Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : DebtCache
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* Synthetix: DebtCache.sol
* Latest source (may be newer):
* Docs:
* Contract Dependencies:
* - IAddressResolver
* - IDebtCache
* - MixinResolver
* - MixinSystemSettings
* - Owned
* Libraries:
* - SafeDecimalMath
* - SafeMath
* MIT License
* ===========
* Copyright (c) 2020 Synthetix
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;
contract Owned {
address public owner;
address public nominatedOwner;
constructor(address _owner) public {
require(_owner != address(0), "Owner address cannot be 0");
owner = _owner;
emit OwnerChanged(address(0), _owner);
function nominateNewOwner(address _owner) external onlyOwner {
nominatedOwner = _owner;
emit OwnerNominated(_owner);
function acceptOwnership() external {
require(msg.sender == nominatedOwner, "You must be nominated before you can accept ownership");
emit OwnerChanged(owner, nominatedOwner);
owner = nominatedOwner;
nominatedOwner = address(0);
modifier onlyOwner {
function _onlyOwner() private view {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the contract owner may perform this action");
event OwnerNominated(address newOwner);
event OwnerChanged(address oldOwner, address newOwner);
interface IAddressResolver {
function getAddress(bytes32 name) external view returns (address);
function getSynth(bytes32 key) external view returns (address);
function requireAndGetAddress(bytes32 name, string calldata reason) external view returns (address);
interface ISynth {
// Views
function currencyKey() external view returns (bytes32);
function transferableSynths(address account) external view returns (uint);
// Mutative functions
function transferAndSettle(address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
function transferFromAndSettle(
address from,
address to,
uint value
) external returns (bool);
// Restricted: used internally to Synthetix
function burn(address account, uint amount) external;
function issue(address account, uint amount) external;
interface IIssuer {
// Views
function anySynthOrSNXRateIsInvalid() external view returns (bool anyRateInvalid);
function availableCurrencyKeys() external view returns (bytes32[] memory);
function availableSynthCount() external view returns (uint);
function availableSynths(uint index) external view returns (ISynth);
function canBurnSynths(address account) external view returns (bool);
function collateral(address account) external view returns (uint);
function collateralisationRatio(address issuer) external view returns (uint);
function collateralisationRatioAndAnyRatesInvalid(address _issuer)
returns (uint cratio, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function debtBalanceOf(address issuer, bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint debtBalance);
function issuanceRatio() external view returns (uint);
function lastIssueEvent(address account) external view returns (uint);
function maxIssuableSynths(address issuer) external view returns (uint maxIssuable);
function minimumStakeTime() external view returns (uint);
function remainingIssuableSynths(address issuer)
returns (
uint maxIssuable,
uint alreadyIssued,
uint totalSystemDebt
function synths(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (ISynth);
function getSynths(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external view returns (ISynth[] memory);
function synthsByAddress(address synthAddress) external view returns (bytes32);
function totalIssuedSynths(bytes32 currencyKey, bool excludeEtherCollateral) external view returns (uint);
function transferableSynthetixAndAnyRateIsInvalid(address account, uint balance)
returns (uint transferable, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
// Restricted: used internally to Synthetix
function issueSynths(address from, uint amount) external;
function issueSynthsOnBehalf(
address issueFor,
address from,
uint amount
) external;
function issueMaxSynths(address from) external;
function issueMaxSynthsOnBehalf(address issueFor, address from) external;
function burnSynths(address from, uint amount) external;
function burnSynthsOnBehalf(
address burnForAddress,
address from,
uint amount
) external;
function burnSynthsToTarget(address from) external;
function burnSynthsToTargetOnBehalf(address burnForAddress, address from) external;
function liquidateDelinquentAccount(
address account,
uint susdAmount,
address liquidator
) external returns (uint totalRedeemed, uint amountToLiquidate);
// Inheritance
// Internal references
contract AddressResolver is Owned, IAddressResolver {
mapping(bytes32 => address) public repository;
constructor(address _owner) public Owned(_owner) {}
/* ========== RESTRICTED FUNCTIONS ========== */
function importAddresses(bytes32[] calldata names, address[] calldata destinations) external onlyOwner {
require(names.length == destinations.length, "Input lengths must match");
for (uint i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
bytes32 name = names[i];
address destination = destinations[i];
repository[name] = destination;
emit AddressImported(name, destination);
/* ========= PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ========== */
function rebuildCaches(MixinResolver[] calldata destinations) external {
for (uint i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++) {
/* ========== VIEWS ========== */
function areAddressesImported(bytes32[] calldata names, address[] calldata destinations) external view returns (bool) {
for (uint i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
if (repository[names[i]] != destinations[i]) {
return false;
return true;
function getAddress(bytes32 name) external view returns (address) {
return repository[name];
function requireAndGetAddress(bytes32 name, string calldata reason) external view returns (address) {
address _foundAddress = repository[name];
require(_foundAddress != address(0), reason);
return _foundAddress;
function getSynth(bytes32 key) external view returns (address) {
IIssuer issuer = IIssuer(repository["Issuer"]);
require(address(issuer) != address(0), "Cannot find Issuer address");
return address(issuer.synths(key));
/* ========== EVENTS ========== */
event AddressImported(bytes32 name, address destination);
// solhint-disable payable-fallback
contract ReadProxy is Owned {
address public target;
constructor(address _owner) public Owned(_owner) {}
function setTarget(address _target) external onlyOwner {
target = _target;
emit TargetUpdated(target);
function() external {
// The basics of a proxy read call
// Note that msg.sender in the underlying will always be the address of this contract.
