ETH Price: $3,394.05 (-1.23%)
Gas: 2 Gwei


Transaction Hash
Transfer197637722024-04-29 21:53:4760 days ago1714427627IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.000198827.70956019
Transfer191550562024-02-04 12:50:35145 days ago1707051035IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.000695526.96923362
Transfer191550262024-02-04 12:44:11145 days ago1707050651IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0005999828.57060085
Transfer180862282023-09-07 18:06:47295 days ago1694110007IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0009087943.2761593
Get My Dividends173862632023-06-01 13:29:47393 days ago1685626187IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0007822229.87183508
Transfer167618342023-03-05 11:14:47482 days ago1678014887IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0004845418.78895711
Transfer167617742023-03-05 11:02:23482 days ago1678014143IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0004363620.77946417
Transfer148922412022-06-02 17:30:22757 days ago1654191022IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0017802884.77568465
Transfer135441882021-11-03 13:45:23968 days ago1635947123IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00362569172.65202573
Transfer123701412021-05-04 21:13:311151 days ago1620162811IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0012894550
Transfer123701312021-05-04 21:11:491151 days ago1620162709IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00115555
Transfer123392172021-04-30 2:39:291156 days ago1619750369IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0008440
Transfer122701932021-04-19 11:23:091167 days ago1618831389IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00325130
Transfer119145772021-02-23 17:02:551221 days ago1614099775IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.003444164
Transfer117998882021-02-06 2:01:221239 days ago1612576882IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00833737397.01785714
Transfer116924942021-01-20 13:17:111255 days ago1611148631IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0019710685
Transfer116924792021-01-20 13:14:001255 days ago1611148440IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00232779110.84732791
Transfer116480172021-01-13 17:28:151262 days ago1610558895IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0010203144
Transfer116479942021-01-13 17:23:571262 days ago1610558637IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0010550
Transfer116143662021-01-08 13:31:271267 days ago1610112687IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00266673115.00000145
Transfer116139372021-01-08 11:56:021268 days ago1610106962IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00193292
Transfer116138552021-01-08 11:38:471268 days ago1610105927IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0.01 ETH0.002961141
Transfer113473552020-11-28 13:43:511308 days ago1606571031IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.00041819
Transfer112898302020-11-19 17:27:061317 days ago1605806826IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0004220
Transfer109916882020-10-04 21:14:301363 days ago1601846070IN
333ETH: Contract 1
0 ETH0.0011314248.79127208
View all transactions

Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
81472272019-07-14 5:19:181812 days ago1563081558
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
81472272019-07-14 5:19:181812 days ago1563081558
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
69669802018-12-28 8:26:272010 days ago1545985587
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
69669802018-12-28 8:26:272010 days ago1545985587
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
68317012018-12-05 16:58:282032 days ago1544029108
333ETH: Contract 1
0.04773495 ETH
68317012018-12-05 16:58:282032 days ago1544029108
333ETH: Contract 1
0.06819279 ETH
67974652018-11-30 1:07:262038 days ago1543540046
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
67974652018-11-30 1:07:262038 days ago1543540046
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
67974472018-11-30 1:01:532038 days ago1543539713
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
67974472018-11-30 1:01:532038 days ago1543539713
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
67970462018-11-29 23:24:012038 days ago1543533841
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0028 ETH
67970462018-11-29 23:24:012038 days ago1543533841
333ETH: Contract 1
0.004 ETH
67942672018-11-29 12:15:352038 days ago1543493735
333ETH: Contract 1
0.007 ETH
67942672018-11-29 12:15:352038 days ago1543493735
333ETH: Contract 1
0.01 ETH
67942592018-11-29 12:13:072039 days ago1543493587
333ETH: Contract 1
0.007 ETH
67942592018-11-29 12:13:072039 days ago1543493587
333ETH: Contract 1
0.01 ETH
67942392018-11-29 12:08:292039 days ago1543493309
333ETH: Contract 1
0.00084 ETH
67942392018-11-29 12:08:292039 days ago1543493309
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0012 ETH
67929082018-11-29 6:57:022039 days ago1543474622
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
67929082018-11-29 6:57:022039 days ago1543474622
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
67804692018-11-27 5:32:112041 days ago1543296731
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
67804692018-11-27 5:32:112041 days ago1543296731
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
67350452018-11-19 18:38:342048 days ago1542652714
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
67350452018-11-19 18:38:342048 days ago1542652714
333ETH: Contract 1
0.001 ETH
66954762018-11-13 7:00:482055 days ago1542092448
333ETH: Contract 1
0.0007 ETH
View All Internal Transactions

