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- ERC-20 Tokens (160)40,000 APEcApeCash Coin (APEc)10,000 CMITCMITCOIN (CMIT)$0.39@0.0016,000 TICThingschain (TIC)5 AOAAurora (AOA)$0.00@0.000111,372.735 SPWNBitSpawn Tok... (SPWN)$0.37@0.00193 LRDSBLOCKLORDS (LRDS)$136.11@0.70527,919.3529412 BUMPBUMP (BUMP)$190.79@0.024127,199.967804 GEMSCarbon GEMS (GEMS)$0.01@0.00127.28161991 CRYOCryoDAO (CRYO)$273.98@2.15251,173 PUNCRYPTOPUNT T... (PUN)0.91 DEVVEDevvE (DEVVE)$0.67@0.73811,545 DGCLDigiCol Toke... (DGCL)$0.05@0.00600 EBCEBCoin (EBC)528.5714286 EQZEqualizer (EQZ)$2.70@0.00510.00402565 sILV2Escrowed Ill... (sILV2)$0.13@33.340.03459766 BTC (eBTC)0 ETH (eETH)$0.00@3,923.321,500 FAIFairum Commu... (FAI)$112.10@0.074715,429.6874901 FIASFias (FIAS)$31.78@0.00211,300 FTIFTI (FTI)$0.02@0.002.7905 GTCGitcoin (GTC)$3.24@1.167,215 GOGGuild of Gua... (GOG)$375.17@0.0520.13 HKNHacken (HKN)9,900,000 HOICHIHoichi 芳一 (HOICHI)$19.47@0.00937.5 HOPRHOPR Token (HOPR)$106.98@0.11410.1884058 INFIINFI (INFI)$0.00@0.001324,443 KOIKoi Token (KOI)1,000.69162182 KUEKuende Token (KUE)1,846 MLMLTToken (ML)$294.88@0.1597497 MODAmoda (MODA)$76.96@0.154911,249.17408778 OLYOlyseum (OLY)$3.42@0.00031,900 OROORO Token (ORO)$11.86@0.00622,500 PASSPassport Fin... (PASS)439 PALPolicyPal Ne... (PAL)262.14013716 ZKPolyhedra Ne... (ZK)$482.34@1.840.00563784 PROSProsper (PROS)$0.00@0.752213,430 MINTPublic Mint (MINT)$17.80@0.0013135.8207733 PUFFERPUFFER (PUFFER)$111.41@0.82032,880.0003737 QORPOQORPO Token (QORPO)$613.91@0.213246.61 RFRRefereum (RFR)$0.00@0.007.5 RBLXRublix (RBLX)$0.03@0.0035400 SENATESENATE (SENATE)$26.43@0.06612,520.01814059 SOTASOTA (SOTA)$2.44@0.0010 stETHstETH (stETH)$0.00@3,903.703,614.45 STQStoriqa (STQ)0.49972293 weETHsSuper Symbio... (weETHs)0.00096184 TENTenet (TEN)$0.00@0.0102135,856 TIDALTidal Token (TIDAL)$19.75@0.00010.00652358 TENTokenomy (TEN)$0.00@0.02267,500 UDOUnido (UDO)$25.71@0.00340.37984107 UNIUniswap (UNI)$6.91@18.1864.97825062 USFUnslashed Fi... (USF)$0.35@0.0055143.11968924 VITAVitaDAO Toke... (VITA)$591.08@4.13500 XRTXRT Token (XRT)0.48655036 yaySTONEYay StakeSto... (yaySTO...)0.5 YFVYFValue (YFV)$0.01@0.0252,857.19866131 YT-USDe-25JUL2024YT Ethena US... (YT-USD...)0.00000065 Blur PoolBlur Pool (Blur P...)$0.00@3,913.284.91010207 CakePancakeSwap ... (Cake)$17.97@3.661.966634 USDTTether USD (USDT)$1.97@0.99940.000074 USDCUSDC (USDC)$0.00@0.99910.00029985 WETHWrapped Ethe... (WETH)$1.17@3,909.9807100.00004236ERC-20:8,460 Receive $GOG at https://guildofguardian.orgERC-20: ! GO... (Receiv...)5,220.8333333 2CRZ2CrazyToken0.68656683 5IRE5ire Token30,000 APEERC-20: ApeC... (APE)172.8 AVINOCAVINOC Token$7.23@0.04182,350 BCPBitcashPay5 BTC1ERC-20: Bitc... (BTC1)57.75037228 SMILEERC-20: