ETH Price: $3,360.82 (-1.61%)
Gas: 7 Gwei


MEV Builder
An address detected as an MEV block builder that collects and sequences transactions to produce blocks. Blockspace is sold to it by beacon chain validators.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x00000000...f1dE832A2 Builder Smith0.08495102 ETH152
0x00066282...e55E13333 MEV Builder: 0x000...3330.00499215 ETH5
0x000E633d...64ead9bce MEV Builder: 0x000...bce0 ETH22
0x036C9c0a...3c6aDAca5 MEV Builder: 0x036...ca50.00005065 ETH2,033
0x089780A8...A1aFe7959 MEV Builder: 0x089...9590.00940635 ETH311
0x0Aa8EBb6...624c6e667 MEV Builder: 0x0Aa...6672.47342411 ETH17,470
0x0b1Ddf6D...49176c68f MEV Builder: 0x0b1...68f10.69513897 ETH3,386

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