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- ERC-20 Tokens (87)12,000 DIVADiva Token (DIVA)500 NETNektar Token (NET)2,443.11278532 WELLWell (WELL)$1.05@0.00040.40935124 1INCH1INCH Token (1INCH)$0.17@0.4052700 ATHAethir Token (ATH)$45.99@0.06571 ALTAltLayer Tok... (ALT)$0.12@0.11831.17677822 APEApeCoin (APE)$1.49@1.277.42945533 ARKMArkham (ARKM)$11.35@1.52740.19340555 BALBalancer (BAL)$0.50@2.610.19368684 LINKChainLink To... (LINK)$4.20@21.680.00145633 CYBERCyberConnect (CYBER)$0.01@3.470.0505 DPIDefiPulse In... (DPI)$7.34@145.3913.40442546 DIVERDivergencePr... (DIVER)$0.14@0.01030 ETH (eETH)$0.00@3,389.214.77853237 gov... (ETHFI)$9.75@2.042 OSEthereans (OS)$1.02@0.50831.02182011 FLUIDFluid (FLUID)$6.98@6.830.71159287 GRTGraph Token (GRT)$0.15@0.21570.75600386 GGravity (G)$0.02@0.03232 HFTHashflow (HFT)$0.43@0.21711,621.44260672 HOPHop (HOP)$25.74@0.01590.33811639 IMXImmutable X (IMX)$0.48@1.414,165.438069 L3Layer3 (L3)$385.93@0.09270.0362203 LDOLido DAO Tok... (LDO)$0.07@1.830.0093584 OMMANTRA DAO (OM)$0.04@3.81187.38921246 MAVMaverick Tok... (MAV)$40.11@0.21488.81386386 MEMEMemecoin (MEME)$0.98@0.011190 MONMON (MON)$10.37@0.115230 PSPParaSwap (PSP)$0.76@0.025245 ZKPolyhedra Ne... (ZK)$91.80@2.0470 PUFFERPUFFER (PUFFER)$53.22@0.7602699.8627451 SAILSAIL Token (SAIL)$2.44@0.00350.36668662 SANDSAND (SAND)$0.21@0.570674,426.56041476 SHIBSHIBA INU (SHIB)$1.66@0.000.00197418 stETHstETH (stETH)$6.69@3,390.400.16766915 SUSHISushiToken (SUSHI)$0.24@1.460.00030222 swETHswETH (swETH)$1.10@3,647.77570.02613613 UNIUniswap (UNI)$0.35@13.360.00005856 YFIyearn.financ... (YFI)$0.51@8,627.550.22491429 ZRXZRX (ZRX)$0.11@0.48570.01856315 AAVEAave Token (AAVE)$6.28@338.084.05043074 ARBArbitrum (ARB)$3.14@0.77530.18270611 BATBAT (BAT)$0.05@0.25231.86199341 BUSDBUSD (BUSD)$1.86@0.99810.00106964 COMPCompound (COMP)$0.09@80.140.74722168 CRVCurve DAO To... (CRV)$0.74@0.98765.09322397 DAIDai Stableco... (DAI)$5.09@0.99975.15730711 EIGENEigen (EIGEN)$17.90@3.470.10557007 ENSEthereum Nam... (ENS)$3.57@33.810.00141998 MKRMaker (MKR)$2.19@1,540.760.97268302 MATICMatic Token (MATIC)$0.47@0.48660.13636966 USDPPax Dollar (USDP)$0.14@0.9995627.64709035 SWELLSwell Govern... (SWELL)$20.07@0.0321.664133 USDTTether USD (USDT)$1.66@0.99811.238542 USDCUSDC (USDC)$1.24@0.99980.00003684 WBTCWrapped BTC (WBTC)$3.50@95,006.000.00264035 WETHWrapped Ethe... (WETH)$8.95@3,390.34490.00021739 aSTETHAave interest bearing STETH$0.74@3,394.600.00001ERC20 ***3.051445ERC20 ***2,000,000 ETHGERC-20: Ethe... (ETHG)61.31619132 GALAGala15,865 $HFTERC-20: Hash... ($HFT)0.14885945 MPLMaple Token$2.47@16.600.00975783 miweETHERC-20: Mito... (miweET...)0.02804164 MORSEMorseDN404548 PRENOOXERC-20: preN... (PRENOO...)0.11267762 PINKERC-20: Punk... (PINK)1,080.65166536 reALTRestaked ALT30 SLNSmart Layer