 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00171015 | 13.6059269 | ||||
Approve | 21083630 | 2024-10-31 5:48:59 | 43 days ago | 1730353739 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00038908 | 8.25593544 | ||||
Execute | 21083627 | 2024-10-31 5:48:23 | 43 days ago | 1730353703 | OUT | 0.03 ETH$117.10 | 0.00128423 | 7.18521216 | ||||
Execute | 21083624 | 2024-10-31 5:47:47 | 43 days ago | 1730353667 | OUT | 0.03 ETH$117.10 | 0.00147264 | 7.09757511 | ||||
Execute | 21077417 | 2024-10-30 8:58:47 | 44 days ago | 1730278727 | OUT | 0.02 ETH$78.06 | 0.00224785 | 12.17029214 | ||||
Execute | 21076269 | 2024-10-30 5:07:11 | 44 days ago | 1730264831 | OUT | 0.2 ETH$780.64 | 0.0025966 | 14.49346061 | ||||
Execute | 21076263 | 2024-10-30 5:05:59 | 44 days ago | 1730264759 | OUT | 0.2 ETH$780.64 | 0.00305336 | 15.78877942 | ||||
Deposit | 21041623 | 2024-10-25 9:06:11 | 49 days ago | 1729847171 | OUT | 0.1 ETH$390.32 | 0.00099197 | 8.76198831 | ||||
Execute | 21020790 | 2024-10-22 11:22:35 | 52 days ago | 1729596155 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00164814 | 8.41594975 | ||||
Approve | 21019782 | 2024-10-22 7:59:23 | 52 days ago | 1729583963 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00043593 | 9.23173548 | ||||
Execute | 21019758 | 2024-10-22 7:54:23 | 52 days ago | 1729583663 | OUT | 0.1 ETH$390.32 | 0.00142025 | 7.7718067 | ||||
Execute | 21007745 | 2024-10-20 15:39:59 | 54 days ago | 1729438799 | OUT | 0.005 ETH$19.52 | 0.002304 | 13.75590091 | ||||
Execute | 21002052 | 2024-10-19 20:37:35 | 55 days ago | 1729370255 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00127179 | 7.68208004 | ||||
Execute | 20987517 | 2024-10-17 19:56:59 | 57 days ago | 1729195019 | OUT | 0.05 ETH$195.16 | 0.00320935 | 19.32277574 | ||||
Execute | 20966077 | 2024-10-14 20:05:23 | 60 days ago | 1728936323 | OUT | 0.3 ETH$1,170.96 | 0.00381084 | 26.18346845 | ||||
Execute | 20955454 | 2024-10-13 8:26:35 | 61 days ago | 1728807995 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.0020999 | 10.53146445 | ||||
Approve | 20955450 | 2024-10-13 8:25:47 | 61 days ago | 1728807947 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00049225 | 10.58220394 | ||||
Execute | 20955128 | 2024-10-13 7:20:11 | 61 days ago | 1728804011 | OUT | 0.04 ETH$156.13 | 0.00152664 | 9.22932489 | ||||
Execute | 20954997 | 2024-10-13 6:53:23 | 61 days ago | 1728802403 | OUT | 0.2 ETH$780.64 | 0.00137238 | 7.68564133 | ||||
Execute | 20940955 | 2024-10-11 7:41:35 | 63 days ago | 1728632495 | OUT | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00256258 | 12.80390626 |
Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Parent Transaction Hash | Block |
21308433 | 2024-12-01 15:03:23 | 12 days ago | 1733065403 | 0.02934059 ETH$114.52 | ||||
21267069 | 2024-11-25 20:11:23 | 18 days ago | 1732565483 | 0.00179734 ETH$7.02 | ||||
21020790 | 2024-10-22 11:22:35 | 52 days ago | 1729596155 | 0.07810592 ETH$304.86 | ||||
