ETH Price: $2,510.64 (+0.07%)




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Set Approval For...184789212023-11-01 18:03:23482 days ago1698861803IN
0 ETH0.0010975337.56362965
Set Approval For...167259532023-02-28 10:05:35728 days ago1677578735IN
0 ETH0.0008692117
Set Approval For...166922292023-02-23 16:17:23733 days ago1677169043IN
0 ETH0.0026875852.56366999
Safe Transfer Fr...166623352023-02-19 11:27:59737 days ago1676806079IN
0 ETH0.0012903420.10732591
Set Approval For...166023352023-02-11 1:47:35745 days ago1676080055IN
0 ETH0.0009516918.61331697
Set Approval For...165033372023-01-28 5:51:47759 days ago1674885107IN
0 ETH0.0007698515.05689596
Set Approval For...164144972023-01-15 20:10:35772 days ago1673813435IN
0 ETH0.0015984131.26176369
Set Approval For...163750392023-01-10 7:53:35777 days ago1673337215IN
0 ETH0.0007048713.78590539
Set Approval For...163535202023-01-07 7:49:23780 days ago1673077763IN
0 ETH0.0006900313.49578498
Set Approval For...163366862023-01-04 23:23:11782 days ago1672874591IN
0 ETH0.0016387332.0503507
Set Approval For...163133642023-01-01 17:19:23786 days ago1672593563IN
0 ETH0.0009000417.60299542
Safe Transfer Fr...163097772023-01-01 5:18:35786 days ago1672550315IN
0 ETH0.0020780215.33810656
Safe Transfer Fr...163096842023-01-01 4:59:59786 days ago1672549199IN
0 ETH0.0021741916.04799811
Safe Transfer Fr...163096362023-01-01 4:50:23786 days ago1672548623IN
0 ETH0.0018826414.40909815
Safe Transfer Fr...163095142023-01-01 4:25:47786 days ago1672547147IN
0 ETH0.0019649514.50355731
Safe Transfer Fr...163095022023-01-01 4:23:23786 days ago1672547003IN
0 ETH0.0019546914.42785297
Safe Transfer Fr...163092402023-01-01 3:30:59786 days ago1672543859IN
0 ETH0.0020278514.96781664
Safe Transfer Fr...163091772023-01-01 3:18:23786 days ago1672543103IN
0 ETH0.0031269723.08051867
Safe Transfer Fr...163091752023-01-01 3:17:59786 days ago1672543079IN
0 ETH0.0019040514.57023851
Safe Transfer Fr...163088752023-01-01 2:17:59786 days ago1672539479IN
0 ETH0.0018911313.95870941
Set Approval For...163088632023-01-01 2:15:35786 days ago1672539335IN
0 ETH0.0007803315.26186927
Safe Transfer Fr...163082022023-01-01 0:02:35786 days ago1672531355IN
0 ETH0.0023058717.01989506
Safe Transfer Fr...163078822022-12-31 22:58:23786 days ago1672527503IN
0 ETH0.0020358515.0268402
Set Approval For...163072762022-12-31 20:56:47787 days ago1672520207IN
0 ETH0.0007539714.74630913
Safe Transfer Fr...163072702022-12-31 20:55:35787 days ago1672520135IN
0 ETH0.001901714.55226535
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File 1 of 5 : COUPOE.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title: coupofgrace open editions
/// @author:

import "./manifold/ERC1155Creator.sol";

//                                                                                            //
//                                                                                            //
//                                                                                            //
//                                                                                            //
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//                                                                                            //
//                                                                                            //

contract COUPOE is ERC1155Creator {
    constructor() ERC1155Creator("coupofgrace open editions", "COUPOE") {}

File 2 of 5 : ERC1155Creator.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @author:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Proxy.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/StorageSlot.sol";

contract ERC1155Creator is Proxy {

    constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) {
        assert(_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT == bytes32(uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.implementation")) - 1));
        StorageSlot.getAddressSlot(_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT).value = 0x6bf5ed59dE0E19999d264746843FF931c0133090;
            abi.encodeWithSignature("initialize(string,string)", name, symbol)

     * @dev Storage slot with the address of the current implementation.
     * This is the keccak-256 hash of "eip1967.proxy.implementation" subtracted by 1, and is
     * validated in the constructor.
    bytes32 internal constant _IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT = 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc;

     * @dev Returns the current implementation address.
     function implementation() public view returns (address) {
        return _implementation();

    function _implementation() internal override view returns (address) {
        return StorageSlot.getAddressSlot(_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT).value;


File 3 of 5 : Proxy.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (proxy/Proxy.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev This abstract contract provides a fallback function that delegates all calls to another contract using the EVM
 * instruction `delegatecall`. We refer to the second contract as the _implementation_ behind the proxy, and it has to
 * be specified by overriding the virtual {_implementation} function.
 * Additionally, delegation to the implementation can be triggered manually through the {_fallback} function, or to a
 * different contract through the {_delegate} function.
 * The success and return data of the delegated call will be returned back to the caller of the proxy.
abstract contract Proxy {
     * @dev Delegates the current call to `implementation`.
     * This function does not return to its internal call site, it will return directly to the external caller.
    function _delegate(address implementation) internal virtual {
        assembly {
            // Copy We take full control of memory in this inline assembly
            // block because it will not return to Solidity code. We overwrite the
            // Solidity scratch pad at memory position 0.
            calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())

            // Call the implementation.
            // out and outsize are 0 because we don't know the size yet.
            let result := delegatecall(gas(), implementation, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)

            // Copy the returned data.
            returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())

            switch result
            // delegatecall returns 0 on error.
            case 0 {
                revert(0, returndatasize())
            default {
                return(0, returndatasize())

