ETH Price: $2,283.61 (-2.57%)

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File 1 of 1 : MintedEthCappedCrowdsale

 * Safe unsigned safe math.
 * Originally from
 * Maintained here until merged to mainline zeppelin-solidity.
library SafeMathLib {

  function times(uint a, uint b) returns (uint) {
    uint c = a * b;
    assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
    return c;

  function minus(uint a, uint b) returns (uint) {
    assert(b <= a);
    return a - b;

  function plus(uint a, uint b) returns (uint) {
    uint c = a + b;
    return c;

  function assert(bool assertion) private {
    if (!assertion) throw;

 * Ownable
 * Base contract with an owner.
 * Provides onlyOwner modifier, which prevents function from running if it is called by anyone other than the owner.
contract Ownable {
  address public owner;

  function Ownable() {
    owner = msg.sender;

  modifier onlyOwner() {
    if (msg.sender != owner) {

  function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner {
    if (newOwner != address(0)) {
      owner = newOwner;


 * Haltable
 * Abstract contract that allows children to implement an
 * emergency stop mechanism. Differs from Pausable by causing a throw when in halt mode.
 * Originally envisioned in FirstBlood ICO contract.
contract Haltable is Ownable {
  bool public halted;

  modifier stopInEmergency {
    if (halted) throw;

  modifier onlyInEmergency {
    if (!halted) throw;

  // called by the owner on emergency, triggers stopped state
  function halt() external onlyOwner {
    halted = true;

  // called by the owner on end of emergency, returns to normal state
  function unhalt() external onlyOwner onlyInEmergency {
    halted = false;


 * Interface for defining crowdsale pricing.
contract PricingStrategy {

  /** Interface declaration. */
  function isPricingStrategy() public constant returns (bool) {
    return true;

  /** Self check if all references are correctly set.
   * Checks that pricing strategy matches crowdsale parameters.
  function isSane(address crowdsale) public constant returns (bool) {
    return true;

   * When somebody tries to buy tokens for X eth, calculate how many tokens they get.
   * @param value - What is the value of the transaction send in as wei
   * @param tokensSold - how much tokens have been sold this far
   * @param weiRaised - how much money has been raised this far
   * @param msgSender - who is the investor of this transaction
   * @param decimals - how many decimal units the token has
   * @return Amount of tokens the investor receives
  function calculatePrice(uint value, uint weiRaised, uint tokensSold, address msgSender, uint decimals) public constant returns (uint tokenAmount);

 * Finalize agent defines what happens at the end of succeseful crowdsale.
 * - Allocate tokens for founders, bounties and community
 * - Make tokens transferable
 * - etc.
contract FinalizeAgent {

  function isFinalizeAgent() public constant returns(bool) {
    return true;

  /** Return true if we can run finalizeCrowdsale() properly.
   * This is a safety check function that doesn't allow crowdsale to begin
   * unless the finalizer has been set up properly.
  function isSane() public constant returns (bool);

  /** Called once by crowdsale finalize() if the sale was success. */
  function finalizeCrowdsale();


 * ERC20 interface
 * see
contract ERC20 {
  uint public totalSupply;
  function balanceOf(address who) constant returns (uint);
  function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns (uint);

  function transfer(address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
  function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
  function approve(address spender, uint value) returns (bool ok);
  event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
  event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);

 * A token that defines fractional units as decimals.
contract FractionalERC20 is ERC20 {

  uint public decimals;


 * Abstract base contract for token sales.
 * Handle
 * - start and end dates
 * - accepting investments
 * - minimum funding goal and refund
 * - various statistics during the crowdfund
 * - different pricing strategies
 * - different investment policies (require server side customer id, allow only whitelisted addresses)
contract Crowdsale is Haltable {

  /* Max investment count when we are still allowed to change the multisig address */

  using SafeMathLib for uint;

  /* The token we are selling */
  FractionalERC20 public token;

  /* How we are going to price our offering */
  PricingStrategy public pricingStrategy;

  /* Post-success callback */
  FinalizeAgent public finalizeAgent;

  /* tokens will be transfered from this address */
  address public multisigWallet;

  /* if the funding goal is not reached, investors may withdraw their funds */
  uint public minimumFundingGoal;

  /* the UNIX timestamp start date of the crowdsale */
  uint public startsAt;

  /* the UNIX timestamp end date of the crowdsale */
  uint public endsAt;

  /* the number of tokens already sold through this contract*/
  uint public tokensSold = 0;

