Contract Name:
Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : EtheremonTrade
pragma solidity ^0.4.16;
// copyright [email protected]
contract SafeMath {
/* function assert(bool assertion) internal { */
/* if (!assertion) { */
/* throw; */
/* } */
/* } // assert no longer needed once solidity is on 0.4.10 */
function safeAdd(uint256 x, uint256 y) pure internal returns(uint256) {
uint256 z = x + y;
assert((z >= x) && (z >= y));
return z;
function safeSubtract(uint256 x, uint256 y) pure internal returns(uint256) {
assert(x >= y);
uint256 z = x - y;
return z;
function safeMult(uint256 x, uint256 y) pure internal returns(uint256) {
uint256 z = x * y;
assert((x == 0)||(z/x == y));
return z;
contract BasicAccessControl {
address public owner;
// address[] public moderators;
uint16 public totalModerators = 0;
mapping (address => bool) public moderators;
bool public isMaintaining = true;
function BasicAccessControl() public {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner {
require(msg.sender == owner);
modifier onlyModerators() {
require(msg.sender == owner || moderators[msg.sender] == true);
modifier isActive {
function ChangeOwner(address _newOwner) onlyOwner public {
if (_newOwner != address(0)) {
owner = _newOwner;
function AddModerator(address _newModerator) onlyOwner public {
if (moderators[_newModerator] == false) {
moderators[_newModerator] = true;
totalModerators += 1;
function RemoveModerator(address _oldModerator) onlyOwner public {
if (moderators[_oldModerator] == true) {
moderators[_oldModerator] = false;
totalModerators -= 1;
function UpdateMaintaining(bool _isMaintaining) onlyOwner public {
isMaintaining = _isMaintaining;
contract EtheremonEnum {
enum ResultCode {
enum ArrayType {
contract EtheremonDataBase is EtheremonEnum, BasicAccessControl, SafeMath {
uint64 public totalMonster;
uint32 public totalClass;
// write
function addElementToArrayType(ArrayType _type, uint64 _id, uint8 _value) onlyModerators public returns(uint);
function removeElementOfArrayType(ArrayType _type, uint64 _id, uint8 _value) onlyModerators public returns(uint);
function setMonsterClass(uint32 _classId, uint256 _price, uint256 _returnPrice, bool _catchable) onlyModerators public returns(uint32);
function addMonsterObj(uint32 _classId, address _trainer, string _name) onlyModerators public returns(uint64);
function setMonsterObj(uint64 _objId, string _name, uint32 _exp, uint32 _createIndex, uint32 _lastClaimIndex) onlyModerators public;
function increaseMonsterExp(uint64 _objId, uint32 amount) onlyModerators public;
function decreaseMonsterExp(uint64 _objId, uint32 amount) onlyModerators public;
function removeMonsterIdMapping(address _trainer, uint64 _monsterId) onlyModerators public;
function addMonsterIdMapping(address _trainer, uint64 _monsterId) onlyModerators public;
function clearMonsterReturnBalance(uint64 _monsterId) onlyModerators public returns(uint256 amount);
function collectAllReturnBalance(address _trainer) onlyModerators public returns(uint256 amount);
function transferMonster(address _from, address _to, uint64 _monsterId) onlyModerators public returns(ResultCode);
function addExtraBalance(address _trainer, uint256 _amount) onlyModerators public returns(uint256);
function deductExtraBalance(address _trainer, uint256 _amount) onlyModerators public returns(uint256);
function setExtraBalance(address _trainer, uint256 _amount) onlyModerators public;
// read
function getSizeArrayType(ArrayType _type, uint64 _id) constant public returns(uint);
function getElementInArrayType(ArrayType _type, uint64 _id, uint _index) constant public returns(uint8);
function getMonsterClass(uint32 _classId) constant public returns(uint32 classId, uint256 price, uint256 returnPrice, uint32 total, bool catchable);
function getMonsterObj(uint64 _objId) constant public returns(uint64 objId, uint32 classId, address trainer, uint32 exp, uint32 createIndex, uint32 lastClaimIndex, uint createTime);
function getMonsterName(uint64 _objId) constant public returns(string name);
function getExtraBalance(address _trainer) constant public returns(uint256);
function getMonsterDexSize(address _trainer) constant public returns(uint);
function getMonsterObjId(address _trainer, uint index) constant public returns(uint64);
