ETH Price: $3,386.02 (-1.50%)
Gas: 2 Gwei




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Hifi Finance (HIFI) (@$0.4739)
Transaction Hash
0x77eb822a6e55cfadbe1978baa06eacd8554128b686bdf11142f18f0e55a16150 Approve(pending)2024-06-23 8:26:286 days ago1719131188IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH(Pending)(Pending)
Transfer201963772024-06-29 9:14:1113 mins ago1719652451IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000117432.07287982
Transfer201962122024-06-29 8:40:4747 mins ago1719650447IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000104263
Transfer201958162024-06-29 7:20:472 hrs ago1719645647IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000126293.63140629
Transfer201957012024-06-29 6:57:472 hrs ago1719644267IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000146264.20837111
Transfer201956632024-06-29 6:50:112 hrs ago1719643811IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000279444.9334142
Transfer201956532024-06-29 6:48:112 hrs ago1719643691IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000125342.21241648
Approve201940112024-06-29 1:17:598 hrs ago1719623879IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000117212.51384899
Transfer201939752024-06-29 1:10:478 hrs ago1719623447IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000069512
Transfer201938522024-06-29 0:45:598 hrs ago1719621959IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000086711.67226392
Transfer201936492024-06-29 0:04:479 hrs ago1719619487IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000218453.85580305
Transfer201931332024-06-28 22:20:4711 hrs ago1719613247IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000104223
Transfer201926492024-06-28 20:43:2312 hrs ago1719607403IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000196414.96573476
Approve201924172024-06-28 19:56:4713 hrs ago1719604607IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000127742.75348535
Transfer201924052024-06-28 19:54:2313 hrs ago1719604463IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000260682.91091327
Transfer201914012024-06-28 16:32:5916 hrs ago1719592379IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.0005881310.38104679
Transfer201905002024-06-28 13:31:3519 hrs ago1719581495IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000273826.92470143
Transfer201904782024-06-28 13:27:1120 hrs ago1719581231IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.0004745112
Transfer201901042024-06-28 12:12:1121 hrs ago1719576731IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000406297.17143357
Transfer201885272024-06-28 6:55:2326 hrs ago1719557723IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.00030095.31009149
Approve201877912024-06-28 4:27:2329 hrs ago1719548843IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000162363.48214642
Transfer201876852024-06-28 4:05:5929 hrs ago1719547559IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000177485.10678065
Transfer201876182024-06-28 3:52:2329 hrs ago1719546743IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.000208753.68458682
Transfer201847512024-06-27 18:15:2339 hrs ago1719512123IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.0006227117.91734185
Transfer201846972024-06-27 18:04:3539 hrs ago1719511475IN
Hifi Finance: HIFI Token
0 ETH0.0012463924.03607577
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File 1 of 2 : Hifi.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;

import "@prb/contracts/token/erc20/IERC20.sol";

contract Hifi {
    /// @notice EIP-20 token name for this token
    string public constant name = "Hifi Finance";

    /// @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token
    string public constant symbol = "HIFI";

    /// @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token
    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;

    /// @notice The MFT token contract
    IERC20 public constant mft = IERC20(0xDF2C7238198Ad8B389666574f2d8bc411A4b7428);

    /// @notice Hifi to MFT token swap ratio
    uint8 public constant swapRatio = 100;

    /// @notice Total number of tokens in circulation
    uint256 public totalSupply = 26_250_000e18; // 26.25 million Hifi

    /// @notice Address which may mint new tokens
    address public minter;

    /// @notice Allowance amounts on behalf of others
    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint96)) internal allowances;

    /// @notice Official record of token balances for each account
    mapping(address => uint96) internal balances;

    /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate
    mapping(address => address) public delegates;

    /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block
    struct Checkpoint {
        uint32 fromBlock;
        uint96 votes;

    /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index
    mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints;

    /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account
    mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints;

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain
    bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)");

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract
    bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)");

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the permit struct used by the contract
    bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)");

    /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures
    mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;

    /// @notice An event thats emitted when the minter address is changed
    event MinterChanged(address minter, address newMinter);

    /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate
    event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate);

    /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes
    event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance);

    /// @notice An event thats emitted when an MFT token is swapped for HIFI
    event Swap(address indexed sender, uint256 mftAmount, uint256 hifiAmount);

    /// @notice The standard EIP-20 transfer event
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

    /// @notice The standard EIP-20 approval event
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount);

