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(LNDX)$51.96@0.4332.24408677 LPTLivepeer Tok... (LPT)$34.45@15.3529,329.45059001 LIZALIZA (LIZA)$29.97@0.00129.23 LOTTOLotto (LOTTO)$0.00@0.007,234.69633282 MDTMeasurable D... (MDT)$413.06@0.057165.6663436 MCMerit Circle (MC)$16.35@0.249463.0452 MUNITYMetahorse Un... (MUNITY)$3.22@0.007850.5548749 MLMLTToken (ML)$118.54@0.139449.1099752 MODModefi (MOD)$1.39@0.02832,533.0883387 MOLLYMolly AI (MOLLY)0.84237118 MUSHMUSH (MUSH)$0.01@0.007284.81450156 NTVRKNETVRK (NTVRK)$5.78@0.06815,543.29244138 OROORO Token (ORO)$29.50@0.00535 PSPParaSwap (PSP)$0.10@0.0206377.44839875 PKFPolkaFoundry (PKF)$12.09@0.03210 ZKPolyhedra Ne... (ZK)$14.60@1.4670.47235808 RAZORRAZOR (RAZOR)$0.18@0.0025140 RSTKRestake Fina... (RSTK)$1.98@0.01411,499.8268892 RFuelRio Fuel Tok... (RFuel)$2.29@0.001527 SABAISabai Ecover... (SABAI)$0.66@0.02457,450 SCUSecurypto (SCU)11.93737985 SHARESshares.finan... (SHARES)18,679,092,711.4373 SHIKSHIKOKU INU (SHIK)$27.63@0.00564.2497102 SOTASOTA (SOTA)$0.55@0.00137.2811877 st1INCHStaking 1INC... (st1INC...)0 stETHstETH (stETH)$0.00@3,673.6437.2811877 UPUnicorn Powe... (UP)2,115 UDOUnido (UDO)$7.40@0.0035146.24544935 UNOUnoRe (UNO)$2.42@0.016640,500.31416724 VERSEVerse (VERSE)$8.82@0.0002546.7784082 XDXD Token (XD)$11.72@0.02146,250 YDRYDragon (YDR)$1.17@0.00020.03767939 COMPCompound (COMP)$2.65@70.424.55610911 EIGENEigen (EIGEN)$16.95@3.722.88996243 CakePancakeSwap ... (Cake)$8.58@2.97496,000 Get $PEPECOIN reward at https://pepecoinweb.comERC-20: ! pe... (Get $P...)1 BXX Reward Token ( # ba... (BXX Re...)320,000 $CAT Reward Ticket (Website: # FL... ($CAT R...)64,300 KISHU Reward Ticket (Website: # KI... (KISHU ...)5 TATSU Reward Tickets ( # TA... (TATSU ...)86 TSA Credit Access ( # te... (TSA Cr...)783,000 DOG Voucher Token ( $ ow... (DOG Vo...)35,607.06096672 HIMERC-20: (wil... (HIM)162,809.5717839 0xAVERC-20: 0xAv... (0xAV)106,837.57853756 0xOS0xOS AI$1.65@0.00694,798,953.591384 888ERC-20: 888 ... (888)1,373,577 Swap to ETH here - https://Abroshib.orgERC-20: Abro... (Swap t...)385.1945218 EEFIERC-20: Ampl... (EEFI)911 HEALPERC-20: An E... (HEALP)0.00036368 ARTHARTH0.00060459 ARTHBERC-20: ARTH... (ARTHB)260,065.39095108 ARTHXERC-20: ARTH... (ARTHX)12,326.54751068 BXXERC-20: Baan... (BXX)$532.78@0.0432381,640,254.016106 $BabyAbeERC-20: Baby... ($BabyA...)7,500 blastnative.comERC-20: blas... (blastn...)745.12144664 BMAILERC-20: Bloc... (BMAIL)232,061.2343297 BOREDBORED MUSEUM100 cBSNBSNcommunitynet1,000 CHUBERC-20: Call... (CHUB)4,002.28292641 CBDHTERC-20: CBDH... (CBDHT)2,729,609.65094731 CHIBAERC-20: CHIB... (CHIBA)179,148,978,162.278 FF7ERC-20: Clou... (FF7)6,721,229.67124696 CDOGEERC-20: Comp... (CDOGE)50 CPIConsumer Price Index3,766.73831633 CONVERGECONVERGE BOT$4.08@0.00113,064.28536959 MILKERC-20: Cowb... (MILK)10,416,787,664.9786 BANANASERC-20: Craz... (BANANA...)577,574.70856318 NEWSERC-20: CRYP... (NEWS)11,120,739.7327119 CULTERC-20: CULT (CULT)9,500 CBRCybercoin16,555,219.3815084 