function getExpectedBalance(address _trainer) constant public returns(uint256);
function getMonsterReturn(uint64 _objId) constant public returns(uint256 current, uint256 total);
interface EtheremonBattleInterface {
function isOnBattle(uint64 _objId) constant external returns(bool) ;
function getMonsterCP(uint64 _objId) constant external returns(uint64);
contract EtheremonTrade is EtheremonEnum, BasicAccessControl, SafeMath {
uint8 constant public GEN0_NO = 24;
struct MonsterClassAcc {
uint32 classId;
uint256 price;
uint256 returnPrice;
uint32 total;
bool catchable;
struct MonsterObjAcc {
uint64 monsterId;
uint32 classId;
address trainer;
string name;
uint32 exp;
uint32 createIndex;
uint32 lastClaimIndex;
uint createTime;
// Gen0 has return price & no longer can be caught when this contract is deployed
struct Gen0Config {
uint32 classId;
uint256 originalPrice;
uint256 returnPrice;
uint32 total; // total caught (not count those from eggs)
struct BorrowItem {
uint index;
address owner;
address borrower;
uint256 price;
bool lent;
uint releaseTime;
struct SellingItem {
uint index;
uint256 price;
struct SoldItem {
uint64 objId;
uint256 price;
uint time;
// data contract
address public dataContract;
address public battleContract;
mapping(uint32 => Gen0Config) public gen0Config;
// for selling
mapping(uint64 => SellingItem) public sellingDict;
uint32 public totalSellingItem;
uint64[] public sellingList;
// for borrowing
mapping(uint64 => BorrowItem) public borrowingDict;
uint32 public totalBorrowingItem;
uint64[] public borrowingList;
mapping(address => uint64[]) public lendingList;
mapping(address => SoldItem[]) public soldList;
// trading fee
uint16 public tradingFeePercentage = 1;
uint8 public maxLendingItem = 10;
modifier requireDataContract {
require(dataContract != address(0));
modifier requireBattleContract {
require(battleContract != address(0));
// event
event EventPlaceSellOrder(address indexed seller, uint64 objId);
event EventBuyItem(address indexed buyer, uint64 objId);
event EventOfferBorrowingItem(address indexed lender, uint64 objId);
event EventAcceptBorrowItem(address indexed borrower, uint64 objId);
event EventGetBackItem(address indexed owner, uint64 objId);
event EventFreeTransferItem(address indexed sender, address indexed receiver, uint64 objId);
event EventRelease(address indexed trainer, uint64 objId);
// constructor
function EtheremonTrade(address _dataContract, address _battleContract) public {
dataContract = _dataContract;
battleContract = _battleContract;
// admin & moderators
function setOriginalPriceGen0() onlyModerators public {
gen0Config[1] = Gen0Config(1, 0.3 ether, 0.003 ether, 374);
gen0Config[2] = Gen0Config(2, 0.3 ether, 0.003 ether, 408);
gen0Config[3] = Gen0Config(3, 0.3 ether, 0.003 ether, 373);
gen0Config[4] = Gen0Config(4, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 437);
gen0Config[5] = Gen0Config(5, 0.1 ether, 0.001 ether, 497);
gen0Config[6] = Gen0Config(6, 0.3 ether, 0.003 ether, 380);
gen0Config[7] = Gen0Config(7, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 345);
gen0Config[8] = Gen0Config(8, 0.1 ether, 0.001 ether, 518);
gen0Config[9] = Gen0Config(9, 0.1 ether, 0.001 ether, 447);
gen0Config[10] = Gen0Config(10, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 380);
gen0Config[11] = Gen0Config(11, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 354);
gen0Config[12] = Gen0Config(12, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 346);
gen0Config[13] = Gen0Config(13, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 351);
gen0Config[14] = Gen0Config(14, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 338);
gen0Config[15] = Gen0Config(15, 0.2 ether, 0.002 ether, 341);
gen0Config[16] = Gen0Config(16, 0.35 ether, 0.0035 ether, 384);
gen0Config[17] = Gen0Config(17, 1 ether, 0.01 ether, 305);
gen0Config[18] = Gen0Config(18, 0.1 ether, 0.001 ether, 427);
gen0Config[19] = Gen0Config(19, 1 ether, 0.01 ether, 304);
gen0Config[20] = Gen0Config(20, 0.4 ether, 0.05 ether, 82);
gen0Config[21] = Gen0Config(21, 1, 1, 123);
gen0Config[22] = Gen0Config(22, 0.2 ether, 0.001 ether, 468);
gen0Config[23] = Gen0Config(23, 0.5 ether, 0.0025 ether, 302);
gen0Config[24] = Gen0Config(24, 1 ether, 0.005 ether, 195);
