ETH Price: $3,780.99 (-0.83%)
Gas: 5 Gwei



Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
Send Multi Sig197780632024-05-01 21:47:1132 days ago1714600031IN
0 ETH0.00050846.15729537
Send Multi Sig197115732024-04-22 14:35:4741 days ago1713796547IN
0 ETH0.0020238724.51106022
Transfer197110472024-04-22 12:49:4741 days ago1713790187IN
0.08244024 ETH0.0002721610.45571786
Transfer196940452024-04-20 3:48:1143 days ago1713584891IN
0.01651952 ETH0.000147455.66464642
Transfer196917952024-04-19 20:14:5944 days ago1713557699IN
0.0233807 ETH0.000219068.41583271
Transfer196780552024-04-17 22:04:5946 days ago1713391499IN
0.01951982 ETH0.0002769610.64030813
Transfer196744362024-04-17 9:56:1146 days ago1713347771IN
0.01938155 ETH0.0004112815.80056886
Send Multi Sig196739122024-04-17 8:10:5946 days ago1713341459IN
0 ETH0.0013091215.85472545
Transfer196396062024-04-12 12:44:2351 days ago1712925863IN
0.07924048 ETH0.0005314420.41672708
Transfer196382232024-04-12 8:06:1151 days ago1712909171IN
0.14802173 ETH0.0005179319.89780848
Transfer196365432024-04-12 2:27:4751 days ago1712888867IN
0.03830592 ETH0.0003341112.83580585
Transfer196156332024-04-09 4:13:3554 days ago1712636015IN
0.0511694 ETH0.0004825618.53886508
Transfer196120692024-04-08 16:14:5955 days ago1712592899IN
0.0283155 ETH0.0011072142.5363003
Transfer196065122024-04-07 21:32:5956 days ago1712525579IN
0.07365984 ETH0.0003985515.31143301
Transfer196059312024-04-07 19:35:2356 days ago1712518523IN
0.06864002 ETH0.0004046815.54679317
Transfer195986282024-04-06 18:59:3557 days ago1712429975IN
0.01751145 ETH0.0003195412.27615512
Transfer195983802024-04-06 18:09:3557 days ago1712426975IN
1 wei0.0221255850
Transfer195983792024-04-06 18:09:2357 days ago1712426963IN
0.10977494 ETH0.0003662714.07123467
Transfer195905152024-04-05 15:45:3558 days ago1712331935IN
0.08217044 ETH0.0007180627.58612457
Transfer195893482024-04-05 11:50:2358 days ago1712317823IN
0.01386185 ETH0.0004001415.37250926
Transfer195882112024-04-05 7:59:5958 days ago1712303999IN
0.07004848 ETH0.0003678714.13260317
Transfer195843272024-04-04 18:57:4759 days ago1712257067IN
0.09502046 ETH0.0010040738.57379392
Transfer195829682024-04-04 14:22:4759 days ago1712240567IN
0.03052952 ETH0.0008568932.91942115
Transfer195805692024-04-04 6:19:2359 days ago1712211563IN
0.0156993 ETH0.0004481717.21755577
Transfer195775352024-04-03 20:09:2360 days ago1712174963IN
0.08094247 ETH0.0012446847.81751544
View all transactions

Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
197780632024-05-01 21:47:1132 days ago1714600031
1,728.44991756 ETH
197115732024-04-22 14:35:4741 days ago1713796547
3,201.97625618 ETH
196739122024-04-17 8:10:5946 days ago1713341459
3,352.41502712 ETH
194105162024-03-11 7:59:1183 days ago1710143951
826.81893666 ETH
192732372024-02-21 3:01:59102 days ago1708484519
96 ETH
191095322024-01-29 3:34:59125 days ago1706499299
0.01548941 ETH
188769522023-12-27 12:19:11158 days ago1703679551
0.00109377 ETH
185783072023-11-15 15:53:59200 days ago1700063639
128 ETH
184665702023-10-31 0:32:35215 days ago1698712355
0.00043895 ETH
184256312023-10-25 7:01:11221 days ago1698217271
0.00049173 ETH
184256312023-10-25 7:01:11221 days ago1698217271
0.00075935 ETH
183020132023-10-07 23:52:59238 days ago1696722779
0.04254066 ETH
177224482023-07-18 20:20:23320 days ago1689711623
32 ETH
177224482023-07-18 20:20:23320 days ago1689711623
32 ETH
172753932023-05-16 23:03:59383 days ago1684278239
32 ETH
172753932023-05-16 23:03:59383 days ago1684278239
32 ETH
172753932023-05-16 23:03:59383 days ago1684278239
32 ETH
172753932023-05-16 23:03:59383 days ago1684278239
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
172753922023-05-16 23:03:47383 days ago1684278227
32 ETH
View All Internal Transactions