CZCERC-20: CZ C... (CZC)3,788,307,731,492.55 DWIERC-20: Deal... (DWI)12,000 FakeAIDeepFakeAI$193.62@0.01611 DFADeFine Art$0.00@0.000488.90061307 DEFXDeFinity$3.94@0.044393.71421671 DFCDegen Fighting Championship$3.50@0.037429,169,514.7003104 DMCRCYERC-20: DMCR... (DMCRCY)10.67103693 EBKEbakus0 LINKETHPAETH/LINK PA Candlestick Set2,000,000 ETHGERC-20: Ethe... (ETHG)106,837.58 ESAIERC-20: Eths... (ESAI)0.65972311 WTFfees.wtf305.81513171 FLOKIERC-20: FLOK... (FLOKI)1,427,779,825.37891 FLOKIPUPERC-20: Flok... (FLOKIP...)2,492.04770137 FYAERC-20: FYA.... (FYA)1,002 GECGECOIN$150.09@0.1498300,000 GDAGGHOSTDAG66,764,388.8261178 GENSLERERC-20: GREE... (GENSLE...)2,103,111,415.55121 HABIBERC-20: Habi... (HABIB)186.9594277 MoneroERC-20: Harr... (Monero)5,240,519.05045865 SOLANAERC-20: Herm... (SOLANA)368,411,726.050292 HOBBESERC-20: Hobb... (HOBBES)106.74896324 HRZNHorizon$1.49@0.01439.156 VENIMPULSEVEN58,614.08694665 INFIERC-20: INFI... (INFI)14.03506724 STRMERC-20: Inst... (STRM)0.00000116 ICRWERC-20: Ipho... (ICRW)153,944.175 KARATEKarate$100.17@0.0007888,888 KICKKickToken25.87296194 kMPLKiloAmple8,443.15747582 LABSLABS Group$5.54@0.000712,500 LEMONLemonrocks$190.47@0.0152483 LEOXLEOX$192.01@0.3975631.79651892 lGEMERC-20: lGEM (lGEM)0 LINKPTLINK Profit Taker Set0.05 MGBMagic Balancer0.00005276 MLP-V1ERC-20: Maha... (MLP-V1)2.3477922 MetanautERC-20: Meta... (Metana...)3,468.56509491 MHTERC-20: MHT (MHT)42,262.34219506 MONAERC-20: Mona (MONA)32,336,593,388.2939 MONGOOSEERC-20: Mong... (MONGOO...)0.000055 sMYXERC-20: MYX ... (sMYX)252.2011892 NAKANakamoto.Games7,954,683.91280242 NTENDOERC-20: Nint... (NTENDO)4,618,812,534.22353 OrdinalBoxERC-20: Ordi... (Ordina...)7.55677848 ORNOrion Protocol606.24315353 PKCERC-20: Poke... (PKC)78,143,690,815.7333 POSHIERC-20: Posh... (POSHI)52.80490728 LPH1ERC-20: Pred... (LPH1)4,104,863.2245265 PROPERC-20: Prop... (PROP)650 RAVENRavenFund16.96290073 RHTERC-20: RHT (RHT)34,520.42575046 RPGMAIERC-20: RPG ... (RPGMAI)4,091.7021412 SFTSatoshiFinanceToken2,430.83598089 SBERC-20: Shar... (SB)300 SHIASHIA$0.14@0.00059,900 Get $SHIA Reward at https://shiba-saga.orgERC-20: SHIA... (Get $S...)100.58691447 SHIBA2ERC-20: Shib... (SHIBA2)8,000 SHOPERC-20: Shop... (SHOP)11,030,028.149764 RICESimple Grain186.8699406 sePSP2ERC-20: Soci... (sePSP2)5,000 SPCTRSpectre$0.00@0.002,670,252,861.59617 TARDARERC-20: Tard... (TARDAR)41.74575976 THTERC-20: THT (THT)1,936.70456248 TOKTOK395.97415383 TKSTTokenSight Token$14.93@0.0377863.36575947 TMPLERC-20: Trua... (TMPL)487.95853069 UHTERC-20: UHT (UHT)0 UNI-V2Uniswap DUCK/DDIM LP (UNI-V2)0.00000001 UNI-V2Uniswap USDC/DUCK LP (UNI-V2)0.02031811 UNI-V2ERC-20: Unis... (UNI-V2)27.5563455 UNI-V2ERC-20: Unis... (UNI-V2)14.82918691 VERSE-XERC-20: Vers... (VERSE-...)36,008.86956667 vANTIXERC-20: vest... (vANTIX)2,539.94 VVVirtual Versions$0.08@0.00225 VTLGERC-20: Vita... (VTLG)759,351.31756464 WAIERC-20: Watc... (WAI)636,729.37671419 WINDERC-20: WIND... (WIND)22,421,466.447177 XX$9.13@0.0061,974.99 