ETH Price: $3,332.38 (+2.07%)
Gas: 6 Gwei

Contract Diff Checker

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File 1 of 1 : SportifyCrowdsale

contract SafeMath {

    function safeAdd(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        require(x <= MAX_UINT256 - y);
        return x + y;

    function safeSub(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        require(x >= y);
        return x - y;

    function safeMul(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z) {
        if (y == 0) {
            return 0;
        require(x <= (MAX_UINT256 / y));
        return x * y;
contract Owned {
    address public owner;
    address public newOwner;

    function Owned() {
        owner = msg.sender;

    modifier onlyOwner {
        assert(msg.sender == owner);

    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner {
        require(_newOwner != owner);
        newOwner = _newOwner;

    function acceptOwnership() public {
        require(msg.sender == newOwner);
        OwnerUpdate(owner, newOwner);
        owner = newOwner;
        newOwner = 0x0;

    event OwnerUpdate(address _prevOwner, address _newOwner);
contract Lockable is Owned {

    uint256 public lockedUntilBlock;

    event ContractLocked(uint256 _untilBlock, string _reason);

    modifier lockAffected {
        require(block.number > lockedUntilBlock);

    function lockFromSelf(uint256 _untilBlock, string _reason) internal {
        lockedUntilBlock = _untilBlock;
        ContractLocked(_untilBlock, _reason);

    function lockUntil(uint256 _untilBlock, string _reason) onlyOwner public {
        lockedUntilBlock = _untilBlock;
        ContractLocked(_untilBlock, _reason);
contract ReentrancyHandlingContract{

    bool locked;

    modifier noReentrancy() {
        locked = true;
        locked = false;
contract tokenRecipientInterface {
  function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _token, bytes _extraData);
contract ERC20TokenInterface {
  function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint256 _totalSupply);
  function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns (uint256 balance);
  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
  function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
  function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
  function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns (uint256 remaining);

  event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
  event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
contract SportifyTokenInterface {
    function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public;

contract Crowdsale is ReentrancyHandlingContract, Owned {

  struct ContributorData {
    uint contributionAmount;
    uint tokensIssued;

  mapping(address => ContributorData) public contributorList;
  uint nextContributorIndex;
  mapping(uint => address) contributorIndexes;

  state public crowdsaleState = state.pendingStart;
  enum state { pendingStart, crowdsale, crowdsaleEnded }

  uint public crowdsaleStartBlock;
  uint public crowdsaleEndedBlock;

  event CrowdsaleStarted(uint blockNumber);
  event CrowdsaleEnded(uint blockNumber);
  event ErrorSendingETH(address to, uint amount);
  event MinCapReached(uint blockNumber);
  event MaxCapReached(uint blockNumber);

  address tokenAddress = 0x0;
  uint decimals = 18;

  uint ethToTokenConversion;

  uint public minCap;
  uint public maxCap;
  uint public ethRaised;
  uint public tokenTotalSupply = 200000000 * 10**decimals;

  address public multisigAddress;
  uint blocksInADay;

  uint nextContributorToClaim;
  mapping(address => bool) hasClaimedEthWhenFail;

  uint crowdsaleTokenCap =          134000000 * 10**decimals;
  uint foundersAndTeamTokens =       36000000 * 10**decimals;
  uint advisorAndAmbassadorTokens =  20000000 * 10**decimals;
  uint futurePromoEventTokens =      10000000 * 10**decimals;
  bool foundersAndTeamTokensClaimed = false;
  bool advisorAndAmbassadorTokensClaimed = false;
  bool futurePromoEventTokensClaimed = false;

  // Unnamed function that runs when eth is sent to the contract
  function() noReentrancy payable public {
    require(msg.value != 0);                        // Throw if value is 0
    require(crowdsaleState != state.crowdsaleEnded);// Check if crowdsale has ended

    bool stateChanged = checkCrowdsaleState();      // Check blocks and calibrate crowdsale state

    if (crowdsaleState == state.crowdsale) {
      processTransaction(msg.sender, msg.value);    // Process transaction and issue tokens
    } else {
      refundTransaction(stateChanged);              // Set state and return funds or throw