bitS... (SMILE)710,683.21830726 NEURONCerebrum DAO Token$331.57@0.00059.9 CLONEERC-20: CLON... (CLONE)16,334.42229482 cTHLERC-20: Comm... (cTHL)3,969.23077948 CTACross The Ages$140.82@0.03551 cUSDcUSD Currency33,519.86133097 LAKEData Lake Token$371.97@0.011110,000 DATBOIERC-20: DatB... (DATBOI)588 DCTDDCTDAO10 DVPDecentralized Vulnerability Platform$0.00@0.0002290,958,612,695.655 DT42ERC-20: Deep... (DT42)12,852.35835782 DPRERC-20: Deep... (DPR)28,300 Official AirdropERC-20: Earn... (Offici...)101.7215501 ENXENEX.SPACE1.39967204 EQLERC-20: Equa... (EQL)5 ERCMOERC-20: ERCm... (ERCMO)200 ETHCERC-20: Ethc... (ETHC)1,004.48253518 eEIGENERC-20: ethe... (eEIGEN)0.0067183 FROYOERC-20: Froy... (FROYO)1 fsSOTA-FPAERC-20: FsPo... (fsSOTA...)100 FUNDFUND1,798.29512427 GDTGDT$4.71@0.00261 iERC-20: givi... (i)112,843.25166553 gKIMCHIERC-20: GOD ... (gKIMCH...)1,627.89233045 GACERC-20: Gree... (GAC)11.529 HERCERC-20: Herc... (HERC)6,530.36608723 IP3ERC-20: IP3 (IP3)1.25336385 IP3ERC-20: IP3 (IP3)0.21080026ERC20 ***309,919.55394632 LIZLizcoin$1,598.03@0.005212,345 LUPEERC-20: Lupe... (LUPE)12,845 LUPXLupecoin84,823.67250592 LYFELyfeToken20,000 MOTERC-20: Mach... (MOT)930,090 PEPESMcPepes$10.89@0.00799.308 SOMEMixsome10 NKCNeworkCoin177,777 IERC-20: Paja... (I)350 PAYIERC-20: PayI... (PAYI)1,850.34 PIPOERC-20: Pipo (PIPO)12,857 POLAERC-20: Polk... (POLA)5.25 preILVERC-20: Pre ... (preILV)262.47448349 xSAKEERC-20: Sake... (xSAKE)2,600 SVDsavedroid$0.25@0.000162,261,146.9190033 SillyERC-20: Sill... (Silly)250 SOLXERC-20: SOLU... (SOLX)150 SOUNDERC-20: Soun... (SOUND)78.89392991 sETHFIStaked ETHFI0.57087254 SCXERC-20: Swac... (SCX)594.03 RSB1SwissBorg Referendum 1100 TCXBERC-20: TCXh... (TCXB)6,633.36 APIThe APIs954.53614537 rUMB1Umbrella Reward #12 UnicornERC-20: Unic... (Unicor...)999 PRAYERC-20: We W... (PRAY)337,826,087 WHALEZERC-20: WHAL... (WHALEZ)0.00395807 XT-1ERC-20: XTok... (XT-1)27 YIELDYieldStone$2.79@0.10322,700 ZRSZaros Finance$29.95@0.01112 ZOOZoo Token7,587.8635713 ALKAlkemi_Network_DAO_Token23,142.85730649 BBLbeoble$184.88@0.0083,477 BYNBeyond Finance$4.07@0.00122,300 BCVTBitcoinVend596.66500298 BBANKBlockBank$0.12@0.00029,399.17679165 CATECash Tech10 DTAData150,000 DFNDdFund$38.90@0.00032,902.02597403 EBOXebox Token$1.50@0.00050.37984107 FRRFrontrow$0.00@0.0031 FXPFXPay2,176.47 KELKelVpn Token$10.89@0.005216.62 TANGOkeyTango Token20,000 LEDLedgerScore3,052.94119536 MELMelalie3,872 NFTTNFT.TECH162.98722658 YIELDYield Protocol$0.22@0.00131.4 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]15,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]2,500 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]6.25 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]250,457 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]3 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]300,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]1.