Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : ERC20Impl
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
/** @title A contract for generating unique identifiers
* @notice A contract that provides a identifier generation scheme,
* guaranteeing uniqueness across all contracts that inherit from it,
* as well as unpredictability of future identifiers.
* @dev This contract is intended to be inherited by any contract that
* implements the callback software pattern for cooperative custodianship.
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract LockRequestable {
/// @notice the count of all invocations of `generateLockId`.
uint256 public lockRequestCount;
function LockRequestable() public {
lockRequestCount = 0;
/** @notice Returns a fresh unique identifier.
* @dev the generation scheme uses three components.
* First, the blockhash of the previous block.
* Second, the deployed address.
* Third, the next value of the counter.
* This ensure that identifiers are unique across all contracts
* following this scheme, and that future identifiers are
* unpredictable.
* @return a 32-byte unique identifier.
function generateLockId() internal returns (bytes32 lockId) {
return keccak256(block.blockhash(block.number - 1), address(this), ++lockRequestCount);
/** @title A contract to inherit upgradeable custodianship.
* @notice A contract that provides re-usable code for upgradeable
* custodianship. That custodian may be an account or another contract.
* @dev This contract is intended to be inherited by any contract
* requiring a custodian to control some aspect of its functionality.
* This contract provides the mechanism for that custodianship to be
* passed from one custodian to the next.
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract CustodianUpgradeable is LockRequestable {
/// @dev The struct type for pending custodian changes.
struct CustodianChangeRequest {
address proposedNew;
/// @dev The address of the account or contract that acts as the custodian.
address public custodian;
/// @dev The map of lock ids to pending custodian changes.
mapping (bytes32 => CustodianChangeRequest) public custodianChangeReqs;
function CustodianUpgradeable(
address _custodian
custodian = _custodian;
modifier onlyCustodian {
require(msg.sender == custodian);
/** @notice Requests a change of the custodian associated with this contract.
* @dev Returns a unique lock id associated with the request.
* Anyone can call this function, but confirming the request is authorized
* by the custodian.
* @param _proposedCustodian The address of the new custodian.
* @return lockId A unique identifier for this request.
function requestCustodianChange(address _proposedCustodian) public returns (bytes32 lockId) {
require(_proposedCustodian != address(0));
lockId = generateLockId();
custodianChangeReqs[lockId] = CustodianChangeRequest({
proposedNew: _proposedCustodian
emit CustodianChangeRequested(lockId, msg.sender, _proposedCustodian);
/** @notice Confirms a pending change of the custodian associated with this contract.
* @dev When called by the current custodian with a lock id associated with a
* pending custodian change, the `address custodian` member will be updated with the
* requested address.
* @param _lockId The identifier of a pending change request.
function confirmCustodianChange(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
custodian = getCustodianChangeReq(_lockId);
delete custodianChangeReqs[_lockId];
emit CustodianChangeConfirmed(_lockId, custodian);
function getCustodianChangeReq(bytes32 _lockId) private view returns (address _proposedNew) {
CustodianChangeRequest storage changeRequest = custodianChangeReqs[_lockId];
// reject ‘null’ results from the map lookup
// this can only be the case if an unknown `_lockId` is received
require(changeRequest.proposedNew != 0);
return changeRequest.proposedNew;
/// @dev Emitted by successful `requestCustodianChange` calls.
event CustodianChangeRequested(
bytes32 _lockId,
address _msgSender,
address _proposedCustodian
/// @dev Emitted by successful `confirmCustodianChange` calls.
event CustodianChangeConfirmed(bytes32 _lockId, address _newCustodian);
/** @title A contract to inherit upgradeable token implementations.
* @notice A contract that provides re-usable code for upgradeable
* token implementations. It itself inherits from `CustodianUpgradable`
* as the upgrade process is controlled by the custodian.
* @dev This contract is intended to be inherited by any contract
* requiring a reference to the active token implementation, either
* to delegate calls to it, or authorize calls from it. This contract
* provides the mechanism for that implementation to be be replaced,
* which constitutes an implementation upgrade.
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract ERC20ImplUpgradeable is CustodianUpgradeable {
/// @dev The struct type for pending implementation changes.
struct ImplChangeRequest {
address proposedNew;
// @dev The reference to the active token implementation.