  /* How many wei of funding we have raised */
  uint public weiRaised = 0;

  /* How many distinct addresses have invested */
  uint public investorCount = 0;

  /* How much wei we have returned back to the contract after a failed crowdfund. */
  uint public loadedRefund = 0;

  /* How much wei we have given back to investors.*/
  uint public weiRefunded = 0;

  /* Has this crowdsale been finalized */
  bool public finalized;

  /* Do we need to have unique contributor id for each customer */
  bool public requireCustomerId;

    * Do we verify that contributor has been cleared on the server side (accredited investors only).
    * This method was first used in FirstBlood crowdsale to ensure all contributors have accepted terms on sale (on the web).
  bool public requiredSignedAddress;

  /* Server side address that signed allowed contributors (Ethereum addresses) that can participate the crowdsale */
  address public signerAddress;

  /** How much ETH each address has invested to this crowdsale */
  mapping (address => uint256) public investedAmountOf;

  /** How much tokens this crowdsale has credited for each investor address */
  mapping (address => uint256) public tokenAmountOf;

  /** Addresses that are allowed to invest even before ICO offical opens. For testing, for ICO partners, etc. */
  mapping (address => bool) public earlyParticipantWhitelist;

  /** This is for manul testing for the interaction from owner wallet. You can set it to any value and inspect this in blockchain explorer to see that crowdsale interaction works. */
  uint public ownerTestValue;

  /** State machine
   * - Preparing: All contract initialization calls and variables have not been set yet
   * - Prefunding: We have not passed start time yet
   * - Funding: Active crowdsale
   * - Success: Minimum funding goal reached
   * - Failure: Minimum funding goal not reached before ending time
   * - Finalized: The finalized has been called and succesfully executed
   * - Refunding: Refunds are loaded on the contract for reclaim.
  enum State{Unknown, Preparing, PreFunding, Funding, Success, Failure, Finalized, Refunding}

  // A new investment was made
  event Invested(address investor, uint weiAmount, uint tokenAmount, uint128 customerId);

  // Refund was processed for a contributor
  event Refund(address investor, uint weiAmount);

  // The rules were changed what kind of investments we accept
  event InvestmentPolicyChanged(bool requireCustomerId, bool requiredSignedAddress, address signerAddress);

  // Address early participation whitelist status changed
  event Whitelisted(address addr, bool status);

  // Crowdsale end time has been changed
  event EndsAtChanged(uint endsAt);

  function Crowdsale(address _token, PricingStrategy _pricingStrategy, address _multisigWallet, uint _start, uint _end, uint _minimumFundingGoal) {

    owner = msg.sender;

    token = FractionalERC20(_token);


    multisigWallet = _multisigWallet;
    if(multisigWallet == 0) {

    if(_start == 0) {

    startsAt = _start;

    if(_end == 0) {

    endsAt = _end;

    // Don't mess the dates
    if(startsAt >= endsAt) {

    // Minimum funding goal can be zero
    minimumFundingGoal = _minimumFundingGoal;

   * Don't expect to just send in money and get tokens.
  function() payable {

   * Make an investment.
   * Crowdsale must be running for one to invest.
   * We must have not pressed the emergency brake.
   * @param receiver The Ethereum address who receives the tokens
   * @param customerId (optional) UUID v4 to track the successful payments on the server side
  function investInternal(address receiver, uint128 customerId) stopInEmergency private {

    // Determine if it's a good time to accept investment from this participant
    if(getState() == State.PreFunding) {
      // Are we whitelisted for early deposit
      if(!earlyParticipantWhitelist[receiver]) {
    } else if(getState() == State.Funding) {
      // Retail participants can only come in when the crowdsale is running
      // pass
    } else {
      // Unwanted state

    uint weiAmount = msg.value;
    uint tokenAmount = pricingStrategy.calculatePrice(weiAmount, weiRaised, tokensSold, msg.sender, token.decimals());

    if(tokenAmount == 0) {
      // Dust transaction

    if(investedAmountOf[receiver] == 0) {
       // A new investor

    // Update investor
    investedAmountOf[receiver] = investedAmountOf[receiver].plus(weiAmount);
    tokenAmountOf[receiver] = tokenAmountOf[receiver].plus(tokenAmount);

    // Update totals
    weiRaised =;
    tokensSold =;

    // Check that we did not bust the cap
    if(isBreakingCap(weiAmount, tokenAmount, weiRaised, tokensSold)) {

    assignTokens(receiver, tokenAmount);

