ETH Price: $3,412.75 (-3.17%)
Gas: 7 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value

Transaction Hash
Transfer201023532024-06-16 5:46:592 days ago1718516819IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.00011293.79452201
Transfer201023482024-06-16 5:45:592 days ago1718516759IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.00011543.87856834
Transfer201023452024-06-16 5:45:232 days ago1718516723IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000112983.80178779
Transfer201023442024-06-16 5:45:112 days ago1718516711IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000115893.8948553
Transfer201023272024-06-16 5:41:472 days ago1718516507IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000115673.88774375
Transfer201023262024-06-16 5:41:352 days ago1718516495IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000108163.63519567
Transfer201014472024-06-16 2:44:592 days ago1718505899IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000114653.85328678
Transfer201014452024-06-16 2:44:352 days ago1718505875IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000176343.76364985
Transfer201008262024-06-16 0:39:592 days ago1718498399IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000120442.57048649
Approve200992472024-06-15 19:21:112 days ago1718479271IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000162783.51591121
Approve200583092024-06-10 2:00:478 days ago1717984847IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000212794.59975666
Approve200016912024-06-02 4:16:2316 days ago1717301783IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000296116.36775185
Approve199888052024-05-31 9:05:1118 days ago1717146311IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000371327.98491126
Approve199546652024-05-26 14:32:2322 days ago1716733943IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.0005231411.24975355
Approve199508892024-05-26 1:52:3523 days ago1716688355IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000134922.89766367
Approve199458462024-05-25 8:57:4724 days ago1716627467IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000187434.04635603
Approve199217572024-05-22 0:07:4727 days ago1716336467IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000346877.48820051
Approve199143882024-05-20 23:24:2328 days ago1716247463IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.0010025121.55813036
Approve198212372024-05-07 22:42:1141 days ago1715121731IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000093543.85271397
Approve197859512024-05-03 0:16:2346 days ago1714695383IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.0004994510.72646964
Approve197790402024-05-02 1:03:3547 days ago1714611815IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000255025.50539529
Transfer197581062024-04-29 2:52:2350 days ago1714359143IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000174925.87891888
Transfer197581022024-04-29 2:51:3550 days ago1714359095IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000262445.60114723
Transfer197369042024-04-26 3:38:1153 days ago1714102691IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.0007387415.77478917
Approve197084732024-04-22 4:11:4757 days ago1713759107IN
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0 ETH0.000267355.76999344
View all transactions

Latest 1 internal transaction

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
135397152021-11-02 20:44:40958 days ago1635885880
Shkooby Inu: SHKOOBY Token
0.125 ETH

Contract Source Code Verified (Exact Match)

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
Yes with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion
File 1 of 5 : Metacrypt_B_NC_X.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./helpers/ERC20.sol";

import "../service/MetacryptHelper.sol";

contract Metacrypt_B_NC_X is ERC20, MetacryptHelper {
        address __metacrypt_target,
        string memory __metacrypt_name,
        string memory __metacrypt_symbol,
        uint256 __metacrypt_initial
    ) payable ERC20(__metacrypt_name, __metacrypt_symbol) MetacryptHelper("Metacrypt_B_NC_X", __metacrypt_target) {
        require(__metacrypt_initial > 0, "ERC20: supply cannot be zero");

        _mint(_msgSender(), __metacrypt_initial);

File 2 of 5 : MetacryptHelper.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

abstract contract MetacryptHelper {
    address private __target;
    string private __identifier;

    constructor(string memory __metacrypt_id, address __metacrypt_target) payable {
        __target = __metacrypt_target;
        __identifier = __metacrypt_id;

    function createdByMetacrypt() public pure returns (bool) {
        return true;

    function getIdentifier() public view returns (string memory) {
        return __identifier;

File 3 of 5 : ERC20.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@uniswap/v2-periphery/contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol";

contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 {
    mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;

    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances;

    uint256 private _totalSupply;

    string private _name;
    string private _symbol;

     * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}.
     * The defaut value of {decimals} is 18. To select a different value for
     * {decimals} you should overload it.
     * All two of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during
     * construction.
    constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) {
        _name = name_;
        _symbol = symbol_;