Minimal Proxy Contract for 0xe5dcdc13b628c2df813db1080367e929c1507ca0

Similar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0x63863008...CD1AB731D
The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contract

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
No with 200 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion

Contract Source Code (Solidity Standard Json-Input format)

File 1 of 10 : WalletSimple.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
import './TransferHelper.sol';
import './ERC20Interface.sol';
import './IForwarder.sol';

/** ERC721, ERC1155 imports */
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol';
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Receiver.sol';

 * WalletSimple
 * ============
 * Basic multi-signer wallet designed for use in a co-signing environment where 2 signatures are required to move funds.
 * Typically used in a 2-of-3 signing configuration. Uses ecrecover to allow for 2 signatures in a single transaction.
 * The first signature is created on the operation hash (see Data Formats) and passed to sendMultiSig/sendMultiSigToken
 * The signer is determined by verifyMultiSig().
 * The second signature is created by the submitter of the transaction and determined by msg.signer.
 * Data Formats
 * ============
 * The signature is created with ethereumjs-util.ecsign(operationHash).
 * Like the eth_sign RPC call, it packs the values as a 65-byte array of [r, s, v].
 * Unlike eth_sign, the message is not prefixed.
 * The operationHash the result of keccak256(prefix, toAddress, value, data, expireTime).
 * For ether transactions, `prefix` is "ETHER".
 * For token transaction, `prefix` is "ERC20" and `data` is the tokenContractAddress.
contract WalletSimple is IERC721Receiver, ERC1155Receiver {
  // Events
  event Deposited(address from, uint256 value, bytes data);
  event SafeModeActivated(address msgSender);
  event Transacted(
    address msgSender, // Address of the sender of the message initiating the transaction
    address otherSigner, // Address of the signer (second signature) used to initiate the transaction
    bytes32 operation, // Operation hash (see Data Formats)
    address toAddress, // The address the transaction was sent to
    uint256 value, // Amount of Wei sent to the address
    bytes data // Data sent when invoking the transaction

  event BatchTransfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 value);
  // this event shows the other signer and the operation hash that they signed
  // specific batch transfer events are emitted in Batcher
  event BatchTransacted(
    address msgSender, // Address of the sender of the message initiating the transaction
    address otherSigner, // Address of the signer (second signature) used to initiate the transaction
    bytes32 operation // Operation hash (see Data Formats)

  // Public fields
  mapping(address => bool) public signers; // The addresses that can co-sign transactions on the wallet
  bool public safeMode = false; // When active, wallet may only send to signer addresses
  bool public initialized = false; // True if the contract has been initialized

  // Internal fields
  uint256 private constant MAX_SEQUENCE_ID_INCREASE = 10000;
  uint256 constant SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE = 10;
  uint256[SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE] recentSequenceIds;

   * Set up a simple multi-sig wallet by specifying the signers allowed to be used on this wallet.
   * 2 signers will be required to send a transaction from this wallet.
   * Note: The sender is NOT automatically added to the list of signers.
   * Signers CANNOT be changed once they are set
   * @param allowedSigners An array of signers on the wallet
  function init(address[] calldata allowedSigners) external onlyUninitialized {
    require(allowedSigners.length == 3, 'Invalid number of signers');

    for (uint8 i = 0; i < allowedSigners.length; i++) {
      require(allowedSigners[i] != address(0), 'Invalid signer');
      signers[allowedSigners[i]] = true;

    initialized = true;

   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over
   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains
   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need
   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can't be a field
   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will
   *    not pick up on state variables
  function getNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {
    return 'ETHER';

   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over for token transfers
   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains
   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need
   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can't be a field
   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will
   *    not pick up on state variables
  function getTokenNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {
    return 'ERC20';

   * Get the network identifier that signers must sign over for batch transfers
   * This provides protection signatures being replayed on other chains
   * This must be a virtual function because chain-specific contracts will need
   *    to override with their own network ids. It also can't be a field
   *    to allow this contract to be used by proxy with delegatecall, which will
   *    not pick up on state variables
  function getBatchNetworkId() internal virtual pure returns (string memory) {
    return 'ETHER-Batch';

