ETH Price: $3,391.16 (+0.66%)
Gas: 3 Gwei


Transaction Hash
Transfer201700602024-06-25 17:02:1114 hrs ago1719334931IN Fee Recipient
0.03607125 ETH0.000240178.78820788
Transfer201666712024-06-25 5:40:2325 hrs ago1719294023IN Fee Recipient
0.03904901 ETH0.000071942.63237046
Transfer201590922024-06-24 4:15:232 days ago1719202523IN Fee Recipient
0.06345687 ETH0.000068492.50647677
Transfer201500032024-06-22 21:43:593 days ago1719092639IN Fee Recipient
0.02150134 ETH0.000049161.79903431
Transfer201470382024-06-22 11:46:473 days ago1719056807IN Fee Recipient
0.0552929 ETH0.000075432.76019839
Transfer201373192024-06-21 3:10:115 days ago1718939411IN Fee Recipient
0.03046776 ETH0.000068882.52060924
Transfer201344442024-06-20 17:31:475 days ago1718904707IN Fee Recipient
0.06125062 ETH0.0003219511.78073345
Transfer201325312024-06-20 11:05:595 days ago1718881559IN Fee Recipient
0.09345644 ETH0.0004704417.21413402
Transfer201296142024-06-20 1:17:596 days ago1718846279IN Fee Recipient
0.11742079 ETH0.000145175.31213087
Transfer201296142024-06-20 1:17:596 days ago1718846279IN Fee Recipient
1 wei0.032740141,198
Transfer201175422024-06-18 8:44:597 days ago1718700299IN Fee Recipient
0.04713058 ETH0.000149755.47988856
Transfer201173712024-06-18 8:10:357 days ago1718698235IN Fee Recipient
0.03736169 ETH0.000170946.25514293
Transfer201144492024-06-17 22:20:478 days ago1718662847IN Fee Recipient
0.08697542 ETH0.000142385.21011796
Transfer201127442024-06-17 16:37:238 days ago1718642243IN Fee Recipient
0.49476521 ETH0.0006312623.09867993
Transfer201074752024-06-16 22:56:599 days ago1718578619IN Fee Recipient
0.0743782 ETH0.000072582.6558785
Transfer201014792024-06-16 2:51:3510 days ago1718506295IN Fee Recipient
0.0784637 ETH0.000085513.12906463
Transfer200991382024-06-15 18:59:2310 days ago1718477963IN Fee Recipient
0.04000431 ETH0.000084653.09770074
Transfer200990472024-06-15 18:41:1110 days ago1718476871IN Fee Recipient
0.08009621 ETH0.000099823.65268307
Transfer200986122024-06-15 17:13:3510 days ago1718471615IN Fee Recipient
0.03335346 ETH0.000179516.56884386
Exec Transaction200972002024-06-15 12:29:4710 days ago1718454587IN Fee Recipient
0 ETH0.000622999
Transfer200962682024-06-15 9:22:2310 days ago1718443343IN Fee Recipient
0.01129757 ETH0.000120184.39776472
Transfer200934212024-06-14 23:46:2311 days ago1718408783IN Fee Recipient
0.11837791 ETH0.000131274.80354832
Transfer200910372024-06-14 15:47:3511 days ago1718380055IN Fee Recipient
0.04013955 ETH0.0003188111.66582177
Transfer200825892024-06-13 11:25:4712 days ago1718277947IN Fee Recipient
0.0350568 ETH0.0004174515.27514352
Transfer200793362024-06-13 0:30:3513 days ago1718238635IN Fee Recipient
0.06685213 ETH0.000260879.545758
View all transactions

Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
200448062024-06-08 4:44:3518 days ago1717821875 Fee Recipient
960 ETH
200156072024-06-04 2:55:2322 days ago1717469723 Fee Recipient
310 ETH
199749402024-05-29 10:31:2327 days ago1716978683 Fee Recipient
38.349198 ETH
199744332024-05-29 8:49:3527 days ago1716972575 Fee Recipient
999 ETH
199743982024-05-29 8:42:3527 days ago1716972155 Fee Recipient
0.1 ETH
199743702024-05-29 8:36:5927 days ago1716971819 Fee Recipient
199399782024-05-24 13:15:5932 days ago1716556559 Fee Recipient
1,999 ETH
199399342024-05-24 13:06:5932 days ago1716556019 Fee Recipient
198722612024-05-15 2:02:1142 days ago1715738531 Fee Recipient
300 ETH
198514332024-05-12 4:03:1145 days ago1715486591 Fee Recipient
100 ETH
198239592024-05-08 7:49:3548 days ago1715154575 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
196864382024-04-19 2:13:1168 days ago1713492791 Fee Recipient
300 ETH
194804182024-03-21 3:37:5997 days ago1710992279 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
194374622024-03-15 2:45:23103 days ago1710470723 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
194237592024-03-13 4:26:35105 days ago1710303995 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
194088152024-03-11 2:17:11107 days ago1710123431 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
193885612024-03-08 6:08:23110 days ago1709878103 Fee Recipient
100 ETH
193822542024-03-07 8:59:35110 days ago1709801975 Fee Recipient
960 ETH
193821812024-03-07 8:44:59110 days ago1709801099 Fee Recipient
0.5 ETH
193818182024-03-07 7:31:59110 days ago1709796719 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
193818012024-03-07 7:28:23110 days ago1709796503 Fee Recipient
193587672024-03-04 2:18:47114 days ago1709518727 Fee Recipient
250 ETH
193375712024-03-01 3:14:23117 days ago1709262863 Fee Recipient
300 ETH
192880582024-02-23 4:58:35124 days ago1708664315 Fee Recipient
200 ETH
192804832024-02-22 3:28:11125 days ago1708572491 Fee Recipient
50 ETH
View All Internal Transactions

Similar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0xDaB5dc22...0ba42d2a6
The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contract

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
No with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion, GNU LGPLv3 license
 *Submitted for verification at on 2021-07-09

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

/// @title IProxy - Helper interface to access masterCopy of the Proxy on-chain
/// @author Richard Meissner - <[email protected]>
interface IProxy {
    function masterCopy() external view returns (address);

/// @title GnosisSafeProxy - Generic proxy contract allows to execute all transactions applying the code of a master contract.
/// @author Stefan George - <[email protected]>
/// @author Richard Meissner - <[email protected]>
contract GnosisSafeProxy {
    // singleton always needs to be first declared variable, to ensure that it is at the same location in the contracts to which calls are delegated.
    // To reduce deployment costs this variable is internal and needs to be retrieved via `getStorageAt`
    address internal singleton;

    /// @dev Constructor function sets address of singleton contract.
    /// @param _singleton Singleton address.
    constructor(address _singleton) {
        require(_singleton != address(0), "Invalid singleton address provided");
        singleton = _singleton;

    /// @dev Fallback function forwards all transactions and returns all received return data.
    fallback() external payable {
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            let _singleton := and(sload(0), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
            // 0xa619486e == keccak("masterCopy()"). The value is right padded to 32-bytes with 0s
            if eq(calldataload(0), 0xa619486e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) {
                mstore(0, _singleton)
                return(0, 0x20)
            calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())
            let success := delegatecall(gas(), _singleton, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)
            returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
            if eq(success, 0) {
                revert(0, returndatasize())
            return(0, returndatasize())

/// @title Proxy Factory - Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
/// @author Stefan George - <[email protected]>
contract GnosisSafeProxyFactory {
    event ProxyCreation(GnosisSafeProxy proxy, address singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
    /// @param singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param data Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    function createProxy(address singleton, bytes memory data) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = new GnosisSafeProxy(singleton);
        if (data.length > 0)
            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
            assembly {
                if eq(call(gas(), proxy, 0, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0), 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        emit ProxyCreation(proxy, singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to retrieve the runtime code of a deployed Proxy. This can be used to check that the expected Proxy was deployed.
    function proxyRuntimeCode() public pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return type(GnosisSafeProxy).runtimeCode;