     * @dev Returns the name of the token.
    function name() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return _name;

     * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the
     * name.
    function symbol() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return _symbol;

     * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation.
     * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should
     * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`).
     * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between
     * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless this function is
     * overridden;
     * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in
     * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including
     * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}.
    function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
        return 18;

     * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}.
    function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        return _totalSupply;

     * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}.
    function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        return _balances[account];

     * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}.
     * Requirements:
     * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
     * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`.
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount);
        return true;

     * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}.
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        return _allowances[owner][spender];

     * @dev See {IERC20-approve}.
     * Requirements:
     * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount);
        return true;

     * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}.
     * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not
     * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}.
     * Requirements:
     * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`.
     * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least
     * `amount`.
    function transferFrom(
        address sender,
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount
    ) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        _transfer(sender, recipient, amount);

        uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[sender][_msgSender()];
        require(currentAllowance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");
        _approve(sender, _msgSender(), currentAllowance - amount);

        return true;

     * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
     * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
     * problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
     * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
     * Requirements:
     * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
    function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender] + addedValue);
        return true;

     * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
     * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for
     * problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
     * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
     * Requirements:
     * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least
     * `subtractedValue`.
    function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
        uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[_msgSender()][spender];
        require(currentAllowance >= subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero");
        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, currentAllowance - subtractedValue);

        return true;

     * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`.
     * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to
     * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
     * Requirements:
     * - `sender` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`.
    function _transfer(
        address sender,
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal virtual {
        require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
        require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");

        _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount);

        uint256 senderBalance = _balances[sender];
        require(senderBalance >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");
        _balances[sender] = senderBalance - amount;
        _balances[recipient] += amount;

        emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount);

    /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing
     * the total supply.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address.
     * Requirements:
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
    function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
        require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address");

        _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount);

        _totalSupply += amount;
        _balances[account] += amount;
        emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount);

     * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the
     * total supply.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address.
     * Requirements:
     * - `account` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens.
    function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
        require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address");

        _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount);

        uint256 accountBalance = _balances[account];
        require(accountBalance >= amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance");
        _balances[account] = accountBalance - amount;
        _totalSupply -= amount;

        emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount);

     * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens.
     * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to
     * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc.
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
     * Requirements:
     * - `owner` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
    function _approve(
        address owner,
        address spender,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal virtual {
        require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address");
        require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address");

        _allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
        emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);

     * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes
     * minting and burning.
     * Calling conditions:
     * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens
     * will be to transferred to `to`.
     * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`.
     * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned.
     * - `from` and `to` are never both zero.
     * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
    function _beforeTokenTransfer(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal virtual {}

File 4 of 5 : Context.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
 * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
 * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct
 * manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
 * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
 * is concerned).
 * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
    function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
        return msg.sender;

    function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
        this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see

File 5 of 5 : IERC20.sol
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

interface IERC20 {
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);

    function name() external view returns (string memory);
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint);
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint);
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint);

    function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool);
    function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool);

  "remappings": [],
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 200
  "evmVersion": "london",
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI



Deployed Bytecode


Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)


-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : __metacrypt_target (address): 0x3980A73f4159f867E6EEC7555D26622e53d356B9
Arg [1] : __metacrypt_name (string): SHKOOBY INU
Arg [2] : __metacrypt_symbol (string): SHKOOBY
Arg [3] : __metacrypt_initial (uint256): 1000000000000000000000000000000000

-----Encoded View---------------
8 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 0000000000000000000000003980a73f4159f867e6eec7555d26622e53d356b9
Arg [1] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080
Arg [2] : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c0
Arg [3] : 000000000000000000000000000000000000314dc6448d9338c15b0a00000000
Arg [4] : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b
Arg [5] : 53484b4f4f425920494e55000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Arg [6] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007
Arg [7] : 53484b4f4f425900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Block Transaction Difficulty Gas Used Reward
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SHKOOBY INU ($SHKOOBY) is a decentralized & community-driven meme token on the Ethereum Blockchain. The Shkooby Metaverse (Shkooby-verse) will feature a Swap, Games, NFTs, and an NFT Marketplace.

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