  // Check crowdsale state and calibrate it
  function checkCrowdsaleState() internal returns (bool) {
    if (ethRaised == maxCap && crowdsaleState != state.crowdsaleEnded) {                        // Check if max cap is reached
      crowdsaleState = state.crowdsaleEnded;
      CrowdsaleEnded(block.number);                                                             // Raise event
      return true;

    if (block.number > crowdsaleStartBlock && block.number <= crowdsaleEndedBlock) {            // Check if we are in crowdsale state
      if (crowdsaleState != state.crowdsale) {                                                  // Check if state needs to be changed
        crowdsaleState = state.crowdsale;                                                       // Set new state
        CrowdsaleStarted(block.number);                                                         // Raise event
        return true;
    } else {
      if (crowdsaleState != state.crowdsaleEnded && block.number > crowdsaleEndedBlock) {       // Check if crowdsale is over
        crowdsaleState = state.crowdsaleEnded;                                                  // Set new state
        CrowdsaleEnded(block.number);                                                           // Raise event
        return true;
    return false;

  // Decide if throw or only return ether
  function refundTransaction(bool _stateChanged) internal {
    if (_stateChanged) {
    } else {

  function calculateEthToToken(uint _eth, uint _blockNumber) constant public returns(uint) {
    if (_blockNumber < crowdsaleStartBlock + blocksInADay * 3) {
      return _eth * 3298;
    if (_eth >= 100*10**decimals) {
      return _eth * 3298;
    if (_blockNumber > crowdsaleStartBlock) {
      return _eth * 2998;

  // Issue tokens and return if there is overflow
  function processTransaction(address _contributor, uint _amount) internal{
    uint contributionAmount = _amount;
    uint returnAmount = 0;

    if (_amount > (maxCap - ethRaised)) {                                          // Check if max contribution is lower than _amount sent
      contributionAmount = maxCap - ethRaised;                                     // Set that user contibutes his maximum alowed contribution
      returnAmount = _amount - contributionAmount;                                 // Calculate howmuch he must get back

    if (ethRaised + contributionAmount > minCap && minCap > ethRaised) {

    if (ethRaised + contributionAmount == maxCap && ethRaised < maxCap) {

    if (contributorList[_contributor].contributionAmount == 0) {
        contributorIndexes[nextContributorIndex] = _contributor;
        nextContributorIndex += 1;

    contributorList[_contributor].contributionAmount += contributionAmount;
    ethRaised += contributionAmount;                                              // Add to eth raised

    uint tokenAmount = calculateEthToToken(contributionAmount, block.number);     // Calculate how much tokens must contributor get
    if (tokenAmount > 0) {
      SportifyTokenInterface(tokenAddress).mint(_contributor, tokenAmount);       // Issue new tokens
      contributorList[_contributor].tokensIssued += tokenAmount;                  // log token issuance
    if (returnAmount != 0) {

  function pushAngelInvestmentData(address _address, uint _ethContributed) onlyOwner public {
      assert(ethRaised + _ethContributed <= maxCap);
      processTransaction(_address, _ethContributed);
  function depositAngelInvestmentEth() payable onlyOwner public {}

  // Method is needed for recovering tokens accedentaly sent to token address
  function salvageTokensFromContract(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) onlyOwner public {
    ERC20TokenInterface(_tokenAddress).transfer(_to, _amount);

  // withdrawEth when minimum cap is reached
  function withdrawEth() onlyOwner public {
    require(this.balance != 0);
    require(ethRaised >= minCap);