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1,020.648 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]10,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]3,245 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]800 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (119)SPOOKSpookiesERC-721BASEINTRODUCEDBase, IntroducedERC-721EARPITZEarpitzx32ERC-721DEMONEasy DemonsERC-721KARA-3DKarafuru x HYPEBEAST x atmosERC-721KSPKiyoshi's Seeds Projectx2ERC-1155OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared Storefrontx3ERC-1155PMONCPolkamonOfficialCollectionERC-721ASSETSandbox's ASSETsERC-1155INUSipher INUx3ERC-721NEKOSipher NEKOx3ERC-721TrekkiTrekkiNFTx3ERC-721VALValentinex2ERC-721ZPR_NFTZapper NFTx2ERC-1155ZPR NFTZapper NFT V2x3ERC-1155ENSEthereum Name Servicex2ERC-721ERC-1155ERC-1155ERC-1155AIBOAibo Adventuresx2ERC-721ARTBAO Art BallERC-721Atsui Anime ClubAtsui Anime ClubERC-1155B-BRNBaby Burn: OpenSea Redeemable Examplex10ERC-721IVYBOYSBBRC OFFICIAL - IVY BOYSERC-721BEBBEBx2ERC-721BRNIEBurnie The Flame: OpenSea Redeemable ExampleERC-721TESTCSMCashmereLabs Testnet Early AdopterERC-721CTCCitiCharacterx2ERC-721CoinERC-1155Crypto Legends OriginalCrypto Legends OriginalERC-1155DDPDeadDudeProjectERC-721DRMYDreamyx2ERC-721DuDuDuDuLab NFTx3ERC-721$WORLDBUILDERSEigenLayer World Buildersx3ERC-721EIGENWORLDSEigenWorldsERC-721PANDAEIPandasERC-721EMBEthereum Monkey BusinessERC-721DENCUNEthereum, Evolved: DencunERC-1155LIZARDEthlizardsx2ERC-721EFCEver Fragments of Civitasx55ERC-721FCPRFarcaster: AlpacaERC-721$FCPRFarcaster: BisonERC-721$FCPRFarcaster: CapybaraERC-721FIREFireERC-721freakzFreakz by Subberx11ERC-721FreeNFTL3E7FreeNFT - L3E7 Registration StickerERC-721gakkoverseGakkoverseERC-721GradisArtGradisArtERC-1155GPIBGutter Punks - IVY BOYSERC-721GPPGDGutter Punks - PXN: Ghost DivisionERC-721HadaPixels - GenesisHadaPixels - GenesisERC-1155HeyBear GenesisHeyBear GenesisERC-1155HYNKHychainNodeKeyx3ERC-721IKHYikehaya PassERC-1155WLDAPPIntroducing World AppERC-721Ivy DogIvy DogERC-721JIRASANJirasanERC-721Kubz RelicKubz Relicx4ERC-721GuardiansL3E7 GuardiansERC-721Live PlinkoNFTLive PlinkoNFTERC-1155LLZLocked !fundrop passERC-721MOSMosquitoFamilyERC-721NTNametagERC-721NEGENNemus Genesis CollectionERC-721NVKLANDNetvrkLandERC-721NOTDITTONOT DITTOERC-721ODSYODYSSEYERC-721Oldeus1155ERC-1155OOZOOZ & matesx9ERC-721⭐OrigamasksERC-721PalioPalioAI Gen0ERC-721PEPEARMYPEPE ARMYx3ERC-721CHESTPirate Nation - Mystery ChestERC-721PPBSPolkaPets Base Setx2ERC-1155Polyhedra 2024Polyhedra 2024ERC-721claim rewards on