   * Determine if an address is a signer on this wallet
   * @param signer address to check
   * returns boolean indicating whether address is signer or not
  function isSigner(address signer) public view returns (bool) {
    return signers[signer];

   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the sender is an authorized signer on this wallet
  modifier onlySigner {
    require(isSigner(msg.sender), 'Non-signer in onlySigner method');

   * Modifier that will execute internal code block only if the contract has not been initialized yet
  modifier onlyUninitialized {
    require(!initialized, 'Contract already initialized');

   * Gets called when a transaction is received with data that does not match any other method
  fallback() external payable {
    if (msg.value > 0) {
      // Fire deposited event if we are receiving funds
      emit Deposited(msg.sender, msg.value,;

   * Gets called when a transaction is received with ether and no data
  receive() external payable {
    if (msg.value > 0) {
      // Fire deposited event if we are receiving funds
      // message data is always empty for receive. If there is data it is sent to fallback function.
      emit Deposited(msg.sender, msg.value, '');

   * Execute a multi-signature transaction from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.
   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.
   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction
   * @param value the amount in Wei to be sent
   * @param data the data to send to the toAddress when invoking the transaction
   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid
   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId
   * @param signature see Data Formats
  function sendMultiSig(
    address toAddress,
    uint256 value,
    bytes calldata data,
    uint256 expireTime,
    uint256 sequenceId,
    bytes calldata signature
  ) external onlySigner {
    // Verify the other signer
    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(

    address otherSigner = verifyMultiSig(

    // Success, send the transaction
    (bool success, ) ={ value: value }(data);
    require(success, 'Call execution failed');

    emit Transacted(

   * Execute a batched multi-signature transaction from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.
   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.
   * The recipients and values to send are encoded in two arrays, where for index i, recipients[i] will be sent values[i].
   * @param recipients The list of recipients to send to
   * @param values The list of values to send to
   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid
   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId
   * @param signature see Data Formats
  function sendMultiSigBatch(
    address[] calldata recipients,
    uint256[] calldata values,
    uint256 expireTime,
    uint256 sequenceId,
    bytes calldata signature
  ) external onlySigner {
    require(recipients.length != 0, 'Not enough recipients');
      recipients.length == values.length,
      'Unequal recipients and values'
    require(recipients.length < 256, 'Too many recipients, max 255');

    // Verify the other signer
    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(

    // the first parameter (toAddress) is used to ensure transactions in safe mode only go to a signer
    // if in safe mode, we should use normal sendMultiSig to recover, so this check will always fail if in safe mode
    require(!safeMode, 'Batch in safe mode');
    address otherSigner = verifyMultiSig(

    batchTransfer(recipients, values);
    emit BatchTransacted(msg.sender, otherSigner, operationHash);

   * Transfer funds in a batch to each of recipients
   * @param recipients The list of recipients to send to
   * @param values The list of values to send to recipients.
   *  The recipient with index i in recipients array will be sent values[i].
   *  Thus, recipients and values must be the same length
  function batchTransfer(
    address[] calldata recipients,
    uint256[] calldata values
  ) internal {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
      require(address(this).balance >= values[i], 'Insufficient funds');

      (bool success, ) = recipients[i].call{ value: values[i] }('');
      require(success, 'Call failed');

      emit BatchTransfer(msg.sender, recipients[i], values[i]);

   * Execute a multi-signature token transfer from this wallet using 2 signers: one from msg.sender and the other from ecrecover.
   * Sequence IDs are numbers starting from 1. They are used to prevent replay attacks and may not be repeated.
   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction
   * @param value the amount in tokens to be sent
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract
   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid
   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId
   * @param signature see Data Formats
  function sendMultiSigToken(
    address toAddress,
    uint256 value,
    address tokenContractAddress,
    uint256 expireTime,
    uint256 sequenceId,
    bytes calldata signature
  ) external onlySigner {
    // Verify the other signer
    bytes32 operationHash = keccak256(

    verifyMultiSig(toAddress, operationHash, signature, expireTime, sequenceId);

    TransferHelper.safeTransfer(tokenContractAddress, toAddress, value);

   * Execute a token flush from one of the forwarder addresses. This transfer needs only a single signature and can be done by any signer
   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder address to flush the tokens from
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract
  function flushForwarderTokens(
    address payable forwarderAddress,
    address tokenContractAddress
  ) external onlySigner {
    IForwarder forwarder = IForwarder(forwarderAddress);

