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- ERC-20 Tokens (>200)0 AEGAether Games (AEG)$0.00@0.00620 alETHAlchemix ETH (alETH)$0.00@3,041.700 ALICEAlice AI (ALICE)0 AmericaAmerica (Americ...)$0.00@0.00040 ABONDApeBond (ABOND)$0.00@0.00460 BTCBitcoin6900 (BTC)0 CLEVCLever Token (CLEV)$0.00@4.820 CTRConcentrator... (CTR)$0.00@0.42270 PUNKCryptoPunks (PUNK)$0.00@119,527.000 EMRLDEMERALD (EMRLD)$0.00@0.00320 ETEEtherEmpires (ETE)$0.00@0.00730 FNFakeNews (FN)0 fluffyFluffy (fluffy)0 GASGas DAO (GAS)$0.00@0.000 FlorkHeyFlork (Flork)$0.00@0.00010 ICSAIcosa (ICSA)$0.00@0.1350 JJJJMOJI (JJ)$0.00@0.03740 HERRISKumala Herri... (HERRIS)0 LCRLaunchR (LCR)$0.00@0.0010 MAZZEMAZZE (MAZZE)$0.00@0.00180 MILEIMILEI Token (MILEI)$0.00@0.02660 NGCNAGA Coin (NGC)$0.00@0.01740 NCCNeuroChain C... (NCC)0 PIKAPikachu (PIKA)$0.00@0.000 PCPlayable Coi... (PC)$0.00@0.00010 $ROARRoaring Kitt... ($ROAR)$0.00@0.00550 SHIBAShiba (SHIBA)$0.00@0.000.00000001 SPXSPX6900 (SPX)$0.00@0.51690 STRDYSturdy Token (STRDY)$0.00@2.430 TAONUTAO Inu (TAONU)$0.00@0.00460 SPARKLETUpland (SPARKL...)$0.00@0.04140 VECVector (VEC)$0.00@1.550 WOJAKWojak Coin (WOJAK)$0.00@0.00190 0XL0x Leverage (0XL)$0.00@0.00220.00081405 0x00x0 Token (0x0)$0.00@0.0050.00000001 0xBTC0xBitcoin To... (0xBTC)$0.00@0.07920 0XC0xCalls (0XC)$0.00@0.01810.00000007 OxN0xNumber (OxN)$0.00@0.01680 SCANS0xScans (SCANS)$0.00@0.00510 1INCH1INCH Token (1INCH)$0.00@0.3480.00000001 1WO1World (1WO)0 TRUMP4747th Preside... (TRUMP4...)$0.00@0.00020 STZ99Starz (STZ)$0.00@0.01070 CAWA Hunters Dr... (CAW)$0.00@0.000.000001 aEthUSDCAave Ethereu... (aEthUS...)$0.00@0.99990.000001 aEthUSDTAave Ethereu... (aEthUS...)$0.00@1.0010.00000001 aEthWBTCAave Ethereu... (aEthWB...)$0.00@98,951.000.000001 aUSDCAave interes... (aUSDC)$0.00@0.99820 aWETHAave interes... (aWETH)$0.00@3,316.860 AAVEAave Token (AAVE)$0.00@167.800 GHSTAavegotchi G... (GHST)$0.00@0.94640 TOADAcid Toad (TOAD)$0.00@0.000 ATHAethir Token (ATH)$0.00@0.0580 AEVOAevo (AEVO)$0.00@0.35680 AGXAGIX (AGX)$0.00@0.10250 AGAAgora DEX To... (AGA)$0.00@0.00970.00000001 AGRSAgoras Token (AGRS)$0.00@1.680 AGURIAguri-Chan (AGURI)$0.00@0.000 AIXAIgentX (AIX)$0.00@0.10250 AIOZAIOZ Network (AIOZ)$0.00@0.82460.0001 ASTAirSwap (AST)$0.00@0.08770 aisigAISignal (aisig)$0.00@0.00050 AITAXAITaxBot (AITAX)$0.00@0.0020 AKITAAkita Inu (AKITA)$0.00@0.000 arUSDAladdin rUSD (arUSD)$0.00@1.0720 ALDAladdin Toke... (ALD)$0.00@0.02920 ALCXAlchemix (ALCX)$0.00@20.270.00000001 ACHAlchemy (ACH)$0.00@0.02280 ALEPHaleph.im v2 (ALEPH)$0.00@0.15240 ALPHAlephium (Al... (ALPH)$0.00@1.510 AllInAll In (AllIn)$0.00@0.48370 NXRAAllianceBloc... (NXRA)$0.00@0.03150 AMKTAlongside Cr... (AMKT)$0.00@266.560 ALTAltLayer Tok... (ALT)$0.00@0.11320 ASIAltSignals (ASI)$0.00@0.00140 OMIKAMIAMATERASU OM... (OMIKAM...)$0.00@0.02020 AMCAMC (AMC)$0.00@0.003,308,126.7577956 USHIBAAmerican Shi... (USHIBA)0 AMOAmino (AMO)$0.00@0.00020 AMPAmp (AMP)$0.00@0.00470 AMPLAmpleforth (AMPL)$0.00@1.200 ANDYMANAndyman (ANDYMA...)$0.00@0.00130 ANGLEANGLE (ANGLE)$0.00@0.0230 ANMLAnimal Conce... (ANML)$0.00@0.00010 ANKRAnkr Network (ANKR)$0.00@0.03410 ankrETHAnkr Staked ... (ankrET...)$0.00@3,881.860 APEApeCoin (APE)$0.00@1.190.000001 NFTAPENFT (NFT)$0.00@0.000 APESApeScreener (APES)$0.00@0.08550 APEXApeX Token (APEX)$0.00@1.970 API3API3 (API3)$0.00@1.890 APUGURLApu Gurl (APUGUR...)$0.00@0.000 APYSAPYSwap (APYS)$0.00@0.0060 AQTISAQTIS Token (AQTIS)$0.00@0.00080 ANTAragon Netwo... (ANT)$0.00@1.750 RBISArbismart To... (RBIS)$0.00@0.00010 AIUSArbius (AIUS)$0.00@33.64530 ARCARC (ARC)$0.00@0.06660 ABTArcBlock (ABT)$0.00@1.360 ARCXArchitex (ARCX)$0.00@0.45850 ARKMArkham (ARKM)$0.00@2.00980 ARKIArkiTech (ARKI)$0.00@0.03020 ALIArtificial L... (ALI)$0.00@0.01260 ASIAASIA COIN (ASIA)$0.00@0.10840 ASTXAsterix (ASTX)$0.00@625.65740 ASTRAAstraAI (ASTRA)$0.00@1.28120 ASFAsymmetry Fi... (ASF)0 AUDIOAudius (AUDIO)$0.00@0.1460 AURAAura (AURA)$0.00@0.31960 AURORAAurora (AURORA)$0.00@0.15660 URUSAurox Token (URUS)$0.00@2.510.000001 AUSDAUSD (AUSD)0.000001 aUSD₮aUSD₮ (aUSD₮)$0.00@0.99660.0001 NIOXAutonio (NIOX)$0.00@0.00110 AVAILAvail (AVAIL)$0.00@0.11130 AVENTAventa (AVENT)$0.00@0.00050 AVGAvocado DAO ... (AVG)$0.00@0.01370.000001 AXLAxelar (AXL)$0.00@0.71550 AXSAxie Infinit... (AXS)$0.00@6.200 AZURAzuro (AZUR)$0.00@0.06360 BMoneyB-money (BMoney)$0.00@0.000 BXXBaanx (BXX)$0.00@0.04250 BAXBABB BAX (BAX)$0.00@0.00010 BABYPEPEBaby Pepe (BABYPE...)$0.00@0.000 BADGERBadger (BADGER)$0.00@3.360 BALBalancer (BAL)$0.00@2.380 bALPHAbAlpha (bALPHA)$0.00@10.76650 BANANABanana (BANANA)$0.00@0.25710 BANANABanana (BANANA)$0.00@65.430 BCATBananaCat (BCAT)$0.00@0.00910 BANKBank Ai (BANK)$0.00@0.00020 BANKBankless Tok... (BANK)$0.00@0.0010 BAOBao Token V2 (BAO)$0.00@0.00080 BAOBaoToken (BAO)$0.00@0.000 SOLANABarbieCrashB... (SOLANA)$0.00@0.000 BONDBarnBridge G... (BOND)$0.00@1.600 BASEBase Protoco... (BASE)$0.00@1.0240 BAZEDBazed Games (BAZED)$0.00@0.04540 BDPBDPToken (BDP)$0.00@0.11190 BEAMBeam (BEAM)$0.00@0.02120 BEARDYBearded Drag... (BEARDY)$0.00@0.00020.00000001 BEBEBEBE (BEBE)$0.00@0.000 FROGBeer Frog (FROG)$0.00@0.00080 EYEBehodler.io (EYE)$0.00@0.03270 BelugaBeluga (Beluga)0 BENDBend Token (BEND)$0.00@0.00070 BENTBent Token (BENT)$0.00@0.01720 BEPROBetProtocolT... (BEPRO)$0.00@0.00050 BIDBidao (BID)$0.00@0.00070 BiFiBiFi (BiFi)$0.00@0.00290 BUDBig Bud (BUD)$0.00@0.000.00000001 BBTCBinance Wrap... (BBTC)$0.00@97,837.000 BIRDDOGBird Dog (BIRDDO...)$0.00@0.000 BIRDDOGBird Dog (BIRDDO...)$0.00@0.000.00000001 btcbitcoin (btc)$0.00@0.10940 BITBitDAO (BIT)$0.00@0.83640 LEOBitfinex LEO... (LEO)$0.00@8.410 BITGBitGate (BITG)$0.00@0.00020 BITROCKBitrock (BITROC...)$0.00@0.04580 BTTBitTorrent (BTT)$0.00@0.000 BHSc$BlackHoleSwa... (BHSc$)0 BPTBlackPool To... (BPT)$0.00@0.04650 BSBlacksmith T... (BS)$0.00@0.00060 BLESBlind Boxes ... (BLES)$0.00@0.00260 BJBlocjerk (BJ)$0.00@0.25450 BBLBlockBlend (BBL)$0.00@0.00530 BCDTBlockchain C... (BCDT)$0.00@0.04060 DEFENDBlockDefend ... (DEFEND)$0.00@0.00490 BSTBlocksquareT... (BST)$0.00@0.23260 VEEBLOCKv (VEE)$0.00@0.00870 BLOODBloodboy (BLOOD)$0.00@0.00050 BLBBlueberry (BLB)$0.00@0.00140 BLZBluzelle (BLZ)$0.00@0.11910 BOBBOB (BOB)$0.00@0.000 BOBOBOBO (BOBO)$0.00@0.000 BOGBog (BOG)$0.00@0.000 BONDLYBondly (BONDLY)$0.00@0.0020 BONKBonk on ETH (BONK)$0.00@0.000 BODBook Of Dona... (BOD)$0.00@0.000 BOOEBook of Ethe... (BOOE)$0.00@0.25020 BOPPYBoppy The Ba... (BOPPY)$0.00@0.000 BORINGBoringDAO (BORING)$0.00@0.00020 BORKBork (BORK)$0.00@0.01290 BOSONBoson Token (BOSON)$0.00@0.30820 BOTTOBotto (BOTTO)$0.00@0.61120 BXBTBoxBet (BXBT)$0.00@0.0730 BrAInBrAIngent (BrAIn)$0.00@0.01710 BREEDBreederDAO (BREED)$0.00@0.01960 BRETTBrett (BRETT)$0.00@0.03170 BRAIBribeAI (BRAI)$0.00@0.07540 BKNBrickken (BKN)$0.00@0.30660 BTUBTU Protocol (BTU)$0.00@0.39530 BuddyBuddyAI (Buddy)$0.00@0.04230 BUILDBuildAI (BUILD)$0.00@0.08370 BULLABulladotfun (BULLA)$0.00@0.01070 BTCBullish Trum... (BTC)$0.00@0.000 BYTEByteAI (BYTE)$0.00@0.00020 BYTESBYTES (BYTES)$0.00@5.25610 BZZBZZ (BZZ)$0.00@0.49730 CADCAD (CAD)$0.00@0.0018NFT Tokens (29)claim rewards on agixcoin.netagixcoin.netERC-1155claim rewards on apyclink.comapyclink.comERC-1155claim rewards on beamprotocol.netbeamprotocol.netERC-1155claim rewards on dydxnetwork.orgdydxnetwork.orgERC-1155claim rewards on ensfoundation.orgensfoundation.orgERC-1155claim rewards on fetchevent.netfetchevent.netERC-1155claim rewards on fraxprotocol.comfraxprotocol.comERC-1155GNUSGenius Token & NFT CollectionsERC-1155claim rewards illuviumnetwork.netilluviumnetwork.netERC-1155claim rewards on jasmyprotocol.comjasmyprotocol.comERC-1155claim rewards on ondonetwork.orgondonetwork.orgERC-1155claim rewards on paxgnetwork.compaxgnetwork.comERC-1155claim rewards on poolstaked.orgpoolstaked.orgERC-1155Puffer Mystery Box NFT pufether.orgPuffer Mystery Box NFT pufether.orgERC-1155claim rewards qntnetwork.orgqntnetwork.orgERC-1155claim rewards on renderpool.orgrenderpool.orgERC-1155claim rewards riotoken.orgriotoken.orgERC-1155t.me/shibarmy_botShiba Inu Token AirdropERC-1155claim rewards on snxtoken.comsnxtoken.comERC-1155claim rewards on swapshiba.orgswapshiba.orgERC-1155claim rewards on woonetwork.netwoonetwork.netERC-1155claim rewards on wrappedbtc.netwrappedbtc.netERC-1155
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Latest 25 from a total of 106,521 transactions (+21 Pending)
Transaction Hash |
0x4392c7bc82ebc8994c92bcee0806875c743502fa95dfddd5830240967cc48426 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-22 15:24:45 | 8 hrs ago | 1732289085 | IN | 0.0025 ETH$8.29 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xcb23b8f3781bcbfc46f1abb65680f5f555234e596a957e8056cc21483f0992d9 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-22 12:32:44 | 10 hrs ago | 1732278764 | IN | 0.0062 ETH$20.57 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x4c95256aeafc95bb74e32ad252be96ed19c30a5eb3b48171a7170dfd4206f900 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-21 1:01:06 | 46 hrs ago | 1732150866 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x1c6a456268a12bb48e9801c292e6e0e960f4588ea7514d5700e51fb4109e950d | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-20 13:26:17 | 2 days ago | 1732109177 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x929883e8c22bf84e7f4108a75923a38ebecee7917610bd98f64e27c97d26de68 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-20 13:04:41 | 2 days ago | 1732107881 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x0463d718697bab2fc01679b4c527f16b14b0a7b005e62072bb2aa0d5f601e922 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-20 13:03:30 | 2 days ago | 1732107810 | IN | 0.008 ETH$26.54 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x0dffb2d11ab0aa7c7381ee2864b89cba2b3f5a3e2cf3b5f56720cae0978cb757 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-20 13:02:31 | 2 days ago | 1732107751 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xda286ecc55b1beeb46da1b5b32a2b4f03479bab7737977a9cc14ef38690e663a | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-20 13:01:57 | 2 days ago | 1732107717 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x780d4a181a489ac6fe6325ffad1d0eba6257b51e08e9594d1f88276ecb52bc9d | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-17 23:55:32 | 4 days ago | 1731887732 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xd62350e39b4c511d01c406baa7be721728b5fa7bbdd87f3cc1d3b4168fa7d3fe | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-08 14:23:29 | 14 days ago | 1731075809 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xe06c88e02a019a9de449edd1658c38855822f4b59181f62e98a2d5c65d35d856 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-08 14:23:29 | 14 days ago | 1731075809 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x92b010f6ffdbc68afa47879c30e45f4b438d116ef0608ef60296a7e3a34d1180 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-06 14:02:11 | 16 days ago | 1730901731 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x372bef439b071452c4ae0b122d3c7eb2da016eb3dcd0cbdec3ce1ba1e948d68a | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-06 1:02:36 | 16 days ago | 1730854956 | IN | 0.0013573925 ETH$4.50 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xd35c74a909cc52ff53d766f8333c59ad4eead097a2dbc8de150d33ba67aea30f | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-05 16:01:30 | 17 days ago | 1730822490 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xc9dba40e7cf161f3ef1d2cf211868d0d86c1e09f4343c3bd4bb75472a6782869 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-05 13:02:31 | 17 days ago | 1730811751 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x424ac6d28aad36afafdff96b87acdbf842f807c8b86e4c510b4d0a7a0a266a6f | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-05 13:01:51 | 17 days ago | 1730811711 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xe0c97fcf7876467cdb9bfc8af6e79e78540b9ff21c4d50883c9caf655904ee73 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-04 2:22:00 | 18 days ago | 1730686920 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x9a29feca4d913fed5c3b5f6c3da47c642383896a2a69847951e76798a5c9b217 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-03 22:15:38 | 19 days ago | 1730672138 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0x1c62a7565240964e20c49a6db675bede28f305062722c24d572c3fbb875eecab | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-03 14:56:29 | 19 days ago | 1730645789 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xf5854e036ffb6484d72db97dc06c537d2a9f36c2257305eb2a777823442dcee4 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-03 14:11:23 | 19 days ago | 1730643083 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
0xd6455b1190e200d1a81754e1738ce54cab6828c2e312773520ec3ade35803169 | Swap Exact Amoun... | (pending) | 2024-11-03 4:28:40 | 19 days ago | 1730608120 | IN | 0.0038 ETH$12.61 | (Pending) | (Pending) | |||
Swap Exact Amoun... | 21246537 | 2024-11-22 23:25:11 | 1 min ago | 1732317911 | IN | 1 ETH$3,317.38 | 0.00339882 | 12.09104728 | ||||
Swap Exact Amoun... | 21246498 | 2024-11-22 23:17:11 | 9 mins ago | 1732317431 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00157785 | 12.76647221 | ||||
Swap Exact Amoun... | 21246494 | 2024-11-22 23:16:23 | 10 mins ago | 1732317383 | IN | 0.075 ETH$248.80 | 0.00235677 | 14.43405679 | ||||
Swap Exact Amoun... | 21246473 | 2024-11-22 23:12:11 | 14 mins ago | 1732317131 | IN | 0 ETH$0.00 | 0.00265168 | 13.69453227 |
Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Parent Transaction Hash | Block | From | To | |||||
21246537 | 2024-11-22 23:25:11 | 1 min ago | 1732317911 | 1 ETH$3,317.38 | ||||
21246494 | 2024-11-22 23:16:23 | 10 mins ago | 1732317383 | 0.075 ETH$248.80 | ||||
21246473 | 2024-11-22 23:12:11 | 14 mins ago | 1732317131 | 0.0318355 ETH$105.61 | ||||
21246473 | 2024-11-22 23:12:11 | 14 mins ago | 1732317131 | 0.00008142 ETH$0.27 | ||||
21246473 | 2024-11-22 23:12:11 | 14 mins ago | 1732317131 | 0.00001436 ETH$0.05 | ||||
21246473 | 2024-11-22 23:12:11 | 14 mins ago | 1732317131 | 0.03193129 ETH$105.93 | ||||
21246468 | 2024-11-22 23:11:11 | 15 mins ago | 1732317071 | 0.19079386 ETH$632.94 | ||||
21246441 | 2024-11-22 23:05:47 | 21 mins ago | 1732316747 | 8.53651133 ETH$28,318.89 | ||||
21246441 | 2024-11-22 23:05:47 | 21 mins ago | 1732316747 | 0.0218336 ETH$72.43 | ||||
21246441 | 2024-11-22 23:05:47 | 21 mins ago | 1732316747 | 0.00385298 ETH$12.78 | ||||
21246441 | 2024-11-22 23:05:47 | 21 mins ago | 1732316747 | 8.56219792 ETH$28,404.11 | ||||
21246436 | 2024-11-22 23:04:47 | 22 mins ago | 1732316687 | 0.31474493 ETH$1,044.13 | ||||
21246426 | 2024-11-22 23:02:47 | 24 mins ago | 1732316567 | 0.10547971 ETH$349.92 | ||||
21246426 | 2024-11-22 23:02:47 | 24 mins ago | 1732316567 | 0.00182975 ETH$6.07 | ||||
21246426 | 2024-11-22 23:02:47 | 24 mins ago | 1732316567 | 0.00032289 ETH$1.07 | ||||
21246426 | 2024-11-22 23:02:47 | 24 mins ago | 1732316567 | 0.10763236 ETH$357.06 | ||||
21246423 | 2024-11-22 23:02:11 | 24 mins ago | 1732316531 | 1 ETH$3,317.38 | ||||
21246415 | 2024-11-22 23:00:35 | 26 mins ago | 1732316435 | 7.28901695 ETH$24,180.48 | ||||
21246415 | 2024-11-22 23:00:35 | 26 mins ago | 1732316435 | 0.12644213 ETH$419.46 | ||||
21246415 | 2024-11-22 23:00:35 | 26 mins ago | 1732316435 | 0.02231331 ETH$74.02 | ||||
21246415 | 2024-11-22 23:00:35 | 26 mins ago | 1732316435 | 7.4377724 ETH$24,673.95 | ||||
21246407 | 2024-11-22 22:58:59 | 27 mins ago | 1732316339 | 0.61 ETH$2,023.60 | ||||
21246386 | 2024-11-22 22:54:47 | 32 mins ago | 1732316087 | 18.74885605 ETH$62,197.17 | ||||
21246386 | 2024-11-22 22:54:47 | 32 mins ago | 1732316087 | 0.04795344 ETH$159.08 | ||||
21246386 | 2024-11-22 22:54:47 | 32 mins ago | 1732316087 | 0.00846237 ETH$28.07 |
Contract Source Code (Solidity Standard Json-Input format)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Vendor import { Diamond } from "./vendor/Diamond.sol"; // Routers import { Routers } from "./routers/Routers.sol"; // ______ __ __ __ ____ // /\ _ \ /\ \__ /\ \/\ \ /'___\ // \ \ \L\ \ __ __ __ __ __ ____\ \ ,_\ __ __ ____\ \ \ \ \/\ \__/ // \ \ __ \/\ \/\ \ /'_ `\/\ \/\ \ /',__\\ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ /',__\\ \ \ \ \ \ _``\ // \ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\__, `\\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/\__, `\\ \ \_/ \ \ \L\ \ // \ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \____ \ \____/\/\____/ \ \__\\ \____/\/\____/ \ `\___/\ \____/ // \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/___L\ \/___/ \/___/ \/__/ \/___/ \/___/ `\/__/ \/___/ // /\____/ // \_/__/ /// @title AugustusV6 /// @notice The V6 implementation of the ParaSwap onchain aggregation protocol contract AugustusV6 is Diamond, Routers { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor( /// @dev Diamond address _owner, address _diamondCutFacet, /// @dev Direct Routers address _weth, address payable _balancerVault, uint256 _uniV3FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash, uint256 _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash, address _rfq, /// @dev Fees address payable _feeVault, /// @dev Permit2 address _permit2 ) Diamond(_owner, _diamondCutFacet) Routers( _weth, _uniV3FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash, _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash, _balancerVault, _permit2, _rfq, _feeVault ) { } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Reverts if the caller is one of the following: // - an externally-owned account // - a contract in construction // - an address where a contract will be created // - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed receive() external payable override(Diamond) { address addr = msg.sender; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { if iszero(extcodesize(addr)) { revert(0, 0) } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /** * Vendored on October 12, 2023 from: * https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat/blob/main/contracts/Diamond.sol */ pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * \ * Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (https://twitter.com/mudgen) * EIP-2535 Diamonds: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535 * * Implementation of a diamond. * /***************************************************************************** */ import { LibDiamond } from "./libraries/LibDiamond.sol"; import { IDiamondCut } from "./interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol"; contract Diamond { error DiamondFunctionDoesNotExist(); constructor(address _contractOwner, address _diamondCutFacet) payable { LibDiamond.setContractOwner(_contractOwner); // Add the diamondCut external function from the diamondCutFacet IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] memory cut = new IDiamondCut.FacetCut[](1); bytes4[] memory functionSelectors = new bytes4[](1); functionSelectors[0] = IDiamondCut.diamondCut.selector; cut[0] = IDiamondCut.FacetCut({ facetAddress: _diamondCutFacet, action: IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add, functionSelectors: functionSelectors }); LibDiamond.diamondCut(cut, address(0), ""); } // Find facet for function that is called and execute the // function if a facet is found and return any value. fallback() external payable { LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds; bytes32 position = LibDiamond.DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION; // get diamond storage assembly { ds.slot := position } // get facet from function selector address facet = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[msg.sig].facetAddress; // revert if function does not exist if (facet == address(0)) { revert DiamondFunctionDoesNotExist(); } // Execute external function from facet using delegatecall and return any value. assembly { // copy function selector and any arguments calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize()) // execute function call using the facet let result := delegatecall(gas(), facet, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0) // get any return value returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // return any return value or error back to the caller switch result case 0 { revert(0, returndatasize()) } default { return(0, returndatasize()) } } } receive() external payable virtual { } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // DirectSwapExactAmountIn import { BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; import { CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; import { CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; import { UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; import { UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/direct/UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // DirectSwapExactAmountOut import { BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/direct/BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol"; import { UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/direct/UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol"; import { UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/direct/UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut.sol"; // Fees import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; // GenericSwapExactAmountIn import { GenericSwapExactAmountIn } from "./swapExactAmountIn/GenericSwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // GenericSwapExactAmountOut import { GenericSwapExactAmountOut } from "./swapExactAmountOut/GenericSwapExactAmountOut.sol"; // General import { AugustusRFQRouter } from "./general/AugustusRFQRouter.sol"; // Utils import { AugustusRFQUtils } from "../util/AugustusRFQUtils.sol"; import { BalancerV2Utils } from "../util/BalancerV2Utils.sol"; import { UniswapV2Utils } from "../util/UniswapV2Utils.sol"; import { UniswapV3Utils } from "../util/UniswapV3Utils.sol"; import { WETHUtils } from "../util/WETHUtils.sol"; import { Permit2Utils } from "../util/Permit2Utils.sol"; /// @title Routers /// @notice A wrapper for all router contracts contract Routers is AugustusFees, AugustusRFQRouter, BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut, BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn, CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn, CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn, GenericSwapExactAmountOut, GenericSwapExactAmountIn, UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut, UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn, UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut, UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor( address _weth, uint256 _uniswapV3FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash, uint256 _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash, address payable _balancerVault, address _permit2, address _rfq, address payable _feeVault ) AugustusFees(_feeVault) AugustusRFQUtils(_rfq) BalancerV2Utils(_balancerVault) Permit2Utils(_permit2) UniswapV2Utils(_uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash) UniswapV3Utils(_uniswapV3FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) WETHUtils(_weth) { } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /** * Vendored on October 12, 2023 from: * https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat/blob/main/contracts/libraries/LibDiamond.sol */ pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * \ * Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (https://twitter.com/mudgen) * EIP-2535 Diamonds: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535 * /***************************************************************************** */ import { IDiamondCut } from "../interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol"; // Remember to add the loupe functions from DiamondLoupeFacet to the diamond. // The loupe functions are required by the EIP2535 Diamonds standard error InitializationFunctionReverted(address _initializationContractAddress, bytes _calldata); library LibDiamond { bytes32 constant DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION = keccak256("diamond.standard.diamond.storage"); struct FacetAddressAndPosition { address facetAddress; uint96 functionSelectorPosition; // position in facetFunctionSelectors.functionSelectors array } struct FacetFunctionSelectors { bytes4[] functionSelectors; uint256 facetAddressPosition; // position of facetAddress in facetAddresses array } struct DiamondStorage { // maps function selector to the facet address and // the position of the selector in the facetFunctionSelectors.selectors array mapping(bytes4 => FacetAddressAndPosition) selectorToFacetAndPosition; // maps facet addresses to function selectors mapping(address => FacetFunctionSelectors) facetFunctionSelectors; // facet