assembly {
calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize)
// Use of staticcall - this will revert if the underlying function mutates state
let result := staticcall(gas, sload(target_slot), 0, calldatasize, 0, 0)
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize)
if iszero(result) {
revert(0, returndatasize)
return(0, returndatasize)
event TargetUpdated(address newTarget);
// Inheritance
// Internal references
contract MixinResolver {
AddressResolver public resolver;
mapping(bytes32 => address) private addressCache;
constructor(address _resolver) internal {
resolver = AddressResolver(_resolver);
/* ========== INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ========== */
function combineArrays(bytes32[] memory first, bytes32[] memory second)
returns (bytes32[] memory combination)
combination = new bytes32[](first.length + second.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
combination[i] = first[i];
for (uint j = 0; j < second.length; j++) {
combination[first.length + j] = second[j];
/* ========== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ========== */
// Note: this function is public not external in order for it to be overridden and invoked via super in subclasses
function resolverAddressesRequired() public view returns (bytes32[] memory addresses) {}
function rebuildCache() public {
bytes32[] memory requiredAddresses = resolverAddressesRequired();
// The resolver must call this function whenver it updates its state
for (uint i = 0; i < requiredAddresses.length; i++) {
bytes32 name = requiredAddresses[i];
// Note: can only be invoked once the resolver has all the targets needed added
address destination = resolver.requireAndGetAddress(
string(abi.encodePacked("Resolver missing target: ", name))
addressCache[name] = destination;
emit CacheUpdated(name, destination);
/* ========== VIEWS ========== */
function isResolverCached() external view returns (bool) {
bytes32[] memory requiredAddresses = resolverAddressesRequired();
for (uint i = 0; i < requiredAddresses.length; i++) {
bytes32 name = requiredAddresses[i];
// false if our cache is invalid or if the resolver doesn't have the required address
if (resolver.getAddress(name) != addressCache[name] || addressCache[name] == address(0)) {
return false;
return true;
/* ========== INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ========== */
function requireAndGetAddress(bytes32 name) internal view returns (address) {
address _foundAddress = addressCache[name];
require(_foundAddress != address(0), string(abi.encodePacked("Missing address: ", name)));
return _foundAddress;
/* ========== EVENTS ========== */
event CacheUpdated(bytes32 name, address destination);
interface IFlexibleStorage {
// Views
function getUIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (uint);
function getUIntValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (uint[] memory);
function getIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (int);
function getIntValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (int[] memory);
function getAddressValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (address);
function getAddressValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (address[] memory);
function getBoolValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (bool);
function getBoolValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (bool[] memory);
function getBytes32Value(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (bytes32);
function getBytes32Values(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);
// Mutative functions
function deleteUIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;
function deleteIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;
function deleteAddressValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;
function deleteBoolValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;
function deleteBytes32Value(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;
function setUIntValue(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32 record,
uint value
) external;
function setUIntValues(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32[] calldata records,
uint[] calldata values
) external;
function setIntValue(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32 record,
int value
) external;
function setIntValues(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32[] calldata records,
int[] calldata values
) external;
function setAddressValue(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32 record,
address value
) external;
function setAddressValues(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32[] calldata records,
address[] calldata values
) external;
function setBoolValue(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32 record,
bool value
) external;
function setBoolValues(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32[] calldata records,
bool[] calldata values
) external;
function setBytes32Value(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32 record,
bytes32 value
) external;
function setBytes32Values(
bytes32 contractName,
bytes32[] calldata records,
bytes32[] calldata values
) external;
// Internal references
contract MixinSystemSettings is MixinResolver {
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_CONTRACT_NAME = "SystemSettings";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_WAITING_PERIOD_SECS = "waitingPeriodSecs";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_PRICE_DEVIATION_THRESHOLD_FACTOR = "priceDeviationThresholdFactor";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_ISSUANCE_RATIO = "issuanceRatio";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION = "feePeriodDuration";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_TARGET_THRESHOLD = "targetThreshold";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_LIQUIDATION_DELAY = "liquidationDelay";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_LIQUIDATION_RATIO = "liquidationRatio";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY = "liquidationPenalty";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_RATE_STALE_PERIOD = "rateStalePeriod";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE = "exchangeFeeRate";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_MINIMUM_STAKE_TIME = "minimumStakeTime";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_AGGREGATOR_WARNING_FLAGS = "aggregatorWarningFlags";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_TRADING_REWARDS_ENABLED = "tradingRewardsEnabled";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_DEBT_SNAPSHOT_STALE_TIME = "debtSnapshotStaleTime";
