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- ERC-20 Tokens (>200)0.50049999 GASGas DAO (GAS)$0.00@0.000.43068738 TIPTip (TIP)$0.00@0.000.29662769 WSMWall Street ... (WSM)$0.00@0.0010.48518013 ADXAdEx (ADX)$0.11@0.22450.03414971 AMKTAlongside Cr... (AMKT)$9.34@273.500.79990778 APYSAPYSwap (APYS)$0.00@0.00310.02586207 ANTAragon Netwo... (ANT)$0.03@0.99450.72926265 AWCAtomic Walle... (AWC)$0.03@0.04580.12167206 AURAAura (AURA)$0.05@0.39870.02279492 URUSAurox Token (URUS)$0.06@2.840.79499897 BACBAC (BAC)$0.00@0.00230.03401877 BALBalancer (BAL)$0.09@2.5210,000,000,000 SOLANABarbieCrashB... (SOLANA)$12.85@0.000.4133285 BFCBifrost (BFC)$0.02@0.04510.41999076 BLZBluzelle (BLZ)$0.02@0.05590.69739598 CARDSCARD.STARTER (CARDS)0.15256133 CARDCardstack (CARD)$0.00@0.00150.9 CELCelsius (CEL)$0.19@0.20880.64478838 T... (CHO)$0.02@0.02340.53689984 CWEBCoinweb (CWEB)$0.00@0.00460.24184841 CTXCryptex (CTX)$0.59@2.42360.55470055 CULTCult DAO (CULT)$0.00@0.000.54810719 RADARDappRadar (RADAR)$0.00@0.00570 RINGDarwinia Net... (RING)$0.00@0.00230.00173873 LOVEDeesse (LOVE)$0.00@0.000.27368063 DERCDeRace Token (DERC)$0.03@0.11710.50572253 DHTdHedge DAO T... (DHT)$0.04@0.08130.41100972 DORADorayaki (DORA)$0.04@0.08570.0041101 DORADorayaki (DORA)$0.00@0.08610.41100972 DORADorayaki (DORA)$0.04@0.08570.56625179 ECOxECOx (ECOx)$0.04@0.06490.19733533 EFIEfinity Toke... (EFI)$0.02@0.09680.5617059 erowanerowan (erowan)$0.00@0.000.87877569 PUSHEthereum Pus... (PUSH)$0.09@0.10730.46957567 EMONEthermonToke... (EMON)$0.00@0.00090.23942525 EULEuler (EUL)$0.87@3.61390.58088498 IQEveripedia I... (IQ)$0.00@0.00690.26131094 fxUSDf(x) USD (fxUSD)$0.26@0.99790.871926 FOXFOX (FOX)$0.05@0.05820.49469222 FCLFractal Prot... (FCL)$0.00@0.0030.68873603 FTX TokenFTT (FTX To...)$2.52@3.660.99816222 FXFunction X (FX)$0.13@0.13480.3176856 FUSEFuse Token (FUSE)$0.01@0.02980.59915804 GOVIGOVI (GOVI)$0.04@0.06190.35402359 GLQGraphLinq (GLQ)$0.03@0.08340.03998948 GFGuildFi Toke... (GF)$0.00@0.00110.51595591 HTHuobiToken (HT)$0.69@1.32840.85780451 HIDHypersign Id... (HID)$0.02@0.01930.03846003 ILVIlluvium (ILV)$1.51@39.370.13257943 INSURInsurAce (INSUR)$0.00@0.01290.8305965 IXSIxs Token (IXS)$0.34@0.41030.80946473 (K21)$0.05@0.06720.95061474 KNINEK9 Finance D... (KNINE)$0.00@0.000.20488958 LPOOLLaunchpool t... (LPOOL)$0.01@0.06322.25957066 LYFLillian Toke... (LYF)0.97548462 LQTYLQTY (LQTY)$2.06@2.11320.51464484 LMRLumerin (LMR)$0.01@0.01420.86503782 LYMLympo tokens (LYM)$0.00@0.00050.53724625 OMMANTRA DAO (OM)$1.94@3.620.808 PEELMeta Apes Pe... (PEEL)$0.01@0.00730.05405888 MISMIS (MIS)$0.01@0.1130.98836366 MIS3MIS3 (MIS3)$0.11@0.1130.50256727 MODModefi (MOD)$0.00@0.00730.41720704 MXCMXCToken (MXC)$0.00@0.00530.98368894 NOIANOIA Token (NOIA)$0.06@0.06070.00554536 NUMNUM Token (NUM)$0.00@0.05950.2332909 ODDZOddzToken (ODDZ)$0.00@0.0067254.23728814 OJAOjamu Token (OJA)$0.50@0.0020.02277987 OLYOlyseum (OLY)$0.00@0.00030.23501937 ONITOnbuff Token (ONIT)$0.01@0.02250.5609 OPTIMUSOptimus (OPTIMU...)