ETH Price: $3,357.93 (-0.72%)
Gas: 9 Gwei




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Transaction Hash
Cast Vote With R...201748792024-06-26 9:10:597 hrs ago1719393059IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000274093.28199569
Cast Vote With R...201748222024-06-26 8:59:237 hrs ago1719392363IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000311053.72455374
Cast Vote201745772024-06-26 8:09:598 hrs ago1719389399IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000159321.9917158
Cast Vote201745702024-06-26 8:08:358 hrs ago1719389315IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000165342.06686572
Cast Vote With R...201742252024-06-26 6:59:119 hrs ago1719385151IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000209432.50766555
Cast Vote With R...201730302024-06-26 2:59:2313 hrs ago1719370763IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000187522.245422
Cast Vote With R...201721382024-06-25 23:59:5916 hrs ago1719359999IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000192262.30213257
Cast Vote201702042024-06-25 17:31:2323 hrs ago1719336683IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000741239.26585003
Cast Vote201702032024-06-25 17:31:1123 hrs ago1719336671IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000721759.02243754
Cast Vote201687682024-06-25 12:42:5928 hrs ago1719319379IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000492086.15133022
Cast Vote201687652024-06-25 12:42:2328 hrs ago1719319343IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000489866.12361602
Cast Vote201671572024-06-25 7:18:4733 hrs ago1719299927IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000372594.65762267
Cast Vote201669502024-06-25 6:36:4734 hrs ago1719297407IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000223743
Cast Vote201669342024-06-25 6:33:3534 hrs ago1719297215IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000207822.78643572
Cast Vote201669302024-06-25 6:32:4734 hrs ago1719297167IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.00019352.59446132
Cast Vote201669262024-06-25 6:31:5934 hrs ago1719297119IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000192582.58218098
Cast Vote201669202024-06-25 6:30:4734 hrs ago1719297047IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000189962.54696681
Cast Vote201667372024-06-25 5:53:4734 hrs ago1719294827IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000236723.17395929
Cast Vote201660412024-06-25 3:33:5937 hrs ago1719286439IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000313244.2
Cast Vote201660372024-06-25 3:33:1137 hrs ago1719286391IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000313064.2
Cast Vote201660342024-06-25 3:32:3537 hrs ago1719286355IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000328164.4
Cast Vote201659692024-06-25 3:19:3537 hrs ago1719285575IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000366014.74254803
Cast Vote201656302024-06-25 2:11:2338 hrs ago1719281483IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000280383.50503895
Cast Vote201655922024-06-25 2:03:4738 hrs ago1719281027IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000246123.3
Cast Vote201655242024-06-25 1:49:5938 hrs ago1719280199IN
Compound: Governance
0 ETH0.000261913.27405864
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File 1 of 2 : GovernorBravoDelegator.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "./GovernorBravoInterfaces.sol";

contract GovernorBravoDelegator is GovernorBravoDelegatorStorage, GovernorBravoEvents {
			address timelock_,
			address comp_,
			address admin_,
	        address implementation_,
	        uint votingPeriod_,
	        uint votingDelay_,
            uint proposalThreshold_) public {

        // Admin set to msg.sender for initialization
        admin = msg.sender;

        delegateTo(implementation_, abi.encodeWithSignature("initialize(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)",


		admin = admin_;

     * @notice Called by the admin to update the implementation of the delegator
     * @param implementation_ The address of the new implementation for delegation
    function _setImplementation(address implementation_) public {
        require(msg.sender == admin, "GovernorBravoDelegator::_setImplementation: admin only");
        require(implementation_ != address(0), "GovernorBravoDelegator::_setImplementation: invalid implementation address");

        address oldImplementation = implementation;
        implementation = implementation_;

        emit NewImplementation(oldImplementation, implementation);

     * @notice Internal method to delegate execution to another contract
     * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts
     * @param callee The contract to delegatecall
     * @param data The raw data to delegatecall
    function delegateTo(address callee, bytes memory data) internal {
        (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = callee.delegatecall(data);
        assembly {
            if eq(success, 0) {
                revert(add(returnData, 0x20), returndatasize)

     * @dev Delegates execution to an implementation contract.
     * It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns
     * or forwards reverts.
    function () external payable {
        // delegate all other functions to current implementation
        (bool success, ) = implementation.delegatecall(;

        assembly {
              let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40)
              returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize)

              switch success
              case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) }
              default { return(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) }

File 2 of 2 : GovernorBravoInterfaces.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

contract GovernorBravoEvents {
    /// @notice An event emitted when a new proposal is created
    event ProposalCreated(uint id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint startBlock, uint endBlock, string description);

    /// @notice An event emitted when a vote has been cast on a proposal
    /// @param voter The address which casted a vote
    /// @param proposalId The proposal id which was voted on
    /// @param support Support value for the vote. 0=against, 1=for, 2=abstain
    /// @param votes Number of votes which were cast by the voter
    /// @param reason The reason given for the vote by the voter
    event VoteCast(address indexed voter, uint proposalId, uint8 support, uint votes, string reason);

    /// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been canceled
    event ProposalCanceled(uint id);

    /// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been queued in the Timelock
    event ProposalQueued(uint id, uint eta);

    /// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been executed in the Timelock
    event ProposalExecuted(uint id);

    /// @notice An event emitted when the voting delay is set
    event VotingDelaySet(uint oldVotingDelay, uint newVotingDelay);

    /// @notice An event emitted when the voting period is set
    event VotingPeriodSet(uint oldVotingPeriod, uint newVotingPeriod);