bytes32 internal constant SETTING_CROSS_DOMAIN_MESSAGE_GAS_LIMIT = "crossDomainMessageGasLimit";
bytes32 internal constant CONTRACT_FLEXIBLESTORAGE = "FlexibleStorage";
constructor(address _resolver) internal MixinResolver(_resolver) {}
function resolverAddressesRequired() public view returns (bytes32[] memory addresses) {
addresses = new bytes32[](1);
function flexibleStorage() internal view returns (IFlexibleStorage) {
return IFlexibleStorage(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_FLEXIBLESTORAGE));
function getCrossDomainMessageGasLimit() internal view returns (uint) {
function getTradingRewardsEnabled() internal view returns (bool) {
function getWaitingPeriodSecs() internal view returns (uint) {
function getPriceDeviationThresholdFactor() internal view returns (uint) {
function getIssuanceRatio() internal view returns (uint) {
// lookup on flexible storage directly for gas savings (rather than via SystemSettings)
function getFeePeriodDuration() internal view returns (uint) {
// lookup on flexible storage directly for gas savings (rather than via SystemSettings)
function getTargetThreshold() internal view returns (uint) {
// lookup on flexible storage directly for gas savings (rather than via SystemSettings)
function getLiquidationDelay() internal view returns (uint) {
function getLiquidationRatio() internal view returns (uint) {
function getLiquidationPenalty() internal view returns (uint) {
function getRateStalePeriod() internal view returns (uint) {
function getExchangeFeeRate(bytes32 currencyKey) internal view returns (uint) {
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(SETTING_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE, currencyKey))
function getMinimumStakeTime() internal view returns (uint) {
function getAggregatorWarningFlags() internal view returns (address) {
function getDebtSnapshotStaleTime() internal view returns (uint) {
interface IDebtCache {
// Views
function cachedDebt() external view returns (uint);
function cachedSynthDebt(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint);
function cacheTimestamp() external view returns (uint);
function cacheInvalid() external view returns (bool);
function cacheStale() external view returns (bool);
function currentSynthDebts(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys)
returns (uint[] memory debtValues, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function cachedSynthDebts(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external view returns (uint[] memory debtValues);
function currentDebt() external view returns (uint debt, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function cacheInfo()
returns (
uint debt,
uint timestamp,
bool isInvalid,
bool isStale
// Mutative functions
function takeDebtSnapshot() external;
function updateCachedSynthDebts(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external;
* @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations with added overflow
* checks.
* Arithmetic operations in Solidity wrap on overflow. This can easily result
* in bugs, because programmers usually assume that an overflow raises an
* error, which is the standard behavior in high level programming languages.
* `SafeMath` restores this intuition by reverting the transaction when an
* operation overflows.
* Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
* class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
library SafeMath {
* @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Addition cannot overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
return c;
* @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow (when the result is negative).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Subtraction cannot overflow.
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
* @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Multiplication cannot overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");
return c;
* @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on
* division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
* `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
* uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero");
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
* Reverts when dividing by zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
* opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
* invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0, "SafeMath: modulo by zero");
return a % b;
// Libraries
library SafeDecimalMath {
using SafeMath for uint;
/* Number of decimal places in the representations. */
uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
uint8 public constant highPrecisionDecimals = 27;
/* The number representing 1.0. */
uint public constant UNIT = 10**uint(decimals);
/* The number representing 1.0 for higher fidelity numbers. */
uint public constant PRECISE_UNIT = 10**uint(highPrecisionDecimals);
uint private constant UNIT_TO_HIGH_PRECISION_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 10**uint(highPrecisionDecimals - decimals);
* @return Provides an interface to UNIT.
function unit() external pure returns (uint) {
return UNIT;
* @return Provides an interface to PRECISE_UNIT.
function preciseUnit() external pure returns (uint) {
* @return The result of multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands as fixed-point
* decimals.
