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/** *Submitted for verification at Etherscan.io on 2018-05-07 */ pragma solidity ^0.4.21; library BWUtility { // -------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS ---------- // Return next higher even _multiple for _amount parameter (e.g used to round up to even finneys). function ceil(uint _amount, uint _multiple) pure public returns (uint) { return ((_amount + _multiple - 1) / _multiple) * _multiple; } // Checks if two coordinates are adjacent: // xxx // xox // xxx // All x (_x2, _xy2) are adjacent to o (_x1, _y1) in this ascii image. // Adjacency does not wrapp around map edges so if y2 = 255 and y1 = 0 then they are not ajacent function isAdjacent(uint8 _x1, uint8 _y1, uint8 _x2, uint8 _y2) pure public returns (bool) { return ((_x1 == _x2 && (_y2 - _y1 == 1 || _y1 - _y2 == 1))) || // Same column ((_y1 == _y2 && (_x2 - _x1 == 1 || _x1 - _x2 == 1))) || // Same row ((_x2 - _x1 == 1 && (_y2 - _y1 == 1 || _y1 - _y2 == 1))) || // Right upper or lower diagonal ((_x1 - _x2 == 1 && (_y2 - _y1 == 1 || _y1 - _y2 == 1))); // Left upper or lower diagonal } // Converts (x, y) to tileId xy function toTileId(uint8 _x, uint8 _y) pure public returns (uint16) { return uint16(_x) << 8 | uint16(_y); } // Converts _tileId to (x, y) function fromTileId(uint16 _tileId) pure public returns (uint8, uint8) { uint8 y = uint8(_tileId); uint8 x = uint8(_tileId >> 8); return (x, y); } function getBoostFromTile(address _claimer, address _attacker, address _defender, uint _blockValue) pure public returns (uint, uint) { if (_claimer == _attacker) { return (_blockValue, 0); } else if (_claimer == _defender) { return (0, _blockValue); } } } contract BWData { address public owner; address private bwService; address private bw; address private bwMarket; uint private blockValueBalance = 0; uint private feeBalance = 0; uint private BASE_TILE_PRICE_WEI = 1 finney; // 1 milli-ETH. mapping (address => User) private users; // user address -> user information mapping (uint16 => Tile) private tiles; // tileId -> list of TileClaims for that particular tile // Info about the users = those who have purchased tiles. struct User { uint creationTime; bool censored; uint battleValue; } // Info about a tile ownership struct Tile { address claimer; uint blockValue; uint creationTime; uint sellPrice; // If 0 -> not on marketplace. If > 0 -> on marketplace. } struct Boost { uint8 numAttackBoosts; uint8 numDefendBoosts; uint attackBoost; uint defendBoost; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } // Can't send funds straight to this contract. Avoid people sending by mistake. function () payable public { revert(); } function kill() public isOwner { selfdestruct(owner); } modifier isValidCaller { if (msg.sender != bwService && msg.sender != bw && msg.sender != bwMarket) { revert(); } _; } modifier isOwner { if (msg.sender != owner) { revert(); } _; } function setBwServiceValidCaller(address _bwService) public isOwner { bwService = _bwService; } function setBwValidCaller(address _bw) public isOwner { bw = _bw; } function setBwMarketValidCaller(address _bwMarket) public isOwner { bwMarket = _bwMarket; } // ----------USER-RELATED GETTER FUNCTIONS------------ //function getUser(address _user) view public returns (bytes32) { //BWUtility.User memory user = users[_user]; //require(user.creationTime != 0); //return (user.creationTime, user.imageUrl, user.tag, user.email, user.homeUrl, user.creationTime, user.censored, user.battleValue); //} function addUser(address _msgSender) public isValidCaller { User storage user = users[_msgSender]; require(user.creationTime == 0); user.creationTime = block.timestamp; } function hasUser(address _user) view public isValidCaller returns (bool) { return users[_user].creationTime != 0; } // ----------TILE-RELATED GETTER FUNCTIONS------------ function