$0.04@0.07090.4557829 OPULOpulousToken (OPUL)$0.03@0.07250.10887123 OVROVR (OVR)$0.03@0.30440.28283889 PRQParsiq Token (PRQ)$0.07@0.23010.24396542 PEPEPepe (PEPE)$0.00@0.000.53895592 PLAPlayDapp Tok... (PLA)$0.03@0.05070.34982906 PNTpNetwork Tok... (PNT)$0.00@0.00450.08576053 PKNPoken (PKN)$0.00@0.00010.26434271 LKRPolkalokr (LKR)$0.00@0.00120.68350831 ZKPolyhedra Ne... (ZK)$1.41@2.060.810416 POWRPowerLedger (POWR)$0.19@0.23010.88350131 OREpTokens ORE (ORE)$0.00@0.00040.80410318 SAKESakeToken (SAKE)$0.00@0.00120.26381616 SAMASAMA (SAMA)$0.00@0.01030.92665389 QUARTZSandclock (QUARTZ)$0.11@0.113870 SRMSerum (SRM)$2.36@0.03370.25008584 DOWSShadows Netw... (DOWS)$0.00@0.00380.83919687 $SHARBISHARBI ($SHARB...)$0.00@0.000.32435696 Shib2.0Shib2.0 (Shib2....)$0.00@0.000.10951063 SDAOSingularity ... (SDAO)$0.03@0.27060.69847078 SDStader (SD)$0.73@1.0419150.70603494 st1INCHStaking 1INC... (st1INC...)0.04997116 STGStargateToke... (STG)$0.02@0.36170.07797171 STRONGStrong (STRONG)$0.22@2.800.34287119 STCStudent Coin (STC)$0.00@0.0010.0006439 swETHswETH (swETH)$2.31@3,585.30070.37282192 SYLOSylo (SYLO)$0.00@0.00140.86881971 SISSymbiosis (SIS)$0.11@0.12590.38702965 SYNRSyndicate To... (SYNR)$0.00@0.000.35299366 DOGThe Doge NFT (DOG)$0.00@0.00350.50674468 GEMAIThe Next Gem (GEMAI)$0.00@0.00180.49920712 TOWERTOWER (TOWER)$0.00@0.00160.0480054 TRACTrace (TRAC)$0.04@0.80710.12667023 TRACETrace Networ... (TRACE)$0.00@0.00110.78419864 TRIBETribe (TRIBE)$0.47@0.59630.28006034 TURBOTurbo (TURBO)$0.00@0.01020.41490836 TURTTURT (TURT)$0.00@0.00320.01040589 eRSDLUnFederalRes... (eRSDL)$0.00@0.000.00889784 UNIBOTUnibot (UNIBOT)$0.06@6.60520.73264233 UNICUNIC (UNIC)$0.52@0.7127150.70603494 UPUnicorn Powe... (UP)0.08279514 UQCUquid Coin (UQC)$0.46@5.550.67677229 VINLINKVINLINK (VINLIN...)$0.00@0.000.81910219 WILDWilder (WILD)$0.58@0.70950.6 WZMWooZooMusic (WZM)$0.00@0.00010.98293186 MIRWrapped MIR ... (MIR)$0.02@0.02390.504711 wPOKTWrapped Pock... (wPOKT)$0.02@0.03650.05 WVENOMWrapped VENO... (WVENOM)$0.00@0.0560.91077733 XDEFIXDEFI (XDEFI)$0.06@0.06560.32140535 XYXY Token (XY)$0.02@0.056735 YESPYesports (YESP)$0.14@0.00020.00056776 Yf-DAIYfDAI.financ... (Yf-DAI)$0.01@21.970.85095752 YOURAIYOUR AI (YOURAI)$0.01@0.01080.21371506 ZEEZeroSwapToke... (ZEE)$0.00@0.01410.45585671 DORKLᗪOᖇK ᒪOᖇᗪ (DORKL)$0.00@0.00030.47704199 ACXAcross Proto... (ACX)$0.28@0.58140.59392221 BNTBancor (BNT)$0.41@0.68220.99632929 EIGENEigen (EIGEN)$3.32@3.330.48531446 MNTMantle (MNT)$0.57@1.170.22138808 MORPHOMorpho Token (MORPHO)$0.64@2.880.9776 MOVEMovement (MOVE)$1.03@1.0580.53792565 PENDLEPendle (PENDLE)$2.61@4.850.22408969 POLPolygon Ecos... (POL)$0.11@0.47785.79783695 rSWELLrSWELL (rSWELL)$0.17@0.02980.03577293 SNTStatusNetwor... (SNT)$0.00@0.040.298919 USDTTether USD (USDT)$0.30@0.99870.364354 USDCUSDC (USDC)$0.36@0.9993744 CLUBERC-20: (CLUB)82,492 www.zkfair.eventsERC-20: ! A-... (www.zk...)125,000 glq.ioERC-20: ! gl... ( (Wor...0.69918013$0.01@0.01481,373,577 Swap to ETH here - https://Abroshib.orgERC-20: Abro... (Swap t...)2,962.9929768 ACCELERC-20: ACCE... (ACCEL)0.13324494 ACQAcquire.Fi$0.00@0.007732.01914901 MAGEERC-20: AIMA... (MAGE)0.33360306 ALBTAllianceBlock Token7,770 BlurReward.orgERC-20: Blur... (BlurRe...)0.00000186 BNSBNS Token0.02523962 BONEBONE SHIBASWAP$0.01@0.44970.7478681 CHADChad Coin$0.00@0.000.49 CHAXERC-20: Cham... (CHAX)157 XNLERC-20: Chro... (XNL)0.48245226 CIRUSCirus$0.00@0.00670.80913177 CoFiCoFi Token$0.00@0.003650 CPIConsumer Price Index81 BRIDGEERC-20: Cros... (BRIDGE)0.14773488 CAGACrypto Asset Governance Alliance$0.00@0.00012,500 DEFIDeFi$59.68@0.02390.73182626 DEVERC-20: DeVe... (DEV)0.81286893 DIEDie Protocol414 DNXCERC-20: Dino... (DNXC)2,000,000 ETHGERC-20: Ethe... (ETHG)0.35348357 FDVERC-20: FDV ... (FDV)0.03723601 JAMGeojam$0.00@0.00060.89185715 gmgm$0.00@0.0024,000 GOBGoons of Balatroon8,663 GOBERC-20: Goon... (GOB)37,569,150.333334 happycatERC-20: happ... (happyc...)7,500 hiODERC-20: hiOD (hiOD)0.6717 hiPUNKShiPUNKS$0.04@0.0524736.41418182 LBPLaunch Block$0.06@0.00010.52440099 MAHAMahaDAO0.71425142 MARBLEERC-20: Marb... (MARBLE)0.21900502 MoFiMobiFi$0.00@0.000910 NOMERC-20: NOM (NOM)0.99875883 ONCONC$0.06@0.06240.9252564 bNOMERC-20: Onom... (bNOM)0.21139231 OGVOrigin Dollar Governance$0.01@0.02440.09388229 PAWTHPawthereum0.92927271 PEPE2.0Pepe 2.08 PEPELPERC-20: pepe... (PEPELP)250 PEPELPERC-20: pepe... (PEPELP)0.53354021 PIONPION Network197.18 PIXFIPixelverse$0.61@0.00310.31854942 POOHPOOH$0.00@0.000.83304481 1GBPpoundtoken$1.10@1.320.97133332 PRIMATEPRIMATE$0.01@0.006510 PINTERC-20: pub.... (PINT)0.50228103 RAINRainmaker Games$0.00@0.0012100.00000577 sRLYERC-20: Rall... (sRLY)373 Rewards via https://rPool.fiERC-20: rPoo... (Reward...)0.34349972 SKYRIMSkyrim Finance$0.00@0.00040.29475386 SpiritERC-20: Spir... (Spirit)0.55016952 SPRTERC-20: Spor... (SPRT)0.54353119 SWEATSWEAT$0.00@0.00690.17930206 TIMEERC-20: Time... (TIME)98.25 TOTMERC-20: Tote... (TOTM)0.74775488 TROLLTROLL$0.00@0.000.606644 TWTTwitFi TokenNFT Tokens (22)MERGETheMergeERC-721ENSEthereum Name ServiceERC-721ERC-1155AlienSwap SBTAlienSwap Genesis Soul Bound NFTERC-721ENJOYbreathe in. breathe out. enjoy.x21ERC-721NEXT Airdrop BadgesCONNEXT: Airdrop RecipientERC-1155EnjinERC-1155claim rewards illuviumnetwork.netilluviumnetwork.netERC-1155LoonyLoony SquadERC-721Reward Club [qFvVHIwy]Reward Club [8IPSsdEm]ERC-1155SHAPELLAShapellaUpgradex2ERC-721UNIBOT Airdrop BadgeUNIBOT: Airdrop RecipientERC-1155ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToTransfer 21429152 2024-12-18 11:34:47 8 days ago 1734521687 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00115271 18.23310768 Transfer 21421587 2024-12-17 10:14:11 9 days ago 1734430451 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00055777 