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Latest 25 from a total of 153 transactions
Transaction Hash |
Claim Stream | 21196784 | 2 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03715922 | ||||
Bond Cnc Crv Usd... | 21128399 | 12 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03216347 | ||||
Claim Stream | 21118027 | 13 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01047977 | ||||
Claim Stream | 21060536 | 21 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0119439 | ||||
Claim Stream | 21042707 | 24 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01733493 | ||||
Bond Cnc Crv Usd... | 20976343 | 33 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02255876 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20966561 | 34 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02316487 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20934523 | 39 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02729364 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20934521 | 39 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02930054 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20930944 | 39 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.03101437 | ||||
Bond Cnc Crv Usd... | 20925606 | 40 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02490369 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20908958 | 42 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01232897 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20892103 | 45 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00799085 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20889413 | 45 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00610881 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20884162 | 46 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00758859 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20884069 | 46 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01170841 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20877229 | 47 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01049623 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20862841 | 49 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02076759 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20859627 | 49 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00892136 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20854951 | 50 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.01199997 | ||||
Bond Cnc Crv Usd... | 20826630 | 54 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.02567065 | ||||
Bond Cnc Crv Usd... | 20725539 | 68 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00371742 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20698756 | 72 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00440123 | ||||
Claim Stream | 20683702 | 74 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00544725 | ||||
Bond Cnc Crv Usd... | 20676204 | 75 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00361515 |
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "IERC20.sol"; import "SafeERC20.sol"; import "Ownable.sol"; import "IBonding.sol"; import "ICNCLockerV3.sol"; import "IRewardManager.sol"; import "ILpTokenStaker.sol"; import "IController.sol"; import "IOracle.sol"; import "IConicPool.sol"; import "ScaledMath.sol"; contract Bonding is IBonding, Ownable { using ScaledMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; IERC20 public constant CVX = IERC20(0x4e3FBD56CD56c3e72c1403e103b45Db9da5B9D2B); IERC20 public constant CRV = IERC20(0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52); IERC20 public constant CNC = IERC20(0x9aE380F0272E2162340a5bB646c354271c0F5cFC); // The price is set in terms of LP tokens, not USD uint256 public constant MAX_CNC_START_PRICE = 20e18; uint256 public constant MIN_CNC_START_PRICE = 1e18; uint256 public constant MIN_PRICE_INCREASE_FACTOR = 1e18; uint256 public constant MAX_MIN_BONDING_AMOUNT = 1_000e18; uint256 public constant INITIAL_MIN_BONDING_AMOUNT = 1_000e18; ICNCLockerV3 public immutable cncLocker; IController public immutable controller; IConicPool public immutable crvUsdPool; IERC20 public immutable underlying; address public immutable treasury; address public debtPool; uint256 public immutable totalNumberEpochs; uint256 public immutable epochDuration; uint256 public cncPerEpoch; bool public bondingStarted; uint256 public bondingEndTime; uint256 public cncStartPrice; uint256 public cncAvailableCache; uint256 public cncDistributed; uint256 public epochStartTime; // start time of the current epoch uint256 public lastCncPrice; uint256 public epochPriceIncreaseFactor; uint256 public minBondingAmount; mapping(uint256 => uint256) public assetsInEpoch; uint256 public lastStreamUpdate; // last update for asset streaming uint256 public lastStreamEpochStartTime; mapping(address => uint256) public perAccountStreamIntegral; mapping(address => uint256) public perAccountStreamAccrued; uint256 public streamIntegral; constructor( address _cncLocker, address _controller, address _treasury, address _crvUsdPool, uint256 _epochDuration, uint256 _totalNumberEpochs ) { require(_totalNumberEpochs > 0, "total number of epochs must be positive"); require(_epochDuration > 0, "epoch duration must be positive"); cncLocker = ICNCLockerV3(_cncLocker); controller = IController(_controller); treasury = _treasury; crvUsdPool = IConicPool(_crvUsdPool); underlying = crvUsdPool.underlying(); totalNumberEpochs = _totalNumberEpochs; epochDuration = _epochDuration; minBondingAmount = INITIAL_MIN_BONDING_AMOUNT; } function startBonding() external override onlyOwner { require(!bondingStarted, "bonding already started"); require(epochPriceIncreaseFactor > 0, "Epoch price increase factor has not been set"); require(cncStartPrice > 0, "CNC start price not set"); uint256 cncBalance = CNC.balanceOf(address(this)); require(cncBalance > 0, "no CNC balance to bond with"); cncPerEpoch = cncBalance / totalNumberEpochs; lastStreamEpochStartTime = block.timestamp; lastStreamUpdate = block.timestamp; epochStartTime = block.timestamp; bondingEndTime = block.timestamp + epochDuration * totalNumberEpochs; bondingStarted = true; cncAvailableCache = cncPerEpoch; emit BondingStarted(cncBalance, totalNumberEpochs); } function setCncStartPrice(uint256 _cncStartPrice) external override onlyOwner { require( _cncStartPrice >= MIN_CNC_START_PRICE && _cncStartPrice <= MAX_CNC_START_PRICE, "CNC start price not within permitted range" ); cncStartPrice = _cncStartPrice; lastCncPrice = _cncStartPrice; emit CncStartPriceSet(_cncStartPrice); } function setCncPriceIncreaseFactor(uint256 _priceIncreaseFactor) external override onlyOwner { require(_priceIncreaseFactor >= MIN_PRICE_INCREASE_FACTOR, "Increase factor too low."); epochPriceIncreaseFactor = _priceIncreaseFactor; emit PriceIncreaseFactorSet(_priceIncreaseFactor); } function setMinBondingAmount(uint256 _minBondingAmount) external override onlyOwner { require(_minBondingAmount <= MAX_MIN_BONDING_AMOUNT, "Min. bonding amount is too high"); minBondingAmount = _minBondingAmount; emit MinBondingAmountSet(_minBondingAmount); } function setDebtPool(address _debtPool) external override onlyOwner { debtPool = _debtPool; emit DebtPoolSet(_debtPool); } function bondCncCrvUsd( uint256 lpTokenAmount, uint256 minCncReceived, uint64 cncLockTime ) external override returns (uint256) { return bondCncCrvUsdFor(lpTokenAmount, minCncReceived, cncLockTime, msg.sender); } function bondCncCrvUsdFor( uint256 lpTokenAmount, uint256 minCncReceived, uint64 cncLockTime, address recipient ) public override returns (uint256) { if (!bondingStarted) return 0; require(block.timestamp <= bondingEndTime, "Bonding has