ERC20Impl public erc20Impl;
/// @dev The map of lock ids to pending implementation changes.
mapping (bytes32 => ImplChangeRequest) public implChangeReqs;
function ERC20ImplUpgradeable(address _custodian) CustodianUpgradeable(_custodian) public {
erc20Impl = ERC20Impl(0x0);
modifier onlyImpl {
require(msg.sender == address(erc20Impl));
/** @notice Requests a change of the active implementation associated
* with this contract.
* @dev Returns a unique lock id associated with the request.
* Anyone can call this function, but confirming the request is authorized
* by the custodian.
* @param _proposedImpl The address of the new active implementation.
* @return lockId A unique identifier for this request.
function requestImplChange(address _proposedImpl) public returns (bytes32 lockId) {
require(_proposedImpl != address(0));
lockId = generateLockId();
implChangeReqs[lockId] = ImplChangeRequest({
proposedNew: _proposedImpl
emit ImplChangeRequested(lockId, msg.sender, _proposedImpl);
/** @notice Confirms a pending change of the active implementation
* associated with this contract.
* @dev When called by the custodian with a lock id associated with a
* pending change, the `ERC20Impl erc20Impl` member will be updated
* with the requested address.
* @param _lockId The identifier of a pending change request.
function confirmImplChange(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
erc20Impl = getImplChangeReq(_lockId);
delete implChangeReqs[_lockId];
emit ImplChangeConfirmed(_lockId, address(erc20Impl));
function getImplChangeReq(bytes32 _lockId) private view returns (ERC20Impl _proposedNew) {
ImplChangeRequest storage changeRequest = implChangeReqs[_lockId];
// reject ‘null’ results from the map lookup
// this can only be the case if an unknown `_lockId` is received
require(changeRequest.proposedNew != address(0));
return ERC20Impl(changeRequest.proposedNew);
/// @dev Emitted by successful `requestImplChange` calls.
event ImplChangeRequested(
bytes32 _lockId,
address _msgSender,
address _proposedImpl
/// @dev Emitted by successful `confirmImplChange` calls.
event ImplChangeConfirmed(bytes32 _lockId, address _newImpl);
contract ERC20Interface {
// NOTE:
// public getter functions are not currently recognised as an
// implementation of the matching abstract function by the compiler.
// function name() public view returns (string);
// function symbol() public view returns (string);
// function decimals() public view returns (uint8);
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
/** @title Public interface to ERC20 compliant token.
* @notice This contract is a permanent entry point to an ERC20 compliant
* system of contracts.
* @dev This contract contains no business logic and instead
* delegates to an instance of ERC20Impl. This contract also has no storage
* that constitutes the operational state of the token. This contract is
* upgradeable in the sense that the `custodian` can update the
* `erc20Impl` address, thus redirecting the delegation of business logic.
* The `custodian` is also authorized to pass custodianship.
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract ERC20Proxy is ERC20Interface, ERC20ImplUpgradeable {
/// @notice Returns the name of the token.
string public name;
/// @notice Returns the symbol of the token.
string public symbol;
/// @notice Returns the number of decimals the token uses.
uint8 public decimals;
function ERC20Proxy(
string _name,
string _symbol,
uint8 _decimals,
address _custodian
name = _name;
symbol = _symbol;
decimals = _decimals;
// (ERC20Interface)
/** @notice Returns the total token supply.
* @return the total token supply.
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return erc20Impl.totalSupply();
/** @notice Returns the account balance of another account with address
* `_owner`.
* @return balance the balance of account with address `_owner`.
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
return erc20Impl.balanceOf(_owner);
/** @dev Internal use only.
function emitTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public onlyImpl {
emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
/** @notice Transfers `_value` amount of tokens to address `_to`.
* @dev Will fire the `Transfer` event. Will revert if the `_from`
* account balance does not have enough tokens to spend.
* @return success true if transfer completes.
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
return erc20Impl.transferWithSender(msg.sender, _to, _value);
/** @notice Transfers `_value` amount of tokens from address `_from`
* to address `_to`.
* @dev Will fire the `Transfer` event. Will revert unless the `_from`
* account has deliberately authorized the sender of the message
* via some mechanism.
* @return success true if transfer completes.