10.05548576 Transfer 21420642 2024-12-17 7:04:11 9 days ago 1734419051 OUT 0.77 ETH$2,564.53 0.00017445 8.30755056 Transfer 21420639 2024-12-17 7:03:35 9 days ago 1734419015 IN 0.79 ETH$2,631.14 0.00016787 7.99397079 Transfer 21415714 2024-12-16 14:35:47 10 days ago 1734359747 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00073236 16.97402582 Execute 21415710 2024-12-16 14:34:59 10 days ago 1734359699 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00449771 18.34769726 Transfer 21415604 2024-12-16 14:13:35 10 days ago 1734358415 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00112845 17.85619323 Transfer 21415546 2024-12-16 14:01:59 10 days ago 1734357719 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00090523 16.31930483 Execute 21415543 2024-12-16 14:01:23 10 days ago 1734357683 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00441899 18.02507272 Execute 21415540 2024-12-16 14:00:47 10 days ago 1734357647 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00513119 20.84817213 Transfer 21415120 2024-12-16 12:36:35 10 days ago 1734352595 OUT 0.01065 ETH$35.47 0.00025596 12.18862806 Transfer 21387308 2024-12-12 15:25:47 14 days ago 1734017147 OUT 2.54 ETH$8,459.62 0.00069111 32.91005748 Transfer 21387304 2024-12-12 15:24:59 14 days ago 1734017099 IN 0.53 ETH$1,765.20 0.00066292 31.56786278 Transfer 21387300 2024-12-12 15:24:11 14 days ago 1734017051 IN 1.999 ETH$6,657.78 0.0006655 31.69071639 Transfer 21385472 2024-12-12 9:16:35 14 days ago 1733994995 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00096232 15.22443192 Transfer 21378086 2024-12-11 8:29:59 15 days ago 1733905799 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00035217 11.86365729 Execute 21378083 2024-12-11 8:29:23 15 days ago 1733905763 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00178104 12.60141698 Transfer 21378051 2024-12-11 8:22:59 15 days ago 1733905379 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00071806 13.92653918 Execute 21378038 2024-12-11 8:20:23 15 days ago 1733905223 OUT 0.006 ETH$19.98 0.00359091 14.9739562 Transfer 21372128 2024-12-10 12:33:23 16 days ago 1733834003 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00131586 20.82160004 Execute 21371559 2024-12-10 10:38:47 16 days ago 1733827127 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00273318 16.82499859 Transfer 21371442 2024-12-10 10:14:47 16 days ago 1733825687 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00088851 16.49855272 Execute 21371436 2024-12-10 10:13:35 16 days ago 1733825615 OUT 0.01 ETH$33.31 0.00405954 16.78734166 Transfer 21369669 2024-12-10 4:18:11 16 days ago 1733804291 OUT 0.15 ETH$499.58 0.00044814 21.34020843 Transfer 21369615 2024-12-10 4:07:11 16 days ago 1733803631 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00138657 21.93636264 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo21379617 2024-12-11 13:39:23 15 days ago 