     * @notice Construct a new Hifi token
     * @param account The initial account to grant all the tokens
     * @param minter_ The account with minting ability
    constructor(address account, address minter_) {
        balances[account] = uint96(totalSupply);
        emit Transfer(address(0), account, totalSupply);
        minter = minter_;
        emit MinterChanged(address(0), minter);

     * @notice Change the minter address
     * @param minter_ The address of the new minter
    function setMinter(address minter_) external {
        require(msg.sender == minter, "Hifi::setMinter: only the minter can change the minter address");
        emit MinterChanged(minter, minter_);
        minter = minter_;

     * @notice Mint new tokens
     * @param dst The address of the destination account
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to be minted
    function mint(address dst, uint256 rawAmount) external {
        require(msg.sender == minter, "Hifi::mint: only the minter can mint");
        uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::mint: rawAmount exceeds 96 bits");
        _mint(dst, amount);

     * @notice Mints `amount` tokens to `account`, increasing the total supply
     * @param account The address of the account to mint to
     * @param amount The number of tokens to mint
    function _mint(address account, uint96 amount) internal {
        require(account != address(0), "Hifi::_mint: mint to the zero address");

        uint96 supply = safe96(totalSupply, "Hifi::_mint: old supply exceeds 96 bits");
        totalSupply = supply + amount;

        balances[account] = balances[account] + amount;
        emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount);

        // move delegates
        _moveDelegates(address(0), delegates[account], amount);

     * @notice Get the number of tokens `spender` is approved to spend on behalf of `account`
     * @param account The address of the account holding the funds
     * @param spender The address of the account spending the funds
     * @return The number of tokens approved
    function allowance(address account, address spender) external view returns (uint256) {
        return allowances[account][spender];

     * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src`
     * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender`
     *  and is subject to issues noted [here](
     * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens that are approved (2^256-1 means infinite)
     * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded
    function approve(address spender, uint256 rawAmount) external returns (bool) {
        uint96 amount;
        if (rawAmount == type(uint256).max) {
            amount = type(uint96).max;
        } else {
            amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::approve: amount exceeds 96 bits");

        allowances[msg.sender][spender] = amount;

        emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount);
        return true;

     * @notice Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to burn
    function burn(uint256 rawAmount) external {
        uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::burn: rawAmount exceeds 96 bits");
        _burn(msg.sender, amount);

     * @notice Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's allowance
     * @param account The address of the account to burn from
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to burn
    function burnFrom(address account, uint256 rawAmount) external {
        uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::burnFrom: rawAmount exceeds 96 bits");

        uint96 decreasedAllowance = allowances[account][msg.sender] - amount;
        allowances[account][msg.sender] = decreasedAllowance;
        emit Approval(account, msg.sender, decreasedAllowance);

        _burn(account, amount);

     * @notice Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the total supply
     * @param account The address of the account to burn from
     * @param amount The number of tokens to burn
    function _burn(address account, uint96 amount) internal {
        require(account != address(0), "Hifi::_burn: burn from the zero address");

        uint96 supply = safe96(totalSupply, "Hifi::_burn: old supply exceeds 96 bits");
        totalSupply = supply - amount;

        balances[account] = balances[account] - amount;
        emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount);

        // move delegates
        _moveDelegates(delegates[account], address(0), amount);

     * @notice Triggers an approval from owner to spends
     * @param owner The address to approve from
     * @param spender The address to be approved
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens that are approved (2^256-1 means infinite)
     * @param deadline The time at which to expire the signature
     * @param v The recovery byte of the signature
     * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair
     * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair
    function permit(
        address owner,
        address spender,
        uint256 rawAmount,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) external {
        uint96 amount;
        if (rawAmount == type(uint256).max) {
            amount = type(uint96).max;
        } else {
            amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::permit: amount exceeds 96 bits");

        bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
            abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), getChainId(), address(this))
        bytes32 structHash = keccak256(
            abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, rawAmount, nonces[owner]++, deadline)
        bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash));
        address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
        require(signatory != address(0), "Hifi::permit: invalid signature");
        require(signatory == owner, "Hifi::permit: unauthorized");
        require(block.timestamp <= deadline, "Hifi::permit: signature expired");

        allowances[owner][spender] = amount;

        emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);

     * @notice Get the number of tokens held by the `account`
     * @param account The address of the account to get the balance of
     * @return The number of tokens held
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256) {
        return balances[account];

     * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst`
     * @param dst The address of the destination account
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to transfer
     * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded
    function transfer(address dst, uint256 rawAmount) external returns (bool) {
        uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::transfer: amount exceeds 96 bits");
        _transferTokens(msg.sender, dst, amount);
        return true;

     * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst`
     * @param src The address of the source account
     * @param dst The address of the destination account
     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to transfer
     * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded
    function transferFrom(
        address src,
        address dst,
        uint256 rawAmount
    ) external returns (bool) {
        address spender = msg.sender;
        uint96 spenderAllowance = allowances[src][spender];
        uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Hifi::approve: amount exceeds 96 bits");

        if (spender != src && spenderAllowance != type(uint96).max) {
            uint96 newAllowance = spenderAllowance - amount;
            allowances[src][spender] = newAllowance;

            emit Approval(src, spender, newAllowance);

        _transferTokens(src, dst, amount);
        return true;

     * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee`
     * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to
    function delegate(address delegatee) public {
        return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee);

     * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee`
     * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to
     * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature
     * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature
     * @param v The recovery byte of the signature
     * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair
     * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair
    function delegateBySig(
        address delegatee,
        uint256 nonce,
        uint256 expiry,
        uint8 v,
        bytes32 r,
        bytes32 s
    ) public {
        bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
            abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), getChainId(), address(this))
        bytes32 structHash = keccak256(abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry));
        bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash));
        address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
        require(signatory != address(0), "Hifi::delegateBySig: invalid signature");
        require(nonce == nonces[signatory]++, "Hifi::delegateBySig: invalid nonce");
        require(block.timestamp <= expiry, "Hifi::delegateBySig: signature expired");
        return _delegate(signatory, delegatee);

     * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account`
     * @param account The address to get votes balance
     * @return The number of current votes for `account`
    function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint96) {
        uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account];
        return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0;

     * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number
     * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation.
     * @param account The address of the account to check
     * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at
     * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block
    function getPriorVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) public view returns (uint96) {
        require(blockNumber < block.number, "Hifi::getPriorVotes: not yet determined");

        uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) {
            return 0;

        // First check most recent balance
        if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) {
            return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes;

        // Next check implicit zero balance
        if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) {
            return 0;

        uint32 lower = 0;
        uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1;
        while (upper > lower) {
            uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow
            Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center];
            if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) {
                return cp.votes;
            } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) {
                lower = center;
            } else {
                upper = center - 1;
        return checkpoints[account][lower].votes;

    function swap(uint256 mftAmount) external {
        require(mftAmount != 0, "Hifi::swap: swap amount can't be zero");
        require(mft.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(1), mftAmount));

        uint256 rawHifiAmount = mftAmount / swapRatio;

        uint96 hifiAmount = safe96(rawHifiAmount, "Hifi::swap: swap exceeds 96 bits");
        _mint(msg.sender, hifiAmount);

        emit Swap(msg.sender, mftAmount, hifiAmount);

    function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal {
        address currentDelegate = delegates[delegator];
        uint96 delegatorBalance = balances[delegator];
        delegates[delegator] = delegatee;

        emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee);

        _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance);

    function _transferTokens(
        address src,
        address dst,
        uint96 amount
    ) internal {
        require(src != address(0), "Hifi::_transferTokens: cannot transfer from the zero address");
        require(dst != address(0), "Hifi::_transferTokens: cannot transfer to the zero address");

        balances[src] = balances[src] - amount;
        balances[dst] = balances[dst] + amount;
        emit Transfer(src, dst, amount);

        _moveDelegates(delegates[src], delegates[dst], amount);

    function _moveDelegates(
        address srcRep,
        address dstRep,
        uint96 amount
    ) internal {
        if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) {
            if (srcRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep];
                uint96 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0;
                uint96 srcRepNew = srcRepOld - amount;
                _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew);

            if (dstRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep];
                uint96 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0;
                uint96 dstRepNew = dstRepOld + amount;
                _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew);

    function _writeCheckpoint(
        address delegatee,
        uint32 nCheckpoints,
        uint96 oldVotes,
        uint96 newVotes
    ) internal {
        uint32 blockNumber = safe32(block.number, "Hifi::_writeCheckpoint: block number exceeds 32 bits");

        if (nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber) {
            checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes;
        } else {
            checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(blockNumber, newVotes);
            numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1;

        emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes);

    function safe32(uint256 n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint32) {
        require(n < 2**32, errorMessage);
        return uint32(n);

    function safe96(uint256 n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint96) {
        require(n < 2**96, errorMessage);
        return uint96(n);

    function getChainId() internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 chainId;
        assembly {
            chainId := chainid()
        return chainId;

File 2 of 2 : IERC20.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;

