ETH Price: $2,618.31 (-2.16%)


Related labels Tokens (18)
Wormhole is a generic message-passing protocol that connects to multiple chains including Ethereum, Solana, Terra, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and Oasis.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x7B4B0B9b...A81369423 Wormhole: BUSD Token0 ETH272
0x7c816154...8042EF338 Wormhole: Cake Token0 ETH2
0x756bFb45...9a18c242b Wormhole: mSOL Token0 ETH2
0x566957eF...5C0b81130 Wormhole: USDCpo Token0 ETH768
0x41f7B8b9...280b44E97 Wormhole: USDCso Token0 ETH10,799
0x1CDD2EaB...4FeBF7B7C Wormhole: USDT Token0 ETH1,215
0x418D75f6...3759c7605 Wormhole: WBNB Token0 ETH17,773

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