    /// @dev Allows to retrieve the creation code used for the Proxy deployment. With this it is easily possible to calculate predicted address.
    function proxyCreationCode() public pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return type(GnosisSafeProxy).creationCode;

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact using CREATE2 but it doesn't run the initializer.
    ///      This method is only meant as an utility to be called from other methods
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function deployProxyWithNonce(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) internal returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        // If the initializer changes the proxy address should change too. Hashing the initializer data is cheaper than just concatinating it
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(initializer), saltNonce));
        bytes memory deploymentData = abi.encodePacked(type(GnosisSafeProxy).creationCode, uint256(uint160(_singleton)));
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            proxy := create2(0x0, add(0x20, deploymentData), mload(deploymentData), salt)
        require(address(proxy) != address(0), "Create2 call failed");

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function createProxyWithNonce(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = deployProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonce);
        if (initializer.length > 0)
            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
            assembly {
                if eq(call(gas(), proxy, 0, add(initializer, 0x20), mload(initializer), 0, 0), 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        emit ProxyCreation(proxy, _singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact, execute a message call to the new proxy and call a specified callback within one transaction
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    /// @param callback Callback that will be invoced after the new proxy contract has been successfully deployed and initialized.
    function createProxyWithCallback(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce,
        IProxyCreationCallback callback
    ) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        uint256 saltNonceWithCallback = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(saltNonce, callback)));
        proxy = createProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonceWithCallback);
        if (address(callback) != address(0)) callback.proxyCreated(proxy, _singleton, initializer, saltNonce);

    /// @dev Allows to get the address for a new proxy contact created via `createProxyWithNonce`
    ///      This method is only meant for address calculation purpose when you use an initializer that would revert,
    ///      therefore the response is returned with a revert. When calling this method set `from` to the address of the proxy factory.
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function calculateCreateProxyWithNonceAddress(
        address _singleton,
        bytes calldata initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) external returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = deployProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonce);

interface IProxyCreationCallback {
    function proxyCreated(
        GnosisSafeProxy proxy,
        address _singleton,
        bytes calldata initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) external;

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI


Deployed Bytecode


Deployed Bytecode Sourcemap


Swarm Source


 Latest 25 blocks (From a total of 283 blocks with 17.93 Ether produced)

