Contract Name:
Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : Vyper_contract
contract ERC20():
def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: modifying
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: modifying
def balanceOf(_owner: address) -> uint256: constant
def allowance(_owner: address, _spender: address) -> uint256: constant
def decimals() -> uint256: constant
contract PriceOracle():
def poolSize(contract_address: address) -> uint256: constant
def normalized_token_prices(token_address: address) -> uint256: constant
TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 100000000
FEE_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 100000
EXCHANGE_RATE_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10000000000000000000000 #10**22
# ERC20 events
Transfer: event({_from: indexed(address), _to: indexed(address), _value: uint256})
Approval: event({_owner: indexed(address), _spender: indexed(address), _value: uint256})
OwnershipTransferred: event({previous_owner: indexed(address), new_owner: indexed(address)})
LiquidityAdded: event({provider: indexed(address), amount: indexed(uint256)})
LiquidityRemoved: event({provider: indexed(address), amount: indexed(uint256)})
Trade: event({input_token: indexed(address), output_token: indexed(address), input_amount: indexed(uint256)})
PermissionUpdated: event({name: indexed(string[32]), value: indexed(bool)})
FeeUpdated: event({name: indexed(string[32]), value: indexed(decimal)})
PriceOracleAddressUpdated: event({new_address: indexed(address)})
name: public(string[32]) # Stablecoinswap
symbol: public(string[6]) # STL
owner: public(address) # contract owner
decimals: public(uint256) # 18
totalSupply: public(uint256) # total number of contract tokens in existence
balanceOf: public(map(address, uint256)) # balance of an address
allowance: public(map(address, map(address, uint256))) # allowance of one address on another
inputTokens: public(map(address, bool)) # addresses of the ERC20 tokens allowed to transfer into this contract
outputTokens: public(map(address, bool)) # addresses of the ERC20 tokens allowed to transfer out of this contract
permissions: public(map(string[32], bool)) # pause / resume contract functions
feesInt: map(string[32], uint256) # trade / pool fees multiplied by FEE_MULTIPLIER
priceOracleAddress: public(address) # address of price oracle
def __init__(token_addresses: address[3], price_oracle_addr: address):
assert price_oracle_addr != ZERO_ADDRESS
self.owner = msg.sender = "Stablecoinswap"
self.symbol = "STL"
self.decimals = 18
self.permissions["tradingAllowed"] = True
self.permissions["liquidityAddingAllowed"] = True
for i in range(3):
assert token_addresses[i] != ZERO_ADDRESS
self.inputTokens[token_addresses[i]] = True
self.outputTokens[token_addresses[i]] = True
self.feesInt['tradeFee'] = 200
self.feesInt['ownerFee'] = 100
self.priceOracleAddress = price_oracle_addr
def tokenPrice(token_address: address) -> uint256:
token_price: uint256 = PriceOracle(self.priceOracleAddress).normalized_token_prices(token_address)
assert token_price > 0
return token_price
# Deposit erc20 token
def addLiquidity(token_address: address, erc20_token_amount: uint256, deadline: timestamp) -> uint256:
assert self.inputTokens[token_address]
assert deadline > block.timestamp and erc20_token_amount > 0
assert self.permissions["liquidityAddingAllowed"]
token_price: uint256 = self.tokenPrice(token_address)
# It's better to divide at the very end for a higher precision
new_liquidity: uint256 = token_price * erc20_token_amount / TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER
if self.totalSupply > 0:
new_liquidity = new_liquidity * self.totalSupply / PriceOracle(self.priceOracleAddress).poolSize(self)
assert new_liquidity >= 1000000000
self.balanceOf[msg.sender] += new_liquidity
self.totalSupply += new_liquidity
# Can't assert the result directly:
transfer_from_result: bool = ERC20(token_address).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, erc20_token_amount)
assert transfer_from_result
log.LiquidityAdded(msg.sender, new_liquidity)
return new_liquidity
# Withdraw erc20 token
def removeLiquidity(token_address: address, stableswap_token_amount: uint256, erc20_min_output_amount: uint256, deadline: timestamp) -> uint256:
assert self.outputTokens[token_address]
assert stableswap_token_amount > 0 and deadline > block.timestamp
assert self.balanceOf[msg.sender] >= stableswap_token_amount
assert self.totalSupply > 0
token_price: uint256 = self.tokenPrice(token_address)
pool_size: uint256 = PriceOracle(self.priceOracleAddress).poolSize(self)
# erc20_token_amount = stableswap_token_amount * pool_size / totalSupply / token_price * TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER
# It's better to divide at the very end for a higher precision
erc20_token_amount: uint256 = stableswap_token_amount * pool_size / self.totalSupply
ownerFee: uint256 = 0
if msg.sender != self.owner:
ownerFee = stableswap_token_amount * self.feesInt['ownerFee'] / FEE_MULTIPLIER
multiplier_after_fees: uint256 = FEE_MULTIPLIER - self.feesInt['ownerFee'] - self.feesInt['tradeFee']
erc20_token_amount = erc20_token_amount * multiplier_after_fees / FEE_MULTIPLIER
erc20_token_amount = erc20_token_amount * TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER / token_price
self.balanceOf[msg.sender] -= stableswap_token_amount
self.balanceOf[self.owner] += ownerFee
self.totalSupply -= stableswap_token_amount - ownerFee
assert erc20_token_amount >= erc20_min_output_amount
# Can't assert the result directly:
transfer_result: bool = ERC20(token_address).transfer(msg.sender, erc20_token_amount)
assert transfer_result
log.LiquidityRemoved(msg.sender, stableswap_token_amount)