ended"); require(lpTokenAmount >= minBondingAmount, "Min. bonding amount not reached"); _updateAvailableCncAndStartPrice(); uint256 currentCncBondPrice = computeCurrentCncBondPrice(); uint256 cncToReceive = lpTokenAmount.divDown(currentCncBondPrice); require( cncToReceive + cncDistributed <= cncAvailableCache, "Not enough CNC currently available" ); require(cncToReceive >= minCncReceived, "Insufficient CNC received"); // Checkpoint to set user integrals etc. _accountCheckpoint(recipient); IERC20 lpToken = IERC20(crvUsdPool.lpToken()); lpToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), lpTokenAmount); ILpTokenStaker lpTokenStaker = controller.lpTokenStaker(); lpToken.approve(address(lpTokenStaker), lpTokenAmount); lpTokenStaker.stake(lpTokenAmount, address(crvUsdPool)); // Schedule assets for streaming in the next epoch assetsInEpoch[epochStartTime + epochDuration] += lpTokenAmount; cncDistributed += cncToReceive; CNC.approve(address(cncLocker), cncToReceive); cncLocker.lockFor(cncToReceive, cncLockTime, false, recipient); lastCncPrice = currentCncBondPrice < MIN_CNC_START_PRICE ? MIN_CNC_START_PRICE : currentCncBondPrice; emit Bonded(msg.sender, recipient, lpTokenAmount, cncToReceive, cncLockTime); return cncToReceive; } function claimStream() external override { if (!bondingStarted) return; _accountCheckpoint(msg.sender); IERC20 lpToken = IERC20(crvUsdPool.lpToken()); uint256 amount = perAccountStreamAccrued[msg.sender]; require(amount > 0, "no balance"); ILpTokenStaker lpTokenStaker = controller.lpTokenStaker(); lpTokenStaker.unstake(amount, address(crvUsdPool)); lpToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); perAccountStreamAccrued[msg.sender] = 0; emit StreamClaimed(msg.sender, amount); } function claimFeesForDebtPool() external override { require(address(debtPool) != address(0), "No debt pool set"); uint256 cncBefore = CNC.balanceOf(address(this)); crvUsdPool.rewardManager().claimEarnings(); uint256 cncAmount = CNC.balanceOf(address(this)) - cncBefore; uint256 crvAmount = CRV.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 cvxAmount = CVX.balanceOf(address(this)); CRV.safeTransfer(address(debtPool), crvAmount); CVX.safeTransfer(address(debtPool), cvxAmount); CNC.safeTransfer(address(debtPool), cncAmount); emit DebtPoolFeesClaimed(crvAmount, cvxAmount, cncAmount); } function recoverRemainingCNC() external override onlyOwner { require(block.timestamp > bondingEndTime, "Bonding has not yet ended"); uint256 amount = CNC.balanceOf(address(this)); CNC.safeTransfer(treasury, amount); emit RemainingCNCRecovered(amount); } function streamCheckpoint() public override { if (!bondingStarted) return; _streamCheckpoint(); } function accountCheckpoint(address account) public override { if (!bondingStarted) return; _accountCheckpoint(account); } function computeCurrentCncBondPrice() public view override returns (uint256) { uint256 discountFactor = ScaledMath.ONE - (block.timestamp - epochStartTime).divDown(epochDuration); return cncStartPrice.mulDown(discountFactor); } function cncBondPrice() external view override returns (uint256) { uint256 cncStartPrice_ = cncStartPrice; uint256 epochStartTime_ = epochStartTime; bool priceUpdated; while (block.timestamp >= epochStartTime_ + epochDuration) { epochStartTime_ += epochDuration; if (!priceUpdated) { cncStartPrice_ = epochPriceIncreaseFactor.mulDown(lastCncPrice); priceUpdated = true; } } uint256 discountFactor = ScaledMath.ONE - (block.timestamp - epochStartTime_).divDown(epochDuration); return cncStartPrice_.mulDown(discountFactor); } function cncAvailable() external view override returns (uint256) { uint256 cncAvailable_ = cncAvailableCache; uint256 epochStartTime_ = epochStartTime; while (block.timestamp >= epochStartTime_ + epochDuration) { cncAvailable_ += cncPerEpoch; epochStartTime_ += epochDuration; } return cncAvailable_; } function _accountCheckpoint(address account) internal { _streamCheckpoint(); uint256 accountBoostedBalance = cncLocker.totalStreamBoost(account); perAccountStreamAccrued[account] += accountBoostedBalance.mulDown( streamIntegral - perAccountStreamIntegral[account] ); perAccountStreamIntegral[account] = streamIntegral; } function _streamCheckpoint() internal { uint256 streamed = _updateStreamed(); uint256 totalBoosted = cncLocker.totalBoosted(); if (totalBoosted > 0) { streamIntegral += streamed.divDown(totalBoosted); } } function _updateStreamed() internal returns (uint256) { uint256 streamed; uint256 streamedInEpoch; while ( (block.timestamp >= lastStreamEpochStartTime + epochDuration) && (lastStreamEpochStartTime < bondingEndTime + epochDuration) ) { streamedInEpoch = (lastStreamEpochStartTime + epochDuration - lastStreamUpdate) .divDown(epochDuration) .mulDown(assetsInEpoch[lastStreamEpochStartTime]); lastStreamEpochStartTime += epochDuration; lastStreamUpdate = lastStreamEpochStartTime; streamed += streamedInEpoch; } streamed += (block.timestamp - lastStreamUpdate).divDown(epochDuration).mulDown( assetsInEpoch[lastStreamEpochStartTime] ); lastStreamUpdate = block.timestamp; return streamed; } function _updateAvailableCncAndStartPrice() internal { bool priceUpdated; while (block.timestamp >= epochStartTime + epochDuration) { cncAvailableCache += cncPerEpoch; epochStartTime += epochDuration; if (!priceUpdated) { cncStartPrice = epochPriceIncreaseFactor.mulDown(lastCncPrice); priceUpdated = true; } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP. */ interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `to`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20#issuecomment-263524729 * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `from` to `to` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.3) (token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "IERC20.sol"; import "IERC20Permit.sol"; import "Address.sol"; /** * @title SafeERC20 * @dev Wrappers around ERC20 operations that throw on failure (when the token * contract returns false). Tokens that return no value (and instead revert or * throw on failure) are also supported, non-reverting calls are assumed to be * successful. * To use this library you can add a `using SafeERC20 for IERC20;` statement to your contract, * which allows you to call the safe operations as `token.safeTransfer(...)`, etc. */ library SafeERC20 { using Address for address; /** * @dev Transfer `value` amount of `token` from the calling contract to `to`. If `token` returns no value, * non-reverting calls are assumed to be successful. */ function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } /** * @dev Transfer `value` amount of `token` from `from` to `to`, spending the approval given by `from` to the * calling contract. If `token` returns no value, non-reverting calls are assumed to be successful. */ function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' require( (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } /** * @dev Increase the calling contract's allowance toward `spender` by `value`. If `token` returns no value, * non-reverting calls are assumed to be successful. */ function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 oldAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, oldAllowance + value)); } /** * @dev Decrease the calling contract's allowance toward `spender` by `value`. If `token` returns no value, * non-reverting calls are assumed to be successful. */ function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { unchecked { uint256 oldAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender); require(oldAllowance >= value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, oldAllowance - value)); } } /** * @dev Set the calling contract's allowance toward `spender` to `value`. If `token` returns no value, * non-reverting calls are assumed to be successful. Meant to be used with tokens that require the approval * to be set to zero before setting it to a non-zero value, such as USDT. */ function forceApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { bytes memory approvalCall = abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value); if (!