    /// @notice Emitted when implementation is changed
    event NewImplementation(address oldImplementation, address newImplementation);

    /// @notice Emitted when proposal threshold is set
    event ProposalThresholdSet(uint oldProposalThreshold, uint newProposalThreshold);

    /// @notice Emitted when pendingAdmin is changed
    event NewPendingAdmin(address oldPendingAdmin, address newPendingAdmin);

    /// @notice Emitted when pendingAdmin is accepted, which means admin is updated
    event NewAdmin(address oldAdmin, address newAdmin);

contract GovernorBravoDelegatorStorage {
    /// @notice Administrator for this contract
    address public admin;

    /// @notice Pending administrator for this contract
    address public pendingAdmin;

    /// @notice Active brains of Governor
    address public implementation;

 * @title Storage for Governor Bravo Delegate
 * @notice For future upgrades, do not change GovernorBravoDelegateStorageV1. Create a new
 * contract which implements GovernorBravoDelegateStorageV1 and following the naming convention
 * GovernorBravoDelegateStorageVX.
contract GovernorBravoDelegateStorageV1 is GovernorBravoDelegatorStorage {

    /// @notice The delay before voting on a proposal may take place, once proposed, in blocks
    uint public votingDelay;

    /// @notice The duration of voting on a proposal, in blocks
    uint public votingPeriod;

    /// @notice The number of votes required in order for a voter to become a proposer
    uint public proposalThreshold;

    /// @notice Initial proposal id set at become
    uint public initialProposalId;

    /// @notice The total number of proposals
    uint public proposalCount;

    /// @notice The address of the Compound Protocol Timelock
    TimelockInterface public timelock;

    /// @notice The address of the Compound governance token
    CompInterface public comp;

    /// @notice The official record of all proposals ever proposed
    mapping (uint => Proposal) public proposals;

    /// @notice The latest proposal for each proposer
    mapping (address => uint) public latestProposalIds;

    struct Proposal {
        /// @notice Unique id for looking up a proposal
        uint id;

        /// @notice Creator of the proposal
        address proposer;

        /// @notice The timestamp that the proposal will be available for execution, set once the vote succeeds
        uint eta;

        /// @notice the ordered list of target addresses for calls to be made
        address[] targets;

        /// @notice The ordered list of values (i.e. msg.value) to be passed to the calls to be made
        uint[] values;

        /// @notice The ordered list of function signatures to be called
        string[] signatures;

        /// @notice The ordered list of calldata to be passed to each call
        bytes[] calldatas;

        /// @notice The block at which voting begins: holders must delegate their votes prior to this block
        uint startBlock;

        /// @notice The block at which voting ends: votes must be cast prior to this block
        uint endBlock;

        /// @notice Current number of votes in favor of this proposal
        uint forVotes;

        /// @notice Current number of votes in opposition to this proposal
        uint againstVotes;

        /// @notice Current number of votes for abstaining for this proposal
        uint abstainVotes;

        /// @notice Flag marking whether the proposal has been canceled
        bool canceled;

        /// @notice Flag marking whether the proposal has been executed
        bool executed;

        /// @notice Receipts of ballots for the entire set of voters
        mapping (address => Receipt) receipts;

    /// @notice Ballot receipt record for a voter
    struct Receipt {
        /// @notice Whether or not a vote has been cast
        bool hasVoted;

        /// @notice Whether or not the voter supports the proposal or abstains
        uint8 support;

        /// @notice The number of votes the voter had, which were cast
        uint96 votes;

    /// @notice Possible states that a proposal may be in
    enum ProposalState {

interface TimelockInterface {
    function delay() external view returns (uint);
    function GRACE_PERIOD() external view returns (uint);
    function acceptAdmin() external;
    function queuedTransactions(bytes32 hash) external view returns (bool);
    function queueTransaction(address target, uint value, string calldata signature, bytes calldata data, uint eta) external returns (bytes32);
    function cancelTransaction(address target, uint value, string calldata signature, bytes calldata data, uint eta) external;
    function executeTransaction(address target, uint value, string calldata signature, bytes calldata data, uint eta) external payable returns (bytes memory);

interface CompInterface {
    function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) external view returns (uint96);

interface GovernorAlpha {
    /// @notice The total number of proposals
    function proposalCount() external returns (uint);

  "evmVersion": "istanbul",
  "libraries": {},
  "metadata": {
    "useLiteralContent": true
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 200
  "remappings": [],
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI



Deployed Bytecode


Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)


-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : timelock_ (address): 0x6d903f6003cca6255D85CcA4D3B5E5146dC33925
Arg [1] : comp_ (address): 0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888
Arg [2] : admin_ (address): 0x6d903f6003cca6255D85CcA4D3B5E5146dC33925
Arg [3] : implementation_ (address): 0xAAAaaAAAaaaa8FdB04F544F4EEe52939CddCe378
Arg [4] : votingPeriod_ (uint256): 17280
Arg [5] : votingDelay_ (uint256): 1
Arg [6] : proposalThreshold_ (uint256): 100000000000000000000000

-----Encoded View---------------
7 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 0000000000000000000000006d903f6003cca6255d85cca4d3b5e5146dc33925
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000c00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888
Arg [2] : 0000000000000000000000006d903f6003cca6255d85cca4d3b5e5146dc33925
Arg [3] : 000000000000000000000000aaaaaaaaaaaa8fdb04f544f4eee52939cddce378
Arg [4] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004380
Arg [5] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
Arg [6] : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000152d02c7e14af6800000

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