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- ERC-20 Tokens (>200)7,548.17 CRFCrafting Fin... (CRF)$6.83@0.0009578.56270811 veCRVVote-escrowe... (veCRV)2.99003552 1INCH1INCH Token (1INCH)$1.32@0.44270.03547037 AAVEAave Token (AAVE)$7.69@216.7919.52129841 GHSTAavegotchi G... (GHST)$24.01@1.2349.63807238 AERGOAergo (AERGO)$6.84@0.1378310.99865296 AKROAkropolis (AKRO)$1.42@0.00467.02973348 ALDAladdin Toke... (ALD)$0.30@0.0420.11181116 ALCXAlchemix (ALCX)$2.35@21.009.53273286 ALPAAlpaToken (ALPA)$0.06@0.00648.49727752 ALPHAAlphaToken (ALPHA)$0.94@0.1107295.29770937 AMPAmp (AMP)$2.05@0.00692.58808069 AMPLAmpleforth (AMPL)$3.31@1.280.005 ankrETHAnkr Staked ... (ankrET...)$21.10@4,219.86115.83554125 $ANRXAnRKey X ($ANRX)1.72172505 ANYAnyswap (ANY)$10.77@6.25422.43208696 API3API3 (API3)$5.13@2.1111.99162171 APYAPY Governan... (APY)$0.02@0.001415.94386585 ARMORArmor (ARMOR)$0.01@0.00041 BADGERBadger (BADGER)$3.78@3.780.39733808 bBADGERBadger Sett ... (bBADGE...)$1.88@4.721.88445897 BALBalancer (BAL)$5.41@2.870.96565277 BANDBandToken (BAND)$1.74@1.80823.13770889 BANKBankless Tok... (BANK)$0.86@0.0010.32522766 AuctionBounce Token (Auctio...)$6.02@18.501 CERECERE Network (CERE)$0.01@0.00521.30206915 LINKChainLink To... (LINK)$26.76@20.555.80883026 CVPConcentrated... (CVP)$0.75@0.12850.05362657 COVERCover Protoc... (COVER)$0.02@0.32260.05680365 CRETH2Cream ETH 2 (CRETH2)15.20629006 yUSDCurve Y Pool... (yUSD)0.001 COREcVault.finan... (CORE)$5.03@5,028.89243.92270867 DAFIDAFI Token (DAFI)$0.19@0.00083 DAODAO Maker (DAO)$1.29@0.42868 RADARDappRadar (RADAR)$0.04@0.005616.70779545 DUSDDefiDollar (DUSD)$10.74@0.642518.22863949 DFDDefiDollar D... (DFD)$0.13@0.00730.04030984 DPIDefiPulse In... (DPI)$5.03@124.683.44114208 DDXDerivaDAO (DDX)$0.19@0.05624 DEXTDEXTools (DEXT)$2.01@0.501849.56650419 DFdForce (DF)$1.99@0.04023.38196385 DIADIAToken (DIA)$2.85@0.8423247.73221913 DMGDMM: Governa... (DMG)$0.28@0.00114.27380686 DODODODO bird (DODO)$0.68@0.15951 EDENEden (EDEN)$0.03@0.02560.05841061 ETH2x-FLIETH 2x Flexi... (ETH2x-...)$1.47@25.12383.44206033 LENDEthLend (LEND)$0.13@0.03840.09922396 FARMFARM Reward ... (FARM)$5.33@53.710.1 FEIFei USD (FEI)$0.09@0.910.02351637 BANKFloat Bank (BANK)$0.01@0.57290.0508121 FXSFrax Share (FXS)$0.18@3.590 COMBOFurucombo (COMBO)$0.00@0.0041100 GAINSGAINS (GAINS)$5.97@0.059717.20508826 GDAOGovernor (GDAO)$0.59@0.034510 GRTGraph Token (GRT)$2.78@0.2778153.27002033 HAKKAHakka Financ... (HAKKA)$0.47@0.003181.66748087 HEGICHegic (HEGIC)$1.68@0.02057,150.715885 HOTHoloToken (HOT)$22.41@0.0031124.17620465 IDEXIDEX Token (IDEX)$6.31@0.05086.05996977 INDEXIndex (INDEX)$20.18@3.330.05 INVInverse DAO (INV)$1.77@35.470.05629442 KP3RKeep3rV1 (KP3R)$1.26@22.375.13059879 KNCKyberNetwork (KNC)$3.44@0.6703155.25427537 LINALinear Token (LINA)$0.93@0.00630.11337531 LRCLoopringCoin... (LRC)$6.98@0.23181 LQTYLQTY (LQTY)$1.51@1.50621.2277044 MASKMask