Contract Source Code Verified (Exact Match)

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
Yes with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion

Contract Source Code (Solidity)

 *Submitted for verification at on 2018-09-14

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

* Web              -
* Twitter          -
* Telegram_channel -
* EN  Telegram_chat:
* RU  Telegram_chat:
* KOR Telegram_chat:
* Email:             mailto:support(at sign)
*  - GAIN 3,33% PER 24 HOURS (every 5900 blocks)
*  - Life-long payments
*  - The revolutionary reliability
*  - Minimal contribution 0.01 eth
*  - Currency and payment - ETH
*  - Contribution allocation schemes:
*    -- 83% payments
*    -- 17% Marketing + Operating Expenses
*   ---About the Project
*  Blockchain-enabled smart contracts have opened a new era of trustless relationships without 
*  intermediaries. This technology opens incredible financial possibilities. Our automated investment 
*  distribution model is written into a smart contract, uploaded to the Ethereum blockchain and can be 
*  freely accessed online. In order to insure our investors' complete security, full control over the 
*  project has been transferred from the organizers to the smart contract: nobody can influence the 
*  system's permanent autonomous functioning.
* ---How to use:
*  1. Send from ETH wallet to the smart contract address 0x311f71389e3DE68f7B2097Ad02c6aD7B2dDE4C71
*     any amount from 0.01 ETH.
*  2. Verify your transaction in the history of your application or, specifying the address 
*     of your wallet.
*  3a. Claim your profit by sending 0 ether transaction (every day, every week, i don't care unless you're 
*      spending too much on GAS)
*  OR
*  3b. For reinvest, you need to first remove the accumulated percentage of charges (by sending 0 ether 
*      transaction), and only after that, deposit the amount that you want to reinvest.
* You can check the payments on the site, in the "Internal Txns" tab of your wallet.
* ---It is not allowed to transfer from exchanges, only from your personal ETH wallet, for which you 
* have private keys.
* Contracts reviewed and approved by pros!
* Main contract - Revolution. Scroll down to find it.

contract InvestorsStorage {
  struct investor {
    uint keyIndex;
    uint value;
    uint paymentTime;
    uint refBonus;
  struct itmap {
    mapping(address => investor) data;
    address[] keys;
  itmap private s;
  address private owner;

  modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "access denied");

  constructor() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

  function insert(address addr, uint value) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    uint keyIndex =[addr].keyIndex;
    if (keyIndex != 0) return false;[addr].value = value;
    keyIndex = s.keys.length++;[addr].keyIndex = keyIndex;
    s.keys[keyIndex] = addr;
    return true;

  function investorFullInfo(address addr) public view returns(uint, uint, uint, uint) {
    return ([addr].keyIndex,[addr].value,[addr].paymentTime,[addr].refBonus

  function investorBaseInfo(address addr) public view returns(uint, uint, uint) {
    return ([addr].value,[addr].paymentTime,[addr].refBonus

  function investorShortInfo(address addr) public view returns(uint, uint) {
    return ([addr].value,[addr].refBonus

  function addRefBonus(address addr, uint refBonus) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    if ([addr].keyIndex == 0) return false;[addr].refBonus += refBonus;
    return true;

  function addValue(address addr, uint value) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    if ([addr].keyIndex == 0) return false;[addr].value += value;
    return true;

  function setPaymentTime(address addr, uint paymentTime) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    if ([addr].keyIndex == 0) return false;[addr].paymentTime = paymentTime;
    return true;

  function setRefBonus(address addr, uint refBonus) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
    if ([addr].keyIndex == 0) return false;[addr].refBonus = refBonus;
    return true;

  function keyFromIndex(uint i) public view returns (address) {
    return s.keys[i];

  function contains(address addr) public view returns (bool) {
    return[addr].keyIndex > 0;

  function size() public view returns (uint) {
    return s.keys.length;

