ETH Price: $3,385.37 (-1.52%)
Gas: 3 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value


Token Holdings

Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
Execute189316572024-01-04 4:42:35177 days ago1704343355IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0025085612.68175244
Execute189316492024-01-04 4:40:59177 days ago1704343259IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0015952813.66630832
Execute189316452024-01-04 4:40:11177 days ago1704343211IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0026518414.19034778
Execute189316022024-01-04 4:31:23177 days ago1704342683IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.003275216.55547463
Execute189315982024-01-04 4:30:23177 days ago1704342623IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0024557413.15542284
Execute189315782024-01-04 4:26:23177 days ago1704342383IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0027877414.0914558
Execute189315742024-01-04 4:25:35177 days ago1704342335IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0027988214.993266
Execute189315542024-01-04 4:21:35177 days ago1704342095IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0029973815.15115943
Execute189315512024-01-04 4:20:59177 days ago1704342059IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0026379214.13135148
Execute189315372024-01-04 4:18:11177 days ago1704341891IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0028989714.65369688
Execute189315342024-01-04 4:17:35177 days ago1704341855IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0028004915.00222558
Execute189315142024-01-04 4:13:35177 days ago1704341615IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0028534414.42356542
Execute189315082024-01-04 4:12:23177 days ago1704341543IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0030354316.26185957
Execute189314562024-01-04 4:01:59177 days ago1704340919IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0036759318.58109715
Execute189314502024-01-04 4:00:47177 days ago1704340847IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0032473517.39715831
Execute189314252024-01-04 3:55:47177 days ago1704340547IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0031314415.82882232
Execute189291102024-01-03 20:09:47177 days ago1704312587IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0051236826.76282854
Execute189290942024-01-03 20:06:35177 days ago1704312395IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0067667128.3978055
Execute189276002024-01-03 15:03:59177 days ago1704294239IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0083140144.53808434
Execute189244072024-01-03 4:18:35178 days ago1704255515IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0038933716.44932786
Execute189024192023-12-31 2:14:35181 days ago1703988875IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0031932713.4296593
Execute189024152023-12-31 2:13:47181 days ago1703988827IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0024802813.29795612
Execute189017352023-12-30 23:55:23181 days ago1703980523IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0029977612.60736211
Execute189017312023-12-30 23:54:35181 days ago1703980475IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0024639213.2102748
Execute188941732023-12-29 22:24:23182 days ago1703888663IN
DSProxy #215,724
0 ETH0.0047294921.51666732
View all transactions

Latest 16 internal transactions

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
174287282023-06-07 13:15:23387 days ago1686143723
DSProxy #215,724
135.29403681 ETH
174287282023-06-07 13:15:23387 days ago1686143723
DSProxy #215,724
135.29403681 ETH
174094982023-06-04 20:06:59390 days ago1685909219
DSProxy #215,724
0.00046897 ETH
174094982023-06-04 20:06:59390 days ago1685909219
DSProxy #215,724
0.00046897 ETH
174094982023-06-04 20:06:59390 days ago1685909219
DSProxy #215,724
135 ETH
153366662022-08-14 0:46:39685 days ago1660437999
DSProxy #215,724
250 ETH
153366662022-08-14 0:46:39685 days ago1660437999
DSProxy #215,724
250 ETH
153366662022-08-14 0:46:39685 days ago1660437999
DSProxy #215,724
250 ETH
153366662022-08-14 0:46:39685 days ago1660437999
DSProxy #215,724
250 ETH
153079752022-08-09 12:26:25689 days ago1660047985
DSProxy #215,724
50 ETH
153079752022-08-09 12:26:25689 days ago1660047985
DSProxy #215,724
50 ETH
153079752022-08-09 12:26:25689 days ago1660047985
DSProxy #215,724
50 ETH
153047882022-08-09 0:20:21690 days ago1660004421
DSProxy #215,724
200 ETH
153047882022-08-09 0:20:21690 days ago1660004421
DSProxy #215,724
200 ETH
153047882022-08-09 0:20:21690 days ago1660004421
DSProxy #215,724
200 ETH
153047792022-08-09 0:18:57690 days ago1660004337  Contract Creation0 ETH

Similar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0x2B9B8b83...8ff54a8AC
The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contract

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
Yes with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion
 *Submitted for verification at on 2018-09-06

// proxy.sol - execute actions atomically through the proxy's identity

// Copyright (C) 2017  DappHub, LLC

// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <>.