   * Execute a ERC721 token flush from one of the forwarder addresses. This transfer needs only a single signature and can be done by any signer
   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder address to flush the tokens from
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract
  function flushERC721ForwarderTokens(
    address payable forwarderAddress,
    address tokenContractAddress,
    uint256 tokenId
  ) external onlySigner {
    IForwarder forwarder = IForwarder(forwarderAddress);
    forwarder.flushERC721Token(tokenContractAddress, tokenId);

   * Execute a ERC1155 batch token flush from one of the forwarder addresses.
   * This transfer needs only a single signature and can be done by any signer.
   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder address to flush the tokens from
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc1155 token contract
  function batchFlushERC1155ForwarderTokens(
    address payable forwarderAddress,
    address tokenContractAddress,
    uint256[] calldata tokenIds
  ) external onlySigner {
    IForwarder forwarder = IForwarder(forwarderAddress);
    forwarder.batchFlushERC1155Tokens(tokenContractAddress, tokenIds);

   * Execute a ERC1155 token flush from one of the forwarder addresses.
   * This transfer needs only a single signature and can be done by any signer.
   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder address to flush the tokens from
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc1155 token contract
   * @param tokenId the token id associated with the ERC1155
  function flushERC1155ForwarderTokens(
    address payable forwarderAddress,
    address tokenContractAddress,
    uint256 tokenId
  ) external onlySigner {
    IForwarder forwarder = IForwarder(forwarderAddress);
    forwarder.flushERC1155Tokens(tokenContractAddress, tokenId);

   * Sets the autoflush 721 parameter on the forwarder.
   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder to toggle.
   * @param autoFlush whether to autoflush erc721 tokens
  function setAutoFlush721(address forwarderAddress, bool autoFlush)
    IForwarder forwarder = IForwarder(forwarderAddress);

   * Sets the autoflush 721 parameter on the forwarder.
   * @param forwarderAddress the address of the forwarder to toggle.
   * @param autoFlush whether to autoflush erc1155 tokens
  function setAutoFlush1155(address forwarderAddress, bool autoFlush)
    IForwarder forwarder = IForwarder(forwarderAddress);

   * Do common multisig verification for both eth sends and erc20token transfers
   * @param toAddress the destination address to send an outgoing transaction
   * @param operationHash see Data Formats
   * @param signature see Data Formats
   * @param expireTime the number of seconds since 1970 for which this transaction is valid
   * @param sequenceId the unique sequence id obtainable from getNextSequenceId
   * returns address that has created the signature
  function verifyMultiSig(
    address toAddress,
    bytes32 operationHash,
    bytes calldata signature,
    uint256 expireTime,
    uint256 sequenceId
  ) private returns (address) {
    address otherSigner = recoverAddressFromSignature(operationHash, signature);

    // Verify if we are in safe mode. In safe mode, the wallet can only send to signers
    require(!safeMode || isSigner(toAddress), 'External transfer in safe mode');

    // Verify that the transaction has not expired
    require(expireTime >= block.timestamp, 'Transaction expired');

    // Try to insert the sequence ID. Will revert if the sequence id was invalid

    require(isSigner(otherSigner), 'Invalid signer');

    require(otherSigner != msg.sender, 'Signers cannot be equal');

    return otherSigner;

   * ERC721 standard callback function for when a ERC721 is transfered.
   * @param _operator The address of the nft contract
   * @param _from The address of the sender
   * @param _tokenId The token id of the nft
   * @param _data Additional data with no specified format, sent in call to `_to`
  function onERC721Received(
    address _operator,
    address _from,
    uint256 _tokenId,
    bytes memory _data
  ) external virtual override returns (bytes4) {
    return this.onERC721Received.selector;

   * @inheritdoc IERC1155Receiver
  function onERC1155Received(
    address _operator,
    address _from,
    uint256 id,
    uint256 value,
    bytes calldata data
  ) external virtual override returns (bytes4) {
    return this.onERC1155Received.selector;

   * @inheritdoc IERC1155Receiver
  function onERC1155BatchReceived(
    address _operator,
    address _from,
    uint256[] calldata ids,
    uint256[] calldata values,
    bytes calldata data
  ) external virtual override returns (bytes4) {
    return this.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector;

   * Irrevocably puts contract into safe mode. When in this mode, transactions may only be sent to signing addresses.
  function activateSafeMode() external onlySigner {
    safeMode = true;
    emit SafeModeActivated(msg.sender);

