ETH Price: $3,092.92 (-1.30%)
Gas: 3 Gwei


Parity Bug
A vulnerability in the Parity Wallet library contract of the standard multi-sig contract that resulted in funds being frozen and Ethers rendered unusable. Postmortem report can be found here.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x05B34Bf3...E8c80055C 1,674.44488774 ETH13
0x09d9b2F5...273aea997 0.1 ETH3
0x10e30156...0Bc71F076 365 ETH5
0x19986fcF...215cbE814 2,000 ETH4
0x1C0e9B71...7636835a6 1,000 ETH8
0x227b7656...f36A24E74 655.1 ETH7
0x28Ff414b...5C8Ac69fa 332.00001 ETH9

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