ETH Price: $3,526.18 (+0.56%)
Gas: 3 Gwei

Contract Diff Checker

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File 1 of 1 : Vyper_contract

# @version 0.3.3
@title Boost Delegation V2
@author CurveFi

event Approval:
    _owner: indexed(address)
    _spender: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

event Transfer:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _value: uint256

event Boost:
    _from: indexed(address)
    _to: indexed(address)
    _bias: uint256
    _slope: uint256
    _start: uint256

event Migrate:
    _token_id: indexed(uint256)

interface BoostV1:
    def ownerOf(_token_id: uint256) -> address: view
    def token_boost(_token_id: uint256) -> int256: view
    def token_expiry(_token_id: uint256) -> uint256: view

interface VotingEscrow:
    def balanceOf(_user: address) -> uint256: view
    def totalSupply() -> uint256: view
    def locked__end(_user: address) -> uint256: view

struct Point:
    bias: uint256
    slope: uint256
    ts: uint256

NAME: constant(String[32]) = "Vote-Escrowed Boost"
SYMBOL: constant(String[8]) = "veBoost"
VERSION: constant(String[8]) = "v2.0.0"

EIP712_TYPEHASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract,bytes32 salt)")
PERMIT_TYPEHASH: constant(bytes32) = keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)")

WEEK: constant(uint256) = 86400 * 7

DOMAIN_SEPARATOR: immutable(bytes32)
VE: immutable(address)

allowance: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]])
nonces: public(HashMap[address, uint256])

delegated: public(HashMap[address, Point])
delegated_slope_changes: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])

received: public(HashMap[address, Point])
received_slope_changes: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[uint256, uint256]])

migrated: public(HashMap[uint256, bool])

def __init__( _ve: address):
    DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(_abi_encode(EIP712_TYPEHASH, keccak256(NAME), keccak256(VERSION),, self, block.prevhash))
    VE = _ve

    log Transfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, msg.sender, 0)

def _checkpoint_read(_user: address, _delegated: bool) -> Point:
    point: Point = empty(Point)

    if _delegated:
        point = self.delegated[_user]
        point = self.received[_user]

    if point.ts == 0:
        point.ts = block.timestamp

    if point.ts == block.timestamp:
        return point

    ts: uint256 = (point.ts / WEEK) * WEEK
    for _ in range(255):
        ts += WEEK

        dslope: uint256 = 0
        if block.timestamp < ts:
            ts = block.timestamp
            if _delegated:
                dslope = self.delegated_slope_changes[_user][ts]
                dslope = self.received_slope_changes[_user][ts]

        point.bias -= point.slope * (ts - point.ts)
        point.slope -= dslope
        point.ts = ts

        if ts == block.timestamp:

    return point

def _checkpoint_write(_user: address, _delegated: bool) -> Point:
    point: Point = empty(Point)

    if _delegated:
        point = self.delegated[_user]
        point = self.received[_user]

    if point.ts == 0:
        point.ts = block.timestamp

    if point.ts == block.timestamp:
        return point

    dbias: uint256 = 0
    ts: uint256 = (point.ts / WEEK) * WEEK
    for _ in range(255):
        ts += WEEK

        dslope: uint256 = 0
        if block.timestamp < ts:
            ts = block.timestamp
            if _delegated:
                dslope = self.delegated_slope_changes[_user][ts]
                dslope = self.received_slope_changes[_user][ts]

        amount: uint256 = point.slope * (ts - point.ts)

        dbias += amount
        point.bias -= amount
        point.slope -= dslope
        point.ts = ts

        if ts == block.timestamp:

    if _delegated == False and dbias != 0:  # received boost
        log Transfer(_user, ZERO_ADDRESS, dbias)

    return point

def _balance_of(_user: address) -> uint256:
    amount: uint256 = VotingEscrow(VE).balanceOf(_user)

    point: Point = self._checkpoint_read(_user, True)
    amount -= (point.bias - point.slope * (block.timestamp - point.ts))

    point = self._checkpoint_read(_user, False)
    amount += (point.bias - point.slope * (block.timestamp - point.ts))
    return amount

def _boost(_from: address, _to: address, _amount: uint256, _endtime: uint256):
    assert _to not in [_from, ZERO_ADDRESS]
    assert _amount != 0
    assert _endtime > block.timestamp
    assert _endtime % WEEK == 0
    assert _endtime <= VotingEscrow(VE).locked__end(_from)