getTile(uint16 _tileId) view public isValidCaller returns (address, uint, uint, uint) { Tile storage currentTile = tiles[_tileId]; return (currentTile.claimer, currentTile.blockValue, currentTile.creationTime, currentTile.sellPrice); } function getTileClaimerAndBlockValue(uint16 _tileId) view public isValidCaller returns (address, uint) { Tile storage currentTile = tiles[_tileId]; return (currentTile.claimer, currentTile.blockValue); } function isNewTile(uint16 _tileId) view public isValidCaller returns (bool) { Tile storage currentTile = tiles[_tileId]; return currentTile.creationTime == 0; } function storeClaim(uint16 _tileId, address _claimer, uint _blockValue) public isValidCaller { tiles[_tileId] = Tile(_claimer, _blockValue, block.timestamp, 0); } function updateTileBlockValue(uint16 _tileId, uint _blockValue) public isValidCaller { tiles[_tileId].blockValue = _blockValue; } function setClaimerForTile(uint16 _tileId, address _claimer) public isValidCaller { tiles[_tileId].claimer = _claimer; } function updateTileTimeStamp(uint16 _tileId) public isValidCaller { tiles[_tileId].creationTime = block.timestamp; } function getCurrentClaimerForTile(uint16 _tileId) view public isValidCaller returns (address) { Tile storage currentTile = tiles[_tileId]; if (currentTile.creationTime == 0) { return 0; } return currentTile.claimer; } function getCurrentBlockValueAndSellPriceForTile(uint16 _tileId) view public isValidCaller returns (uint, uint) { Tile storage currentTile = tiles[_tileId]; if (currentTile.creationTime == 0) { return (0, 0); } return (currentTile.blockValue, currentTile.sellPrice); } function getBlockValueBalance() view public isValidCaller returns (uint){ return blockValueBalance; } function setBlockValueBalance(uint _blockValueBalance) public isValidCaller { blockValueBalance = _blockValueBalance; } function getFeeBalance() view public isValidCaller returns (uint) { return feeBalance; } function setFeeBalance(uint _feeBalance) public isValidCaller { feeBalance = _feeBalance; } function getUserBattleValue(address _userId) view public isValidCaller returns (uint) { return users[_userId].battleValue; } function setUserBattleValue(address _userId, uint _battleValue) public isValidCaller { users[_userId].battleValue = _battleValue; } function verifyAmount(address _msgSender, uint _msgValue, uint _amount, bool _useBattleValue) view public isValidCaller { User storage user = users[_msgSender]; require(user.creationTime != 0); if (_useBattleValue) { require(_msgValue == 0); require(user.battleValue >= _amount); } else { require(_amount == _msgValue); } } function addBoostFromTile(Tile _tile, address _attacker, address _defender, Boost memory _boost) pure private { if (_tile.claimer == _attacker) { require(_boost.attackBoost + _tile.blockValue >= _tile.blockValue); // prevent overflow _boost.attackBoost += _tile.blockValue; _boost.numAttackBoosts += 1; } else if (_tile.claimer == _defender) { require(_boost.defendBoost + _tile.blockValue >= _tile.blockValue); // prevent overflow _boost.defendBoost += _tile.blockValue; _boost.numDefendBoosts += 1; } } function calculateBattleBoost(uint16 _tileId, address _attacker, address _defender) view public isValidCaller returns (uint, uint) { uint8 x; uint8 y; (x, y) = BWUtility.fromTileId(_tileId); Boost memory boost = Boost(0, 0, 0, 0); // We overflow x, y on purpose here if x or y is 0 or 255 - the map overflows and so should adjacency. // Go through all adjacent tiles to (x, y). if (y != 255) { if (x != 255) { addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x+1, y+1)], _attacker, _defender, boost); } addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x, y+1)], _attacker, _defender, boost); if (x != 0) { addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x-1, y+1)], _attacker, _defender, boost); } } if (x != 255) { addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x+1, y)], _attacker, _defender, boost); } if (x != 0) { addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x-1, y)], _attacker, _defender, boost); } if (y != 0) { if(x != 255) { addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x+1, y-1)], _attacker, _defender, boost); } addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x, y-1)], _attacker, _defender, boost); if(x != 0) { addBoostFromTile(tiles[BWUtility.toTileId(x-1, y-1)], _attacker, _defender, boost); } } // The benefit of boosts is multiplicative (quadratic): // - More boost tiles gives a higher total blockValue (the sum of the adjacent tiles) // - More boost tiles give a higher multiple of that total blockValue that can be used (10% per adjacent tie) // Example: // A) I boost attack with 1 single tile worth 10 finney // -> Total boost is 10 * 1 / 10 = 1 finney // B) I boost attack with 3 tiles worth 1 finney each // -> Total boost is (1+1+1) * 3 / 10 = 0.9 finney // C) I boost attack with 8 tiles worth 2 finney each // -> Total boost is (2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2) * 8 / 10 = 14.4 finney // D) I boost attack with 3 tiles of 1, 5 and 10 finney respectively // -> Total boost is (ss1+5+10) * 3 / 10 = 4.8 finney // This division by 10 can't create fractions since our uint is wei, and we can't have overflow from the multiplication // We do allow fractions of finney here since the boosted values aren't stored anywhere, only used for attack rolls and sent in events boost.attackBoost = (boost.attackBoost / 10 * boost.numAttackBoosts); boost.defendBoost = (boost.defendBoost / 10 * boost.numDefendBoosts); return (boost.attackBoost, boost.defendBoost); } function censorUser(address _userAddress, bool _censored) public isValidCaller { User storage user = users[_userAddress]; require(user.creationTime != 0); user.censored = _censored; } function deleteTile(uint16 _tileId) public isValidCaller { delete tiles[_tileId]; } function setSellPrice(uint16 _tileId, uint _sellPrice) public isValidCaller { tiles[_tileId].sellPrice = _sellPrice; //testrpc cannot estimate gas when delete is used. } function deleteOffer(uint16 _tileId) public isValidCaller { tiles[_tileId].sellPrice = 0; //testrpc cannot estimate gas when delete is used. } } interface ERC20I { function transfer(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool); function balanceOf(address _holder) external view returns (uint256); } contract BWService { address private owner; address private bw; address private bwMarket; BWData private bwData; uint private seed = 42; uint private WITHDRAW_FEE = 20; //1/20 = 5% modifier isOwner { if (msg.sender != owner) { revert(); } _; } modifier isValidCaller { if (msg.sender != bw && msg.sender != bwMarket) { revert(); } _; } event TileClaimed(uint16 tileId, address newClaimer, uint priceInWei, uint creationTime); event TileFortified(uint16 tileId, address claimer, uint addedValueInWei, uint priceInWei, uint fortifyTime); // Sent when a user fortifies an existing claim by bumping its value. event TileAttackedSuccessfully(uint16 tileId, address attacker, uint attackAmount, uint totalAttackAmount, address defender, uint defendAmount, uint totalDefendAmount, uint attackRoll, uint attackTime); // Sent when a user successfully attacks a tile. event TileDefendedSuccessfully(uint16 tileId, address attacker, uint attackAmount, uint totalAttackAmount, address defender, uint defendAmount, uint totalDefendAmount, uint attackRoll, uint defendTime); // Sent when a user successfully defends a tile when attacked. event BlockValueMoved(uint16 sourceTileId, uint16 destTileId, address owner, uint movedBlockValue, uint postSourceValue, uint postDestValue, uint moveTime); // Sent when a user buys a tile from another user, by accepting a tile offer event UserBattleValueUpdated(address userAddress, uint