ETH Price: $3,051.01 (-2.67%)
Gas: 3 Gwei


Augmented Finance
Augmented Finance is a DeFi liquidity protocol that enables users to lend and borrow any asset on any chain.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0xb3ED706B...bE7BEbCe5 Augmented Finance Token: AGF Token0 ETH258
0x7592C85E...c4a8f727B Augmented Finance: Addresses Provider Registry0 ETH4
0x3C6DE735...9d2fC7207 Augmented Finance: agvUSDC Borrow Variable Rate0 ETH0
0x8c44f8e4...Fc0C155D6 Augmented Finance: agvUSDT Borrow Variable Rate0 ETH0
0x14972103...Ddf3908B5 Augmented Finance: agvWBTC Borrow Variable Rate0 ETH0
0x0b5B915C...2D4A9f112 Augmented Finance: agvWETH Borrow Variable Rate0 ETH18
0x9276635E...1EB5dcDf1 Augmented Finance: Lending Pool0 ETH609

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AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count

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