Contract Name:
Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : TinlakeRoot
// Verified using
// hevm: flattened sources of src/root.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.5.15 >=0.6.12;
////// lib/tinlake-auth/src/auth.sol
// Copyright (C) Centrifuge 2020, based on MakerDAO dss
/* pragma solidity >=0.5.15; */
contract Auth {
mapping (address => uint256) public wards;
event Rely(address indexed usr);
event Deny(address indexed usr);
function rely(address usr) external auth {
wards[usr] = 1;
emit Rely(usr);
function deny(address usr) external auth {
wards[usr] = 0;
emit Deny(usr);
modifier auth {
require(wards[msg.sender] == 1, "not-authorized");
////// src/root.sol
/* pragma solidity >=0.6.12; */
/* import "tinlake-auth/auth.sol"; */
interface AuthLike_4 {
function rely(address) external;
function deny(address) external;
interface DependLike_4 {
function depend(bytes32, address) external;
interface BorrowerDeployerLike {
function collector() external returns (address);
function feed() external returns (address);
function shelf() external returns (address);
function title() external returns (address);
interface LenderDeployerLike_2 {
function assessor() external returns (address);
function reserve() external returns (address);
function poolAdmin() external returns (address);
interface AdapterDeployerLike_1 {
function mgr() external returns (address);
function wireAdapter() external;
interface PoolAdminLike_2 {
function rely(address) external;
function relyAdmin(address) external;
contract TinlakeRoot is Auth {
BorrowerDeployerLike public borrowerDeployer;
LenderDeployerLike_2 public lenderDeployer;
AdapterDeployerLike_1 public adapterDeployer;
bool public deployed;
address public deployUsr;
address public immutable governance;
address public oracle;
address[] public poolAdmins;
constructor (address deployUsr_, address governance_) {
deployUsr = deployUsr_;
governance = governance_;
wards[governance_] = 1;
emit Rely(governance_);
// --- Prepare ---
// Sets the two deployer dependencies. This needs to be called by the deployUsr
function prepare(address lender_, address borrower_, address adapter_, address oracle_, address[] memory poolAdmins_) public {
require(deployUsr == msg.sender);
borrowerDeployer = BorrowerDeployerLike(borrower_);
lenderDeployer = LenderDeployerLike_2(lender_);
if (adapter_ != address(0)) adapterDeployer = AdapterDeployerLike_1(adapter_);
oracle = oracle_;
poolAdmins = poolAdmins_;
deployUsr = address(0); // disallow the deploy user to call this more than once.
function prepare(address lender_, address borrower_, address adapter_) public {
prepare(lender_, borrower_, adapter_, address(0), new address[](0));
function prepare(address lender_, address borrower_) public {
prepare(lender_, borrower_, address(0), address(0), new address[](0));
// --- Deploy ---
// After going through the deploy process on the lender and borrower method, this method is called to connect
// lender and borrower contracts.
function deploy() public {
require(address(borrowerDeployer) != address(0) && address(lenderDeployer) != address(0) && deployed == false);
deployed = true;
address reserve_ = lenderDeployer.reserve();
address shelf_ = borrowerDeployer.shelf();
address assessor_ = lenderDeployer.assessor();
// Borrower depends
DependLike_4(borrowerDeployer.collector()).depend("reserve", reserve_);
DependLike_4(borrowerDeployer.shelf()).depend("lender", reserve_);
DependLike_4(borrowerDeployer.shelf()).depend("reserve", reserve_);
DependLike_4(borrowerDeployer.shelf()).depend("assessor", assessor_);
// Lender depends
address navFeed = borrowerDeployer.feed();
DependLike_4(reserve_).depend("shelf", shelf_);
DependLike_4(assessor_).depend("navFeed", navFeed);
// Lender wards
if (oracle != address(0)) AuthLike_4(navFeed).rely(oracle);
// directly relying governance so it can be used to directly add/remove pool admins without going through the root
PoolAdminLike_2 poolAdmin = PoolAdminLike_2(lenderDeployer.poolAdmin());
for (uint i = 0; i < poolAdmins.length; i++) {
// --- Governance Functions ---
// `relyContract` & `denyContract` can be called by any ward on the TinlakeRoot
// contract to make an arbitrary address a ward on any contract the TinlakeRoot
// is a ward on.
function relyContract(address target, address usr) public auth {
function denyContract(address target, address usr) public auth {