ETH Price: $3,390.31 (+1.33%)
Gas: 2 Gwei




ETH Balance

1,016.819548532724324706 ETH

Eth Value

$3,447,332.79 (@ $3,390.31/ETH)

Token Holdings

Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
Transfer201723152024-06-26 0:35:233 mins ago1719362123IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.12136522 ETH0.000061412.24706543
Transfer201716692024-06-25 22:25:472 hrs ago1719354347IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.03820048 ETH0.000081922.99762605
Transfer201716382024-06-25 22:19:352 hrs ago1719353975IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.02985538 ETH0.000091923.3638222
Transfer201712542024-06-25 21:02:473 hrs ago1719349367IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.11827332 ETH0.000112664.12260784
Transfer201709782024-06-25 20:06:594 hrs ago1719346019IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.12102918 ETH0.0003532312.92532971
Transfer201709352024-06-25 19:58:234 hrs ago1719345503IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.11524851 ETH0.0002881110.54233069
Transfer201706192024-06-25 18:54:355 hrs ago1719341675IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.04438699 ETH0.000202017.39189302
Transfer201703592024-06-25 18:02:236 hrs ago1719338543IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.04372371 ETH0.000195857.16672645
Transfer201702942024-06-25 17:49:236 hrs ago1719337763IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.0452728 ETH0.000202547.41136599
Transfer201698732024-06-25 16:24:358 hrs ago1719332675IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.0764698 ETH0.0004324315.82323664
Transfer201697772024-06-25 16:05:238 hrs ago1719331523IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.16813693 ETH0.0003388312.39824924
Transfer201697302024-06-25 15:55:598 hrs ago1719330959IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.39904736 ETH0.000197287.21905179
Transfer201696892024-06-25 15:47:478 hrs ago1719330467IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.04917926 ETH0.00021157.73923333
Transfer201693662024-06-25 14:42:479 hrs ago1719326567IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.05948907 ETH0.000261359.56321508
Transfer201691422024-06-25 13:57:5910 hrs ago1719323879IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.06367644 ETH0.000210147.68942242
Transfer201689542024-06-25 13:20:2311 hrs ago1719321623IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.03115316 ETH0.000168556.16756084
Transfer201687772024-06-25 12:44:4711 hrs ago1719319487IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.03518044 ETH0.000145695.33121044
Transfer201685142024-06-25 11:51:3512 hrs ago1719316295IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.03171226 ETH0.000097083.55257072
Transfer201683102024-06-25 11:10:3513 hrs ago1719313835IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.03916125 ETH0.000085693.1356616
Transfer201674962024-06-25 8:27:1116 hrs ago1719304031IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.02282104 ETH0.000126914.64386267
Transfer201673432024-06-25 7:56:2316 hrs ago1719302183IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.05330073 ETH0.000141575.18028469
Transfer201667142024-06-25 5:48:5918 hrs ago1719294539IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.02532898 ETH0.000064722.36839031
Transfer201666382024-06-25 5:33:4719 hrs ago1719293627IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.02822089 ETH0.000068942.52261719
Transfer201666372024-06-25 5:33:3519 hrs ago1719293615IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.02471067 ETH0.000070292.57218598
Transfer201664832024-06-25 5:02:3519 hrs ago1719291755IN
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.03527079 ETH0.000067712.47779307
View all transactions

Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
201710622024-06-25 20:24:114 hrs ago1719347051
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.001 ETH
201581352024-06-24 1:02:1147 hrs ago1719190931
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.0550616 ETH
201361102024-06-20 23:07:115 days ago1718924831
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.001 ETH
201278522024-06-19 19:23:596 days ago1718825039
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
700 ETH
201277962024-06-19 19:12:476 days ago1718824367
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
540.81534402 ETH
200777612024-06-12 19:13:1113 days ago1718219591
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
384.91504284 ETH
200776762024-06-12 18:55:5913 days ago1718218559
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
1,100 ETH
200750192024-06-12 10:01:4713 days ago1718186507
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
2.84576695 ETH
200326112024-06-06 11:52:5919 days ago1717674779
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.00029288 ETH
200277182024-06-05 19:28:2320 days ago1717615703
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
1,020.38781907 ETH
200276772024-06-05 19:20:1120 days ago1717615211
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
309.96080135 ETH
199775792024-05-29 19:25:1127 days ago1717010711
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.09849 ETH
199775792024-05-29 19:25:1127 days ago1717010711
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
650 ETH
199708052024-05-28 20:38:5928 days ago1716928739
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
1,913 ETH
199708052024-05-28 20:38:5928 days ago1716928739
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
150.16581891 ETH
199283712024-05-22 22:21:4734 days ago1716416507
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.001 ETH
199275672024-05-22 19:40:1134 days ago1716406811
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
2,511.16341325 ETH
199275672024-05-22 19:40:1134 days ago1716406811
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
144.67984064 ETH
198775452024-05-15 19:42:5941 days ago1715802179
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
101.91426995 ETH
198644122024-05-13 23:35:4743 days ago1715643347
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
2,230.6666 ETH
198636942024-05-13 21:10:5943 days ago1715634659
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
1,240 ETH
198556262024-05-12 18:08:1144 days ago1715537291
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.051754 ETH
198271792024-05-08 18:38:5948 days ago1715193539
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
1,530 ETH
198271792024-05-08 18:38:5948 days ago1715193539
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
345.12877804 ETH
197997552024-05-04 22:34:5952 days ago1714862099
Frax Finance: Frx ETH Multisig
0.24206439 ETH
View All Internal Transactions

Similar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0xDaB5dc22...0ba42d2a6
The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contract

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
No with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion, GNU LGPLv3 license
 *Submitted for verification at on 2021-07-09

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

/// @title IProxy - Helper interface to access masterCopy of the Proxy on-chain
/// @author Richard Meissner - <[email protected]>
interface IProxy {
    function masterCopy() external view returns (address);

/// @title GnosisSafeProxy - Generic proxy contract allows to execute all transactions applying the code of a master contract.
/// @author Stefan George - <[email protected]>
/// @author Richard Meissner - <[email protected]>
contract GnosisSafeProxy {
    // singleton always needs to be first declared variable, to ensure that it is at the same location in the contracts to which calls are delegated.
    // To reduce deployment costs this variable is internal and needs to be retrieved via `getStorageAt`
    address internal singleton;

    /// @dev Constructor function sets address of singleton contract.
    /// @param _singleton Singleton address.
    constructor(address _singleton) {
        require(_singleton != address(0), "Invalid singleton address provided");
        singleton = _singleton;

    /// @dev Fallback function forwards all transactions and returns all received return data.
    fallback() external payable {
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            let _singleton := and(sload(0), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
            // 0xa619486e == keccak("masterCopy()"). The value is right padded to 32-bytes with 0s
            if eq(calldataload(0), 0xa619486e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) {
                mstore(0, _singleton)
                return(0, 0x20)
            calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())
            let success := delegatecall(gas(), _singleton, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)
            returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
            if eq(success, 0) {
                revert(0, returndatasize())
            return(0, returndatasize())

/// @title Proxy Factory - Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
/// @author Stefan George - <[email protected]>
contract GnosisSafeProxyFactory {
    event ProxyCreation(GnosisSafeProxy proxy, address singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
    /// @param singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param data Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    function createProxy(address singleton, bytes memory data) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = new GnosisSafeProxy(singleton);
        if (data.length > 0)
            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
            assembly {
                if eq(call(gas(), proxy, 0, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0), 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        emit ProxyCreation(proxy, singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to retrieve the runtime code of a deployed Proxy. This can be used to check that the expected Proxy was deployed.
    function proxyRuntimeCode() public pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return type(GnosisSafeProxy).runtimeCode;

    /// @dev Allows to retrieve the creation code used for the Proxy deployment. With this it is easily possible to calculate predicted address.
    function proxyCreationCode() public pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return type(GnosisSafeProxy).creationCode;

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact using CREATE2 but it doesn't run the initializer.
    ///      This method is only meant as an utility to be called from other methods
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function deployProxyWithNonce(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) internal returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        // If the initializer changes the proxy address should change too. Hashing the initializer data is cheaper than just concatinating it
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(initializer), saltNonce));
        bytes memory deploymentData = abi.encodePacked(type(GnosisSafeProxy).creationCode, uint256(uint160(_singleton)));
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            proxy := create2(0x0, add(0x20, deploymentData), mload(deploymentData), salt)
        require(address(proxy) != address(0), "Create2 call failed");