_callOptionalReturnBool(token, approvalCall)) { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, 0)); _callOptionalReturn(token, approvalCall); } } /** * @dev Use a ERC-2612 signature to set the `owner` approval toward `spender` on `token`. * Revert on invalid signature. */ function safePermit( IERC20Permit token, address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) internal { uint256 nonceBefore = token.nonces(owner); token.permit(owner, spender, value, deadline, v, r, s); uint256 nonceAfter = token.nonces(owner); require(nonceAfter == nonceBefore + 1, "SafeERC20: permit did not succeed"); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address-functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); require(returndata.length == 0 || abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). * * This is a variant of {_callOptionalReturn} that silents catches all reverts and returns a bool instead. */ function _callOptionalReturnBool(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private returns (bool) { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We cannot use {Address-functionCall} here since this should return false // and not revert is the subcall reverts. (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data); return success && (returndata.length == 0 || abi.decode(returndata, (bool))) && Address.isContract(address(token)); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.0) (token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Permit.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Interface of the ERC20 Permit extension allowing approvals to be made via signatures, as defined in * https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612[EIP-2612]. * * Adds the {permit} method, which can be used to change an account's ERC20 allowance (see {IERC20-allowance}) by * presenting a message signed by the account. By not relying on {IERC20-approve}, the token holder account doesn't * need to send a transaction, and thus is not required to hold Ether at all. */ interface IERC20Permit { /** * @dev Sets `value` as the allowance of `spender` over ``owner``'s tokens, * given ``owner``'s signed approval. * * IMPORTANT: The same issues {IERC20-approve} has related to transaction * ordering also apply here. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `deadline` must be a timestamp in the future. * - `v`, `r` and `s` must be a valid `secp256k1` signature from `owner` * over the EIP712-formatted function arguments. * - the signature must use ``owner``'s current nonce (see {nonces}). * * For more information on the signature format, see the * https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612#specification[relevant EIP * section]. */ function permit( address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external; /** * @dev Returns the current nonce for `owner`. This value must be * included whenever a signature is generated for {permit}. * * Every successful call to {permit} increases ``owner``'s nonce by one. This * prevents a signature from being used multiple times. */ function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the domain separator used in the encoding of the signature for {permit}, as defined by {EIP712}. */ // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.0) (utils/Address.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.1; /** * @dev Collection of functions related to the address type */ library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * * Furthermore, `isContract` will also return true if the target contract within * the same transaction is already scheduled for destruction by `SELFDESTRUCT`, * which only has an effect at the end of a transaction. * ==== * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * You shouldn't rely on `isContract` to protect against flash loan attacks! * * Preventing calls from contracts is highly discouraged. It breaks composability, breaks support for smart wallets * like Gnosis Safe, and does not provide security since it can be circumvented by calling from a contract * constructor. * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies on extcodesize/address.code.length, which returns 0 // for contracts in construction, since the code is only stored at the end // of the constructor execution. return account.code.length > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * * https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1884[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * * https://consensys.net/diligence/blog/2019/09/stop-using-soliditys-transfer-now/[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the * https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.8.0/security-considerations.html#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); (bool success, ) = recipient.call{value: amount}(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/units-and-global-variables.html?highlight=abi.decode#abi-encoding-and-decoding-functions[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.call{value: value}(data); return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a static call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) { return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a static call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionStaticCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal view returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data); return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a delegate call. * * _Available since v3.4._ */ function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a delegate call. * * _Available since v3.4._ */ function functionDelegateCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data); return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Tool to verify that a low level call to smart-contract was successful, and revert (either by bubbling * the revert reason or using the provided one) in case of unsuccessful call or if target was not a contract. * * _Available since v4.8._ */ function verifyCallResultFromTarget( address target, bool success, bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage ) internal view returns (bytes memory) { if (success) { if (returndata.length == 0) { // only check isContract if the call was successful and the return data is empty // otherwise we already know that it was a contract require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); } return returndata; } else { _revert(returndata, errorMessage); } } /** * @dev Tool to verify that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the * revert reason or using the provided one. * * _Available since v4.3._ */ function verifyCallResult( bool success, bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { if (success) { return returndata; } else { _revert(returndata, errorMessage); } } function _revert(bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage) private pure { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.0) (access/Ownable.