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
return erc20Impl.transferFromWithSender(msg.sender, _from, _to, _value);
/** @dev Internal use only.
function emitApproval(address _owner, address _spender, uint256 _value) public onlyImpl {
emit Approval(_owner, _spender, _value);
/** @notice Allows `_spender` to withdraw from your account multiple times,
* up to the `_value` amount. If this function is called again it
* overwrites the current allowance with _value.
* @dev Will fire the `Approval` event.
* @return success true if approval completes.
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
return erc20Impl.approveWithSender(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
/** @notice Increases the amount `_spender` is allowed to withdraw from
* your account.
* This function is implemented to avoid the race condition in standard
* ERC20 contracts surrounding the `approve` method.
* @dev Will fire the `Approval` event. This function should be used instead of
* `approve`.
* @return success true if approval completes.
function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint256 _addedValue) public returns (bool success) {
return erc20Impl.increaseApprovalWithSender(msg.sender, _spender, _addedValue);
/** @notice Decreases the amount `_spender` is allowed to withdraw from
* your account. This function is implemented to avoid the race
* condition in standard ERC20 contracts surrounding the `approve` method.
* @dev Will fire the `Approval` event. This function should be used
* instead of `approve`.
* @return success true if approval completes.
function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint256 _subtractedValue) public returns (bool success) {
return erc20Impl.decreaseApprovalWithSender(msg.sender, _spender, _subtractedValue);
/** @notice Returns how much `_spender` is currently allowed to spend from
* `_owner`'s balance.
* @return remaining the remaining allowance.
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) {
return erc20Impl.allowance(_owner, _spender);
/** @title ERC20 compliant token intermediary contract holding core logic.
* @notice This contract serves as an intermediary between the exposed ERC20
* interface in ERC20Proxy and the store of balances in ERC20Store. This
* contract contains core logic that the proxy can delegate to
* and that the store is called by.
* @dev This contract contains the core logic to implement the
* ERC20 specification as well as several extensions.
* 1. Changes to the token supply.
* 2. Batched transfers.
* 3. Relative changes to spending approvals.
* 4. Delegated transfer control ('sweeping').
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract ERC20Impl is CustodianUpgradeable {
/// @dev The struct type for pending increases to the token supply (print).
struct PendingPrint {
address receiver;
uint256 value;
/// @dev The reference to the proxy.
ERC20Proxy public erc20Proxy;
/// @dev The reference to the store.
ERC20Store public erc20Store;
/// @dev The sole authorized caller of delegated transfer control ('sweeping').
address public sweeper;
/** @dev The static message to be signed by an external account that
* signifies their permission to forward their balance to any arbitrary
* address. This is used to consolidate the control of all accounts
* backed by a shared keychain into the control of a single key.
* Initialized as the concatenation of the address of this contract
* and the word "sweep". This concatenation is done to prevent a replay
* attack in a subsequent contract, where the sweep message could
* potentially be replayed to re-enable sweeping ability.
bytes32 public sweepMsg;
/** @dev The mapping that stores whether the address in question has
* enabled sweeping its contents to another account or not.
* If an address maps to "true", it has already enabled sweeping,
* and thus does not need to re-sign the `sweepMsg` to enact the sweep.
mapping (address => bool) public sweptSet;
/// @dev The map of lock ids to pending token increases.
mapping (bytes32 => PendingPrint) public pendingPrintMap;
function ERC20Impl(
address _erc20Proxy,
address _erc20Store,
address _custodian,
address _sweeper
require(_sweeper != 0);
erc20Proxy = ERC20Proxy(_erc20Proxy);
erc20Store = ERC20Store(_erc20Store);
sweeper = _sweeper;
sweepMsg = keccak256(address(this), "sweep");
modifier onlyProxy {
require(msg.sender == address(erc20Proxy));
modifier onlySweeper {
require(msg.sender == sweeper);
/** @notice Core logic of the ERC20 `approve` function.
* @dev This function can only be called by the referenced proxy,
* which has an `approve` function.
* Every argument passed to that function as well as the original
* `msg.sender` gets passed to this function.
* NOTE: approvals for the zero address (unspendable) are disallowed.