Network Token$5.91@0.1971,210.21454848 sePSP1ERC-20: Soci... (sePSP1)16 TIPTipcoin$0.00@0.000.003 HQGERC-20: 环球股 (HQG)61.31619132 GALAGala$2.24@0.03650.04243948 MULTIMultichain$0.02@0.38931,064,491.442 SOSSOS$0.01@0.00725 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]0.7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]149.26 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]1,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]250,457 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Unsafe]800 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]25,000 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Spam]NFT Tokens (133)BASEINTRODUCEDBase, IntroducedERC-721Noox Badgex10ERC-1155RAINBOWFINIRainbow FiniliarERC-721MERGETheMergeERC-721UNI-V3-POSUniswap V3: Positions NFTERC-721GHOSTWeirdo Ghost GangERC-721ZPR NFTZapper NFT V2x2ERC-1155ZORAZoraERC-721ENSEthereum Name ServiceERC-721ERC-1155!fundrop StickersERC-1155claim rewards on aavetoken.netaavetoken.netERC-1155ADVPUNKAdventurePunksERC-721$WORLDARGUS GENESIS ◢ ✦ ◣ERC-721attiAttiERC-721B-BRNBaby Burn: OpenSea Redeemable -> base.ethERC-721BEBBEBERC-721BIDIDBi Decentralized IdentityERC-721BiGPBit islands Genesis PassportERC-721Bit islandsBit islands Genesis Passport NFTx2ERC-721BBYCBoredBeanzYachtClubERC-721B-TLPBound-TokenLockupPlansx2ERC-721BRCBRUCEx10ERC-721BOPBtc Ordinal peopleERC-721TESTCSMCashmereLabs Testnet Early AdopterERC-721CACChimpersAPEx4ERC-721claim rewards on clinknetwork.orgclinknetwork.orgERC-1155COOLELVESCool Elvesx5ERC-721MAGICyber MagicianERC-721SCAPEDeep Space Ape MissionERC-721DISCODisco DistrictERC-721DRGDragonERC-721DTCPDToolsCommonPassERC-721$WORLDBUILDERSEigenLayer World BuildersERC-721EIGENWORLDSEigenWorldsERC-721PANDAEIPandasERC-721claim rewards on ensfoundation.orgensfoundation.orgERC-1155ESPORTSINTRODUCEDEsports, IntroducedERC-721WORSHIPEternal WorshipERC-721RANKETHRankBadgeERC-721FINANCEFINANCEERC-721ShroomFlipside ShroomDKERC-721FLOPPYFloppy DropsERC-721claim rewards on galaevent.orggalaevent.orgERC-1155GMGallery MementosERC-1155CalderaGalxe - Caldera Crusade NFTERC-721RISEGalxe - RiseNFTERC-721Galxe ETH MergeGalxe ETH Merge NFTERC-721claim rewards on grtprotocol.comgrtprotocol.comERC-1155SeasonPassGURU Season Pass NFTERC-721HAPEBADGEHAPEBADGEERC-721HASHHashflow Ethereum NFTERC-721HASHHashflow Ethereum NFTERC-721HHHaunted HouseERC-1155WLDAPPIntroducing World AppERC-721Introducing World ChainERC-1155$WLDIntroducing WorldcoinERC-721IItemsERC-1155LZNMLayer Zero Name ServiceERC-721LINK3Link3ERC-721claim rewards on linkaward.orglinkaward.orgERC-1155LCLlama CircleERC-721MPMatrix PunksERC-721CARELLAMemes & Mythsx10ERC-721MGNMint Genesis !fundrop passERC-721M-NFTSMirror Community NFTsERC-1155NIGHTRUNFILMNight Run by Matto (A film by Zora)ERC-721RDNOrdinal