ETH Price: $3,351.89 (-0.90%)
Gas: 10 Gwei




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Latest 1 internal transaction

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Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
149625402022-06-14 15:58:18743 days ago1655222298  Contract Creation0 ETH

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Optimization Enabled:
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File 1 of 8 : PausableZone.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

import { ZoneInterface } from "../interfaces/ZoneInterface.sol";
import { ZoneInteractionErrors } from "../interfaces/ZoneInteractionErrors.sol";

// prettier-ignore
import {
} from "./interfaces/PausableZoneEventsAndErrors.sol";

import { SeaportInterface } from "../interfaces/SeaportInterface.sol";

// prettier-ignore
import {
} from "../lib/ConsiderationStructs.sol";

import { PausableZoneInterface } from "./interfaces/PausableZoneInterface.sol";

 * @title  PausableZone
 * @author cupOJoseph, BCLeFevre, ryanio
 * @notice PausableZone is a simple zone implementation that approves every
 *         order. It can be self-destructed by its controller to pause
 *         restricted orders that have it set as their zone.
contract PausableZone is
    // Set an immutable controller that can pause the zone & update an operator.
    address internal immutable _controller;

    // Set an operator that can instruct the zone to cancel or execute orders.
    address public operator;

     * @dev Ensure that the caller is either the operator or controller.
    modifier isOperator() {
        // Ensure that the caller is either the operator or the controller.
        if (msg.sender != operator && msg.sender != _controller) {
            revert InvalidOperator();

        // Continue with function execution.

     * @dev Ensure that the caller is the controller.
    modifier isController() {
        // Ensure that the caller is the controller.
        if (msg.sender != _controller) {
            revert InvalidController();

        // Continue with function execution.

     * @notice Set the deployer as the controller of the zone.
    constructor() {
        // Set the controller to the deployer.
        _controller = msg.sender;

        // Emit an event signifying that the zone is unpaused.
        emit Unpaused();

     * @notice Check if a given order is currently valid.
     * @dev This function is called by Seaport whenever extraData is not
     *      provided by the caller.
     * @param orderHash The hash of the order.
     * @param caller    The caller in question.
     * @param offerer   The offerer in question.
     * @param zoneHash  The hash to provide upon calling the zone.
     * @return validOrderMagicValue A magic value indicating if the order is
     *                              currently valid.
    function isValidOrder(
        bytes32 orderHash,
        address caller,
        address offerer,
        bytes32 zoneHash
    ) external pure override returns (bytes4 validOrderMagicValue) {

        // Return the selector of isValidOrder as the magic value.
        validOrderMagicValue = ZoneInterface.isValidOrder.selector;

     * @notice Check if a given order including extraData is currently valid.
     * @dev This function is called by Seaport whenever any extraData is
     *      provided by the caller.
     * @param orderHash         The hash of the order.
     * @param caller            The caller in question.
     * @param order             The order in question.
     * @param priorOrderHashes  The order hashes of each order supplied prior to
     *                          the current order as part of a "match" variety
     *                          of order fulfillment.
     * @param criteriaResolvers The criteria resolvers corresponding to
     *                          the order.
     * @return validOrderMagicValue A magic value indicating if the order is
     *                              currently valid.
    function isValidOrderIncludingExtraData(
        bytes32 orderHash,
        address caller,
        AdvancedOrder calldata order,
        bytes32[] calldata priorOrderHashes,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers
    ) external pure override returns (bytes4 validOrderMagicValue) {

        // Return the selector of isValidOrder as the magic value.
        validOrderMagicValue = ZoneInterface.isValidOrder.selector;

     * @notice Cancel an arbitrary number of orders that have agreed to use the
     *         contract as their zone.
     * @param seaport  The Seaport address.
     * @param orders   The orders to cancel.
     * @return cancelled A boolean indicating whether the supplied orders have
     *                   been successfully cancelled.
    function cancelOrders(
        SeaportInterface seaport,
        OrderComponents[] calldata orders
    ) external override isOperator returns (bool cancelled) {
        // Call cancel on Seaport and return its boolean value.
        cancelled = seaport.cancel(orders);

     * @notice Execute an arbitrary number of matched orders, each with
     *         an arbitrary number of items for offer and consideration
     *         along with a set of fulfillments allocating offer components
     *         to consideration components.
     * @param seaport      The Seaport address.
     * @param orders       The orders to match.
     * @param fulfillments An array of elements allocating offer components
     *                     to consideration components.
     * @return executions An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                    transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                    orders.
    function executeMatchOrders(
        SeaportInterface seaport,
        Order[] calldata orders,
        Fulfillment[] calldata fulfillments
        returns (Execution[] memory executions)
        // Call matchOrders on Seaport and return the sequence of transfers
        // performed as part of matching the given orders.
        executions = seaport.matchOrders{ value: msg.value }(