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "Context.sol"; /** * @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where * there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to * specific functions. * * By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. This * can later be changed with {transferOwnership}. * * This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier * `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to * the owner. */ abstract contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor() { _transferOwnership(_msgSender()); } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { _checkOwner(); _; } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view virtual returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner. */ function _checkOwner() internal view virtual { require(owner() == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby disabling any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(address(0)); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Internal function without access restriction. */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual { address oldOwner = _owner; _owner = newOwner; emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Context.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available * via msg.sender and msg.data, they should not be accessed in such a direct * manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application * is concerned). * * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts. */ abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) { return msg.data; } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IBonding { event CncStartPriceSet(uint256 startPrice); event PriceIncreaseFactorSet(uint256 factor); event MinBondingAmountSet(uint256 amount); event Bonded( address indexed account, address indexed recipient, uint256 lpTokenAmount, uint256 cncReceived, uint256 lockTime ); event DebtPoolSet(address indexed pool); event DebtPoolFeesClaimed(uint256 crvAmount, uint256 cvxAmount, uint256 cncAmount); event StreamClaimed(address indexed account, uint256 amount); event BondingStarted(uint256 amount, uint256 epochs); event RemainingCNCRecovered(uint256 amount); function startBonding() external; function setCncStartPrice(uint256 _cncStartPrice) external; function setCncPriceIncreaseFactor(uint256 _priceIncreaseFactor) external; function setMinBondingAmount(uint256 _minBondingAmount) external; function setDebtPool(address _debtPool) external; function bondCncCrvUsd( uint256 lpTokenAmount, uint256 minCncReceived, uint64 cncLockTime ) external returns (uint256); function recoverRemainingCNC() external; function claimStream() external; function claimFeesForDebtPool() external; function streamCheckpoint() external; function accountCheckpoint(address account) external; function computeCurrentCncBondPrice() external view returns (uint256); function cncAvailable() external view returns (uint256); function cncBondPrice() external view returns (uint256); function bondCncCrvUsdFor( uint256 lpTokenAmount, uint256 minCncReceived, uint64 cncLockTime, address recipient ) external returns (uint256); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "MerkleProof.sol"; import "IFeeRecipient.sol"; interface ICNCLockerV3 is IFeeRecipient { event Locked(address indexed account, uint256 amount, uint256 unlockTime, bool relocked); event UnlockExecuted(address indexed account, uint256 amount); event Relocked(address indexed account, uint256 amount); event KickExecuted(address indexed account, address indexed kicker, uint256 amount); event FeesClaimed(address indexed claimer, uint256 crvAmount, uint256 cvxAmount); event AirdropBoostClaimed(address indexed claimer, uint256 amount); event Shutdown(); event TokenRecovered(address indexed token); struct VoteLock { uint256 amount; uint64 unlockTime; uint128 boost; uint64 id; } struct LockId { address user; uint64 id; } function lock(uint256 amount, uint64 lockTime) external; function lock(uint256 amount, uint64 lockTime, bool relock) external; function lockFor(uint256 amount, uint64 lockTime, bool relock, address account) external; function relock(uint64 lockId, uint64 lockTime) external; function relock(uint64 lockTime) external; function relockMultiple(uint64[] calldata lockIds, uint64 lockTime) external; function totalBoosted() external view returns (uint256); function shutDown() external; function recoverToken(address token) external; function executeAvailableUnlocks() external returns (uint256); function executeAvailableUnlocksFor(address dst) external returns (uint256); function executeUnlocks(address dst, uint64[] calldata lockIds) external returns (uint256); function claimAirdropBoost(uint256 amount, MerkleProof.Proof calldata proof) external; // This will need to include the boosts etc. function balanceOf(address user) external view returns (uint256); function unlockableBalance(address user) external view returns (uint256); function unlockableBalanceBoosted(address user) external view returns (uint256); function kick(address user, uint64 lockId) external; function batchKick(LockId[] memory locks) external; function claimableFees( address account ) external view returns (uint256 claimableCrv, uint256 claimableCvx); function claimFees() external returns (uint256 crvAmount, uint256 cvxAmount); function computeBoost(uint128 lockTime) external view returns (uint128); function airdropBoost(address account) external view returns (uint256); function claimedAirdrop(address account) external view returns (bool); function totalVoteBoost(address account) external view returns (uint256); function totalStreamBoost(address account) external view returns (uint256); function totalRewardsBoost(address account) external view returns (uint256); function userLocks(address account) external view returns (VoteLock[] memory); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; library MerkleProof { struct Proof { uint16 nodeIndex; bytes32[] hashes; } function isValid( Proof memory proof, bytes32 node, bytes32 merkleRoot ) internal pure returns (bool) { uint256 length = proof.hashes.length; uint16 nodeIndex = proof.nodeIndex; for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (nodeIndex % 2 == 0) { node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(node, proof.hashes[i])); } else { node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(proof.hashes[i], node)); } nodeIndex /= 2; } return node == merkleRoot; } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IFeeRecipient { event FeesReceived(address indexed sender, uint256 crvAmount, uint256 cvxAmount); function receiveFees(uint256 amountCrv, uint256 amountCvx) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IRewardManager { event ClaimedRewards(uint256 claimedCrv, uint256 claimedCvx); event SoldRewardTokens(uint256 targetTokenReceived); event ExtraRewardAdded(address reward); event ExtraRewardRemoved(address reward); event ExtraRewardsCurvePoolSet(address extraReward, address curvePool); event FeesSet(uint256 feePercentage); event FeesEnabled(uint256 feePercentage); event EarningsClaimed( address indexed claimedBy, uint256 cncEarned, uint256 crvEarned, uint256 cvxEarned ); function accountCheckpoint(address account) external; function poolCheckpoint() external returns (bool); function addExtraReward(address reward) external returns (bool); function addBatchExtraRewards(address[] memory rewards) external; function conicPool() external view returns (address); function setFeePercentage(uint256 _feePercentage) external; function claimableRewards( address account ) external view returns (uint256 cncRewards, uint256 crvRewards, uint256 cvxRewards); function claimEarnings() external returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimPoolEarningsAndSellRewardTokens() external; function feePercentage() external view returns (uint256); function feesEnabled() external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface ILpTokenStaker { event LpTokenStaked(address indexed account, uint256 amount); event