Network (MASK)$4.32@3.526.54311012 MTAMeta (MTA)$0.20@0.03131.00999779 MVIMetaverse In... (MVI)$43.40@42.9661 MUTEMute.io (MUTE)$0.03@0.03493.896104 NORDNord Token (NORD)$0.12@0.03070.25582961 NMRNumeraire (NMR)$5.31@20.7483.4171226 NUXNUX Peanut.t... (NUX)$0.47@0.00570.52102709 OCTOOcto.fi (OCTO)$0.22@0.43110.001 OHMOHM V1 (OHM)$0.11@105.100.38241205 OHMOlympus (OHM)$6.94@18.141.71965423 OMGOMG Network (OMG)$0.83@0.48089.28938964 OPENOPEN Governa... (OPEN)$0.00@0.00012.57768916 PPDEXPepedex (PPDEX)$0.30@0.11750 PPBLZPepemon (PPBLZ)$0.00@25.853 PERPPerpetual (PERP)$2.77@0.92431 PICKLEPickleToken (PICKLE)$1.24@1.249.1802345 PNTpNetwork Tok... (PNT)$0.05@0.00515.67694086 RAIRai Reflex I... (RAI)$17.20@3.031,229.89884792 RLYRally (RLY)$2.60@0.00211 RGTRari Governa... (RGT)$0.25@0.25291 RARIRarible (RARI)$2.13@2.1317.43117698 RENRepublic (REN)$0.80@0.04570.03212684 ROOKROOK (ROOK)$0.03@1.06557.96305008 SISIREN (SI)$0.41@0.05175.47127645 STACKStacker Vent... (STACK)5.54732057 FISStaFi (FIS)$2.16@0.38912.87439538 SDTStake DAO To... (SDT)$1.01@0.3510 stETHstETH (stETH)$0.00@3,594.034.23416846 xSUSHISushiBar (xSUSHI)$7.92@1.870.00494215 sETHSynth sETH (sETH)$17.85@3,611.020.34194373 sUSDSynth sUSD (sUSD)$0.34@0.99591.8632374 SNXSynthetix Ne... (SNX)$4.55@2.440.00004994 TKXTokenize Emb... (TKX)$0.00@12.90872.31129079 TORNTORN Token (TORN)$42.34@18.3210.01774358 TRIBETribe (TRIBE)$5.12@0.511914.76091496 TXATXA (TXA)$3.26@0.00360.65812179 UMAUMA Voting T... (UMA)$2.10@3.190.00042602 SOCKSUnisocks Edi... (SOCKS)$10.00@23,466.001.01928636 UNIUniswap (UNI)$13.21@12.9629.97049164 DUCKUnit Protoco... (DUCK)$0.01@0.00035.21634051 USFUnslashed Fi... (USF)$0.03@0.00555.64159454 yveCRV-DAOveCRV-DAO yV... (yveCRV...)$2.25@0.39925.67849729 VISRVISOR (VISR)$0.00@0.00053.33185117 MIRWrapped MIR ... (MIR)$0.11@0.03227.52672578 YAMYAM (YAM)$0.27@0.03655.41849614 yvBOOSTYearn Compou... (yvBOOS...)$6.23@1.158.19027173 YETIYearn Ecosys... (YETI)$1.33@0.16260.00065395 YFIyearn.financ... (YFI)$5.14@7,862.340.01260426 YFIIYFII.finance (YFII)$5.01@397.7412,356.15572093 ZAIZero Collate... (ZAI)$0.00@0.0092.13221954 ZRXZRX (ZRX)$50.35@0.54652.30368508 BNTBancor (BNT)$1.81@0.78513.34760091 BATBAT (BAT)$3.99@0.29932.65595269 BLURBlur (BLUR)$0.94@0.35410.02081998 COMPCompound (COMP)$1.61@77.130.00033484 FTMFantom Token (FTM)$0.00@1.0110.06786113 GNOGnosis (GNO)$18.21@268.270.00000044 MATICMatic Token (MATIC)$0.00@0.5840.13516478 TRBTellor Tribu... (TRB)$10.09@74.630.00029939 WBTCWrapped BTC (WBTC)$28.47@95,081.0091,200 Get $ALCX reward at https://alchemixfi.comERC-20: ! AL... (Get $A...)7,140 Receive $LQTY at https://liquity-finance.comERC-20: ! LQ... (Receiv...)234.61111111 AAPXAMPnet APX Token120,000 ANFDAngry Doge100 APXAplix Finance0.05103564 BASKBasketDAO Gov0.1 BTRFLYBTRFLY$12.71@127.094,200,000 BUTTERERC-20: Butt... (BUTTER)4.3 COMFICompliFi20 aCNVERC-20: Conc... (aCNV)125.9508 