ASCII OwlsERC-721PalioPalioAI Gen0ERC-721PPPCPepe PooPoo PeePee Clubx10ERC-721CHESTPirate Nation - Mystery ChestERC-721PCKTPocket Pilotx2ERC-721PoSpProof Of Stake PagesERC-721Punk And PuppyPunk And PuppyERC-721$PUREPURE INTERNETERC-721RHC-DAORabbitHole Credentials: DAOsERC-721RHC-DEFIRabbitHole Credentials: DeFiERC-721RHC-NFTRabbitHole Credentials: NFTsERC-721RABBYDESKTOPRabby Desktop GenesisERC-721RAINZORBRainbow ZorbERC-721RLLLSRendlllys Official ClubERC-721RNVARenova AvatarERC-721SAFECORESafe{Core}, IntroducedERC-721SECRETSecret GiftERC-721SHAPELLAShapellaUpgradeERC-721claim rewards on shibportal.netshibportal.netERC-1155SPCHRONSPCHRONICLESERC-721claim rewards on stakedeth.iostakedeth.ioERC-1155Stand with Restaking : Reward RecipientERC-1155✺SYNGSyndicate GenesisERC-721ZKEVMTo Ethereum, with LoveERC-721claim rewards on univ4portal.comuniv4portal.comERC-1155VIAV1Via Early UserERC-721Vip3SBTvip3-sbtERC-721Withdraw Request puffereth.comWithdraw NFT puffereth.comERC-1155Withdrawal NFT originethers.commWithdrawal NFT originethers.comERC-1155claim rewards on wrappedbtc.netwrappedbtc.netERC-1155claim rewards on wsteth.netwsteth.netERC-1155YPEYogaPepezx10ERC-721YXXRYoxxerx5ERC-721ZGCZerion Genesis CollectionERC-1155ZKNFTzkSync NFT Factory ContractERC-721ZRPGZora API Genesis HackathonERC-721ZORBZorbsERC-721DNAZerion DNA 1.0ERC-721ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromTo0x9eaf4733 21476491 2024-12-25 2:26:11 4 days ago 1735093571 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00051512 4.0887423 Claim 21454506 2024-12-22 0:38:35 7 days ago 1734827915 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00077139 6.51762142 Claim 21253438 2024-11-23 22:31:35 35 days ago 1732401095 OUT 0.0001205 ETH$0.41 0.00129802 9 Claim 21253401 2024-11-23 22:23:59 35 days ago 1732400639 OUT 0.0001205 ETH$0.41 0.00443453 8.93633497 Transfer 21253371 2024-11-23 22:17:59 35 days ago 1732400279 IN 0.0082474 ETH$27.96 0.000189 9 Transfer From 21233063 2024-11-21 2:15:59 38 days ago 1732155359 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00036805 9.56324114 Approve 21233059 2024-11-21 2:15:11 38 days ago 1732155311 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00042514 9.18420153 Claim And Lock 21232677 2024-11-21 0:58:35 38 days ago 1732150715 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00082733 8.51695324 Transfer 21160825 2024-11-11 0:22:11 48 days ago 1731284531 IN 0.0051572 ETH$17.48 0.000336 16 Multicall 21160704 2024-11-10 23:57:59 48 days ago 1731283079 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00086068 12.2703085 Bulk Purchase 21160679 2024-11-10 23:52:59 48 days ago 1731282779 OUT 0.007095 ETH$24.05 0.00451081 13 Bulk Purchase 21160596 2024-11-10 23:36:23 48 days ago 1731281783 OUT 0.0072885 ETH$24.71 0.00139155 