     * @notice Execute an arbitrary number of matched advanced orders,
     *         each with an arbitrary number of items for offer and
     *         consideration along with a set of fulfillments allocating
     *         offer components to consideration components.
     * @param seaport           The Seaport address.
     * @param orders            The orders to match.
     * @param criteriaResolvers An array where each element contains a reference
     *                          to a specific order as well as that order's
     *                          offer or consideration, a token identifier, and
     *                          a proof that the supplied token identifier is
     *                          contained in the order's merkle root.
     * @param fulfillments      An array of elements allocating offer components
     *                          to consideration components.
     * @return executions An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                    transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                    orders.
    function executeMatchAdvancedOrders(
        SeaportInterface seaport,
        AdvancedOrder[] calldata orders,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers,
        Fulfillment[] calldata fulfillments
        returns (Execution[] memory executions)
        // Call matchAdvancedOrders on Seaport and return the sequence of
        // transfers performed as part of matching the given orders.
        executions = seaport.matchAdvancedOrders{ value: msg.value }(

     * @notice Pause this contract, safely stopping orders from using
     *         the contract as a zone. Restricted orders with this address as a
     *         zone will not be fulfillable unless the zone is redeployed to the
     *         same address.
    function pause() external override isController {
        // Emit an event signifying that the zone is paused.
        emit Paused();

        // Destroy the zone, sending any ether to the transaction submitter.

     * @notice Assign the given address with the ability to operate the zone.
     * @param operatorToAssign The address to assign as the operator.
    function assignOperator(address operatorToAssign)
        // Ensure the operator being assigned is not the null address.
            operatorToAssign != address(0),
            "Operator can not be set to the null address"

        // Set the given address as the new operator.
        operator = operatorToAssign;

        // Emit an event indicating the operator has been updated.
        emit OperatorUpdated(operator);

File 2 of 8 : ZoneInterface.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

// prettier-ignore
import {
} from "../lib/ConsiderationStructs.sol";

interface ZoneInterface {
     * @dev Emit an event whenever a zone is successfully paused.
    event Paused();

     * @dev Emit an event whenever a zone is successfully unpaused (created).
    event Unpaused();

    // Called by Consideration whenever extraData is not provided by the caller.
    function isValidOrder(
        bytes32 orderHash,
        address caller,
        address offerer,
        bytes32 zoneHash
    ) external view returns (bytes4 validOrderMagicValue);

    // Called by Consideration whenever any extraData is provided by the caller.
    function isValidOrderIncludingExtraData(
        bytes32 orderHash,
        address caller,
        AdvancedOrder calldata order,
        bytes32[] calldata priorOrderHashes,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers
    ) external view returns (bytes4 validOrderMagicValue);

File 3 of 8 : ZoneInteractionErrors.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

 * @title ZoneInteractionErrors
 * @author 0age
 * @notice ZoneInteractionErrors contains errors related to zone interaction.
interface ZoneInteractionErrors {
     * @dev Revert with an error when attempting to fill an order that specifies
     *      a restricted submitter as its order type when not submitted by
     *      either the offerer or the order's zone or approved as valid by the
     *      zone in question via a staticcall to `isValidOrder`.
     * @param orderHash The order hash for the invalid restricted order.
    error InvalidRestrictedOrder(bytes32 orderHash);

File 4 of 8 : PausableZoneEventsAndErrors.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

 * @notice PausableZoneEventsAndErrors contains errors and events
 *         related to zone interaction.
interface PausableZoneEventsAndErrors {
     * @dev Emit an event whenever a zone owner registers a new potential
     *      owner for that zone.
     * @param newPotentialOwner The new potential owner of the zone.
    event PotentialOwnerUpdated(address newPotentialOwner);

     * @dev Emit an event whenever zone ownership is transferred.
     * @param previousOwner The previous owner of the zone.
     * @param newOwner      The new owner of the zone.
    event OwnershipTransferred(address previousOwner, address newOwner);

     * @dev Emit an event whenever a new zone is created.
     * @param zone The address of the zone.
     * @param salt The salt used to deploy the zone.
    event ZoneCreated(address zone, bytes32 salt);

     * @dev Emit an event whenever a zone owner assigns a new pauser
     * @param newPauser The new pausear of the zone.
    event PauserUpdated(address newPauser);

     * @dev Emit an event whenever a zone owner assigns a new operator
     * @param newOperator The new operator of the zone.
    event OperatorUpdated(address newOperator);