addresses address[] facetAddresses; // Used to query if a contract implements an interface. // Used to implement ERC-165. mapping(bytes4 => bool) supportedInterfaces; // owner of the contract address contractOwner; } function diamondStorage() internal pure returns (DiamondStorage storage ds) { bytes32 position = DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION; assembly { ds.slot := position } } event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); function setContractOwner(address _newOwner) internal { DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage(); address previousOwner = ds.contractOwner; ds.contractOwner = _newOwner; emit OwnershipTransferred(previousOwner, _newOwner); } function contractOwner() internal view returns (address contractOwner_) { contractOwner_ = diamondStorage().contractOwner; } function enforceIsContractOwner() internal view { require(msg.sender == diamondStorage().contractOwner, "LibDiamond: Must be contract owner"); } event DiamondCut(IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] _diamondCut, address _init, bytes _calldata); // Internal function version of diamondCut function diamondCut(IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] memory _diamondCut, address _init, bytes memory _calldata) internal { for (uint256 facetIndex; facetIndex < _diamondCut.length; facetIndex++) { IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction action = _diamondCut[facetIndex].action; if (action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add) { addFunctions(_diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress, _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors); } else if (action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Replace) { replaceFunctions(_diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress, _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors); } else if (action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Remove) { removeFunctions(_diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress, _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors); } else { revert("LibDiamondCut: Incorrect FacetCutAction"); } } emit DiamondCut(_diamondCut, _init, _calldata); initializeDiamondCut(_init, _calldata); } function addFunctions(address _facetAddress, bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors) internal { require(_functionSelectors.length > 0, "LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut"); DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage(); require(_facetAddress != address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Add facet can't be address(0)"); uint96 selectorPosition = uint96(ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.length); // add new facet address if it does not exist if (selectorPosition == 0) { addFacet(ds, _facetAddress); } for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length; selectorIndex++) { bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex]; address oldFacetAddress = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[selector].facetAddress; require(oldFacetAddress == address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Can't add function that already exists"); addFunction(ds, selector, selectorPosition, _facetAddress); selectorPosition++; } } function replaceFunctions(address _facetAddress, bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors) internal { require(_functionSelectors.length > 0, "LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut"); DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage(); require(_facetAddress != address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Add facet can't be address(0)"); uint96 selectorPosition = uint96(ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.length); // add new facet address if it does not exist if (selectorPosition == 0) { addFacet(ds, _facetAddress); } for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length; selectorIndex++) { bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex]; address oldFacetAddress = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[selector].facetAddress; require(oldFacetAddress != _facetAddress, "LibDiamondCut: Can't replace function with same function"); removeFunction(ds, oldFacetAddress, selector); addFunction(ds, selector, selectorPosition, _facetAddress); selectorPosition++; } } function removeFunctions(address _facetAddress, bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors) internal { require(_functionSelectors.length > 0, "LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut"); DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage(); // if function does not exist then do nothing and return require(_facetAddress == address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Remove facet address must be address(0)"); for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length; selectorIndex++) { bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex]; address oldFacetAddress = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[selector].facetAddress; removeFunction(ds, oldFacetAddress, selector); } } function addFacet(DiamondStorage storage ds, address _facetAddress) internal { enforceHasContractCode(_facetAddress, "LibDiamondCut: New facet has no code"); ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].facetAddressPosition = ds.facetAddresses.length; ds.facetAddresses.push(_facetAddress); } function addFunction( DiamondStorage storage ds, bytes4 _selector, uint96 _selectorPosition, address _facetAddress ) internal { ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector].functionSelectorPosition = _selectorPosition; ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.push(_selector); ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector].facetAddress = _facetAddress; } function removeFunction(DiamondStorage storage ds, address _facetAddress, bytes4 _selector) internal { require(_facetAddress != address(0), "LibDiamondCut: Can't remove function that doesn't exist"); // an immutable function is a function defined directly in a diamond require(_facetAddress != address(this), "LibDiamondCut: Can't remove immutable function"); // replace selector with last selector, then delete last selector uint256 selectorPosition = ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector].functionSelectorPosition; uint256 lastSelectorPosition = ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.length - 1; // if not the same then replace _selector with lastSelector if (selectorPosition != lastSelectorPosition) { bytes4 lastSelector = ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors[lastSelectorPosition]; ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors[selectorPosition] = lastSelector; ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[lastSelector].functionSelectorPosition = uint96(selectorPosition); } // delete the last selector ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].functionSelectors.pop(); delete ds.selectorToFacetAndPosition[_selector]; // if no more selectors for facet address then delete the facet address if (lastSelectorPosition == 0) { // replace facet address with last facet address and delete last facet address uint256 lastFacetAddressPosition = ds.facetAddresses.length - 1; uint256 facetAddressPosition = ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].facetAddressPosition; if (facetAddressPosition != lastFacetAddressPosition) { address lastFacetAddress = ds.facetAddresses[lastFacetAddressPosition]; ds.facetAddresses[facetAddressPosition] = lastFacetAddress; ds.facetFunctionSelectors[lastFacetAddress].facetAddressPosition = facetAddressPosition; } ds.facetAddresses.pop(); delete ds.facetFunctionSelectors[_facetAddress].facetAddressPosition; } } function initializeDiamondCut(address _init, bytes memory _calldata) internal { if (_init == address(0)) { return; } enforceHasContractCode(_init, "LibDiamondCut: _init address has no code"); (bool success, bytes memory error) = _init.delegatecall(_calldata); if (!success) { if (error.length > 0) { // bubble up error /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(error) revert(add(32, error), returndata_size) } } else { revert InitializationFunctionReverted(_init, _calldata); } } } function enforceHasContractCode(address _contract, string memory _errorMessage) internal view { uint256 contractSize; assembly { contractSize := extcodesize(_contract) } require(contractSize > 0, _errorMessage); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /** * Vendored on October 12, 2023 from: * https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat/blob/main/contracts/interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol */ pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * \ * Author: Nick Mudge (https://twitter.com/mudgen) * EIP-2535 Diamonds: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535 * /***************************************************************************** */ interface IDiamondCut { enum FacetCutAction { Add, Replace, Remove } // Add=0, Replace=1, Remove=2 struct FacetCut { address facetAddress; FacetCutAction action; bytes4[] functionSelectors; } /// @notice Add/replace/remove any number of functions and optionally execute /// a function with delegatecall /// @param _diamondCut Contains the facet addresses and function selectors /// @param _init The address of the contract or facet to execute _calldata /// @param _calldata A function call, including function selector and arguments /// _calldata is executed with delegatecall on _init function diamondCut(FacetCut[] calldata _diamondCut, address _init, bytes calldata _calldata) external; event DiamondCut(FacetCut[] _diamondCut, address _init, bytes _calldata); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { BalancerV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { BalancerV2Utils } from "../../../util/BalancerV2Utils.sol"; /// @title BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on Balancer V2 abstract contract BalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn is IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn, BalancerV2Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn function swapExactAmountInOnBalancerV2( BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata data ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference balancerData uint256 quotedAmountOut = balancerData.quotedAmount; uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag = balancerData.beneficiaryAndApproveFlag; uint256 amountIn = balancerData.fromAmount; uint256 minAmountOut = balancerData.toAmount; // Decode params (IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, address payable beneficiary, bool approve) = _decodeBalancerV2Params(beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, data); // Check if toAmount is valid if (minAmountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Check if srcToken is ETH if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), amountIn); } // Check if approve is needed if (approve) { // Approve BALANCER_VAULT to spend srcToken srcToken.approve(BALANCER_VAULT); } } // Execute swap _callBalancerV2(data); // Check balance after swap receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { CurveV1Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { AugustusFees } from "../../../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; import { WETHUtils } from "../../../util/WETHUtils.sol"; import { Permit2Utils } from "../../../util/Permit2Utils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "../../../util/PauseUtils.sol"; /// @title CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice A contract for executing direct CurveV1 swaps abstract contract CurveV1SwapExactAmountIn is ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn, AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV1( CurveV1Data calldata curveV1Data, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference curveV1Data IERC20 srcToken = curveV1Data.srcToken; IERC20 destToken = curveV1Data.destToken; uint256 amountIn = curveV1Data.fromAmount; uint256 minAmountOut = curveV1Data.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountOut = curveV1Data.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = curveV1Data.beneficiary; uint256 curveAssets = curveV1Data.curveAssets; uint256 curveData = curveV1Data.curveData; // Check if toAmount is valid if (minAmountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Decode curveData // 160 bits for curve exchange address // 1 bit for approve flag // 2 bits for wrap flag // 2 bits for swap type flag address exchange; bool approveFlag; uint256 wrapFlag; uint256 swapType; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { exchange := and(curveData, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) approveFlag := and(shr(160, curveData), 1) wrapFlag := and(shr(161, curveData), 3) swapType := and(shr(163, curveData), 3) } // Check if srcToken is ETH // Transfer srcToken to augustus if not ETH if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), amountIn); } // Check if approve flag is set if (approveFlag) { // Approve exchange srcToken.approve(exchange); } } else { // Check if approve flag is set if (approveFlag) { // Approve exchange IERC20(WETH).approve(exchange); } } // Execute swap _executeSwapOnCurveV1(exchange, wrapFlag, swapType, curveAssets, amountIn); // Check balance after swap and unwrap if needed if (wrapFlag == 2) { // Received amount is WETH balance receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount - 1); // Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance receivedAmount = address(this).balance; } else { // Received amount is destToken balance receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); } // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut ); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRIVATE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function _executeSwapOnCurveV1( address exchange, uint256 wrapFlag, uint256 swapType, uint256 curveAssets, uint256 fromAmount ) private { // Load WETH address address weth = address(WETH); // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Load free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wrap ETH if needed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if wrap src flag is set if eq(wrapFlag, 1) { // Prepare call data for WETH.deposit() // Store function selector and mstore(ptr, 0xd0e30db000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // deposit() // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), weth, callvalue(), ptr, 4, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute swap //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepare call data for external call // Check swap type switch swapType // 0x01 for EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING case 0x01 { // Store function selector for function exchange_underlying(int128,int128,uint256,uint256) mstore(ptr, 0xa6417ed600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), shr(128, curveAssets)) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 36), and(curveAssets, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1 // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } // 0x00(default) for EXCHANGE default { // check send eth wrap flag switch eq(wrapFlag, 0x03) // if it is not set, store selector for function exchange(int128,int128,uint256,uint256) case 1 { mstore(ptr, 0x3df0212400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), shr(128, curveAssets)) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 36), and(curveAssets, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1 // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, callvalue(), ptr, 132, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } // if it is set, store selector for function exchange(int128,int128,uint256,uint256) default { mstore(ptr, 0x3df0212400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), shr(128, curveAssets)) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 36), and(curveAssets, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1 // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { CurveV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { AugustusFees } from "../../../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; import { WETHUtils } from "../../../util/WETHUtils.sol"; import { Permit2Utils } from "../../../util/Permit2Utils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "../../../util/PauseUtils.sol"; /// @title CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice A contract for executing direct CurveV2 swaps abstract contract CurveV2SwapExactAmountIn is ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn, AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV2( CurveV2Data calldata curveV2Data, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference curveData IERC20 srcToken = curveV2Data.srcToken; IERC20 destToken = curveV2Data.destToken; uint256 amountIn = curveV2Data.fromAmount; uint256 minAmountOut = curveV2Data.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountOut = curveV2Data.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = curveV2Data.beneficiary; uint256 i = curveV2Data.i; uint256 j = curveV2Data.j; address poolAddress = curveV2Data.poolAddress; uint256 curveData = curveV2Data.curveData; // Check if toAmount is valid if (minAmountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Decode curveData // 160 bits for curve exchange address // 1 bit for approve flag // 2 bits for wrap flag // 2 bits for swap type flag address exchange; bool approveFlag; uint256 wrapFlag; uint256 swapType; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { exchange := and(curveData, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) approveFlag := and(shr(160, curveData), 1) wrapFlag := and(shr(161, curveData), 3) swapType := and(shr(163, curveData), 3) } // Check if srcToken is ETH // Transfer srcToken to augustus if not ETH if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), amountIn); } // Check if approve flag is set if (approveFlag) { // Approve exchange srcToken.approve(exchange); } } else { // Check if approve flag is set if (approveFlag) { // Approve exchange IERC20(WETH).approve(exchange); } } // Execute swap _executeSwapOnCurveV2(exchange, wrapFlag, swapType, i, j, amountIn, poolAddress); // Check balance after swap and unwrap if needed if (wrapFlag == 2) { // Received amount is WETH balance receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount - 1); // Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance receivedAmount = address(this).balance; } else { // Received amount is destToken balance receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); } // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut ); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRIVATE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function _executeSwapOnCurveV2( address exchange, uint256 wrapFlag, uint256 swapType, uint256 i, uint256 j, uint256 fromAmount, address poolAddress ) private { // Load WETH address address weth = address(WETH); // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Load free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wrap ETH if needed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if wrap src flag is set if eq(wrapFlag, 1) { // Prepare call data for WETH.deposit() // Store function selector and mstore(ptr, 0xd0e30db000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // deposit() // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), weth, callvalue(), ptr, 4, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute swap //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepare call data for external call // Check swap type switch swapType // 0x01 for EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING case 0x01 { // Store function selector for function exchange_underlying(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) mstore(ptr, 0x65b2489b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), i) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 36), j) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1 // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } // 0x02 for EXCHANGE_GENERIC_FACTORY_ZAP case 0x02 { // Store function selector for function exchange(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) mstore(ptr, 0x64a1455800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) mstore(add(ptr, 4), poolAddress) // store poolAddress mstore(add(ptr, 36), i) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 68), j) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 100), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 132), 1) // store 1 // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 164, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } // 0x00(default) for EXCHANGE default { // check send eth wrap flag switch eq(wrapFlag, 0x03) // if it is not set, store selector for function exchange(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bool) case 1 { mstore(ptr, 0x394747c500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), i) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 36), j) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1 mstore(add(ptr, 132), 1) // store true // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, callvalue(), ptr, 164, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } // if it is set, store selector for function exchange(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) default { mstore(ptr, 0x5b41b90800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), i) // store index i mstore(add(ptr, 36), j) // store index j mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 100), 1) // store 1 // Perform the external call with the prepared calldata // Check the outcome of the call and handle failure if iszero(call(gas(), exchange, 0, ptr, 132, 0, 0)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } } } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { UniswapV2Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV2Utils.sol"; /// @title UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on UniswapV2 pools abstract contract UniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn is IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn, UniswapV2Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV2( UniswapV2Data calldata uniData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference uniData IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken; IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken; uint256 amountIn = uniData.fromAmount; uint256 minAmountOut = uniData.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountOut = uniData.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary; bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools; // Initialize payer address payer = msg.sender; // Check if toAmount is valid if (minAmountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Check if we need to wrap or permit if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } } } else { // If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH WETH.deposit{ value: amountIn }(); // Set srcToken to WETH srcToken = WETH; // Set payer to this contract payer = address(this); } // Execute swap _callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactIn(amountIn, srcToken, pools, payer, permit); // Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) { // Check balance of WETH receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount - 1); // Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance receivedAmount = address(this).balance; } else { // Othwerwise check balance of destToken receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); } // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; import { SafeCastLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeCastLib.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV3Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { UniswapV3Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV3Utils.sol"; /// @title UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V3 abstract contract UniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn is IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn, UniswapV3Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; using SafeCastLib for uint256; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV3( UniswapV3Data calldata uniData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference uniData IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken; IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken; uint256 amountIn = uniData.fromAmount; uint256 minAmountOut = uniData.