LpTokenUnstaked(address indexed account, uint256 amount); event TokensClaimed(address indexed pool, uint256 cncAmount); event Shutdown(); function stake(uint256 amount, address conicPool) external; function unstake(uint256 amount, address conicPool) external; function stakeFor(uint256 amount, address conicPool, address account) external; function unstakeFor(uint256 amount, address conicPool, address account) external; function unstakeFrom(uint256 amount, address account) external; function getUserBalanceForPool( address conicPool, address account ) external view returns (uint256); function getBalanceForPool(address conicPool) external view returns (uint256); function updateBoost(address user) external; function claimCNCRewardsForPool(address pool) external; function claimableCnc(address pool) external view returns (uint256); function checkpoint(address pool) external returns (uint256); function shutdown() external; function getBoost(address user) external view returns (uint256); function isShutdown() external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "IConicPoolWeightManagement.sol"; import "IConicPool.sol"; import "IGenericOracle.sol"; import "IInflationManager.sol"; import "ILpTokenStaker.sol"; import "IBonding.sol"; import "IPoolAdapter.sol"; import "IFeeRecipient.sol"; import "ICurveRegistryCache.sol"; interface IController { event PoolAdded(address indexed pool); event PoolRemoved(address indexed pool); event PoolShutdown(address indexed pool); event ConvexBoosterSet(address convexBooster); event CurveHandlerSet(address curveHandler); event ConvexHandlerSet(address convexHandler); event CurveRegistryCacheSet(address curveRegistryCache); event InflationManagerSet(address inflationManager); event BondingSet(address bonding); event FeeRecipientSet(address feeRecipient); event PriceOracleSet(address priceOracle); event WeightUpdateMinDelaySet(uint256 weightUpdateMinDelay); event PauseManagerSet(address indexed manager, bool isManager); event MultiDepositsWithdrawsWhitelistSet(address pool, bool allowed); event MinimumTaintedTransferAmountSet(address indexed token, uint256 amount); event DefaultPoolAdapterSet(address poolAdapter); event CustomPoolAdapterSet(address indexed pool, address poolAdapter); struct WeightUpdate { address conicPoolAddress; IConicPoolWeightManagement.PoolWeight[] weights; } function initialize(address _lpTokenStaker) external; // inflation manager function inflationManager() external view returns (IInflationManager); function setInflationManager(address manager) external; // views function curveRegistryCache() external view returns (ICurveRegistryCache); // pool adapter function poolAdapterFor(address pool) external view returns (IPoolAdapter); function defaultPoolAdapter() external view returns (IPoolAdapter); function setDefaultPoolAdapter(address poolAdapter) external; function setCustomPoolAdapter(address pool, address poolAdapter) external; /// lp token staker function switchLpTokenStaker(address _lpTokenStaker) external; function lpTokenStaker() external view returns (ILpTokenStaker); // bonding function bonding() external view returns (IBonding); function setBonding(address _bonding) external; // fees function feeRecipient() external view returns (IFeeRecipient); function setFeeRecipient(address _feeRecipient) external; // oracle function priceOracle() external view returns (IGenericOracle); function setPriceOracle(address oracle) external; // pool functions function listPools() external view returns (address[] memory); function listActivePools() external view returns (address[] memory); function isPool(address poolAddress) external view returns (bool); function isActivePool(address poolAddress) external view returns (bool); function addPool(address poolAddress) external; function shutdownPool(address poolAddress) external; function removePool(address poolAddress) external; function cncToken() external view returns (address); function lastWeightUpdate(address poolAddress) external view returns (uint256); function updateWeights(WeightUpdate memory update) external; function updateAllWeights(WeightUpdate[] memory weights) external; // handler functions function convexBooster() external view returns (address); function curveHandler() external view returns (address); function convexHandler() external view returns (address); function setConvexBooster(address _convexBooster) external; function setCurveHandler(address _curveHandler) external; function setConvexHandler(address _convexHandler) external; function setCurveRegistryCache(address curveRegistryCache_) external; function setWeightUpdateMinDelay(uint256 delay) external; function isPauseManager(address account) external view returns (bool); function listPauseManagers() external view returns (address[] memory); function setPauseManager(address account, bool isManager) external; // deposit/withdrawal whitelist function isAllowedMultipleDepositsWithdraws(address poolAddress) external view returns (bool); function setAllowedMultipleDepositsWithdraws(address account, bool allowed) external; function getMultipleDepositsWithdrawsWhitelist() external view returns (address[] memory); // tainted transfer amount function setMinimumTaintedTransferAmount(address token, uint256 amount) external; function getMinimumTaintedTransferAmount(address token) external view returns (uint256); // constants function MAX_WEIGHT_UPDATE_MIN_DELAY() external view returns (uint256); function MIN_WEIGHT_UPDATE_MIN_DELAY() external view returns (uint256); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IConicPoolWeightManagement { struct PoolWeight { address poolAddress; uint256 weight; } function addPool(address pool) external; function removePool(address pool) external; function updateWeights(PoolWeight[] memory poolWeights) external; function handleDepeggedCurvePool(address curvePool_) external; function handleInvalidConvexPid(address pool) external returns (uint256); function allPools() external view returns (address[] memory); function poolsCount() external view returns (uint256); function getPoolAtIndex(uint256 _index) external view returns (address); function getWeight(address curvePool) external view returns (uint256); function getWeights() external view returns (PoolWeight[] memory); function isRegisteredPool(address _pool) external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "ILpToken.sol"; import "IRewardManager.sol"; import "IOracle.sol"; import "IController.sol"; import "IPausable.sol"; import "IConicPoolWeightManagement.sol"; interface IConicPool is IConicPoolWeightManagement, IPausable { event Deposit( address indexed sender, address indexed receiver, uint256 depositedAmount, uint256 lpReceived ); event Withdraw(address indexed account, uint256 amount); event NewWeight(address indexed curvePool, uint256 newWeight); event NewMaxIdleCurveLpRatio(uint256 newRatio); event ClaimedRewards(uint256 claimedCrv, uint256 claimedCvx); event HandledDepeggedCurvePool(address curvePool_); event HandledInvalidConvexPid(address curvePool_, uint256 pid_); event CurvePoolAdded(address curvePool_); event CurvePoolRemoved(address curvePool_); event Shutdown(); event DepegThresholdUpdated(uint256 newThreshold); event MaxDeviationUpdated(uint256 newMaxDeviation); event RebalancingRewardsEnabledSet(bool enabled); event EmergencyRebalancingRewardFactorUpdated(uint256 factor); struct PoolWithAmount { address poolAddress; uint256 amount; } function underlying() external view returns (IERC20Metadata); function lpToken() external view returns (ILpToken); function rewardManager() external view returns (IRewardManager); function depegThreshold() external view returns (uint256); function maxIdleCurveLpRatio() external view returns (uint256); function setMaxIdleCurveLpRatio(uint256 value) external; function setMaxDeviation(uint256 maxDeviation_) external; function updateDepegThreshold(uint256 value) external; function depositFor( address _account, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minLpReceived, bool stake ) external returns (uint256); function deposit(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minLpReceived) external returns (uint256); function deposit( uint256 _amount, uint256 _minLpReceived, bool stake ) external returns (uint256); function exchangeRate() external view returns (uint256); function usdExchangeRate() external view returns (uint256); function unstakeAndWithdraw(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minAmount) external returns (uint256); function unstakeAndWithdraw( uint256 _amount, uint256 _minAmount, address _to ) external returns (uint256); function withdraw(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minAmount) external returns (uint256); function withdraw(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minAmount, address _to) external returns (uint256); function getAllocatedUnderlying() external view returns (PoolWithAmount[] memory); function rebalancingRewardActive() external view returns (bool); function totalDeviationAfterWeightUpdate() external view returns (uint256); function computeTotalDeviation() external view returns (uint256); /// @notice returns the total amount of funds held by this pool in terms of underlying function totalUnderlying() external view returns (uint256); function getTotalAndPerPoolUnderlying() external view returns ( uint256 totalUnderlying_, uint256 totalAllocated_, uint256[] memory perPoolUnderlying_ ); /// @notice same as `totalUnderlying` but returns a cached version /// that might be slightly outdated if oracle prices have changed /// @dev this is useful in cases where we want to reduce gas usage and do /// not need a precise value function cachedTotalUnderlying() external view returns (uint256); function updateRewardSpendingApproval(address token, bool approved) external; function shutdownPool() external; function isShutdown() external view returns (bool); function isBalanced() external view returns (bool); function rebalancingRewardsEnabled() external view returns (bool); function setRebalancingRewardsEnabled(bool enabled) external; function getAllUnderlyingCoins() external view returns (address[] memory result); function rebalancingRewardsFactor() external view returns (uint256); function rebalancingRewardsActivatedAt() external view returns (uint64); function getWeights() external view returns (PoolWeight[] memory); function runSanityChecks() external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "IERC20Metadata.sol"; interface ILpToken is IERC20Metadata { function minter() external view returns (address); function mint(address account, uint256 amount, address ubo) external returns (uint256); function burn(address _owner, uint256 _amount, address ubo) external returns (uint256); function taint(address from, address to, uint256 amount) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "IERC20.sol"; /** * @dev Interface for the optional metadata functions from the ERC20 standard. * * _Available since v4.1._ */ interface IERC20Metadata is IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() external view returns (string memory); /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token. */ function symbol() external view returns (string memory); /** * @dev Returns the decimals places of the token. */ function decimals() external view returns (uint8); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IOracle { event TokenUpdated(address indexed token, address feed, uint256 maxDelay, bool isEthPrice); /// @notice returns the price in USD of symbol. function getUSDPrice(address token) external view returns (uint256); /// @notice returns if the given token is supported for pricing. function isTokenSupported(address token) external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "Ownable.sol"; import "IController.sol"; interface IPausable { event Paused(uint256 pausedUntil); event PauseDurationSet(uint256 pauseDuration); function controller() external view returns (IController); function pausedUntil() external view returns (uint256); function pauseDuration() external view returns (uint256); function isPaused() external view returns (bool); function setPauseDuration(uint256 _pauseDuration) external; function pause() external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "IOracle.sol"; interface IGenericOracle is IOracle { /// @notice returns the oracle to be used to price `token` function getOracle(address token) external view returns (IOracle); /// @notice converts the price of an LP token to the given underlying function curveLpToUnderlying( address curveLpToken, address underlying, uint256 curveLpAmount ) external view returns (uint256); /// @notice same as above but avoids fetching the underlying price again function curveLpToUnderlying( address curveLpToken, address underlying, uint256 curveLpAmount, uint256 underlyingPrice ) external view returns (uint256); /// @notice converts the price an underlying asset to a given Curve LP token function underlyingToCurveLp( address underlying, address curveLpToken, uint256 underlyingAmount ) external view returns (uint256); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IInflationManager { event TokensClaimed(address indexed pool, uint256 cncAmount); event RebalancingRewardHandlerAdded(address indexed pool, address indexed handler); event RebalancingRewardHandlerRemoved(address indexed pool, address indexed handler); event PoolWeightsUpdated(); function executeInflationRateUpdate() external; function updatePoolWeights() external; /// @notice returns the weights of the Conic pools to know how much inflation /// each of them will receive, as well as the total amount of USD value in all the pools function computePoolWeights() external view returns (address[] memory _pools, uint256[] memory poolWeights, uint256 totalUSDValue); function computePoolWeight( address pool ) external view returns (uint256 poolWeight, uint256 totalUSDValue); function currentInflationRate() external view returns (uint256); function getCurrentPoolInflationRate(address pool) external view returns (uint256); function handleRebalancingRewards( address account, uint256 deviationBefore, uint256 deviationAfter ) external; function addPoolRebalancingRewardHandler( address poolAddress, address rebalancingRewardHandler ) external; function removePoolRebalancingRewardHandler( address poolAddress, address rebalancingRewardHandler ) external; function rebalancingRewardHandlers( address poolAddress ) external view returns (address[] memory); function hasPoolRebalancingRewardHandler( address poolAddress, address handler ) external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IPoolAdapter { /// @notice This is to set which LP token price the value computation should use /// `Latest` uses a freshly computed price /// `Cached` uses the price in cache /// `Minimum` uses the minimum of these two enum PriceMode { Latest, Cached, Minimum } /// @notice Deposit `underlyingAmount` of `underlying` into `pool` /// @dev This function should be written with the assumption that it will be delegate-called into function deposit(address pool, address underlying, uint256 underlyingAmount) external; /// @notice Withdraw `underlyingAmount` of `underlying` from `pool` /// @dev This function should be written with the assumption that it will be delegate-called into function withdraw(address pool, address underlying, uint256 underlyingAmount) external; /// @notice Returns the amount of of assets that `conicPool` holds