   * Gets signer's address using ecrecover
   * @param operationHash see Data Formats
   * @param signature see Data Formats
   * returns address recovered from the signature
  function recoverAddressFromSignature(
    bytes32 operationHash,
    bytes memory signature
  ) private pure returns (address) {
    require(signature.length == 65, 'Invalid signature - wrong length');

    // We need to unpack the signature, which is given as an array of 65 bytes (like eth.sign)
    bytes32 r;
    bytes32 s;
    uint8 v;

    // solhint-disable-next-line
    assembly {
      r := mload(add(signature, 32))
      s := mload(add(signature, 64))
      v := and(mload(add(signature, 65)), 255)
    if (v < 27) {
      v += 27; // Ethereum versions are 27 or 28 as opposed to 0 or 1 which is submitted by some signing libs

    // protect against signature malleability
    // S value must be in the lower half orader
    // reference:
      uint256(s) <=
      "ECDSA: invalid signature 's' value"

    // note that this returns 0 if the signature is invalid
    // Since 0x0 can never be a signer, when the recovered signer address
    // is checked against our signer list, that 0x0 will cause an invalid signer failure
    return ecrecover(operationHash, v, r, s);

   * Verify that the sequence id has not been used before and inserts it. Throws if the sequence ID was not accepted.
   * We collect a window of up to 10 recent sequence ids, and allow any sequence id that is not in the window and
   * greater than the minimum element in the window.
   * @param sequenceId to insert into array of stored ids
  function tryInsertSequenceId(uint256 sequenceId) private onlySigner {
    // Keep a pointer to the lowest value element in the window
    uint256 lowestValueIndex = 0;
    // fetch recentSequenceIds into memory for function context to avoid unnecessary sloads

      uint256[SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE] memory _recentSequenceIds
     = recentSequenceIds;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {
      require(_recentSequenceIds[i] != sequenceId, 'Sequence ID already used');

      if (_recentSequenceIds[i] < _recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex]) {
        lowestValueIndex = i;

    // The sequence ID being used is lower than the lowest value in the window
    // so we cannot accept it as it may have been used before
      sequenceId > _recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex],
      'Sequence ID below window'

    // Block sequence IDs which are much higher than the lowest value
    // This prevents people blocking the contract by using very large sequence IDs quickly
      sequenceId <=
        (_recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex] + MAX_SEQUENCE_ID_INCREASE),
      'Sequence ID above maximum'

    recentSequenceIds[lowestValueIndex] = sequenceId;

   * Gets the next available sequence ID for signing when using executeAndConfirm
   * returns the sequenceId one higher than the highest currently stored
  function getNextSequenceId() external view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 highestSequenceId = 0;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < SEQUENCE_ID_WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {
      if (recentSequenceIds[i] > highestSequenceId) {
        highestSequenceId = recentSequenceIds[i];
    return highestSequenceId + 1;

File 3 of 10 : TransferHelper.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// source:
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol';

// helper methods for interacting with ERC20 tokens and sending ETH that do not consistently return true/false
library TransferHelper {
  function safeTransfer(
    address token,
    address to,
    uint256 value
  ) internal {
    // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)')));
    (bool success, bytes memory data) =
      abi.encodeWithSelector(0xa9059cbb, to, value)
      success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))),
      'TransferHelper::safeTransfer: transfer failed'

  function safeTransferFrom(
    address token,
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 value
  ) internal {
    // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)')));
    (bool success, bytes memory returndata) =
      abi.encodeWithSelector(0x23b872dd, from, to, value)
      'TransferHelper::transferFrom: transferFrom failed'

File 4 of 10 : ERC20Interface.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

 * Contract that exposes the needed erc20 token functions

abstract contract ERC20Interface {
  // Send _value amount of tokens to address _to
  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)
    returns (bool success);

  // Get the account balance of another account with address _owner
  function balanceOf(address _owner)
    returns (uint256 balance);

File 5 of 10 : IForwarder.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol';

interface IForwarder is IERC165 {
   * Sets the autoflush721 parameter.
   * @param autoFlush whether to autoflush erc721 tokens
  function setAutoFlush721(bool autoFlush) external;

   * Sets the autoflush1155 parameter.
   * @param autoFlush whether to autoflush erc1155 tokens
  function setAutoFlush1155(bool autoFlush) external;

   * Execute a token transfer of the full balance from the forwarder token to the parent address
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the erc20 token contract
  function flushTokens(address tokenContractAddress) external;

   * Execute a nft transfer from the forwarder to the parent address
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the ERC721 NFT contract
   * @param tokenId The token id of the nft
  function flushERC721Token(address tokenContractAddress, uint256 tokenId)