return erc20_token_amount
# Note that due to rounding, the fees could be slightly higher for the tokens with smaller decimal precision.
def tokenExchangeRateAfterFees(input_token_address: address, output_token_address: address) -> uint256:
input_token_price: uint256 = self.tokenPrice(input_token_address)
output_token_price: uint256 = self.tokenPrice(output_token_address)
multiplier_after_fees: uint256 = FEE_MULTIPLIER - self.feesInt['ownerFee'] - self.feesInt['tradeFee']
exchange_rate: uint256 = EXCHANGE_RATE_MULTIPLIER * input_token_price * multiplier_after_fees / FEE_MULTIPLIER / output_token_price
return exchange_rate
def tokenOutputAmountAfterFees(input_token_amount: uint256, input_token_address: address, output_token_address: address) -> uint256:
output_token_amount: uint256 = input_token_amount * self.tokenExchangeRateAfterFees(input_token_address, output_token_address) / EXCHANGE_RATE_MULTIPLIER
return output_token_amount
# Trade one erc20 token for another
def swapTokens(input_token: address, output_token: address, erc20_input_amount: uint256, erc20_min_output_amount: uint256, deadline: timestamp) -> uint256:
assert self.inputTokens[input_token] and self.outputTokens[output_token]
assert erc20_input_amount > 0 and erc20_min_output_amount > 0
assert deadline > block.timestamp
assert self.permissions["tradingAllowed"]
input_token_price: uint256 = self.tokenPrice(input_token)
# input_usd_value is a value of input multiplied by TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER
input_usd_value: uint256 = erc20_input_amount * input_token_price
tradeFee: uint256 = input_usd_value * self.feesInt['tradeFee'] / FEE_MULTIPLIER / TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER
ownerFee: uint256 = input_usd_value * self.feesInt['ownerFee'] / FEE_MULTIPLIER / TOKEN_PRICE_MULTIPLIER
pool_size_after_swap: uint256 = PriceOracle(self.priceOracleAddress).poolSize(self) + tradeFee
new_owner_shares: uint256 = self.totalSupply * ownerFee / pool_size_after_swap
erc20_output_amount: uint256 = self.tokenOutputAmountAfterFees(erc20_input_amount, input_token, output_token)
assert erc20_output_amount >= erc20_min_output_amount
self.balanceOf[self.owner] += new_owner_shares
self.totalSupply += new_owner_shares
# Can't assert the result directly:
transfer_from_result: bool = ERC20(input_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, erc20_input_amount)
assert transfer_from_result
transfer_result: bool = ERC20(output_token).transfer(msg.sender, erc20_output_amount)
assert transfer_result
log.Trade(input_token, output_token, erc20_input_amount)
return erc20_output_amount
def updateInputToken(token_address: address, allowed: bool) -> bool:
assert msg.sender == self.owner
assert not self.inputTokens[token_address] == allowed
assert ERC20(token_address).decimals() >= 2
self.inputTokens[token_address] = allowed
return True
def updateOutputToken(token_address: address, allowed: bool) -> bool:
assert msg.sender == self.owner
assert not self.outputTokens[token_address] == allowed
assert ERC20(token_address).decimals() >= 2
self.outputTokens[token_address] = allowed
return True
def updatePermission(permission_name: string[32], value: bool) -> bool:
assert msg.sender == self.owner
self.permissions[permission_name] = value
log.PermissionUpdated(permission_name, value)
return True
# Return share of total liquidity belonging to the user
def poolOwnership(user_address: address) -> decimal:
user_balance: decimal = convert(self.balanceOf[user_address], decimal)
total_liquidity: decimal = convert(self.totalSupply, decimal)
share: decimal = user_balance / total_liquidity
return share
def transferOwnership(new_owner: address) -> bool:
assert new_owner != ZERO_ADDRESS
assert msg.sender == self.owner
self.owner = new_owner
log.OwnershipTransferred(self.owner, new_owner)
return True
def updateFee(fee_name: string[32], value: decimal) -> bool:
assert msg.sender == self.owner
self.feesInt[fee_name] = convert(floor(value * convert(FEE_MULTIPLIER, decimal)), uint256)
log.FeeUpdated(fee_name, value)
return True
def fees(fee_name: string[32]) -> decimal:
return convert(self.feesInt[fee_name], decimal) / convert(FEE_MULTIPLIER, decimal)
def updatePriceOracleAddress(new_address: address) -> bool:
assert msg.sender == self.owner
self.priceOracleAddress = new_address
return True
# ERC-20 functions
def transfer(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
self.balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value
self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
log.Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value)
return True
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
self.balanceOf[_from] -= _value
self.balanceOf[_to] += _value
self.allowance[_from][msg.sender] -= _value
log.Transfer(_from, _to, _value)
return True
def approve(_spender: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
self.allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value
log.Approval(msg.sender, msg.sender, _value)
return True