ETH Price: $3,385.87 (-1.43%)
Gas: 2 Gwei

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

File 1 of 1 : Sinners

abstract contract Context {
    function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
        return msg.sender;

    function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) {
        this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see

library SafeMath {
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
        return c;

    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");

    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, errorMessage);
        uint256 c = a - b;
        return c;

    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (a == 0) {
            return 0;

        uint256 c = a * b;
        require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");
        return c;

    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero");

    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, errorMessage);
        uint256 c = a / b;
        return c;

    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero");

    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b != 0, errorMessage);
        return a % b;

interface IBEP20 {
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); 
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

interface IBEP20Metadata is IBEP20 {
    function name() external view returns (string memory);
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

contract BEP20 is Context, IBEP20, IBEP20Metadata {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    mapping(address => uint256) private _balances;
    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances;
    uint256 internal _totalSupply;
    string private _name = "Sinners"; 
    string private _symbol = "Sinners"; 

    constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) {
        _name = name_;
        _symbol = symbol_;

    function name() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return _name;

    function symbol() public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return _symbol;

    function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
        return 18;

    function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        return _totalSupply;

    function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        return _balances[account];

    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount);
        return true;

    function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
        return _allowances[owner][spender];

    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount);
        return true;

    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount 
    ) public virtual override returns (bool) {
        _transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
        _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount,
                "BEP20: transfer amount exceeds allowance"));
        return true;

    function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue));
        return true;

    function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
        _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue,
                "BEP20: decreased allowance below zero"));
        return true;

    function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
        require(sender != address(0), "BEP20: transfer from the zero address");
        require(recipient != address(0), "BEP20: transfer to the zero address");

        _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount);

        _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount,"BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance");
        _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount);
        emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount);

    function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
        require(account != address(0), "BEP20: mint to the zero address");

        _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount);

        _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount);
        _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount);
        emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount);

    function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
        require(owner != address(0), "BEP20: approve from the zero address");
        require(spender != address(0), "BEP20: approve to the zero address");

        _allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
        emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);

    function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual {}

abstract contract Ownable is Context {

    address private _owner;

    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);

    constructor() {
        address msgSender = _msgSender();
        _owner = msgSender;
        emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender);

    function owner() public view returns (address) {
        return _owner;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");

    function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {
        emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0));
        _owner = address(0);

    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
        require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address");
        emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner);
        _owner = newOwner;

interface IUniswapV2Pair {
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
    function name() external pure returns (string memory);
    function symbol() external pure returns (string memory);
    function decimals() external pure returns (uint8);
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
    function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
    function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32);
    function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256);

    function permit(address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r,
                    bytes32 s) external;

    event Swap(address indexed sender, uint256 amount0In, uint256 amount1In, uint256 amount0Out,
               uint256 amount1Out, address indexed to);
    event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1);

    function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint256);
    function factory() external view returns (address);
    function token0() external view returns (address);
    function token1() external view returns (address);
    function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1,
                                                  uint32 blockTimestampLast);

    function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint256);
    function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint256);
    function kLast() external view returns (uint256);

    function swap(uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external;

    function skim(address to) external;
    function sync() external;
    function initialize(address, address) external;

interface IUniswapV2Factory {
    function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair);

interface IUniswapV2Router01 {
    function factory() external pure returns (address);
    function WETH() external pure returns (address);

    function addLiquidity(address tokenA, address tokenB, uint256 amountADesired, uint256 amountBDesired,
                          uint256 amountAMin, uint256 amountBMin, address to, uint256 deadline)
                          external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB, uint256 liquidity);

    function addLiquidityETH(address token, uint256 amountTokenDesired, uint256 amountTokenMin,
                             uint256 amountETHMin, address to, uint256 deadline)
                             external payable returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountETH,
                             uint256 liquidity);

    function removeLiquidity(address tokenA, address tokenB, uint256 liquidity, uint256 amountAMin,
                             uint256 amountBMin, address to, uint256 deadline) 
                             external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB);