   * Execute a nft transfer from the forwarder to the parent address.
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the ERC1155 NFT contract
   * @param tokenId The token id of the nft
  function flushERC1155Tokens(address tokenContractAddress, uint256 tokenId)

   * Execute a batch nft transfer from the forwarder to the parent address.
   * @param tokenContractAddress the address of the ERC1155 NFT contract
   * @param tokenIds The token ids of the nfts
  function batchFlushERC1155Tokens(
    address tokenContractAddress,
    uint256[] calldata tokenIds
  ) external;

File 6 of 10 : IERC721Receiver.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title ERC721 token receiver interface
 * @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
 * from ERC721 asset contracts.
interface IERC721Receiver {
     * @dev Whenever an {IERC721} `tokenId` token is transferred to this contract via {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}
     * by `operator` from `from`, this function is called.
     * It must return its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
     * If any other value is returned or the interface is not implemented by the recipient, the transfer will be reverted.
     * The selector can be obtained in Solidity with `IERC721.onERC721Received.selector`.
    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

File 7 of 10 : ERC1155Receiver.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC1155/utils/ERC1155Receiver.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "../IERC1155Receiver.sol";
import "../../../utils/introspection/ERC165.sol";

 * @dev _Available since v3.1._
abstract contract ERC1155Receiver is ERC165, IERC1155Receiver {
     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(ERC165, IERC165) returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == type(IERC1155Receiver).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);

File 8 of 10 : Address.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Address.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Collection of functions related to the address type
library Address {
     * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract.
     * [IMPORTANT]
     * ====
     * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns
     * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract.
     * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following
     * types of addresses:
     *  - an externally-owned account
     *  - a contract in construction
     *  - an address where a contract will be created
     *  - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed
     * ====
    function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
        // This method relies on extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in
        // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the
        // constructor execution.

        uint256 size;
        assembly {
            size := extcodesize(account)
        return size > 0;

     * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to
     * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.
     *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost
     * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit
     * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via
     * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.
     *[Learn more].
     * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be
     * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using
     * {ReentrancyGuard} or the
     *[checks-effects-interactions pattern].
    function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
        require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance");

        (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
        require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted");

     * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A
     * plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this
     * function instead.
     * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this
     * function (like regular Solidity function calls).
     * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value,
     * use[`abi.decode`].
     * Requirements:
     * - `target` must be a contract.
     * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with
     * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCall(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage);

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
     * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`.
     * Requirements:
     * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`.
     * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCallWithValue(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        uint256 value
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but
     * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    function functionCallWithValue(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        uint256 value,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call");
        require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract");

        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: value}(data);
        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a static call.
     * _Available since v3.3._
    function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a static call.
     * _Available since v3.3._
    function functionStaticCall(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
        require(isContract(target), "Address: static call to non-contract");

        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data);
        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a delegate call.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed");

     * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
     * but performing a delegate call.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function functionDelegateCall(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
        require(isContract(target), "Address: delegate call to non-contract");

        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data);
        return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage);

     * @dev Tool to verifies that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the
     * revert reason using the provided one.
     * _Available since v4.3._
    function verifyCallResult(
        bool success,
        bytes memory returndata,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        if (success) {
            return returndata;
        } else {
            // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present
            if (returndata.length > 0) {
                // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly

                assembly {
                    let returndata_size := mload(returndata)
                    revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)
            } else {

File 9 of 10 : IERC165.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
 * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
 * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
 * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
interface IERC165 {
     * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
     * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
     *[EIP section]
     * to learn more about how these ids are created.
     * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);

File 10 of 10 : IERC1155Receiver.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC1155/IERC1155Receiver.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";

 * @dev _Available since v3.1._
interface IERC1155Receiver is IERC165 {
        @dev Handles the receipt of a single ERC1155 token type. This function is
        called at the end of a `safeTransferFrom` after the balance has been updated.
        To accept the transfer, this must return
        (i.e. 0xf23a6e61, or its own function selector).
        @param operator The address which initiated the transfer (i.e. msg.sender)
        @param from The address which previously owned the token
        @param id The ID of the token being transferred
        @param value The amount of tokens being transferred
        @param data Additional data with no specified format
        @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"))` if transfer is allowed
    function onERC1155Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 id,
        uint256 value,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