    // Pocket the money
    if(!multisigWallet.send(weiAmount)) throw;

    // Tell us invest was success
    Invested(receiver, weiAmount, tokenAmount, customerId);

   * Preallocate tokens for the early investors.
   * Preallocated tokens have been sold before the actual crowdsale opens.
   * This function mints the tokens and moves the crowdsale needle.
   * Investor count is not handled; it is assumed this goes for multiple investors
   * and the token distribution happens outside the smart contract flow.
   * No money is exchanged, as the crowdsale team already have received the payment.
   * @param fullTokens tokens as full tokens - decimal places added internally
   * @param weiPrice Price of a single full token in wei
  function preallocate(address receiver, uint fullTokens, uint weiPrice) public onlyOwner {

    uint tokenAmount = fullTokens * 10**token.decimals();
    uint weiAmount = weiPrice * fullTokens; // This can be also 0, we give out tokens for free

    weiRaised =;
    tokensSold =;

    investedAmountOf[receiver] = investedAmountOf[receiver].plus(weiAmount);
    tokenAmountOf[receiver] = tokenAmountOf[receiver].plus(tokenAmount);

    assignTokens(receiver, tokenAmount);

    // Tell us invest was success
    Invested(receiver, weiAmount, tokenAmount, 0);

   * Allow anonymous contributions to this crowdsale.
  function investWithSignedAddress(address addr, uint128 customerId, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public payable {
     bytes32 hash = sha256(addr);
     if (ecrecover(hash, v, r, s) != signerAddress) throw;
     if(customerId == 0) throw;  // UUIDv4 sanity check
     investInternal(addr, customerId);

   * Track who is the customer making the payment so we can send thank you email.
  function investWithCustomerId(address addr, uint128 customerId) public payable {
    if(requiredSignedAddress) throw; // Crowdsale allows only server-side signed participants
    if(customerId == 0) throw;  // UUIDv4 sanity check
    investInternal(addr, customerId);

   * Allow anonymous contributions to this crowdsale.
  function invest(address addr) public payable {
    if(requireCustomerId) throw; // Crowdsale needs to track partipants for thank you email
    if(requiredSignedAddress) throw; // Crowdsale allows only server-side signed participants
    investInternal(addr, 0);

   * Invest to tokens, recognize the payer and clear his address.
  function buyWithSignedAddress(uint128 customerId, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public payable {
    investWithSignedAddress(msg.sender, customerId, v, r, s);

   * Invest to tokens, recognize the payer.
  function buyWithCustomerId(uint128 customerId) public payable {
    investWithCustomerId(msg.sender, customerId);

   * The basic entry point to participate the crowdsale process.
   * Pay for funding, get invested tokens back in the sender address.
  function buy() public payable {

   * Finalize a succcesful crowdsale.
   * The owner can triggre a call the contract that provides post-crowdsale actions, like releasing the tokens.
  function finalize() public inState(State.Success) onlyOwner stopInEmergency {

    // Already finalized
    if(finalized) {

    // Finalizing is optional. We only call it if we are given a finalizing agent.
    if(address(finalizeAgent) != 0) {

    finalized = true;

   * Allow to (re)set finalize agent.
   * Design choice: no state restrictions on setting this, so that we can fix fat finger mistakes.
  function setFinalizeAgent(FinalizeAgent addr) onlyOwner {
    finalizeAgent = addr;

    // Don't allow setting bad agent
    if(!finalizeAgent.isFinalizeAgent()) {

   * Set policy do we need to have server-side customer ids for the investments.
  function setRequireCustomerId(bool value) onlyOwner {
    requireCustomerId = value;
    InvestmentPolicyChanged(requireCustomerId, requiredSignedAddress, signerAddress);

   * Set policy if all investors must be cleared on the server side first.
   * This is e.g. for the accredited investor clearing.
  function setRequireSignedAddress(bool value, address _signerAddress) onlyOwner {
    requiredSignedAddress = value;
    signerAddress = _signerAddress;
    InvestmentPolicyChanged(requireCustomerId, requiredSignedAddress, signerAddress);

   * Allow addresses to do early participation.
   * TODO: Fix spelling error in the name
  function setEarlyParicipantWhitelist(address addr, bool status) onlyOwner {
    earlyParticipantWhitelist[addr] = status;
    Whitelisted(addr, status);