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountOut = uniData.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary; bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools; // Check if toAmount is valid if (minAmountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Address that will pay for the swap address fromAddress = msg.sender; // Check if we need to wrap or permit if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } } } else { // If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH WETH.deposit{ value: amountIn }(); // Swap will be paid from this contract fromAddress = address(this); } // Execute swap receivedAmount = _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountIn(amountIn.toInt256(), pools, fromAddress, permit); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) { // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount); } // Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransferUniV3( beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "../../../interfaces/IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { BalancerV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { BalancerV2Utils } from "../../../util/BalancerV2Utils.sol"; /// @title BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut /// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on BalancerV2 pools abstract contract BalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut is IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut, BalancerV2Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut function swapExactAmountOutOnBalancerV2( BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata data ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference balancerData uint256 quotedAmountIn = balancerData.quotedAmount; uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag = balancerData.beneficiaryAndApproveFlag; uint256 maxAmountIn = balancerData.fromAmount; uint256 amountOut = balancerData.toAmount; // Decode params (IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, address payable beneficiary, bool approve) = _decodeBalancerV2Params(beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, data); // Make sure srcToken and destToken are different if (srcToken == destToken) { revert ArbitrageNotSupported(); } // Check if toAmount is valid if (amountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Check contract balance uint256 balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check if srcToken is ETH if (srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), maxAmountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), maxAmountIn); } // Check if approve is needed if (approve) { // Approve BALANCER_VAULT to spend srcToken srcToken.approve(BALANCER_VAULT); } } else { // If srcToken is ETH, we have to deduct msg.value from balanceBefore balanceBefore = balanceBefore - msg.value; } // Execute swap _callBalancerV2(data); // Check balance of destToken receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check balance of srcToken, deducting the balance before the swap if it is greater than 1 uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < amountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, srcToken, destToken, partnerAndFee, maxAmountIn, remainingAmount, receivedAmount, quotedAmountIn ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV2Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { UniswapV2Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV2Utils.sol"; /// @title UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut /// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on UniswapV2 pools abstract contract UniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut is IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut, UniswapV2Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV2( UniswapV2Data calldata uniData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference uniData IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken; IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken; uint256 maxAmountIn = uniData.fromAmount; uint256 amountOut = uniData.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountIn = uniData.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary; bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools; // Check if toAmount is valid if (amountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Init balanceBefore uint256 balanceBefore; // Check if srcToken is ETH bool isFromETH = srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) != 0; // Check if we need to wrap or permit if (isFromETH) { // Check WETH balance before balanceBefore = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH WETH.deposit{ value: maxAmountIn }(); // Set srcToken to WETH srcToken = WETH; } else { // Check srcToken balance before balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), maxAmountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), maxAmountIn); } } // Make sure srcToken and destToken are different if (srcToken == destToken) { revert ArbitrageNotSupported(); } // Execute swap _callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactOut(amountOut, srcToken, pools); // Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) { // Make sure srcToken was not WETH if (srcToken == WETH) { revert ArbitrageNotSupported(); } // Check balance of WETH receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // Leave dust if receivedAmount > amountOut if (receivedAmount > amountOut) { --receivedAmount; } // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount); // Set receivedAmount to this contract's balance receivedAmount = address(this).balance; } else { // Othwerwise check balance of destToken receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); } // Check balance of srcToken uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < amountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Check if srcToken is ETH and unwrap if there is remaining amount if (isFromETH) { // Check native balance before uint256 nativeBalanceBefore = address(this).balance; // If balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount remainingAmount = remainingAmount - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0); // Withdraw remaining WETH if any if (remainingAmount > 1) { WETH.withdraw(remainingAmount - 1); } srcToken = ERC20Utils.ETH; // If native balance before is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount remainingAmount = address(this).balance - (nativeBalanceBefore > 1 ? nativeBalanceBefore : 0); } else { // Otherwise, if balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount remainingAmount = remainingAmount - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0); } // Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, srcToken, destToken, partnerAndFee, maxAmountIn, remainingAmount, receivedAmount, quotedAmountIn ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut } from "../../../interfaces/IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; import { SafeCastLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeCastLib.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV3Data } from "../../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { UniswapV3Utils } from "../../../util/UniswapV3Utils.sol"; /// @title UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut /// @notice A contract for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on UniswapV3 pools abstract contract UniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut is IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut, UniswapV3Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; using SafeCastLib for uint256; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV3( UniswapV3Data calldata uniData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference uniData IERC20 srcToken = uniData.srcToken; IERC20 destToken = uniData.destToken; uint256 maxAmountIn = uniData.fromAmount; uint256 amountOut = uniData.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountIn = uniData.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = uniData.beneficiary; bytes calldata pools = uniData.pools; // Check if toAmount is valid if (amountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Address that will pay for the swap address fromAddress = msg.sender; // Check if srcToken is ETH bool isFromETH = srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) != 0; // If pools.length > 96, we are going to do a multi-pool swap bool isMultiplePools = pools.length > 96; // Init balance before variables uint256 senderBalanceBefore; uint256 balanceBefore; // Check if we need to wrap or permit if (isFromETH) { // Check WETH balance before balanceBefore = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH WETH.deposit{ value: maxAmountIn }(); // Swap will be paid from this contract fromAddress = address(this); // Set srcToken to WETH srcToken = WETH; } else { // Check srcToken balance before balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } // if we're using multiple pools, we need to store the pre-swap balance of srcToken if (isMultiplePools) { senderBalanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(msg.sender); } } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), maxAmountIn); // Swap will be paid from this contract fromAddress = address(this); } } // Make sure srcToken and destToken are different if (srcToken == destToken) { revert ArbitrageNotSupported(); } // Execute swap (spentAmount, receivedAmount) = _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountOut((-amountOut.toInt256()), pools, fromAddress); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < amountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Check if destToken is ETH and unwrap if (address(destToken) == address(ERC20Utils.ETH)) { // Make sure srcToken was not WETH if (srcToken == WETH) { revert ArbitrageNotSupported(); } // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(receivedAmount); } // Iniiialize remainingAmount uint256 remainingAmount; // Check if payer is this contract if (fromAddress == address(this)) { // If srcTokenwas ETH, we need to withdraw remaining WETH if any if (isFromETH) { // Check native balance before uint256 nativeBalanceBefore = address(this).balance; // Check balance of WETH, If balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount remainingAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0); // Withdraw remaining WETH if any if (remainingAmount > 1) { // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(remainingAmount - 1); // If native balance before is greater than 1, deduct it from remainingAmount remainingAmount = address(this).balance - (nativeBalanceBefore > 1 ? nativeBalanceBefore : 0); } // Set srcToken to ETH srcToken = ERC20Utils.ETH; } else { // If we have executed multi-pool swap, we need to fetch the remaining amount from balance if (isMultiplePools) { // Calculate spent amount and remaining amount, If balanceBefore is greater than 1, deduct it from // remainingAmount remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0); } else { // Otherwise, remaining amount is the difference between the spent amount and the remaining balance remainingAmount = maxAmountIn - spentAmount; } } // Process fees using processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, srcToken, destToken, partnerAndFee, maxAmountIn, remainingAmount, receivedAmount, quotedAmountIn ); } else { // If we have executed multi-pool swap, we need to re-calculate the remaining amount and spent amount if (isMultiplePools) { // Calculate spent amount and remaining amount remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(msg.sender); spentAmount = senderBalanceBefore - remainingAmount; } // Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to feeVault or partner and // feeWallet if needed return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransferUniV3( beneficiary, srcToken, destToken, partnerAndFee, maxAmountIn, receivedAmount, spentAmount, quotedAmountIn ); } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IAugustusFeeVault } from "../interfaces/IAugustusFeeVault.sol"; import { IAugustusFees } from "../interfaces/IAugustusFees.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Storage import { AugustusStorage } from "../storage/AugustusStorage.sol"; /// @title AugustusFees /// @notice Contract for handling fees contract AugustusFees is AugustusStorage, IAugustusFees { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Fee share constants uint256 public constant PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT = 8500; uint256 public constant MAX_FEE_PERCENT = 200; uint256 public constant SURPLUS_PERCENT = 100; uint256 public constant PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE = 5000; uint256 public constant PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE = 2500; uint256 public constant PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE = 5000; uint256 public constant PARASWAP_SLIPPAGE_SHARE = 10_000; uint256 public constant MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI = 11; /// @dev Masks for unpacking feeData uint256 private constant FEE_PERCENT_IN_BASIS_POINTS_MASK = 0x3FFF; uint256 private constant IS_USER_SURPLUS_MASK = 1 << 90; uint256 private constant IS_DIRECT_TRANSFER_MASK = 1 << 91; uint256 private constant IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK = 1 << 92; uint256 private constant IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK = 1 << 93; uint256 private constant IS_REFERRAL_MASK = 1 << 94; uint256 private constant IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK = 1 << 95; /// @dev A contact that stores fees collected by the protocol IAugustusFeeVault public immutable FEE_VAULT; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(address _feeVault) { FEE_VAULT = IAugustusFeeVault(_feeVault); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN FEES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Process swapExactAmountIn fees and transfer the received amount to the beneficiary /// @param destToken The received token from the swapExactAmountIn /// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data /// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountIn /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken /// @return returnAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary /// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner function processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer( address beneficiary, IERC20 destToken, uint256 partnerAndFee, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 quotedAmount ) internal returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare) { // initialize the surplus uint256 surplus; // parse partner and fee data (address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee); // calculate the surplus, we expect there to be 1 wei dust left which we should // not take into account when determining if there is surplus, we only take the // surplus if it is greater than MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI if (receivedAmount > quotedAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) { surplus = receivedAmount - quotedAmount; // if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000; surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus; } } // calculate remainingAmount uint256 remainingAmount = receivedAmount - surplus; // if partner address is not 0x0 if (partner != address(0x0)) { // Check if skip blacklist flag is true bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0; // Check if token is blacklisted bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[destToken]; // If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false, // send the received amount to the beneficiary, we won't process fees if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) { // transfer the received amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (receivedAmount - 1, 0, 0); } // Check if direct transfer flag is true bool isDirectTransfer = feeData & IS_DIRECT_TRANSFER_MASK != 0; // partner takes fixed fees feePercent is greater than 0 uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData); if (feePercent > 0) { // fee base = min (receivedAmount, quotedAmount + surplus) uint256 feeBase = receivedAmount > quotedAmount + surplus ? quotedAmount + surplus : receivedAmount; // calculate fixed fees uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000; paraswapFeeShare = fee - partnerFeeShare; // distrubite fees from destToken returnAmount = _distributeFees( receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, returnAmount); return (returnAmount - 1, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } // if slippage is postive and referral flag is true else if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; // distribute fees from destToken returnAmount = _distributeFees( receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, returnAmount); return (returnAmount - 1, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } // if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50% paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = surplus - paraswapFeeShare; // If user surplus flag is true, transfer the partner share to the user instead of the partner if (feeData & IS_USER_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { partnerFeeShare = 0; // Transfer the paraswap share directly to the fee wallet isDirectTransfer = true; } // distrubite fees from destToken, partner takes 50% of the surplus // and paraswap takes the other 50% returnAmount = _distributeFees( receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, returnAmount); return (returnAmount - 1, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } } // if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0 // paraswap will take the surplus and transfer the rest to the beneficiary // if there is no positive slippage, transfer the received amount to the beneficiary if (surplus > 0) { // If the token is blacklisted, send the received amount to the beneficiary // we won't process fees if (blacklistedTokens[destToken]) { // transfer the received amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (receivedAmount - 1, 0, 0); } // transfer the remaining amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, remainingAmount); // transfer the surplus to the fee wallet destToken.safeTransfer(feeWallet, surplus); return (remainingAmount - 1, surplus, 0); } else { // transfer the received amount to the beneficiary, keeping 1 wei dust _transferAndLeaveDust(destToken, beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (receivedAmount - 1, 0, 0); } } /// @notice Process swapExactAmountIn fees and transfer the received amount to the beneficiary /// @param destToken The received token from the swapExactAmountIn /// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data /// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountIn /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken /// @return returnAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary /// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner function processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransferUniV3( address beneficiary, IERC20 destToken, uint256 partnerAndFee, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 quotedAmount ) internal returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare) { // initialize the surplus uint256 surplus; // parse partner and fee data (address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee); // calculate the surplus, we do not take the surplus into account if it is less than // MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI if (receivedAmount > quotedAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) { surplus = receivedAmount - quotedAmount; // if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000; surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus; } } // calculate remainingAmount uint256 remainingAmount = receivedAmount - surplus; // if partner address is not 0x0 if (partner != address(0x0)) { // Check if skip blacklist flag is true bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0; // Check if token is blacklisted bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[destToken]; // If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false, // send the received amount to the beneficiary, we won't process fees if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) { // transfer the received amount to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (receivedAmount, 0, 0); } // Check if direct transfer flag is true bool isDirectTransfer = feeData & IS_DIRECT_TRANSFER_MASK != 0; // partner takes fixed fees feePercent is greater than 0 uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData); if (feePercent > 0) { // fee base = min (receivedAmount, quotedAmount + surplus) uint256 feeBase = receivedAmount > quotedAmount + surplus ? quotedAmount + surplus : receivedAmount; // calculate fixed fees uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000; paraswapFeeShare = fee - partnerFeeShare; // distrubite fees from destToken returnAmount = _distributeFees( receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the return amount to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, returnAmount); return (returnAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } // if slippage is postive and referral flag is true else if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; // distribute fees from destToken returnAmount = _distributeFees( receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the return amount to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, returnAmount); return (returnAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } // if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50% paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = surplus - paraswapFeeShare; // If user surplus flag is true, transfer the partner share to the user instead of the partner if (feeData & IS_USER_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { partnerFeeShare = 0; // Transfer the paraswap share directly to the fee wallet isDirectTransfer = true; } // distrubite fees from destToken, partner takes 50% of the surplus // and paraswap takes the other 50% returnAmount = _distributeFees( receivedAmount, destToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the return amount to the beneficiary, destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, returnAmount); return (returnAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } } // if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0 // paraswap will take the surplus and transfer the rest to the beneficiary // if there is no positive slippage, transfer the received amount to the beneficiary if (surplus > 0) { // If the token is blacklisted, send the received amount to the beneficiary // we won't process fees if (blacklistedTokens[destToken]) { // transfer the received amount to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (receivedAmount, 0, 0); } // transfer the remaining amount to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, remainingAmount); // transfer the surplus to the fee wallet destToken.safeTransfer(feeWallet, surplus); return (remainingAmount, surplus, 0); } else { // transfer the received amount to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (receivedAmount, 0, 0); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT FEES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Process swapExactAmountOut fees and transfer the received amount and remaining amount to the /// beneficiary /// @param srcToken The token used to swapExactAmountOut /// @param destToken The token received from the swapExactAmountOut /// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data /// @param maxAmountIn The amount of srcToken passed to the swapExactAmountOut /// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of srcToken to be used to swapExactAmountOut /// @return spentAmount The amount of srcToken used to swapExactAmountOut /// @return outAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary /// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner function processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer( address beneficiary, IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 partnerAndFee, uint256 maxAmountIn, uint256 remainingAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 quotedAmount ) internal returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 outAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare) { // calculate the amount used to swapExactAmountOut spentAmount = maxAmountIn - (remainingAmount > 0 ? remainingAmount - 1 : remainingAmount); // initialize the surplus uint256 surplus; // initialize the return amount uint256 returnAmount; // parse partner and fee data (address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee); // check if the quotedAmount is bigger than the maxAmountIn if (quotedAmount > maxAmountIn) { revert InvalidQuotedAmount(); } // calculate the surplus, we do not take the surplus into account if it is less than // MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI if (quotedAmount > spentAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) { surplus = quotedAmount - spentAmount; // if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000; surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus; } } // if partner address is not 0x0 if (partner != address(0x0)) { // Check if skip blacklist flag is true bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0; // Check if token is blacklisted bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[srcToken]; // If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false, // send the remaining amount to the msg.sender, we won't process fees if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) { // transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount); // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0); } // Check if direct transfer flag is true bool isDirectTransfer = feeData & IS_DIRECT_TRANSFER_MASK != 0; // partner takes fixed fees feePercent is greater than 0 uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData); if (feePercent > 0) { // fee base = min (spentAmount, quotedAmount) uint256 feeBase = spentAmount < quotedAmount ? spentAmount : quotedAmount; // calculate fixed fees uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000; paraswapFeeShare = fee - partnerFeeShare; // distrubite fees from srcToken returnAmount = _distributeFees( remainingAmount, srcToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the rest to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, returnAmount); // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } // if slippage is postive and referral flag is true if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; // distribute fees from srcToken returnAmount = _distributeFees( remainingAmount, srcToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the rest to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, returnAmount); // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } // if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50% paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = surplus - paraswapFeeShare; // If user surplus flag is true, transfer the partner share to the user instead of the partner if (feeData & IS_USER_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { partnerFeeShare = 0; // Transfer the paraswap share directly to the fee wallet isDirectTransfer = true; } // distrubite fees from srcToken, partner takes 50% of the surplus // and paraswap takes the other 50% returnAmount = _distributeFees( remainingAmount, srcToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ); // transfer the rest to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, returnAmount); // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } } // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, --receivedAmount); // if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0 // paraswap will take the surplus, and transfer the rest to msg.sender // if there is no positive slippage, transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender if (surplus > 0) { // If the token is blacklisted, send the remaining amount to the msg.sender // we won't process fees if (blacklistedTokens[srcToken]) { // transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0); } // transfer the surplus to the fee wallet srcToken.safeTransfer(feeWallet, surplus); // transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount - surplus); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, surplus, 0); } else { // transfer the remaining amount to msg.sender returnAmount = _transferIfGreaterThanOne(srcToken, msg.sender, remainingAmount); return (maxAmountIn - returnAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0); } } /// @notice Process swapExactAmountOut fees for UniV3 swapExactAmountOut, doing a transferFrom user to the fee /// vault or partner and feeWallet /// @param beneficiary The user's address /// @param srcToken The token used to swapExactAmountOut /// @param destToken The token received from the swapExactAmountOut /// @param partnerAndFee Packed partner and fee data /// @param maxAmountIn The amount of srcToken passed to the swapExactAmountOut /// @param receivedAmount The amount of destToken received from the swapExactAmountOut /// @param spentAmount The amount of srcToken used to swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of srcToken to be used to swapExactAmountOut /// @return totalSpentAmount The total amount of srcToken used to swapExactAmountOut /// @return returnAmount The amount of destToken transfered to the beneficiary /// @return paraswapFeeShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerFeeShare The share of the fees for the partner function processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransferUniV3( address beneficiary, IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 partnerAndFee, uint256 maxAmountIn, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 spentAmount, uint256 quotedAmount ) internal returns (uint256 totalSpentAmount, uint256 returnAmount, uint256 paraswapFeeShare, uint256 partnerFeeShare) { // initialize the surplus uint256 surplus; // calculate remaining amount uint256 remainingAmount = maxAmountIn - spentAmount; // parse partner and fee data (address payable partner, uint256 feeData) = parsePartnerAndFeeData(partnerAndFee); // check if the quotedAmount is bigger than the fromAmount if (quotedAmount > maxAmountIn) { revert InvalidQuotedAmount(); } // calculate the surplus, we do not take the surplus into account if it is less than // MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI if (quotedAmount > spentAmount + MINIMUM_SURPLUS_EPSILON_AND_ONE_WEI) { surplus = quotedAmount - spentAmount; // if the cap surplus flag is passed, we cap the surplus to 1% of the quoted amount if (feeData & IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { uint256 cappedSurplus = (SURPLUS_PERCENT * quotedAmount) / 10_000; surplus = surplus > cappedSurplus ? cappedSurplus : surplus; } } // if partner address is not 0x0 if (partner != address(0x0)) { // Check if skip blacklist flag is true bool skipBlacklist = feeData & IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK != 0; // Check if token is blacklisted bool isBlacklisted = blacklistedTokens[srcToken]; // If the token is blacklisted and the skipBlacklist flag is false, // we won't process fees if (!skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) { // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (spentAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0); } // Check if direct transfer flag is true bool isDirectTransfer = feeData & IS_DIRECT_TRANSFER_MASK != 0; // partner takes fixed fees feePercent is greater than 0 uint256 feePercent = _getAdjustedFeePercent(feeData); if (feePercent > 0) { // fee base = min (spentAmount, quotedAmount) uint256 feeBase = spentAmount < quotedAmount ? spentAmount : quotedAmount; // calculate fixed fees uint256 fee = (feeBase * feePercent) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (fee * PARTNER_SHARE_PERCENT) / 10_000; paraswapFeeShare = fee - partnerFeeShare; // distrubite fees from srcToken totalSpentAmount = _distributeFeesUniV3( remainingAmount, msg.sender, srcToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ) + spentAmount; // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (totalSpentAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } // if slippage is postive and referral flag is true else if (feeData & IS_REFERRAL_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // the split is 50% for paraswap, 25% for the referrer and 25% for the user paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = (surplus * PARTNER_REFERRAL_SHARE) / 10_000; // distribute fees from srcToken totalSpentAmount = _distributeFeesUniV3( remainingAmount, msg.sender, srcToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ) + spentAmount; // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (totalSpentAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } // if slippage is positive and takeSurplus flag is true else if (feeData & IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { if (surplus > 0) { // paraswap takes 50% of the surplus and partner takes the other 50% paraswapFeeShare = (surplus * PARASWAP_SURPLUS_SHARE) / 10_000; partnerFeeShare = surplus - paraswapFeeShare; // If user surplus flag is true, transfer the partner share to the user instead of the partner if (feeData & IS_USER_SURPLUS_MASK != 0) { partnerFeeShare = 0; // Transfer the paraswap share directly to the fee wallet isDirectTransfer = true; } // partner takes 50% of the surplus and paraswap takes the other 50% // distrubite fees from srcToken totalSpentAmount = _distributeFeesUniV3( remainingAmount, msg.sender, srcToken, partner, partnerFeeShare, paraswapFeeShare, skipBlacklist, isBlacklisted, isDirectTransfer ) + spentAmount; // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); return (totalSpentAmount, receivedAmount, paraswapFeeShare, partnerFeeShare); } } } // transfer the received amount of destToken to the beneficiary destToken.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); // if slippage is positive and partner address is 0x0 or fee percent is 0 // paraswap will take the surplus if (surplus > 0) { // If the token is blacklisted, we won't process fees if (blacklistedTokens[srcToken]) { return (spentAmount, receivedAmount, 0, 0); } // transfer the surplus to the fee wallet srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, feeWallet, surplus); } return (spentAmount + surplus, receivedAmount, surplus, 0); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUBLIC //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IAugustusFees function parsePartnerAndFeeData(uint256 partnerAndFee) public pure returns (address payable partner, uint256 feeData) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { partner := shr(96, partnerAndFee) feeData := and(partnerAndFee, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRIVATE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Distribute fees to the partner and paraswap /// @param currentBalance The current balance of the token before distributing the fees /// @param token The token to distribute the fees for /// @param partner The partner address /// @param partnerShare The partner share /// @param paraswapShare The paraswap share /// @param skipBlacklist Whether to skip the blacklist and transfer the fees directly to the partner /// @param isBlacklisted Whether the token is blacklisted /// @param directTransfer Whether to transfer the fees directly to the partner instead of the fee vault /// @return newBalance The new balance of the token after distributing the fees function _distributeFees( uint256 currentBalance, IERC20 token, address payable partner, uint256 partnerShare, uint256 paraswapShare, bool skipBlacklist, bool isBlacklisted, bool directTransfer ) private returns (uint256 newBalance) { uint256 totalFees = partnerShare + paraswapShare; if (totalFees == 0) { return currentBalance; } else { if (skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) { // totalFees should be just the partner share, paraswap does not take fees // on blacklisted tokens, the rest of the fees are sent to sender based on // newBalance = currentBalance - totalFees totalFees = partnerShare; // revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees if (totalFees > currentBalance) { revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees(); } if (partnerShare > 0) { token.safeTransfer(partner, partnerShare); } } else { // revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees if (totalFees > currentBalance) { revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees(); } if (directTransfer) { // transfer the fees directly to the partner and paraswap if (paraswapShare > 0) { token.safeTransfer(feeWallet, paraswapShare); } if (partnerShare > 0) { token.safeTransfer(partner, partnerShare); } } else { // transfer the fees to the fee vault token.safeTransfer(address(FEE_VAULT), totalFees); // Setup fee registration data address[] memory feeAddresses = new address[](2); uint256[] memory feeAmounts = new uint256[](2); feeAddresses[0] = partner; feeAmounts[0] = partnerShare; feeAddresses[1] = feeWalletDelegate; feeAmounts[1] = paraswapShare; IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration memory feeData = IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration({ token: token, addresses: feeAddresses, fees: feeAmounts }); // Register the fees FEE_VAULT.registerFees(feeData); } } } newBalance = currentBalance - totalFees; } /// @notice Distribute fees for UniV3 /// @param currentBalance The current balance of the token before distributing the fees /// @param payer The user's address /// @param token The token to distribute the fees for /// @param partner The partner address /// @param partnerShare The partner share /// @param paraswapShare The paraswap share /// @param skipBlacklist Whether to skip the blacklist and transfer the fees directly to the partner /// @param isBlacklisted Whether the token is blacklisted /// @param directTransfer Whether to transfer the fees directly to the partner instead of the fee vault /// @return totalFees The total fees distributed function _distributeFeesUniV3( uint256 currentBalance, address payer, IERC20 token, address payable partner, uint256 partnerShare, uint256 paraswapShare, bool skipBlacklist, bool isBlacklisted, bool directTransfer ) private returns (uint256 totalFees) { totalFees = partnerShare + paraswapShare; if (totalFees != 0) { if (skipBlacklist && isBlacklisted) { // totalFees should be just the partner share, paraswap does not take fees // on blacklisted tokens, the rest of the fees will remain on the payer's address totalFees = partnerShare; // revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees if (totalFees > currentBalance) { revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees(); } // transfer the fees to the partner if (partnerShare > 0) { // transfer the fees to the partner token.safeTransferFrom(payer, partner, partnerShare); } } else { // revert if the balance is not enough to pay the fees if (totalFees > currentBalance) { revert InsufficientBalanceToPayFees(); } if (directTransfer) { // transfer the fees directly to the partner and paraswap if (paraswapShare > 0) { token.safeTransferFrom(payer, feeWallet, paraswapShare); } if (partnerShare > 0) { token.safeTransferFrom(payer, partner, partnerShare); } } else { // transfer the fees to the fee vault token.safeTransferFrom(payer, address(FEE_VAULT), totalFees); // Setup fee registration data address[] memory feeAddresses = new address[](2); uint256[] memory feeAmounts = new uint256[](2); feeAddresses[0] = partner; feeAmounts[0] = partnerShare; feeAddresses[1] = feeWalletDelegate; feeAmounts[1] = paraswapShare; IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration memory feeData = IAugustusFeeVault.FeeRegistration({ token: token, addresses: feeAddresses, fees: feeAmounts }); // Register the fees FEE_VAULT.registerFees(feeData); } } // othwerwise do not transfer the fees } return totalFees; } /// @notice Get the adjusted fee percent by masking feePercent with FEE_PERCENT_IN_BASIS_POINTS_MASK, /// if the fee percent is bigger than MAX_FEE_PERCENT, then set it to MAX_FEE_PERCENT /// @param feePercent The fee percent /// @return adjustedFeePercent The adjusted fee percent function _getAdjustedFeePercent(uint256 feePercent) private pure returns (uint256) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { feePercent := and(feePercent, FEE_PERCENT_IN_BASIS_POINTS_MASK) // if feePercent is bigger than MAX_FEE_PERCENT, then set it to MAX_FEE_PERCENT if gt(feePercent, MAX_FEE_PERCENT) { feePercent := MAX_FEE_PERCENT } } return feePercent; } /// @notice Transfers amount to recipient if the amount is bigger than 1, leaving 1 wei dust on the contract /// @param token The token to transfer /// @param recipient The address to transfer to /// @param amount The amount to transfer function _transferIfGreaterThanOne( IERC20 token, address recipient, uint256 amount ) private returns (uint256 amountOut) { if (amount > 1) { unchecked { --amount; } token.safeTransfer(recipient, amount); return amount; } return 0; } /// @notice Transfer amount to beneficiary, leaving 1 wei dust on the contract /// @param token The token to transfer /// @param beneficiary The address to transfer to /// @param amount The amount to transfer function _transferAndLeaveDust(IERC20 token, address beneficiary, uint256 amount) private { unchecked { --amount; } token.safeTransfer(beneficiary, amount); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Contracts import { GenericUtils } from "../../util/GenericUtils.sol"; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IGenericSwapExactAmountIn } from "../../interfaces/IGenericSwapExactAmountIn.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { GenericData } from "../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title GenericSwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Router for executing generic swaps with exact amount in through an executor abstract contract GenericSwapExactAmountIn is IGenericSwapExactAmountIn, GenericUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IGenericSwapExactAmountIn function swapExactAmountIn( address executor, GenericData calldata swapData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata executorData ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference swapData IERC20 destToken = swapData.destToken; IERC20 srcToken = swapData.srcToken; uint256 amountIn = swapData.fromAmount; uint256 minAmountOut = swapData.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountOut = swapData.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = swapData.beneficiary; // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Check if toAmount is valid if (minAmountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if srcToken is ETH if (srcToken.isETH(amountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, executor, amountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, executor, amountIn); } } // Execute swap _callSwapExactAmountInExecutor(executor, executorData, amountIn); // Check balance after swap receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < minAmountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountInFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, destToken, partnerAndFee, receivedAmount, quotedAmountOut ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IGenericSwapExactAmountOut } from "../../interfaces/IGenericSwapExactAmountOut.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { GenericData } from "../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { GenericUtils } from "../../util/GenericUtils.sol"; /// @title GenericSwapExactAmountOut /// @notice Router for executing generic swaps with exact amount out through an executor abstract contract GenericSwapExactAmountOut is IGenericSwapExactAmountOut, GenericUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IGenericSwapExactAmountOut function swapExactAmountOut( address executor, GenericData calldata swapData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata executorData ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare) { // Dereference swapData IERC20 destToken = swapData.destToken; IERC20 srcToken = swapData.srcToken; uint256 maxAmountIn = swapData.fromAmount; uint256 amountOut = swapData.toAmount; uint256 quotedAmountIn = swapData.quotedAmount; address payable beneficiary = swapData.beneficiary; // Make sure srcToken and destToken are different if (srcToken == destToken) { revert ArbitrageNotSupported(); } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Check if toAmount is valid if (amountOut == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check contract balance uint256 balanceBefore = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check if srcToken is ETH // Transfer srcToken to executor if not ETH if (srcToken.isETH(maxAmountIn) == 0) { // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, executor, maxAmountIn); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, executor, maxAmountIn); } } else { // If srcToken is ETH, we have to deduct msg.value from balanceBefore balanceBefore = balanceBefore - msg.value; } // Execute swap _callSwapExactAmountOutExecutor(executor, executorData, maxAmountIn, amountOut); // Check balance of destToken receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Check balance of srcToken, deducting the balance before the swap if it is greater than 1 uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)) - (balanceBefore > 1 ? balanceBefore : 0); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < amountOut) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Process fees and transfer destToken and srcToken to beneficiary return processSwapExactAmountOutFeesAndTransfer( beneficiary, srcToken, destToken, partnerAndFee, maxAmountIn, remainingAmount, receivedAmount, quotedAmountIn ); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import { IAugustusRFQRouter } from "../../interfaces/IAugustusRFQRouter.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; // Types import { AugustusRFQData, OrderInfo } from "../../AugustusV6Types.sol"; // Utils import { AugustusRFQUtils } from "../../util/AugustusRFQUtils.sol"; import { WETHUtils } from "../../util/WETHUtils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "../../util/PauseUtils.sol"; import { Permit2Utils } from "../../util/Permit2Utils.sol"; import { AugustusFees } from "../../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; /// @title AugustusRFQRouter /// @notice A contract for executing direct AugustusRFQ swaps abstract contract AugustusRFQRouter is IAugustusRFQRouter, AugustusRFQUtils, AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRY BATCH FILL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @inheritdoc IAugustusRFQRouter // solhint-disable-next-line code-complexity function swapOnAugustusRFQTryBatchFill( AugustusRFQData calldata data, OrderInfo[] calldata orders, bytes calldata permit ) external payable whenNotPaused returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount) { // Dereference data address payable beneficiary = data.beneficiary; uint256 ordersLength = orders.length; uint256 fromAmount = data.fromAmount; uint256 toAmount = data.toAmount; uint8 wrapApproveDirection = data.wrapApproveDirection; // Decode wrapApproveDirection // First 2 bits are for wrap // Next 1 bit is for approve // Last 1 bit is for direction uint8 wrap; bool approve; bool direction; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { wrap := and(3, wrapApproveDirection) approve := and(shr(2, wrapApproveDirection), 1) direction := and(shr(3, wrapApproveDirection), 1) } // Check if beneficiary is valid if (beneficiary == address(0)) { beneficiary = payable(msg.sender); } // Check if toAmount is valid if (toAmount == 0) { revert InvalidToAmount(); } // Check if ordersLength is valid if (ordersLength == 0) { revert InvalidOrdersLength(); } // Check if msg.sender is authorized to be the taker for all orders for (uint256 i = 0; i < ordersLength; ++i) { _checkAuthorization(orders[i].order.nonceAndMeta); } // Dereference srcToken and destToken IERC20 srcToken = IERC20(orders[0].order.takerAsset); IERC20 destToken = IERC20(orders[0].order.makerAsset); // Check if we need to wrap or permit if (wrap != 1) { // If msg.value is not 0, revert if (msg.value > 0) { revert IncorrectEthAmount(); } // Check the length of the permit field, // if < 257 and > 0 we should execute regular permit // and if it is >= 257 we execute permit2 if (permit.length < 257) { // Permit if needed if (permit.length > 0) { srcToken.permit(permit); } srcToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fromAmount); } else { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom permit2TransferFrom(permit, address(this), fromAmount); } } else { // Check if msg.value is equal to fromAmount if (fromAmount != msg.value) { revert IncorrectEthAmount(); } // If it is ETH. wrap it to WETH WETH.deposit{ value: fromAmount }(); } if (approve) { // Approve srcToken to AugustusRFQ srcToken.approve(address(AUGUSTUS_RFQ)); } // Check if we need to execute a swapExactAmountIn or a swapExactAmountOut if (!direction) { // swapExactAmountIn // Unwrap WETH if needed if (wrap == 2) { // Execute tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount(orders, fromAmount, address(this)); // Check received amount receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < toAmount) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(--receivedAmount); // Transfer ETH to beneficiary ERC20Utils.ETH.