pCNVERC-20: Conc... (pCNV)9.01455943 TRIBContribute2,874,503.36834329 DAFIERC-20: Dafi... (DAFI)0.02281237 DEADEA0.48548331 DFIODeFi Omega1 DFADeFine Art$0.00@0.00043.46257479 DELTADELTA.financial - deep DeFi derivatives$3.43@0.9892100 DHCDeltaHub Community434,857.32597338 DBERC-20: Down... (DB)0.07245211 EGTElastic Governance354.57741593 ESSEmpty Set Share40.44 FEWGOERC-20: Fewm... (FEWGO)0.91102054 FORCEFORCE100 GAINSGains5.67849729 GAMMAERC-20: Gamm... (GAMMA)5.67849729 GAMMAGamma$0.50@0.08731,000 https://app.tornado.cash/governanceERC-20: Gove... (https:...)3.50833777 HBTHabitat Token553.35 INFTInfinity0.49431895 ibETHv2ERC-20: Inte... (ibETHv...)7,770 Kishib.comERC-20: Kish... (Kishib...)0.01178003 MEMEMEME59.77465718 MTHDMethod3,504,428.03311555 MCCERC-20: Mult... (MCC)1.83107178 AXSOld Axie Infinity Shard1.10098579 ORNOrion Protocol10 PAIDPAID Network1 CANKHERC-20: Pelu... (CANKH)5.51587195 YPIEPieDAO Yearn Ecosystem Pie0.04955976 PGTPolyient Games Governance Token190.39224331 D2DPrime0.02149353 QUICKQuickswap196.78131847 RSRReserve Rights150 ROYALERC-20: ROYA... (ROYAL)0.05680365 SHIKSHIKOKU INU615,353.80361757 SpaceVerseSpaceVerse99.19578511 SVC001ERC-20: Stac... (SVC001)0.12627696 sOHMStaked Olympus10,000 SushiLPERC-20: Sush... (SushiL...)0.09681328 SLPSushiSwap FORTH/ETH LP (SLP)$19.49@201.35880.02748893 SLPSushiSwap SUSHI/ETH LP (SLP)$3.03@110.23042,553.983963 TKNFYERC-20: Toke... (TKNFY)1.1883427 UNI-V2Uniswap ALD/ETH LP (UNI-V2)4,366,424 WACTERC-20: We A... (WACT)6,080.58712821 WRABERC-20: Whit... (WRAB)10 X2Y2X2Y2Token$0.06@0.00581,901.978 xFORCEERC-20: xFOR... (xFORCE)1.4958917 YAMv2YAMv21 ZEROERC-20: Zero... (ZERO)0.1496303 MPH88mph.app$0.09@0.576610,810 BYNBeyond Finance$12.48@0.001252 ASHBurn$100.42@1.9312263.90196098 DEXTDEXTools0.03117908 FLXFlex Ungovernance Token$0.11@3.681134.22645352 FORCEForce DAO0.13987603 MOONSMoonTools.io10,000 SOSSOS$0.00@0.000.07330859 xPREMIAStaked Premia14,915 UFARMUNIFARM Token$2.55@0.00029.83005984 YLDYield$0.02@0.002134,890 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]230 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]34,890 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]0.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]NFT Tokens (101)GFSGlue Factory ShowERC-721LOBSlobsterdaoERC-721MLOOTMore Lootx4ERC-721BASEINTRODUCEDBase, IntroducedERC-721CSCCatshit Crazy NFTx4ERC-721CHAR0Char0x14ERC-721CHCC: Genesis Collectionx3ERC-1155CLNSTColonistsx2ERC-721CTCryptoTrunksERC-721GTCPGitcoin PresentsERC-721HVNHeavenComputerERC-721MAPMaps Restoredx5ERC-721MEKAMekaVerseERC-721MTSMetasaursERC-721OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared Storefrontx12ERC-1155PEPSIMICDROPPepsi Mic Dropx20ERC-721PILLSx12ERC-1155PILLSx2ERC-1155PIXLPixlsERC-721911PORSCHΞ 911ERC-721SACStoner Ape ClubERC-721MERGETheMergeERC-721TUBBYTubby CatsERC-721UNI-V3-POSUniswap V3: Positions