     * @dev Revert with an error when attempting to pause the zone
     *      while the caller is not the owner or pauser of the zone.
    error InvalidPauser();

     * @dev Revert with an error when attempting to call an operation
     *      while the caller is not the controller or operator of the zone.
    error InvalidOperator();

     * @dev Revert with an error when attempting to pause the zone or update the
     *      operator while the caller is not the controller of the zone.
    error InvalidController();
     * @dev Revert with an error when attempting to deploy a zone that is
     *      currently deployed.
    error ZoneAlreadyExists(address zone);

File 5 of 8 : SeaportInterface.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

// prettier-ignore
import {
} from "../lib/ConsiderationStructs.sol";

 * @title SeaportInterface
 * @author 0age
 * @custom:version 1.1
 * @notice Seaport is a generalized ETH/ERC20/ERC721/ERC1155 marketplace. It
 *         minimizes external calls to the greatest extent possible and provides
 *         lightweight methods for common routes as well as more flexible
 *         methods for composing advanced orders.
 * @dev SeaportInterface contains all external function interfaces for Seaport.
interface SeaportInterface {
     * @notice Fulfill an order offering an ERC721 token by supplying Ether (or
     *         the native token for the given chain) as consideration for the
     *         order. An arbitrary number of "additional recipients" may also be
     *         supplied which will each receive native tokens from the fulfiller
     *         as consideration.
     * @param parameters Additional information on the fulfilled order. Note
     *                   that the offerer must first approve this contract (or
     *                   their preferred conduit if indicated by the order) for
     *                   their offered ERC721 token to be transferred.
     * @return fulfilled A boolean indicating whether the order has been
     *                   successfully fulfilled.
    function fulfillBasicOrder(BasicOrderParameters calldata parameters)
        returns (bool fulfilled);

     * @notice Fulfill an order with an arbitrary number of items for offer and
     *         consideration. Note that this function does not support
     *         criteria-based orders or partial filling of orders (though
     *         filling the remainder of a partially-filled order is supported).
     * @param order               The order to fulfill. Note that both the
     *                            offerer and the fulfiller must first approve
     *                            this contract (or the corresponding conduit if
     *                            indicated) to transfer any relevant tokens on
     *                            their behalf and that contracts must implement
     *                            `onERC1155Received` to receive ERC1155 tokens
     *                            as consideration.
     * @param fulfillerConduitKey A bytes32 value indicating what conduit, if
     *                            any, to source the fulfiller's token approvals
     *                            from. The zero hash signifies that no conduit
     *                            should be used, with direct approvals set on
     *                            Seaport.
     * @return fulfilled A boolean indicating whether the order has been
     *                   successfully fulfilled.
    function fulfillOrder(Order calldata order, bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey)
        returns (bool fulfilled);

     * @notice Fill an order, fully or partially, with an arbitrary number of
     *         items for offer and consideration alongside criteria resolvers
     *         containing specific token identifiers and associated proofs.
     * @param advancedOrder       The order to fulfill along with the fraction
     *                            of the order to attempt to fill. Note that
     *                            both the offerer and the fulfiller must first
     *                            approve this contract (or their preferred
     *                            conduit if indicated by the order) to transfer
     *                            any relevant tokens on their behalf and that
     *                            contracts must implement `onERC1155Received`
     *                            to receive ERC1155 tokens as consideration.
     *                            Also note that all offer and consideration
     *                            components must have no remainder after
     *                            multiplication of the respective amount with
     *                            the supplied fraction for the partial fill to
     *                            be considered valid.
     * @param criteriaResolvers   An array where each element contains a
     *                            reference to a specific offer or
     *                            consideration, a token identifier, and a proof
     *                            that the supplied token identifier is
     *                            contained in the merkle root held by the item
     *                            in question's criteria element. Note that an
     *                            empty criteria indicates that any
     *                            (transferable) token identifier on the token
     *                            in question is valid and that no associated
     *                            proof needs to be supplied.
     * @param fulfillerConduitKey A bytes32 value indicating what conduit, if
     *                            any, to source the fulfiller's token approvals
     *                            from. The zero hash signifies that no conduit
     *                            should be used, with direct approvals set on
     *                            Seaport.
     * @param recipient           The intended recipient for all received items,
     *                            with `address(0)` indicating that the caller
     *                            should receive the items.
     * @return fulfilled A boolean indicating whether the order has been
     *                   successfully fulfilled.
    function fulfillAdvancedOrder(
        AdvancedOrder calldata advancedOrder,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers,
        bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey,
        address recipient
    ) external payable returns (bool fulfilled);