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); } else { // Check balance of beneficiary before swap uint256 beforeBalance = destToken.getBalance(beneficiary); // Execute tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount(orders, fromAmount, beneficiary); // set receivedAmount to afterBalance - beforeBalance receivedAmount = destToken.getBalance(beneficiary) - beforeBalance; // Check if swap succeeded if (receivedAmount < toAmount) { revert InsufficientReturnAmount(); } } // Return spentAmount and receivedAmount return (fromAmount, receivedAmount); } else { // swapExactAmountOut // Unwrap WETH if needed if (wrap == 2) { // Execute tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount(orders, toAmount, address(this)); // Check remaining WETH balance receivedAmount = IERC20(WETH).getBalance(address(this)); // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(--receivedAmount); // Transfer ETH to beneficiary ERC20Utils.ETH.safeTransfer(beneficiary, receivedAmount); // Set toAmount to receivedAmount toAmount = receivedAmount; } else { // Execute tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount AUGUSTUS_RFQ.tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount(orders, toAmount, beneficiary); } // Check remaining amount uint256 remainingAmount = srcToken.getBalance(address(this)); // Send remaining srcToken to msg.sender if (remainingAmount > 1) { // If srcToken was ETH if (wrap == 1) { // Unwrap WETH WETH.withdraw(--remainingAmount); // Transfer ETH to msg.sender ERC20Utils.ETH.safeTransfer(msg.sender, remainingAmount); } else { // Transfer remaining srcToken to msg.sender srcToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, --remainingAmount); } } // Return spentAmount and receivedAmount return (fromAmount - remainingAmount, toAmount); } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IAugustusRFQ } from "../interfaces/IAugustusRFQ.sol"; import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; // Libraries import { ERC20Utils } from "../libraries/ERC20Utils.sol"; /// @title AugustusRFQUtils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for AugustusRFQ swaps contract AugustusRFQUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using ERC20Utils for IERC20; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Emitted when the msg.sender is not authorized to be the taker error UnauthorizedUser(); /// @dev Emitted when the orders length is 0 error InvalidOrdersLength(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev AugustusRFQ address IAugustusRFQ public immutable AUGUSTUS_RFQ; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(address _augustusRFQ) { AUGUSTUS_RFQ = IAugustusRFQ(_augustusRFQ); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Check if the msg.sender is authorized to be the taker function _checkAuthorization(uint256 nonceAndMeta) internal view { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Parse nonceAndMeta if xor(and(nonceAndMeta, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff), 0) { // If the taker is not 0, we check if the msg.sender is authorized if xor(and(nonceAndMeta, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff), caller()) { // The taker does not match the originalSender, revert mstore(0, 0x02a43f8b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // function // selector for error UnauthorizedUser(); revert(0, 4) } } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Contracts import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; // Utils import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol"; /// @title BalancerV2Utils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for BalancerV2 swaps abstract contract BalancerV2Utils is AugustusFees, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Emitted when the passed selector is invalid error InvalidSelector(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev BalancerV2 vault address address payable public immutable BALANCER_VAULT; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(address payable _balancerVault) { BALANCER_VAULT = _balancerVault; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Decode srcToken, destToken from balancerData, beneficiary and approve flag from beneficiaryAndApproveFlag function _decodeBalancerV2Params( uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, bytes calldata balancerData ) internal pure returns (IERC20 srcToken, IERC20 destToken, address payable beneficiary, bool approve) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { // Parse beneficiaryAndApproveFlag beneficiary := and(beneficiaryAndApproveFlag, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) approve := shr(255, beneficiaryAndApproveFlag) // Load calldata without selector let callDataWithoutSelector := add(4, balancerData.offset) // Check selector switch calldataload(balancerData.offset) // If the selector is for swap(tuple singleSwap,tuple funds,uint256 limit,uint256 deadline) case 0x52bbbe2900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 { // Load srcToken from singleSswap.assetIn srcToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, 288)) // Load destToken from singleSswap.assetOut destToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, 320)) } // If the selector is for batchSwap(uint8 kind,tuple[] swaps,address[] assets,tuple funds,int256[] // limits,uint256 deadline) case 0x945bcec900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 { // Load assetOffset from balancerData let assetsOffset := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, 64)) // Load assetCount at assetOffset let assetsCount := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, assetsOffset)) // Get swapExactAmountIn type from first 32 bytes of balancerData let swapType := calldataload(callDataWithoutSelector) // Set fromAmount, srcToken, toAmount and destToken based on swapType switch eq(swapType, 1) case 1 { // Load srcToken as the last asset in balancerData.assets srcToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, mul(assetsCount, 32)))) // Load destToken as the first asset in balancerData.assets destToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, 32))) } default { // Load srcToken as the first asset in balancerData.assets srcToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, 32))) // Load destToken as the last asset in balancerData.assets destToken := calldataload(add(callDataWithoutSelector, add(assetsOffset, mul(assetsCount, 32)))) } } default { // If the selector is invalid, revert mstore(0, 0x7352d91c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector for error InvalidSelector(); revert(0, 4) } // Balancer users 0x0 as ETH address so we need to convert it if eq(srcToken, 0) { srcToken := 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE } if eq(destToken, 0) { destToken := 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE } } return (srcToken, destToken, beneficiary, approve); } /// @dev Call balancerVault with data function _callBalancerV2(bytes calldata balancerData) internal { address payable targetAddress = BALANCER_VAULT; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { // Load free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // Copy the balancerData to memory calldatacopy(ptr, balancerData.offset, balancerData.length) // Execute the call on balancerVault if iszero(call(gas(), targetAddress, callvalue(), ptr, balancerData.length, 0, 0)) { returndatacopy(ptr, 0, returndatasize()) // copy the revert data to memory revert(ptr, returndatasize()) // revert with the revert data } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Contracts import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; // Utils import { WETHUtils } from "./WETHUtils.sol"; import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol"; /// @title UniswapV2Utils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for UniswapV2 swaps abstract contract UniswapV2Utils is AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Used to caluclate pool address uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; /// @dev Right padded FF + UniswapV2Factory address uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(uint256 _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash) { UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF = _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF; UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH = _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Loops through UniswapV2 pools in backword direction and swaps exact amount out function _callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactOut(uint256 amountOut, IERC20 srcToken, bytes calldata pools) internal { uint256 uniswapV2FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF; uint256 uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { function calculatePoolAddress( poolMemoryPtr, poolCalldataPtr, _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash ) { // Calculate the pool address // We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then // calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); // The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(poolMemoryPtr, _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF) // Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0ptr := add(poolMemoryPtr, 21) // Copy pool data (skip last bit) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) calldatacopy(token0ptr, poolCalldataPtr, 40) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1)) mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 40)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate address(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, token1), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH))); mstore(poolMemoryPtr, and(keccak256(poolMemoryPtr, 85), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)) // 21 // + 32 + 32 } // Calculate pool count let poolCount := div(pools.length, 64) // Initilize memory pointers let amounts := mload(64) // pointer for amounts array let poolAddresses := add(amounts, add(mul(poolCount, 32), 32)) // pointer for pools array let emptyPtr := add(poolAddresses, mul(poolCount, 32)) // pointer for empty memory // Initialize fromAmount let fromAmount := 0 // Set the final amount in the amounts array to amountOut mstore(add(amounts, mul(poolCount, 0x20)), amountOut) //---------------------------------// // Calculate Pool Addresses and Amounts //---------------------------------// // Calculate pool addresses for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } { calculatePoolAddress( add(poolAddresses, mul(i, 32)), add(pools.offset, mul(i, 64)), uniswapV2FactoryAndFF, uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash ) } // Rerverse loop through pools and calculate amounts for { let i := poolCount } gt(i, 0) { i := sub(i, 1) } { // Use previous pool data to calculate amount in let indexSub1 := sub(i, 1) // Get pool address let poolAddress := mload(add(poolAddresses, mul(indexSub1, 32))) // Get direction let direction := and(1, calldataload(add(add(pools.offset, mul(indexSub1, 64)), 32))) // Get amount let amount := mload(add(amounts, mul(i, 32))) //---------------------------------// // Calculate Amount In //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // Get Reserves //---------------------------------// // Store the selector mstore(emptyPtr, 0x0902f1ac00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // 'getReserves()' // selector // Perform the external 'getReserves' call - outputs directly to ptr if iszero(staticcall(gas(), poolAddress, emptyPtr, 4, emptyPtr, 64)) { returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } // If direction is true, getReserves returns (reserve0, reserve1) // If direction is false, getReserves returns (reserve1, reserve0) -> swap the values // Load the reserve0 value returned by the 'getReserves' call. let reserve1 := mload(emptyPtr) // Load the reserve1 value returned by the 'getReserves' call. let reserve0 := mload(add(emptyPtr, 32)) // Check if direction is true if direction { // swap reserve0 and reserve1 let temp := reserve0 reserve0 := reserve1 reserve1 := temp } //---------------------------------// // Calculate numerator = reserve0 * amountOut * 10000 let numerator := mul(mul(reserve0, amount), 10000) // Calculate denominator = (reserve1 - amountOut) * 9970 let denominator := mul(sub(reserve1, amount), 9970) // Calculate amountIn = numerator / denominator + 1 fromAmount := add(div(numerator, denominator), 1) // Store amountIn for the previous pool mstore(add(amounts, mul(indexSub1, 32)), fromAmount) } //---------------------------------// // Initialize variables let poolAddress := 0 let nextPoolAddress := 0 //---------------------------------// // Loop Swap Through Pools //---------------------------------// // Loop for each pool for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } { // Check if it is the first pool if iszero(poolAddress) { // If it is the first pool, we need to transfer amount of srcToken to poolAddress // Load first pool address poolAddress := mload(poolAddresses) //---------------------------------// // Transfer amount of srcToken to poolAddress //---------------------------------// // Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress mstore(emptyPtr, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector // (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount)) mstore(add(emptyPtr, 4), poolAddress) // store the recipient mstore(add(emptyPtr, 36), fromAmount) // store the amount pop(call(gas(), srcToken, 0, emptyPtr, 68, 0, 32)) // call transfer //---------------------------------// } // Adjust toAddress depending on if it is the last pool in the array let toAddress := address() // Check if it is not the last pool if lt(add(i, 1), poolCount) { // Load next pool address nextPoolAddress := mload(add(poolAddresses, mul(add(i, 1), 32))) // Adjust toAddress to next pool address toAddress := nextPoolAddress } // Check direction let direction := and(1, calldataload(add(add(pools.offset, mul(i, 64)), 32))) // if direction is 1, amount0out is 0 and amount1out is amount[i+1] // if direction is 0, amount0out is amount[i+1] and amount1out is 0 // Load amount[i+1] let amount := mload(add(amounts, mul(add(i, 1), 32))) // Initialize amount0Out and amount1Out let amount0Out := amount let amount1Out := 0 // Check if direction is true if direction { // swap amount0Out and amount1Out let temp := amount0Out amount0Out := amount1Out amount1Out := temp } //---------------------------------// // Perform Swap //---------------------------------// // Load the 'swap' selector, amount0Out, amount1Out, toAddress and data("") into memory. mstore(emptyPtr, 0x022c0d9f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // 'swap()' selector mstore(add(emptyPtr, 4), amount0Out) // amount0Out mstore(add(emptyPtr, 36), amount1Out) // amount1Out mstore(add(emptyPtr, 68), toAddress) // toAddress mstore(add(emptyPtr, 100), 0x80) // data length mstore(add(emptyPtr, 132), 0) // data // Perform the external 'swap' call if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, emptyPtr, 164, 0, 64)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } //---------------------------------// // Set poolAddress to nextPoolAddress poolAddress := nextPoolAddress } //---------------------------------// } } /// @dev Loops through UniswapV2 pools and swaps exact amount in function _callUniswapV2PoolsSwapExactIn( uint256 fromAmount, IERC20 srcToken, bytes calldata pools, address payer, bytes calldata permit2 ) internal { uint256 uniswapV2FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF; uint256 uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V2_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; address permit2Address = PERMIT2; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { //---------------------------------// // Loop Swap Through Pools //---------------------------------// // Calculate pool count let poolCount := div(pools.length, 64) // Initialize variables let p := 0 let poolAddress := 0 let nextPoolAddress := 0 let direction := 0 // Loop for each pool for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } { // Check if it is the first pool if iszero(p) { //---------------------------------// // Calculate Pool Address //---------------------------------// // Calculate the pool address // We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then // calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0,token1)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); // The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(ptr, uniswapV2FactoryAndFF) // Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21) // Copy pool data (skip last bit) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF // SIZE) calldatacopy(token0ptr, pools.offset, 40) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(token0), address(token1)) mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 40)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32 // Load pool p := mload(ptr) // Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address poolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress //---------------------------------// switch eq(payer, address()) // if payer is this contract, transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress case 1 { // Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress mstore(ptr, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector // (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount)) mstore(add(ptr, 4), poolAddress) // store the recipient mstore(add(ptr, 36), fromAmount) // store the amount pop(call(gas(), srcToken, 0, ptr, 68, 0, 32)) // call transfer } // othwerwise transferFrom fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress from payer default { switch gt(permit2.length, 256) case 0 { // Transfer fromAmount of srcToken to poolAddress mstore(ptr, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store // the selector // (function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, // uint256 amount)) mstore(add(ptr, 4), payer) // store the sender mstore(add(ptr, 36), poolAddress) // store the recipient mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // store the amount pop(call(gas(), srcToken, 0, ptr, 100, 0, 32)) // call transferFrom } default { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom // Store function selector mstore(ptr, 0x30f28b7a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // permitTransferFrom() calldatacopy(add(ptr, 4), permit2.offset, permit2.length) // Copy data to memory mstore(add(ptr, 132), poolAddress) // Store recipient mstore(add(ptr, 164), fromAmount) // Store amount mstore(add(ptr, 196), payer) // Store payer // Call permit2.permitTransferFrom and revert if call failed if iszero(call(gas(), permit2Address, 0, ptr, add(permit2.length, 4), 0, 0)) { mstore(0, 0x6b836e6b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store // error selector // error Permit2Failed() revert(0, 4) } } } //---------------------------------// } // Direction is the first bit of the pool data direction := and(1, calldataload(add(add(pools.offset, mul(i, 64)), 32))) //---------------------------------// // Calculate Amount Out //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // Get Reserves //---------------------------------// // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // Store the selector mstore(ptr, 0x0902f1ac00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // 'getReserves()' // selector // Perform the external 'getReserves' call - outputs directly to ptr if iszero(staticcall(gas(), poolAddress, ptr, 4, ptr, 64)) { returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } // If direction is true, getReserves returns (reserve0, reserve1) // If direction is false, getReserves returns (reserve1, reserve0) -> swap the values // Load the reserve0 value returned by the 'getReserves' call. let reserve1 := mload(ptr) // Load the reserve1 value returned by the 'getReserves' call. let reserve0 := mload(add(ptr, 32)) // Check if direction is true if direction { // swap reserve0 and reserve1 let temp := reserve0 reserve0 := reserve1 reserve1 := temp } //---------------------------------// // Calculate amount based on fee let amountWithFee := mul(fromAmount, 9970) // Calculate numerator = amountWithFee * reserve1 let numerator := mul(amountWithFee, reserve1) // Calculate denominator = reserve0 * 10000 + amountWithFee let denominator := add(mul(reserve0, 10000), amountWithFee) // Calculate amountOut = numerator / denominator let amountOut := div(numerator, denominator) fromAmount := amountOut // if direction is true, amount0Out is 0 and amount1Out is fromAmount, // otherwise amount0Out is fromAmount and amount1Out is 0 let amount0Out := fromAmount let amount1Out := 0 // swap amount0Out and amount1Out if direction is false if direction { amount0Out := 0 amount1Out := fromAmount } //---------------------------------// // Adjust toAddress depending on if it is the last pool in the array let toAddress := address() // Check if it is not the last pool if lt(add(i, 1), poolCount) { //---------------------------------// // Calculate Next Pool Address //---------------------------------// // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(ptr, uniswapV2FactoryAndFF) // Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21) // Copy next pool data to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V2_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) calldatacopy(token0ptr, add(pools.offset, mul(add(i, 1), 64)), 40) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(token0), address(token1)) mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 40)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32 // Load pool p := mload(ptr) // Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address nextPoolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Adjust toAddress to next pool address toAddress := nextPoolAddress //---------------------------------// } //---------------------------------// // Perform Swap //---------------------------------// // Load the 'swap' selector, amount0Out, amount1Out, toAddress and data("") into memory. mstore(ptr, 0x022c0d9f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // 'swap()' selector mstore(add(ptr, 4), amount0Out) // amount0Out mstore(add(ptr, 36), amount1Out) // amount1Out mstore(add(ptr, 68), toAddress) // toAddress mstore(add(ptr, 100), 0x80) // data length mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0) // data // Perform the external 'swap' call if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, 164, 0, 64)) { // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } //---------------------------------// // Set poolAddress to nextPoolAddress poolAddress := nextPoolAddress } //---------------------------------// } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Contracts import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; // Interfaces import { IUniswapV3SwapCallback } from "../interfaces/IUniswapV3SwapCallback.sol"; // Libraries import { SafeCastLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeCastLib.sol"; // Utils import { WETHUtils } from "./WETHUtils.sol"; import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol"; /// @title UniswapV3Utils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for UniswapV3 swaps abstract contract UniswapV3Utils is IUniswapV3SwapCallback, AugustusFees, WETHUtils, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LIBRARIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ using SafeCastLib for int256; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Error emitted if the caller is not a Uniswap V3 pool error InvalidCaller(); /// @notice Error emitted if the transfer of tokens to the pool inside the callback failed error CallbackTransferFailed(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Used to caluclate pool address uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; /// @dev Right padded FF + UniswapV3Factory