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(GMC24)45.44099897 GNUSGenius Token & NFT Collections$397.15@8.7483,449,047.007775 GPERC-20: GP (GP)1 GAIGraphGrailAi Token212,251,969.627823 HFSPERC-20: Have... (HFSP)18.8780759 HAVERC-20: Havv... (HAV)121 INSTARInsights Network141 JUSTERC-20: JUST... (JUST)656,960.38184925 KairosKairos154,747.1 KEBABERC-20: keba... (KEBAB)888,888 KICKKickToken4 KOLERC-20: Koli... (KOL)4,179,023.64807899 LEGEND SHITLEGEND SHIT!84,038 ERC20ERC-20: Mock... (ERC20)333.33333333 MOMERC-20: Moen... (MOM)10,001 IMTERC-20: Mone... (IMT)1 MUSHERC-20: Mush... (MUSH)1,000,000,000 PRINCEERC-20: Nige... (PRINCE)19.3 LOVEERC-20: osho... (LOVE)226,555,552.618163 PEPOPeepo$752.16@0.001 CANKHERC-20: Pelu... (CANKH)341,907,383.904581 PEPEGAPepega$185.11@0.001,130,514,794.51246 POVERC-20: Pepe... (POV)294,656.97135962 SHITCOINERC-20: Pepe... (SHITCO...)2,090.34840625 PIGSERC-20: PIG ... (PIGS)0.008 $PONZIERC-20: Ponz... ($PONZI)2,983,312.16128519 PAPUERC-20: Prin... (PAPU)3,000 PROMEERC-20: Prom... (PROME)3 PRRERC-20: Pull... (PRR)6,930,000 TARDERC-20: RETA... (TARD)100 SHIBA2ERC-20: Shib... (SHIBA2)100,000,000,000 CRASHERC-20: Spac... (CRASH)200 SYBLERC-20: Sybu... (SYBL)20,000,000 PONZIERC-20: The ... (PONZI)0 TSDSERC-20: True... (TSDS)55.53347007 UNI-V2ERC-20: Unis... (UNI-V2)3.0606176 VIUERC-20: VIU (VIU)1,256,630 WASSIESERC-20: WASS... (WASSIE...)0.68999977ERC20 ***3.00000001ERC20 ***4ERC20 ***3,015,722.979184 XITTERERC-20: Xitt... (XITTER)3,906,862 YAPEERC-20: YAPE... (YAPE)1,637,671.9543118 YAPEERC-20: Yape... (YAPE)20,000,000 APUApu Apustaja$11,857.20@0.000621,420 BASTARDBastardToken5 BIOSBIOS$0.00@0.00035 FOXTFox Trading$0.00@0.0009108,000 GRAINGrainToken400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]9,900 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]920.8164 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]632.46334567 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]250,457 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]350 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]250,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]300 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]113,054 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]9,900 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]9,900 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]7,218 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]29,176 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]98,134 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]1 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]777 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (138)DOPEDOPEx2ERC-721HSGS1HashGuiseGenOnex4ERC-721NFSNon-Fungible Soupx5ERC-721😺AcclimatedMoonCatsx10ERC-721BGANPUNKV2BASTARD GAN PUNKS V2ERC-721BNBBones and Bananasx2ERC-721CTCryptoTrunksx2ERC-721ZUNKCryptoZunksx7ERC-721DPBDeepBlackx2ERC-721OSPGemesisx11ERC-721GMGenerativemasksx3ERC-721HVNHeavenComputerx22ERC-721CYBERLOOTLoot (for Cyberpunks)x2ERC-721MEMURSMemursx3ERC-721MOJIMojimonERC-721OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared Storefrontx18ERC-1155RARIRariblex2ERC-1155RARIRaribleERC-721RBRebelBotsERC-721UNI-V3-POSUniswap