* @param _sender The address initiating the approval in proxy.
function approveWithSender(
address _sender,
address _spender,
uint256 _value
returns (bool success)
require(_spender != address(0)); // disallow unspendable approvals
erc20Store.setAllowance(_sender, _spender, _value);
erc20Proxy.emitApproval(_sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
/** @notice Core logic of the `increaseApproval` function.
* @dev This function can only be called by the referenced proxy,
* which has an `increaseApproval` function.
* Every argument passed to that function as well as the original
* `msg.sender` gets passed to this function.
* NOTE: approvals for the zero address (unspendable) are disallowed.
* @param _sender The address initiating the approval.
function increaseApprovalWithSender(
address _sender,
address _spender,
uint256 _addedValue
returns (bool success)
require(_spender != address(0)); // disallow unspendable approvals
uint256 currentAllowance = erc20Store.allowed(_sender, _spender);
uint256 newAllowance = currentAllowance + _addedValue;
require(newAllowance >= currentAllowance);
erc20Store.setAllowance(_sender, _spender, newAllowance);
erc20Proxy.emitApproval(_sender, _spender, newAllowance);
return true;
/** @notice Core logic of the `decreaseApproval` function.
* @dev This function can only be called by the referenced proxy,
* which has a `decreaseApproval` function.
* Every argument passed to that function as well as the original
* `msg.sender` gets passed to this function.
* NOTE: approvals for the zero address (unspendable) are disallowed.
* @param _sender The address initiating the approval.
function decreaseApprovalWithSender(
address _sender,
address _spender,
uint256 _subtractedValue
returns (bool success)
require(_spender != address(0)); // disallow unspendable approvals
uint256 currentAllowance = erc20Store.allowed(_sender, _spender);
uint256 newAllowance = currentAllowance - _subtractedValue;
require(newAllowance <= currentAllowance);
erc20Store.setAllowance(_sender, _spender, newAllowance);
erc20Proxy.emitApproval(_sender, _spender, newAllowance);
return true;
/** @notice Requests an increase in the token supply, with the newly created
* tokens to be added to the balance of the specified account.
* @dev Returns a unique lock id associated with the request.
* Anyone can call this function, but confirming the request is authorized
* by the custodian.
* NOTE: printing to the zero address is disallowed.
* @param _receiver The receiving address of the print, if confirmed.
* @param _value The number of tokens to add to the total supply and the
* balance of the receiving address, if confirmed.
* @return lockId A unique identifier for this request.
function requestPrint(address _receiver, uint256 _value) public returns (bytes32 lockId) {
require(_receiver != address(0));
lockId = generateLockId();
pendingPrintMap[lockId] = PendingPrint({
receiver: _receiver,
value: _value
emit PrintingLocked(lockId, _receiver, _value);
/** @notice Confirms a pending increase in the token supply.
* @dev When called by the custodian with a lock id associated with a
* pending increase, the amount requested to be printed in the print request
* is printed to the receiving address specified in that same request.
* NOTE: this function will not execute any print that would overflow the
* total supply, but it will not revert either.
* @param _lockId The identifier of a pending print request.
function confirmPrint(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
PendingPrint storage print = pendingPrintMap[_lockId];
// reject ‘null’ results from the map lookup
// this can only be the case if an unknown `_lockId` is received
address receiver = print.receiver;
require (receiver != address(0));
uint256 value = print.value;
delete pendingPrintMap[_lockId];
uint256 supply = erc20Store.totalSupply();
uint256 newSupply = supply + value;
if (newSupply >= supply) {
erc20Store.addBalance(receiver, value);
emit PrintingConfirmed(_lockId, receiver, value);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(address(0), receiver, value);
/** @notice Burns the specified value from the sender's balance.
* @dev Sender's balanced is subtracted by the amount they wish to burn.
* @param _value The amount to burn.
* @return success true if the burn succeeded.
function burn(uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
uint256 balanceOfSender = erc20Store.balances(msg.sender);
require(_value <= balanceOfSender);
erc20Store.setBalance(msg.sender, balanceOfSender - _value);
erc20Store.setTotalSupply(erc20Store.totalSupply() - _value);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(msg.sender, address(0), _value);
return true;
/** @notice A function for a sender to issue multiple transfers to multiple
* different addresses at once. This function is implemented for gas
* considerations when someone wishes to transfer, as one transaction is
* cheaper than issuing several distinct individual `transfer` transactions.
