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- ERC-20 Tokens (>200)519.34 ADELAkropolis De... (ADEL)$1.92@0.00370.00000769 ALCXAlchemix (ALCX)$0.00@27.630.00003359 BADGERBadger (BADGER)$0.00@3.930.00002803 BAOBaoToken (BAO)$0.00@0.000.00007779 BORBoringDAO (BOR)$0.00@24.09520.02 BTBT.Finance (BT)$0.01@0.29240.00005068 IDEverest ID (ID)$0.00@0.03930.00001599 FARMFARM Reward ... (FARM)$0.00@61.84173.37595384 FLOKIFLOKI (FLOKI)$0.04@0.00020.00005312 FSTFutureswap T... (FST)$0.00@0.00470.00004187 HEGICHegic (HEGIC)$0.00@0.0206250,078.14886123 HXROHxro (HXRO)$4,328.54@0.01730.001 FOLDManifold Fin... (FOLD)$0.00@4.87430 MetisMetis Token (Metis)$0.00@55.9424,131.72417582 MIBMIB (MIB)28.92547843 MISMIS (MIS)$3.84@0.1329115,809.10080724 OLMOpenLM RevSh... (OLM)$680.23@0.00590.00005469 RAZORRAZOR (RAZOR)$0.00@0.002316,359,920 FREERoss Ulbrich... (FREE)$8,537.88@0.00050.0000413 SHIBSHIBA INU (SHIB)$0.00@0.0046,337.5254534 SHUShutter Toke... (SHU)$933.26@0.0201588 $yawnYAWN ($yawn)588 YAWNYawn's W... (YAWN)$0.09@0.00010.009999 YFBTCYFBitcoin (YFBTC)$0.02@2.12460.00008563 YOPYOP (YOP)$0.00@0.000133.42760895 vBNTBancor Gover... (vBNT)$24.36@0.72880.00007592 COMPCompound (COMP)$0.01@110.032.30311775 stkAAVEStaked Aave (stkAAV...)$843.91@366.420.00005355 TRBTellor Tribu... (TRB)$0.00@77.510.0098894 WBTCWrapped BTC (WBTC)$988.17@99,922.000.435 WETHWrapped Ethe... (WETH)$1,692.66@3,891.1637567,100ERC-20:91,200 Get $ALCX reward at https://alchemixfi.comERC-20: ! AL... (Get $A...)1,486,847,010,500 Earn $MOG bonus at https://mogmeme.comERC-20: ! mo... (Earn $...)320,000 $CAT Reward Ticket (Website: # FL... ($CAT R...)2,654,000 FLOKI Reward Ticket (Website: # FL... (FLOKI ...)735.5 Mog Reward Tickets ( # Mo... (Mog Re...)1,946,100,000 MOG Reward Tickets ( # MO... (MOG Re...)5,052.09776498 STONESERC-20: $STO... (STONES)120,000 ANFDAngry Doge192.26483193 ApeOnlyERC-20: ApeO... (ApeOnl...)39,887.57396018 AGTERC-20: Audi... (AGT)2,018,000 AXGERC-20: Axie... (AXG)9,080,000 AXRERC-20: Axie... 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(DEPO)79,210,893.0624656 DTHORERC-20: DeTh... (DTHOR)0.0000235 DEUSDEUS1,570,000 DIEMERC-20: Diem... (DIEM)220,000 DOGCERC-20: Dogc (DOGC)63,595,923,406.7315 DINUERC-20: Dogg... (DINU)14.62958382 DOOMERC-20: Doom... (DOOM)123.46153415 DPXERC-20: Dope... (DPX)329 DPXERC-20: Dope... (DPX)8,256.8856422 DOPEXERC-20: Dope... (DOPEX)0.00006695 EGTElastic Governance1,383,971,566.78263 EHUSKYERC-20: Elon... (EHUSKY)160,490.21858391 ESHIBAERC-20: Ethe... (ESHIBA)314.81354139 EVNERC-20: Evn ... (EVN)286,616.49911223 TRlBEERC-20: Fei ... (TRlBE)14,346,101.3211432 NFDFeisty Doge NFT$2,643.99@0.0002173.37595384 FLOKIERC-20: FLOK... (FLOKI)5,298.43188788 FRCTERC-20: Frac... (FRCT)0.61153415ERC20 ***99,146,588.5740519 FTRERC-20: FUTU... (FTR)20,324.68036379 GaiaGaia481.70295658 GFFERC-20: Gold... (GFF)3,430,000 GOTCHIERC-20: Gotc... (GOTCHI)1,073,000 HELLOERC-20: Hell... (HELLO)63,920,000 MEXERC-20: Hex-... (MEX)9,528,000 HEXICOERC-20: HEXI... (HEXICO)5,961,300,000 HEXV3ERC-20: HEXV... (HEXV3)406,772.38832205 $HOPEERC-20: HOPE ($HOPE)309,000 BYNDERC-20: http... (BYND)3,460.37156742 VENERC-20: IMPU... (VEN)31,300 INSTERC-20: Inst... (INST)28,900 INSTERC-20: Inst... (INST)1,202,549.24546945 IRONMANERC-20: Iron... (IRONMA...)15.4200176 KANERC-20: KANO... (KAN)1,043.50691095 KASHIERC-20: KASH... (KASHI)6,272.68005676 KTTERC-20: Katt... (KTT)5 LEGENDERC-20: Lege... (LEGEND)37,835.00839994 LPLERC-20: Link... (LPL)6,207.51968876 