V3: Positions NFTx7ERC-721WSTKWonky Stonksx2ERC-721ENSEthereum Name Servicex9ERC-721x6ERC-1155x5ERC-1155ERC-1155x4ERC-11553DGM3D GenerativemasksERC-721ANRArt Not RealERC-721AstroAstroheadsx3ERC-721AWCAtlanteansx14ERC-721BABBYBabbyERC-721BBUNBad Bunnyx5ERC-721GHLSBased GhoulsERC-721BBBauhaus Blocksx4ERC-721BEYBLADYSBeybladysx15ERC-721BIBOBibosx4ERC-721BLANKBlankiesx3ERC-721BLITKINBlitkinERC-721BRAYCBlurredApeYachtClubERC-1155BRNBonepen - Burn TokenERC-1155BONEPENBonepen Editionx11ERC-721BOUNTYBounty Gamesx2ERC-721GIFTChadeau ChristmasERC-721📻cloaknetx12ERC-721cbnzCopeBeanzx4ERC-721CORGICrypto Corgis Breederx7ERC-1155JUNKCryptoJunksx4ERC-721Cryptomancyx6ERC-1155CPKCryptopakaV2ERC-721POAPCryptoTrunks POAPx2ERC-721CMGCummingx12ERC-721A-12CyberPunkx3ERC-721dekeks0rde-keks/ 0rganic-pump/ERC-721dekeksS1de-keks/ 0rganic-pump/ [re]ERC-721DN404DeezNutz404x3ERC-721dgesisDogensisx8ERC-721DDBirdsDoodlebirdsx10ERC-721LYRICSDope Lyricsx11ERC-721DDPDot Dot Punksx4ERC-721$EARZEARZx5ERC-721EGSEggsx3ERC-721WORDSEncouragemintERC-721HSEDEntropySeedsx3ERC-721HSEEDEntropySeedsERC-721FLWRSFlowersx2ERC-721FRAPEFrapesx15ERC-721FSQDFrog Squadx9ERC-721FUFuckYousERC-721GAMESIGOSGemesigosx50ERC-721GENAIGEN AIERC-721GNUSGenius Token & NFT CollectionsERC-1155GSCDGhostSoftwareCDROMERC-721GMSGMsx25ERC-721GFFGyroscope Fouding FrogsERC-721Hackh4cktheplan3tERC-721HDNHoodenzax10ERC-721HDNHoodenza-TheHiddenOrderERC-721HOODHooditionsx4ERC-1155INDIGOindiGoKidsx3ERC-721INVENTORYInventoryNFTx10ERC-721JA$QJackSquirrelx6ERC-721🏴lawlessx4ERC-721Loot4PunksLoot (for Punks)x5ERC-721LTOADLTOADx8ERC-721MAGAMagamigosx15ERC-721MLXMilextasyx2ERC-721MMMochi Mox8ERC-721📜MoonCatLootprintx3ERC-721MPNFTMutant Punks NFTx11ERC-721NAYCNaka Ape Yacht Clubx5ERC-721NDOGEMNakaDogemigosERC-721NAKAMAPESNakamapesx3ERC-721NKEMGOSNakenemigosx8ERC-721copycatNemesisx5ERC-721PeRoPepe Rocksx2ERC-721PHAYCPHAYCx5ERC-721PVEPonpavex3ERC-721PONZIPONZI NFTx2ERC-721claim rewards on poolstaked-eth.orgpoolstaked-eth.orgERC-1155Pudgy PepesPudgy Pepesx8ERC-721RERandomEDGE Freex9ERC-721QRare QRsx2ERC-721Rekt OpepenRekt OpepenERC-721RESURRECTResurrectablesERC-1155RTKRNRoof Top Koreanx2ERC-721SPCSaltyPowerCabinsERC-721SVSaltyverseERC-1155TOADZSameToadzx2ERC-721SCHIZOSchizoPostersx3ERC-721SCSick Cubsx2ERC-721SIGILSigilsx7ERC-721MYSNAKESSnakes On A Chainx5ERC-721SPACECHILLERSSPACECHILLERSx24ERC-721SSRWIVESSSR Wivesx3ERC-721Stand with Cryptox10ERC-721SCStrange Catsx5ERC-721WASSIESSudoWassiex2ERC-721TBSTateBrothersx5ERC-721TTTESTIESx8ERC-721COWLThe CowlERC-721TrumpTrumpChockx11ERC-721claim rewards on univ4lab.netuniv4lab.netERC-1155VTXVortexx3ERC-721WGMIWGMI Premium MembershipERC-721Wonderful Benzi Bananas AI PassWonderful Benzi Bananas AI PassERC-1155World IDERC-1155HDHL\"Hidden Hood-Hills\"ERC-721FEWFewmansx2ERC-721SUSu Squaresx3ERC-721