Block Transaction Difficulty Gas Used Reward
196897642024-04-19 13:24:5967 days ago17135330991450.00 TH14,459,597 (48.20%)
0.023070813786067886 ETH
195529072024-03-31 9:11:1186 days ago17118762711850.00 TH15,621,557 (52.07%)
0.046079290406580843 ETH
195132872024-03-25 18:33:4792 days ago17113916271920.00 TH18,379,147 (61.26%)
0.50027611865827226 ETH
194739322024-03-20 5:48:1198 days ago1710913691720.00 TH3,588,724 (11.96%)
0.009409327647673907 ETH
194735872024-03-20 4:38:4798 days ago1710909527440.00 TH5,739,652 (19.13%)
0.054167814233864903 ETH
194729602024-03-20 2:31:5998 days ago1710901919410.00 TH2,638,387 (8.79%)
0.006929132368895527 ETH
194713332024-03-19 21:01:2398 days ago1710882083730.00 TH4,803,300 (16.01%)
0.01279694045678092 ETH
194670442024-03-19 6:34:5999 days ago1710830099240.00 TH1,345,607 (4.49%)
0.002973239493677056 ETH
194663532024-03-19 4:15:1199 days ago1710821711740.00 TH6,377,400 (21.26%)
0.032449973981317613 ETH
194661672024-03-19 3:37:3599 days ago1710819455330.00 TH1,822,846 (6.08%)
0.005616147318633941 ETH
194661592024-03-19 3:35:5999 days ago17108193591050.00 TH4,361,909 (14.54%)
0.010544003160960225 ETH
194639972024-03-18 20:17:1199 days ago17107930311120.00 TH6,617,093 (22.06%)
0.025043872627082406 ETH
194633882024-03-18 18:14:2399 days ago1710785663480.00 TH2,982,695 (9.94%)
0.016050555683448106 ETH
194605902024-03-18 8:47:4799 days ago1710751667740.00 TH3,206,764 (10.69%)
0.008860720601941972 ETH
194604342024-03-18 8:15:5999 days ago1710749759960.00 TH7,284,514 (24.28%)
0.01746018887459341 ETH
194598752024-03-18 6:23:11100 days ago1710742991650.00 TH4,764,183 (15.88%)
0.015120916319416445 ETH
194598292024-03-18 6:13:59100 days ago1710742439220.00 TH658,609 (2.20%)
0.001743816378712931 ETH
194592962024-03-18 4:26:35100 days ago1710735995300.00 TH1,800,845 (6.00%)
0.006701516033119401 ETH
194566942024-03-17 19:38:35100 days ago1710704315470.00 TH3,281,781 (10.94%)
0.013224370401558325 ETH
194554482024-03-17 15:27:47100 days ago1710689267990.00 TH3,625,773 (12.09%)
0.019291654863180848 ETH
194549662024-03-17 13:50:11100 days ago1710683411520.00 TH2,475,040 (8.25%)
0.005946575572626744 ETH
194545822024-03-17 12:32:11100 days ago1710678731730.00 TH3,641,393 (12.14%)
0.013058504487630049 ETH
194503182024-03-16 22:07:59101 days ago1710626879410.00 TH1,919,427 (6.40%)
0.005742308422674212 ETH
194500422024-03-16 21:12:23101 days ago1710623543300.00 TH2,797,065 (9.32%)
0.01234721070197934 ETH
194494352024-03-16 19:09:47101 days ago17106161871550.00 TH7,052,071 (23.51%)
0.037422141537225583 ETH
View All Blocks Produced

Block Uncle Number Difficulty Gas Used Reward
View All Uncles


This is's Fee Recipient address for ETH staking rewards.

Latest 25 from a total of 24235 withdrawals (24,965.758312283 ETH withdrawn)

Validator Index Block Amount
1281004201685802024-06-25 12:04:4719 hrs ago17193170870.018540599 ETH
1281003201685802024-06-25 12:04:4719 hrs ago17193170870.063381176 ETH
1281002201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018587621 ETH
1281001201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018594949 ETH
1281000201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018615155 ETH
1280999201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018596508 ETH
1280998201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018595842 ETH
1280997201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018604683 ETH
1280996201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018596779 ETH
1280995201685792024-06-25 12:04:3519 hrs ago17193170750.018606669 ETH
935963201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.018623094 ETH
935962201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.018621417 ETH
935961201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.018657746 ETH
935960201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.018641088 ETH
935959201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.018655483 ETH
935958201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.018637545 ETH
935957201507092024-06-23 0:06:353 days ago17191011950.063702014 ETH
935956201507082024-06-23 0:06:233 days ago17191011830.018620827 ETH
935955201507082024-06-23 0:06:233 days ago17191011830.063743613 ETH
935954201507082024-06-23 0:06:233 days ago17191011830.018675839 ETH
928029201503172024-06-22 22:47:593 days ago17190964790.018660006 ETH
928028201503172024-06-22 22:47:593 days ago17190964790.018628356 ETH
928027201503172024-06-22 22:47:593 days ago17190964790.018677644 ETH
928026201503172024-06-22 22:47:593 days ago17190964790.018634931 ETH
928025201503172024-06-22 22:47:593 days ago17190964790.018628208 ETH
View All Withdrawals

Transaction Hash Block Value Eth2 PubKey Valid
View All Deposits
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A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.