ETH Price: $2,699.63 (+2.54%)
Net Worth in USD

Net Worth in ETH

Total Balance Change (24H)

Assets in Wallet (75)
Asset Symbol Contract Address Quantity Price Change (24H) Value  
ETH-3.348252087530022001$2,699.63 (1 ETH) 2.54%$9,039.03 (3.348252 ETH)
AEVO12044.9884973496336...$0.437742 (0.000162 ETH) 3.27%$5,272.60 (1.953084 ETH)
VISTA80.4249418639236601...$8.15 (0.003019 ETH) 4.34%$655.46 (0.242798 ETH)
CVG20397.3570844701552...$0.001627 (0.000001 ETH) 1.91%$33.18 (0.012291 ETH)
NEBULA28787.700092828$0.000605 (0.000000 ETH)--$17.42 (0.006453 ETH)
RIBBIT11625768440.5121006...$0.00 (0.000000 ETH) 8.28%$16.74 (0.006201 ETH)
MNT9.97094243109185279$0.655636 (0.000243 ETH) 1.55%$6.54 (0.002422 ETH)
POD734662513.156842402...$0.00 (0.000000 ETH) 1.59%$5.15 (0.001909 ETH)
COVER10$0.296983 (0.000110 ETH)--$2.97 (0.001100 ETH)
7982.338922867$0.000356 (0.000000 ETH)--$2.84 (0.001052 ETH)

Liquidity Pool Assets in Wallet (1)

Asset Dex Contract Address Quantity  
Uniswap V20.19493757

The token holding page lists token assets owned by an address. Assets displayed include ERC-20, NFT and Liquidity Pool tokens. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.