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToTransfer 21240936 2024-11-22 4:38:47 35 days ago 1732250327 OUT 0.05487 ETH$183.04 0.00026946 12.83183417 Transfer 21168999 2024-11-12 3:44:23 45 days ago 1731383063 OUT 0.8 ETH$2,668.77 0.00307974 22.74383446 Transfer 21168988 2024-11-12 3:42:11 45 days ago 1731382931 OUT 0.2 ETH$667.19 0.00309681 21.22721986 Take Ask 20973388 2024-10-15 20:35:47 73 days ago 1729024547 OUT 0.553938 ETH$1,847.92 0.00860079 19.4801536 Deposit 20973371 2024-10-15 20:32:23 73 days ago 1729024343 OUT 0.1 ETH$333.60 0.00068288 20.6341555 Execute 20967437 2024-10-15 0:38:47 73 days ago 1728952727 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00229105 14.49629478 Execute 20519570 2024-08-13 12:01:59 136 days ago 1723550519 OUT 0.1 ETH$333.60 0.00036866 2.373534 Withdraw ERC721 20517731 2024-08-13 5:51:35 136 days ago 1723528295 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00009937 1.2863015 Send Message 20179459 2024-06-27 0:32:11 183 days ago 1719448331 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00094451 4.11816833 Transfer 20093925 2024-06-15 1:27:59 195 days ago 1718414879 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00019165 3.33549783 Approve 20093893 2024-06-15 1:21:35 195 days ago 1718414495 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00014584 3.16990883 Approve 20093876 2024-06-15 1:18:11 195 days ago 1718414291 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00015461 3.29776828 Approve 20093868 2024-06-15 1:16:35 195 days ago 1718414195 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0001377 2.97148006 Approve 20093860 2024-06-15 1:14:59 195 days ago 1718414099 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00014474 3.12614349 Withdraw All 20093856 2024-06-15 1:14:11 195 days ago 1718414051 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00107077 2.94814402 Create Order 20079217 2024-06-13 0:06:35 198 days ago 1718237195 OUT 0.3 ETH$1,000.79 0.00052855 9.38825909 Create Order 20022046 2024-06-05 0:29:23 205 days ago 1717547363 OUT 0.1 ETH$333.60 0.00030188 5.36328102 Execute 20021662 2024-06-04 23:12:11 206 days ago 1717542731 OUT 0.1 ETH$333.60 0.00102021 6.05137188 Execute 20021302 2024-06-04 21:59:47 206 days ago 1717538387 OUT 0.5 ETH$1,667.98 0.00176331 9.6651414 Execute 20021286 2024-06-04 21:56:35 206 days ago 1717538195 OUT 0.5 ETH$1,667.98 0.00228614 11.98943478 Execute 19971306 2024-05-28 22:20:11 213 days ago 1716934811 OUT 0.5 ETH$1,667.98 0.00182189 9.24723255 Create Order 19906571 2024-05-19 21:09:11 222 days ago 1716152951 OUT 2 ETH$6,671.93 0.00015565 2.76358583 Create Order 19877970 2024-05-15 21:08:35 226 days ago 1715807315 OUT 1 ETH$3,335.97 0.00044351 7.87770616 Take Ask 19836304 2024-05-10 1:16:35 231 days ago 1715303795 OUT 0.29938 ETH$998.72 0.00102828 3.19249586 Take Ask Single 19836302 2024-05-10 1:16:11 231 days ago 1715303771 OUT 0.14958 ETH$498.99 0.00067968 3.62302274 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo21185537 2024-11-14 11:08:11 43 days ago 1731582491 0.0766 ETH$255.53 20967437 2024-10-15 0:38:47 73 days ago 1728952727 2.64806358 ETH$8,833.85 19890433 2024-05-17 14:57:59 224 days ago 1715957879 0.1 ETH$333.60 19808702 2024-05-06 4:36:23 235 days ago 1714970183 0.00004251 ETH$0.14 19738539 2024-04-26 9:07:59 245 days ago 1714122479 5.17886392 ETH$17,276.51 19570492 2024-04-02 20:30:11 269 days ago 1712089811 0.48657149 ETH$1,623.19 19514528 2024-03-25 22:44:23 277 days ago 1711406663 0.38716903 ETH$1,291.58 19507844 2024-03-25 0:06:23 278 days