/// @title IERC20
/// @author Paul Razvan Berg
/// @notice Implementation for the ERC-20 standard.
/// We have followed general OpenZeppelin guidelines: functions revert instead of returning
/// `false` on failure. This behavior is nonetheless conventional and does not conflict with
/// the with the expectations of ERC-20 applications.
/// Additionally, an {Approval} event is emitted on calls to {transferFrom}. This allows
/// applications to reconstruct the allowance for all accounts just by listening to said
/// events. Other implementations of the ERC may not emit these events, as it isn't
/// required by the specification.
/// Finally, the non-standard {decreaseAllowance} and {increaseAllowance} functions have been
/// added to mitigate the well-known issues around setting allowances.
/// @dev Forked from OpenZeppelin
interface IERC20 {
    /// CUSTOM ERRORS ///

    /// @notice Emitted when the owner is the zero address.
    error ERC20__ApproveOwnerZeroAddress();

    /// @notice Emitted when the spender is the zero address.
    error ERC20__ApproveSpenderZeroAddress();

    /// @notice Emitted when burning more tokens than are in the account.
    error ERC20__BurnUnderflow(uint256 accountBalance, uint256 burnAmount);

    /// @notice Emitted when the holder is the zero address.
    error ERC20__BurnZeroAddress();

    /// @notice Emitted when the owner did not give the spender sufficient allowance.
    error ERC20__InsufficientAllowance(uint256 allowance, uint256 amount);

    /// @notice Emitted when tranferring more tokens than there are in the account.
    error ERC20__InsufficientBalance(uint256 senderBalance, uint256 amount);

    /// @notice Emitted when the beneficiary is the zero address.
    error ERC20__MintZeroAddress();

    /// @notice Emitted when the sender is the zero address.
    error ERC20__TransferSenderZeroAddress();

    /// @notice Emitted when the recipient is the zero address.
    error ERC20__TransferRecipientZeroAddress();

    /// EVENTS ///

    /// @notice Emitted when an approval happens.
    /// @param owner The address of the owner of the tokens.
    /// @param spender The address of the spender.
    /// @param amount The maximum amount that can be spent.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount);

    /// @notice Emitted when a transfer happens.
    /// @param from The account sending the tokens.
    /// @param to The account receiving the tokens.
    /// @param amount The amount of tokens transferred.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);


    /// @notice Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be allowed to spend
    /// on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is zero by default.
    /// @dev This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation.
    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

    /// @notice Returns the name of the token.
    function name() external view returns (string memory);

    /// @notice Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the name.
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

    /// @notice Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);


    /// @notice Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
    /// @dev Emits an {Approval} event.
    /// IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may
    /// use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution
    /// to mitigate this race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired
    /// value afterwards:
    /// Requirements:
    /// - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
    /// @return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

    /// @notice Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
    /// @dev Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
    /// This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for problems described
    /// in {IERC20-approve}.
    /// Requirements:
    /// - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
    /// - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least `subtractedAmount`.
    function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedAmount) external returns (bool);

    /// @notice Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
    /// @dev Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
    /// This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for the problems described above.
    /// Requirements:
    /// - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
    function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedAmount) external returns (bool);

    /// @notice Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`.
    /// @dev Emits a {Transfer} event.
    /// Requirements:
    /// - `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
    /// - The caller must have a balance of at least `amount`.
    /// @return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

    /// @notice Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the allowance mechanism. `amount`
    /// `is then deducted from the caller's allowance.
    /// @dev Emits a {Transfer} event and an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is
    /// not required by the ERC. See the note at the beginning of {ERC-20}.
    /// Requirements:
    /// - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address.
    /// - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`.
    /// - The caller must have approed `sender` to spent at least `amount` tokens.
    /// @return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
    function transferFrom(
        address sender,
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount
    ) external returns (bool);

  "metadata": {
    "bytecodeHash": "none"
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 800
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
  "libraries": {}

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI

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Deployed Bytecode


Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)


-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : account (address): 0xD3297C6AB8B7C2D9175A38E3e7F669b286A3296f
Arg [1] : minter_ (address): 0xD3297C6AB8B7C2D9175A38E3e7F669b286A3296f

-----Encoded View---------------
2 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000d3297c6ab8b7c2d9175a38e3e7f669b286a3296f
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000d3297c6ab8b7c2d9175a38e3e7f669b286a3296f

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Hifi allows anyone to borrow against their crypto. Hifi uses a bond-like instrument, representing an on-chain obligation that settles on a specific future date. Buying and selling the tokenized debt enables fixed-rate lending and borrowing.

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