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Latest 25 from a total of 87 transactions
Transaction Hash |
Deploy_pool | 21845681 | 15 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00634727 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 21325166 | 87 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.04526432 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 21324517 | 87 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.14916453 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 21124457 | 115 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0161732 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 21124405 | 115 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0293464 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 20789560 | 162 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.04151829 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 20646979 | 182 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00330888 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 20646956 | 182 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0031734 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 20243989 | 238 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01676307 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 20216663 | 242 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00556264 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 20212314 | 243 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.04329005 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19846799 | 294 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0265322 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19759999 | 306 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03799688 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19759992 | 306 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.04497198 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19759984 | 306 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.04382432 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19701660 | 314 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03656206 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19701657 | 314 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03368763 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 19451573 | 349 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.05837313 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19450589 | 349 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.12499415 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 19145479 | 392 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03819361 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19143221 | 392 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.1071289 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 19136815 | 393 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.07337863 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 19136500 | 393 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.09856418 | ||||
Deploy_gauge | 19070832 | 403 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0451239 | ||||
Deploy_pool | 18995587 | 413 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0728674 |
Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
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# @version 0.3.9 """ @title CurveTricryptoFactory @author Curve.Fi @license Copyright (c) Curve.Fi, 2020-2023 - all rights reserved @notice Permissionless 3-coin cryptoswap pool deployer and registry """ interface TricryptoPool: def balances(i: uint256) -> uint256: view interface ERC20: def decimals() -> uint256: view event TricryptoPoolDeployed: pool: address name: String[64] symbol: String[32] weth: address coins: address[N_COINS] math: address salt: bytes32 packed_precisions: uint256 packed_A_gamma: uint256 packed_fee_params: uint256 packed_rebalancing_params: uint256 packed_prices: uint256 deployer: address event LiquidityGaugeDeployed: pool: address gauge: address event UpdateFeeReceiver: _old_fee_receiver: address _new_fee_receiver: address event UpdatePoolImplementation: _implemention_id: uint256 _old_pool_implementation: address _new_pool_implementation: address event UpdateGaugeImplementation: _old_gauge_implementation: address _new_gauge_implementation: address event UpdateMathImplementation: _old_math_implementation: address _new_math_implementation: address event UpdateViewsImplementation: _old_views_implementation: address _new_views_implementation: address event TransferOwnership: _old_owner: address _new_owner: address struct PoolArray: liquidity_gauge: address coins: address[N_COINS] decimals: uint256[N_COINS] N_COINS: constant(uint256) = 3 A_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10000 # Limits MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10 * 10 ** 9 MIN_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 10 MAX_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**16 MIN_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS ** N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER / 100 MAX_A: constant(uint256) = 1000 * A_MULTIPLIER * N_COINS**N_COINS PRICE_SIZE: constant(uint128) = 256 / (N_COINS - 1) PRICE_MASK: constant(uint256) = 2**PRICE_SIZE - 1 admin: public(address) future_admin: public(address) # fee receiver for all pools: fee_receiver: public(address) pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address]) gauge_implementation: public(address) views_implementation: public(address) math_implementation: public(address) # mapping of coins -> pools for trading # a mapping key is generated for each pair of addresses via # `bitwise_xor(convert(a, uint256), convert(b, uint256))` markets: HashMap[uint256, address[4294967296]] market_counts: HashMap[uint256, uint256] pool_count: public(uint256) # actual length of pool_list pool_data: HashMap[address, PoolArray] pool_list: public(address[4294967296]) # master list of pools @external def __init__(_fee_receiver: address, _admin: address): self.fee_receiver = _fee_receiver self.admin = _admin log UpdateFeeReceiver(empty(address), _fee_receiver) log TransferOwnership(empty(address), _admin) @internal @view def _pack(x: uint256[3]) -> uint256: """ @notice Packs 3 integers with values <= 10**18 into a uint256 @param x The uint256[3] to pack @return The packed uint256 """ return (x[0] << 128) | (x[1] << 64) | x[2] # <--- Pool Deployers ---> @external def deploy_pool( _name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _coins: address[N_COINS], _weth: address, implementation_id: uint256, A: uint256, gamma: uint256, mid_fee: uint256, out_fee: uint256, fee_gamma: uint256, allowed_extra_profit: uint256, adjustment_step: uint256, ma_exp_time: uint256, initial_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1], ) -> address: """ @notice Deploy a new pool @param _name Name of the new plain pool @param _symbol Symbol for the new plain pool - will be concatenated with factory symbol @return Address of the deployed pool """ pool_implementation: address = self.pool_implementations[implementation_id] assert pool_implementation != empty(address), "Pool implementation not set" # Validate parameters assert A > MIN_A-1 assert A < MAX_A+1 assert gamma > MIN_GAMMA-1 assert gamma < MAX_GAMMA+1 assert mid_fee < MAX_FEE-1 # mid_fee can be zero assert out_fee >= mid_fee assert out_fee < MAX_FEE-1 assert fee_gamma < 10**18+1 assert fee_gamma > 0 assert allowed_extra_profit < 10**18+1 assert adjustment_step < 10**18+1 assert adjustment_step > 0 assert ma_exp_time < 872542 # 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / ln(2) assert ma_exp_time > 86 # 60 / ln(2) assert min(initial_prices[0], initial_prices[1]) > 10**6 assert max(initial_prices[0], initial_prices[1]) < 10**30 assert _coins[0] != _coins[1] and _coins[1] != _coins[2] and _coins[0] != _coins[2], "Duplicate coins" decimals: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS]) for i in range(N_COINS): d: uint256 = ERC20(_coins[i]).decimals() assert d < 19, "Max 18 decimals for coins" decimals[i] = d precisions[i] = 10** (18 - d) # pack precisions packed_precisions: uint256 = self._pack(precisions) # pack fees packed_fee_params: uint256 = self._pack( [mid_fee, out_fee, fee_gamma] ) # pack liquidity rebalancing params packed_rebalancing_params: uint256 = self._pack( [allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step, ma_exp_time] ) # pack A_gamma packed_A_gamma: uint256 = A << 128 packed_A_gamma = packed_A_gamma | gamma # pack initial prices packed_prices: uint256 = 0 for k in range(N_COINS - 1): packed_prices = packed_prices << PRICE_SIZE p: uint256 = initial_prices[N_COINS - 2 - k] assert p < PRICE_MASK packed_prices = p | packed_prices # pool is an ERC20 implementation _salt: bytes32 = block.prevhash _math_implementation: address = self.math_implementation pool: address = create_from_blueprint( pool_implementation, _name, _symbol, _coins, _math_implementation, _weth, _salt, packed_precisions, packed_A_gamma, packed_fee_params, packed_rebalancing_params, packed_prices, code_offset=3 ) # populate pool data length: uint256 = self.pool_count self.pool_list[length] = pool self.pool_count = length + 1 self.pool_data[pool].decimals = decimals self.pool_data[pool].coins = _coins # add coins to market: self._add_coins_to_market(_coins[0], _coins[1], pool) self._add_coins_to_market(_coins[0], _coins[2], pool) self._add_coins_to_market(_coins[1], _coins[2], pool) log TricryptoPoolDeployed( pool, _name, _symbol, _weth, _coins, _math_implementation, _salt, packed_precisions, packed_A_gamma, packed_fee_params, packed_rebalancing_params, packed_prices, msg.sender, ) return pool @internal def _add_coins_to_market(coin_a: address, coin_b: address, pool: address): key: uint256 = ( convert(coin_a, uint256) ^ convert(coin_b, uint256) ) length: uint256 = self.market_counts[key] self.markets[key][length] = pool self.market_counts[key] = length + 1 @external def deploy_gauge(_pool: address) -> address: """ @notice Deploy a liquidity gauge for a factory pool @param _pool Factory pool address to deploy a gauge for @return Address of the deployed gauge """ assert self.pool_data[_pool].coins[0] != empty(address), "Unknown pool" assert self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge == empty(address), "Gauge already deployed" assert self.gauge_implementation != empty(address), "Gauge implementation not set" gauge: address = create_from_blueprint(self.gauge_implementation, _pool, code_offset=3) self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge = gauge log LiquidityGaugeDeployed(_pool, gauge) return gauge # <--- Admin / Guarded Functionality ---> @external def set_fee_receiver(_fee_receiver: address): """ @notice Set fee receiver @param _fee_receiver Address that fees are sent to """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "dev: admin only" log UpdateFeeReceiver(self.fee_receiver, _fee_receiver) self.fee_receiver = _fee_receiver @external def set_pool_implementation( _pool_implementation: address, _implementation_index: uint256 ): """ @notice Set pool implementation @dev Set to empty(address) to prevent deployment of new pools @param _pool_implementation Address of the new pool implementation @param _implementation_index Index of the pool implementation """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "dev: admin only" log UpdatePoolImplementation( _implementation_index, self.pool_implementations[_implementation_index], _pool_implementation ) self.pool_implementations[_implementation_index] = _pool_implementation @external def set_gauge_implementation(_gauge_implementation: address): """ @notice Set gauge implementation @dev Set to empty(address) to prevent deployment of new gauges @param _gauge_implementation Address of the new token implementation """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "dev: admin only" log UpdateGaugeImplementation(self.gauge_implementation, _gauge_implementation) self.gauge_implementation = _gauge_implementation @external def set_views_implementation(_views_implementation: address): """ @notice Set views contract implementation @param _views_implementation Address of the new views contract """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "dev: admin only" log UpdateViewsImplementation(self.views_implementation, _views_implementation) self.views_implementation = _views_implementation @external def set_math_implementation(_math_implementation: address): """ @notice Set math implementation @param _math_implementation Address of the new math contract """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "dev: admin only" log UpdateMathImplementation(self.math_implementation, _math_implementation) self.math_implementation = _math_implementation @external def commit_transfer_ownership(_addr: address): """ @notice Transfer ownership of this contract to `addr` @param _addr Address of the new owner """ assert msg.sender == self.admin, "dev: admin only" self.future_admin = _addr @external def accept_transfer_ownership(): """ @notice Accept a pending ownership transfer @dev Only callable by the new owner """ assert msg.sender == self.future_admin, "dev: future admin only" log TransferOwnership(self.admin, msg.sender) self.admin = msg.sender # <--- Factory Getters ---> @view @external def find_pool_for_coins(_from: address, _to: address, i: uint256 = 0) -> address: """ @notice Find an available pool for exchanging two coins @param _from Address of coin to be sent @param _to Address of coin to be received @param i Index value. When multiple pools are available this value is used to return the n'th address. @return Pool address """ key: uint256 = convert(_from, uint256) ^ convert(_to, uint256) return self.markets[key][i] # <--- Pool Getters ---> @view @external def get_coins(_pool: address) -> address[N_COINS]: """ @notice Get the coins within a pool @param _pool Pool address @return List of coin addresses """ return self.pool_data[_pool].coins @view @external def get_decimals(_pool: address) -> uint256[N_COINS]: """ @notice Get decimal places for each coin within a pool @param _pool Pool address @return uint256 list of decimals """ return self.pool_data[_pool].decimals @view @external def get_balances(_pool: address) -> uint256[N_COINS]: """ @notice Get balances for each coin within a pool @dev For pools using lending, these are the wrapped coin balances @param _pool Pool address @return uint256 list of balances """ return [ TricryptoPool(_pool).balances(0), TricryptoPool(_pool).balances(1), TricryptoPool(_pool).balances(2), ] @view @external def get_coin_indices( _pool: address, _from: address, _to: address ) -> (uint256, uint256): """ @notice Convert coin addresses to indices for use with pool methods @param _pool Pool address @param _from Coin address to be used as `i` within a pool @param _to Coin address to be used as `j` within a pool @return uint256 `i`, uint256 `j` """ coins: address[N_COINS] = self.pool_data[_pool].coins for i in range(N_COINS): for j in range(N_COINS): if i == j: continue if coins[i] == _from and coins[j] == _to: return i, j raise "Coins not found" @view @external def get_gauge(_pool: address) -> address: """ @notice Get the address of the liquidity gauge contract for a factory pool @dev Returns `empty(address)` if a gauge has not been deployed @param _pool Pool address @return Implementation contract address """ return self.pool_data[_pool].liquidity_gauge @view @external def get_market_counts(coin_a: address, coin_b: address) -> uint256: """ @notice Gets the number of markets with the specified coins. @return Number of pools with the input coins """ key: uint256 = ( convert(coin_a, uint256) ^ convert(coin_b, uint256) ) return self.market_counts[key]
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Contract ABI
Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _fee_receiver (address): 0xeCb456EA5365865EbAb8a2661B0c503410e9B347
Arg [1] : _admin (address): 0xE6DA683076b7eD6ce7eC972f21Eb8F91e9137a17
-----Encoded View---------------
2 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000ecb456ea5365865ebab8a2661b0c503410e9b347
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000e6da683076b7ed6ce7ec972f21eb8f91e9137a17
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