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact and execute a message call to the new proxy within one transaction.
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function createProxyWithNonce(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = deployProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonce);
        if (initializer.length > 0)
            // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
            assembly {
                if eq(call(gas(), proxy, 0, add(initializer, 0x20), mload(initializer), 0, 0), 0) {
                    revert(0, 0)
        emit ProxyCreation(proxy, _singleton);

    /// @dev Allows to create new proxy contact, execute a message call to the new proxy and call a specified callback within one transaction
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    /// @param callback Callback that will be invoced after the new proxy contract has been successfully deployed and initialized.
    function createProxyWithCallback(
        address _singleton,
        bytes memory initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce,
        IProxyCreationCallback callback
    ) public returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        uint256 saltNonceWithCallback = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(saltNonce, callback)));
        proxy = createProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonceWithCallback);
        if (address(callback) != address(0)) callback.proxyCreated(proxy, _singleton, initializer, saltNonce);

    /// @dev Allows to get the address for a new proxy contact created via `createProxyWithNonce`
    ///      This method is only meant for address calculation purpose when you use an initializer that would revert,
    ///      therefore the response is returned with a revert. When calling this method set `from` to the address of the proxy factory.
    /// @param _singleton Address of singleton contract.
    /// @param initializer Payload for message call sent to new proxy contract.
    /// @param saltNonce Nonce that will be used to generate the salt to calculate the address of the new proxy contract.
    function calculateCreateProxyWithNonceAddress(
        address _singleton,
        bytes calldata initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) external returns (GnosisSafeProxy proxy) {
        proxy = deployProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonce);

interface IProxyCreationCallback {
    function proxyCreated(
        GnosisSafeProxy proxy,
        address _singleton,
        bytes calldata initializer,
        uint256 saltNonce
    ) external;

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI


Deployed Bytecode


Deployed Bytecode Sourcemap


Swarm Source


 Latest 25 blocks (From a total of 3,567 blocks with 237.64 Ether produced)

Block Transaction Difficulty Gas Used Reward
201710622024-06-25 20:24:114 hrs ago17193470511080.00 TH10,052,126 (33.51%)
0.027338748343788276 ETH
201672692024-06-25 7:41:2316 hrs ago17193012832270.00 TH17,297,845 (57.66%)
0.0412384773225314 ETH
201361102024-06-20 23:07:115 days ago17189248311450.00 TH17,999,203 (60.00%)
0.060529782274925306 ETH
200936632024-06-15 0:34:5911 days ago1718411699540.00 TH2,441,591 (8.14%)
0.006661128033771501 ETH
200554772024-06-09 16:31:3516 days ago1717950695560.00 TH3,738,967 (12.46%)
0.011267139643619677 ETH
200446192024-06-08 4:06:5917 days ago1717819619730.00 TH2,749,692 (9.17%)
0.009225263924455157 ETH
200326112024-06-06 11:52:5919 days ago17176747791490.00 TH13,458,836 (44.86%)
0.077349128695177229 ETH
200228842024-06-05 3:17:3520 days ago17175574551180.00 TH11,672,894 (38.91%)
0.042022398604445753 ETH
200101432024-06-03 8:35:5922 days ago1717403759510.00 TH2,446,676 (8.16%)
0.006750283693905226 ETH
199946282024-06-01 4:37:3524 days ago1717216655340.00 TH1,667,268 (5.56%)
0.004744283426584436 ETH
199706162024-05-28 20:00:2328 days ago17169264231990.00 TH18,309,089 (61.03%)
0.044307705033084062 ETH
199497232024-05-25 21:58:1131 days ago1716674291440.00 TH3,381,181 (11.27%)
0.0114107626380361 ETH
199436852024-05-25 1:42:4731 days ago1716601367600.00 TH3,153,811 (10.51%)
0.012426643561544176 ETH
199283712024-05-22 22:21:4734 days ago17164165071840.00 TH21,759,293 (72.53%)
0.031024188216142205 ETH
199090072024-05-20 5:19:2336 days ago17161823631280.00 TH13,167,856 (43.89%)
0.012033808386699848 ETH
199001552024-05-18 23:37:2338 days ago1716075443110.00 TH680,293 (2.27%)
0.001270536057390023 ETH
198893202024-05-17 11:13:4739 days ago1715944427360.00 TH2,062,860 (6.88%)
0.006734326651570201 ETH
198806672024-05-16 6:11:4740 days ago1715839907350.00 TH1,779,761 (5.93%)
0.00295171577252688 ETH
198800762024-05-16 4:12:4740 days ago1715832767970.00 TH3,592,982 (11.98%)
0.007982340759611322 ETH
198304952024-05-09 5:48:1147 days ago17152336911770.00 TH16,082,718 (53.61%)
0.026646765391561671 ETH
198227922024-05-08 3:54:2348 days ago1715140463460.00 TH1,791,898 (5.97%)
0.004649825778423258 ETH
198163202024-05-07 6:12:1149 days ago1715062331560.00 TH2,810,903 (9.37%)
0.007499562694057091 ETH
198093432024-05-06 6:45:1150 days ago1714977911630.00 TH2,559,472 (8.53%)
0.006628315706823011 ETH
197821452024-05-02 11:29:2354 days ago17146493631260.00 TH5,788,587 (19.30%)
0.015047045228636564 ETH
197670462024-04-30 8:50:4756 days ago17144670471280.00 TH29,008,809 (96.70%)
0.19286919659497836 ETH
View All Blocks Produced