     * @notice Attempt to fill a group of orders, each with an arbitrary number
     *         of items for offer and consideration. Any order that is not
     *         currently active, has already been fully filled, or has been
     *         cancelled will be omitted. Remaining offer and consideration
     *         items will then be aggregated where possible as indicated by the
     *         supplied offer and consideration component arrays and aggregated
     *         items will be transferred to the fulfiller or to each intended
     *         recipient, respectively. Note that a failing item transfer or an
     *         issue with order formatting will cause the entire batch to fail.
     *         Note that this function does not support criteria-based orders or
     *         partial filling of orders (though filling the remainder of a
     *         partially-filled order is supported).
     * @param orders                    The orders to fulfill. Note that both
     *                                  the offerer and the fulfiller must first
     *                                  approve this contract (or the
     *                                  corresponding conduit if indicated) to
     *                                  transfer any relevant tokens on their
     *                                  behalf and that contracts must implement
     *                                  `onERC1155Received` to receive ERC1155
     *                                  tokens as consideration.
     * @param offerFulfillments         An array of FulfillmentComponent arrays
     *                                  indicating which offer items to attempt
     *                                  to aggregate when preparing executions.
     * @param considerationFulfillments An array of FulfillmentComponent arrays
     *                                  indicating which consideration items to
     *                                  attempt to aggregate when preparing
     *                                  executions.
     * @param fulfillerConduitKey       A bytes32 value indicating what conduit,
     *                                  if any, to source the fulfiller's token
     *                                  approvals from. The zero hash signifies
     *                                  that no conduit should be used, with
     *                                  direct approvals set on this contract.
     * @param maximumFulfilled          The maximum number of orders to fulfill.
     * @return availableOrders An array of booleans indicating if each order
     *                         with an index corresponding to the index of the
     *                         returned boolean was fulfillable or not.
     * @return executions      An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                         transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                         orders.
    function fulfillAvailableOrders(
        Order[] calldata orders,
        FulfillmentComponent[][] calldata offerFulfillments,
        FulfillmentComponent[][] calldata considerationFulfillments,
        bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey,
        uint256 maximumFulfilled
        returns (bool[] memory availableOrders, Execution[] memory executions);

     * @notice Attempt to fill a group of orders, fully or partially, with an
     *         arbitrary number of items for offer and consideration per order
     *         alongside criteria resolvers containing specific token
     *         identifiers and associated proofs. Any order that is not
     *         currently active, has already been fully filled, or has been
     *         cancelled will be omitted. Remaining offer and consideration
     *         items will then be aggregated where possible as indicated by the
     *         supplied offer and consideration component arrays and aggregated
     *         items will be transferred to the fulfiller or to each intended
     *         recipient, respectively. Note that a failing item transfer or an
     *         issue with order formatting will cause the entire batch to fail.
     * @param advancedOrders            The orders to fulfill along with the
     *                                  fraction of those orders to attempt to
     *                                  fill. Note that both the offerer and the
     *                                  fulfiller must first approve this
     *                                  contract (or their preferred conduit if
     *                                  indicated by the order) to transfer any
     *                                  relevant tokens on their behalf and that
     *                                  contracts must implement
     *                                  `onERC1155Received` to enable receipt of
     *                                  ERC1155 tokens as consideration. Also
     *                                  note that all offer and consideration
     *                                  components must have no remainder after
     *                                  multiplication of the respective amount
     *                                  with the supplied fraction for an
     *                                  order's partial fill amount to be
     *                                  considered valid.
     * @param criteriaResolvers         An array where each element contains a
     *                                  reference to a specific offer or
     *                                  consideration, a token identifier, and a
     *                                  proof that the supplied token identifier
     *                                  is contained in the merkle root held by
     *                                  the item in question's criteria element.
     *                                  Note that an empty criteria indicates
     *                                  that any (transferable) token
     *                                  identifier on the token in question is
     *                                  valid and that no associated proof needs
     *                                  to be supplied.
     * @param offerFulfillments         An array of FulfillmentComponent arrays
     *                                  indicating which offer items to attempt
     *                                  to aggregate when preparing executions.
     * @param considerationFulfillments An array of FulfillmentComponent arrays
     *                                  indicating which consideration items to
     *                                  attempt to aggregate when preparing
     *                                  executions.
     * @param fulfillerConduitKey       A bytes32 value indicating what conduit,
     *                                  if any, to source the fulfiller's token
     *                                  approvals from. The zero hash signifies
     *                                  that no conduit should be used, with
     *                                  direct approvals set on this contract.
     * @param recipient                 The intended recipient for all received
     *                                  items, with `address(0)` indicating that
     *                                  the caller should receive the items.
     * @param maximumFulfilled          The maximum number of orders to fulfill.
     * @return availableOrders An array of booleans indicating if each order
     *                         with an index corresponding to the index of the
     *                         returned boolean was fulfillable or not.
     * @return executions      An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                         transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                         orders.
    function fulfillAvailableAdvancedOrders(
        AdvancedOrder[] calldata advancedOrders,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers,
        FulfillmentComponent[][] calldata offerFulfillments,
        FulfillmentComponent[][] calldata considerationFulfillments,
        bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey,
        address recipient,
        uint256 maximumFulfilled
        returns (bool[] memory availableOrders, Execution[] memory executions);

