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Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 15.31% $3,901.05 0.2054 $801.15 ETH 8.70% $4,047.18 0.1125 $455.36 ETH 8.39% $3,996.44 0.1099 $439.33 ETH 2.16% $0.043101 2,623.4472 $113.07 ETH 1.89% $5.02 19.7572 $99.18 ETH 1.10% $2.75 20.913 $57.51 ETH Ether (ETH)0.97% $3,912.18 0.0129 $50.55 ETH 0.79% $0.172324 241 $41.53 ETH 0.57% $0.043101 697.372 $30.06 ETH <0.01% $0.000039 10,000 $0.3926 ETH <0.01% $0.040096 8 $0.3207 ETH <0.01% $4,062.28 0.00006668 $0.2708 ZKSYNC 20.90% $0.234544 4,664 $1,093.91 ZKSYNC 2.76% $3,909.63 0.0369 $144.43 ZKSYNC <0.01% $3.37 0.1044 $0.3518 ZKSYNC <0.01% $1 0.1712 $0.1712 ARB 10.86% $6.63 85.755 $568.56 ARB 5.97% $1.06 295.6861 $312.54 ARB 0.53% $2.75 10.0643 $27.68 ARB 0.34% $3,910.73 0.00456133 $17.84 ARB 0.12% $41.49 0.1575 $6.53 ARB <0.01% $0.367048 1.1601 $0.4258 ARB <0.01% $29.28 0.0117 $0.3438 ARB <0.01% $0.021492 5 $0.1074 SCROLL 3.17% $3,909.63 0.0424 $165.72 SCROLL 2.85% $1.34 111.4041 $149.28 BLAST 3.01% $3,911.04 0.0403 $157.5 BLAST 0.64% $0.011464 2,904.9281 $33.3 BLAST 0.11% $3,917.15 0.00148184 $5.8 BLAST 0.08% $0.996986 4.1865 $4.17 BASE 2.53% $3,909.45 0.0339 $132.5 BASE 0.26% <$0.000001 295,774,647 $13.55 BASE 0.22% $3,913.71 0.003 $11.74 BASE 0.04% $0.004209 466.2726 $1.96 LINEA 2.64% $3,909.63 0.0354 $138.25 BSC 0.96% $5 10 $50 BSC 0.24% $1 12.6673 $12.67 BSC 0.23% $707.35 0.0167 $11.8 OP 0.75% $3,910.99 0.01 $39.29 ARBNOVA 0.68% $3,909.27 0.00910558 $35.6 AVAX 0.13% $52.36 0.1267 $6.64 POL 0.04% $0.999521 1.946 $1.95 POL 0.01% $99,707 0.00000564 $0.5623 POL <0.01% $0.621425 0.753 $0.46796 CELO <0.01% $0.865633 0.00084665 $0.000733 Loading...LoadingA wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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