1733924363 0.048416 ETH$161.25 21369597 2024-12-10 4:03:35 16 days ago 1733803415 9.17945842 ETH$30,572.72 20930712 2024-10-09 21:25:23 77 days ago 1728509123 0.0372 ETH$123.90 20861841 2024-09-30 7:01:59 87 days ago 1727679719 0.03577209 ETH$119.14 20437263 2024-08-02 0:25:23 146 days ago 1722558323 0.59597578 ETH$1,984.93 20437210 2024-08-02 0:14:47 146 days ago 1722557687 0.07088075 ETH$236.07 20147540 2024-06-22 13:27:35 187 days ago 1719062855 0.00001007 ETH$0.03 20027271 2024-06-05 17:58:23 204 days ago 1717610303 0.02110709 ETH$70.30 19724014 2024-04-24 8:21:47 246 days ago 1713946907 1.51 ETH$5,029.14 19723814 2024-04-24 7:41:23 246 days ago 1713944483 0.02 ETH$66.61 19339453 2024-03-01 9:32:59 300 days ago 1709285579 0.13795954 ETH$459.48 19274456 2024-02-21 7:08:59 309 days ago 1708499339 0.0480547 ETH$160.05 19268810 2024-02-20 12:06:47 310 days ago 1708430807 1.696 ETH$5,648.63 19182670 2024-02-08 9:51:47 322 days ago 1707385907 0.00415013 ETH$13.82 19176821 2024-02-07 14:10:35 323 days ago 1707315035 0.18933373 ETH$630.59 19176786 2024-02-07 14:03:35 323 days ago 1707314615 0.20348131 ETH$677.71 19072095 2024-01-23 21:39:23 337 days ago 1706045963 0.905924 ETH$3,017.23 19068827 2024-01-23 10:39:23 338 days ago 1706006363 0.89107165 ETH$2,967.77 19031029 2024-01-18 3:20:35 343 days ago 1705548035 1 ETH$3,330.56 19023220 2024-01-17 1:06:23 344 days ago 1705453583 0.0915 ETH$304.75 19016471 2024-01-16 2:29:59 345 days ago 1705372199 0.09441206 ETH$314.44 19010233 2024-01-15 5:35:47 346 days ago 1705296947 0.5 ETH$1,665.28 18873862 2023-12-27 1:54:11 365 days ago 1703642051 0.08258812 ETH$275.06 18842914 2023-12-22 17:37:23 370 days ago 1703266643 0.83078283 ETH$2,766.97 18818781 2023-12-19 8:21:47 373 days ago 1702974107 0.00444748 ETH$14.81 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH Ether (ETH)13.64% $3,330.56 0.0294 $98.02 ETH 8.30% $0.023873 2,500 $59.68 ETH 1.79% <$0.000001 10,000,000,000 $12.85 ETH 1.30% $273.5 0.0341 $9.34 ETH 0.46% $3.33 0.9963 $3.32 ETH 0.36% $4.85 0.5379 $2.61 ETH 0.35% $3.66 0.6887 $2.52 ETH 0.33% $0.033686 70 $2.36 ETH 0.32% $3,585.3 0.0006439 $2.31 ETH 0.29% $2.11 0.9755 $2.06 ETH 0.27% $3.62 0.5372 $1.94 ETH 0.21% $39.37 0.0385 $1.51 ETH 0.20% $2.06 0.6835 $1.41 ETH 0.15% $1.32 0.833 $1.1 ETH 0.14% $1.06 0.9776 $1.03 ETH 0.12% $3.61 0.2394 $0.8652 ETH 0.11% $10.02 0.0778 $0.7797 ETH 0.10% $1.04 0.6985 $0.7277 ETH 0.10% $1.33 0.516 $0.6854 ETH 0.09% $2.88 0.2214 $0.6375 ETH 0.08% $0.003081 197.18 $0.6074 ETH 0.08% $2.42 0.2418 $0.5861 ETH 0.08% $0.709475 0.8191 $0.5811 ETH 0.08% $1.17 0.4853 $0.5678 ETH 0.07% $0.712657 0.7326 $0.5221 ETH 0.07% $0.001963 254.2373 $0.499 ETH 0.07% $0.596304 0.7842 $0.4676 ETH 0.06% $5.55 0.0828 $0.4595 ETH 0.06% $0.682222 0.5939 $0.4051 ETH 0.05% $0.999321 0.3644 $0.3641 ETH 0.05% $0.410328 0.8306 $0.3408 ETH 0.04% $0.998705 0.2989 $0.2985 ETH 0.04% $0.581375 0.477 $0.2773 ETH 0.04% $0.997887 