14.8 Transfer 21160521 2024-11-10 23:21:11 48 days ago 1731280871 IN 0.0096762 ETH$32.81 0.000294 14 Claim 21110076 2024-11-03 22:23:11 55 days ago 1730672591 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00148798 3.09246813 Execute 21074904 2024-10-30 0:33:11 60 days ago 1730248391 OUT 0.01027461 ETH$34.83 0.00102922 5.4 Transfer 21067626 2024-10-29 0:11:11 61 days ago 1730160671 IN 0.0166839 ETH$56.56 0.000231 11 0x8132b321 21017532 2024-10-22 0:26:23 68 days ago 1729556783 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00068027 5.6 Claim Multiple 21017323 2024-10-21 23:44:23 68 days ago 1729554263 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0007321 5.6 Withdraw Claim 20708584 2024-09-08 21:30:11 111 days ago 1725831011 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00010711 0.85607358 Lockdown 20685876 2024-09-05 17:27:59 114 days ago 1725557279 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00010264 3.42916977 Claim V2 20651562 2024-08-31 22:33:47 119 days ago 1725143627 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00005088 0.61951404 Create Retryable... 20586085 2024-08-22 18:58:11 128 days ago 1724353091 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00013915 1.1 Approve 20586083 2024-08-22 18:57:47 128 days ago 1724353067 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00005109 1.1 Execute 20585981 2024-08-22 18:37:23 128 days ago 1724351843 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00038785 1.20045464 Approve 20579301 2024-08-21 20:12:59 129 days ago 1724271179 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00022468 4.87543717 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo21160679 2024-11-10 23:52:59 48 days ago 1731282779 4 wei$0.00 21074904 2024-10-30 0:33:11 60 days ago 1730248391 2 wei$0.00 19906472 2024-05-19 20:49:23 223 days ago 1716151763 0.10536863 ETH$357.24 19756530 2024-04-28 21:35:23 244 days ago 1714340123 0.00004166 ETH$0.14 16480915 2023-01-25 2:40:59 704 days ago 1674614459 0.056 ETH$189.86 16480813 2023-01-25 2:20:23 704 days ago 1674613223 0.02966854 ETH$100.59 16280844 2022-12-28 4:24:47 732 days ago 1672201487 0.02086989 ETH$70.76 16263841 2022-12-25 19:26:35 734 days ago 1671996395 0.05820389 ETH$197.33 16248422 2022-12-23 15:49:23 736 days ago 1671810563 0.0035 ETH$11.87 16226013 2022-12-20 12:49:35 739 days ago 1671540575 0.014 ETH$47.46 15856887 2022-10-29 23:06:47 791 days ago 1667084807 0.02483866 ETH$84.21 15842669 2022-10-27 23:24:11 793 days ago 1666913051 0.0005 ETH$1.70 15663364 2022-10-02 22:11:11 818 days ago 1664748671 0.08932654 ETH$302.85 15584997 2022-09-21 23:24:23 829 days ago 1663802663 0.00120606 ETH$4.09 15584902 2022-09-21 23:04:59 829 days ago 1663801499 0.03876515 ETH$131.43 15566983 2022-09-19 10:31:11 831 days