   * Allow crowdsale owner to close early or extend the crowdsale.
   * This is useful e.g. for a manual soft cap implementation:
   * - after X amount is reached determine manual closing
   * This may put the crowdsale to an invalid state,
   * but we trust owners know what they are doing.
  function setEndsAt(uint time) onlyOwner {

    if(now > time) {
      throw; // Don't change past

    endsAt = time;

   * Allow to (re)set pricing strategy.
   * Design choice: no state restrictions on the set, so that we can fix fat finger mistakes.
  function setPricingStrategy(PricingStrategy _pricingStrategy) onlyOwner {
    pricingStrategy = _pricingStrategy;

    // Don't allow setting bad agent
    if(!pricingStrategy.isPricingStrategy()) {

   * Allow to change the team multisig address in the case of emergency.
   * This allows to save a deployed crowdsale wallet in the case the crowdsale has not yet begun
   * (we have done only few test transactions). After the crowdsale is going
   * then multisig address stays locked for the safety reasons.
  function setMultisig(address addr) public onlyOwner {

    // Change

    multisigWallet = addr;

   * Allow load refunds back on the contract for the refunding.
   * The team can transfer the funds back on the smart contract in the case the minimum goal was not reached..
  function loadRefund() public payable inState(State.Failure) {
    if(msg.value == 0) throw;
    loadedRefund =;

   * Investors can claim refund.
   * Note that any refunds from proxy buyers should be handled separately,
   * and not through this contract.
  function refund() public inState(State.Refunding) {
    uint256 weiValue = investedAmountOf[msg.sender];
    if (weiValue == 0) throw;
    investedAmountOf[msg.sender] = 0;
    weiRefunded =;
    Refund(msg.sender, weiValue);
    if (!msg.sender.send(weiValue)) throw;

   * @return true if the crowdsale has raised enough money to be a successful.
  function isMinimumGoalReached() public constant returns (bool reached) {
    return weiRaised >= minimumFundingGoal;

   * Check if the contract relationship looks good.
  function isFinalizerSane() public constant returns (bool sane) {
    return finalizeAgent.isSane();

   * Check if the contract relationship looks good.
  function isPricingSane() public constant returns (bool sane) {
    return pricingStrategy.isSane(address(this));

   * Crowdfund state machine management.
   * We make it a function and do not assign the result to a variable, so there is no chance of the variable being stale.
  function getState() public constant returns (State) {
    if(finalized) return State.Finalized;
    else if (address(finalizeAgent) == 0) return State.Preparing;
    else if (!finalizeAgent.isSane()) return State.Preparing;
    else if (!pricingStrategy.isSane(address(this))) return State.Preparing;
    else if (block.timestamp < startsAt) return State.PreFunding;
    else if (block.timestamp <= endsAt && !isCrowdsaleFull()) return State.Funding;
    else if (isMinimumGoalReached()) return State.Success;
    else if (!isMinimumGoalReached() && weiRaised > 0 && loadedRefund >= weiRaised) return State.Refunding;
    else return State.Failure;

  /** This is for manual testing of multisig wallet interaction */
  function setOwnerTestValue(uint val) onlyOwner {
    ownerTestValue = val;

  /** Interface marker. */
  function isCrowdsale() public constant returns (bool) {
    return true;

  // Modifiers

  /** Modified allowing execution only if the crowdsale is currently running.  */
  modifier inState(State state) {
    if(getState() != state) throw;

  // Abstract functions

   * Check if the current invested breaks our cap rules.
   * The child contract must define their own cap setting rules.
   * We allow a lot of flexibility through different capping strategies (ETH, token count)
   * Called from invest().
   * @param weiAmount The amount of wei the investor tries to invest in the current transaction
   * @param tokenAmount The amount of tokens we try to give to the investor in the current transaction
   * @param weiRaisedTotal What would be our total raised balance after this transaction
   * @param tokensSoldTotal What would be our total sold tokens count after this transaction
   * @return true if taking this investment would break our cap rules
  function isBreakingCap(uint weiAmount, uint tokenAmount, uint weiRaisedTotal, uint tokensSoldTotal) constant returns (bool limitBroken);

   * Check if the current crowdsale is full and we can no longer sell any tokens.
  function isCrowdsaleFull() public constant returns (bool);

   * Create new tokens or transfer issued tokens to the investor depending on the cap model.
  function assignTokens(address receiver, uint tokenAmount) private;