NFTx2ERC-721WMCRWrapped MoonCatsRescueERC-721ALTALTS by adidasx2ERC-721ENSEthereum Name Servicex7ERC-721The Proof of Attendance ProtocolPOAPx2ERC-721ERC-1155ARCH0Arch0x14ERC-721BEBBEBERC-721BISHOJOBishojo ClubERC-721CEREALCerealClubERC-721XRChain Runners XRERC-721claim rewards on clinkevent.orgclinkevent.orgERC-1155POAPCryptoTrunks POAPERC-721CVStar2CV Star 2ERC-1155BEACONDegenScore Beaconx2ERC-1155DHCDeltaHub CapitalERC-1155DRBDODERABBADOOSx4ERC-721MCPEPESERC721PepeERC-721EMCETH-MEN ComicsERC-1155EMS 0x1Ethereum Mail Service 0x1ERC-721FSCFanzoneSportsClubx2ERC-721claim rewards on fraxprotocol.comfraxprotocol.comERC-1155GGGossApeGirlERC-721HCTHashcardsx14ERC-721LevX DAO CollectionERC-1155LOOGLoogiesx5ERC-721LOOTCLootCreaturesx6ERC-721LUSDBONDLUSDBondNFTERC-721MAPMapsx30ERC-721MBOTMekaBotERC-721DRIVERSMekaDriversx4ERC-721MekaVerse FactoryERC-1155MTHDNFTMethodNFTERC-721EDITIONS_V3Mirror Editions V3ERC-721MUSKYMuskyPunksx3ERC-721PEPEMONPepemonFactoryx39ERC-1155pLOOTpLOOTERC-721PVEPonpaveERC-721claim rewards on poolstaked.compoolstaked.comERC-1155CO-PILOTPORSCHΞ PIONΞERS CO-PILOTx2ERC-721QUESTSQuestsx5ERC-721PLAYRabbitarsx15ERC-721ROOTRootERC-721SELFSecond Selfx14ERC-721NOMSharkpunksERC-721claim rewards on snxtoken.comsnxtoken.comERC-1155SLOOTSpaceLootx2ERC-721SStringify(door)x7ERC-721SyncXColorsSync x ColorsERC-721MAZEThe Labyrinthx3ERC-721MPThe MetaPortal: OG1500x2ERC-721MUThe Realm of MUx9ERC-1155Tomb Raider Mint Pass OriginalsTomb Raider Mint Pass OriginalsERC-1155VISORVISORERC-721VISOR Airdrop PASSVISOR: Airdrop RecipientERC-1155WRPPWhite Rabbit Producer PassERC-1155claim rewards on wrappedbtc.netwrappedbtc.netERC-1155YGG BADGEYield Guild BadgeERC-721MORTYYou are MortysERC-721ZKNFTzkSync NFT Factory ContractERC-721FEWFewmansx17ERC-721GALAPEGalactic ApesERC-721ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*x6 [Spam]ERC-721 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]
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Latest 25 from a total of 2,539 transactions
Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToTransfer 19742864 2024-04-26 23:41:35 219 days ago 1714174895 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00016069 5.37019331 Complete Transfe... 19742855 2024-04-26 23:39:47 219 days ago 1714174787 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00142752 5.23877953 Transfer 19576889 2024-04-03 17:59:35 242 days ago 1712167175 OUT 1.2 ETH$4,318.87 0.00076223 36.29683766 Swap 19576881 2024-04-03 17:57:59 242 days ago 1712167079 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00755395 40.15304122 Approve 19576881 2024-04-03 17:57:59 242 days ago 1712167079 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00196336 40.15304122 Transfer 19526766 2024-03-27 16:16:59 249 days ago 1711556219 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00402745 85.64683158 Transfer 19357445 2024-03-03 21:52:59 