MMCERC-20: Mech... (MMC)3,227,000 MRCERC-20: Merc... (MRC)996,000 MMSERC-20: Meta... (MMS)829,000 MINERC-20: Mint... (MIN)34,148,347,644.0519 MogMog Coin$108,178.17@0.0025,671.12467676 NAWANarwhale813.35769165 NFTYERC-20: Nift... (NFTY)1,908,000 NONCEERC-20: Nonc... (NONCE)12.24247625 OHMERC-20: Olym... (OHM)583,958.71982769 OMTERC-20: Omni... (OMT)6.77463815 ONSONS$8.40@1.2415,597.72449396 OSISERC-20: Osmo... (OSIS)5,321.30146178 P0LVENERC-20: Polk... (P0LVEN)1,767,415.32267828 LKRERC-20: Polk... (LKR)7,172.36953794 $PMONERC-20: Polk... ($PMON)5,503,629.80824321 PRAREERC-20: Polk... (PRARE)987.965375 POP!ERC-20: POP ... (POP!)991.25216014 POP!ERC-20: POP ... (POP!)33,600 XILERC-20: Proj... (XIL)728,467 PSTAKEERC-20: pSTA... (PSTAKE)120,467 PLSERC-20: Puls... (PLS)69,320,000 PLSERC-20: Puls... (PLS)28,589,000 PLSERC-20: Puls... (PLS)569,000 PLS (HEX)ERC-20: Puls... (PLS (H...)7,481,000 PLSERC-20: Puls... (PLS)86,900,000 ePLSERC-20: Puls... (ePLS)14,045.99723303 PYTHERC-20: Pyth... (PYTH)71,639.02836466 RAZEERC-20: RAZE... (RAZE)0.99115396 rBONERC-20: Ribb... (rBON)568,000 RSKERC-20: Risk... (RSK)167.87357764 SEFlERC-20: Secr... (SEFl)0.00008497 SGTSharedStake Governance Token18,728,363,913.071 SELONERC-20: Shib... (SELON)739,000,000 SHIBASWAPERC-20: Shib... (SHIBAS...)370,359.93679221 SHOPXERC-20: SHOP... (SHOPX)42,087,738.0408392 SNOGEERC-20: Snoo... (SNOGE)10,040.68844114 SOSWERC-20: Sola... (SOSW)344,826.40362514 SOLAERC-20: Sola... (SOLA)5,125.27334168 SOLAMERC-20: Sola... (SOLAM)4,857.11509204 SOLRERC-20: Solr... (SOLR)1,362.62638368 RlSEERC-20: Solr... (RlSE)325,659.89560637 SOLSERC-20: Sols... (SOLS)6,893,149.71805445 SOSERC-20: Sols... (SOS)23,098,901.2842573 SoSERC-20: SolS... (SoS)18,200,000 SOVERC-20: Sovr... (SOV)1,979.93469984 SUSHI2ERC-20: Sush... (SUSHI2)1,749,000 TALERC-20: Talo... (TAL)187,479,638.100835ERC20 ***1,272,436.87887325 RABBITERC-20: The ... (RABBIT)9,189,354.49213286 TlDALERC-20: Tida... (TlDAL)16,858.04827115 CUMSOCKSERC-20: UniC... (CUMSOC...)0.00000092 vETH2ERC-20: vali... (vETH2)3,375.10471624 SOLIDERC-20: veSO... (SOLID)798,800 VITAERC-20: Vita... (VITA)14,413,944,693.7175 VSHIBAERC-20: Vita... (VSHIBA)99,999ERC20 ***963,800 WHACKDERC-20: WHAC... (WHACKD)840,900 WHACKDERC-20: Whac... (WHACKD)617,815,903,834.362 VOSSERC-20: Wink... (VOSS)23,400,000 WORLDERC-20: Worl... (WORLD)9,902,454.96289524 CONDOMERC-20: Wrap... (CONDOM)221.39 xFORCEERC-20: xFOR... (xFORCE)12.68711122 xRULERxRULER36,310,830.3678182 y.atERC-20: (,000 # yawnsworld.orgERC-20: YAWN... (# yawn...)0.01 YFSERC-20: Yfs.... (YFS)1,470,000 IONERC-20: Zeri... (ION)0.00005629 TOMOETomoChain$0.00@0.51832.5 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]3,999.99 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]0.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]4,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]350 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]5,170 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]8,239,291 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,428 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]58,868,212.466617 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]482,723.23720866 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]20,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,800 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]890,330.74871392 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]8,050,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,089,040.79978183 