Block Uncle Number Difficulty Gas Used Reward
View All Uncles

Latest 25 from a total of 385380 withdrawals (90,701.202095473 ETH withdrawn)

Validator Index Block Amount
1116759201596972024-06-24 6:16:4742 hrs ago17192098070.018685819 ETH
1114298201595622024-06-24 5:49:3542 hrs ago17192081750.064514327 ETH
1114297201595622024-06-24 5:49:3542 hrs ago17192081750.018649263 ETH
1114216201595582024-06-24 5:48:4742 hrs ago17192081270.018660949 ETH
1114215201595572024-06-24 5:48:3542 hrs ago17192081150.018662949 ETH
1114214201595572024-06-24 5:48:3542 hrs ago17192081150.018638688 ETH
1114213201595572024-06-24 5:48:3542 hrs ago17192081150.018709414 ETH
1114212201595572024-06-24 5:48:3542 hrs ago17192081150.018673644 ETH
1114211201595572024-06-24 5:48:3542 hrs ago17192081150.018693664 ETH
1114210201595572024-06-24 5:48:3542 hrs ago17192081150.018693039 ETH
1112916201595072024-06-24 5:38:3543 hrs ago17192075150.018706732 ETH
1109115201593042024-06-24 4:57:5943 hrs ago17192050790.018734581 ETH
1101729201589012024-06-24 3:36:2345 hrs ago17192001830.063835437 ETH
1101728201589012024-06-24 3:36:2345 hrs ago17192001830.018739379 ETH
1101466201588872024-06-24 3:33:3545 hrs ago17192000150.018692622 ETH
1098081201587322024-06-24 3:02:1145 hrs ago17191981310.018706981 ETH
1098056201587312024-06-24 3:01:5945 hrs ago17191981190.018724539 ETH
1098055201587312024-06-24 3:01:5945 hrs ago17191981190.018698603 ETH
1097517201587012024-06-24 2:55:5945 hrs ago17191977590.018717364 ETH
1097319201586892024-06-24 2:53:3545 hrs ago17191976150.018665803 ETH
1094356201585572024-06-24 2:26:3546 hrs ago17191959950.01871404 ETH
1093971201585342024-06-24 2:21:5946 hrs ago17191957190.018672901 ETH
1093970201585342024-06-24 2:21:5946 hrs ago17191957190.018746168 ETH
1093962201585332024-06-24 2:21:4746 hrs ago17191957070.018705332 ETH
1093961201585332024-06-24 2:21:4746 hrs ago17191957070.018668105 ETH
View All Withdrawals

Transaction Hash Block Value Eth2 PubKey Valid
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Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value
Ether (ETH)
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A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.