  function iterStart() public pure returns (uint) {
    return 1;

library SafeMath {
  function mul(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
    // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
    // See:
    if (_a == 0) {
      return 0;

    uint256 c = _a * _b;
    require(c / _a == _b);

    return c;

  function div(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(_b > 0); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
    uint256 c = _a / _b;
    // assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold

    return c;

  function sub(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(_b <= _a);
    uint256 c = _a - _b;

    return c;

  function add(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = _a + _b;
    require(c >= _a);

    return c;

  function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(b != 0);
    return a % b;

library Percent {
  // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
  struct percent {
    uint num;
    uint den;
  function mul(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
    if (a == 0) {
      return 0;
    return a*p.num/p.den;

  function div(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
    return a/p.num*p.den;

  function sub(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
    uint b = mul(p, a);
    if (b >= a) return 0;
    return a - b;

  function add(percent storage p, uint a) internal view returns (uint) {
    return a + mul(p, a);

contract Accessibility {
  enum AccessRank { None, Payout, Paymode, Full }
  mapping(address => AccessRank) internal m_admins;
  modifier onlyAdmin(AccessRank  r) {
      m_admins[msg.sender] == r || m_admins[msg.sender] == AccessRank.Full,
      "access denied"
  event LogProvideAccess(address indexed whom, uint when,  AccessRank rank);

  constructor() public {
    m_admins[msg.sender] = AccessRank.Full;
    emit LogProvideAccess(msg.sender, now, AccessRank.Full);
  function provideAccess(address addr, AccessRank rank) public onlyAdmin(AccessRank.Full) {
    require(rank <= AccessRank.Full, "invalid access rank");
    require(m_admins[addr] != AccessRank.Full, "cannot change full access rank");
    if (m_admins[addr] != rank) {
      m_admins[addr] = rank;
      emit LogProvideAccess(addr, now, rank);

  function access(address addr) public view returns(AccessRank rank) {
    rank = m_admins[addr];

contract PaymentSystem {
  enum Paymode { Push, Pull }
  struct PaySys {
    uint latestTime;
    uint latestKeyIndex;
    Paymode mode; 
  PaySys internal m_paysys;

  modifier atPaymode(Paymode mode) {
    require(m_paysys.mode == mode, "pay mode does not the same");
  event LogPaymodeChanged(uint when, Paymode indexed mode);
  function paymode() public view returns(Paymode mode) {
    mode = m_paysys.mode;

  function changePaymode(Paymode mode) internal {
    require(mode <= Paymode.Pull, "invalid pay mode");
    if (mode == m_paysys.mode ) return; 
    if (mode == Paymode.Pull) require(m_paysys.latestTime != 0, "cannot set pull pay mode if latest time is 0");
    if (mode == Paymode.Push) m_paysys.latestTime = 0;
    m_paysys.mode = mode;
    emit LogPaymodeChanged(now, m_paysys.mode);

library Zero {
  function requireNotZero(uint a) internal pure {
    require(a != 0, "require not zero");

  function requireNotZero(address addr) internal pure {
    require(addr != address(0), "require not zero address");

  function notZero(address addr) internal pure returns(bool) {
    return !(addr == address(0));

  function isZero(address addr) internal pure returns(bool) {
    return addr == address(0);

library ToAddress {
  function toAddr(uint source) internal pure returns(address) {
    return address(source);

  function toAddr(bytes source) internal pure returns(address addr) {
    assembly { addr := mload(add(source,0x14)) }
    return addr;

contract Revolution is Accessibility, PaymentSystem {
  using Percent for Percent.percent;
  using SafeMath for uint;
  using Zero for *;
  using ToAddress for *;

  // investors storage - iterable map;
  InvestorsStorage private m_investors;
  mapping(address => bool) private m_referrals;
  bool private m_nextWave;

  // automatically generates getters
  address public adminAddr;
  address public payerAddr;
  uint public waveStartup;
  uint public investmentsNum;
  uint public constant minInvesment = 10 finney; // 0.01 eth
  uint public constant maxBalance = 333e5 ether; // 33,300,000 eth
  uint public constant pauseOnNextWave = 168 hours; 