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]263,874 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]93,989.28 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]0 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]66,527 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]2,456 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]920.8164 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]8,824,230 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (100)ANFTArcadeNFTERC-721FIRSTFirstERC-721MAODAO-RPCReady Player Cat NFTx2ERC-721BLOCKSArt Blocksx4ERC-721HVNHeavenComputerx3ERC-721OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared Storefrontx2ERC-1155LLparallelERC-1155RARIRaribleERC-1155WANDERERWanderersx15ERC-721MAYCMutantApeYachtClubx2ERC-721OTHROtherdeedx2ERC-721BAYC apparel badge# BAYC apparel badgeERC-1155Advanced Wanderverse CardsAdvanced Wanderverse CardsERC-721ANATAAnata NFTERC-721ANATANFTCOLLECTIBLESAnataNFTCollectiblesERC-1155$ARB Airdrop PASSArbitrum: Airdrop RecipientERC-1155Astro Armadillos LimitedAstro Armadillos LimitedERC-1155Atsui The LimitedAtsui The LimitedERC-1155BadKidsBadKidsERC-1155Big Benzi Bananas VIP PassBig Benzi Bananas VIP PassERC-1155BlurAirdropBoxBlurAirdropBoxERC-1155Brave SOLdiers OriginBrave SOLdiers OriginERC-1155Coodles Mint Pass ItemCoodles Mint Pass ItemERC-1155Crypto MPP CommunityCrypto MPP CommunityERC-1155Dark Tap Fantasy ClubDark Tap Fantasy ClubERC-1155Exomon LimitedExomon LimitedERC-1155Fantasy DragonBall Legend OfficialFantasy DragonBall Legend OfficialERC-1155Final TowerOfFantasy PassFinal TowerOfFantasy PassERC-721GSCDGhostSoftwareCDROMERC-721Go SpaceGo SpaceERC-1155Hot NFTLottery OriginHot NFTLottery OriginERC-1155KKIKuroki Nftx2ERC-721KKIKuroki NftERC-721LegendLegendERC-1155Noox Distribution ProtocolLido Airdrop RecipientERC-1155Little MonstersLittle MonstersERC-1155LockedKongs The CollectionLockedKongs The CollectionERC-1155MPMegaParkx2ERC-721MIP Network LimitedMIP Network LimitedERC-1155Naruto Characters CollectionNaruto Characters ItemERC-1155POAPNFD POAPERC-721PHAYCPHAYCx37ERC-721pl Misfits Ape Societypl Misfits Ape SocietyERC-1155claim rewards on pooledeth.netpooledeth.netERC-1155Powerfull APE Keys TicketPowerfull APE Keys TicketERC-1155Pretty LysnaC PassPretty LysnaC PassERC-721Sad EtherlandsSad EtherlandsERC-1155Sad UdraGuardianSad UdraGuardianERC-1155SCORPIOscorpio.worldx5ERC-721Secret Mempus NFTSecret Mempus NFTERC-721claim rewards on shibprotocol.netshibprotocol.netERC-1155Shinsekai - The New WorldShinsekai - The New WorldERC-1155The Ape Drops 9 : Trashbag Ghost's Coin Chaos GeneThe Ape Drops 9 : Trashbag Ghost's Coin Chaos GenesisERC-1155The Crypto Club ItemsThe Crypto Club ItemsERC-1155The Giant Benzi Bananas VIP PassThe Giant Benzi Bananas VIP PassERC-1155The Mutant APE Kennel LimitedThe Mutant APE Kennel LimitedERC-1155The Rebels of Gyaku GenesisThe Rebels of Gyaku GenesisERC-1155The Shadowverse Cards GenesisThe Shadowverse Cards GenesisERC-1155The Squads Access CollectionsThe Squads Access CollectionsERC-1155The Wonderful Troublemaker OfficialThe Wonderful Troublemaker OfficialERC-1155TheManWhoSoldTheWorldTheManWhoSoldTheWorldERC-1155Top Meta Penguin TicketsTop Meta Penguin TicketsERC-1155Trust APE Keys LabTrust APE Keys LabERC-1155White Omega Speedmaster, Standard CollectionWhite Omega Speedmaster, Standard CollectionERC-1155White UdraGuardianWhite UdraGuardianERC-1155X