        @dev Handles the receipt of a multiple ERC1155 token types. This function
        is called at the end of a `safeBatchTransferFrom` after the balances have
        been updated. To accept the transfer(s), this must return
        (i.e. 0xbc197c81, or its own function selector).
        @param operator The address which initiated the batch transfer (i.e. msg.sender)
        @param from The address which previously owned the token
        @param ids An array containing ids of each token being transferred (order and length must match values array)
        @param values An array containing amounts of each token being transferred (order and length must match ids array)
        @param data Additional data with no specified format
        @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)"))` if transfer is allowed
    function onERC1155BatchReceived(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256[] calldata ids,
        uint256[] calldata values,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

File 11 of 10 : ERC165.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/ERC165.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./IERC165.sol";

 * @dev Implementation of the {IERC165} interface.
 * Contracts that want to implement ERC165 should inherit from this contract and override {supportsInterface} to check
 * for the additional interface id that will be supported. For example:
 * ```solidity
 * function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
 *     return interfaceId == type(MyInterface).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
 * }
 * ```
 * Alternatively, {ERC165Storage} provides an easier to use but more expensive implementation.
abstract contract ERC165 is IERC165 {
     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;

  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": false,
    "runs": 200
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
  "libraries": {}

Contract ABI

[{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"msgSender","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"otherSigner","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"bytes32","name":"operation","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"BatchTransacted","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"sender","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"recipient","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint256","name":"value","type":"uint256"}],"name":"BatchTransfer","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"from","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint256","name":"value","type":"uint256"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"bytes","name":"data","type":"bytes"}],"name":"Deposited","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"msgSender","type":"address"}],"name":"SafeModeActivated","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"msgSender","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"otherSigner","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"bytes32","name":"operation","type":"bytes32"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"toAddress","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint256","name":"value","type":"uint256"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"bytes","name":"data","type":"bytes"}],"name":"Transacted","type":"event"},{"stateMutability":"payable","type":"fallback"},{"inputs":[],"name":"activateSafeMode","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address 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payable","name":"forwarderAddress","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"tokenContractAddress","type":"address"}],"name":"flushForwarderTokens","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"getNextSequenceId","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address[]","name":"allowedSigners","type":"address[]"}],"name":"init","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"initialized","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"signer","type":"address"}],"name":"isSigner","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_operator","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_from","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256[]","name":"ids","type":"uint256[]"},{"internalType":"uint256[]","name":"values","type":"uint256[]"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"data","type":"bytes"}],"name":"onERC1155BatchReceived","outputs":[{"internalType":"bytes4","name":"","type":"bytes4"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_operator","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_from","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"id","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"value","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"data","type":"bytes"}],"name":"onERC1155Received","outputs":[{"internalType":"bytes4","name":"","type":"bytes4"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_operator","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"_from","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"_tokenId","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"_data","type":"bytes"}],"name":"onERC721Received","outputs":[{"internalType":"bytes4","name":"","type":"bytes4"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"safeMode","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"toAddress","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"value","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"data","type":"bytes"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"expireTime","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"sequenceId","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"signature","type":"bytes"}],"name":"sendMultiSig","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address[]","name":"recipients","type":"address[]"},{"internalType":"uint256[]","name":"values","type":"uint256[]"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"expireTime","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"sequenceId","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"signature","type":"bytes"}],"name":"sendMultiSigBatch","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"toAddress","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"value","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"address","name":"tokenContractAddress","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"expireTime","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"sequenceId","type":"uint256"},{"internalType":"bytes","name":"signature","type":"bytes"}],"name":"sendMultiSigToken","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"forwarderAddress","type":"address"},{"internalType":"bool","name":"autoFlush","type":"bool"}],"name":"setAutoFlush1155","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"forwarderAddress","type":"address"},{"internalType":"bool","name":"autoFlush","type":"bool"}],"name":"setAutoFlush721","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"name":"signers","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"bytes4","name":"interfaceId","type":"bytes4"}],"name":"supportsInterface","outputs":[{"internalType":"bool","name":"","type":"bool"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"stateMutability":"payable","type":"receive"}]

 Latest 25 blocks (From a total of 47 blocks with 2.42 Ether produced)

