ETH Price: $3,390.22 (-2.61%)
Gas: 1 Gwei


0x Protocol Ecosystem
Related labels Tokens (11)
Projects and addresses associated to 0x Protocol, an open protocol that enables the peer-to-peer exchange of assets on the Ethereum blockchain.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x0e8BA001...c957F5852 AmadeusRelay0.00002917 ETH28
0x58a5959A...0e24005F1 ERC dEX0 ETH2
0x2cC42d1C...63dC821F8 IDT Exchange0.000001 ETH86
0x4524baA9...eF96bD708 LedgerDex0.1886032 ETH24
0x55890b06...1f8E27A9B Shark Relay0 ETH6
0x0681E844...4eFE19FF2 Star Bit Ex0.44876983 ETH111,920
0x7219612b...08f38C5fE The Ocean3.2463316 ETH2,147

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