function setContract(address _dataContract, address _battleContract) onlyModerators public {
dataContract = _dataContract;
battleContract = _battleContract;
function updateConfig(uint16 _fee, uint8 _maxLendingItem) onlyModerators public {
tradingFeePercentage = _fee;
maxLendingItem = _maxLendingItem;
function withdrawEther(address _sendTo, uint _amount) onlyModerators public {
// no user money is kept in this contract, only trasaction fee
if (_amount > this.balance) {
// helper
function removeSellingItem(uint64 _itemId) private {
SellingItem storage item = sellingDict[_itemId];
if (item.index == 0)
if (item.index <= sellingList.length) {
// Move an existing element into the vacated key slot.
sellingDict[sellingList[sellingList.length-1]].index = item.index;
sellingList[item.index-1] = sellingList[sellingList.length-1];
sellingList.length -= 1;
delete sellingDict[_itemId];
function addSellingItem(uint64 _itemId, uint256 _price) private {
SellingItem storage item = sellingDict[_itemId];
item.price = _price;
if (item.index == 0) {
item.index = ++sellingList.length;
sellingList[item.index - 1] = _itemId;
function removeBorrowingItem(uint64 _itemId) private {
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_itemId];
if (item.index == 0)
if (item.index <= borrowingList.length) {
// Move an existing element into the vacated key slot.
borrowingDict[borrowingList[borrowingList.length-1]].index = item.index;
borrowingList[item.index-1] = borrowingList[borrowingList.length-1];
borrowingList.length -= 1;
delete borrowingDict[_itemId];
function addBorrowingItem(address _owner, uint64 _itemId, uint256 _price, uint _releaseTime) private {
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_itemId];
item.owner = _owner;
item.borrower = address(0);
item.price = _price;
item.lent = false;
item.releaseTime = _releaseTime;
if (item.index == 0) {
item.index = ++borrowingList.length;
borrowingList[item.index - 1] = _itemId;
function transferMonster(address _to, uint64 _objId) private {
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, obj.createIndex, obj.lastClaimIndex, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
// clear balance for gen 0
if (obj.classId <= GEN0_NO) {
Gen0Config storage gen0 = gen0Config[obj.classId];
if (gen0.classId == obj.classId) {
if (obj.lastClaimIndex < {
uint32 gap = uint32(safeSubtract(, obj.lastClaimIndex));
if (gap > 0) {
data.addExtraBalance(obj.trainer, safeMult(gap, gen0.returnPrice));
// reset total (accept name is cleared :( )
data.setMonsterObj(obj.monsterId, " name me ", obj.exp, obj.createIndex,;
// transfer owner
data.removeMonsterIdMapping(obj.trainer, _objId);
data.addMonsterIdMapping(_to, _objId);
function addItemLendingList(address _trainer, uint64 _objId) private {
if (_trainer != address(0)) {
uint64[] storage objList = lendingList[_trainer];
for (uint index = 0; index < objList.length; index++) {
if (objList[index] == _objId) {
function removeItemLendingList(address _trainer, uint64 _objId) private {
uint foundIndex = 0;
uint64[] storage objList = lendingList[_trainer];
for (; foundIndex < objList.length; foundIndex++) {
if (objList[foundIndex] == _objId) {
if (foundIndex < objList.length) {
objList[foundIndex] = objList[objList.length-1];
delete objList[objList.length-1];
// public
function placeSellOrder(uint64 _objId, uint256 _price) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external {
if (_price == 0)
// not on borrowing
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.index > 0)
// not on battle
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
if (battle.isOnBattle(_objId))
// check ownership
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
if (obj.trainer != msg.sender) {
// on selling, then just update price
if (sellingDict[_objId].index > 0){
sellingDict[_objId].price = _price;
} else {
addSellingItem(_objId, _price);
EventPlaceSellOrder(msg.sender, _objId);
function removeSellOrder(uint64 _objId) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external {
if (sellingDict[_objId].index == 0)
// check ownership
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
if (obj.trainer != msg.sender) {
function buyItem(uint64 _objId) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external payable {