ago 1711325183 0.43022031 ETH$1,435.20 19482243 2024-03-21 9:47:35 281 days ago 1711014455 0.12683497 ETH$423.12 19480245 2024-03-21 3:02:35 281 days ago 1710990155 0.06516689 ETH$217.39 19471890 2024-03-19 22:54:11 283 days ago 1710888851 0.23732682 ETH$791.71 19471301 2024-03-19 20:54:59 283 days ago 1710881699 0.11649947 ETH$388.64 19335646 2024-02-29 20:47:23 302 days ago 1709239643 0.3 ETH$1,000.79 19236863 2024-02-16 0:21:59 315 days ago 1708042919 0.10961506 ETH$365.67 19214974 2024-02-12 22:38:23 319 days ago 1707777503 0.01254095 ETH$41.84 19214714 2024-02-12 21:46:11 319 days ago 1707774371 0.00573516 ETH$19.13 19196921 2024-02-10 9:48:11 321 days ago 1707558491 0.583 ETH$1,944.87 19186600 2024-02-08 23:06:23 323 days ago 1707433583 0.01833436 ETH$61.16 19137686 2024-02-02 2:15:59 329 days ago 1706840159 0.1805 ETH$602.14 19018401 2024-01-16 8:57:35 346 days ago 1705395455 0.28698523 ETH$957.37 18758351 2023-12-10 21:00:35 383 days ago 1702242035 0.27798953 ETH$927.36 18755145 2023-12-10 10:14:35 383 days ago 1702203275 0.49772523 ETH$1,660.39 18747758 2023-12-09 9:24:23 384 days ago 1702113863 0.1991542 ETH$664.37 18616749 2023-11-21 1:05:11 402 days ago 1700528711 0.32904191 ETH$1,097.67 18552910 2023-11-12 2:39:11 411 days ago 1699756751 0.49865166 ETH$1,663.48 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 36.96% $0.000593 20,000,000 $11,857.2 ETH 33.65% $3,334.14 3.2384 $10,797.32 ETH Ether (ETH)11.36% $3,334.14 1.0933 $3,645.09 ETH 2.34% $0.000003 226,555,552.6182 $752.16 ETH 1.24% $8.74 45.441 $397.15 ETH 0.58% $0.000001 341,907,383.9046 $185.11 ETH 0.47% <$0.000001 123,871,324,928.0822 $150.79 ETH 0.32% $3,330.64 0.0308 $102.5 ETH 0.11% $16.37 2.0671 $33.84 ETH 0.05% $0.001768 9,969.9441 $17.63 ETH 0.04% $13.33 1 $13.33 ETH 0.01% $2.47 1.605 $3.96 ETH <0.01% <$0.000001 3,557,533.3155 $1.46 ARB 2.34% $3,336.09 0.2255 $752.34 ARB 1.66% $5.45 97.8136 $533.08 ARB 0.10% $0.02781 1,209.2362 $33.63 ARB 0.08% $0.033008 789.6059 $26.06 BLAST 2.45% $3,337.16 0.2354 $785.68 BLAST 0.02% $3,330.47 0.00172599 $5.75 BLAST 0.01% <$0.000001 66,688,660.4634 $3.99 BLAST <0.01% $0.000024 107,174.0697 $2.58 BLAST <0.01% $1 0.7351 $0.7358 BASE 1.26% $17.08 23.6096 $403.25 BASE 0.54% $0.000505 344,823 $173.99 BASE 0.40% $3,333.63 0.0383 $127.63 BASE 0.03% <$0.000001 295,774,647 $8.93 BASE 0.02% $0.003643 1,629.3579 $5.94 BASE <0.01% $0.000008 225,008.4138 $1.69 ZKSYNC 1.52% $0.19236 2,527 $486.09 ZKSYNC 0.39% $3,335.97 0.0377 $125.85 BSC 0.33% $692.12 0.1508 $104.34 BSC 0.31% $0.000767 131,144.62 $100.61 BSC 0.04% $48.65 0.2654 $12.91 BSC 0.03% $0.010007 1,000 $10.01 BSC 0.02% $4.99 1 $4.99 BSC <0.01% $2.46 0.5708 $1.4 OP 0.57% $3,336.35 0.0549 $183.05 AVAX 0.37% $0.000003 40,000,000 $117.6 AVAX 0.03% $36.61 0.2535 $9.28 AVAX <0.01% <$0.000001 16,208,720,648.3421 $1.62 AVAX <0.01% $0.38452 2.4941 $0.959 FTM 0.26% $0.834878 101.6432 $84.86 FTM <0.01% $0.839649 0.5232 $0.4392 FTM <0.01% $0.000451 542.8686 $0.2446 FTM <0.01% $0.001695 105.16 $0.1782 POL 0.03% $0.480493 19.9782 $9.6 GNO 0.02% $0.999878 7.1669 $7.17 Loading...Loading[ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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