273 days ago 1709502779 OUT 0.01 ETH$35.99 0.00692627 47.33937919 Transfer 19356536 2024-03-03 18:49:59 273 days ago 1709491799 OUT 0.12 ETH$431.89 0.01001255 67.55014902 Transfer 19356521 2024-03-03 18:46:59 273 days ago 1709491619 OUT 0.1 ETH$359.91 0.00812719 55.54739911 Transfer Tokens 19181379 2024-02-08 5:32:23 298 days ago 1707370343 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00255713 28.6193242 Approve 19181377 2024-02-08 5:31:59 298 days ago 1707370319 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0014522 31.35908391 Deposit 19124721 2024-01-31 6:35:47 306 days ago 1706682947 OUT 0.10034576 ETH$361.15 0.00199473 17.21755103 Transfer 19124524 2024-01-31 5:56:11 306 days ago 1706680571 OUT 0.1 ETH$359.91 0.0003682 17.53351999 Register 19113937 2024-01-29 18:21:23 307 days ago 1706552483 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00280576 16.77329333 Transfer 19020361 2024-01-16 15:31:11 320 days ago 1705419071 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00197697 42.37884448 Transfer 18097383 2023-09-09 7:34:23 450 days ago 1694244863 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00054072 11.33245114 Transfer 17829231 2023-08-02 18:54:11 487 days ago 1691002451 IN 0.046 ETH$165.56 0.00084648 40.30900691 Transfer 17829096 2023-08-02 18:27:11 487 days ago 1691000831 OUT 0.04485789 ETH$161.45 0.00082973 39.51141275 Burn 17739239 2023-07-21 4:48:59 500 days ago 1689914939 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00061663 18.2463876 Burn 17739235 2023-07-21 4:48:11 500 days ago 1689914891 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0007796 20.19972571 Burn 17739231 2023-07-21 4:47:23 500 days ago 1689914843 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0007778 20.15305914 Burn 17739225 2023-07-21 4:46:11 500 days ago 1689914771 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00073115 18.94421404 Burn 17739222 2023-07-21 4:45:35 500 days ago 1689914735 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00076762 19.88913314 Burn 17681833 2023-07-13 3:09:59 508 days ago 1689217799 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00069168 17.92170014 Transfer 17635204 2023-07-06 13:49:23 514 days ago 1688651363 OUT 0.2 ETH$719.81 0.00062011 29.52917117 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block From To 19576881 2024-04-03 17:57:59 242 days ago 1712167079 1.22430707 ETH$4,406.35 19229029 2024-02-14 21:59:35 291 days ago 1707947975 0.16 ETH$575.85 18985230 2024-01-11 17:41:11 325 days ago 1704994871 0.2821326 ETH$1,015.41 17684251 2023-07-13 11:21:11 507 days ago 1689247271 0.0378507 ETH$136.23 17635186 2023-07-06 13:45:35 514 days ago 1688651135 0.20278961 ETH$729.85 17635006 2023-07-06 13:08:47 514 days ago 1688648927 0.08690922 ETH$312.79 17634979 2023-07-06 13:03:23 514 days ago 1688648603 0.06427318 ETH$231.32 17634668 2023-07-06 12:00:23 514 