xRES.orgERC-20: xRES... (xRES.o...)123.06276229 xTradesERC-20: xTra... (xTrade...)5,925,251.30916782 MOONCERC-20: Ⲙⲟⲟⲛ... (MOONC)0.7 HQGERC-20: 环球股 (HQG)21 BYNBeyond Finance$0.03@0.0012495.50142324 BCVTBitcoinVend4,216.71960456 CATECash Tech66,151,401,011.0943 DEKUDekuInu932,025,272.911634 DIGINUDIGINU12,967,391.0652117 DINGERDinger Token$38.90@0.001,799.99958704 EBOXebox Token$0.93@0.0005221.39 FORCEForce DAO0.00645731 FORMFormation Finance$0.00@0.0007729.7132536 TANGOkeyTango Token201,112.45312065 KISHUKishu Inu$0.00@0.003,211.10414392 L3PLepricon3,820,144,215,466.33 Mononoke-InuMononoke Inu$3.70@0.0047,123.27219181 MUNCHMUNCH Token466.30967804 NFTTNFT.TECH0.00009748 OSAKOsaka Protocol$0.00@0.00206.79382644 CVRPolkaCover1,211.52721881 KALLYPolkally12,148.1092437 SKRTSekuritance$5.12@0.0004NFT Tokens (46)FACESSatoshiFacesx7ERC-721APEDOGApeDogERC-721BASEINTRODUCEDBase, IntroducedERC-721GLXYGalaxyEggsx2ERC-721OSPGemesisERC-721PPLCTRPeplicatorERC-721RARIRaribleERC-1155UNI-V3-POSUniswap V3: Positions NFTx3ERC-721ENSEthereum Name Servicex10ERC-721ERC-1155x2ERC-11558SIAN8SIANERC-721APEZApeZukiERC-721ARRLDNFTArrLandNFTx10ERC-721ARTH-GEN-LOTTERYARTH Genesis NFT Lottery -> base.ethERC-721Cookiesx11ERC-1155claim rewards on daoevent.netdaoevent.netERC-1155GalaxyWarriorsPresaleERC-1155M-NFTSMirror Community NFTsERC-1155PAXOS VIP BADGEPAXOS: VIP Airdrop PassERC-1155PEPEMONPepemonFactoryERC-1155claim rewards on poolstaked.compoolstaked.comERC-1155RABBYDESKTOPRabby Desktop GenesisERC-721Rich BabyRich BabyERC-1155SHAPELLAShapellaUpgradeERC-721SHIBNFTShibariumDAO NFTERC-721SktzSKTCHZERC-721Stand with CryptoERC-721BAGStehBag GenesisERC-721The Toy BoogersThe Toy BoogersERC-1155UNIQLYONEUniqly Genesis Collectionx2ERC-721UNIQGENESISUniqly Genesis Physical Collectionx4ERC-721ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToApprove 21278222 2024-11-27 9:33:59 3 days ago 1732700039 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00050258 10.71663947 Execute 21277984 2024-11-27 8:46:11 3 days ago 1732697171 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0035766 11.54204851 Buy 21230440 2024-11-20 17:28:47 10 days ago 1732123727 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0037673 23.94569197 Approve 21230413 2024-11-20 17:23:23 10 days ago 1732123403 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00126187 25.98538639 Execute 21228003 2024-11-20 9:17:47 10 days ago 1732094267 OUT 0.35 ETH$1,285.12 0.00232025 11.4 Transfer 21227889 2024-11-20 8:54:59 10 days ago 1732092899 IN 0.3 ETH$1,101.53 0.0002226 10.6 Transfer 21177263 2024-11-13 7:25:35 17 days ago 1731482735 OUT 0.32 ETH$1,174.97 0.00039777 18.94161655 Execute 21171042 2024-11-12 10:35:47 18 days ago 1731407747 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00683575 34.2 Claim 21164300 2024-11-11 11:59:35 19 days ago 1731326375 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00128324 17.3 Claim All 21156392 2024-11-10 9:32:47 20 days ago 1731231167 