  // percents 
  Percent.percent private m_dividendsPercent = Percent.percent(333, 10000); // 333/10000*100% = 3.33%
  Percent.percent private m_adminPercent = Percent.percent(1, 10); // 1/10*100% = 10%
  Percent.percent private m_payerPercent = Percent.percent(7, 100); // 7/100*100% = 7%
  Percent.percent private m_refPercent = Percent.percent(3, 100); // 3/100*100% = 3%

  // more events for easy read from blockchain
  event LogNewInvestor(address indexed addr, uint when, uint value);
  event LogNewInvesment(address indexed addr, uint when, uint value);
  event LogNewReferral(address indexed addr, uint when, uint value);
  event LogPayDividends(address indexed addr, uint when, uint value);
  event LogPayReferrerBonus(address indexed addr, uint when, uint value);
  event LogBalanceChanged(uint when, uint balance);
  event LogAdminAddrChanged(address indexed addr, uint when);
  event LogPayerAddrChanged(address indexed addr, uint when);
  event LogNextWave(uint when);

  modifier balanceChanged {
    emit LogBalanceChanged(now, address(this).balance);

  modifier notOnPause() {
    require(waveStartup+pauseOnNextWave <= now, "pause on next wave not expired");

  constructor() public {
    adminAddr = msg.sender;
    emit LogAdminAddrChanged(msg.sender, now);

    payerAddr = msg.sender;
    emit LogPayerAddrChanged(msg.sender, now);

    waveStartup = waveStartup.sub(pauseOnNextWave);

  function() public payable {
    // investor get him dividends
    if (msg.value == 0) {

    // sender do invest
    address a =;
    address[3] memory refs;
    if (a.notZero()) {
      refs[0] = a;
    } else {

  function investorsNumber() public view returns(uint) {
    return m_investors.size()-1;
    // -1 because see InvestorsStorage constructor where keys.length++ 

  function balanceETH() public view returns(uint) {
    return address(this).balance;

  function payerPercent() public view returns(uint numerator, uint denominator) {
    (numerator, denominator) = (m_payerPercent.num, m_payerPercent.den);

  function dividendsPercent() public view returns(uint numerator, uint denominator) {
    (numerator, denominator) = (m_dividendsPercent.num, m_dividendsPercent.den);

  function adminPercent() public view returns(uint numerator, uint denominator) {
    (numerator, denominator) = (m_adminPercent.num, m_adminPercent.den);

  function referrerPercent() public view returns(uint numerator, uint denominator) {
    (numerator, denominator) = (m_refPercent.num, m_refPercent.den);

  function investorInfo(address addr) public view returns(uint value, uint paymentTime, uint refBonus, bool isReferral) {
    (value, paymentTime, refBonus) = m_investors.investorBaseInfo(addr);
    isReferral = m_referrals[addr];

  function latestPayout() public view returns(uint timestamp) {
    return m_paysys.latestTime;

  function getMyDividends() public notOnPause atPaymode(Paymode.Pull) balanceChanged {
    // check investor info
    InvestorsStorage.investor memory investor = getMemInvestor(msg.sender);
    require(investor.keyIndex > 0, "sender is not investor"); 
    if (investor.paymentTime < m_paysys.latestTime) {
      assert(m_investors.setPaymentTime(msg.sender, m_paysys.latestTime));
      investor.paymentTime = m_paysys.latestTime;

    // calculate days after latest payment
    uint256 daysAfter = now.sub(investor.paymentTime).div(24 hours);
    require(daysAfter > 0, "the latest payment was earlier than 24 hours");
    assert(m_investors.setPaymentTime(msg.sender, now));

    // check enough eth 
    uint value = m_dividendsPercent.mul(investor.value) * daysAfter;
    if (address(this).balance < value + investor.refBonus) {