days ago 1688644823 0.1971795 ETH$709.66 17634454 2023-07-06 11:16:59 514 days ago 1688642219 0.08959558 ETH$322.46 17634391 2023-07-06 11:03:59 514 days ago 1688641439 0.14269658 ETH$513.57 17634367 2023-07-06 10:59:11 514 days ago 1688641151 0.08931073 ETH$321.43 17634322 2023-07-06 10:49:59 514 days ago 1688640599 0.05221557 ETH$187.93 17634307 2023-07-06 10:46:59 514 days ago 1688640419 0.05935673 ETH$213.63 17634298 2023-07-06 10:44:59 514 days ago 1688640299 0.04211115 ETH$151.56 17634291 2023-07-06 10:43:35 514 days ago 1688640215 0.05739131 ETH$206.55 17634239 2023-07-06 10:33:11 514 days ago 1688639591 0.05131985 ETH$184.70 17634224 2023-07-06 10:30:11 514 days ago 1688639411 0.03377919 ETH$121.57 17634217 2023-07-06 10:28:47 515 days ago 1688639327 0.06242162 ETH$224.66 17634215 2023-07-06 10:28:23 515 days ago 1688639303 0.07276709 ETH$261.89 17207957 2023-05-07 10:04:47 575 days ago 1683453887 0.20315955 ETH$731.18 17193971 2023-05-05 10:55:47 576 days ago 1683284147 0.13072505 ETH$470.49 17182686 2023-05-03 20:53:35 578 days ago 1683147215 0.67763752 ETH$2,438.86 17182677 2023-05-03 20:51:35 578 days ago 1683147095 0.6 ETH$2,159.43 17182663 2023-05-03 20:48:35 578 days ago 1683146915 0.5 ETH$1,799.53 17182470 2023-05-03 20:09:47 578 days ago 1683144587 0.22548157 ETH$811.52 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH Ether (ETH)7.03% $3,599.06 0.0297 $106.91 ETH 6.61% $1.93 52 $100.42 ETH 3.31% $0.546479 92.1322 $50.35 ETH 2.86% $42.97 1.01 $43.4 ETH 2.79% $18.32 2.3113 $42.34 ETH 1.87% $95,081 0.00029939 $28.47 ETH 1.76% $20.55 1.3021 $26.76 ETH 1.58% $1.23 19.5213 $24.01 ETH 1.47% $0.003134 7,150.7159 $22.41 ETH 1.39% $4,219.86 0.005 $21.1 ETH 1.33% $3.33 6.06 $20.18 ETH 1.28% $201.36 0.0968 $19.49 ETH 1.20% $268.27 0.0679 $18.21 ETH 1.17% $3,611.02 0.00494215 $17.85 ETH 1.13% $3.03 5.6769 $17.2 ETH 0.87% $12.96 1.0193 $13.21 ETH 0.84% $127.09 0.1 $12.71 ETH 0.82% $0.001154 10,810 $12.48 ETH 0.71% $6.25 1.7217 $10.77 ETH 0.71% $0.642518 16.7078 $10.74 ETH 0.66% $74.63 0.1352 $10.09 ETH 0.66% $23,466 0.00042602 $10 ETH 0.52% $1.87 4.2342 $7.92 ETH 0.51% $216.79 0.0355 $7.69 ETH 0.46% $0.231836 30.1134 $6.98 ETH 0.46% $18.14 0.3824 $6.94 ETH 0.45% $0.137751 49.6381 $6.84 ETH 0.45% $0.000905 7,548.17 $6.83 ETH 0.42% $0.050839 124.1762 $6.31 ETH 0.41% $1.15 5.4185 $6.23 ETH 0.40% $18.5 0.3252 $6.02 ETH 0.39% $0.059704 100 $5.97 ETH 0.36% $2.87 1.8845 $5.41 ETH 0.35% $53.71 0.0992 $5.33 ETH 0.35% $20.74 0.2558 $5.31 ETH 0.34% $7,862.34 0.00065395 $5.14 ETH 0.34% $2.11 2.4321 $5.13 ETH 0.34% $0.511017 10.0177 $5.12 ETH 0.33% $5,028.89 0.001 $5.03 ETH 0.33% $124.68 0.0403 $5.03 ETH 0.33% $397.74 0.0126 $5.01 ETH 0.30% $2.44 1.8632 $4.55 ETH 0.28% $3.52 1.2277 $4.32 ETH 0.26% $0.29925 13.3476 $3.99 ETH 0.25% $3.78 1 $3.78 ETH 0.23% $0.670335 5.1306 $3.44 ETH 0.23% $0.98923 3.4626 $3.43 ETH 0.22% $1.28 2.5881 $3.31 ETH 0.21% $0.003559 