21002052 | 2024-10-19 20:37:35 | 55 days ago | 1729370255 | 0.18 ETH$702.57 | ||||
20955454 | 2024-10-13 8:26:35 | 61 days ago | 1728807995 | 0.28 ETH$1,092.89 | ||||
20940955 | 2024-10-11 7:41:35 | 63 days ago | 1728632495 | 0.06 ETH$234.19 | ||||
20936934 | 2024-10-10 18:13:59 | 64 days ago | 1728584039 | 0.32684471 ETH$1,275.74 | ||||
20935905 | 2024-10-10 14:47:47 | 64 days ago | 1728571667 | 0.0579117 ETH$226.04 | ||||
20932948 | 2024-10-10 4:54:23 | 64 days ago | 1728536063 | 0.93258808 ETH$3,640.07 | ||||
20449985 | 2024-08-03 19:03:59 | 132 days ago | 1722711839 | 0.00001401 ETH$0.05 | ||||
20449912 | 2024-08-03 18:49:11 | 132 days ago | 1722710951 | 0.00088964 ETH$3.47 | ||||
20233157 | 2024-07-04 12:29:47 | 162 days ago | 1720096187 | 0.03155807 ETH$123.18 | ||||
20233143 | 2024-07-04 12:26:47 | 162 days ago | 1720096007 | 0.0550434 ETH$214.85 | ||||
20233128 | 2024-07-04 12:23:47 | 162 days ago | 1720095827 | 0.04788962 ETH$186.92 | ||||
20233111 | 2024-07-04 12:20:23 | 162 days ago | 1720095623 | 0.42153228 ETH$1,645.32 | ||||
20231640 | 2024-07-04 7:24:47 | 162 days ago | 1720077887 | 0.37012 ETH$1,444.65 | ||||
20116750 | 2024-06-18 6:05:35 | 178 days ago | 1718690735 | 1 ETH$3,903.19 | ||||
19648377 | 2024-04-13 18:16:35 | 244 days ago | 1713032195 | 0.15 ETH$585.48 | ||||
19548940 | 2024-03-30 19:48:35 | 258 days ago | 1711828115 | 0.67025564 ETH$2,616.14 | ||||
19530507 | 2024-03-28 5:24:35 | 260 days ago | 1711603475 | 0.0796 ETH$310.69 | ||||
19478838 | 2024-03-20 22:18:47 | 267 days ago | 1710973127 | 0.07828626 ETH$305.57 | ||||
19005648 | 2024-01-14 14:13:47 | 334 days ago | 1705241627 | 0.20147682 ETH$786.40 | ||||
18914048 | 2024-01-01 17:24:23 | 347 days ago | 1704129863 | 0.11150816 ETH$435.24 | ||||
18914023 | 2024-01-01 17:19:23 | 347 days ago | 1704129563 | 0.06482513 ETH$253.02 | ||||
18904591 | 2023-12-31 9:32:59 | 348 days ago | 1704015179 | 0 ETH$0.00 |
Multichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain | Token | Portfolio % | Price | Amount | Value |
ETH | 32.54% | $33.29 | 262.52 | $8,739.29 | |
ETH | Ether (ETH) | 25.35% | $3,903.19 | 1.7445 | $6,808.95 |
ETH | 10.06% | $0.00105 | 2,574,117.1531 | $2,702.08 | |
ETH | 7.02% | $0.000189 | 10,000,000 | $1,885.34 | |
ETH | 3.33% | $6.38 | 140.3791 | $895.62 | |
ETH | 2.16% | $2.96 | 196 | $580.16 | |
ETH | 1.88% | $0.304973 | 1,660 | $506.26 | |
ETH | 1.82% | <$0.000001 | 40,000,000,000 | $488.03 | |
ETH | 1.58% | $0.005554 | 76,190 | $423.15 | |
ETH | 1.12% | <$0.000001 | 19,000,000,000 | $300.76 | |
ETH | 0.96% | $0.000005 | 52,333,633.8845 | $258 | |
ETH | 0.89% | $0.000002 | 100,575,060.4789 | $238.36 | |
ETH | 0.73% | <$0.000001 | 28,293,692,888.0359 | $195.36 | |
ETH | 0.68% | $0.000006 | 29,078,400.3858 | $183.09 | |
ETH | 0.54% | <$0.000001 | 1,451,477,822.6416 | $144.44 | |
ETH | 0.51% | <$0.000001 | 27,308,814,358.0453 | $135.64 | |
ETH | 0.46% | $0.13806 | 900 | $124.25 | |
ETH | 0.37% | $0.00001 | 10,000,000 | $99.3 | |