address uint256 public immutable UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ uint256 private constant UNISWAP_V3_MIN_SQRT = 4_295_128_740; uint256 private constant UNISWAP_V3_MAX_SQRT = 1_461_446_703_485_210_103_287_273_052_203_988_822_378_723_970_341; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(uint256 _uniswapV3FactoryAndFF, uint256 _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) { UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF = _uniswapV3FactoryAndFF; UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH = _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // @inheritdoc IUniswapV3SwapCallback function uniswapV3SwapCallback( int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data ) external whenNotPaused { // Initialize variables uint256 uniswapV3FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF; uint256 uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; address permit2Address = PERMIT2; address poolAddress; // 160 (single pool data) + 352 (permit2 length) bool isPermit2 = data.length == 512; // Check if the caller is a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory //solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Pool address poolAddress := caller() // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // We need make sure the caller is a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory // 1. Prepare data for calculating the pool address // Store ff+factory address, Load token0, token1, fee from bytes calldata and store pool init code hash // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF) // Store data offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0Offset := add(ptr, 21) // Copy token0, token1, fee to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) + 1 byte // (direction) calldatacopy(add(token0Offset, 1), add(data.offset, 65), 95) // 2. Calculate the pool address // We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the fetched values and then // calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); // The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address // Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee)) mstore(token0Offset, keccak256(token0Offset, 96)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0Offset, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32 // Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address let computedAddress := and(mload(ptr), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Check if the caller matches the computed address (and revert if not) if xor(poolAddress, computedAddress) { mstore(0, 0x48f5c3ed00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (error InvalidCaller()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } } // Check if data length is greater than 160 bytes (1 pool) // If the data length is greater than 160 bytes, we know that we are executing a multi-hop swapExactAmountOut // by recursively calling swapExactAmountOut on the next pool, until we reach the last pool in the data and // then we will transfer the tokens to the pool if (data.length > 160 && !isPermit2) { // Initialize recursive variables address payer; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Copy payer address from calldata payer := calldataload(164) } // Recursive call swapExactAmountOut _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountOut(amount0Delta > 0 ? -amount0Delta : -amount1Delta, data, payer); } else { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Token to send to the pool let token // Amount to send to the pool let amount // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // If the caller is the computed address, then we can safely assume that the caller is a UniswapV3Pool // deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory // 3. Transfer amount to the pool // Check if amount0Delta or amount1Delta is positive and which token we need to send to the pool if sgt(amount0Delta, 0) { // If amount0Delta is positive, we need to send amount0Delta token0 to the pool token := and(calldataload(add(data.offset, 64)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) amount := amount0Delta } if sgt(amount1Delta, 0) { // If amount1Delta is positive, we need to send amount1Delta token1 to the pool token := calldataload(add(data.offset, 96)) amount := amount1Delta } // Based on the data passed to the callback, we know the fromAddress that will pay for the // swap, if it is this contract, we will execute the transfer() function, // otherwise, we will execute transferFrom() // Check if fromAddress is this contract let fromAddress := calldataload(164) switch eq(fromAddress, address()) // If fromAddress is this contract, execute transfer() case 1 { // Prepare external call data mstore(ptr, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector // (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount)) mstore(add(ptr, 4), poolAddress) // store the recipient mstore(add(ptr, 36), amount) // store the amount let success := call(gas(), token, 0, ptr, 68, 0, 32) // call transfer if success { switch returndatasize() // check the return data size case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(token), 0) } default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) } } if iszero(success) { mstore(0, 0x1bbb4abe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector // (error CallbackTransferFailed()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } } // If fromAddress is not this contract, execute transferFrom() or permitTransferFrom() default { switch isPermit2 // If permit2 is not present, execute transferFrom() case 0 { mstore(ptr, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector // (function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, // uint256 amount)) mstore(add(ptr, 4), fromAddress) // store the sender mstore(add(ptr, 36), poolAddress) // store the recipient mstore(add(ptr, 68), amount) // store the amount let success := call(gas(), token, 0, ptr, 100, 0, 32) // call transferFrom if success { switch returndatasize() // check the return data size case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(token), 0) } default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) } } if iszero(success) { mstore(0, 0x1bbb4abe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the // selector // (error CallbackTransferFailed()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } } // If permit2 is present, execute permitTransferFrom() default { // Otherwise Permit2.permitTransferFrom // Store function selector mstore(ptr, 0x30f28b7a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // permitTransferFrom() calldatacopy(add(ptr, 4), 292, 352) // Copy data to memory mstore(add(ptr, 132), poolAddress) // Store pool address as recipient mstore(add(ptr, 164), amount) // Store amount as amount mstore(add(ptr, 196), fromAddress) // Store payer // Call permit2.permitTransferFrom and revert if call failed if iszero(call(gas(), permit2Address, 0, ptr, 356, 0, 0)) { mstore(0, 0x6b836e6b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store // error selector // error Permit2Failed() revert(0, 4) } } } } } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Loops through pools and performs swaps function _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountIn( int256 fromAmount, bytes calldata pools, address fromAddress, bytes calldata permit2 ) internal returns (uint256 receivedAmount) { uint256 uniswapV3FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF; uint256 uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { //---------------------------------// // Loop Swap Through Pools //---------------------------------// // Calculate pool count let poolCount := div(pools.length, 96) // Initialize variables let p := 0 let poolAddress := 0 let nextPoolAddress := 0 let direction := 0 let isPermit2 := gt(permit2.length, 256) // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // Loop through pools for { let i := 0 } lt(i, poolCount) { i := add(i, 1) } { // Check if it is the first pool if iszero(p) { //---------------------------------// // Calculate Pool Address //---------------------------------// // Calculate the pool address // We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then // calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); // The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF) // Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21) // Copy pool data (skip first byte) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF // SIZE) calldatacopy(add(token0ptr, 1), add(pools.offset, 1), 95) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee)) mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 96)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32 // Load pool p := mload(ptr) // Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address poolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) //---------------------------------// } // Direction is the first bit of the pool data direction := shr(255, calldataload(add(pools.offset, mul(i, 96)))) // Check if it is not the last pool if lt(add(i, 1), poolCount) { //---------------------------------// // Calculate Next Pool Address //---------------------------------// // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF) // Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21) // Copy next pool data to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) calldatacopy(add(token0ptr, 1), add(add(pools.offset, 1), mul(add(i, 1), 96)), 95) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee)) mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 96)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32 // Load pool p := mload(ptr) // Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address nextPoolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) //---------------------------------// } // Adjust fromAddress and fromAmount if it's not the first pool if gt(i, 0) { fromAddress := address() } //---------------------------------// // Perform Swap //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // Return based on direction //---------------------------------// // Initialize data length let dataLength := 0xa0 // Initialize total data length let totalDataLength := 356 // If permit2 is present include permit2 data length in total data length if eq(isPermit2, 1) { totalDataLength := add(totalDataLength, permit2.length) dataLength := add(dataLength, permit2.length) } // Return amount0 or amount1 depending on direction switch direction case 0 { // Prepare external call data // Store swap selector (0x128acb08) mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store toAddress mstore(add(ptr, 4), address()) // Store direction mstore(add(ptr, 36), 0) // Store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // Store sqrtPriceLimitX96 mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MAX_SQRT) // Store data offset mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0) /// Store data length mstore(add(ptr, 164), dataLength) // Store fromAddress mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress) // Store token0, token1, fee calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), add(pools.offset, mul(i, 96)), 96) // If permit2 is present, store permit2 data if eq(isPermit2, 1) { // Store permit2 data calldatacopy(add(ptr, 356), permit2.offset, permit2.length) } // Perform the external 'swap' call if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, totalDataLength, ptr, 32)) { // store return value directly to free memory pointer // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } // If direction is 0, return amount0 fromAmount := mload(ptr) } default { // Prepare external call data // Store swap selector (0x128acb08) mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store toAddress mstore(add(ptr, 4), address()) // Store direction mstore(add(ptr, 36), 1) // Store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // Store sqrtPriceLimitX96 mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MIN_SQRT) // Store data offset mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0) /// Store data length mstore(add(ptr, 164), dataLength) // Store fromAddress mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress) // Store token0, token1, fee calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), add(pools.offset, mul(i, 96)), 96) // If permit2 is present, store permit2 data if eq(isPermit2, 1) { // Store permit2 data calldatacopy(add(ptr, 356), permit2.offset, permit2.length) } // Perform the external 'swap' call if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, totalDataLength, ptr, 64)) { // store return value directly to free memory pointer // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } // If direction is 1, return amount1 fromAmount := mload(add(ptr, 32)) } //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // The next pool address was already calculated so we can set it as the current pool address for the // next iteration of the loop poolAddress := nextPoolAddress // fromAmount = -fromAmount fromAmount := sub(0, fromAmount) } //---------------------------------// } return fromAmount.toUint256(); } /// @dev Recursively loops through pools and performs swaps function _callUniswapV3PoolsSwapExactAmountOut( int256 fromAmount, bytes calldata pools, address fromAddress ) internal returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount) { uint256 uniswapV3FactoryAndFF = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF; uint256 uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash = UNISWAP_V3_POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { //---------------------------------// // Adjust data received from recursive call //---------------------------------// // Initialize variables let poolsStartOffset := pools.offset let poolsLength := pools.length let previousPoolAddress := 0 // Check if pools length is not divisible by 96 if gt(mod(pools.length, 96), 0) { // Check if pools length is greater than 128 bytes (1 pool) if gt(pools.length, 160) { // Get the previous pool address from the first 20 bytes of pool data previousPoolAddress := and(calldataload(pools.offset), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Relculate the offset to skip data poolsStartOffset := add(pools.offset, 160) // Recalculate the length to skip data poolsLength := sub(pools.length, 160) } } // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) //---------------------------------// // Calculate Pool Address //---------------------------------// // Calculate the pool address // We can do this by first calling the keccak256 function on the passed pool values and then // calculating keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); // The first 20 bytes of the computed address are the pool address // Store 0xff + factory address (right padded) mstore(ptr, uniswapV3FactoryAndFF) // Store pools offset + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF SIZE) let token0ptr := add(ptr, 21) // Copy pool data (skip first byte) to free memory pointer + 21 bytes (UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_AND_FF // SIZE) calldatacopy(add(token0ptr, 1), add(poolsStartOffset, 1), 95) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encode(address(token0), address(token1), fee)) mstore(token0ptr, keccak256(token0ptr, 96)) // Store POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH mstore(add(token0ptr, 32), uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash) // Calculate keccak256(abi.encodePacked(hex'ff', address(factory_address), // keccak256(abi.encode(token0, // token1, fee)), POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH)); mstore(ptr, keccak256(ptr, 85)) // 21 + 32 + 32 // Load pool let p := mload(ptr) // Get the first 20 bytes of the computed address let poolAddress := and(p, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // Adjust toAddress //---------------------------------// let toAddress := address() // If it's not the first entry to recursion, we use the pool address from the previous pool as // the toAddress if xor(previousPoolAddress, 0) { toAddress := previousPoolAddress } //---------------------------------// // Direction is the first bit of the pool data let direction := shr(255, calldataload(poolsStartOffset)) //---------------------------------// // Perform Swap //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // Return based on direction //---------------------------------// // Return amount0 or amount1 depending on direction switch direction case 0 { // Prepare external call data // Store swap selector (0x128acb08) mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store toAddress mstore(add(ptr, 4), toAddress) // Store direction mstore(add(ptr, 36), 0) // Store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // Store sqrtPriceLimitX96 mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MAX_SQRT) // Store data offset mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0) /// Store data length mstore(add(ptr, 164), add(64, poolsLength)) // Store poolAddress mstore(add(ptr, 196), poolAddress) // Store fromAddress mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress) // Store token0, token1, fee calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), poolsStartOffset, poolsLength) // Perform the external 'swap' call if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, add(poolsLength, 260), ptr, 64)) { // store return value directly to free memory pointer // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } // If direction is 0, return amount0 as fromAmount fromAmount := mload(ptr) // return amount1 as spentAmount spentAmount := mload(add(ptr, 32)) } default { // Prepare external call data // Store swap selector (0x128acb08) mstore(ptr, 0x128acb0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store toAddress mstore(add(ptr, 4), toAddress) // Store direction mstore(add(ptr, 36), 1) // Store fromAmount mstore(add(ptr, 68), fromAmount) // Store sqrtPriceLimitX96 mstore(add(ptr, 100), UNISWAP_V3_MIN_SQRT) // Store data offset mstore(add(ptr, 132), 0xa0) /// Store data length mstore(add(ptr, 164), add(64, poolsLength)) // Store poolAddress mstore(add(ptr, 196), poolAddress) // Store fromAddress mstore(add(ptr, 228), fromAddress) // Store token0, token1, fee calldatacopy(add(ptr, 260), poolsStartOffset, poolsLength) // Perform the external 'swap' call if iszero(call(gas(), poolAddress, 0, ptr, add(poolsLength, 260), ptr, 64)) { // store return value directly to free memory pointer // The call failed; we retrieve the exact error message and revert with it returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) // Copy the error message to the start of memory revert(0, returndatasize()) // Revert with the error message } // If direction is 1, return amount1 as fromAmount fromAmount := mload(add(ptr, 32)) // return amount0 as spentAmount spentAmount := mload(ptr) } //---------------------------------// //---------------------------------// // fromAmount = -fromAmount fromAmount := sub(0, fromAmount) } return (spentAmount, fromAmount.toUint256()); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IWETH } from "../interfaces/IWETH.sol"; /// @title WETHUtils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for WETH abstract contract WETHUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev WETH address IWETH public immutable WETH; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(address _weth) { WETH = IWETH(_weth); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; /// @title Permit2Utils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for Permit2 abstract contract Permit2Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ error Permit2Failed(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Permit2 address address public immutable PERMIT2; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ constructor(address _permit2) { PERMIT2 = _permit2; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Parses data and executes permit2.permitTransferFrom, reverts if it fails function permit2TransferFrom(bytes calldata data, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal { address targetAddress = PERMIT2; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // Get free memory pointer let ptr := mload(64) // Store function selector mstore(ptr, 0x30f28b7a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // permitTransferFrom() // Copy data to memory calldatacopy(add(ptr, 4), data.offset, data.length) // Store recipient mstore(add(ptr, 132), recipient) // Store amount mstore(add(ptr, 164), amount) // Store owner mstore(add(ptr, 196), caller()) // Call permit2.permitTransferFrom and revert if call failed if iszero(call(gas(), targetAddress, 0, ptr, add(data.length, 4), 0, 0)) { mstore(0, 0x6b836e6b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // Store error selector // error Permit2Failed() revert(0, 4) } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.20; /** * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP. */ interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); /** * @dev Returns the value of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the value of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from the caller's account to `to`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets a `value` amount of tokens as the allowance of `spender` over the * caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20#issuecomment-263524729 * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to` using the * allowance mechanism. `value` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { BalancerV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Interface for executing swapExactAmountIn directly on Balancer V2 pools interface IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Balancer V2 pools /// @param balancerData Struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit Permit data for the swap /// @param data The calldata to execute /// the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address and the left most bit is the approve flag /// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountInOnBalancerV2( BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata data ) external payable returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; /// @title ERC20Utils /// @notice Optimized functions for ERC20 tokens library ERC20Utils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ error IncorrectEthAmount(); error PermitFailed(); error TransferFromFailed(); error TransferFailed(); error ApprovalFailed(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ IERC20 internal constant ETH = IERC20(0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// APPROVE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Vendored from Solady by @vectorized - SafeTransferLib.approveWithRetry /// https://github.com/Vectorized/solady/src/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol#L325 /// Instead of approving a specific amount, this function approves for uint256(-1) (type(uint256).max). function approve(IERC20 token, address to) internal { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument. mstore(0x34, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Store the `amount` // argument (type(uint256).max). mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`. // Perform the approval, retrying upon failure. if iszero( and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left. or(eq(mload(0x00), 1), iszero(returndatasize())), // Returned 1 or nothing. call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20) ) ) { mstore(0x34, 0) // Store 0 for the `amount`. mstore(0x00, 0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000) // `approve(address,uint256)`. pop(call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, codesize(), 0x00)) // Reset the approval. mstore(0x34, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff) // Store // type(uint256).max for the `amount`. // Retry the approval, reverting upon failure. if iszero( and( or(eq(mload(0x00), 1), iszero(returndatasize())), // Returned 1 or nothing. call(gas(), token, 0, 0x10, 0x44, 0x00, 0x20) ) ) { mstore(0, 0x8164f84200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector (error ApprovalFailed()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } } mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten. } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PERMIT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Executes an ERC20 permit and reverts if invalid length is provided function permit(IERC20 token, bytes calldata data) internal { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { // check the permit length switch data.length // 32 * 7 = 224 EIP2612 Permit case 224 { let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer mstore(x, 0xd505accf00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // function permit(address owner, address spender, uint256 // amount, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) calldatacopy(add(x, 4), data.offset, 224) // store the args pop(call(gas(), token, 0, x, 228, 0, 32)) // call ERC20 permit, skip checking return data } // 32 * 8 = 256 DAI-Style Permit case 256 { let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer mstore(x, 0x8fcbaf0c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // function permit(address holder, address spender, uint256 // nonce, uint256 expiry, bool allowed, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) calldatacopy(add(x, 4), data.offset, 256) // store the args pop(call(gas(), token, 0, x, 260, 0, 32)) // call ERC20 permit, skip checking return data } default { mstore(0, 0xb78cb0dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (error PermitFailed()) revert(0, 4) } } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ETH //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Returns 1 if the token is ETH, 0 if not ETH function isETH(IERC20 token, uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256 fromETH) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly ("memory-safe") { // If token is ETH if eq(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { // if msg.value is not equal to fromAmount, then revert if xor(amount, callvalue()) { mstore(0, 0x8b6ebb4d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (error IncorrectEthAmount()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } // return 1 if ETH fromETH := 1 } // If token is not ETH if xor(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { // if msg.value is not equal to 0, then revert if gt(callvalue(), 0) { mstore(0, 0x8b6ebb4d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (error IncorrectEthAmount()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } } } // return 0 if not ETH } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRANSFER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Executes transfer and reverts if it fails, works for both ETH and ERC20 transfers function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal returns (bool success) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { switch eq(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) // ETH case 1 { // transfer ETH // Cap gas at 10000 to avoid reentrancy success := call(10000, recipient, amount, 0, 0, 0, 0) } // ERC20 default { let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer mstore(x, 0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount)) mstore(add(x, 4), recipient) // store the recipient mstore(add(x, 36), amount) // store the amount success := call(gas(), token, 0, x, 68, 0, 32) // call transfer if success { switch returndatasize() // check the return data size case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(token), 0) } default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) } } } if iszero(success) { mstore(0, 0x90b8ec1800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (error TransferFailed()) revert(0, 4) // revert with error selector } } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRANSFER FROM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Executes transferFrom and reverts if it fails function safeTransferFrom( IERC20 srcToken, address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) internal returns (bool success) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer mstore(x, 0x23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, // uint256 amount)) mstore(add(x, 4), sender) // store the sender mstore(add(x, 36), recipient) // store the recipient mstore(add(x, 68), amount) // store the amount success := call(gas(), srcToken, 0, x, 100, 0, 32) // call transferFrom if success { switch returndatasize() // check the return data size case 0 { success := gt(extcodesize(srcToken), 0) } default { success := and(gt(returndatasize(), 31), eq(mload(0), 1)) } } if iszero(success) { mstore(x, 0x7939f42400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (error TransferFromFailed()) revert(x, 4) // revert with error selector } } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BALANCE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Returns the balance of an account, works for both ETH and ERC20 tokens function getBalance(IERC20 token, address account) internal view returns (uint256 balanceOf) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { switch eq(token, 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) // ETH case 1 { balanceOf := balance(account) } // ERC20 default { let x := mload(64) // get the free memory pointer mstore(x, 0x70a0823100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) // store the selector // (function balanceOf(address account)) mstore(add(x, 4), account) // store the account let success := staticcall(gas(), token, x, 36, x, 32) // call balanceOf if success { balanceOf := mload(x) } // load the balance } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GENERIC SWAP DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct containg data for generic swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut /// @param srcToken The token to swap from /// @param destToken The token to swap to /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken /// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to struct GenericData { IERC20 srcToken; IERC20 destToken; uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 quotedAmount; bytes32 metadata; address payable beneficiary; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UNISWAPV2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct for UniswapV2 swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut data /// @param srcToken The token to swap from /// @param destToken The token to swap to /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken /// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to /// @param pools data consisting of concatenated token0 and token1 address for each pool with the direction flag being /// the right most bit of the packed token0-token1 pair bytes used in the path struct UniswapV2Data { IERC20 srcToken; IERC20 destToken; uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 quotedAmount; bytes32 metadata; address payable beneficiary; bytes pools; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UNISWAPV3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct for UniswapV3 swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut data /// @param srcToken The token to swap from /// @param destToken The token to swap to /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken /// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to /// @param pools data consisting of concatenated token0- /// token1-fee bytes for each pool used in the path, with the direction flag being the left most bit of token0 in the /// concatenated bytes struct UniswapV3Data { IERC20 srcToken; IERC20 destToken; uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 quotedAmount; bytes32 metadata; address payable beneficiary; bytes pools; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CURVE V1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct for CurveV1 swapExactAmountIn data /// @param curveData Packed data for the Curve pool, first 160 bits is the target exchange address, /// the 161st bit is the approve flag, bits from (162 - 163) are used for the wrap flag, //// bits from (164 - 165) are used for the swapType flag and the last 91 bits are unused: /// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve /// Wrap Flag - a) 0 -> do not wrap b) 1 -> wrap native & srcToken == eth /// c) 2 -> unwrap and destToken == eth d) 3 - >srcToken == eth && do not wrap /// Swap Type Flag - a) 0 -> EXCHANGE b) 1 -> EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING /// @param curveAssets Packed uint128 index i and uint128 index j of the pool /// The first 128 bits is the index i and the second 128 bits is the index j /// @param srcToken The token to swap from /// @param destToken The token to swap to /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount that must be recieved /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The expected amount of destToken to be recieved /// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to struct CurveV1Data { uint256 curveData; uint256 curveAssets; IERC20 srcToken; IERC20 destToken; uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 quotedAmount; bytes32 metadata; address payable beneficiary; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CURVE V2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct for CurveV2 swapExactAmountIn data /// @param curveData Packed data for the Curve pool, first 160 bits is the target exchange address, /// the 161st bit is the approve flag, bits from (162 - 163) are used for the wrap flag, //// bits from (164 - 165) are used for the swapType flag and the last 91 bits are unused /// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve /// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve /// Wrap Flag - a) 0 -> do not wrap b) 1 -> wrap native & srcToken == eth /// c) 2 -> unwrap and destToken == eth d) 3 - >srcToken == eth && do not wrap /// Swap Type Flag - a) 0 -> EXCHANGE b) 1 -> EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING c) 2 -> EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING_FACTORY_ZAP /// @param i The index of the srcToken /// @param j The index of the destToken /// The first 128 bits is the index i and the second 128 bits is the index j /// @param poolAddress The address of the CurveV2 pool (only used for EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING_FACTORY_ZAP) /// @param srcToken The token to swap from /// @param destToken The token to swap to /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount that must be recieved /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The expected amount of destToken to be recieved /// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to struct CurveV2Data { uint256 curveData; uint256 i; uint256 j; address poolAddress; IERC20 srcToken; IERC20 destToken; uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 quotedAmount; bytes32 metadata; address payable beneficiary; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BALANCER V2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct for BalancerV2 swapExactAmountIn data /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken /// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiaryAndApproveFlag The beneficiary address and approve flag packed into one uint256, /// the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address and the left most bit is the approve flag struct BalancerV2Data { uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 quotedAmount; bytes32 metadata; uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAKERPSM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct for Maker PSM swapExactAmountIn data /// @param srcToken The token to swap from /// @param destToken The token to swap to /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toll Used to calculate gem amount for the swapExactAmountIn /// @param to18ConversionFactor Used to calculate gem amount for the swapExactAmountIn /// @param gemJoinAddress The address of the gemJoin contract /// @param exchange The address of the exchange contract /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata /// @param beneficiaryDirectionApproveFlag The beneficiary address, swap direction and approve flag packed /// into one uint256, the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address, the left most bit is the approve flag and the /// second left most bit is the swap direction flag, 0 for swapExactAmountIn and 1 for swapExactAmountOut struct MakerPSMData { IERC20 srcToken; IERC20 destToken; uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint256 toll; uint256 to18ConversionFactor; address exchange; address gemJoinAddress; bytes32 metadata; uint256 beneficiaryDirectionApproveFlag; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AUGUSTUS RFQ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Order struct for Augustus RFQ /// @param nonceAndMeta The nonce and meta data packed into one uint256, /// the first 160 bits is the user address and the last 96 bits is the nonce /// @param expiry The expiry of the order /// @param makerAsset The address of the maker asset /// @param takerAsset The address of the taker asset /// @param maker The address of the maker /// @param taker The address of the taker, if the taker is address(0) anyone can take the order /// @param makerAmount The amount of makerAsset /// @param takerAmount The amount of takerAsset struct Order { uint256 nonceAndMeta; uint128 expiry; address makerAsset; address takerAsset; address maker; address taker; uint256 makerAmount; uint256 takerAmount; } /// @notice Struct containing order info for Augustus RFQ /// @param order The order struct /// @param signature The signature for the order /// @param takerTokenFillAmount The amount of takerToken to fill /// @param permitTakerAsset The permit data for the taker asset /// @param permitMakerAsset The permit data for the maker asset struct OrderInfo { Order order; bytes signature; uint256 takerTokenFillAmount; bytes permitTakerAsset; bytes permitMakerAsset; } /// @notice Struct containing common data for executing swaps on Augustus RFQ /// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap /// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut /// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive /// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut /// @param wrapApproveDirection The wrap, approve and direction flag packed into one uint8, /// the first 2 bits is wrap flag (10 for wrap dest, 01 for wrap src, 00 for no wrap), the next bit is the approve flag /// (1 for approve, 0 for no approve) and the last bit is the direction flag (0 for swapExactAmountIn and 1 for /// swapExactAmountOut) /// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata struct AugustusRFQData { uint256 fromAmount; uint256 toAmount; uint8 wrapApproveDirection; bytes32 metadata; address payable beneficiary; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { CurveV1Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Interface for direct swaps on Curve V1 interface ICurveV1SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Curve V1 pools /// @param curveV1Data Struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit Permit data for the swap /// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV1( CurveV1Data calldata curveV1Data, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Storage import { AugustusStorage } from "../storage/AugustusStorage.sol"; /// @title PauseUtils /// @notice Provides a modifier to check if the contract is paused abstract contract PauseUtils is AugustusStorage { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Error emitted when the contract is paused error ContractPaused(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MODIFIERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // Check if the contract is paused, if it is, revert modifier whenNotPaused() { if (paused) { revert ContractPaused(); } _; } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { CurveV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Interface for direct swaps on Curve V2 interface ICurveV2SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Curve V2 pools /// @param curveV2Data Struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit Permit data for the swap /// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountInOnCurveV2( CurveV2Data calldata curveV2Data, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Interface for direct swaps on Uniswap V2 interface IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V2 pools /// @param uniData struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit The permit data /// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV2( UniswapV2Data calldata uniData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV3Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Interface for executing direct swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V3 interface IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountIn is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountIn on Uniswap V3 pools /// @param uniData struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit The permit data /// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountInOnUniswapV3( UniswapV3Data calldata uniData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.4; /// @notice Safe integer casting library that reverts on overflow. /// @author Solady (https://github.com/vectorized/solady/blob/main/src/utils/SafeCastLib.sol) /// @author Modified from OpenZeppelin (https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol) library SafeCastLib { /*´:°•.°+.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°•.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°+.*•´.*:*/ /* CUSTOM ERRORS */ /*.•°:°.´+˚.*°.˚:*.´•*.+°.•°:´*.´•*.•°.•°:°.´:•˚°.*°.˚:*.´+°.•*/ error Overflow(); /*´:°•.°+.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°•.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°+.*•´.*:*/ /* UNSIGNED INTEGER SAFE CASTING OPERATIONS */ /*.•°:°.´+˚.*°.˚:*.´•*.+°.•°:´*.´•*.•°.•°:°.´:•˚°.*°.˚:*.´+°.•*/ function toUint8(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint8) { if (x >= 1 << 8) _revertOverflow(); return uint8(x); } function toUint16(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint16) { if (x >= 1 << 16) _revertOverflow(); return uint16(x); } function toUint24(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint24) { if (x >= 1 << 24) _revertOverflow(); return uint24(x); } function toUint32(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint32) { if (x >= 1 << 32) _revertOverflow(); return uint32(x); } function toUint40(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint40) { if (x >= 1 << 40) _revertOverflow(); return uint40(x); } function toUint48(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint48) { if (x >= 1 << 48) _revertOverflow(); return uint48(x); } function toUint56(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint56) { if (x >= 1 << 56) _revertOverflow(); return uint56(x); } function toUint64(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint64) { if (x >= 1 << 64) _revertOverflow(); return uint64(x); } function toUint72(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint72) { if (x >= 1 << 72) _revertOverflow(); return uint72(x); } function toUint80(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint80) { if (x >= 1 << 80) _revertOverflow(); return uint80(x); } function toUint88(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint88) { if (x >= 1 << 88) _revertOverflow(); return uint88(x); } function toUint96(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint96) { if (x >= 1 << 96) _revertOverflow(); return uint96(x); } function toUint104(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint104) { if (x >= 1 << 104) _revertOverflow(); return uint104(x); } function toUint112(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint112) { if (x >= 1 << 112) _revertOverflow(); return uint112(x); } function toUint120(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint120) { if (x >= 1 << 120) _revertOverflow(); return uint120(x); } function toUint128(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint128) { if (x >= 1 << 128) _revertOverflow(); return uint128(x); } function toUint136(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint136) { if (x >= 1 << 136) _revertOverflow(); return uint136(x); } function toUint144(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint144) { if (x >= 1 << 144) _revertOverflow(); return uint144(x); } function toUint152(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint152) { if (x >= 1 << 152) _revertOverflow(); return uint152(x); } function toUint160(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint160) { if (x >= 1 << 160) _revertOverflow(); return uint160(x); } function toUint168(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint168) { if (x >= 1 << 168) _revertOverflow(); return uint168(x); } function toUint176(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint176) { if (x >= 1 << 176) _revertOverflow(); return uint176(x); } function toUint184(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint184) { if (x >= 1 << 184) _revertOverflow(); return uint184(x); } function toUint192(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint192) { if (x >= 1 << 192) _revertOverflow(); return uint192(x); } function toUint200(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint200) { if (x >= 1 << 200) _revertOverflow(); return uint200(x); } function toUint208(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint208) { if (x >= 1 << 208) _revertOverflow(); return uint208(x); } function toUint216(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint216) { if (x >= 1 << 216) _revertOverflow(); return uint216(x); } function toUint224(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint224) { if (x >= 1 << 224) _revertOverflow(); return uint224(x); } function toUint232(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint232) { if (x >= 1 << 232) _revertOverflow(); return uint232(x); } function toUint240(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint240) { if (x >= 1 << 240) _revertOverflow(); return uint240(x); } function toUint248(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint248) { if (x >= 1 << 248) _revertOverflow(); return uint248(x); } /*´:°•.°+.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°•.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°+.*•´.*:*/ /* SIGNED INTEGER SAFE CASTING OPERATIONS */ /*.•°:°.´+˚.*°.˚:*.´•*.+°.•°:´*.´•*.•°.•°:°.´:•˚°.*°.˚:*.´+°.•*/ function toInt8(int256 x) internal pure returns (int8) { int8 y = int8(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt16(int256 x) internal pure returns (int16) { int16 y = int16(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt24(int256 x) internal pure returns (int24) { int24 y = int24(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt32(int256 x) internal pure returns (int32) { int32 y = int32(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt40(int256 x) internal pure returns (int40) { int40 y = int40(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt48(int256 x) internal pure returns (int48) { int48 y = int48(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt56(int256 x) internal pure returns (int56) { int56 y = int56(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt64(int256 x) internal pure returns (int64) { int64 y = int64(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt72(int256 x) internal pure returns (int72) { int72 y = int72(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt80(int256 x) internal pure returns (int80) { int80 y = int80(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt88(int256 x) internal pure returns (int88) { int88 y = int88(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt96(int256 x) internal pure returns (int96) { int96 y = int96(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt104(int256 x) internal pure returns (int104) { int104 y = int104(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt112(int256 x) internal pure returns (int112) { int112 y = int112(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt120(int256 x) internal pure returns (int120) { int120 y = int120(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt128(int256 x) internal pure returns (int128) { int128 y = int128(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt136(int256 x) internal pure returns (int136) { int136 y = int136(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt144(int256 x) internal pure returns (int144) { int144 y = int144(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt152(int256 x) internal pure returns (int152) { int152 y = int152(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt160(int256 x) internal pure returns (int160) { int160 y = int160(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt168(int256 x) internal pure returns (int168) { int168 y = int168(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt176(int256 x) internal pure returns (int176) { int176 y = int176(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt184(int256 x) internal pure returns (int184) { int184 y = int184(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt192(int256 x) internal pure returns (int192) { int192 y = int192(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt200(int256 x) internal pure returns (int200) { int200 y = int200(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt208(int256 x) internal pure returns (int208) { int208 y = int208(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt216(int256 x) internal pure returns (int216) { int216 y = int216(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt224(int256 x) internal pure returns (int224) { int224 y = int224(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt232(int256 x) internal pure returns (int232) { int232 y = int232(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt240(int256 x) internal pure returns (int240) { int240 y = int240(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } function toInt248(int256 x) internal pure returns (int248) { int248 y = int248(x); if (x != y) _revertOverflow(); return y; } /*´:°•.