* @dev A unit factor is divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated,
* so that product must be less than 2**256. As this is an integer division,
* the internal division always rounds down. This helps save on gas. Rounding
* is more expensive on gas.
function multiplyDecimal(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
/* Divide by UNIT to remove the extra factor introduced by the product. */
return x.mul(y) / UNIT;
* @return The result of safely multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands
* as fixed-point decimals of the specified precision unit.
* @dev The operands should be in the form of a the specified unit factor which will be
* divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated, so that product must be
* less than 2**256.
* Unlike multiplyDecimal, this function rounds the result to the nearest increment.
* Rounding is useful when you need to retain fidelity for small decimal numbers
* (eg. small fractions or percentages).
function _multiplyDecimalRound(
uint x,
uint y,
uint precisionUnit
) private pure returns (uint) {
/* Divide by UNIT to remove the extra factor introduced by the product. */
uint quotientTimesTen = x.mul(y) / (precisionUnit / 10);
if (quotientTimesTen % 10 >= 5) {
quotientTimesTen += 10;
return quotientTimesTen / 10;
* @return The result of safely multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands
* as fixed-point decimals of a precise unit.
* @dev The operands should be in the precise unit factor which will be
* divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated, so that product must be
* less than 2**256.
* Unlike multiplyDecimal, this function rounds the result to the nearest increment.
* Rounding is useful when you need to retain fidelity for small decimal numbers
* (eg. small fractions or percentages).
function multiplyDecimalRoundPrecise(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return _multiplyDecimalRound(x, y, PRECISE_UNIT);
* @return The result of safely multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands
* as fixed-point decimals of a standard unit.
* @dev The operands should be in the standard unit factor which will be
* divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated, so that product must be
* less than 2**256.
* Unlike multiplyDecimal, this function rounds the result to the nearest increment.
* Rounding is useful when you need to retain fidelity for small decimal numbers
* (eg. small fractions or percentages).
function multiplyDecimalRound(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return _multiplyDecimalRound(x, y, UNIT);
* @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is a high
* precision decimal.
* @dev y is divided after the product of x and the standard precision unit
* is evaluated, so the product of x and UNIT must be less than 2**256. As
* this is an integer division, the result is always rounded down.
* This helps save on gas. Rounding is more expensive on gas.
function divideDecimal(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
/* Reintroduce the UNIT factor that will be divided out by y. */
return x.mul(UNIT).div(y);
* @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is as a rounded
* decimal in the precision unit specified in the parameter.
* @dev y is divided after the product of x and the specified precision unit
* is evaluated, so the product of x and the specified precision unit must
* be less than 2**256. The result is rounded to the nearest increment.
function _divideDecimalRound(
uint x,
uint y,
uint precisionUnit
) private pure returns (uint) {
uint resultTimesTen = x.mul(precisionUnit * 10).div(y);
if (resultTimesTen % 10 >= 5) {
resultTimesTen += 10;
return resultTimesTen / 10;
* @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is as a rounded
* standard precision decimal.
* @dev y is divided after the product of x and the standard precision unit
* is evaluated, so the product of x and the standard precision unit must
* be less than 2**256. The result is rounded to the nearest increment.
function divideDecimalRound(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return _divideDecimalRound(x, y, UNIT);
* @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is as a rounded
* high precision decimal.
* @dev y is divided after the product of x and the high precision unit
* is evaluated, so the product of x and the high precision unit must
* be less than 2**256. The result is rounded to the nearest increment.
function divideDecimalRoundPrecise(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
return _divideDecimalRound(x, y, PRECISE_UNIT);
* @dev Convert a standard decimal representation to a high precision one.
function decimalToPreciseDecimal(uint i) internal pure returns (uint) {
* @dev Convert a high precision decimal to a standard decimal representation.