    function removeLiquidityETH(address token, uint256 liquidity, uint256 amountTokenMin,
                                uint256 amountETHMin, address to, uint256 deadline) 
                                external returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountETH);

    function removeLiquidityWithPermit(address tokenA, address tokenB, uint256 liquidity,
                                       uint256 amountAMin, uint256 amountBMin, address to,
                                       uint256 deadline, bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) 
                                       external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB);

    function removeLiquidityETHWithPermit(address token, uint256 liquidity, uint256 amountTokenMin,
                                          uint256 amountETHMin, address to, uint256 deadline,
                                          bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) 
                                          external returns (uint256 amountToken, uint256 amountETH);

    function swapExactTokensForTokens(uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOutMin, address[] calldata path,
                                      address to, uint256 deadline) 
                                      external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function swapTokensForExactTokens(uint256 amountOut, uint256 amountInMax, address[] calldata path,
                                      address to, uint256 deadline) 
                                      external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function swapExactETHForTokens(uint256 amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to,
                                   uint256 deadline) 
                                   external payable returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function swapTokensForExactETH(uint256 amountOut, uint256 amountInMax, address[] calldata path,
                                   address to, uint256 deadline) 
                                   external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function swapExactTokensForETH(uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOutMin, address[] calldata path,
                                   address to, uint256 deadline) 
                                   external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function swapETHForExactTokens(uint256 amountOut, address[] calldata path, address to,
                                   uint256 deadline) 
                                   external payable returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function quote(uint256 amountA, uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB) 
                   external pure returns (uint256 amountB);

    function getAmountOut(uint256 amountIn, uint256 reserveIn, uint256 reserveOut) 
                          external pure returns (uint256 amountOut);

    function getAmountIn(uint256 amountOut, uint256 reserveIn, uint256 reserveOut) 
                         external pure returns (uint256 amountIn);

    function getAmountsOut(uint256 amountIn, address[] calldata path)
                           external view returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

    function getAmountsIn(uint256 amountOut, address[] calldata path)
                          external view returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

interface IUniswapV2Router02 is IUniswapV2Router01 {
    function removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address token, uint256 liquidity,
        uint256 amountTokenMin, uint256 amountETHMin, address to, uint256 deadline) 
        external returns (uint256 amountETH);

    function removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address token, uint256 liquidity,
        uint256 amountTokenMin, uint256 amountETHMin, address to, uint256 deadline, bool approveMax,
        uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external returns (uint256 amountETH);

    function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOutMin,
        address[] calldata path, address to, uint256 deadline) external;

    function swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(uint256 amountOutMin,
        address[] calldata path, address to, uint256 deadline) external payable;

    function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOutMin,
        address[] calldata path, address to, uint256 deadline) external;

contract Sinners is BEP20, Ownable {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    IUniswapV2Router02 public uniswapV2Router;

    address public uniswapV2Pair;
    address public DEAD = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
    address payable public NFTRewardsContract;
    bool private swapping;
    bool public tradingEnabled = false;

    uint256 public sellAmount = 1;
    uint256 public buyAmount = 1;

    uint256 private totalSellFees;
    uint256 private totalBuyFees;

    address payable public communityWallet;
    address payable public devWallet;

    uint256 public maxWallet;
    uint256 public maxTX;
    uint256 public swapTokensAtAmount;
    uint256 public buyCommunityFees;
    uint256 public sellCommunityFees;
    uint256 public buyLiquidityFee;
    uint256 public sellLiquidityFee;
    uint256 public buyDevFee;
    uint256 public sellDevFee;
    uint256 public buyNFTStakingFee;
    uint256 public sellNFTStakingFee;
    uint256 public buyBurnFee;
    uint256 public sellBurnFee;

    bool public swapAndLiquifyEnabled = true;

    mapping(address => bool) private _isExcludedFromFees;
    mapping(address => bool) public automatedMarketMakerPairs;
    mapping(address => bool) private canTransferBeforeTradingIsEnabled;