0.2613 $0.2607 ETH 0.04% $0.470788 0.5395 $0.254 ETH 0.03% $2.8 0.078 $0.2183 ETH 0.03% $0.208823 0.9 $0.1879 ETH 0.03% $0.23012 0.8104 $0.1864 ETH 0.02% $0.029843 5.7978 $0.173 ETH 0.02% $0.000193 735 $0.1418 ETH 0.02% $0.13477 0.9982 $0.1345 ETH 0.02% $0.406877 0.2915 $0.1186 ETH 0.02% $0.112973 0.9884 $0.1116 ETH 0.02% $0.125859 0.8688 $0.1093 ETH 0.02% $0.224502 0.4852 $0.1089 ETH 0.01% $0.477781 0.2241 $0.107 ETH 0.01% $0.113849 0.9267 $0.1054 BASE 7.21% $3,326.94 0.0156 $51.83 BASE 5.98% $0.02154 1,995.9651 $42.99 BASE 1.35% <$0.000001 295,774,647 $9.7 BASE 1.15% $10.86 0.7596 $8.25 BASE 1.04% $0.001249 6,000 $7.49 BASE 0.19% $0.000002 740,000 $1.38 BASE 0.17% $2.9 0.4092 $1.19 BASE 0.03% $0.99879 0.2516 $0.2512 BASE 0.03% <$0.000001 26,642,664 $0.1944 BASE 0.02% $0.02158 7.2 $0.1553 LINEA 9.32% $3,332.94 0.0201 $66.98 BSC 4.28% $690.19 0.0446 $30.79 BSC 0.94% $0.997953 6.7803 $6.77 BSC 0.35% $3,315.73 0.00075108 $2.49 BSC 0.17% $0.010076 120.1725 $1.21 BSC 0.16% $0.001135 988 $1.12 BSC 0.04% $0.390576 0.7752 $0.3027 BSC 0.04% $0.311708 0.89 $0.2774 BSC 0.03% $1 0.2391 $0.2402 BSC 0.03% $0.000208 1,093.75 $0.2274 BSC 0.02% $0.477862 0.3636 $0.1737 BSC 0.01% $2.41 0.0434 $0.1047 MANTLE 4.39% $3,320.41 0.00949685 $31.53 MANTLE 0.75% $1.17 4.5821 $5.38 MANTLE 0.01% $0.151747 0.684 $0.1037 POL 2.70% $0.478669 40.6163 $19.44 POL 1.51% $0.577779 18.7649 $10.84 POL 0.35% $0.001563 1,612.528 $2.52 POL 0.21% $0.999459 1.489 $1.49 POL 0.15% $0.117065 9.4006 $1.1 POL 0.10% $1.84 0.3974 $0.7312 POL 0.02% $0.000315 367.8 $0.1159 ARB 2.90% $0.00087 24,000 $20.87 ARB 1.02% $0.038668 188.7436 $7.3 ARB 0.35% $3,326.91 0.00075092 $2.5 ARB 0.28% $0.002684 748 $2.01 ARB 0.09% $0.428083 1.4905 $0.638 ARB 0.08% $0.998786 0.6069 $0.6061 ARB 0.07% $5.72 0.0896 $0.5125 ARB 0.02% $2.28 0.0475 $0.1083 BLAST 3.86% $3,328.36 0.00833446 $27.74 ZKSYNC 3.33% $3,330.56 0.0071974 $23.97 ZKSYNC 0.08% $2.04 0.2673 $0.5453 ZKSYNC 0.05% $0.998575 0.3751 $0.3745 ZKSYNC 0.03% $0.19241 0.9677 $0.1862 ZKSYNC 0.02% $0.000017 7,975 $0.1327 OP 3.19% $3,326.9 0.00688703 $22.91 MOVR 1.92% $13.29 1.0392 $13.81 MOVR 0.66% $0.000253 18,836.1533 $4.77 MOVR 0.02% $1 0.1188 $0.1193 WEMIX 2.23% $0.806987 19.9 $16.06 AVAX 1.47% $37.44 0.282 $10.56 AVAX 0.24% $0.999113 1.744 $1.74 AVAX 0.11% $1 0.7939 $0.7938 AVAX 0.10% $0.999113 0.7509 $0.7502 AVAX 0.10% $0.008042 88.9249 $0.7151 CELO 0.87% $0.656375 9.5478 $6.27 CELO 0.54% $0.99969 3.9 $3.9 ARBNOVA 0.92% $3,327 0.0019932 $6.63 FTM 0.66% $0.879744 5.4339 $4.78 FTM 0.04% $0.888269 0.3385 $0.3006 FTM 0.04% $0.514755 0.5143 $0.2647 SCROLL 0.54% $3,332.94 0.00115842 $3.86 SCROLL 0.13% $0.999327 0.9469 $0.9462 TAIKO 0.61% $3,330.56 0.001308 $4.36 GLMR 0.38% $0.246817 11.1392 $2.75 XDC 0.32% $0.077513 30 $2.33 CRONOS 0.20% $0.149038 9.6718 $1.44 Loading...Loading[ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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