// check item is valid to sell
uint256 requestPrice = sellingDict[_objId].price;
if (requestPrice == 0 || msg.value != requestPrice) {
// check obj
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
// can not buy from yourself
if (obj.trainer == msg.sender) {
address oldTrainer = obj.trainer;
uint256 fee = requestPrice * tradingFeePercentage / 100;
transferMonster(msg.sender, _objId);
oldTrainer.transfer(safeSubtract(requestPrice, fee));
SoldItem memory soldItem = SoldItem(_objId, requestPrice, block.timestamp);
EventBuyItem(msg.sender, _objId);
function offerBorrowingItem(uint64 _objId, uint256 _price, uint _releaseTime) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external {
// make sure it is not on sale
if (sellingDict[_objId].price > 0 || _price == 0)
// not on lent
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.lent == true)
// not on battle
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
if (battle.isOnBattle(_objId))
// check ownership
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
if (obj.trainer != msg.sender) {
if (item.index > 0) {
// update info
item.price = _price;
item.releaseTime = _releaseTime;
} else {
addBorrowingItem(msg.sender, _objId, _price, _releaseTime);
EventOfferBorrowingItem(msg.sender, _objId);
function removeBorrowingOfferItem(uint64 _objId) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external {
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.index == 0)
if (item.owner != msg.sender)
if (item.lent == true)
function borrowItem(uint64 _objId) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external payable {
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.index == 0)
if (item.lent == true)
uint256 itemPrice = item.price;
if (itemPrice != msg.value)
// check obj
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
// can not borrow from yourself
if (obj.trainer == msg.sender) {
uint256 fee = itemPrice * tradingFeePercentage / 100;
item.borrower = msg.sender;
item.releaseTime += block.timestamp;
item.lent = true;
address oldOwner = obj.trainer;
transferMonster(msg.sender, _objId);
oldOwner.transfer(safeSubtract(itemPrice, fee));
addItemLendingList(oldOwner, _objId);
EventAcceptBorrowItem(msg.sender, _objId);
function getBackLendingItem(uint64 _objId) requireDataContract requireBattleContract isActive external {
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.index == 0)
if (item.lent == false)
if (item.releaseTime > block.timestamp)
if (msg.sender != item.owner)
transferMonster(msg.sender, _objId);
removeItemLendingList(msg.sender, _objId);
EventGetBackItem(msg.sender, _objId);
function freeTransferItem(uint64 _objId, address _receiver) requireDataContract requireBattleContract external {
// make sure it is not on sale
if (sellingDict[_objId].price > 0)
// not on borrowing
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.index > 0)
// not on battle
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
if (battle.isOnBattle(_objId))
// check ownership
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
if (obj.trainer != msg.sender) {
transferMonster(_receiver, _objId);
EventFreeTransferItem(msg.sender, _receiver, _objId);
function release(uint64 _objId) requireDataContract requireBattleContract external {
// make sure it is not on sale
if (sellingDict[_objId].price > 0)
// not on borrowing
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
if (item.index > 0)
// not on battle
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
if (battle.isOnBattle(_objId))
// check ownership
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
uint32 _ = 0;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, _, _, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
// can not release gen 0
if (obj.classId <= GEN0_NO) {
if (obj.monsterId != _objId) {
if (obj.trainer != msg.sender) {
data.removeMonsterIdMapping(msg.sender, _objId);
EventRelease(msg.sender, _objId);
// read access
function getBasicObjInfo(uint64 _objId) constant public returns(uint32, address, uint32, uint32){
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, obj.createIndex, obj.lastClaimIndex, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