function preciseDecimalToDecimal(uint i) internal pure returns (uint) {
uint quotientTimesTen = i / (UNIT_TO_HIGH_PRECISION_CONVERSION_FACTOR / 10);
if (quotientTimesTen % 10 >= 5) {
quotientTimesTen += 10;
return quotientTimesTen / 10;
interface IVirtualSynth {
// Views
function balanceOfUnderlying(address account) external view returns (uint);
function rate() external view returns (uint);
function readyToSettle() external view returns (bool);
function secsLeftInWaitingPeriod() external view returns (uint);
function settled() external view returns (bool);
function synth() external view returns (ISynth);
// Mutative functions
function settle(address account) external;
interface IExchanger {
// Views
function calculateAmountAfterSettlement(
address from,
bytes32 currencyKey,
uint amount,
uint refunded
) external view returns (uint amountAfterSettlement);
function isSynthRateInvalid(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function maxSecsLeftInWaitingPeriod(address account, bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint);
function settlementOwing(address account, bytes32 currencyKey)
returns (
uint reclaimAmount,
uint rebateAmount,
uint numEntries
function hasWaitingPeriodOrSettlementOwing(address account, bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function feeRateForExchange(bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey, bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey)
returns (uint exchangeFeeRate);
function getAmountsForExchange(
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey
returns (
uint amountReceived,
uint fee,
uint exchangeFeeRate
function priceDeviationThresholdFactor() external view returns (uint);
function waitingPeriodSecs() external view returns (uint);
// Mutative functions
function exchange(
address from,
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey,
address destinationAddress
) external returns (uint amountReceived);
function exchangeOnBehalf(
address exchangeForAddress,
address from,
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey
) external returns (uint amountReceived);
function exchangeWithTracking(
address from,
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey,
address destinationAddress,
address originator,
bytes32 trackingCode
) external returns (uint amountReceived);
function exchangeOnBehalfWithTracking(
address exchangeForAddress,
address from,
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey,
address originator,
bytes32 trackingCode
) external returns (uint amountReceived);
function exchangeWithVirtual(
address from,
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey,
address destinationAddress,
bytes32 trackingCode
) external returns (uint amountReceived, IVirtualSynth vSynth);
function settle(address from, bytes32 currencyKey)
returns (
uint reclaimed,
uint refunded,
uint numEntries
function setLastExchangeRateForSynth(bytes32 currencyKey, uint rate) external;
function suspendSynthWithInvalidRate(bytes32 currencyKey) external;
interface IExchangeRates {
// Structs
struct RateAndUpdatedTime {
uint216 rate;
uint40 time;
struct InversePricing {
uint entryPoint;
uint upperLimit;
uint lowerLimit;
bool frozenAtUpperLimit;
bool frozenAtLowerLimit;
// Views
function aggregators(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (address);
function aggregatorWarningFlags() external view returns (address);
function anyRateIsInvalid(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external view returns (bool);
function canFreezeRate(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function currentRoundForRate(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint);
function currenciesUsingAggregator(address aggregator) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);
function effectiveValue(
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey
) external view returns (uint value);
function effectiveValueAndRates(
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey
returns (
uint value,
uint sourceRate,
uint destinationRate
function effectiveValueAtRound(
bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey,
uint sourceAmount,
bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey,
uint roundIdForSrc,
uint roundIdForDest
) external view returns (uint value);
function getCurrentRoundId(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint);
function getLastRoundIdBeforeElapsedSecs(
bytes32 currencyKey,
uint startingRoundId,
uint startingTimestamp,
uint timediff
) external view returns (uint);
function inversePricing(bytes32 currencyKey)
returns (
uint entryPoint,
uint upperLimit,
uint lowerLimit,
bool frozenAtUpperLimit,
bool frozenAtLowerLimit
function lastRateUpdateTimes(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint256);
function oracle() external view returns (address);
function rateAndTimestampAtRound(bytes32 currencyKey, uint roundId) external view returns (uint rate, uint time);
function rateAndUpdatedTime(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint rate, uint time);
function rateAndInvalid(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint rate, bool isInvalid);
function rateForCurrency(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint);
function rateIsFlagged(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function rateIsFrozen(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function rateIsInvalid(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function rateIsStale(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
function rateStalePeriod() external view returns (uint);
function ratesAndUpdatedTimeForCurrencyLastNRounds(bytes32 currencyKey, uint numRounds)
returns (uint[] memory rates, uint[] memory times);