     * @notice Match an arbitrary number of orders, each with an arbitrary
     *         number of items for offer and consideration along with as set of
     *         fulfillments allocating offer components to consideration
     *         components. Note that this function does not support
     *         criteria-based or partial filling of orders (though filling the
     *         remainder of a partially-filled order is supported).
     * @param orders       The orders to match. Note that both the offerer and
     *                     fulfiller on each order must first approve this
     *                     contract (or their conduit if indicated by the order)
     *                     to transfer any relevant tokens on their behalf and
     *                     each consideration recipient must implement
     *                     `onERC1155Received` to enable ERC1155 token receipt.
     * @param fulfillments An array of elements allocating offer components to
     *                     consideration components. Note that each
     *                     consideration component must be fully met for the
     *                     match operation to be valid.
     * @return executions An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                    transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                    orders.
    function matchOrders(
        Order[] calldata orders,
        Fulfillment[] calldata fulfillments
    ) external payable returns (Execution[] memory executions);

     * @notice Match an arbitrary number of full or partial orders, each with an
     *         arbitrary number of items for offer and consideration, supplying
     *         criteria resolvers containing specific token identifiers and
     *         associated proofs as well as fulfillments allocating offer
     *         components to consideration components.
     * @param orders            The advanced orders to match. Note that both the
     *                          offerer and fulfiller on each order must first
     *                          approve this contract (or a preferred conduit if
     *                          indicated by the order) to transfer any relevant
     *                          tokens on their behalf and each consideration
     *                          recipient must implement `onERC1155Received` in
     *                          order to receive ERC1155 tokens. Also note that
     *                          the offer and consideration components for each
     *                          order must have no remainder after multiplying
     *                          the respective amount with the supplied fraction
     *                          in order for the group of partial fills to be
     *                          considered valid.
     * @param criteriaResolvers An array where each element contains a reference
     *                          to a specific order as well as that order's
     *                          offer or consideration, a token identifier, and
     *                          a proof that the supplied token identifier is
     *                          contained in the order's merkle root. Note that
     *                          an empty root indicates that any (transferable)
     *                          token identifier is valid and that no associated
     *                          proof needs to be supplied.
     * @param fulfillments      An array of elements allocating offer components
     *                          to consideration components. Note that each
     *                          consideration component must be fully met in
     *                          order for the match operation to be valid.
     * @return executions An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                    transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                    orders.
    function matchAdvancedOrders(
        AdvancedOrder[] calldata orders,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers,
        Fulfillment[] calldata fulfillments
    ) external payable returns (Execution[] memory executions);

     * @notice Cancel an arbitrary number of orders. Note that only the offerer
     *         or the zone of a given order may cancel it. Callers should ensure
     *         that the intended order was cancelled by calling `getOrderStatus`
     *         and confirming that `isCancelled` returns `true`.
     * @param orders The orders to cancel.
     * @return cancelled A boolean indicating whether the supplied orders have
     *                   been successfully cancelled.
    function cancel(OrderComponents[] calldata orders)
        returns (bool cancelled);

     * @notice Validate an arbitrary number of orders, thereby registering their
     *         signatures as valid and allowing the fulfiller to skip signature
     *         verification on fulfillment. Note that validated orders may still
     *         be unfulfillable due to invalid item amounts or other factors;
     *         callers should determine whether validated orders are fulfillable
     *         by simulating the fulfillment call prior to execution. Also note
     *         that anyone can validate a signed order, but only the offerer can
     *         validate an order without supplying a signature.
     * @param orders The orders to validate.
     * @return validated A boolean indicating whether the supplied orders have
     *                   been successfully validated.
    function validate(Order[] calldata orders)
        returns (bool validated);

     * @notice Cancel all orders from a given offerer with a given zone in bulk
     *         by incrementing a counter. Note that only the offerer may
     *         increment the counter.
     * @return newCounter The new counter.
    function incrementCounter() external returns (uint256 newCounter);

     * @notice Retrieve the order hash for a given order.
     * @param order The components of the order.
     * @return orderHash The order hash.
    function getOrderHash(OrderComponents calldata order)
        returns (bytes32 orderHash);