    # checkpoint delegated point
    point: Point = self._checkpoint_write(_from, True)
    assert _amount <= VotingEscrow(VE).balanceOf(_from) - (point.bias - point.slope * (block.timestamp - point.ts))

    # calculate slope and bias being added
    slope: uint256 = _amount / (_endtime - block.timestamp)
    bias: uint256 = slope * (_endtime - block.timestamp)

    # update delegated point
    point.bias += bias
    point.slope += slope

    # store updated values
    self.delegated[_from] = point
    self.delegated_slope_changes[_from][_endtime] += slope

    # update received amount
    point = self._checkpoint_write(_to, False)
    point.bias += bias
    point.slope += slope

    # store updated values
    self.received[_to] = point
    self.received_slope_changes[_to][_endtime] += slope

    log Transfer(_from, _to, _amount)
    log Boost(_from, _to, bias, slope, block.timestamp)

    # also checkpoint received and delegated
    self.received[_from] = self._checkpoint_write(_from, False)
    self.delegated[_to] = self._checkpoint_write(_to, True)

def boost(_to: address, _amount: uint256, _endtime: uint256, _from: address = msg.sender):
    # reduce approval if necessary
    if _from != msg.sender:
        allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[_from][msg.sender]
        if allowance != MAX_UINT256:
            self.allowance[_from][msg.sender] = allowance - _amount
            log Approval(_from, msg.sender, allowance - _amount)

    self._boost(_from, _to, _amount, _endtime)

def checkpoint_user(_user: address):
    self.delegated[_user] = self._checkpoint_write(_user, True)
    self.received[_user] = self._checkpoint_write(_user, False)

def approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
    self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value

    log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value)
    return True

def permit(_owner: address, _spender: address, _value: uint256, _deadline: uint256, _v: uint8, _r: bytes32, _s: bytes32) -> bool:
    assert _owner != ZERO_ADDRESS
    assert block.timestamp <= _deadline

    nonce: uint256 = self.nonces[_owner]
    digest: bytes32 = keccak256(
            keccak256(_abi_encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _owner, _spender, _value, nonce, _deadline))

    assert ecrecover(digest, convert(_v, uint256), convert(_r, uint256), convert(_s, uint256)) == _owner

    self.allowance[_owner][_spender] = _value
    self.nonces[_owner] = nonce + 1

    log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
    return True

def increaseAllowance(_spender: address, _added_value: uint256) -> bool:
    allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] + _added_value
    self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = allowance

    log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)
    return True

def decreaseAllowance(_spender: address, _subtracted_value: uint256) -> bool:
    allowance: uint256 = self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] - _subtracted_value
    self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = allowance

    log Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowance)
    return True

def balanceOf(_user: address) -> uint256:
    return self._balance_of(_user)

def adjusted_balance_of(_user: address) -> uint256:
    return self._balance_of(_user)

def totalSupply() -> uint256:
    return VotingEscrow(VE).totalSupply()

def delegated_balance(_user: address) -> uint256:
    point: Point = self._checkpoint_read(_user, True)
    return point.bias - point.slope * (block.timestamp - point.ts)

def received_balance(_user: address) -> uint256:
    point: Point = self._checkpoint_read(_user, False)
    return point.bias - point.slope * (block.timestamp - point.ts)

def delegable_balance(_user: address) -> uint256:
    point: Point = self._checkpoint_read(_user, True)
    return VotingEscrow(VE).balanceOf(_user) - (point.bias - point.slope * (block.timestamp - point.ts))

def name() -> String[32]:
    return NAME

def symbol() -> String[8]:
    return SYMBOL

def decimals() -> uint8:
    return 18

def DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() -> bytes32:

def VE() -> address:
    return VE

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