function ratesAndInvalidForCurrencies(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys)
returns (uint[] memory rates, bool anyRateInvalid);
function ratesForCurrencies(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external view returns (uint[] memory);
// Mutative functions
function freezeRate(bytes32 currencyKey) external;
interface ISystemStatus {
struct Status {
bool canSuspend;
bool canResume;
struct Suspension {
bool suspended;
// reason is an integer code,
// 0 => no reason, 1 => upgrading, 2+ => defined by system usage
uint248 reason;
// Views
function accessControl(bytes32 section, address account) external view returns (bool canSuspend, bool canResume);
function requireSystemActive() external view;
function requireIssuanceActive() external view;
function requireExchangeActive() external view;
function requireSynthActive(bytes32 currencyKey) external view;
function requireSynthsActive(bytes32 sourceCurrencyKey, bytes32 destinationCurrencyKey) external view;
function synthSuspension(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool suspended, uint248 reason);
// Restricted functions
function suspendSynth(bytes32 currencyKey, uint256 reason) external;
function updateAccessControl(
bytes32 section,
address account,
bool canSuspend,
bool canResume
) external;
interface IEtherCollateral {
// Views
function totalIssuedSynths() external view returns (uint256);
function totalLoansCreated() external view returns (uint256);
function totalOpenLoanCount() external view returns (uint256);
// Mutative functions
function openLoan() external payable returns (uint256 loanID);
function closeLoan(uint256 loanID) external;
function liquidateUnclosedLoan(address _loanCreatorsAddress, uint256 _loanID) external;
interface IEtherCollateralsUSD {
// Views
function totalIssuedSynths() external view returns (uint256);
function totalLoansCreated() external view returns (uint256);
function totalOpenLoanCount() external view returns (uint256);
// Mutative functions
function openLoan(uint256 _loanAmount) external payable returns (uint256 loanID);
function closeLoan(uint256 loanID) external;
function liquidateUnclosedLoan(address _loanCreatorsAddress, uint256 _loanID) external;
function depositCollateral(address account, uint256 loanID) external payable;
function withdrawCollateral(uint256 loanID, uint256 withdrawAmount) external;
function repayLoan(
address _loanCreatorsAddress,
uint256 _loanID,
uint256 _repayAmount
) external;
interface IERC20 {
// ERC20 Optional Views
function name() external view returns (string memory);
function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
// Views
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint);
// Mutative functions
function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint value
) external returns (bool);
// Events
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
interface ICollateralManager {
// Manager information
function hasCollateral(address collateral) external view returns (bool);
function isSynthManaged(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (bool);
// State information
function long(bytes32 synth) external view returns (uint amount);
function short(bytes32 synth) external view returns (uint amount);
function totalLong() external view returns (uint susdValue, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function totalShort() external view returns (uint susdValue, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function getBorrowRate() external view returns (uint borrowRate, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function getShortRate(bytes32 synth) external view returns (uint shortRate, bool rateIsInvalid);
function getRatesAndTime(uint index)
returns (
uint entryRate,
uint lastRate,
uint lastUpdated,
uint newIndex
function getShortRatesAndTime(bytes32 currency, uint index)
returns (
uint entryRate,
uint lastRate,
uint lastUpdated,
uint newIndex
function exceedsDebtLimit(uint amount, bytes32 currency) external view returns (bool canIssue, bool anyRateIsInvalid);
function areSynthsAndCurrenciesSet(bytes32[] calldata requiredSynthNamesInResolver, bytes32[] calldata synthKeys)
returns (bool);
function areShortableSynthsSet(bytes32[] calldata requiredSynthNamesInResolver, bytes32[] calldata synthKeys)
returns (bool);
// Loans
function getNewLoanId() external returns (uint id);
// Manager mutative
function addCollaterals(address[] calldata collaterals) external;
function removeCollaterals(address[] calldata collaterals) external;
function addSynths(bytes32[] calldata synthNamesInResolver, bytes32[] calldata synthKeys) external;
function removeSynths(bytes32[] calldata synths, bytes32[] calldata synthKeys) external;
function addShortableSynths(bytes32[2][] calldata requiredSynthAndInverseNamesInResolver, bytes32[] calldata synthKeys)
function removeShortableSynths(bytes32[] calldata synths) external;
// State mutative
function updateBorrowRates(uint rate) external;
function updateShortRates(bytes32 currency, uint rate) external;
function incrementLongs(bytes32 synth, uint amount) external;
function decrementLongs(bytes32 synth, uint amount) external;
function incrementShorts(bytes32 synth, uint amount) external;
function decrementShorts(bytes32 synth, uint amount) external;
// Inheritance
// Libraries
// Internal references
contract DebtCache is Owned, MixinSystemSettings, IDebtCache {
using SafeMath for uint;
using SafeDecimalMath for uint;
uint internal _cachedDebt;
mapping(bytes32 => uint) internal _cachedSynthDebt;
uint internal _cacheTimestamp;
bool internal _cacheInvalid = true;
/* ========== ENCODED NAMES ========== */
bytes32 internal constant sUSD = "sUSD";
bytes32 internal constant sETH = "sETH";