     * @notice Retrieve the status of a given order by hash, including whether
     *         the order has been cancelled or validated and the fraction of the
     *         order that has been filled.
     * @param orderHash The order hash in question.
     * @return isValidated A boolean indicating whether the order in question
     *                     has been validated (i.e. previously approved or
     *                     partially filled).
     * @return isCancelled A boolean indicating whether the order in question
     *                     has been cancelled.
     * @return totalFilled The total portion of the order that has been filled
     *                     (i.e. the "numerator").
     * @return totalSize   The total size of the order that is either filled or
     *                     unfilled (i.e. the "denominator").
    function getOrderStatus(bytes32 orderHash)
        returns (
            bool isValidated,
            bool isCancelled,
            uint256 totalFilled,
            uint256 totalSize

     * @notice Retrieve the current counter for a given offerer.
     * @param offerer The offerer in question.
     * @return counter The current counter.
    function getCounter(address offerer)
        returns (uint256 counter);

     * @notice Retrieve configuration information for this contract.
     * @return version           The contract version.
     * @return domainSeparator   The domain separator for this contract.
     * @return conduitController The conduit Controller set for this contract.
    function information()
        returns (
            string memory version,
            bytes32 domainSeparator,
            address conduitController

     * @notice Retrieve the name of this contract.
     * @return contractName The name of this contract.
    function name() external view returns (string memory contractName);

File 6 of 8 : ConsiderationStructs.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

// prettier-ignore
import {
} from "./ConsiderationEnums.sol";

 * @dev An order contains eleven components: an offerer, a zone (or account that
 *      can cancel the order or restrict who can fulfill the order depending on
 *      the type), the order type (specifying partial fill support as well as
 *      restricted order status), the start and end time, a hash that will be
 *      provided to the zone when validating restricted orders, a salt, a key
 *      corresponding to a given conduit, a counter, and an arbitrary number of
 *      offer items that can be spent along with consideration items that must
 *      be received by their respective recipient.
struct OrderComponents {
    address offerer;
    address zone;
    OfferItem[] offer;
    ConsiderationItem[] consideration;
    OrderType orderType;
    uint256 startTime;
    uint256 endTime;
    bytes32 zoneHash;
    uint256 salt;
    bytes32 conduitKey;
    uint256 counter;

 * @dev An offer item has five components: an item type (ETH or other native
 *      tokens, ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155, as well as criteria-based ERC721 and
 *      ERC1155), a token address, a dual-purpose "identifierOrCriteria"
 *      component that will either represent a tokenId or a merkle root
 *      depending on the item type, and a start and end amount that support
 *      increasing or decreasing amounts over the duration of the respective
 *      order.
struct OfferItem {
    ItemType itemType;
    address token;
    uint256 identifierOrCriteria;
    uint256 startAmount;
    uint256 endAmount;

 * @dev A consideration item has the same five components as an offer item and
 *      an additional sixth component designating the required recipient of the
 *      item.
struct ConsiderationItem {
    ItemType itemType;
    address token;
    uint256 identifierOrCriteria;
    uint256 startAmount;
    uint256 endAmount;
    address payable recipient;

 * @dev A spent item is translated from a utilized offer item and has four
 *      components: an item type (ETH or other native tokens, ERC20, ERC721, and
 *      ERC1155), a token address, a tokenId, and an amount.
struct SpentItem {
    ItemType itemType;
    address token;
    uint256 identifier;
    uint256 amount;

 * @dev A received item is translated from a utilized consideration item and has
 *      the same four components as a spent item, as well as an additional fifth
 *      component designating the required recipient of the item.
struct ReceivedItem {
    ItemType itemType;
    address token;
    uint256 identifier;
    uint256 amount;
    address payable recipient;

 * @dev For basic orders involving ETH / native / ERC20 <=> ERC721 / ERC1155
 *      matching, a group of six functions may be called that only requires a
 *      subset of the usual order arguments. Note the use of a "basicOrderType"
 *      enum; this represents both the usual order type as well as the "route"
 *      of the basic order (a simple derivation function for the basic order
 *      type is `basicOrderType = orderType + (4 * basicOrderRoute)`.)
struct BasicOrderParameters {
    // calldata offset
    address considerationToken; // 0x24
    uint256 considerationIdentifier; // 0x44
    uint256 considerationAmount; // 0x64
    address payable offerer; // 0x84
    address zone; // 0xa4
    address offerToken; // 0xc4
    uint256 offerIdentifier; // 0xe4
    uint256 offerAmount; // 0x104
    BasicOrderType basicOrderType; // 0x124
    uint256 startTime; // 0x144
    uint256 endTime; // 0x164
    bytes32 zoneHash; // 0x184
    uint256 salt; // 0x1a4
    bytes32 offererConduitKey; // 0x1c4
    bytes32 fulfillerConduitKey; // 0x1e4
    uint256 totalOriginalAdditionalRecipients; // 0x204
    AdditionalRecipient[] additionalRecipients; // 0x224
    bytes signature; // 0x244
    // Total length, excluding dynamic array data: 0x264 (580)

