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(AGN)80 AAPXAMPnet APX Token350 ACITERC-20: Arci... (ACIT)55,978 AZERC-20: Azbi... (AZ)55,978 AZAzbit4,471.08716104 BXXERC-20: Baan... (BXX)$189.91@0.042560.6396 BTRBither Platform Token1,600,000 BARTERC-20: Bloc... (BART)591.07027073 BLOCKSERC-20: BLOC... (BLOCKS)982.90160254 BURPERC-20: Burp (BURP)$0.28@0.00032,996.45304949 CBDHTERC-20: CBDH... (CBDHT)5.8170674 CCAIHTERC-20: CCAI... (CCAIHT)100 CHLChelleCoin3,721,097,353.33145 CHURCHERC-20: Chur... (CHURCH)600,000 CGMTClickGem Token30 CLDXERC-20: Clov... (CLDX)105 CBNTCreate Breaking News Together50 CPM-1ERC-20: Cryp... (CPM-1)24 OXY2Cryptoxygen547.44875 CUR8Curate10 cUSDcUSD Currency1,600 DAYTADAYTA300 DDSDDS.Store96.66929374 DDSDDS.Store5 DeerExERC-20: Deer... (DeerEx)793.29965834 FACTRERC-20: Defa... (FACTR)49 DEFLERC-20: Defl... (DEFL)130 buidldfohub3,100 DVoteERC-20: DGol... (DVote)1,000.00073647 DEFITDIGITAL FITNESS20 EBKEbakus227.5 ECOECEcoEarthCoin40 ECOERC-20: EcoF... (ECO)100 ECPNERC-20: ECPN... (ECPN)280 ETDERC-20: Ethe... (ETD)250 ETHPLOETHplode$0.39@0.0016300 F2KERC-20: Farm... (F2K)12 FASTPAYERC-20: FAST... (FASTPA...)3,208.75 FLXFLX Coin15,000 FWTFreewayToken0.23183481 FWTFreewayToken28,238.06818188 GENERC-20: Gene... (GEN)6,480.58191541 GENIEERC-20: Geni... (GENIE)47,500,000 GREYERC-20: Grey... (GREY)50 HBTHabitat Token11,000 HROIERC-20: HIGH... (HROI)522.5 HOXHOX Token7,500 HYPEERC-20: Hype... (HYPE)900 CORESERC-20: Inne... (CORES)500 IOTWIOTW1,000 JOBJobchain50,000,000 KAVERC-20: KAVA... (KAV)7,770 Kishib.comERC-20: Kish... (Kishib...)47,500,000 KNDXKondux15 KREXERC-20: Kron... (KREX)55,609.79323042 KUVKUVERIT$0.11@0.00300 KYLKylin Network12,207.30723742 LABSLABS Group$8.01@0.0007122.625 MAYAERC-20: Maya... (MAYA)19,260.75884357 MBNMembrana199.85680414 MAIERC-20: MevA... (MAI)1,918.65549796 MHTERC-20: MHT (MHT)6,000 MoFiMobiFi$5.17@0.000911,096.23529412 MTMonarch Token400.61456516 MYTHMythos$92.67@0.231334,172.27533904 NIINahmii7,205,272.37545643 NLINKERC-20: NEUR... (NLINK)6.46862563 SILVERNFTLootBox Silver705 NLCERC-20: NLC ... (NLC)100 OMNISOMNIS-BIT150 OMNISOMNIS-BIT100 OMNISERC-20: OMNI... (OMNIS)400 ORXERC-20: Orio... (ORX)1,000 PCTERC-20: Peac... (PCT)80 DEFI++PieDAO DEFI++6.80532473 eDOUGHERC-20: PieD... (eDOUGH)100 PCMPrecium Token1 PBTTERC-20: Purp... (PBTT)675 PYROPYRO Network$0.03@0.008 QARKQARK Token of QAN Platform288 XRBERC-20: Rain... (XRB)141.55 RELRelevant554.07407406 BRPRental Processor Token0 SAFF-LPERC-20: Saff... (SAFF-L...)55 SANTASanta Token6.015 SATURNSaturn DAO Token0.00000001 SHIPShipChain SHIP2,200 SMTSmathium15 SETIERC-20: Sout... (SETI)15 SETIERC-20: Sout... (SETI)20.28175199 CMPTSpatialComputing$22.92@1.138.34952821 SPRTERC-20: Spro... (SPRT)2,388.12499999 STDEXstableDEX125.31354731 SPHTERC-20: Supe... (SPHT)16.22456367 TETTectum Emission Token$96.42@5.9431866 THLERC-20: THLT... (THL)39.29238036 THTERC-20: THT (THT)200 TEOERC-20: Toke... (TEO)387.27 TXTEERC-20: Trex... (TXTE)434.28997286 UHTERC-20: UHT (UHT)0.13318718 LAYERXERC-20: UNIL... (LAYERX)0.6804432 LAYERXERC-20: UNIL... (LAYERX)294,928.5 VERSERC-20: Veru... (VERS)2,505.17458487 veTRUFVoting Escrowed TRUF2,176.66666667 veTRUFERC-20: Voti... (veTRUF)418,055.51573049 wOMIWrapped OMI Token265,708.13596695 WQASHERC-20: Wrap... (WQASH)11,700 XGameERC-20: XGam... (XGame)275,000 XPAYProERC-20: XPAY... (XPAYPr...)5 