     * @dev This is a virtual function that should be overridden so it returns the address to which the fallback function
     * and {_fallback} should delegate.
    function _implementation() internal view virtual returns (address);

     * @dev Delegates the current call to the address returned by `_implementation()`.
     * This function does not return to its internal call site, it will return directly to the external caller.
    function _fallback() internal virtual {

     * @dev Fallback function that delegates calls to the address returned by `_implementation()`. Will run if no other
     * function in the contract matches the call data.
    fallback() external payable virtual {

     * @dev Fallback function that delegates calls to the address returned by `_implementation()`. Will run if call data
     * is empty.
    receive() external payable virtual {

     * @dev Hook that is called before falling back to the implementation. Can happen as part of a manual `_fallback`
     * call, or as part of the Solidity `fallback` or `receive` functions.
     * If overridden should call `super._beforeFallback()`.
    function _beforeFallback() internal virtual {}

File 4 of 5 : Address.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.8.0) (utils/Address.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

 * @dev Collection of functions related to the address type
library Address {
     * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract.
     * [IMPORTANT]
     * ====
     * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns
     * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract.
     * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following
     * types of addresses:
     *  - an externally-owned account
     *  - a contract in construction
     *  - an address where a contract will be created
     *  - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed
     * ====
     * [IMPORTANT]
     * ====
     * You shouldn't rely on `isContract` to protect against flash loan attacks!
     * Preventing calls from contracts is highly discouraged. It breaks composability, breaks support for smart wallets
     * like Gnosis Safe, and does not provide security since it can be circumvented by calling from a contract
     * constructor.
     * ====
    function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
        // This method relies on extcodesize/address.code.length, which returns 0
        // for contracts in construction, since the code is only stored at the end
        // of the constructor execution.

        return account.code.length > 0;

     * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to
     * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.
     *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost
     * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit
     * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via
     * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.
     *[Learn more].
     * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be
     * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using
     * {ReentrancyGuard} or the
     *[checks-effects-interactions pattern].
    function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
        require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance");

        (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
        require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted");

     * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A
     * plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this
     * function instead.
     * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this
     * function (like regular Solidity function calls).
     * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value,
     * use[`abi.decode`].
     * Requirements:
     * - `target` must be a contract.
     * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, "Address: low-level call failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with
     * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCall(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage);

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
     * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`.
     * Requirements:
     * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`.
     * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCallWithValue(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        uint256 value
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but
     * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCallWithValue(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        uint256 value,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call");
        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: value}(data);
        return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a static call.
     * _Available since v3.3._
    function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a static call.
     * _Available since v3.3._
    function functionStaticCall(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data);
        return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a delegate call.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a delegate call.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function functionDelegateCall(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data);
        return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Tool to verify that a low level call to smart-contract was successful, and revert (either by bubbling
     * the revert reason or using the provided one) in case of unsuccessful call or if target was not a contract.
     * _Available since v4.8._
    function verifyCallResultFromTarget(
        address target,
        bool success,
        bytes memory returndata,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
        if (success) {
            if (returndata.length == 0) {
                // only check isContract if the call was successful and the return data is empty
                // otherwise we already know that it was a contract
                require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract");
            return returndata;
        } else {
            _revert(returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Tool to verify that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the
     * revert reason or using the provided one.
     * _Available since v4.3._
    function verifyCallResult(
        bool success,
        bytes memory returndata,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        if (success) {
            return returndata;
        } else {
            _revert(returndata, errorMessage);

    function _revert(bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage) private pure {
        // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present
        if (returndata.length > 0) {
            // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly
            /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
            assembly {
                let returndata_size := mload(returndata)
                revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)
        } else {

File 5 of 5 : StorageSlot.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (utils/StorageSlot.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Library for reading and writing primitive types to specific storage slots.
 * Storage slots are often used to avoid storage conflict when dealing with upgradeable contracts.
 * This library helps with reading and writing to such slots without the need for inline assembly.
 * The functions in this library return Slot structs that contain a `value` member that can be used to read or write.
 * Example usage to set ERC1967 implementation slot:
 * ```
 * contract ERC1967 {
 *     bytes32 internal constant _IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT = 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc;
 *     function _getImplementation() internal view returns (address) {
 *         return StorageSlot.getAddressSlot(_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT).value;
 *     }
 *     function _setImplementation(address newImplementation) internal {
 *         require(Address.isContract(newImplementation), "ERC1967: new implementation is not a contract");
 *         StorageSlot.getAddressSlot(_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT).value = newImplementation;
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * _Available since v4.1 for `address`, `bool`, `bytes32`, and `uint256`._
library StorageSlot {
    struct AddressSlot {
        address value;

    struct BooleanSlot {
        bool value;

    struct Bytes32Slot {
        bytes32 value;

    struct Uint256Slot {
        uint256 value;

     * @dev Returns an `AddressSlot` with member `value` located at `slot`.
    function getAddressSlot(bytes32 slot) internal pure returns (AddressSlot storage r) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            r.slot := slot

     * @dev Returns an `BooleanSlot` with member `value` located at `slot`.
    function getBooleanSlot(bytes32 slot) internal pure returns (BooleanSlot storage r) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            r.slot := slot

     * @dev Returns an `Bytes32Slot` with member `value` located at `slot`.
    function getBytes32Slot(bytes32 slot) internal pure returns (Bytes32Slot storage r) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            r.slot := slot

     * @dev Returns an `Uint256Slot` with member `value` located at `slot`.
    function getUint256Slot(bytes32 slot) internal pure returns (Uint256Slot storage r) {
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            r.slot := slot

  "remappings": [
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 300
  "metadata": {
    "bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
  "evmVersion": "london",
  "libraries": {}

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI



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A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.