in `pool`, in terms of USD function computePoolValueInUSD( address conicPool, address pool ) external view returns (uint256 usdAmount); /// @notice Updates the price caches of the given pools function updatePriceCache(address pool) external; /// @notice Returns the amount of of assets that `conicPool` holds in `pool`, in terms of USD /// using the given price mode function computePoolValueInUSD( address conicPool, address pool, PriceMode priceMode ) external view returns (uint256 usdAmount); /// @notice Returns the amount of of assets that `conicPool` holds in `pool`, in terms of underlying function computePoolValueInUnderlying( address conicPool, address pool, address underlying, uint256 underlyingPrice ) external view returns (uint256 underlyingAmount); /// @notice Returns the amount of of assets that `conicPool` holds in `pool`, in terms of underlying /// using the given price mode function computePoolValueInUnderlying( address conicPool, address pool, address underlying, uint256 underlyingPrice, PriceMode priceMode ) external view returns (uint256 underlyingAmount); /// @notice Claim earnings of `conicPool` from `pool` function claimEarnings(address conicPool, address pool) external; /// @notice Returns the LP token of a given `pool` function lpToken(address pool) external view returns (address); /// @notice Returns true if `pool` supports `asset` function supportsAsset(address pool, address asset) external view returns (bool); /// @notice Returns the amount of CRV earned by `pool` on Convex function getCRVEarnedOnConvex( address account, address curvePool ) external view returns (uint256); /// @notice Executes a sanity check, e.g. checking for reentrancy function executeSanityCheck(address pool) external; /// @notice returns all the underlying coins of the pool function getAllUnderlyingCoins(address pool) external view returns (address[] memory); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "IBooster.sol"; import "CurvePoolUtils.sol"; interface ICurveRegistryCache { event PoolInitialized(address indexed pool, uint256 indexed pid); function BOOSTER() external view returns (IBooster); function initPool(address pool_) external; function initPool(address pool_, uint256 pid_) external; function lpToken(address pool_) external view returns (address); function assetType(address pool_) external view returns (CurvePoolUtils.AssetType); function isRegistered(address pool_) external view returns (bool); function hasCoinDirectly(address pool_, address coin_) external view returns (bool); function hasCoinAnywhere(address pool_, address coin_) external view returns (bool); function basePool(address pool_) external view returns (address); function coinIndex(address pool_, address coin_) external view returns (int128); function nCoins(address pool_) external view returns (uint256); function coinIndices( address pool_, address from_, address to_ ) external view returns (int128, int128, bool); function decimals(address pool_) external view returns (uint256[] memory); function interfaceVersion(address pool_) external view returns (uint256); function poolFromLpToken(address lpToken_) external view returns (address); function coins(address pool_) external view returns (address[] memory); function getPid(address _pool) external view returns (uint256); function getRewardPool(address _pool) external view returns (address); function isShutdownPid(uint256 pid_) external view returns (bool); /// @notice this returns the underlying coins of a pool, including the underlying of the base pool /// if the given pool is a meta pool /// This does not return the LP token of the base pool as an underlying /// e.g. if the pool is 3CrvFrax, this will return FRAX, DAI, USDC, USDT function getAllUnderlyingCoins(address pool) external view returns (address[] memory); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface IBooster { function poolInfo( uint256 pid ) external view returns ( address lpToken, address token, address gauge, address crvRewards, address stash, bool shutdown ); function poolLength() external view returns (uint256); function deposit(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _stake) external returns (bool); function withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool); function withdrawAll(uint256 _pid) external returns (bool); function depositAll(uint256 _pid, bool _stake) external returns (bool); function earmarkRewards(uint256 _pid) external returns (bool); function isShutdown() external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; import "ICurvePoolV2.sol"; import "ICurvePoolV1.sol"; import "ScaledMath.sol"; library CurvePoolUtils { using ScaledMath for uint256; error NotWithinThreshold(address pool, uint256 assetA, uint256 assetB); /// @dev by default, allow for 30 bps deviation regardless of pool fees uint256 internal constant _DEFAULT_IMBALANCE_BUFFER = 30e14; /// @dev Curve scales the `fee` by 1e10 uint8 internal constant _CURVE_POOL_FEE_DECIMALS = 10; /// @dev allow imbalance to be buffer + 3x the fee, e.g. if fee is 3.6 bps and buffer is 30 bps, allow 40.8 bps uint256 internal constant _FEE_IMBALANCE_MULTIPLIER = 3; enum AssetType { USD, ETH, BTC, OTHER, CRYPTO } struct PoolMeta { address pool; uint256 numberOfCoins; AssetType assetType; uint256[] decimals; uint256[] prices; uint256[] imbalanceBuffers; } function ensurePoolBalanced(PoolMeta memory poolMeta) internal view { uint256 poolFee = ICurvePoolV1(poolMeta.pool).fee().convertScale( _CURVE_POOL_FEE_DECIMALS, 18 ); for (uint256 i = 0; i < poolMeta.numberOfCoins - 1; i++) { uint256 fromDecimals = poolMeta.decimals[i]; uint256 fromBalance = 10 ** fromDecimals; uint256 fromPrice = poolMeta.prices[i]; for (uint256 j = i + 1; j < poolMeta.numberOfCoins; j++) { uint256 toDecimals = poolMeta.decimals[j]; uint256 toPrice = poolMeta.prices[j]; uint256 toExpectedUnscaled = (fromBalance * fromPrice) / toPrice; uint256 toExpected = toExpectedUnscaled.convertScale( uint8(fromDecimals), uint8(toDecimals) ); uint256 toActual; if (poolMeta.assetType == AssetType.CRYPTO) { // Handling crypto pools toActual = ICurvePoolV2(poolMeta.pool).get_dy(i, j, fromBalance); } else { // Handling other pools toActual = ICurvePoolV1(poolMeta.pool).get_dy( int128(uint128(i)), int128(uint128(j)), fromBalance ); } uint256 _maxImbalanceBuffer = poolMeta.imbalanceBuffers[i].max( poolMeta.imbalanceBuffers[j] ); if (!_isWithinThreshold(toExpected, toActual, poolFee, _maxImbalanceBuffer)) revert NotWithinThreshold(poolMeta.pool, i, j); } } } function _isWithinThreshold( uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 poolFee, uint256 imbalanceBuffer ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (imbalanceBuffer == 0) imbalanceBuffer = _DEFAULT_IMBALANCE_BUFFER; uint256 imbalanceTreshold = imbalanceBuffer + poolFee * _FEE_IMBALANCE_MULTIPLIER; if (a > b) return (a - b).divDown(a) <= imbalanceTreshold; return (b - a).divDown(b) <= imbalanceTreshold; } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface ICurvePoolV2 { function token() external view returns (address); function coins(uint256 i) external view returns (address); function factory() external view returns (address); function exchange( uint256 i, uint256 j, uint256 dx, uint256 min_dy, bool use_eth, address receiver ) external returns (uint256); function exchange_underlying( uint256 i, uint256 j, uint256 dx, uint256 min_dy, address receiver ) external returns (uint256); function add_liquidity( uint256[2] memory amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount, bool use_eth, address receiver ) external returns (uint256); function add_liquidity( uint256[2] memory amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount ) external returns (uint256); function