ETH Price: $3,383.99 (-1.56%)
Gas: 1 Gwei




ETH Balance

55.896340767370059588 ETH

Eth Value

$189,152.69 (@ $3,383.99/ETH)

Token Holdings

Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
Exec Transaction201795802024-06-27 0:56:232 days ago1719449783IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.001203366.8786737
Exec Transaction201722162024-06-26 0:15:353 days ago1719360935IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.000323814.25034689
Exec Transaction201654542024-06-25 1:35:594 days ago1719279359IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.000403353.74923468
Transfer201493122024-06-22 19:24:596 days ago1719084299IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
16.1 ETH0.000067612.47428122
Exec Transaction201280692024-06-19 20:07:479 days ago1718827667IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0017283311.7253023
Exec Transaction201220562024-06-18 23:55:5910 days ago1718754959IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.001807147
Exec Transaction201220142024-06-18 23:47:3510 days ago1718754455IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.00041286.71123538
Exec Transaction200924952024-06-14 20:40:2314 days ago1718397623IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.006439877.09546459
Exec Transaction200874832024-06-14 3:52:4715 days ago1718337167IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.001310559
Exec Transaction200870392024-06-14 2:23:4715 days ago1718331827IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.001174689.80634999
Exec Transaction200848472024-06-13 19:00:5915 days ago1718305259IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0084001413.6436594
Exec Transaction200791732024-06-12 23:57:4716 days ago1718236667IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.00072798.17327624
Exec Transaction200789672024-06-12 23:16:1116 days ago1718234171IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0009492610.62874896
Exec Transaction200789302024-06-12 23:08:3516 days ago1718233715IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0010452311.68043309
Transfer200398472024-06-07 12:06:5921 days ago1717762019IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
9 ETH0.0004898817.92548142
Exec Transaction199923142024-05-31 20:51:3528 days ago1717188695IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0009405112.49917605
Exec Transaction199923112024-05-31 20:50:5928 days ago1717188659IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0008272111
Exec Transaction199913562024-05-31 17:38:3528 days ago1717177115IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0009255915.00302664
Exec Transaction199864752024-05-31 1:16:4729 days ago1717118207IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0009952110.69484841
Exec Transaction199864662024-05-31 1:14:5929 days ago1717118099IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.000836429
Exec Transaction199864532024-05-31 1:12:2329 days ago1717117943IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.000910729.79960557
Exec Transaction199862852024-05-31 0:38:4729 days ago1717115927IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.000841629
Exec Transaction199855712024-05-30 22:15:4729 days ago1717107347IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0014335218.75995521
Exec Transaction199855642024-05-30 22:14:2329 days ago1717107263IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0006767911.00104893
Exec Transaction199775912024-05-29 19:27:3530 days ago1717010855IN
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0 ETH0.0008638814
View all transactions

Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
200848472024-06-13 19:00:5915 days ago1718305259
Stargate Finance: Multisig
9.29736094 ETH
198914082024-05-17 18:14:5942 days ago1715969699
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00035881 ETH
198624092024-05-13 16:52:2346 days ago1715619143
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00035732 ETH
198624012024-05-13 16:50:4746 days ago1715619047
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00030404 ETH
197860352024-05-03 0:33:1157 days ago1714696391
Stargate Finance: Multisig
66.55349163 ETH
197851712024-05-02 21:39:1157 days ago1714685951
Stargate Finance: Multisig
15.0547244 ETH
197693082024-04-30 16:26:2359 days ago1714494383
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00030454 ETH
197504732024-04-28 1:14:4762 days ago1714266887
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00002429 ETH
197504732024-04-28 1:14:4762 days ago1714266887
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00034496 ETH
196644342024-04-16 0:19:3574 days ago1713226775
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00027648 ETH
196644342024-04-16 0:19:3574 days ago1713226775
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00033106 ETH
196162122024-04-09 6:10:1181 days ago1712643011
Stargate Finance: Multisig
161.50897015 ETH
195789832024-04-04 1:00:1186 days ago1712192411
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.0001465 ETH
195789832024-04-04 1:00:1186 days ago1712192411
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00063484 ETH
195788062024-04-04 0:24:4786 days ago1712190287
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00036987 ETH
195787792024-04-04 0:19:2386 days ago1712189963
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00039421 ETH
195787502024-04-04 0:13:3586 days ago1712189615
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00039421 ETH
195713542024-04-02 23:24:2387 days ago1712100263
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00804246 ETH
195704952024-04-02 20:30:4787 days ago1712089847
Stargate Finance: Multisig
12.50178591 ETH
193648122024-03-04 22:33:11116 days ago1709591591
Stargate Finance: Multisig
16.93860856 ETH
193635432024-03-04 18:18:47116 days ago1709576327
Stargate Finance: Multisig
16.82048703 ETH
193142642024-02-26 20:57:59123 days ago1708981079
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00032816 ETH
192776242024-02-21 17:50:11128 days ago1708537811
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00031211 ETH
192649202024-02-19 23:03:23130 days ago1708383803
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00003609 ETH
192649202024-02-19 23:03:23130 days ago1708383803
Stargate Finance: Multisig
0.00056936 ETH
View All Internal Transactions