pooledeth.netpooledeth.netERC-1155POTPotionERC-721PoSpProof Of Stake PagesERC-721qtopiaQtopiax2ERC-721SAB-V2-LOCKUP-LINSablier V2 Lockup Linear NFTERC-721SHAPELLAShapellaUpgradeERC-721SHYSYNDICATEShy Syndicatex6ERC-721Simple DT LabSimple DT LabERC-721Simple FL ClubSimple FL ClubERC-1155claim rewards on stakedeth.netstakedeth.netERC-1155Stand with Cryptox13ERC-721SSEPStar Symphony Elder Passx3ERC-721SFSuperordinary Friendsx9ERC-721TLGKTaiji Labs Genesis Keysx2ERC-721BAGStehBag Genesisx2ERC-721TFEThe Feline ExperimentERC-721$ROCKThe ROCKx2ERC-721TEBThreeEarsBunnyx2ERC-721Top Kitten OfficialsTop Kitten OfficialsERC-1155TSQTorqueSquadx2ERC-721UMUNCLEMAXERC-721UPCUndead Pastel ClubERC-721VCXVenture Capital XERC-721PCKTWelcome to Pocket UniverseERC-721WOAWWOAWx2ERC-721YOKAIYokaiERC-1155$ZAPFINZapper FinisERC-721ZGCZerion Genesis CollectionERC-1155ZORBZorbsERC-721zmferZuki mferx3ERC-721DNAZerion DNA 1.0ERC-721ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]
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Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block From To 21332634 2024-12-05 0:11:23 7 days ago 1733357483 0.2813269 ETH$1,098.37 21091242 2024-11-01 7:16:23 40 days ago 1730445383 0.14468488 ETH$564.88 21069091 2024-10-29 5:05:35 43 days ago 1730178335 1.699512 ETH$6,635.29 21033760 2024-10-24 6:47:23 48 days ago 1729752443 0.06007278 ETH$234.54 21032573 2024-10-24 2:48:59 49 days ago 1729738139 0.05161195 ETH$201.50 21024254 2024-10-22 22:58:47 50 days ago 1729637927 0.063768 ETH$248.97 21006954 2024-10-20 13:00:47 52 days ago 1729429247 0.21412 ETH$835.97 20996332 2024-10-19 1:28:47 54 days ago 1729301327 0.08751823 ETH$341.69 20967175 2024-10-14 23:46:11 58 days ago 1728949571 1.04300566 ETH$4,072.14 20906300 2024-10-06 11:45:47 66 days ago 1728215147 0.0388156 ETH$151.55 20905831 2024-10-06 10:11:47 66 days ago 1728209507 0.00000073 ETH$0.00 20888925 2024-10-04 1:40:11 69 days ago 1728006011 0.0000001 ETH$0.00 20875588 2024-10-02 5:01:47 70 days ago 1727845307 0.00000011 ETH$0.00 20868799 2024-10-01 6:17:23 71 days ago 1727763443 0.399399 ETH$1,559.35 20649439 2024-08-31 15:27:11 102 days ago 1725118031 0.396136 ETH$1,546.61 20649232 2024-08-31 14:45:23 102 days ago 1725115523 0.1 ETH$390.42 20181406 2024-06-27 7:02:59 167 days ago 1719471779 0.22465074 ETH$877.09 20154996 2024-06-23 14:30:23 171 days ago 1719153023 0.14925601 ETH$582.73 19997769 2024-06-01 15:09:11 193 days ago 1717254551 0.199 ETH$776.94 19901014 2024-05-19 2:30:11 207 days ago 1716085811 0.00000703 ETH$0.03 19782739 2024-05-02 13:28:47 223 days ago 1714656527 0.03255905 ETH$127.12 19782723 2024-05-02 13:25:35 223 days ago 1714656335 0.98776019 ETH$3,856.44 19682848 2024-04-18 14:09:59 237 