    bool public limitsInEffect = true; 
    uint256 private gasPriceLimit = 7 * 1 gwei; 
    mapping(address => uint256) private _holderLastTransferBlock;
    mapping(address => uint256) private _holderLastTransferTimestamp;
    uint256 public launchblock;
    uint256 public launchtimestamp;
    uint256 public delay;
    uint256 public cooldowntimer = 30; 

    event EnableSwapAndLiquify(bool enabled);
    event SetPreSaleWallet(address wallet);
    event updateCommunityWallet(address wallet);
    event updateDevWallet(address wallet);
    event UpdateUniswapV2Router(address indexed newAddress, address indexed oldAddress);
    event TradingEnabled();

    event UpdateFees(uint256 sellCommunityFees, uint256 sellLiquidityFee, uint256 buyCommunityFees,
                     uint256 buyLiquidityFee, uint256 buyDevFee, uint256 sellDevFee, uint256 buyNFTStakingFee,
                     uint256 sellNFTStakingFee, uint256 buyBurnFee, uint256 sellBurnFee);

    event Airdrop(address holder, uint256 amount);
    event ExcludeFromFees(address indexed account, bool isExcluded);
    event SetAutomatedMarketMakerPair(address indexed pair, bool indexed value);
    event SwapAndLiquify(uint256 tokensSwapped, uint256 ethReceived, uint256 tokensIntoLiqudity);
    event SendDividends(uint256 opAmount, bool success);

    constructor() BEP20("Sinners", "Sinners") {
        communityWallet = payable(0x763CD127060a2bBdE1e2Ac69b5f461593E0334Ee);
        devWallet = payable(0x89a55EDf478f4642A37f1D50f1217EEBAEbF7177);
        address router = 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D;

        buyCommunityFees = 1;
        sellCommunityFees = 1;
        buyLiquidityFee = 1;
        sellLiquidityFee = 1;
        buyDevFee = 1;
        sellDevFee = 1;
        buyNFTStakingFee = 0;
        sellNFTStakingFee = 0;
        buyBurnFee = 1;
        sellBurnFee = 1;

        totalBuyFees = buyCommunityFees.add(buyLiquidityFee).add(buyDevFee).add(buyNFTStakingFee);
        totalSellFees = sellCommunityFees.add(sellLiquidityFee).add(sellDevFee).add(sellNFTStakingFee);

        uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(router);
        uniswapV2Pair = IUniswapV2Factory(uniswapV2Router.factory()).createPair(
                address(this), uniswapV2Router.WETH());

        _setAutomatedMarketMakerPair(uniswapV2Pair, true);

        _isExcludedFromFees[address(this)] = true;
        _isExcludedFromFees[msg.sender] = true;
        _isExcludedFromFees[communityWallet] = true;
        _isExcludedFromFees[devWallet] = true;

        uint256 _totalSupply = (1_000_000_000) * (10**18);
        _mint(owner(), _totalSupply); // only time internal mint function is ever called is to create supply
        maxWallet = _totalSupply / 50; // 2%
        swapTokensAtAmount = _totalSupply / 100; // 1%;
        canTransferBeforeTradingIsEnabled[owner()] = true;
        canTransferBeforeTradingIsEnabled[address(this)] = true;

    function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
        return 18;

    receive() external payable {}

    function enableTrading(uint256 initialMaxGwei, uint256 initialMaxWallet, uint256 initialMaxTX,
                           uint256 setDelay) external onlyOwner {
        initialMaxWallet = initialMaxWallet * (10**18);
        initialMaxTX = initialMaxTX * (10**18);
        require(initialMaxGwei >= 5, "cannot set below 5");
        require(initialMaxWallet >= _totalSupply / 1000,"cannot set below 0.1%");
        require(initialMaxTX >= _totalSupply / 1000,"cannot set below 0.1%");
        require(setDelay <= 60, "max delay is 60 seconds");
        maxWallet = initialMaxWallet;
        maxTX = initialMaxTX;
        gasPriceLimit = initialMaxGwei * 1 gwei;
        tradingEnabled = true;
        launchblock = block.number;
        launchtimestamp = block.timestamp;
        delay = setDelay;
        emit TradingEnabled();
    function setCommunityWallet(address wallet) external onlyOwner {
        _isExcludedFromFees[wallet] = true;
        communityWallet = payable(wallet);
        emit updateCommunityWallet(wallet);