 * @dev Basic orders can supply any number of additional recipients, with the
 *      implied assumption that they are supplied from the offered ETH (or other
 *      native token) or ERC20 token for the order.
struct AdditionalRecipient {
    uint256 amount;
    address payable recipient;

 * @dev The full set of order components, with the exception of the counter,
 *      must be supplied when fulfilling more sophisticated orders or groups of
 *      orders. The total number of original consideration items must also be
 *      supplied, as the caller may specify additional consideration items.
struct OrderParameters {
    address offerer; // 0x00
    address zone; // 0x20
    OfferItem[] offer; // 0x40
    ConsiderationItem[] consideration; // 0x60
    OrderType orderType; // 0x80
    uint256 startTime; // 0xa0
    uint256 endTime; // 0xc0
    bytes32 zoneHash; // 0xe0
    uint256 salt; // 0x100
    bytes32 conduitKey; // 0x120
    uint256 totalOriginalConsiderationItems; // 0x140
    // offer.length                          // 0x160

 * @dev Orders require a signature in addition to the other order parameters.
struct Order {
    OrderParameters parameters;
    bytes signature;

 * @dev Advanced orders include a numerator (i.e. a fraction to attempt to fill)
 *      and a denominator (the total size of the order) in addition to the
 *      signature and other order parameters. It also supports an optional field
 *      for supplying extra data; this data will be included in a staticcall to
 *      `isValidOrderIncludingExtraData` on the zone for the order if the order
 *      type is restricted and the offerer or zone are not the caller.
struct AdvancedOrder {
    OrderParameters parameters;
    uint120 numerator;
    uint120 denominator;
    bytes signature;
    bytes extraData;

 * @dev Orders can be validated (either explicitly via `validate`, or as a
 *      consequence of a full or partial fill), specifically cancelled (they can
 *      also be cancelled in bulk via incrementing a per-zone counter), and
 *      partially or fully filled (with the fraction filled represented by a
 *      numerator and denominator).
struct OrderStatus {
    bool isValidated;
    bool isCancelled;
    uint120 numerator;
    uint120 denominator;

 * @dev A criteria resolver specifies an order, side (offer vs. consideration),
 *      and item index. It then provides a chosen identifier (i.e. tokenId)
 *      alongside a merkle proof demonstrating the identifier meets the required
 *      criteria.
struct CriteriaResolver {
    uint256 orderIndex;
    Side side;
    uint256 index;
    uint256 identifier;
    bytes32[] criteriaProof;

 * @dev A fulfillment is applied to a group of orders. It decrements a series of
 *      offer and consideration items, then generates a single execution
 *      element. A given fulfillment can be applied to as many offer and
 *      consideration items as desired, but must contain at least one offer and
 *      at least one consideration that match. The fulfillment must also remain
 *      consistent on all key parameters across all offer items (same offerer,
 *      token, type, tokenId, and conduit preference) as well as across all
 *      consideration items (token, type, tokenId, and recipient).
struct Fulfillment {
    FulfillmentComponent[] offerComponents;
    FulfillmentComponent[] considerationComponents;

 * @dev Each fulfillment component contains one index referencing a specific
 *      order and another referencing a specific offer or consideration item.
struct FulfillmentComponent {
    uint256 orderIndex;
    uint256 itemIndex;

 * @dev An execution is triggered once all consideration items have been zeroed
 *      out. It sends the item in question from the offerer to the item's
 *      recipient, optionally sourcing approvals from either this contract
 *      directly or from the offerer's chosen conduit if one is specified. An
 *      execution is not provided as an argument, but rather is derived via
 *      orders, criteria resolvers, and fulfillments (where the total number of
 *      executions will be less than or equal to the total number of indicated
 *      fulfillments) and returned as part of `matchOrders`.
struct Execution {
    ReceivedItem item;
    address offerer;
    bytes32 conduitKey;

File 7 of 8 : PausableZoneInterface.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

import { SeaportInterface } from "../../interfaces/SeaportInterface.sol";

// prettier-ignore
import {
} from "../../lib/ConsiderationStructs.sol";