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00207611 12.47552593 Claim User1 21095370 2024-11-01 21:04:59 29 days ago 1730495099 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00047815 7.50500735 Claim User1 21095361 2024-11-01 21:03:11 29 days ago 1730494991 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00100823 7.98478387 Claim User1 21095347 2024-11-01 21:00:23 29 days ago 1730494823 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00057034 7.6211621 Claim User1 21095332 2024-11-01 20:57:23 29 days ago 1730494643 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00078549 8.90824839 Unxswap By Order... 21007838 2024-10-20 15:58:35 41 days ago 1729439915 OUT 0.1 ETH$367.18 0.00148398 11.66299433 Transfer 20987661 2024-10-17 20:25:47 44 days ago 1729196747 OUT 0.2 ETH$734.35 0.00033731 16.06273268 Unxswap By Order... 20978465 2024-10-16 13:37:11 45 days ago 1729085831 OUT 0.1 ETH$367.18 0.00248125 17.805956 Execute 20972762 2024-10-15 18:29:35 46 days ago 1729016975 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00341621 14.98641855 Execute 20972749 2024-10-15 18:26:59 46 days ago 1729016819 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00359438 15.19477533 Approve 20972740 2024-10-15 18:25:11 46 days ago 1729016711 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00073176 15.72364333 Approve 20972731 2024-10-15 18:23:23 46 days ago 1729016603 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00074558 16 Smart Swap By Or... 20969973 2024-10-15 9:08:47 46 days ago 1728983327 OUT 0.3 ETH$1,101.53 0.00523334 19.11345562 Transfer 20969966 2024-10-15 9:07:23 46 days ago 1728983243 IN 0.3085 ETH$1,132.74 0.00047813 22.7682234 Transfer 20878073 2024-10-02 13:20:23 59 days ago 1727875223 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00057743 9.88600382 Unxswap By Order... 20851530 2024-09-28 20:29:47 63 days ago 1727555387 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00198651 7.5 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block From To 21171042 2024-11-12 10:35:47 18 days ago 1731407747 0.38098474 ETH$1,398.89 20972762 2024-10-15 18:29:35 46 days ago 1729016975 0.38499289 ETH$1,413.60 20813623 2024-09-23 13:36:47 68 days ago 1727098607 0.15049069 ETH$552.57 20813581 2024-09-23 13:28:23 68 days ago 1727098103 0.15192816 ETH$557.84 20790089 2024-09-20 6:43:35 71 days ago 1726814615 0.13465655 ETH$494.43 20787686 2024-09-19 22:40:11 72 days ago 1726785611 0.15929966 ETH$584.91 20626359 2024-08-28 10:02:35 94 days ago 1724839355 0.09461594 ETH$347.41 20626289 2024-08-28 9:48:11 94 days ago 1724838491 0.20952472 ETH$769.33 20626279 2024-08-28 9:46:11 94 days ago 1724838371 0.13284632 ETH$487.78 20549993 2024-08-17 18:00:47 105 days ago 1723917647 0.08277412 ETH$303.93 20290299 2024-07-12 12:04:11 141 days ago 1720785851 0.52382184 ETH$1,923.35 20290182 2024-07-12 11:40:35 141 days ago 1720784435 1.6486805 ETH$6,053.57 20289396 2024-07-12 9:02:11 141 days ago 1720774931 0.90861499 