    function setDevWallet(address wallet) external onlyOwner {
        _isExcludedFromFees[wallet] = true;
        devWallet = payable(wallet);
        emit updateDevWallet(wallet);

    function setNFTRewardsAddress(address NewAddress) public onlyOwner {
        _isExcludedFromFees[NewAddress] = true;
        NFTRewardsContract = payable(NewAddress);
    function setExcludeFees(address account, bool excluded) public onlyOwner {
        _isExcludedFromFees[account] = excluded;
        emit ExcludeFromFees(account, excluded);

    function setCanTransferBefore(address wallet, bool enable) external onlyOwner {
        canTransferBeforeTradingIsEnabled[wallet] = enable;

    function setLimitsInEffect(bool value) external onlyOwner {
        limitsInEffect = value;

    // set max GWEI
    function setGasPriceLimit(uint256 GWEI) external onlyOwner {
        require(GWEI >= 50, "can never be set lower than 50");
        gasPriceLimit = GWEI * 1 gwei;

    function setcooldowntimer(uint256 value) external onlyOwner {
        require(value <= 300, "cooldown timer cannot exceed 5 minutes");
        cooldowntimer = value;

    function setmaxWallet(uint256 value) external onlyOwner {
        value = value * (10**18);
        require(value >= _totalSupply / 1000, "max wallet cannot be set to less than 0.1%");
        maxWallet = value;

    function setmaxTX(uint256 value) external onlyOwner {
        value = value * (10**18);
        require(value >= _totalSupply / 1000, "max tx cannot be set to less than 0.1%");
        maxTX = value;

    function Sweep() external onlyOwner {
        uint256 amountETH = address(this).balance;

    function setSwapTriggerAmount(uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
        swapTokensAtAmount = amount * (10**18);
        require(swapTokensAtAmount >= _totalSupply / 100, "cant set swap trigger below 1%");
        require(swapTokensAtAmount <= _totalSupply / 20, "cant set swap trigger above 5%");

    function enableSwapAndLiquify(bool enabled) public onlyOwner {
        require(swapAndLiquifyEnabled != enabled);
        swapAndLiquifyEnabled = enabled;
        emit EnableSwapAndLiquify(enabled);

    function setAutomatedMarketMakerPair(address pair, bool value) public onlyOwner {
        _setAutomatedMarketMakerPair(pair, value);

    function _setAutomatedMarketMakerPair(address pair, bool value) private {
        automatedMarketMakerPairs[pair] = value;

        emit SetAutomatedMarketMakerPair(pair, value);

    function transferAdmin(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
        _isExcludedFromFees[newOwner] = true;
        canTransferBeforeTradingIsEnabled[newOwner] = true;

    function updateFees(uint256 communityBuy, uint256 communitySell, uint256 liquidityBuy,
                        uint256 liquiditySell, uint256 devBuy, uint256 devSell, uint256 nftBuy,
                        uint256 nftSell, uint256 burnBuy, uint256 burnSell) public onlyOwner {

        require(burnBuy <= 2 && burnSell <= 2,"burn fees cannot exceed 2%");

        buyCommunityFees = communityBuy;
        sellCommunityFees = communitySell;
        buyLiquidityFee = liquidityBuy;
        sellLiquidityFee = liquiditySell;
        buyDevFee = devBuy;
        sellDevFee = devSell;
        buyNFTStakingFee = nftBuy;
        sellNFTStakingFee = nftSell;
        buyBurnFee = burnBuy;
        sellBurnFee = burnSell;