/* ========== ADDRESS RESOLVER CONFIGURATION ========== */
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_ISSUER = "Issuer";
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_EXCHANGER = "Exchanger";
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_EXRATES = "ExchangeRates";
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_SYSTEMSTATUS = "SystemStatus";
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_ETHERCOLLATERAL = "EtherCollateral";
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_ETHERCOLLATERAL_SUSD = "EtherCollateralsUSD";
bytes32 private constant CONTRACT_COLLATERALMANAGER = "CollateralManager";
constructor(address _owner, address _resolver) public Owned(_owner) MixinSystemSettings(_resolver) {}
/* ========== VIEWS ========== */
function resolverAddressesRequired() public view returns (bytes32[] memory addresses) {
bytes32[] memory existingAddresses = MixinSystemSettings.resolverAddressesRequired();
bytes32[] memory newAddresses = new bytes32[](7);
newAddresses[0] = CONTRACT_ISSUER;
newAddresses[1] = CONTRACT_EXCHANGER;
newAddresses[2] = CONTRACT_EXRATES;
addresses = combineArrays(existingAddresses, newAddresses);
function issuer() internal view returns (IIssuer) {
return IIssuer(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_ISSUER));
function exchanger() internal view returns (IExchanger) {
return IExchanger(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_EXCHANGER));
function exchangeRates() internal view returns (IExchangeRates) {
return IExchangeRates(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_EXRATES));
function systemStatus() internal view returns (ISystemStatus) {
return ISystemStatus(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_SYSTEMSTATUS));
function etherCollateral() internal view returns (IEtherCollateral) {
return IEtherCollateral(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_ETHERCOLLATERAL));
function etherCollateralsUSD() internal view returns (IEtherCollateralsUSD) {
return IEtherCollateralsUSD(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_ETHERCOLLATERAL_SUSD));
function collateralManager() internal view returns (ICollateralManager) {
return ICollateralManager(requireAndGetAddress(CONTRACT_COLLATERALMANAGER));
function debtSnapshotStaleTime() external view returns (uint) {
return getDebtSnapshotStaleTime();
function cachedDebt() external view returns (uint) {
return _cachedDebt;
function cachedSynthDebt(bytes32 currencyKey) external view returns (uint) {
return _cachedSynthDebt[currencyKey];
function cacheTimestamp() external view returns (uint) {
return _cacheTimestamp;
function cacheInvalid() external view returns (bool) {
return _cacheInvalid;
function _cacheStale(uint timestamp) internal view returns (bool) {
// Note a 0 timestamp means that the cache is uninitialised.
// We'll keep the check explicitly in case the stale time is
// ever set to something higher than the current unix time (e.g. to turn off staleness).
return getDebtSnapshotStaleTime() < block.timestamp - timestamp || timestamp == 0;
function cacheStale() external view returns (bool) {
return _cacheStale(_cacheTimestamp);
function _issuedSynthValues(bytes32[] memory currencyKeys, uint[] memory rates) internal view returns (uint[] memory) {
uint numValues = currencyKeys.length;
uint[] memory values = new uint[](numValues);
ISynth[] memory synths = issuer().getSynths(currencyKeys);
for (uint i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
bytes32 key = currencyKeys[i];
address synthAddress = address(synths[i]);
require(synthAddress != address(0), "Synth does not exist");
uint supply = IERC20(synthAddress).totalSupply();
if (collateralManager().isSynthManaged(key)) {
uint collateralIssued = collateralManager().long(key);
// this is an edge case --
// if a synth other than sUSD is only issued by non SNX collateral
// the long value will exceed the supply if there was a minting fee,
// so we check explicitly and 0 it out to prevent
// a safesub overflow.
if (collateralIssued > supply) {
supply = 0;
} else {
supply = supply.sub(collateralIssued);
bool isSUSD = key == sUSD;
if (isSUSD || key == sETH) {
IEtherCollateral etherCollateralContract = isSUSD
? IEtherCollateral(address(etherCollateralsUSD()))
: etherCollateral();
uint etherCollateralSupply = etherCollateralContract.totalIssuedSynths();
supply = supply.sub(etherCollateralSupply);
values[i] = supply.multiplyDecimalRound(rates[i]);
return values;
function _currentSynthDebts(bytes32[] memory currencyKeys)
returns (uint[] memory snxIssuedDebts, bool anyRateIsInvalid)
(uint[] memory rates, bool isInvalid) = exchangeRates().ratesAndInvalidForCurrencies(currencyKeys);
return (_issuedSynthValues(currencyKeys, rates), isInvalid);
function currentSynthDebts(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys)
returns (uint[] memory debtValues, bool anyRateIsInvalid)
return _currentSynthDebts(currencyKeys);
function _cachedSynthDebts(bytes32[] memory currencyKeys) internal view returns (uint[] memory) {
uint numKeys = currencyKeys.length;
uint[] memory debts = new uint[](numKeys);
for (uint i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
debts[i] = _cachedSynthDebt[currencyKeys[i]];
return debts;
function cachedSynthDebts(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external view returns (uint[] memory snxIssuedDebts) {
return _cachedSynthDebts(currencyKeys);
function _currentDebt() internal view returns (uint debt, bool anyRateIsInvalid) {
(uint[] memory values, bool isInvalid) = _currentSynthDebts(issuer().availableCurrencyKeys());
uint numValues = values.length;
uint total;
for (uint i; i < numValues; i++) {
total = total.add(values[i]);
// subtract the USD value of all shorts.