SOLdiers LimitedX SOLdiers LimitedERC-1155YUGA x GUCCI MerchYUGA: Gucci Merch PASSERC-1155YUGA x GUCCI Genesis RecipientERC-1155ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*x3 [Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*x2 [Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*x4 [Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-721 TOKEN*x3 [Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToCreate Order 19658852 2024-04-15 5:32:23 242 days ago 1713159143 OUT 1.4 ETH$5,447.63 0.0004478 7.95057826 Approve 19401375 2024-03-10 1:19:11 278 days ago 1710033551 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00146252 60.56261248 Transfer 19359931 2024-03-04 6:12:47 284 days ago 1709532767 OUT 1 ETH$3,891.16 0.0092971 62.72335462 Withdraw 19359928 2024-03-04 6:12:11 284 days ago 1709532731 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00217854 61.8834927 Transfer 18960863 2024-01-08 7:37:23 340 days ago 1704699443 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00054344 18.22249829 Sell Eth For Tok... 18960792 2024-01-08 7:22:59 340 days ago 1704698579 OUT 3 ETH$11,673.49 0.0036113 17.50860421 Transfer Tokens ... 18821519 2023-12-19 17:36:35 359 days ago 1703007395 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0068489 62.02262094 Approve 18821516 2023-12-19 17:35:47 359 days ago 1703007347 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00347701 57.99757401 Exchange 18821438 2023-12-19 17:19:59 359 days ago 1703006399 OUT 4.5 ETH$17,510.24 0.01270063 60.14868964 Send To Cosmos 18818555 2023-12-19 7:36:11 360 days ago 1702971371 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00262167 44.59154031 Approve 18818552 2023-12-19 7:35:23 360 days ago 1702971323 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00198949 43.20109481 Transfer 18818546 2023-12-19 7:34:11 360 days ago 1702971251 OUT 3.345 ETH$13,015.94 0.0019334 43.22284995 Redeem 18739267 2023-12-08 4:50:23 371 days ago 1702011023 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0015612 41.28974168 Deposit 18596712 2023-11-18 5:39:47 391 days ago 1700285987 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00126806 17.93936807 Approve 18596708 2023-11-18 5:38:59 391 days ago 1700285939 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00091414 19.65389178 Withdraw 18596692 2023-11-18 5:35:47 391 days ago 1700285747 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00089163 18.71684418 Deposit 17893155 2023-08-11 17:32:11 489 days ago 1691775131 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00192485 25.50285274 Deposit 17886740 2023-08-10 20:02:23 490 days ago 1691697743 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00169826 36.06274777 Approve 17886713 2023-08-10 19:56:59 490 days ago 1691697419 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00127713 27.45110945 Execute 17701972 2023-07-15 23:19:47 516 days ago 1689463187 OUT 0.2 ETH$778.23 0.00194547 12.39150758 Migrate 17673253 2023-07-11 22:11:35 520 days ago 1689113495 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00274306 16.93435193 Approve 17673229 2023-07-11 22:06:47 520 days ago 1689113207 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00091082 19.60153403 Execute 17646662 2023-07-08 4:25:47 524 days ago 1688790347 OUT 0.1 ETH$389.12 0.00239469 14.23878253 Unbond 16027377 2022-11-22 18:37:47 751 days ago 1669142267 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00222078 17.15752255 Bond 