add_liquidity( uint256[3] memory amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount, bool use_eth, address receiver ) external returns (uint256); function add_liquidity( uint256[3] memory amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount ) external returns (uint256); function remove_liquidity( uint256 _amount, uint256[2] memory min_amounts, bool use_eth, address receiver ) external; function remove_liquidity(uint256 _amount, uint256[2] memory min_amounts) external; function remove_liquidity( uint256 _amount, uint256[3] memory min_amounts, bool use_eth, address receiver ) external; function remove_liquidity(uint256 _amount, uint256[3] memory min_amounts) external; function remove_liquidity_one_coin( uint256 token_amount, uint256 i, uint256 min_amount, bool use_eth, address receiver ) external returns (uint256); function get_dy(uint256 i, uint256 j, uint256 dx) external view returns (uint256); function calc_token_amount(uint256[] memory amounts) external view returns (uint256); function calc_withdraw_one_coin( uint256 token_amount, uint256 i ) external view returns (uint256); function get_virtual_price() external view returns (uint256); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity 0.8.17; interface ICurvePoolV1 { function get_virtual_price() external view returns (uint256); function add_liquidity(uint256[8] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function add_liquidity(uint256[7] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function add_liquidity(uint256[6] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function add_liquidity(uint256[5] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function add_liquidity(uint256[4] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function add_liquidity(uint256[3] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function add_liquidity(uint256[2] calldata amounts, uint256 min_mint_amount) external; function remove_liquidity_imbalance( uint256[4] calldata amounts, uint256 max_burn_amount ) external; function remove_liquidity_imbalance( uint256[3] calldata amounts, uint256 max_burn_amount ) external; function remove_liquidity_imbalance( uint256[2] calldata amounts, uint256 max_burn_amount ) external; function lp_token() external view returns (address); function A_PRECISION() external view returns (uint256); function A_precise() external view returns (uint256); function remove_liquidity(uint256 _amount, uint256[3] calldata min_amounts) external; function exchange( int128 from, int128 to, uint256 _from_amount, uint256 _min_to_amount ) external; function coins(uint256 i) external view returns (address); function balances(uint256 i) external view returns (uint256); function get_dy(int128 i, int128 j, uint256 _dx) external view returns (uint256); function calc_token_amount( uint256[4] calldata amounts, bool deposit ) external view returns (uint256); function calc_token_amount( uint256[3] calldata amounts, bool deposit ) external view returns (uint256); function calc_token_amount( uint256[2] calldata amounts, bool deposit ) external view returns (uint256); function calc_withdraw_one_coin( uint256 _token_amount, int128 i ) external view returns (uint256); function remove_liquidity_one_coin( uint256 _token_amount, int128 i, uint256 min_amount ) external; function fee() external view returns (uint256); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later pragma solidity 0.8.17; library ScaledMath { uint256 internal constant DECIMALS = 18; uint256 internal constant ONE = 10 ** DECIMALS; function mulDown(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (a * b) / ONE; } function mulDown(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 decimals) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (a * b) / (10 ** decimals); } function divDown(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (a * ONE) / b; } function divDown(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 decimals) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (a * 10 ** decimals) / b; } function divUp(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } return ((a * ONE) - 1) / b + 1; } function mulDown(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) { return (a * b) / int256(ONE); } function mulDownUint128(uint128 a, uint128 b) internal pure returns (uint128) { return (a * b) / uint128(ONE); } function mulDown(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 decimals) internal pure returns (int256) { return (a * b) / int256(10 ** decimals); } function divDown(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) { return (a * int256(ONE)) / b; } function divDownUint128(uint128 a, uint128 b) internal pure returns (uint128) { return (a * uint128(ONE)) / b; } function divDown(int256 a, int256 b, uint256 decimals) internal pure returns (int256) { return (a * int256(10 ** decimals)) / b; } function convertScale( uint256 a, uint8 fromDecimals, uint8 toDecimals ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (fromDecimals == toDecimals) return a; if (fromDecimals > toDecimals) return downscale(a, fromDecimals, toDecimals); return upscale(a, fromDecimals, toDecimals); } function convertScale( int256 a, uint8 fromDecimals, uint8 toDecimals ) internal pure returns (int256) { if (fromDecimals == toDecimals) return a; if (fromDecimals > toDecimals) return downscale(a, fromDecimals, toDecimals); return upscale(a, fromDecimals, toDecimals); } function upscale( uint256 a, uint8 fromDecimals, uint8 toDecimals ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a * (10 ** (toDecimals - fromDecimals)); } function downscale( uint256 a, uint8 fromDecimals, uint8 toDecimals ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a / (10 ** (fromDecimals - toDecimals)); } function upscale( int256 a, uint8 fromDecimals, uint8 toDecimals ) internal pure returns (int256) { return a * int256(10 ** (toDecimals - fromDecimals)); } function downscale( int256 a, uint8 fromDecimals, uint8 toDecimals ) internal pure returns (int256) { return a / int256(10 ** (fromDecimals - toDecimals)); } function intPow(uint256 a, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 result = ONE; for (uint256 i; i < n; ) { result = mulDown(result, a); unchecked { ++i; } } return result; } function absSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { unchecked { return a >= b ? a - b : b - a; } } function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a <= b ? a : b; } }
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Contract Security Audit
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Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _cncLocker (address): 0x8b318d1d27ee1E4329d88F0c1E9bc3A1025B2c93
Arg [1] : _controller (address): 0x2790EC478f150a98F5D96755601a26403DF57EaE
Arg [2] : _treasury (address): 0xB27DC5f8286f063F11491c8f349053cB37718bea
Arg [3] : _crvUsdPool (address): 0x89dc3E9d493512F6CFb923E15369ebFddE591988
Arg [4] : _epochDuration (uint256): 604800
Arg [5] : _totalNumberEpochs (uint256): 52
-----Encoded View---------------
6 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 0000000000000000000000008b318d1d27ee1e4329d88f0c1e9bc3a1025b2c93
Arg [1] : 0000000000000000000000002790ec478f150a98f5d96755601a26403df57eae
Arg [2] : 000000000000000000000000b27dc5f8286f063f11491c8f349053cb37718bea
Arg [3] : 00000000000000000000000089dc3e9d493512f6cfb923e15369ebfdde591988
Arg [4] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000093a80
Arg [5] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034
Multichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain | Token | Portfolio % | Price | Amount | Value |
ETH | 100.00% | $0.131207 | 96,745.7598 | $12,693.72 |
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