    // send dividends and ref bonus
    if (investor.refBonus > 0) {
      assert(m_investors.setRefBonus(msg.sender, 0));
      sendDividendsWithRefBonus(msg.sender, value, investor.refBonus);
    } else {
      sendDividends(msg.sender, value);

  function doInvest(address[3] refs) public payable notOnPause balanceChanged {
    require(msg.value >= minInvesment, "msg.value must be >= minInvesment");
    require(address(this).balance <= maxBalance, "the contract eth balance limit");

    uint value = msg.value;
    // ref system works only once for sender-referral
    if (!m_referrals[msg.sender]) {
      // level 1
      if (notZeroNotSender(refs[0]) && m_investors.contains(refs[0])) {
        uint reward = m_refPercent.mul(value);
        assert(m_investors.addRefBonus(refs[0], reward)); // referrer 1 bonus
        m_referrals[msg.sender] = true;
        value = m_dividendsPercent.add(value); // referral bonus
        emit LogNewReferral(msg.sender, now, value);
        // level 2
        if (notZeroNotSender(refs[1]) && m_investors.contains(refs[1]) && refs[0] != refs[1]) { 
          assert(m_investors.addRefBonus(refs[1], reward)); // referrer 2 bonus
          // level 3
          if (notZeroNotSender(refs[2]) && m_investors.contains(refs[2]) && refs[0] != refs[2] && refs[1] != refs[2]) { 
            assert(m_investors.addRefBonus(refs[2], reward)); // referrer 3 bonus

    // commission
    // write to investors storage
    if (m_investors.contains(msg.sender)) {
      assert(m_investors.addValue(msg.sender, value));
    } else {
      assert(m_investors.insert(msg.sender, value));
      emit LogNewInvestor(msg.sender, now, value); 
    if (m_paysys.mode == Paymode.Pull)
      assert(m_investors.setPaymentTime(msg.sender, now));

    emit LogNewInvesment(msg.sender, now, value);   

  function payout() public notOnPause onlyAdmin(AccessRank.Payout) atPaymode(Paymode.Push) balanceChanged {
    if (m_nextWave) {
    // if m_paysys.latestKeyIndex == m_investors.iterStart() then payout NOT in process and we must check latest time of payment.
    if (m_paysys.latestKeyIndex == m_investors.iterStart()) {
      require(now>m_paysys.latestTime+12 hours, "the latest payment was earlier than 12 hours");
      m_paysys.latestTime = now;

    uint i = m_paysys.latestKeyIndex;
    uint value;
    uint refBonus;
    uint size = m_investors.size();
    address investorAddr;
    // gasleft and latest key index  - prevent gas block limit 
    for (i; i < size && gasleft() > 50000; i++) {
      investorAddr = m_investors.keyFromIndex(i);
      (value, refBonus) = m_investors.investorShortInfo(investorAddr);
      value = m_dividendsPercent.mul(value);

      if (address(this).balance < value + refBonus) {
        m_nextWave = true;

      if (refBonus > 0) {
        require(m_investors.setRefBonus(investorAddr, 0), "internal error");
        sendDividendsWithRefBonus(investorAddr, value, refBonus);

      sendDividends(investorAddr, value);

    if (i == size) 
      m_paysys.latestKeyIndex = m_investors.iterStart();
      m_paysys.latestKeyIndex = i;

  function setAdminAddr(address addr) public onlyAdmin(AccessRank.Full) {
    if (adminAddr != addr) {
      adminAddr = addr;
      emit LogAdminAddrChanged(addr, now);

  function setPayerAddr(address addr) public onlyAdmin(AccessRank.Full) {
    if (payerAddr != addr) {
      payerAddr = addr;
      emit LogPayerAddrChanged(addr, now);

  function setPullPaymode() public onlyAdmin(AccessRank.Paymode) atPaymode(Paymode.Push) {

  function getMemInvestor(address addr) internal view returns(InvestorsStorage.investor) {
    (uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d) = m_investors.investorFullInfo(addr);
    return InvestorsStorage.investor(a, b, c, d);

  function notZeroNotSender(address addr) internal view returns(bool) {
    return addr.notZero() && addr != msg.sender;

  function sendDividends(address addr, uint value) private {
    if (addr.send(value)) emit LogPayDividends(addr, now, value); 

  function sendDividendsWithRefBonus(address addr, uint value,  uint refBonus) private {
    if (addr.send(value+refBonus)) {
      emit LogPayDividends(addr, now, value);
      emit LogPayReferrerBonus(addr, now, refBonus);

  function nextWave() private {
    m_investors = new InvestorsStorage();
    m_paysys.latestKeyIndex = m_investors.iterStart();
    investmentsNum = 0;
    waveStartup = now;
    m_nextWave = false;
    emit LogNextWave(now);

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI



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