Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : BasicCoin
//! BasicCoin ECR20-compliant token contract
//! By Parity Team (Ethcore), 2016.
//! Released under the Apache Licence 2.
pragma solidity ^0.4.1;
// ECR20 standard token interface
contract Token {
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining);
// Owner-specific contract interface
contract Owned {
event NewOwner(address indexed old, address indexed current);
modifier only_owner {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
address public owner = msg.sender;
function setOwner(address _new) only_owner {
NewOwner(owner, _new);
owner = _new;
// TokenReg interface
contract TokenReg {
function register(address _addr, string _tla, uint _base, string _name) payable returns (bool);
function registerAs(address _addr, string _tla, uint _base, string _name, address _owner) payable returns (bool);
function unregister(uint _id);
function setFee(uint _fee);
function tokenCount() constant returns (uint);
function token(uint _id) constant returns (address addr, string tla, uint base, string name, address owner);
function fromAddress(address _addr) constant returns (uint id, string tla, uint base, string name, address owner);
function fromTLA(string _tla) constant returns (uint id, address addr, uint base, string name, address owner);
function meta(uint _id, bytes32 _key) constant returns (bytes32);
function setMeta(uint _id, bytes32 _key, bytes32 _value);
function transferTLA(string _tla, address _to) returns (bool success);
function drain();
uint public fee;
// BasicCoin, ECR20 tokens that all belong to the owner for sending around
contract BasicCoin is Owned, Token {
// this is as basic as can be, only the associated balance & allowances
struct Account {
uint balance;
mapping (address => uint) allowanceOf;
// the balance should be available
modifier when_owns(address _owner, uint _amount) {
if (accounts[_owner].balance < _amount) throw;
// an allowance should be available
modifier when_has_allowance(address _owner, address _spender, uint _amount) {
if (accounts[_owner].allowanceOf[_spender] < _amount) throw;
// no ETH should be sent with the transaction
modifier when_no_eth {
if (msg.value > 0) throw;
// a value should be > 0
modifier when_non_zero(uint _value) {
if (_value == 0) throw;
// the base, tokens denoted in micros
uint constant public base = 1000000;
// available token supply
uint public totalSupply;
// storage and mapping of all balances & allowances
mapping (address => Account) accounts;
// constructor sets the parameters of execution, _totalSupply is all units
function BasicCoin(uint _totalSupply, address _owner) when_no_eth when_non_zero(_totalSupply) {
totalSupply = _totalSupply;
owner = _owner;
accounts[_owner].balance = totalSupply;
// balance of a specific address
function balanceOf(address _who) constant returns (uint256) {
return accounts[_who].balance;
// transfer
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) when_no_eth when_owns(msg.sender, _value) returns (bool) {
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
accounts[msg.sender].balance -= _value;
accounts[_to].balance += _value;
return true;
// transfer via allowance
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) when_no_eth when_owns(_from, _value) when_has_allowance(_from, msg.sender, _value) returns (bool) {
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
accounts[_from].allowanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value;
accounts[_from].balance -= _value;
accounts[_to].balance += _value;
return true;
// approve allowances
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) when_no_eth returns (bool) {
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
accounts[msg.sender].allowanceOf[_spender] += _value;
return true;
// available allowance
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256) {
return accounts[_owner].allowanceOf[_spender];
// no default function, simple contract only, entry-level users
function() {
// Manages BasicCoin instances, including the deployment & registration
contract BasicCoinManager is Owned {
// a structure wrapping a deployed BasicCoin
struct Coin {
address coin;
address owner;
address tokenreg;
// a new BasicCoin has been deployed
event Created(address indexed owner, address indexed tokenreg, address indexed coin);
// a list of all the deployed BasicCoins
Coin[] coins;
// all BasicCoins for a specific owner
mapping (address => uint[]) ownedCoins;
// the base, tokens denoted in micros (matches up with BasicCoin interface above)
uint constant public base = 1000000;
// return the number of deployed
function count() constant returns (uint) {
return coins.length;
// get a specific deployment
function get(uint _index) constant returns (address coin, address owner, address tokenreg) {
Coin c = coins[_index];
coin = c.coin;
owner = c.owner;
tokenreg = c.tokenreg;
// returns the number of coins for a specific owner
function countByOwner(address _owner) constant returns (uint) {
return ownedCoins[_owner].length;
// returns a specific index by owner
function getByOwner(address _owner, uint _index) constant returns (address coin, address owner, address tokenreg) {
return get(ownedCoins[_owner][_index]);
// deploy a new BasicCoin on the blockchain
function deploy(uint _totalSupply, string _tla, string _name, address _tokenreg) payable returns (bool) {
TokenReg tokenreg = TokenReg(_tokenreg);
BasicCoin coin = new BasicCoin(_totalSupply, msg.sender);
uint ownerCount = countByOwner(msg.sender);
uint fee = tokenreg.fee();
ownedCoins[msg.sender].length = ownerCount + 1;
ownedCoins[msg.sender][ownerCount] = coins.length;
coins.push(Coin(coin, msg.sender, tokenreg));
tokenreg.registerAs.value(fee)(coin, _tla, base, _name, msg.sender);
Created(msg.sender, tokenreg, coin);
return true;
// owner can withdraw all collected funds
function drain() only_owner {
if (!msg.sender.send(this.balance)) {