 * Math operations with safety checks
contract SafeMath {
  function safeMul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
    uint c = a * b;
    assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
    return c;

  function safeDiv(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
    assert(b > 0);
    uint c = a / b;
    assert(a == b * c + a % b);
    return c;

  function safeSub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
    assert(b <= a);
    return a - b;

  function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
    uint c = a + b;
    assert(c>=a && c>=b);
    return c;

  function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
    return a >= b ? a : b;

  function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
    return a < b ? a : b;

  function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
    return a >= b ? a : b;

  function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
    return a < b ? a : b;

  function assert(bool assertion) internal {
    if (!assertion) {

 * Standard ERC20 token with Short Hand Attack and approve() race condition mitigation.
 * Based on code by FirstBlood:
contract StandardToken is ERC20, SafeMath {

  /* Token supply got increased and a new owner received these tokens */
  event Minted(address receiver, uint amount);

  /* Actual balances of token holders */
  mapping(address => uint) balances;

  /* approve() allowances */
  mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) allowed;

  /* Interface declaration */
  function isToken() public constant returns (bool weAre) {
    return true;

   * Fix for the ERC20 short address attack
  modifier onlyPayloadSize(uint size) {
     if( < size + 4) {

  function transfer(address _to, uint _value) onlyPayloadSize(2 * 32) returns (bool success) {
    balances[msg.sender] = safeSub(balances[msg.sender], _value);
    balances[_to] = safeAdd(balances[_to], _value);
    Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
    return true;

  function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success) {
    uint _allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender];

    balances[_to] = safeAdd(balances[_to], _value);
    balances[_from] = safeSub(balances[_from], _value);
    allowed[_from][msg.sender] = safeSub(_allowance, _value);
    Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
    return true;

  function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance) {
    return balances[_owner];

  function approve(address _spender, uint _value) returns (bool success) {

    // To change the approve amount you first have to reduce the addresses`
    //  allowance to zero by calling `approve(_spender, 0)` if it is not
    //  already 0 to mitigate the race condition described here:
    if ((_value != 0) && (allowed[msg.sender][_spender] != 0)) throw;

    allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
    return true;

  function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint remaining) {
    return allowed[_owner][_spender];


 * A token that can increase its supply by another contract.
 * This allows uncapped crowdsale by dynamically increasing the supply when money pours in.
 * Only mint agents, contracts whitelisted by owner, can mint new tokens.
contract MintableToken is StandardToken, Ownable {

  using SafeMathLib for uint;

  bool public mintingFinished = false;

  /** List of agents that are allowed to create new tokens */
  mapping (address => bool) public mintAgents;

  event MintingAgentChanged(address addr, bool state  );

   * Create new tokens and allocate them to an address..
   * Only callably by a crowdsale contract (mint agent).
  function mint(address receiver, uint amount) onlyMintAgent canMint public {
    totalSupply =;
    balances[receiver] = balances[receiver].plus(amount);

    // This will make the mint transaction apper in
    // We can remove this after there is a standardized minting event
    Transfer(0, receiver, amount);

   * Owner can allow a crowdsale contract to mint new tokens.
  function setMintAgent(address addr, bool state) onlyOwner canMint public {
    mintAgents[addr] = state;
    MintingAgentChanged(addr, state);

  modifier onlyMintAgent() {
    // Only crowdsale contracts are allowed to mint new tokens
    if(!mintAgents[msg.sender]) {

  /** Make sure we are not done yet. */
  modifier canMint() {
    if(mintingFinished) throw;

 * ICO crowdsale contract that is capped by amout of ETH.
 * - Tokens are dynamically created during the crowdsale
contract MintedEthCappedCrowdsale is Crowdsale {

  /* Maximum amount of wei this crowdsale can raise. */
  uint public weiCap;

  function MintedEthCappedCrowdsale(address _token, PricingStrategy _pricingStrategy, address _multisigWallet, uint _start, uint _end, uint _minimumFundingGoal, uint _weiCap) Crowdsale(_token, _pricingStrategy, _multisigWallet, _start, _end, _minimumFundingGoal) {
    weiCap = _weiCap;

   * Called from invest() to confirm if the curret investment does not break our cap rule.
  function isBreakingCap(uint weiAmount, uint tokenAmount, uint weiRaisedTotal, uint tokensSoldTotal) constant returns (bool limitBroken) {
    return weiRaisedTotal > weiCap;

  function isCrowdsaleFull() public constant returns (bool) {
    return weiRaised >= weiCap;

   * Dynamically create tokens and assign them to the investor.
  function assignTokens(address receiver, uint tokenAmount) private {
    MintableToken mintableToken = MintableToken(token);, tokenAmount);

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