Similar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0xDaB5dc22...0ba42d2a6
The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contract

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
No with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion, GNU LGPLv3 license
 *Submitted for verification at on 2021-07-09

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

/// @title IProxy - Helper interface to access masterCopy of the Proxy on-chain
/// @author Richard Meissner - <[email protected]>
interface IProxy {
    function masterCopy() external view returns (address);

/// @title GnosisSafeProxy - Generic proxy contract allows to execute all transactions applying the code of a master contract.
/// @author Stefan George - <[email protected]>
/// @author Richard Meissner - <[email protected]>
contract GnosisSafeProxy {
    // singleton always needs to be first declared variable, to ensure that it is at the same location in the contracts to which calls are delegated.
    // To reduce deployment costs this variable is internal and needs to be retrieved via `getStorageAt`
    address internal singleton;

    /// @dev Constructor function sets address of singleton contract.
    /// @param _singleton Singleton address.
    constructor(address _singleton) {
        require(_singleton != address(0), "Invalid singleton address provided");
        singleton = _singleton;

    /// @dev Fallback function forwards all transactions and returns all received return data.
    fallback() external payable {
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            let _singleton := and(sload(0), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
            // 0xa619486e == keccak("masterCopy()"). The value is right padded to 32-bytes with 0s
            if eq(calldataload(0), 0xa619486e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) {
                mstore(0, _singleton)
                return(0, 0x20)
            calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())
            let success := delegatecall(gas(), _singleton, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)
            returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
            if eq(success, 0) {
                revert(0, returndatasize())
            return(0, returndatasize())

/// @title Proxy Factory - Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
/// @author Stefan George - <[email protected]>
contract GnosisSafeProxyFactory {
    event ProxyCreation(GnosisSafeProxy proxy, address singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
    /// @param singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param data Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    function createProxy(address singleton, bytes memory data) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = new GnosisSafeProxy(singleton);
        if (data.length > 0)
            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
            assembly {
                if eq(call(gas(), proxy, 0, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0), 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        emit ProxyCreation(proxy, singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to retrieve the runtime code of a deployed Proxy. This can be used to check that the expected Proxy was deployed.
    function proxyRuntimeCode() public pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return type(GnosisSafeProxy).runtimeCode;

    /// @dev Allows to retrieve the creation code used for the Proxy deployment. With this it is easily possible to calculate predicted address.
    function proxyCreationCode() public pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return type(GnosisSafeProxy).creationCode;

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact using CREATE2 but it doesn't run the initializer.
    ///      This method is only meant as an utility to be called from other methods
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function deployProxyWithNonce(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) internal returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        // If the initializer changes the proxy address should change too. Hashing the initializer data is cheaper than just concatinating it
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(initializer), saltNonce));
        bytes memory deploymentData = abi.encodePacked(type(GnosisSafeProxy).creationCode, uint256(uint160(_singleton)));
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            proxy := create2(0x0, add(0x20, deploymentData), mload(deploymentData), salt)
        require(address(proxy) != address(0), "Create2 call failed");

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function createProxyWithNonce(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = deployProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonce);
        if (initializer.length > 0)
            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
            assembly {
                if eq(call(gas(), proxy, 0, add(initializer, 0x20), mload(initializer), 0, 0), 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        emit ProxyCreation(proxy, _singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact, execute a message call to the new proxy and call a specified callback within one transaction
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    /// @param callback Callback that will be invoced after the new proxy contract has been successfully deployed and initialized.
    function createProxyWithCallback(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce,
        IProxyCreationCallback callback
    ) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        uint256 saltNonceWithCallback = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(saltNonce, callback)));
        proxy = createProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonceWithCallback);
        if (address(callback) != address(0)) callback.proxyCreated(proxy, _singleton, initializer, saltNonce);

    /// @dev Allows to get the address for a new proxy contact created via `createProxyWithNonce`
    ///      This method is only meant for address calculation purpose when you use an initializer that would revert,
    ///      therefore the response is returned with a revert. When calling this method set `from` to the address of the proxy factory.
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function calculateCreateProxyWithNonceAddress(
        address _singleton,
        bytes calldata initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) external returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = deployProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonce);

interface IProxyCreationCallback {
    function proxyCreated(
        GnosisSafeProxy proxy,
        address _singleton,
        bytes calldata initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) external;

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