ETH$3,336.22 20225398 2024-07-03 10:30:35 150 days ago 1720002635 0.99563395 ETH$3,655.74 20132336 2024-06-20 10:26:59 163 days ago 1718879219 0.26067835 ETH$957.15 20132332 2024-06-20 10:26:11 163 days ago 1718879171 0.26022494 ETH$955.49 20132311 2024-06-20 10:21:59 163 days ago 1718878919 0.00079143 ETH$2.91 20132303 2024-06-20 10:20:23 163 days ago 1718878823 0.24196619 ETH$888.44 20109788 2024-06-17 6:42:11 166 days ago 1718606531 0.00071417 ETH$2.62 20028099 2024-06-05 20:44:59 178 days ago 1717620299 0.20243164 ETH$743.28 19956941 2024-05-26 22:09:35 188 days ago 1716761375 1.19295684 ETH$4,380.26 19881937 2024-05-16 10:27:35 198 days ago 1715855255 0.00187551 ETH$6.89 19824043 2024-05-08 8:06:35 206 days ago 1715155595 0.31168328 ETH$1,144.43 19824038 2024-05-08 8:05:35 206 days ago 1715155535 0.31388082 ETH$1,152.50 19753075 2024-04-28 9:59:11 216 days ago 1714298351 0.4829616 ETH$1,773.32 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 6.83% $0.005895 91,999.4283 $542.33 ETH 6.71% $0.043223 12,326.5475 $532.78 ETH 5.21% $0.057095 7,234.6963 $413.06 ETH 5.18% $0.342631 1,200 $411.16 ETH 4.22% $0.077875 4,301.1196 $334.95 ETH 4.19% $1.26 263.6092 $332.15 ETH 2.44% $0.016135 12,000 $193.62 ETH 2.42% $0.397538 483 $192.01 ETH 2.40% $0.015238 12,500 $190.47 ETH Ether (ETH)1.95% $3,671.77 0.0421 $154.4 ETH 1.89% $0.149793 1,002 $150.09 ETH 1.49% $0.139367 850.5549 $118.54 ETH 1.26% $0.000651 153,944.175 $100.17 ETH 1.18% $0.043223 2,164.4031 $93.55 ETH 1.09% $0.116519 740 $86.22 ETH 1.09% $0.116519 740 $86.22 ETH 0.92% $1.47 49.5421 $72.83 ETH 0.65% $0.432984 120 $51.96 ETH 0.52% $0.006771 6,130.4971 $41.51 ETH 0.49% $0.000003 12,967,391.0652 $38.9 ETH 0.43% $15.35 2.2441 $34.45 ETH 0.38% $0.001022 29,329.4506 $29.97 ETH 0.37% $0.005106 5,798 $29.61 ETH 0.37% $0.005322 5,543.2924 $29.5 ETH 0.35% <$0.000001 18,679,092,711.4373 $27.63 ETH 0.21% $3.72 4.5561 $16.95 ETH 0.21% $0.248973 65.6663 $16.35 ETH 0.20% $0.004542 3,440.3407 $15.63 ETH 0.19% $0.037703 395.9742 $14.93 ETH 0.18% $1.46 10 $14.6 ETH 0.15% $0.032027 377.4484 $12.09 ETH 0.15% $0.021431 546.7784 $11.72 ETH 0.12% <$0.000001 22,421,466.4472 $9.13 ETH 0.11% $0.000218 40,500.3142 $8.82 ETH 0.11% $2.89 2.9881 $8.64 ETH 0.11% $2.97 2.89 $8.58 ETH 0.09% $0.003501 2,115 $7.4 ETH 0.09% $2.25 3.0986 $6.98 ETH 0.08% $0.040047 153.5937 $6.15 ETH 0.07% $0.068098 84.8145 $5.78 ETH 0.07% $0.000656 8,443.1575 $5.54 ETH 0.06% $0.000421 12,148.1092 $5.12 ETH 0.05% $0.001084 3,766.7383 $4.08 ETH 0.05% $0.014445 278.4664 $4.02 ETH 0.05% $0.044296 88.9006 $3.94 ETH 0.05% <$0.000001 3,820,144,215,466.3315 $3.7 ETH 0.04% $0.037367 93.7142 $3.5 ETH 0.04% $0.006964 463.0452 $3.22 ETH 0.04% $0.635512 4.684 $2.98 ETH 0.03% $70.42 0.0377 $2.65 ETH 0.03% $0.016579 146.2454 $2.42 ETH 0.03% $0.001526 1,499.8269 $2.29 ETH 0.03% $0.182498 12.2821 $2.24 ETH 0.02% $0.014123 140 $1.98 ETH 0.02% $11.98 0.156 $1.87 ETH 0.02% $0.000015 106,837.5785 $1.65 ETH 0.02% $0.014001 106.749 $1.49 ETH 0.02% $0.028331 