        totalSellFees = sellCommunityFees.add(sellLiquidityFee).add(sellDevFee).add(sellNFTStakingFee);
        totalBuyFees = buyCommunityFees.add(buyLiquidityFee).add(buyDevFee).add(buyNFTStakingFee);

        require(totalBuyFees <= 7 && totalSellFees <= 7, "total fees excluding burn cannot exceed 7%");

        emit UpdateFees(sellCommunityFees, sellLiquidityFee, sellDevFee, buyCommunityFees,
                        buyLiquidityFee, buyDevFee, buyNFTStakingFee, sellNFTStakingFee, buyBurnFee, sellBurnFee);

    function isExcludedFromFees(address account) public view returns (bool) {
        return _isExcludedFromFees[account];

    function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal override {

        require(from != address(0), "IBEP20: transfer from the zero address");
        require(to != address(0), "IBEP20: transfer to the zero address");

        uint256 communityFees;
        uint256 liquidityFee;
        uint256 devFee;
        uint256 nftFee;
        uint256 burnFee;

        if (!canTransferBeforeTradingIsEnabled[from]) {
            require(tradingEnabled, "Trading has not yet been enabled");          

        if (amount == 0) {
            super._transfer(from, to, 0);
        else if (
            !swapping && !_isExcludedFromFees[from] && !_isExcludedFromFees[to]
        ) {
            bool isSelling = automatedMarketMakerPairs[to];
            bool isBuying = automatedMarketMakerPairs[from];

            if (!isBuying && !isSelling) {
                super._transfer(from, to, amount);
            else if (isSelling) {
                communityFees = sellCommunityFees;
                liquidityFee = sellLiquidityFee;
                devFee = sellDevFee;
                nftFee = sellNFTStakingFee;
                burnFee = sellBurnFee;

                if (limitsInEffect) {
                require(block.timestamp >= _holderLastTransferTimestamp[tx.origin] + cooldowntimer,
                        "cooldown period active");
                require(amount <= maxTX,"above max transaction limit");
                _holderLastTransferTimestamp[tx.origin] = block.timestamp;
            else if (isBuying) {
                communityFees = buyCommunityFees;
                liquidityFee = buyLiquidityFee;
                devFee = buyDevFee;
                nftFee = buyNFTStakingFee;
                burnFee = buyBurnFee;

                if (limitsInEffect) {
                require(block.timestamp > launchtimestamp + delay,"you shall not pass");
                require(tx.gasprice <= gasPriceLimit,"Gas price exceeds limit.");
                require(_holderLastTransferBlock[tx.origin] != block.number,"Too many TX in block");
                require(amount <= maxTX,"above max transaction limit");

                _holderLastTransferBlock[tx.origin] = block.number;
                _holderLastTransferTimestamp[tx.origin] = block.timestamp;
            uint256 contractBalanceRecipient = balanceOf(to);
            require(contractBalanceRecipient + amount <= maxWallet,
                    "Exceeds maximum wallet token amount." );

            uint256 totalFees = communityFees.add(liquidityFee).add(devFee).add(buyNFTStakingFee);

            uint256 contractTokenBalance = balanceOf(address(this));

            bool canSwap = contractTokenBalance >= swapTokensAtAmount;

            if (canSwap && isSelling) {
                swapping = true;

                uint256 swapTokens;

                if (swapAndLiquifyEnabled && liquidityFee > 0 && totalBuyFees > 0) {
                    uint256 totalBuySell = buyAmount + sellAmount;
                    uint256 swapAmountBought = contractTokenBalance * buyAmount / totalBuySell;
                    uint256 swapAmountSold = contractTokenBalance * sellAmount / totalBuySell;
                    uint256 swapBuyTokens = swapAmountBought * liquidityFee / totalBuyFees;
                    uint256 swapSellTokens = swapAmountSold * liquidityFee / totalSellFees;
                    swapTokens = swapSellTokens + swapBuyTokens;