days ago 1713449399 0.00002788 ETH$0.11 19665290 2024-04-16 3:12:47 240 days ago 1713237167 0.12123483 ETH$473.33 19359572 2024-03-04 5:00:35 282 days ago 1709528435 0.551 ETH$2,151.23 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH Ether (ETH)9.82% $3,909.98 0.4665 $1,824.12 ETH 8.60% $0.005156 309,919.5539 $1,598.03 ETH 3.31% $0.213164 2,880.0004 $613.91 ETH 3.18% $4.13 143.1197 $591.08 ETH 2.60% $1.84 262.1401 $482.34 ETH 2.02% $0.051998 7,215 $375.17 ETH 2.00% $0.011097 33,519.8613 $371.97 ETH 1.79% $0.000467 710,683.2183 $331.57 ETH 1.59% $0.159741 1,846 $294.88 ETH 1.48% $2.15 127.2816 $273.98 ETH 1.03% $0.024092 7,919.3529 $190.79 ETH 1.00% $0.007989 23,142.8573 $184.88 ETH 0.76% $0.035477 3,969.2308 $140.82 ETH 0.73% $0.705224 193 $136.11 ETH 0.60% $0.074736 1,500 $112.1 ETH 0.60% $0.820298 135.8208 $111.41 ETH 0.58% $0.114115 937.5 $106.98 ETH 0.41% $0.154859 497 $76.96 ETH 0.21% $0.000259 150,000 $38.9 ETH 0.17% $0.00206 15,429.6875 $31.78 ETH 0.16% $0.011094 2,700 $29.95 ETH 0.14% $0.066081 400 $26.43 ETH 0.14% $0.003427 7,500 $25.71 ETH 0.11% $0.000145 135,856 $19.75 ETH 0.10% $0.000002 9,900,000 $19.47 ETH 0.10% $3.66 4.9101 $17.97 ETH 0.10% $0.001325 13,430 $17.8 ETH 0.06% $0.006243 1,900 $11.86 ETH 0.06% $0.000012 930,090 $10.89 ETH 0.06% $0.005004 2,176.47 $10.89 ETH 0.04% $0.041831 172.8 $7.23 ETH 0.04% $18.18 0.3798 $6.91 ETH 0.03% $0.002618 1,798.2951 $4.71 ETH 0.02% $0.001172 3,477 $4.07 ETH 0.02% $0.000304 11,249.1741 $3.42 ETH 0.02% $1.16 2.7905 $3.24 ETH 0.02% $0.103225 27 $2.79 ETH 0.01% $0.00511 528.5714 $2.7 ETH 0.01% $0.000969 2,520.0181 $2.44 ETH 0.01% $0.999387 1.9666 $1.97 ETH <0.01% $0.000519 2,902.026 $1.5 ETH <0.01% $3,909.98 0.00029985 $1.17 ETH <0.01% $0.738135 0.91 $0.6717 ETH <0.01% $0.000039 10,000 $0.3926 ETH <0.01% $0.000032 11,372.735 $0.3651 ETH <0.01% $0.005452 64.9783 $0.3542 ETH <0.01% $0.000097 2,600 $0.2517 ETH <0.01% $0.001336 162.9872 $0.2177 ETH <0.01% $33.34 0.00402565 $0.1342 ETH <0.01% $0.000204 596.665 $0.1216 ZKSYNC 25.88% $0.240312 20,000 $4,806.24 ZKSYNC 1.15% $3,909.98 0.0544 $212.71 ZKSYNC 0.04% $2.95 2.6728 $7.88 BASE 10.05% $0.037218 50,166.3334 $1,867.09 BASE 6.59% $0.999428 1,223.716 $1,223.02 BASE 0.39% $3,910.25 0.0186 $72.67 BASE 0.07% <$0.000001 325,352,111 $13.63 BASE 0.01% $0.000014 143,367.8492 $1.96 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 17,761,776 $0.2166 BASE <0.01% $79.31 0.00159713 $0.1266 BSC 1.04% $0.001734 111,057.9648 $192.53 BSC 0.69% $0.010384 12,265.5 $127.36 BSC 0.59% $0.001055 103,463.9998 $109.17 BSC 0.43% $0.03715 2,143 $79.61 BSC 0.40% $0.004364 16,889.3617 $73.71 BSC 0.28% $0.001606 32,736 $52.58 BSC 0.28% $0.047945 1,089.3336 $52.23 BSC 0.21% $0.378511 105.3696 $39.88 BSC 