°+.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°•.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°+.*•´.*:*/ /* OTHER SAFE CASTING OPERATIONS */ /*.•°:°.´+˚.*°.˚:*.´•*.+°.•°:´*.´•*.•°.•°:°.´:•˚°.*°.˚:*.´+°.•*/ function toInt256(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256) { if (x >= 1 << 255) _revertOverflow(); return int256(x); } function toUint256(int256 x) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (x < 0) _revertOverflow(); return uint256(x); } /*´:°•.°+.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°•.*•´.*:˚.°*.˚•´.°:°•.°+.*•´.*:*/ /* PRIVATE HELPERS */ /*.•°:°.´+˚.*°.˚:*.´•*.+°.•°:´*.´•*.•°.•°:°.´:•˚°.*°.˚:*.´+°.•*/ function _revertOverflow() private pure { /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly assembly { // Store the function selector of `Overflow()`. mstore(0x00, 0x35278d12) // Revert with (offset, size). revert(0x1c, 0x04) } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { BalancerV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut /// @notice Interface for executing swapExactAmountOut directly on Balancer V2 pools interface IBalancerV2SwapExactAmountOut is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountOut on Balancer V2 pools /// @param balancerData Struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit Permit data for the swap /// @param data The calldata to execute /// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap /// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountOutOnBalancerV2( BalancerV2Data calldata balancerData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata data ) external payable returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV2Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut /// @notice Interface for direct swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V2 interface IUniswapV2SwapExactAmountOut is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V2 pools /// @param swapData struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit The permit data /// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap /// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV2( UniswapV2Data calldata swapData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { UniswapV3Data } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut /// @notice Interface for executing direct swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V3 interface IUniswapV3SwapExactAmountOut is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a swapExactAmountOut on Uniswap V3 pools /// @param swapData struct containing data for the swap /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit The permit data /// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap /// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountOutOnUniswapV3( UniswapV3Data calldata swapData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; /// @title IAugustusFeeVault /// @notice Interface for the AugustusFeeVault contract interface IAugustusFeeVault { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Error emitted when withdraw amount is zero or exceeds the stored amount error InvalidWithdrawAmount(); /// @notice Error emmitted when caller is not an approved augustus contract error UnauthorizedCaller(); /// @notice Error emitted when an invalid parameter length is passed error InvalidParameterLength(); /// @notice Error emitted when batch withdraw fails error BatchCollectFailed(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Emitted when an augustus contract approval status is set /// @param augustus The augustus contract address /// @param approved The approval status event AugustusApprovalSet(address indexed augustus, bool approved); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STRUCTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Struct to register fees /// @param addresses The addresses to register fees for /// @param token The token to register fees for /// @param fees The fees to register struct FeeRegistration { address[] addresses; IERC20 token; uint256[] fees; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COLLECT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Allows partners to withdraw fees allocated to them and stored in the vault /// @param token The token to withdraw fees in /// @param amount The amount of fees to withdraw /// @param recipient The address to send the fees to /// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not function withdrawSomeERC20(IERC20 token, uint256 amount, address recipient) external returns (bool success); /// @notice Allows partners to withdraw all fees allocated to them and stored in the vault for a given token /// @param token The token to withdraw fees in /// @param recipient The address to send the fees to /// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not function withdrawAllERC20(IERC20 token, address recipient) external returns (bool success); /// @notice Allows partners to withdraw all fees allocated to them and stored in the vault for multiple tokens /// @param tokens The tokens to withdraw fees i /// @param recipient The address to send the fees to /// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not function batchWithdrawAllERC20(IERC20[] calldata tokens, address recipient) external returns (bool success); /// @notice Allows partners to withdraw fees allocated to them and stored in the vault /// @param tokens The tokens to withdraw fees in /// @param amounts The amounts of fees to withdraw /// @param recipient The address to send the fees to /// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not function batchWithdrawSomeERC20( IERC20[] calldata tokens, uint256[] calldata amounts, address recipient ) external returns (bool success); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BALANCE GETTERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Get the balance of a given token for a given partner /// @param token The token to get the balance of /// @param partner The partner to get the balance for /// @return feeBalance The balance of the given token for the given partner function getBalance(IERC20 token, address partner) external view returns (uint256 feeBalance); /// @notice Get the balances of a given partner for multiple tokens /// @param tokens The tokens to get the balances of /// @param partner The partner to get the balances for /// @return feeBalances The balances of the given tokens for the given partner function batchGetBalance( IERC20[] calldata tokens, address partner ) external view returns (uint256[] memory feeBalances); /// @notice Returns the unallocated fees for a given token /// @param token The token to get the unallocated fees for /// @return unallocatedFees The unallocated fees for the given token function getUnallocatedFees(IERC20 token) external view returns (uint256 unallocatedFees); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OWNER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Registers the given feeData to the vault /// @param feeData The fee registration data function registerFees(FeeRegistration memory feeData) external; /// @notice Sets the augustus contract approval status /// @param augustus The augustus contract address /// @param approved The approval status function setAugustusApproval(address augustus, bool approved) external; /// @notice Sets the contract pause state /// @param _isPaused The new pause state function setContractPauseState(bool _isPaused) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; /// @title IAugustusFees /// @notice Interface for the AugustusFees contract, which handles the fees for the Augustus aggregator interface IAugustusFees { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Error emmited when the balance is not enough to pay the fees error InsufficientBalanceToPayFees(); /// @notice Error emmited when the quotedAmount is bigger than the fromAmount error InvalidQuotedAmount(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUBLIC //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Parses the `partnerAndFee` parameter to extract the partner address and fee data. /// @dev `partnerAndFee` is a uint256 value where data is packed in a specific bit layout. /// /// The bit layout for `partnerAndFee` is as follows: /// - The most significant 160 bits (positions 255 to 96) represent the partner address. /// - Bits 95 to 92 are reserved for flags indicating various fee processing conditions: /// - 95th bit: `IS_TAKE_SURPLUS_MASK` - Partner takes surplus /// - 94th bit: `IS_REFERRAL_MASK` - Referral takes surplus /// - 93rd bit: `IS_SKIP_BLACKLIST_MASK` - Bypass token blacklist when processing fees /// - 92nd bit: `IS_CAP_SURPLUS_MASK` - Cap surplus to 1% of quoted amount /// - The least significant 16 bits (positions 15 to 0) encode the fee percentage. /// /// @param partnerAndFee Packed uint256 containing both partner address and fee data. /// @return partner The extracted partner address as a payable address. /// @return feeData The extracted fee data containing the fee percentage and flags. function parsePartnerAndFeeData(uint256 partnerAndFee) external pure returns (address payable partner, uint256 feeData); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; // @title AugustusStorage // @notice Inherited storage layout for AugustusV6, // contracts should inherit this contract to access the storage layout contract AugustusStorage { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FEES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // @dev Mapping of tokens to boolean indicating if token is blacklisted for fee collection mapping(IERC20 token => bool isBlacklisted) public blacklistedTokens; // @dev Fee wallet to directly transfer paraswap share to address payable public feeWallet; // @dev Fee wallet address to register the paraswap share to in the fee vault address payable public feeWalletDelegate; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTROL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // @dev Contract paused state bool public paused; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Contracts import { AugustusFees } from "../fees/AugustusFees.sol"; // Utils import { Permit2Utils } from "./Permit2Utils.sol"; import { PauseUtils } from "./PauseUtils.sol"; /// @title GenericUtils /// @notice A contract containing common utilities for Generic swaps abstract contract GenericUtils is AugustusFees, Permit2Utils, PauseUtils { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @dev Call executor with executorData and amountIn function _callSwapExactAmountInExecutor( address executor, bytes calldata executorData, uint256 amountIn ) internal { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // get the length of the executorData // + 4 bytes for the selector // + 32 bytes for fromAmount // + 32 bytes for sender let totalLength := add(executorData.length, 68) calldatacopy(add(0x7c, 4), executorData.offset, executorData.length) // store the executorData mstore(add(0x7c, add(4, executorData.length)), amountIn) // store the amountIn mstore(add(0x7c, add(36, executorData.length)), caller()) // store the sender // call executor and forward call value if iszero(call(gas(), executor, callvalue(), 0x7c, totalLength, 0, 0)) { returndatacopy(0x7c, 0, returndatasize()) // copy the revert data to memory revert(0x7c, returndatasize()) // revert with the revert data } } } /// @dev Call executor with executorData, maxAmountIn, amountOut function _callSwapExactAmountOutExecutor( address executor, bytes calldata executorData, uint256 maxAmountIn, uint256 amountOut ) internal { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { // get the length of the executorData // + 4 bytes for the selector // + 32 bytes for fromAmount // + 32 bytes for toAmount // + 32 bytes for sender let totalLength := add(executorData.length, 100) calldatacopy(add(0x7c, 4), executorData.offset, executorData.length) // store the executorData mstore(add(0x7c, add(4, executorData.length)), maxAmountIn) // store the maxAmountIn mstore(add(0x7c, add(36, executorData.length)), amountOut) // store the amountOut mstore(add(0x7c, add(68, executorData.length)), caller()) // store the sender // call executor and forward call value if iszero(call(gas(), executor, callvalue(), 0x7c, totalLength, 0, 0)) { returndatacopy(0x7c, 0, returndatasize()) // copy the revert data to memory revert(0x7c, returndatasize()) // revert with the revert data } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { GenericData } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IGenericSwapExactAmountIn /// @notice Interface for executing a generic swapExactAmountIn through an Augustus executor interface IGenericSwapExactAmountIn is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT IN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a generic swapExactAmountIn using the given executorData on the given executor /// @param executor The address of the executor contract to use /// @param swapData Generic data containing the swap information /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit The permit data /// @param executorData The data to execute on the executor /// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountIn( address executor, GenericData calldata swapData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata executorData ) external payable returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { GenericData } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IGenericSwapExactAmountOut /// @notice Interface for executing a generic swapExactAmountOut through an Augustus executor interface IGenericSwapExactAmountOut is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SWAP EXACT AMOUNT OUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a generic swapExactAmountOut using the given executorData on the given executor /// @param executor The address of the executor contract to use /// @param swapData Generic data containing the swap information /// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last /// 20 bytes is the partner address /// @param permit The permit data /// @param executorData The data to execute on the executor /// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap /// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received from the swap /// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap /// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner function swapExactAmountOut( address executor, GenericData calldata swapData, uint256 partnerAndFee, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata executorData ) external payable returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; // Interfaces import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol"; // Types import { AugustusRFQData, OrderInfo } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; /// @title IAugustusRFQRouter /// @notice Interface for direct swaps on AugustusRFQ interface IAugustusRFQRouter is IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Emitted when the passed msg.value is not equal to the fromAmount error IncorrectEthAmount(); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRY BATCH FILL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Executes a tryBatchFillTakerAmount or tryBatchFillMakerAmount call on AugustusRFQ /// the function that is executed is defined by the direction flag in the data param /// @param data Struct containing common data for AugustusRFQ /// @param orders An array containing AugustusRFQ orderInfo data /// @param permit Permit data for the swap /// @return spentAmount The amount of tokens spent /// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received function swapOnAugustusRFQTryBatchFill( AugustusRFQData calldata data, OrderInfo[] calldata orders, bytes calldata permit ) external payable returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC pragma solidity 0.8.22; pragma abicoder v2; // Types import { Order, OrderInfo } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol"; interface IAugustusRFQ { /// @dev Allows taker to fill an order /// @param order Order quote to fill /// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order function fillOrder(Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature) external; /// @dev The same as fillOrder but allows sender to specify the target beneficiary address /// @param order Order quote to fill /// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order /// @param target Address of the receiver function fillOrderWithTarget(Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature, address target) external; /// @dev Allows taker to fill an order partially /// @param order Order quote to fill /// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order /// @param takerTokenFillAmount Maximum taker token to fill this order with. function partialFillOrder( Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature, uint256 takerTokenFillAmount ) external returns (uint256 makerTokenFilledAmount); /// @dev Same as `partialFillOrder` but it allows to specify the destination address /// @param order Order quote to fill /// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order /// @param takerTokenFillAmount Maximum taker token to fill this order with. /// @param target Address that will receive swap funds function partialFillOrderWithTarget( Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature, uint256 takerTokenFillAmount, address target ) external returns (uint256 makerTokenFilledAmount); /// @dev Same as `partialFillOrderWithTarget` but it allows to pass permit /// @param order Order quote to fill /// @param signature Signature of the maker corresponding to the order /// @param takerTokenFillAmount Maximum taker token to fill this order with. /// @param target Address that will receive swap funds /// @param permitTakerAsset Permit calldata for taker /// @param permitMakerAsset Permit calldata for maker function partialFillOrderWithTargetPermit( Order calldata order, bytes calldata signature, uint256 takerTokenFillAmount, address target, bytes calldata permitTakerAsset, bytes calldata permitMakerAsset ) external returns (uint256 makerTokenFilledAmount); /// @dev batch fills orders until the takerFillAmount is swapped /// @dev skip the order if it fails /// @param orderInfos OrderInfo to fill /// @param takerFillAmount total taker amount to fill /// @param target Address of receiver function tryBatchFillOrderTakerAmount( OrderInfo[] calldata orderInfos, uint256 takerFillAmount, address target ) external; /// @dev batch fills orders until the makerFillAmount is swapped /// @dev skip the order if it fails /// @param orderInfos OrderInfo to fill /// @param makerFillAmount total maker amount to fill /// @param target Address of receiver function tryBatchFillOrderMakerAmount( OrderInfo[] calldata orderInfos, uint256 makerFillAmount, address target ) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; /// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap /// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap must implement this interface interface IUniswapV3SwapCallback { /// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after executing a swap via IUniswapV3Pool#swap. /// @dev In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the swap. /// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory. /// amount0Delta and amount1Delta can both be 0 if no tokens were swapped. /// @param amount0Delta The amount of token0 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by /// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token0 to the pool. /// @param amount1Delta The amount of token1 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by /// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token1 to the pool. /// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap call function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; /// @title IWETH /// @notice An interface for WETH IERC20 interface IWETH is IERC20 { function deposit() external payable; function withdraw(uint256 amount) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.22; /// @title IErrors /// @notice Common interface for errors interface IErrors { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /// @notice Emitted when the returned amount is less than the minimum amount error InsufficientReturnAmount(); /// @notice Emitted when the specified toAmount is less than the minimum amount (2) error InvalidToAmount(); /// @notice Emmited when the srcToken and destToken are the same error ArbitrageNotSupported(); }
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Contract ABI
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Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _owner (address): 0xD7e24A49944F7972cEb826C7557580658F9C3303
Arg [1] : _diamondCutFacet (address): 0xfa39c1c670b48956eeF9fd0BbD0E81A290326330
Arg [2] : _weth (address): 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
Arg [3] : _balancerVault (address): 0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8
Arg [4] : _uniV3FactoryAndFF (uint256): 115395599522508061429428307120883023012361415493104242916976774162621891870720
Arg [5] : _uniswapV3PoolInitCodeHash (uint256): 102814774271675688723325049954498779091328469440286648861889194717372678376276
Arg [6] : _uniswapV2FactoryAndFF (uint256): 115503056148776755782671941100287934110443767449021598599426467662402456387584
Arg [7] : _uniswapV2PoolInitCodeHash (uint256): 68258024698789349894765071221733254692395760896603232917352833510768193864799
Arg [8] : _rfq (address): 0xe92b586627ccA7a83dC919cc7127196d70f55a06
Arg [9] : _feeVault (address): 0x00700052c0608F670705380a4900e0a8080010CC
Arg [10] : _permit2 (address): 0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3
-----Encoded View---------------
11 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000d7e24a49944f7972ceb826c7557580658f9c3303
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000fa39c1c670b48956eef9fd0bbd0e81a290326330
Arg [2] : 000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2
Arg [3] : 000000000000000000000000ba12222222228d8ba445958a75a0704d566bf2c8
Arg [4] : ff1f98431c8ad98523631ae4a59f267346ea31f9840000000000000000000000
Arg [5] : e34f199b19b2b4f47f68442619d555527d244f78a3297ea89325f843f87b8b54
Arg [6] : ff5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f0000000000000000000000
Arg [7] : 96e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f
Arg [8] : 000000000000000000000000e92b586627cca7a83dc919cc7127196d70f55a06
Arg [9] : 00000000000000000000000000700052c0608f670705380a4900e0a8080010cc
Arg [10] : 000000000000000000000000000000000022d473030f116ddee9f6b43ac78ba3
Multichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain | Token | Portfolio % | Price | Amount | Value |
ETH | 68.34% | $4.08 | 1 | $4.08 | |
ETH | 28.50% | $1.7 | 1 | $1.7 | |
ETH | Ether (ETH) | <0.01% | $3,317.38 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 |
OP | 3.17% | $0.188882 | 1 | $0.1888 | |
OP | <0.01% | $3,318.2 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
ARB | <0.01% | $3,317.38 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
BASE | <0.01% | $3,280.13 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
BSC | <0.01% | $629.67 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
AVAX | <0.01% | $43.35 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
GNO | <0.01% | $1 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
FTM | <0.01% | $0.742676 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 | |
POL | <0.01% | $0.486906 | 0.000000000000000001 | <$0.000001 |
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