battleValue, bool isWithdraw); // Constructor. constructor(address _bwData) public { bwData = BWData(_bwData); owner = msg.sender; } // Can't send funds straight to this contract. Avoid people sending by mistake. function () payable public { revert(); } // OWNER-ONLY FUNCTIONS function kill() public isOwner { selfdestruct(owner); } function setValidBwCaller(address _bw) public isOwner { bw = _bw; } function setValidBwMarketCaller(address _bwMarket) public isOwner { bwMarket = _bwMarket; } // TILE-RELATED FUNCTIONS // This function claims multiple previously unclaimed tiles in a single transaction. // The value assigned to each tile is the msg.value divided by the number of tiles claimed. // The msg.value is required to be an even multiple of the number of tiles claimed. function storeInitialClaim(address _msgSender, uint16[] _claimedTileIds, uint _claimAmount, bool _useBattleValue) public isValidCaller { uint tileCount = _claimedTileIds.length; require(tileCount > 0); require(_claimAmount >= 1 finney * tileCount); // ensure enough funds paid for all tiles require(_claimAmount % tileCount == 0); // ensure payment is an even multiple of number of tiles claimed uint valuePerBlockInWei = _claimAmount / tileCount; // Due to requires above this is guaranteed to be an even number if (_useBattleValue) { subUserBattleValue(_msgSender, _claimAmount, false); } addGlobalBlockValueBalance(_claimAmount); uint16 tileId; bool isNewTile; for (uint16 i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) { tileId = _claimedTileIds[i]; isNewTile = bwData.isNewTile(tileId); // Is length 0 if first time purchased require(isNewTile); // Can only claim previously unclaimed tiles. // Send claim event emit TileClaimed(tileId, _msgSender, valuePerBlockInWei, block.timestamp); // Update contract state with new tile ownership. bwData.storeClaim(tileId, _msgSender, valuePerBlockInWei); } } function fortifyClaims(address _msgSender, uint16[] _claimedTileIds, uint _fortifyAmount, bool _useBattleValue) public isValidCaller { uint tileCount = _claimedTileIds.length; require(tileCount > 0); uint balance = address(this).balance; require(balance + _fortifyAmount > balance); // prevent overflow require(_fortifyAmount % tileCount == 0); // ensure payment is an even multiple of number of tiles fortified uint addedValuePerTileInWei = _fortifyAmount / tileCount; // Due to requires above this is guaranteed to be an even number require(_fortifyAmount >= 1 finney * tileCount); // ensure enough funds paid for all tiles address claimer; uint blockValue; for (uint16 i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) { (claimer, blockValue) = bwData.getTileClaimerAndBlockValue(_claimedTileIds[i]); require(claimer != 0); // Can't do this on never-owned tiles require(claimer == _msgSender); // Only current claimer can fortify claim if (_useBattleValue) { subUserBattleValue(_msgSender, addedValuePerTileInWei, false); } fortifyClaim(_msgSender, _claimedTileIds[i], addedValuePerTileInWei); } } function fortifyClaim(address _msgSender, uint16 _claimedTileId, uint _fortifyAmount) private { uint blockValue; uint sellPrice; (blockValue, sellPrice) = bwData.getCurrentBlockValueAndSellPriceForTile(_claimedTileId); uint updatedBlockValue = blockValue + _fortifyAmount; // Send fortify event emit TileFortified(_claimedTileId, _msgSender, _fortifyAmount, updatedBlockValue, block.timestamp); // Update tile value. The tile has been fortified by bumping up its value. bwData.updateTileBlockValue(_claimedTileId, updatedBlockValue); // Track addition to global block value addGlobalBlockValueBalance(_fortifyAmount); } // Return a pseudo random number between lower and upper bounds // given the number of previous blocks it should hash. // Random function copied from https://github.com/axiomzen/eth-random/blob/master/contracts/Random.sol. // Changed sha3 to keccak256. // Changed