YSTERC-20: YOOS... (YST)1,403.07973414 Z3Z-Cubed$2.72@0.001912,062.5 ZedMERC-20: Zedd (ZedM)9,999.99999991 ZUMZum Token$0.05@0.00153.9052 CGGChainGuardians Governance Token$1.76@0.011566.6 CBXCropBytes$0.28@0.00420.50028222 FLXFlex Ungovernance Token$2.54@5.07173,561.20418579 WAITHOURGLASS$19.46@0.00553,572.06856494 IAGIAGON$945.41@0.26470 LYXeLUKSO$0.00@2.81013,314.719712 NTXNuNet Utility Token$131.88@0.039822,348,570,553.8324 OSAKOsaka Protocol$4,652.21@0.00750 P2PXP2P Global Network7.44 PRXYProxy$0.18@0.02350.36447916 RIORealio Network5,000 SKRTSekuritance$2.31@0.00051.60407085 SHEESHASheesha Finance$5.96@3.7168447.02520772 SPICESpice7.29136462 SPOOLSpool DAO Token$0.42@0.0584,308.3918 SMTSwarm Markets$1,126.46@0.26157.62272179 TOTMTotem Token$0.05@0.00591,000 TRUTruebit$178.52@0.1785112.77589147 :ZKT:ZkTsunami$1.34@0.011946,500 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]96,400 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]7,500 TokenERC-20 TOKEN*[Suspicious]NFT Tokens (27)OPENSTOREOpenSea Shared StorefrontERC-1155ERC-1155CRUCIBLE-V1Alchemist Crucible v1ERC-721claim rewards on apyclink.comapyclink.comERC-1155ASAstrobot Societyx2ERC-721BaoGBaoElderERC-721BaoGnoBaoGnosisERC-721God of War Ragnarok Mint PassGod of War Ragnarok Mint PassERC-1155HYPHypEERC-1155nft-lido.comLDO Mysterybox NFTERC-1155claim rewards on link-prize.comlink-prize.comERC-1155Meta Overwatch 2 Mint Pass OriginMeta Overwatch 2 Mint Pass OriginERC-1155Meta Valorant Mint Pass OfficialMeta Valorant Mint Pass OfficialERC-1155realio.giftRealio Mysterybox NFTERC-1155claim rewards riotoken.orgriotoken.orgERC-1155SFHD Mint Pass OfficialSFHD Mint Pass OfficialERC-1155UZPUnizen Pro MembershipERC-721ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Suspicious]
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Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToApprove 21422087 2024-12-17 11:54:11 9 days ago 1734436451 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00050244 9.81744552 Migrate Balance 21422084 2024-12-17 11:53:35 9 days ago 1734436415 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000863 10.0239525 Cross Chain Swap... 21379192 2024-12-11 12:14:11 15 days ago 1733919251 OUT 0.00137673 ETH$4.59 0.01170636 20.7146399 Stake 21351826 2024-12-07 16:32:35 19 days ago 1733589155 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00299648 18.43890665 Approve 21344507 2024-12-06 15:59:47 20 days ago 1733500787 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00188787 40.19838618 Increase Lock Po... 21286069 2024-11-28 12:01:47 28 days ago 1732795307 OUT 0.00161531 ETH$5.38 0.00780684 7.65214301 Batch Executor 21286054 2024-11-28 11:58:47 28 days ago 1732795127 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00158265 6.66977377 Claim Retail 21286050 2024-11-28 11:57:59 28 days ago 1732795079 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00041367 7.59703068 Claim 21281659 2024-11-27 21:06:23 28 days ago 1732741583 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00138085 24.19233765 Claim Reward 21265448 2024-11-25 14:43:59 31 days ago 1732545839 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00247366 26.12934255 Claim 21172357 2024-11-12 14:59:59 44 days ago 1731423599 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00190808 27.18800417 Claim 21172280 2024-11-12 14:44:23 44 days ago 1731422663 