(uint susdValue, bool shortInvalid) = collateralManager().totalShort();
total = total.sub(susdValue);
isInvalid = isInvalid || shortInvalid;
return (total, isInvalid);
function currentDebt() external view returns (uint debt, bool anyRateIsInvalid) {
return _currentDebt();
function cacheInfo()
returns (
uint debt,
uint timestamp,
bool isInvalid,
bool isStale
uint time = _cacheTimestamp;
return (_cachedDebt, time, _cacheInvalid, _cacheStale(time));
/* ========== MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ========== */
// This function exists in case a synth is ever somehow removed without its snapshot being updated.
function purgeCachedSynthDebt(bytes32 currencyKey) external onlyOwner {
require(issuer().synths(currencyKey) == ISynth(0), "Synth exists");
delete _cachedSynthDebt[currencyKey];
function takeDebtSnapshot() external requireSystemActiveIfNotOwner {
bytes32[] memory currencyKeys = issuer().availableCurrencyKeys();
(uint[] memory values, bool isInvalid) = _currentSynthDebts(currencyKeys);
// Subtract the USD value of all shorts.
(uint shortValue, ) = collateralManager().totalShort();
uint numValues = values.length;
uint snxCollateralDebt;
for (uint i; i < numValues; i++) {
uint value = values[i];
snxCollateralDebt = snxCollateralDebt.add(value);
_cachedSynthDebt[currencyKeys[i]] = value;
_cachedDebt = snxCollateralDebt.sub(shortValue);
_cacheTimestamp = block.timestamp;
emit DebtCacheUpdated(snxCollateralDebt);
emit DebtCacheSnapshotTaken(block.timestamp);
// (in)validate the cache if necessary
function updateCachedSynthDebts(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys) external requireSystemActiveIfNotOwner {
(uint[] memory rates, bool anyRateInvalid) = exchangeRates().ratesAndInvalidForCurrencies(currencyKeys);
_updateCachedSynthDebtsWithRates(currencyKeys, rates, anyRateInvalid);
function updateCachedSynthDebtWithRate(bytes32 currencyKey, uint currencyRate) external onlyIssuer {
bytes32[] memory synthKeyArray = new bytes32[](1);
synthKeyArray[0] = currencyKey;
uint[] memory synthRateArray = new uint[](1);
synthRateArray[0] = currencyRate;
_updateCachedSynthDebtsWithRates(synthKeyArray, synthRateArray, false);
function updateCachedSynthDebtsWithRates(bytes32[] calldata currencyKeys, uint[] calldata currencyRates)
_updateCachedSynthDebtsWithRates(currencyKeys, currencyRates, false);
function updateDebtCacheValidity(bool currentlyInvalid) external onlyIssuer {
/* ========== INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ========== */
function _updateDebtCacheValidity(bool currentlyInvalid) internal {
if (_cacheInvalid != currentlyInvalid) {
_cacheInvalid = currentlyInvalid;
emit DebtCacheValidityChanged(currentlyInvalid);
function _updateCachedSynthDebtsWithRates(
bytes32[] memory currencyKeys,
uint[] memory currentRates,
bool anyRateIsInvalid
) internal {
uint numKeys = currencyKeys.length;
require(numKeys == currentRates.length, "Input array lengths differ");
// Update the cached values for each synth, saving the sums as we go.
uint cachedSum;
uint currentSum;
uint[] memory currentValues = _issuedSynthValues(currencyKeys, currentRates);
for (uint i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
bytes32 key = currencyKeys[i];
uint currentSynthDebt = currentValues[i];
cachedSum = cachedSum.add(_cachedSynthDebt[key]);
currentSum = currentSum.add(currentSynthDebt);
_cachedSynthDebt[key] = currentSynthDebt;
// Compute the difference and apply it to the snapshot
if (cachedSum != currentSum) {
uint debt = _cachedDebt;
// This requirement should never fail, as the total debt snapshot is the sum of the individual synth
// debt snapshots.
require(cachedSum <= debt, "Cached synth sum exceeds total debt");
debt = debt.sub(cachedSum).add(currentSum);
_cachedDebt = debt;
emit DebtCacheUpdated(debt);
// A partial update can invalidate the debt cache, but a full snapshot must be performed in order
// to re-validate it.
if (anyRateIsInvalid) {
/* ========== MODIFIERS ========== */
function _requireSystemActiveIfNotOwner() internal view {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
modifier requireSystemActiveIfNotOwner() {
function _onlyIssuer() internal view {
require(msg.sender == address(issuer()), "Sender is not Issuer");
modifier onlyIssuer() {
function _onlyIssuerOrExchanger() internal view {
require(msg.sender == address(issuer()) || msg.sender == address(exchanger()), "Sender is not Issuer or Exchanger");
modifier onlyIssuerOrExchanger() {
/* ========== EVENTS ========== */
event DebtCacheUpdated(uint cachedDebt);
event DebtCacheSnapshotTaken(uint timestamp);
event DebtCacheValidityChanged(bool indexed isInvalid);