random range from uint64 to uint (=uint256). function random(uint _upper) private returns (uint) { seed = uint(keccak256(keccak256(blockhash(block.number), seed), now)); return seed % _upper; } // A user tries to claim a tile that's already owned by another user. A battle ensues. // A random roll is done with % based on attacking vs defending amounts. function attackTile(address _msgSender, uint16 _tileId, uint _attackAmount, bool _useBattleValue, bool _autoFortify) public isValidCaller { require(_attackAmount >= 1 finney); // Don't allow attacking with less than one base tile price. require(_attackAmount % 1 finney == 0); address claimer; uint blockValue; (claimer, blockValue) = bwData.getTileClaimerAndBlockValue(_tileId); require(claimer != 0); // Can't do this on never-owned tiles require(claimer != _msgSender); // Can't attack one's own tiles require(claimer != owner); // Can't attack owner's tiles because it is used for raffle. // Calculate boosted amounts for attacker and defender // The base attack amount is sent in the by the user. // The base defend amount is the attacked tile's current blockValue. uint attackBoost; uint defendBoost; (attackBoost, defendBoost) = bwData.calculateBattleBoost(_tileId, _msgSender, claimer); uint totalAttackAmount = _attackAmount + attackBoost; uint totalDefendAmount = blockValue + defendBoost; require(totalAttackAmount >= _attackAmount); // prevent overflow require(totalDefendAmount >= blockValue); // prevent overflow require(totalAttackAmount + totalDefendAmount > totalAttackAmount && totalAttackAmount + totalDefendAmount > totalDefendAmount); // Prevent overflow // Verify that attack odds are within allowed range. require(totalAttackAmount / 10 <= blockValue); // Disallow attacks with more than 1000% of defendAmount require(totalAttackAmount >= blockValue / 10); // Disallow attacks with less than 10% of defendAmount // The battle considers boosts. uint attackRoll = random(totalAttackAmount + totalDefendAmount); // This is where the excitement happens! if (attackRoll > totalDefendAmount) { // Send update event emit TileAttackedSuccessfully(_tileId, _msgSender, _attackAmount, totalAttackAmount, claimer, blockValue, totalDefendAmount, attackRoll, block.timestamp); // Change block owner but keep same block value (attacker got battlevalue instead) bwData.setClaimerForTile(_tileId, _msgSender); // Tile successfully attacked! if (_useBattleValue) { if (_autoFortify) { // Fortify the won tile using battle value fortifyClaim(_msgSender, _tileId, _attackAmount); subUserBattleValue(_msgSender, _attackAmount, false); } else { // No reason to withdraw followed by deposit of same amount } } else { if (_autoFortify) { // Fortify the won tile using attack amount fortifyClaim(_msgSender, _tileId, _attackAmount); } else { addUserBattleValue(_msgSender, _attackAmount); // Don't include boost here! } } } else { // Tile successfully defended! if (_useBattleValue) { subUserBattleValue(_msgSender, _attackAmount, false); // Don't include boost here! } addUserBattleValue(claimer, _attackAmount); // Don't include boost here! // Send update event emit TileDefendedSuccessfully(_tileId, _msgSender, _attackAmount, totalAttackAmount, claimer, blockValue, totalDefendAmount, attackRoll, block.timestamp); // Update the timestamp for the defended block. bwData.updateTileTimeStamp(_tileId); } } function moveBlockValue(address _msgSender, uint8 _xSource, uint8 _ySource, uint8 _xDest, uint8 _yDest, uint _moveAmount) public isValidCaller { uint16 sourceTileId = BWUtility.toTileId(_xSource, _ySource); uint16 destTileId = BWUtility.toTileId(_xDest, _yDest); address sourceTileClaimer; address destTileClaimer; uint sourceTileBlockValue; uint destTileBlockValue; (sourceTileClaimer, sourceTileBlockValue) = bwData.getTileClaimerAndBlockValue(sourceTileId); (destTileClaimer, destTileBlockValue) = bwData.getTileClaimerAndBlockValue(destTileId); require(sourceTileClaimer == _msgSender); require(destTileClaimer == _msgSender); require(_moveAmount >= 1 finney); // Can't be less require(_moveAmount % 1 finney == 0); // Move amount must be in multiples of 1 finney // require(sourceTile.blockValue - _moveAmount >= BASE_TILE_PRICE_WEI); // Must always leave some at source require(sourceTileBlockValue - _moveAmount < sourceTileBlockValue); // Prevent overflow require(destTileBlockValue + _moveAmount > destTileBlockValue); // Prevent overflow require(BWUtility.isAdjacent(_xSource, _ySource, _xDest, _yDest)); sourceTileBlockValue -= _moveAmount; destTileBlockValue += _moveAmount; // If ALL block value was moved away from the source tile, we lose our claim to it. It becomes ownerless. if (sourceTileBlockValue == 0) { bwData.deleteTile(sourceTileId); } else { bwData.updateTileBlockValue(sourceTileId, sourceTileBlockValue); bwData.deleteOffer(sourceTileId); // Offer invalid since block value has changed } bwData.updateTileBlockValue(destTileId, destTileBlockValue); bwData.deleteOffer(destTileId); // Offer invalid since block value has changed emit BlockValueMoved(sourceTileId, destTileId, _msgSender, _moveAmount, sourceTileBlockValue, destTileBlockValue, block.timestamp); } // BATTLE VALUE FUNCTIONS function withdrawBattleValue(address msgSender, uint _battleValueInWei) public isValidCaller returns (uint) { require(bwData.hasUser(msgSender)); require(_battleValueInWei % 1 finney == 0); // Must be divisible by 1 finney uint fee = _battleValueInWei / WITHDRAW_FEE; // Since we divide by 20 we can never create infinite fractions, so we'll always count in whole wei amounts. require(_battleValueInWei - fee < _battleValueInWei); // prevent underflow uint amountToWithdraw = _battleValueInWei - fee; uint feeBalance = bwData.getFeeBalance(); require(feeBalance + fee >= feeBalance); // prevent overflow feeBalance += fee; bwData.setFeeBalance(feeBalance); subUserBattleValue(msgSender, _battleValueInWei, true); return amountToWithdraw; } function addUserBattleValue(address _userId, uint _amount) public isValidCaller { uint userBattleValue = bwData.getUserBattleValue(_userId); require(userBattleValue + _amount > userBattleValue); // prevent overflow uint newBattleValue = userBattleValue + _amount; bwData.setUserBattleValue(_userId, newBattleValue); // Don't include boost here! emit UserBattleValueUpdated(_userId, newBattleValue, false); } function subUserBattleValue(address _userId, uint _amount, bool _isWithdraw) public isValidCaller { uint userBattleValue = bwData.getUserBattleValue(_userId); require(_amount <= userBattleValue); // Must be less than user's battle value - also implicitly checks that underflow isn't possible uint newBattleValue = userBattleValue - _amount; bwData.setUserBattleValue(_userId, newBattleValue); // Don't include boost here! emit UserBattleValueUpdated(_userId, newBattleValue, _isWithdraw); } function addGlobalBlockValueBalance(uint _amount) public isValidCaller { // Track addition to global block value. uint blockValueBalance = bwData.getBlockValueBalance(); require(blockValueBalance + _amount > blockValueBalance); // Prevent overflow bwData.setBlockValueBalance(blockValueBalance + _amount); } // Allow us to transfer out airdropped tokens if we ever receive any function transferTokens(address _tokenAddress, address _recipient) public isOwner { ERC20I token = ERC20I(_tokenAddress); require(token.transfer(_recipient, token.balanceOf(this))); } }
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Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _bwData (address): 0x635e8BED18B1cD15D231cD935E5e08c6152A12Fa
-----Encoded View---------------
1 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000635e8bed18b1cd15d231cd935e5e08c6152a12fa
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