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00159018 27.08725213 Stake 21157658 2024-11-10 13:46:23 46 days ago 1731246383 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00366024 13.3859717 Approve 21157633 2024-11-10 13:41:23 46 days ago 1731246083 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00071588 15.37161308 Transfer 21094313 2024-11-01 17:32:47 54 days ago 1730482367 OUT 1 ETH$3,331.95 0.00028165 13.41200894 Redeem Exact Set... 21094306 2024-11-01 17:31:23 54 days ago 1730482283 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.01391318 12.93427177 Approve 21094300 2024-11-01 17:30:11 54 days ago 1730482211 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00062716 13.50881012 Migrate 21088170 2024-10-31 20:59:59 55 days ago 1730408399 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.0038998 9.68774823 Stake 20927129 2024-10-09 9:26:23 78 days ago 1728465983 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00464886 13.61192497 Approve 20927122 2024-10-09 9:24:59 78 days ago 1728465899 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00060863 13.06869456 Strictly Swap An... 20858572 2024-09-29 20:04:59 87 days ago 1727640299 OUT 0.001 ETH$3.33 0.00302619 9.20561823 Approve 20858570 2024-09-29 20:04:35 87 days ago 1727640275 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00040366 8.6365472 Claim Reward 20858536 2024-09-29 19:57:47 87 days ago 1727639867 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00078201 6.99663392 Vote 20856939 2024-09-29 14:37:23 88 days ago 1727620643 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00367552 8.67413486 Burn Tokens 20805277 2024-09-22 9:39:35 95 days ago 1726997975 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.00083341 17.7813766 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo21286069 2024-11-28 12:01:47 28 days ago 1732795307 0.00003167 ETH$0.11 21286050 2024-11-28 11:57:59 28 days ago 1732795079 0.02487762 ETH$82.89 21094306 2024-11-01 17:31:23 54 days ago 1730482283 1.07421455 ETH$3,579.23 20039682 2024-06-07 11:33:35 202 days ago 1717760015 0.01683279 ETH$56.09 19831365 2024-05-09 8:43:23 231 days ago 1715244203 0.17613834 ETH$586.88 19274788 2024-02-21 8:16:11 309 days ago 1708503371 0.04661999 ETH$155.34 19274783 2024-02-21 8:15:11 309 days ago 1708503311 0.04644402 ETH$154.75 19274781 2024-02-21 8:14:47 309 days ago 1708503287 0.02989518 ETH$99.61 19189821 2024-02-09 9:57:11 321 days ago 1707472631 0.31257266 ETH$1,041.48 19186508 2024-02-08 22:47:35 321 days ago 1707432455 0.00218431 ETH$7.28 18962418 2024-01-08 12:53:11 353 days ago 1704718391 0.59801123 ETH$1,992.55 18890346 2023-12-29 9:28:47 363 days ago 1703842127 0.00353382 ETH$11.77 18791810 2023-12-15 13:27:23 377 days ago 1702646843 1.58457571 ETH$5,279.73 18791804 2023-12-15 13:26:11 377 days ago 1702646771 1.21749942 ETH$4,056.65 18748509 2023-12-09 11:56:11 383 days ago 1702122971 0.00541657 ETH$18.05 18738990 2023-12-08 3:54:47 384 days ago 1702007687 0.1305 ETH$434.82 18676534 2023-11-29 10:00:11 393 days ago 1701252011 0.00019189 ETH$0.64 18676518 2023-11-29 9:56:59 393 days ago 1701251819 0.00027984 ETH$0.93 18676507 2023-11-29 9:54:47 393 days ago 1701251687 0.20059891 ETH$668.39 18576780 2023-11-15 10:45:11 407 days ago 1700045111 0.02536761 ETH$84.52 18500538 2023-11-04 18:44:59 417 days ago 1699123499 0.16406215 ETH$546.65 