 * @title  PausableZone
 * @author cupOJoseph, BCLeFevre, ryanio
 * @notice PausableZone is a simple zone implementation that approves every
 *         order. It can be self-destructed by its controller to pause
 *         restricted orders that have it set as their zone.
interface PausableZoneInterface {
     * @notice Cancel an arbitrary number of orders that have agreed to use the
     *         contract as their zone.
     * @param seaport  The Seaport address.
     * @param orders   The orders to cancel.
     * @return cancelled A boolean indicating whether the supplied orders have
     *                   been successfully cancelled.
    function cancelOrders(
        SeaportInterface seaport,
        OrderComponents[] calldata orders
    ) external returns (bool cancelled);

     * @notice Execute an arbitrary number of matched orders, each with
     *         an arbitrary number of items for offer and consideration
     *         along with a set of fulfillments allocating offer components
     *         to consideration components.
     * @param seaport      The Seaport address.
     * @param orders       The orders to match.
     * @param fulfillments An array of elements allocating offer components
     *                     to consideration components.
     * @return executions An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                    transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                    orders.
    function executeMatchOrders(
        SeaportInterface seaport,
        Order[] calldata orders,
        Fulfillment[] calldata fulfillments
    ) external payable returns (Execution[] memory executions);

     * @notice Execute an arbitrary number of matched advanced orders,
     *         each with an arbitrary number of items for offer and
     *         consideration along with a set of fulfillments allocating
     *         offer components to consideration components.
     * @param seaport           The Seaport address.
     * @param orders            The orders to match.
     * @param criteriaResolvers An array where each element contains a reference
     *                          to a specific order as well as that order's
     *                          offer or consideration, a token identifier, and
     *                          a proof that the supplied token identifier is
     *                          contained in the order's merkle root.
     * @param fulfillments      An array of elements allocating offer components
     *                          to consideration components.
     * @return executions An array of elements indicating the sequence of
     *                    transfers performed as part of matching the given
     *                    orders.
    function executeMatchAdvancedOrders(
        SeaportInterface seaport,
        AdvancedOrder[] calldata orders,
        CriteriaResolver[] calldata criteriaResolvers,
        Fulfillment[] calldata fulfillments
    ) external payable returns (Execution[] memory executions);

     * @notice Pause this contract, safely stopping orders from using
     *         the contract as a zone. Restricted orders with this address as a
     *         zone will not be fulfillable unless the zone is redeployed to the
     *         same address.
    function pause() external;

     * @notice Assign the given address with the ability to operate the zone.
     * @param operatorToAssign The address to assign as the operator.
    function assignOperator(address operatorToAssign) external;

File 8 of 8 : ConsiderationEnums.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.7;

// prettier-ignore
enum OrderType {
    // 0: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 1: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 2: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 3: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

// prettier-ignore
enum BasicOrderType {
    // 0: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 1: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 2: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 3: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 4: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 5: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 6: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 7: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 8: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 9: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 10: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 11: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 12: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 13: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 14: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 15: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 16: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 17: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 18: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 19: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 20: no partial fills, anyone can execute

    // 21: partial fills supported, anyone can execute

    // 22: no partial fills, only offerer or zone can execute

    // 23: partial fills supported, only offerer or zone can execute

// prettier-ignore
enum BasicOrderRouteType {
    // 0: provide Ether (or other native token) to receive offered ERC721 item.

    // 1: provide Ether (or other native token) to receive offered ERC1155 item.

    // 2: provide ERC20 item to receive offered ERC721 item.

    // 3: provide ERC20 item to receive offered ERC1155 item.

    // 4: provide ERC721 item to receive offered ERC20 item.

    // 5: provide ERC1155 item to receive offered ERC20 item.

// prettier-ignore
enum ItemType {
    // 0: ETH on mainnet, MATIC on polygon, etc.

    // 1: ERC20 items (ERC777 and ERC20 analogues could also technically work)

    // 2: ERC721 items

    // 3: ERC1155 items

    // 4: ERC721 items where a number of tokenIds are supported

    // 5: ERC1155 items where a number of ids are supported

// prettier-ignore
enum Side {
    // 0: Items that can be spent

    // 1: Items that must be received

  "viaIR": true,
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 19066
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
  "libraries": {}

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI

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OrderType","name":"orderType","type":"uint8"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"startTime","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"endTime","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"zoneHash","type":"bytes32"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"salt","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"conduitKey","type":"bytes32"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"totalOriginalConsiderationItems","type":"uint256"}],"internalType":"struct OrderParameters","name":"parameters","type":"tuple"},{"internalType":"uint120","name":"numerator","type":"uint120"},{"internalType":"uint120","name":"denominator","type":"uint120"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"signature","type":"bytes"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"extraData","type":"bytes"}],"internalType":"struct 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