* @dev By specifying a set of destination addresses and values, the
* sender can issue one transaction to transfer multiple amounts to
* distinct addresses, rather than issuing each as a separate
* transaction. The `_tos` and `_values` arrays must be equal length, and
* an index in one array corresponds to the same index in the other array
* (e.g. `_tos[0]` will receive `_values[0]`, `_tos[1]` will receive
* `_values[1]`, and so on.)
* NOTE: transfers to the zero address are disallowed.
* @param _tos The destination addresses to receive the transfers.
* @param _values The values for each destination address.
* @return success If transfers succeeded.
function batchTransfer(address[] _tos, uint256[] _values) public returns (bool success) {
require(_tos.length == _values.length);
uint256 numTransfers = _tos.length;
uint256 senderBalance = erc20Store.balances(msg.sender);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTransfers; i++) {
address to = _tos[i];
require(to != address(0));
uint256 v = _values[i];
require(senderBalance >= v);
if (msg.sender != to) {
senderBalance -= v;
erc20Store.addBalance(to, v);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(msg.sender, to, v);
erc20Store.setBalance(msg.sender, senderBalance);
return true;
/** @notice Enables the delegation of transfer control for many
* accounts to the sweeper account, transferring any balances
* as well to the given destination.
* @dev An account delegates transfer control by signing the
* value of `sweepMsg`. The sweeper account is the only authorized
* caller of this function, so it must relay signatures on behalf
* of accounts that delegate transfer control to it. Enabling
* delegation is idempotent and permanent. If the account has a
* balance at the time of enabling delegation, its balance is
* also transfered to the given destination account `_to`.
* NOTE: transfers to the zero address are disallowed.
* @param _vs The array of recovery byte components of the ECDSA signatures.
* @param _rs The array of 'R' components of the ECDSA signatures.
* @param _ss The array of 'S' components of the ECDSA signatures.
* @param _to The destination for swept balances.
function enableSweep(uint8[] _vs, bytes32[] _rs, bytes32[] _ss, address _to) public onlySweeper {
require(_to != address(0));
require((_vs.length == _rs.length) && (_vs.length == _ss.length));
uint256 numSignatures = _vs.length;
uint256 sweptBalance = 0;
for (uint256 i=0; i<numSignatures; ++i) {
address from = ecrecover(sweepMsg, _vs[i], _rs[i], _ss[i]);
// ecrecover returns 0 on malformed input
if (from != address(0)) {
sweptSet[from] = true;
uint256 fromBalance = erc20Store.balances(from);
if (fromBalance > 0) {
sweptBalance += fromBalance;
erc20Store.setBalance(from, 0);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(from, _to, fromBalance);
if (sweptBalance > 0) {
erc20Store.addBalance(_to, sweptBalance);
/** @notice For accounts that have delegated, transfer control
* to the sweeper, this function transfers their balances to the given
* destination.
* @dev The sweeper account is the only authorized caller of
* this function. This function accepts an array of addresses to have their
* balances transferred for gas efficiency purposes.
* NOTE: any address for an account that has not been previously enabled
* will be ignored.
* NOTE: transfers to the zero address are disallowed.
* @param _froms The addresses to have their balances swept.
* @param _to The destination address of all these transfers.
function replaySweep(address[] _froms, address _to) public onlySweeper {
require(_to != address(0));
uint256 lenFroms = _froms.length;
uint256 sweptBalance = 0;
for (uint256 i=0; i<lenFroms; ++i) {
address from = _froms[i];
if (sweptSet[from]) {
uint256 fromBalance = erc20Store.balances(from);
if (fromBalance > 0) {
sweptBalance += fromBalance;
erc20Store.setBalance(from, 0);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(from, _to, fromBalance);
if (sweptBalance > 0) {
erc20Store.addBalance(_to, sweptBalance);
/** @notice Core logic of the ERC20 `transferFrom` function.
* @dev This function can only be called by the referenced proxy,
* which has a `transferFrom` function.
* Every argument passed to that function as well as the original
* `msg.sender` gets passed to this function.
* NOTE: transfers to the zero address are disallowed.