                uint256 remainingBalance = swapTokensAtAmount.sub(swapTokens);
                buyAmount = 1;
                sellAmount = 1;
                swapping = false;

            uint256 fees = amount * totalFees / 100;
            uint256 burntokens;

            if (burnFee > 0) {
            burntokens = amount * burnFee / 100;
            super._transfer(from, DEAD, burntokens);
            _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(burntokens);


            amount = amount.sub(fees + burntokens);

            if (isSelling) {
                sellAmount = sellAmount.add(fees);
            } else {
                buyAmount = buyAmount.add(fees);

            super._transfer(from, address(this), fees);

        super._transfer(from, to, amount);

    function swapAndLiquify(uint256 tokens) private {
        uint256 half = tokens.div(2);
        uint256 otherHalf = tokens.sub(half);
        uint256 initialBalance = address(this).balance;
        swapTokensForEth(half); // <- this breaks the ETH -> HATE swap when swap+liquify is triggered
        uint256 newBalance = address(this).balance.sub(initialBalance);
        addLiquidity(otherHalf, newBalance);
        emit SwapAndLiquify(half, newBalance, otherHalf);

    function swapTokensForEth(uint256 tokenAmount) private {
        address[] memory path = new address[](2);
        path[0] = address(this);
        path[1] = uniswapV2Router.WETH();
        _approve(address(this), address(uniswapV2Router), tokenAmount);
            0, // accept any amount of ETH

    function addLiquidity(uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 ethAmount) private {
        // approve token transfer to cover all possible scenarios
        _approve(address(this), address(uniswapV2Router), tokenAmount);

        // add the liquidity
        uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH{value: ethAmount}(
            0, // slippage is unavoidable
            0, // slippage is unavoidable

    function forceSwapAndSendDividends(uint256 tokens) public onlyOwner {
        tokens = tokens * (10**18);
        uint256 totalAmount = buyAmount.add(sellAmount);
        uint256 fromBuy = tokens.mul(buyAmount).div(totalAmount);
        uint256 fromSell = tokens.mul(sellAmount).div(totalAmount);


        buyAmount = buyAmount.sub(fromBuy);
        sellAmount = sellAmount.sub(fromSell);

    function swapAndSendDividends(uint256 tokens) private {
        if (tokens == 0) {

        bool success = true;
        bool successOp1 = true;
        bool successOp2 = true;
        uint256 _completeFees;
        uint256 feePortions;
        uint256 communityPayout;
        uint256 devPayout;
        uint256 nftPayout;
        _completeFees = sellCommunityFees.add(sellDevFee + sellNFTStakingFee) + 
                        buyCommunityFees.add(buyDevFee + buyNFTStakingFee);

        if (_completeFees > 0) {
            feePortions = address(this).balance.div(_completeFees);
            communityPayout = buyCommunityFees.add(sellCommunityFees) * feePortions;
            devPayout = buyDevFee.add(sellDevFee) * feePortions;
            nftPayout = buyNFTStakingFee.add(sellNFTStakingFee) * feePortions;
        if (communityPayout > 0) {
            (success, ) = address(communityWallet).call{value: communityPayout}("");
        if (devPayout > 0) {
            (successOp1, ) = address(devWallet).call{value: devPayout}("");

        if (nftPayout > 0) {
            (successOp2, ) = address(NFTRewardsContract).call{value: nftPayout}("");

        emit SendDividends(
            communityPayout + devPayout + nftPayout,
            success && successOp1 && successOp2

    function airdropToWallets(
        address[] memory airdropWallets,
        uint256[] memory amount
    ) external onlyOwner {
        require(airdropWallets.length == amount.length, "Arrays must be the same length");
        require(airdropWallets.length <= 200, "Wallets list length must be <= 200");
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < airdropWallets.length; i++) {
            address wallet = airdropWallets[i];
            uint256 airdropAmount = amount[i] * (10**18);
            super._transfer(msg.sender, wallet, airdropAmount);

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