0.20% $0.000004 9,487,934.957 $36.53 BSC 0.16% $0.001244 24,380.8568 $30.34 BSC 0.15% $0.009997 2,704.9866 $27.04 BSC 0.13% $0.000424 58,050 $24.62 BSC 0.10% $100,937.32 0.00018863 $19.04 BSC 0.09% $716.86 0.0223 $15.99 BSC 0.06% $0.000397 30,095.8 $11.94 BSC 0.06% $0.001038 10,906 $11.32 BSC 0.04% $7.89 1 $7.89 BSC 0.04% $0.000096 78,255 $7.48 BSC 0.04% $0.002657 2,470.2 $6.56 BSC 0.03% $1.05 4.5579 $4.78 BSC 0.02% $0.778304 4.7389 $3.69 BSC 0.02% $0.001106 3,300 $3.65 BSC <0.01% $0.000008 193,718.3 $1.56 BSC <0.01% $0.000145 10,000 $1.45 BSC <0.01% $0.00008 16,921 $1.36 BSC <0.01% $0.244554 4.0279 $0.985 BSC <0.01% <$0.000001 943,585,927.8348 $0.9737 BSC <0.01% $1 0.6403 $0.6409 BSC <0.01% $0.469483 0.9062 $0.4254 BSC <0.01% $0.001001 250 $0.2501 BSC <0.01% $0.000702 235 $0.1649 POL 0.95% $0.016633 10,635.74 $176.91 POL 0.72% $0.00629 21,161 $133.09 POL 0.71% $0.017983 7,322 $131.67 POL 0.03% $0.650887 8.615 $5.61 POL 0.03% $0.00052 10,560 $5.49 POL <0.01% $3,912.36 0.00029322 $1.15 POL <0.01% $0.000332 1,264.9855 $0.4198 LINEA 1.19% $3,904.23 0.0564 $220.32 LINEA 0.16% $0.999817 29.0003 $28.99 LINEA <0.01% $3,899.51 0.00018386 $0.7169 AVAX 0.51% $49.71 1.9104 $94.97 AVAX 0.13% $0.002832 8,590.7261 $24.33 AVAX 0.13% $0.001235 18,840 $23.28 AVAX 0.04% $0.003666 2,085.8954 $7.65 OPBNB 0.46% $717.03 0.1179 $84.51 OPBNB 0.02% $3,913.71 0.001 $3.91 OPBNB 0.01% $1 2.1232 $2.12 GLMR 0.34% $0.388363 162.929 $63.28 GLMR 0.07% $0.000551 23,298 $12.84 GLMR 0.05% $0.339771 25.0744 $8.52 MANTLE 0.37% $1.33 51.8488 $68.89 MANTLE 0.04% $3,889.03 0.002 $7.78 ARB 0.21% $3,907.28 0.0102 $39.9 ARB 0.11% $1,464.84 0.0144 $21.03 ARB 0.02% $100,805 0.00004533 $4.57 ARB 0.01% $27.72 0.1 $2.77 ARB <0.01% $18.05 0.1 $1.81 ARB <0.01% $0.996814 1 $0.9968 ARB <0.01% $0.083981 10 $0.8398 ARB <0.01% $0.211394 1 $0.2113 ARB <0.01% $0.017696 10 $0.1769 ARB <0.01% $0.025068 5 $0.1253 OP 0.12% $3,909.9 0.00551005 $21.54 OP 0.02% $2.48 1.5566 $3.85 OP <0.01% $4,016.51 0.00006968 $0.2798 SCROLL 0.07% $0.000001 15,407,089.5345 $13.48 SCROLL 0.04% $0.000001 8,660,744.0678 $7.13 SCROLL 0.02% $3,909.98 0.00086734 $3.39 BLAST 0.11% $3,910.25 0.00505994 $19.79 BLAST <0.01% $0.011754 95.8393 $1.13 MOVR 0.07% $17.26 0.7075 $12.21 MOVR <0.01% $0.013618 22.0351 $0.30 TAIKO 0.06% $3,909.98 0.00290774 $11.37 FTM 0.05% $1.31 7.3834 $9.7 CELO 0.02% $0.902126 5.0967 $4.6 CELO <0.01% $3,913.28 0.00037203 $1.46 GNO 0.02% $0.999935 4.5517 $4.55 ARBNOVA 0.02% $3,909.48 0.00100137 $3.91 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Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node.Connect a Wallet
Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node.SignIn
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