* @param _sender The address initiating the transfer in proxy.
function transferFromWithSender(
address _sender,
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _value
returns (bool success)
require(_to != address(0)); // ensure burn is the cannonical transfer to 0x0
uint256 balanceOfFrom = erc20Store.balances(_from);
require(_value <= balanceOfFrom);
uint256 senderAllowance = erc20Store.allowed(_from, _sender);
require(_value <= senderAllowance);
erc20Store.setBalance(_from, balanceOfFrom - _value);
erc20Store.addBalance(_to, _value);
erc20Store.setAllowance(_from, _sender, senderAllowance - _value);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
/** @notice Core logic of the ERC20 `transfer` function.
* @dev This function can only be called by the referenced proxy,
* which has a `transfer` function.
* Every argument passed to that function as well as the original
* `msg.sender` gets passed to this function.
* NOTE: transfers to the zero address are disallowed.
* @param _sender The address initiating the transfer in proxy.
function transferWithSender(
address _sender,
address _to,
uint256 _value
returns (bool success)
require(_to != address(0)); // ensure burn is the cannonical transfer to 0x0
uint256 balanceOfSender = erc20Store.balances(_sender);
require(_value <= balanceOfSender);
erc20Store.setBalance(_sender, balanceOfSender - _value);
erc20Store.addBalance(_to, _value);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(_sender, _to, _value);
return true;
// METHODS (ERC20 sub interface impl.)
/// @notice Core logic of the ERC20 `totalSupply` function.
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return erc20Store.totalSupply();
/// @notice Core logic of the ERC20 `balanceOf` function.
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
return erc20Store.balances(_owner);
/// @notice Core logic of the ERC20 `allowance` function.
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) {
return erc20Store.allowed(_owner, _spender);
/// @dev Emitted by successful `requestPrint` calls.
event PrintingLocked(bytes32 _lockId, address _receiver, uint256 _value);
/// @dev Emitted by successful `confirmPrint` calls.
event PrintingConfirmed(bytes32 _lockId, address _receiver, uint256 _value);
/** @title ERC20 compliant token balance store.
* @notice This contract serves as the store of balances, allowances, and
* supply for the ERC20 compliant token. No business logic exists here.
* @dev This contract contains no business logic and instead
* is the final destination for any change in balances, allowances, or token
* supply. This contract is upgradeable in the sense that its custodian can
* update the `erc20Impl` address, thus redirecting the source of logic that
* determines how the balances will be updated.
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract ERC20Store is ERC20ImplUpgradeable {
/// @dev The total token supply.
uint256 public totalSupply;
/// @dev The mapping of balances.
mapping (address => uint256) public balances;
/// @dev The mapping of allowances.
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed;
function ERC20Store(address _custodian) ERC20ImplUpgradeable(_custodian) public {
totalSupply = 0;
// (ERC20 Ledger)
/** @notice The function to set the total supply of tokens.
* @dev Intended for use by token implementation functions
* that update the total supply. The only authorized caller
* is the active implementation.
* @param _newTotalSupply the value to set as the new total supply
function setTotalSupply(
uint256 _newTotalSupply
totalSupply = _newTotalSupply;
/** @notice Sets how much `_owner` allows `_spender` to transfer on behalf
* of `_owner`.
* @dev Intended for use by token implementation functions
* that update spending allowances. The only authorized caller
* is the active implementation.
* @param _owner The account that will allow an on-behalf-of spend.
* @param _spender The account that will spend on behalf of the owner.
* @param _value The limit of what can be spent.
function setAllowance(
address _owner,
address _spender,
uint256 _value
allowed[_owner][_spender] = _value;
/** @notice Sets the balance of `_owner` to `_newBalance`.
* @dev Intended for use by token implementation functions
* that update balances. The only authorized caller
* is the active implementation.
* @param _owner The account that will hold a new balance.
* @param _newBalance The balance to set.
function setBalance(
address _owner,
uint256 _newBalance
balances[_owner] = _newBalance;
/** @notice Adds `_balanceIncrease` to `_owner`'s balance.
* @dev Intended for use by token implementation functions
* that update balances. The only authorized caller
* is the active implementation.
* WARNING: the caller is responsible for preventing overflow.
* @param _owner The account that will hold a new balance.
* @param _balanceIncrease The balance to add.
function addBalance(
address _owner,
uint256 _balanceIncrease
balances[_owner] = balances[_owner] + _balanceIncrease;