49.11 $1.39 ETH 0.01% $0.000187 6,250 $1.17 ETH 0.01% $0.000519 1,799.9996 $0.9333 ETH 0.01% $0.116758 7.4 $0.864 ETH <0.01% $0.024543 27 $0.6626 ETH <0.01% $0.000969 564.2497 $0.5465 ETH <0.01% $0.002518 70.4724 $0.1774 ETH <0.01% $0.000453 300 $0.1359 ETH <0.01% $0.000246 478.1347 $0.1178 ETH <0.01% $0.000006 20,000 $0.1106 ETH <0.01% $0.020561 5 $0.1028 ARB 6.72% $5.09 104.7066 $532.96 ARB 1.01% $63.64 1.2554 $79.9 ARB 0.82% $3,673.73 0.0178 $65.23 ARB 0.21% $0.003066 5,533 $16.97 ARB 0.18% $0.998706 14.3888 $14.37 ARB 0.13% $0.010401 1,000 $10.4 ARB 0.10% $0.129454 60 $7.77 ARB 0.03% $95,741 0.00002522 $2.41 ARB 0.02% $0.010401 160.8633 $1.67 ARB 0.02% $0.035623 41.5902 $1.48 ARB 0.01% $0.995584 1.1766 $1.17 ARB <0.01% $0.9502 0.2292 $0.2177 ARB <0.01% <$0.000001 413,440,000 $0.2067 ARB <0.01% $0.022085 5 $0.1104 BSC 4.24% $0.19387 1,735.8481 $336.53 BSC 2.02% $0.129005 1,241.2187 $160.12 BSC 1.02% $0.980258 82.8178 $81.18 BSC 0.32% $647.86 0.0388 $25.13 BSC 0.14% $0.178809 63.6804 $11.39 BSC 0.11% $0.088038 99.598 $8.77 BSC 0.10% $9.65 0.8091 $7.81 BSC 0.08% $6.52 1 $6.52 BSC 0.07% $0.018145 327.5282 $5.94 BSC 0.04% $0.002973 1,101.2444 $3.27 BSC 0.02% $646.81 0.00244054 $1.58 BSC 0.02% $0.003683 390 $1.44 BSC 0.01% $0.000153 6,552 $1 BSC <0.01% $0.000264 2,685.71 $0.71 BSC <0.01% $0.000246 1,521.5428 $0.3749 BSC <0.01% $0.00395 90.78 $0.3585 BSC <0.01% $0.000026 11,372.35 $0.2986 BSC <0.01% $0.000702 295.46 $0.2074 BSC <0.01% $0.001824 65.1754 $0.1188 ZKSYNC 5.13% $0.18745 2,171.6719 $407.08 ZKSYNC 2.01% $3,669.77 0.0435 $159.62 ZKSYNC 0.06% $0.999214 5.1103 $5.11 ZKSYNC <0.01% <$0.000001 62,962,518 $0.107 POL 4.59% $0.53309 683.3824 $364.3 POL 0.86% $0.005302 12,886.8266 $68.32 POL 0.27% $0.581286 36.9205 $21.46 POL 0.14% $0.999661 11.5 $11.5 POL 0.08% $96,376 0.00006673 $6.43 POL 0.06% $1.23 3.9913 $4.91 POL 0.03% $3,684.83 0.000559 $2.06 POL 0.02% $1.28 0.9808 $1.26 POL 0.01% $0.991059 1.0877 $1.08 POL <0.01% $0.000248 3,009 $0.7469 POL <0.01% $0.582695 1.0164 $0.5922 POL <0.01% $0.584789 1 $0.5847 POL <0.01% $0.994237 0.4174 $0.4149 BLAST 4.22% $3,674.62 0.0911 $334.94 BLAST 0.18% $0.985942 14.174 $13.97 BLAST 0.13% $3,676.06 0.0027249 $10.02 BLAST 0.02% $0.000933 1,527.4491 $1.43 BLAST 0.01% $0.011928 91.5426 $1.09 FTM 3.61% $1.03 277.8207 $286.6 FTM <0.01% $0.012988 48.6029 $0.6312 BASE 0.61% <$0.000001 887,325,495 $48.71 BASE 0.60% $3,672.63 0.0129 $47.45 BASE 0.27% $0.005306 4,000 $21.22 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 26,642,664 $0.2477 LINEA 0.69% $3,669.77 0.0149 $54.53 LINEA 0.27% $0.104106 209.3321 $21.79 OP 0.22% $4,091.31 0.00430628 $17.62 OP 0.16% $3,674.31 0.00343024 $12.6 OP 0.05% $0.998916 3.8772 $3.87 OP 0.05% $0.651236 5.9376 $3.87 OP 0.03% $1 2.1986 $2.2 OP 0.02% $2.53 0.7409 $1.87 OP 0.01% $1 0.9692 $0.9702 OP <0.01% $2.39 0.2864 $0.6841 AVAX 0.30% $44.02 0.5462 $24.04 AVAX 0.03% $0.005993 397.4274 $2.38 AVAX 0.02% $0.398503 4.225 $1.68 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