ago 1663583471 0.04415804 ETH$149.71 15467901 2022-09-03 22:12:42 847 days ago 1662243162 0.05798263 ETH$196.58 15462004 2022-09-02 23:25:09 848 days ago 1662161109 0.09897557 ETH$335.56 15449836 2022-09-01 0:49:01 850 days ago 1661993341 0.00483726 ETH$16.40 15424687 2022-08-28 0:22:27 854 days ago 1661646147 0 ETH$0.00 14551113 2022-04-09 10:58:31 994 days ago 1649501911 0.000466 ETH$1.58 14339616 2022-03-07 12:09:03 1027 days ago 1646654943 0.00097976 ETH$3.32 13919300 2022-01-01 11:32:01 1092 days ago 1641036721 0.05248205 ETH$177.93 13912905 2021-12-31 11:38:07 1093 days ago 1640950687 0.13418459 ETH$454.93 13708464 2021-11-29 11:53:50 1125 days ago 1638186830 0.01 ETH$33.90 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ZKSYNC 35.03% $0.19388 14,317 $2,775.78 ZKSYNC 0.41% $0.21425 151.6536 $32.49 ZKSYNC 0.06% $3,390.34 0.0014771 $5.01 ZKSYNC <0.01% $0.999977 0.317 $0.317 ZKSYNC <0.01% $2.63 0.1109 $0.2915 ZKSYNC <0.01% <$0.000001 167,900,048 $0.2854 ZKSYNC <0.01% $3,804.41 0.00006515 $0.2478 ZKSYNC <0.01% $0.971354 0.2481 $0.241 ZKSYNC <0.01% $0.020205 8.5293 $0.1723 ZKSYNC <0.01% $0.999977 0.1475 $0.1474 ZKSYNC <0.01% $0.998825 0.1105 $0.1104 BSC 31.81% $0.000012 202,417,731 $2,520.1 BSC 1.46% $0.136489 850 $116.02 BSC 0.07% $2.63 2.0132 $5.29 BSC 0.04% $715.66 0.00480274 $3.44 BSC 0.04% $0.211413 14.5505 $3.08 BSC 0.02% $0.033046 58.2251 $1.92 BSC 0.02% $0.032352 44.9799 $1.46 BSC 0.01% $0.995278 1 $0.9952 BSC <0.01% $0.998093 0.7681 $0.7666 BSC <0.01% $0.453461 1.4109 $0.6397 BSC <0.01% $0.742098 0.5 $0.371 BSC <0.01% $0.001071 236.2106 $0.2529 BSC <0.01% $0.000019 10,000 $0.1878 ETH 4.87% $0.09265 4,165.4381 $385.93 ETH 1.16% $2.04 45 $91.8 ETH 0.67% 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$0.998308 0.2766 $0.2761 POL <0.01% $0.510304 0.5167 $0.2636 POL <0.01% $2.61 0.0981 $0.256 POL <0.01% $0.831362 0.2559 $0.2127 POL <0.01% $13.38 0.0145 $0.1943 POL <0.01% $145.42 0.00133553 $0.1942 POL <0.01% $3,402.12 0.00005067 $0.1723 POL <0.01% $0.354536 0.4486 $0.159 POL <0.01% $0.400653 0.3486 $0.1396 POL <0.01% $3,394.98 0.00003808 $0.1292 POL <0.01% $0.999868 0.1236 $0.1235 POL <0.01% $0.554396 0.1862 $0.1032 OPBNB 0.20% $715.75 0.0222 $15.86 ARBNOVA 0.10% $3,390.56 0.00230744 $7.82 ARBNOVA <0.01% $0.776018 0.1536 $0.1192 SCROLL 0.08% $3,391.22 0.00183077 $6.21 SCROLL <0.01% $0.99837 0.3311 $0.3306 SCROLL <0.01% $1.05 0.2811 $0.2943 APE 0.06% $1.26 3.836 $4.84 ZKEVM <0.01% $1 0.1929 $0.1928 ZKEVM <0.01% $0.998093 0.7929 $0.7914 ZKEVM <0.01% $2.63 0.1278 $0.3362 ZKEVM <0.01% $0.989603 0.7778 $0.7697 GLMR <0.01% $0.277394 2.4374 $0.676131 CELO <0.01% $1 0.3272 $0.3271 CELO <0.01% $0.675679 0.2763 $0.186698 MOVR <0.01% $14.3 0.0001 $0.00143 XDC <0.01% $0.074675 0.002 $0.000149 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