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

contract DSAuthority {
    function canCall(
        address src, address dst, bytes4 sig
    ) public view returns (bool);

contract DSAuthEvents {
    event LogSetAuthority (address indexed authority);
    event LogSetOwner     (address indexed owner);

contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents {
    DSAuthority  public  authority;
    address      public  owner;

    constructor() public {
        owner = msg.sender;
        emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender);

    function setOwner(address owner_)
        owner = owner_;
        emit LogSetOwner(owner);

    function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_)
        authority = authority_;
        emit LogSetAuthority(authority);

    modifier auth {
        require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig));

    function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) {
        if (src == address(this)) {
            return true;
        } else if (src == owner) {
            return true;
        } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return authority.canCall(src, this, sig);

contract DSNote {
    event LogNote(
        bytes4   indexed  sig,
        address  indexed  guy,
        bytes32  indexed  foo,
        bytes32  indexed  bar,
        uint              wad,
        bytes             fax
    ) anonymous;

    modifier note {
        bytes32 foo;
        bytes32 bar;

        assembly {
            foo := calldataload(4)
            bar := calldataload(36)

        emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,;


// DSProxy
// Allows code execution using a persistant identity This can be very
// useful to execute a sequence of atomic actions. Since the owner of
// the proxy can be changed, this allows for dynamic ownership models
// i.e. a multisig
contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote {
    DSProxyCache public cache;  // global cache for contracts

    constructor(address _cacheAddr) public {

    function() public payable {

    // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code
    function execute(bytes _code, bytes _data)
        returns (address target, bytes32 response)
        target =;
        if (target == 0x0) {
            // deploy contract & store its address in cache
            target = cache.write(_code);

        response = execute(target, _data);

    function execute(address _target, bytes _data)
        returns (bytes32 response)
        require(_target != 0x0);

        // call contract in current context
        assembly {
            let succeeded := delegatecall(sub(gas, 5000), _target, add(_data, 0x20), mload(_data), 0, 32)
            response := mload(0)      // load delegatecall output
            switch iszero(succeeded)
            case 1 {
                // throw if delegatecall failed
                revert(0, 0)

    //set new cache
    function setCache(address _cacheAddr)
        returns (bool)
        require(_cacheAddr != 0x0);        // invalid cache address
        cache = DSProxyCache(_cacheAddr);  // overwrite cache
        return true;

// DSProxyFactory
// This factory deploys new proxy instances through build()
// Deployed proxy addresses are logged
contract DSProxyFactory {
    event Created(address indexed sender, address indexed owner, address proxy, address cache);
    mapping(address=>bool) public isProxy;
    DSProxyCache public cache = new DSProxyCache();

    // deploys a new proxy instance
    // sets owner of proxy to caller
    function build() public returns (DSProxy proxy) {
        proxy = build(msg.sender);

    // deploys a new proxy instance
    // sets custom owner of proxy
    function build(address owner) public returns (DSProxy proxy) {
        proxy = new DSProxy(cache);
        emit Created(msg.sender, owner, address(proxy), address(cache));
        isProxy[proxy] = true;

// DSProxyCache
// This global cache stores addresses of contracts previously deployed
// by a proxy. This saves gas from repeat deployment of the same
// contracts and eliminates blockchain bloat.

// By default, all proxies deployed from the same factory store
// contracts in the same cache. The cache a proxy instance uses can be
// changed.  The cache uses the sha3 hash of a contract's bytecode to
// lookup the address
contract DSProxyCache {
    mapping(bytes32 => address) cache;

    function read(bytes _code) public view returns (address) {
        bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code);
        return cache[hash];

    function write(bytes _code) public returns (address target) {
        assembly {
            target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code))
            switch iszero(extcodesize(target))
            case 1 {
                // throw if contract failed to deploy
                revert(0, 0)
        bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code);
        cache[hash] = target;

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI


Deployed Bytecode


Swarm Source


Block Transaction Difficulty Gas Used Reward
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Block Uncle Number Difficulty Gas Used Reward
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The proxy contract address for 0x9cbf099ff424979439dfba03f00b5961784c06ce.

Validator Index Block Amount
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Transaction Hash Block Value Eth2 PubKey Valid
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A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.