ETH Price: $3,082.94 (-0.65%)
Gas: 7 Gwei


Total of 19,671,447 blocks(Showing blocks between #19671422 to #19671446)
Block Txn Fee Recipient Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward Burnt Fees (ETH)
196714462024-04-16 23:55:1115 secs ago1713311711173beaverbuild
15,267,709 (50.89% | +2%)
30,000,0007.58 Gwei0.01974 ETH0.115837 (85.43%)
196714452024-04-16 23:54:5927 secs ago1713311699128Loki Builder
10,563,983 (35.21% | -30%)
30,000,0007.87 Gwei0.00667 ETH0.083226 (92.58%)
196714442024-04-16 23:54:4739 secs ago1713311687247Titan Builder
22,284,849 (74.28% | +49%)
30,000,0007.42 Gwei0.04017 ETH0.165519 (80.47%)
196714432024-04-16 23:54:3551 secs ago1713311675156beaverbuild
16,790,078 (55.97% | +12%)
30,000,0007.31 Gwei0.02985 ETH0.122874 (80.45%)
196714422024-04-16 23:54:231 min ago1713311663137beaverbuild
10,794,127 (35.98% | -28%)
30,000,0007.58 Gwei0.03523 ETH0.081863 (69.91%)
196714412024-04-16 23:54:111 min ago1713311651199beaverbuild
15,091,094 (50.30% | +1%)
30,000,0007.57 Gwei0.04748 ETH0.114365 (70.66%)
196714402024-04-16 23:53:591 min ago1713311639231Titan Builder
18,026,810 (60.09% | +20%)
30,000,0007.39 Gwei0.0594 ETH0.133252 (69.16%)
196714392024-04-16 23:53:471 min ago1713311627376beaverbuild
29,999,814 (100.00% | +100%)
30,000,0006.57 Gwei0.05948 ETH0.197115 (76.82%)
196714382024-04-16 23:53:351 min ago1713311615380x5e6342D8...7249a4889
1,523,026 (5.08% | -90%)
30,000,0007.4 Gwei0.00317 ETH0.011273 (78.04%)
196714372024-04-16 23:53:232 mins ago1713311603113beaverbuild
11,414,440 (38.05% | -24%)
30,000,0007.62 Gwei0.00858 ETH0.087090 (91.03%)
196714362024-04-16 23:53:112 mins ago1713311591215
20,481,605 (68.27% | +37%)
30,000,0007.29 Gwei0.0591 ETH0.149444 (71.66%)
196714352024-04-16 23:52:592 mins ago1713311579165beaverbuild
13,054,902 (43.52% | -13%)
30,000,0007.41 Gwei0.01287 ETH0.096825 (88.26%)
196714342024-04-16 23:52:472 mins ago1713311567103Lido: Execution Layer Rewards Vault
7,477,565 (24.93% | -50%)
30,000,0007.91 Gwei0.00452 ETH0.059168 (92.89%)
196714332024-04-16 23:52:352 mins ago1713311555289
29,979,256 (99.93% | +100%)
30,000,0007.03 Gwei0.00916 ETH0.210893 (95.83%)
196714322024-04-16 23:52:233 mins ago1713311543181beaverbuild
29,999,841 (100.00% | +100%)
30,000,0006.25 Gwei0.04835 ETH0.187590 (79.51%)
196714312024-04-16 23:52:113 mins ago1713311531540beaverbuild
29,998,478 (99.99% | +100%)
30,000,0005.55 Gwei0.13095 ETH0.166741 (56.01%)
196714302024-04-16 23:51:593 mins ago171331151948Fee Recipient: 0xe43...4CA
2,273,133 (7.58% | -85%)
30,000,0006.21 Gwei0.00396 ETH0.014134 (78.11%)
196714292024-04-16 23:51:473 mins ago1713311507144beaverbuild
8,397,003 (27.99% | -44%)
30,000,0006.57 Gwei0.02098 ETH0.055251 (72.47%)
196714282024-04-16 23:51:353 mins ago1713311495104beaverbuild
7,610,282 (25.37% | -49%)
30,000,0007.01 Gwei0.02521 ETH0.053360 (67.91%)
196714272024-04-16 23:51:234 mins ago1713311483151
11,611,063 (38.70% | -23%)
30,000,0007.21 Gwei0.00504 ETH0.083778 (94.32%)
196714262024-04-16 23:51:114 mins ago1713311471146Titan Builder
14,800,907 (49.34% | -1%)
30,000,0007.22 Gwei0.12579 ETH0.106971 (45.96%)
196714252024-04-16 23:50:594 mins ago1713311459226
23,683,536 (78.95% | +58%)
30,000,0006.73 Gwei0.00923 ETH0.159618 (94.53%)
196714242024-04-16 23:50:474 mins ago1713311447119beaverbuild
13,172,993 (43.91% | -12%)
30,000,0006.84 Gwei0.03084 ETH0.090154 (74.51%)
196714232024-04-16 23:50:354 mins ago17133114351180x3d58f2f8...A138D8c56
9,642,811 (32.14% | -36%)
30,000,0007.16 Gwei0.0049 ETH0.069078 (93.37%)
196714222024-04-16 23:50:235 mins ago1713311423113beaverbuild
11,523,371 (38.41% | -23%)
30,000,0007.37 Gwei0.01591 ETH0.085012 (84.23%)

Blocks are batches of transactions linked together via cryptographic hashes. Any tampering of a block invalidates subsequent blocks as their hashes would be changed. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.