16009886 2022-11-20 7:58:47 754 days ago 1668931127 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00164133 11.4858418 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo21234206 2024-11-21 6:06:11 22 days ago 1732169171 0.5070051 ETH$1,972.84 19658538 2024-04-15 4:28:59 242 days ago 1713155339 2.08865653 ETH$8,127.30 19359928 2024-03-04 6:12:11 284 days ago 1709532731 1 ETH$3,891.16 18739267 2023-12-08 4:50:23 371 days ago 1702011023 11.1277314 ETH$43,299.82 14637404 2022-04-22 22:41:25 965 days ago 1650667285 1.75 ETH$6,809.54 14595147 2022-04-16 8:01:08 972 days ago 1650096068 0.01830657 ETH$71.23 14579772 2022-04-13 22:13:59 974 days ago 1649888039 26.6 ETH$103,504.95 14305622 2022-03-02 5:05:41 1017 days ago 1646197541 0.38580375 ETH$1,501.23 14160846 2022-02-07 19:29:31 1039 days ago 1644262171 20.7936 ETH$80,911.30 13908023 2021-12-30 17:28:37 1078 days ago 1640885317 0.1767 ETH$687.57 13907935 2021-12-30 17:07:32 1078 days ago 1640884052 11.2936 ETH$43,945.25 13907409 2021-12-30 15:14:47 1078 days ago 1640877287 0.1395 ETH$542.82 13907346 2021-12-30 15:00:59 1078 days ago 1640876459 0.268584 ETH$1,045.10 13878049 2021-12-26 2:12:42 1083 days ago 1640484762 8.645 ETH$33,639.11 13875546 2021-12-25 16:48:29 1083 days ago 1640450909 8.36 ETH$32,530.13 13749204 2021-12-06 0:43:57 1103 days ago 1638751437 37.18413844 ETH$144,689.57 13629965 2021-11-17 1:12:47 1122 days ago 1637111567 6.65 ETH$25,876.24 13623127 2021-11-15 23:01:37 1123 days ago 1637017297 6.0325 ETH$23,473.44 13376747 2021-10-08 7:05:58 1162 days ago 1633676758 11.65984492 ETH$45,370.36 13376739 2021-10-08 7:03:32 1162 days ago 1633676612 21.8242358 ETH$84,921.67 13376736 2021-10-08 7:02:47 1162 days ago 1633676567 27.55535379 ETH$107,222.39 13376725 2021-10-08 7:00:20 1162 days ago 1633676420 17.14882978 ETH$66,728.90 13117431 2021-08-29 1:29:26 1202 days ago 1630200566 0.0199074 ETH$77.46 13117344 2021-08-29 1:11:12 1202 days ago 1630199472 0.02268518 ETH$88.27 13083286 2021-08-23 18:53:27 1207 days ago 1629744807 30 ETH$116,734.91 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 75.61% $0.000003 34,148,347,644.0519 $108,178.17 ETH 5.97% $0.000522 16,359,920 $8,537.88 ETH Ether (ETH)4.54% $3,891.16 1.6687 $6,493.23 ETH 3.03% $0.017309 250,078.1489 $4,328.54 ETH 1.94% $199.07 13.9474 $2,776.52 ETH 1.85% $0.000184 14,346,101.3211 $2,643.99 ETH 1.18% $3,891.16 0.435 $1,692.66 ETH 0.69% $99,922 0.0098894 $988.17 ETH 0.65% $0.020141 46,337.5255 $933.26 ETH 0.59% $366.42 2.3031 $843.91 ETH 0.48% $0.005874 115,809.1008 $680.23 ETH 0.02% $0.728809 33.4276 $24.36 ETH <0.01% $1.24 6.7746 $8.4 ETH <0.01% $0.132919 28.9255 $3.84 ETH <0.01% $0.003693 519.34 $1.92 BLAST 0.65% $3,893.67 0.237 $922.96 BLAST 0.54% $3,893.01 0.1986 $773.17 BSC 0.89% $709.82 1.7945 $1,273.81 BSC 0.24% $0.068431 5,011.3535 $342.93 OP 0.74% $2.59 409.4263 $1,058.65 FTM 0.22% $1.21 257.1966 $311.07 FTM <0.01% $3,896.92 0.00018847 $0.7344 AVAX 0.10% $51.96 2.7831 $144.6 AVAX <0.01% $0.005049 967.2494 $4.88 BASE 0.05% $0.000688 103,842 $71.43 BASE 0.01% $0.004153 4,324.6182 $17.96 BASE 0.01% <$0.000001 295,774,647 $14.4 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 17,761,776 $0.1918 POL <0.01% $0.619117 6.0796 $3.76 ARB <0.01% $3,891.44 0.00000561 $0.021848 Loading...Loading[ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node.Connect a Wallet
Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node.SignIn
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