ETH Price: $3,144.24 (+0.18%)
Gas: 5 Gwei


Solidly aims to become the most capital-efficient decentralized exchange (DEX) by improving upon existing AMM primitives and rounding everything off with a (3,3)-inspired incentive layer.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0xFc9E7373...B34AC3DBa Solidly V3: AI0 ETH43
0x51FDEcC9...554564a8c Solidly V3: BYTE0 ETH11
0x6339962d...290Aef42f Solidly V3: DEFROGS0 ETH112
0x70Fe4a44...fd5F0f687 Solidly V3: Factory0 ETH27
0x735BB16a...617Cf9FF2 Solidly V3: Factory (old)0 ETH13
0xd61AB9B2...220d81356 Solidly V3: FTM0 ETH3
0xfF64b25C...f2024075a Solidly V3: HACHI0 ETH9

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