return (obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, obj.createIndex);
function getBasicObjInfoWithBp(uint64 _objId) constant public returns(uint32, uint32, uint32, uint64) {
EtheremonDataBase data = EtheremonDataBase(dataContract);
MonsterObjAcc memory obj;
(obj.monsterId, obj.classId, obj.trainer, obj.exp, obj.createIndex, obj.lastClaimIndex, obj.createTime) = data.getMonsterObj(_objId);
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
uint64 bp = battle.getMonsterCP(_objId);
return (obj.classId, obj.exp, obj.createIndex, bp);
function getTotalSellingItem() constant external returns(uint) {
return sellingList.length;
function getSellingItem(uint _index) constant external returns(uint64 objId, uint32 classId, uint32 exp, uint64 bp, address trainer, uint createIndex, uint256 price) {
objId = sellingList[_index];
if (objId > 0) {
(classId, trainer, exp, createIndex) = getBasicObjInfo(objId);
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
bp = battle.getMonsterCP(objId);
price = sellingDict[objId].price;
function getSellingItemByObjId(uint64 _objId) constant external returns(uint32 classId, uint32 exp, uint64 bp, address trainer, uint createIndex, uint256 price) {
price = sellingDict[_objId].price;
if (price > 0) {
(classId, trainer, exp, createIndex) = getBasicObjInfo(_objId);
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
bp = battle.getMonsterCP(_objId);
function getTotalBorrowingItem() constant external returns(uint) {
return borrowingList.length;
function getBorrowingItem(uint _index) constant external returns(uint64 objId, address owner, address borrower,
uint256 price, bool lent, uint releaseTime, uint32 classId, uint32 exp, uint32 createIndex, uint64 bp) {
objId = borrowingList[_index];
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[objId];
owner = item.owner;
borrower = item.borrower;
price = item.price;
lent = item.lent;
releaseTime = item.releaseTime;
(classId, exp, createIndex, bp) = getBasicObjInfoWithBp(objId);
function getBorrowingItemByObjId(uint64 _objId) constant external returns(uint index, address owner, address borrower,
uint256 price, bool lent, uint releaseTime, uint32 classId, uint32 exp, uint32 createIndex, uint64 bp) {
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
index = item.index;
owner = item.owner;
borrower = item.borrower;
price = item.price;
lent = item.lent;
releaseTime = item.releaseTime;
(classId, exp, createIndex, bp) = getBasicObjInfoWithBp(_objId);
function getSoldItemLength(address _trainer) constant external returns(uint) {
return soldList[_trainer].length;
function getSoldItem(address _trainer, uint _index) constant external returns(uint64 objId, uint32 classId, uint32 exp, uint64 bp, address currentOwner,
uint createIndex, uint256 price, uint time) {
if (_index > soldList[_trainer].length)
SoldItem memory soldItem = soldList[_trainer][_index];
objId = soldItem.objId;
price = soldItem.price;
time = soldItem.time;
if (objId > 0) {
(classId, currentOwner, exp, createIndex) = getBasicObjInfo(objId);
EtheremonBattleInterface battle = EtheremonBattleInterface(battleContract);
bp = battle.getMonsterCP(objId);
function getLendingItemLength(address _trainer) constant external returns(uint) {
return lendingList[_trainer].length;
function getLendingItemInfo(address _trainer, uint _index) constant external returns(uint64 objId, address owner, address borrower,
uint256 price, bool lent, uint releaseTime, uint32 classId, uint32 exp, uint32 createIndex, uint64 bp) {
if (_index > lendingList[_trainer].length)
objId = lendingList[_trainer][_index];
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[objId];
owner = item.owner;
borrower = item.borrower;
price = item.price;
lent = item.lent;
releaseTime = item.releaseTime;
(classId, exp, createIndex, bp) = getBasicObjInfoWithBp(objId);
function getTradingInfo(uint64 _objId) constant external returns(uint256 sellingPrice, uint256 lendingPrice, bool lent, uint releaseTime) {
sellingPrice = sellingDict[_objId].price;
BorrowItem storage item = borrowingDict[_objId];
lendingPrice = item.price;
lent = item.lent;
releaseTime = item.releaseTime;
function isOnTrading(uint64 _objId) constant external returns(bool) {
return (sellingDict[_objId].price > 0 || borrowingDict[_objId].owner != address(0));