18487295 2023-11-02 22:13:47 419 days ago 1698963227 0.02676625 ETH$89.18 18105507 2023-09-10 10:54:11 473 days ago 1694343251 0.00002469 ETH$0.08 18056843 2023-09-03 15:25:11 480 days ago 1693754711 0.04381375 ETH$145.99 18030273 2023-08-30 22:04:59 483 days ago 1693433099 0.0000393 ETH$0.13 Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 22.92% <$0.000001 22,348,570,553.8324 $4,652.21 ETH 9.52% $64.31 30.0474 $1,932.35 ETH 5.55% $0.261458 4,308.3918 $1,126.46 ETH 4.66% $0.264666 3,572.0686 $945.41 ETH 4.26% $1.44 600 $864 ETH 2.07% $0.836755 500.9842 $419.2 ETH Ether (ETH)1.86% $3,331.95 0.1132 $377.11 ETH 1.57% $0.042474 7,500.5668 $318.58 ETH 1.42% $0.060698 4,750 $288.32 ETH 1.22% $0.413711 599.0651 $247.84 ETH 1.00% $0.048062 4,209 $202.29 ETH 0.94% $0.042474 4,471.0872 $189.91 ETH 0.88% $0.178524 1,000 $178.52 ETH 0.76% $22.91 6.7546 $154.75 ETH 0.68% $1.77 78.2701 $138.54 ETH 0.65% $0.039785 3,314.7197 $131.88 ETH 0.48% $5.94 16.2246 $96.42 ETH 0.46% $0.231319 400.6146 $92.67 ETH 0.40% $0.018532 4,411.0661 $81.75 ETH 0.34% $0.092193 739.2446 $68.15 ETH 0.29% $1.18 50 $59 ETH 0.24% $0.000428 113,917.9731 $48.74 ETH 0.23% $0.05201 899 $46.76 ETH 0.20% $5.37 7.5023 $40.29 ETH 0.17% $0.026194 1,325.8047 $34.73 ETH 0.14% $0.566339 50 $28.32 ETH 0.13% $0.013598 2,000.3174 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$115.9 BSC 0.36% $0.085652 843.8717 $72.28 BSC 0.31% $0.031461 2,000 $62.92 BSC 0.07% $0.00049 29,635.8884 $14.53 BSC 0.05% $0.195099 50 $9.75 BSC 0.02% $0.013198 320.67 $4.23 BSC 0.02% $0.012306 337.8673 $4.16 BSC <0.01% $0.99983 1.1569 $1.16 BSC <0.01% $0.002205 500 $1.1 BSC <0.01% $0.191332 5.4756 $1.05 BSC <0.01% $0.016363 43.5058 $0.7118 BSC <0.01% $0.999978 0.6459 $0.6458 BSC <0.01% $0.001834 327.0392 $0.5997 BSC <0.01% $0.000366 1,128.6255 $0.413 BSC <0.01% $2.44 0.1237 $0.3018 BSC <0.01% $0.001281 138.7642 $0.1777 BSC <0.01% $0.000533 260.1072 $0.1385 BSC <0.01% $0.001579 87.291 $0.1378 BSC <0.01% $0.001579 87.144 $0.1375 FTM 3.00% $0.009811 61,991.3149 $608.22 FTM 0.47% $0.883546 107.5849 $95.06 FTM 0.02% $0.233895 15.9137 $3.72 OPBNB 1.00% $688.84 0.2932 $202 LINEA 0.43% $3,332.92 0.026 $86.75 LINEA 0.34% $0.997946 70 $69.86 POL 0.30% $1.2 50.9851 $61.18 POL 0.19% $0.048058 793.2997 $38.12 POL 0.04% $0.002629 2,784.6772 $7.32 POL 0.03% $0.011538 538.2858 $6.21 POL 0.02% $3,351.3 0.00133969 $4.49 POL 0.02% $0.478852 8.2257 $3.94 POL <0.01% $1.29 1 $1.29 POL <0.01% $0.006352 200.2631 $1.27 POL <0.01% $0.002122 337.8673 $0.7168 ARB 0.42% $3,331.38 0.0254 $84.67 ARB 0.09% $0.998924 18.6658 $18.65 ARB <0.01% $17.77 0.1 $1.78 ARB <0.01% $43.65 0.0302 $1.32 ARB <0.01% $1.17 0.8769 $1.03 ARB <0.01% $3,337.58 0.00016607 $0.5542 ARB <0.01% $0.428024 1 $0.428 ARB <0.01% $0.00087 363.4178 $0.316 ARB <0.01% $968.77 0.00024442 $0.2367 ARB <0.01% $0.024991 5 $0.1249 ZKSYNC 0.40% $0.998213 82.2762 $82.13 ZKSYNC 0.05% $3,331.95 0.00321122 $10.7 ZKSYNC 0.02% $3,335.79 0.00117418 $3.92 ARBNOVA 0.33% $3,333.83 0.0198 $66.09 SCROLL 0.16% $3,332.92 0.00960063 $32 GNO 0.05% $0.999879 11.0872 $11.09 GNO <0.01% $277.68 0.00417764 $1.16 OP 0.05% $3,332.94 0.0033055 $11.02 AVAX 0.05% $37.37 0.2909 $10.87 CRONOS 0.01% $0.149769 18.1374 $2.72 CRONOS <0.01% $0.000004 243,854.2673 $0.9485 GLMR <0.01% $0.246534 0.971 $0.239388 MOVR <0.01% $13.35 0.00000525 $0.00007 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