914.7609 $3.26 ETH 0.20% $110.23 0.0275 $3.03 ETH 0.19% $0.842342 3.382 $2.85 ETH 0.18% $0.277803 10 $2.78 ETH 0.18% $0.92428 3 $2.77 ETH 0.17% $0.002117 1,229.8988 $2.6 ETH 0.17% $0.000171 14,915 $2.55 ETH 0.15% $21 0.1118 $2.35 ETH 0.15% $0.399226 5.6416 $2.25 ETH 0.14% $0.389147 5.5473 $2.16 ETH 0.14% $2.13 1 $2.13 ETH 0.14% $3.19 0.6581 $2.1 ETH 0.13% $0.006945 295.2977 $2.05 ETH 0.13% $0.501785 4 $2.01 ETH 0.13% $0.040178 49.5665 $1.99 ETH 0.12% $4.72 0.3973 $1.88 ETH 0.12% $0.785002 2.3037 $1.81 ETH 0.12% $35.47 0.05 $1.77 ETH 0.11% $1.8 0.9657 $1.74 ETH 0.11% $0.020543 81.6675 $1.68 ETH 0.11% $77.13 0.0208 $1.61 ETH 0.10% $1.51 1 $1.51 ETH 0.10% $25.12 0.0584 $1.47 ETH 0.09% $0.00457 310.9987 $1.42 ETH 0.09% $0.162611 8.1903 $1.33 ETH 0.09% $0.442684 2.99 $1.32 ETH 0.08% $0.428644 3 $1.29 ETH 0.08% $22.37 0.0563 $1.26 ETH 0.08% $1.24 1 $1.24 ETH 0.07% $0.35102 2.8744 $1.01 ETH 0.06% $0.110726 8.4973 $0.9408 ETH 0.06% $0.354073 2.656 $0.9404 ETH 0.06% $0.00597 155.2543 $0.9268 ETH 0.06% $0.001041 823.1377 $0.8572 ETH 0.05% $0.480796 1.7197 $0.8268 ETH 0.05% $0.045716 17.4312 $0.7968 ETH 0.05% $0.128497 5.8088 $0.7464 ETH 0.04% $0.159522 4.2738 $0.6817 ETH 0.04% $0.034549 17.2051 $0.5944 ETH 0.03% $0.0873 5.6785 $0.4957 ETH 0.03% $0.005665 83.4171 $0.4725 ETH 0.03% $0.003081 153.27 $0.4722 ETH 0.03% $0.051727 7.9631 $0.4119 ETH 0.02% $0.995907 0.3419 $0.3405 ETH 0.02% $0.117485 2.5777 $0.3028 ETH 0.02% $0.041966 7.0297 $0.295 ETH 0.02% $0.001113 247.7322 $0.2757 ETH 0.02% $0.036491 7.5267 $0.2746 ETH 0.02% $0.252898 1 $0.2528 ETH 0.01% $0.431091 0.521 $0.2246 ETH 0.01% $0.031289 6.5431 $0.2047 ETH 0.01% $0.056223 3.4411 $0.1934 ETH 0.01% $0.000773 243.9227 $0.1885 ETH 0.01% $3.59 0.0508 $0.1824 ETH <0.01% $0.007301 18.2286 $0.133 ETH <0.01% $0.038371 3.4421 $0.132 ETH <0.01% $0.030747 3.8961 $0.1197 ETH <0.01% $3.68 0.0312 $0.1147 ETH <0.01% $0.032156 3.3319 $0.1071 ETH <0.01% $105.1 0.001 $0.1051 FTM 8.23% $0.050155 2,493 $125.04 FTM 5.64% $1 85.5672 $85.68 GLMR 13.74% $0.298459 699.7684 $208.85 BLAST 4.32% $3,597.33 0.0183 $65.66 BLAST 2.12% $3,598.48 0.00895095 $32.21 POL 1.68% $254.72 0.1 $25.47 POL 0.63% $0.610614 15.5719 $9.51 POL 0.16% $0.999454 2.501 $2.5 POL 0.10% $0.584403 2.7212 $1.59 POL 0.10% $0.015729 100 $1.57 OP 1.34% $2.33 8.7745 $20.4 OP 0.41% $3,598.04 0.00173651 $6.25 BSC 1.17% $635.78 0.0281 $17.84 BSC 0.41% $6.25 1 $6.25 BSC 0.13% $0.057777 33.9456 $1.96 BSC 0.02% $0.043732 7.3748 $0.3225 AVAX 1.36% $46.44 0.4464 $20.73 AVAX 0.03% $0.38424 1.2603 $0.4842 ZKSYNC 1.14% $0.999136 17.3669 $17.35 ZKSYNC 0.17% $3,599.06 0.00073091 $2.63 ARB 0.64% $3,598.2 0.00269501 $9.7 ARB 0.06% $0.91593 1 $0.9159 MANTLE 0.24% $0.896627 4 $3.59 BASE 0.08% $0.114599 10 $1.15 BASE 0.03% $0.000196 1,999 $0.3912 Loading...Loading[ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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