  // Users can claim their contribution if min cap is not raised
  function claimEthIfFailed() public {
    require(block.number > crowdsaleEndedBlock && ethRaised < minCap);    // Check if crowdsale has failed
    require(contributorList[msg.sender].contributionAmount > 0);          // Check if contributor has contributed to crowdsaleEndedBlock
    require(!hasClaimedEthWhenFail[msg.sender]);                          // Check if contributor has already claimed his eth

    uint ethContributed = contributorList[msg.sender].contributionAmount; // Get contributors contribution
    hasClaimedEthWhenFail[msg.sender] = true;                             // Set that he has claimed
    if (!msg.sender.send(ethContributed)) {                                // Refund eth
      ErrorSendingETH(msg.sender, ethContributed);                        // If there is an issue raise event for manual recovery

  // Owner can batch return contributors contributions(eth)
  function batchReturnEthIfFailed(uint _numberOfReturns) onlyOwner public {
    require(block.number > crowdsaleEndedBlock && ethRaised < minCap);                // Check if crowdsale has failed
    address currentParticipantAddress;
    uint contribution;
    for (uint cnt = 0; cnt < _numberOfReturns; cnt++) {
      currentParticipantAddress = contributorIndexes[nextContributorToClaim];         // Get next unclaimed participant
      if (currentParticipantAddress == 0x0) {
        return;                                                                       // Check if all the participants were compensated
      if (!hasClaimedEthWhenFail[currentParticipantAddress]) {                        // Check if participant has already claimed
        contribution = contributorList[currentParticipantAddress].contributionAmount; // Get contribution of participant
        hasClaimedEthWhenFail[currentParticipantAddress] = true;                      // Set that he has claimed
        if (!currentParticipantAddress.send(contribution)) {                          // Refund eth
          ErrorSendingETH(currentParticipantAddress, contribution);                   // If there is an issue raise event for manual recovery
      nextContributorToClaim += 1;                                                    // Repeat

  // If there were any issue/attach with refund owner can withraw eth at the end for manual recovery
  function withdrawRemainingBalanceForManualRecovery() onlyOwner public {
    require(this.balance != 0);                                  // Check if there are any eth to claim
    require(block.number > crowdsaleEndedBlock);                 // Check if crowdsale is over
    require(contributorIndexes[nextContributorToClaim] == 0x0);  // Check if all the users were refunded
    multisigAddress.transfer(this.balance);                      // Withdraw to multisig

  function claimTeamTokens(address _to, uint _choice) onlyOwner public {
    require(crowdsaleState == state.crowdsaleEnded);
    require(ethRaised >= minCap);

    uint mintAmount;
    if (_choice == 1) {
      mintAmount = advisorAndAmbassadorTokens;
      advisorAndAmbassadorTokensClaimed = true;
    } else if (_choice == 2) {
      mintAmount = futurePromoEventTokens;
      futurePromoEventTokensClaimed = true;
    } else if (_choice == 3) {
      assert(tokenTotalSupply > ERC20TokenInterface(tokenAddress).totalSupply());
      mintAmount = tokenTotalSupply - ERC20TokenInterface(tokenAddress).totalSupply();
      foundersAndTeamTokensClaimed = true;
    } else {
    SportifyTokenInterface(tokenAddress).mint(_to, mintAmount);

  // Owner can set multisig address for crowdsale
  function setMultisigAddress(address _newAddress) onlyOwner public {
    multisigAddress = _newAddress;

  // Owner can set token address where mints will happen
  function setToken(address _newAddress) onlyOwner public {
    tokenAddress = _newAddress;

  function getTokenAddress() constant public returns(address) {
    return tokenAddress;

  function investorCount() constant public returns(uint) {
    return nextContributorIndex;

contract SportifyCrowdsale is Crowdsale {
  function SportifyCrowdsale() { 

    crowdsaleStartBlock = 4595138;
    crowdsaleEndedBlock = 4708120;

    minCap = 4190000000000000000000;
    maxCap = 40629000000000000000000;

    blocksInADay = 6646;

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