ETH | 0.31% | $0.004158 | 20,000 | $83.17 | |
ETH | 0.27% | $0.000001 | 56,361,614.5318 | $72.71 | |
ETH | 0.25% | $0.006185 | 10,830 | $66.99 | |
ETH | 0.20% | $0.000003 | 20,000,000 | $54.2 | |
ETH | 0.16% | $0.000219 | 198,559.7503 | $43.54 | |
ETH | 0.15% | $0.000392 | 104,447.0013 | $40.94 | |
ETH | 0.10% | <$0.000001 | 269,867,006.2251 | $27.04 | |
ETH | 0.06% | <$0.000001 | 43,830,182.6901 | $17.39 | |
ETH | 0.06% | $0.00098 | 17,370.156 | $17.02 | |
ETH | 0.06% | $0.00018 | 82,700.548 | $14.9 | |
ETH | 0.05% | $0.000001 | 10,000,000 | $14.51 | |
ETH | 0.04% | $0.000071 | 146,387.1924 | $10.38 | |
ETH | 0.01% | $0.000001 | 4,507,669 | $3.81 | |
ETH | 0.01% | $0.001026 | 2,704.1858 | $2.77 | |
ETH | <0.01% | $0.031552 | 66.43 | $2.1 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 543,301,149.9096 | $2.05 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 3,795,250,753.2427 | $2.04 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 299,370,338,175.4917 | $1.87 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 205,028,862.7849 | $1.7 | |
ETH | <0.01% | $0.001267 | 913.3276 | $1.16 | |
ETH | <0.01% | $0.010603 | 90 | $0.9542 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 9,184,946,263.766 | $0.9184 | |
ETH | <0.01% | $0.000045 | 13,400.2546 | $0.6094 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 845,492,140.42 | $0.3629 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 38,848,970,264.1406 | $0.3608 | |
ETH | <0.01% | $1.09 | 0.1627 | $0.1768 | |
ETH | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 8,677,847.7746 | $0.1363 | |
BLAST | 3.15% | $3,898.72 | 0.2169 | $845.57 | |
BLAST | 0.01% | $0.001041 | 2,897.7757 | $3.02 | |
BASE | 0.62% | $0.007335 | 22,799.5149 | $167.23 | |
BASE | 0.59% | $0.015976 | 10,000 | $159.76 | |
BASE | 0.55% | $0.007542 | 19,416.4846 | $146.43 | |
BASE | 0.41% | $0.016075 | 6,869.9928 | $110.44 | |
BASE | 0.16% | $3,903.22 | 0.0109 | $42.62 | |
BASE | 0.07% | $0.004159 | 4,324.6182 | $17.98 | |
BASE | 0.05% | <$0.000001 | 295,774,647 | $13.37 | |
BASE | <0.01% | $3,904.41 | 0.00051292 | $2 | |
BASE | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 71,047,104 | $0.7744 | |
BASE | <0.01% | $0.000312 | 1,000 | $0.3117 | |
BASE | <0.01% | $0.001125 | 100 | $0.1124 | |
BSC | 0.33% | $724.4 | 0.1214 | $87.97 | |
BSC | 0.16% | $0.002085 | 20,529.5755 | $42.81 | |
BSC | <0.01% | $0.99987 | 1 | $0.9998 | |
BSC | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 230,050,978.4153 | $0.2394 | |
BSC | <0.01% | $1 | 0.1227 | $0.123 | |
AVAX | 0.05% | $51.7 | 0.2491 | $12.88 | |
FTM | 0.02% | $1.3 | 4.3438 | $5.63 | |
FTM | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 3,324,760,658.1535 | $1.33 | |
FTM | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 4,138,684,699.9924 | $0.8277 | |
FTM | <0.01% | <$0.000001 | 559,986.7179 | $0.2239 | |
OP | 0.02% | $0.003166 | 1,422 | $4.5 | |
POL | <0.01% | $0.612639 | 0.000002 | $0.000001 |
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