Block Transaction Difficulty Gas Used Reward
196659212024-04-16 5:20:2347 days ago17132448231960.00 TH17,155,890 (57.19%)
0.046002844391642742 ETH
196187092024-04-09 14:34:1154 days ago17126732511960.00 TH17,363,007 (57.88%)
0.123414816960756308 ETH
196153492024-04-09 3:15:5954 days ago17126325592010.00 TH21,756,884 (72.52%)
0.013045851909999888 ETH
195703192024-04-02 19:55:2361 days ago17120877231920.00 TH15,901,205 (53.00%)
0.019401302664420825 ETH
195525482024-03-31 7:59:1163 days ago17118719511590.00 TH23,992,351 (79.97%)
0.074011361739747337 ETH
194319652024-03-14 8:08:4780 days ago17104037272110.00 TH12,616,528 (42.06%)
0.016036426859522392 ETH
194255412024-03-13 10:25:3581 days ago17103255351900.00 TH13,083,481 (43.61%)
0.083078227044068255 ETH
193733722024-03-06 3:13:2388 days ago17096948032290.00 TH21,522,368 (71.74%)
0.054693173623760592 ETH
193714672024-03-05 20:50:5989 days ago17096718591850.00 TH16,734,208 (55.78%)
0.154580206957345127 ETH
193261382024-02-28 12:51:2395 days ago17091246831050.00 TH10,667,805 (35.56%)
0.029524641421294783 ETH
192718602024-02-20 22:23:35103 days ago17084678151930.00 TH20,577,015 (68.59%)
0.043447047948690942 ETH
192251882024-02-14 9:02:23109 days ago17079013431750.00 TH16,652,385 (55.51%)
0.046112819981806695 ETH
191698012024-02-06 14:31:23117 days ago17072298832080.00 TH16,464,344 (54.88%)
0.053895153487465303 ETH
191663212024-02-06 2:47:59117 days ago17071876791800.00 TH15,930,634 (53.10%)
0.019741461632578037 ETH
190039492024-01-14 8:31:47140 days ago17052211076420.00 TH18,063,791 (60.21%)
0.054339582060335322 ETH
189938182024-01-12 22:32:35142 days ago17050987551810.00 TH29,769,387 (99.23%)
0.029069066812165454 ETH
189701032024-01-09 14:48:35145 days ago17048117151290.00 TH10,521,634 (35.07%)
0.11391797997417009 ETH
189575572024-01-07 20:24:59147 days ago17046590991240.00 TH15,999,269 (53.33%)
0.059860132636483277 ETH
189498912024-01-06 18:23:11148 days ago17045653911800.00 TH18,744,660 (62.48%)
0.028658538701678201 ETH
189481202024-01-06 12:17:35148 days ago17045434551090.00 TH12,943,875 (43.15%)
0.011274604863494218 ETH
189471782024-01-06 9:05:59148 days ago17045319591400.00 TH26,745,279 (89.15%)
0.030520732711154929 ETH
189433502024-01-05 20:09:59149 days ago17044853991760.00 TH21,940,465 (73.13%)
0.026335029183907991 ETH
189426562024-01-05 17:49:35149 days ago17044769751490.00 TH22,669,124 (75.56%)
0.024251573311247433 ETH
188769522023-12-27 12:19:11158 days ago17036795511740.00 TH17,940,908 (59.80%)
0.018847989260916678 ETH
188462912023-12-23 4:59:23162 days ago17033075631800.00 TH20,349,389 (67.83%)
0.045850177931097034 ETH
View All Blocks Produced

Block Uncle Number Difficulty Gas Used Reward
View All Uncles

Latest 25 from a total of 12305 withdrawals (9,319.748884499 ETH withdrawn)

Validator Index Block Amount
683159197610712024-04-29 12:48:2334 days ago171439490332.00601313 ETH
683158197610712024-04-29 12:48:2334 days ago171439490332.006027626 ETH
683114197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006020328 ETH
683112197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006029311 ETH
683110197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005982448 ETH
683109197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006019903 ETH
683107197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005966612 ETH
683106197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005972124 ETH
683105197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005943351 ETH
683066197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006046332 ETH
683065197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006044244 ETH
683063197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006022877 ETH
683061197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005999318 ETH
683059197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005851348 ETH
683056197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.005986716 ETH
683055197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006017572 ETH
683053197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.050422969 ETH
683047197610702024-04-29 12:48:1134 days ago171439489132.006017587 ETH
683046197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.006001269 ETH
683044197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.005964202 ETH
683042197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.006041468 ETH
683040197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.006012934 ETH
683039197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.006019529 ETH
683038197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.005977771 ETH
683037197610692024-04-29 12:47:5934 days ago171439487932.005942817 ETH
View All Withdrawals

Transaction Hash Block Value Eth2 PubKey Valid
View All Deposits
[ Download: CSV Export  ]
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A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.