ETH Price: $2,148.92 (+1.01%)

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File 1 of 1 : ConnectCompound

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

interface CTokenInterface {
    function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint);
    function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint);
    function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint);
    function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint);
    function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); // For ERC20
    function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint);

    function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint);
    function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint);
    function exchangeRateCurrent() external returns (uint);

    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);

interface CETHInterface {
    function mint() external payable;
    function repayBorrow() external payable;
    function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external payable;
    function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external payable;

interface TokenInterface {
    function allowance(address, address) external view returns (uint);
    function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint);
    function approve(address, uint) external;
    function transfer(address, uint) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address, address, uint) external returns (bool);

interface ComptrollerInterface {
    function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external returns (uint[] memory);
    function exitMarket(address cTokenAddress) external returns (uint);
    function getAssetsIn(address account) external view returns (address[] memory);
    function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint);
    function claimComp(address) external;

interface InstaMappingV2 {
    function getMapping(string calldata tokenId) external view returns (address, address);

interface MemoryInterface {
    function getUint(uint _id) external returns (uint _num);
    function setUint(uint _id, uint _val) external;

contract DSMath {

    function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        require((z = x + y) >= x, "math-not-safe");

    function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "math-not-safe");

    uint constant WAD = 10 ** 18;

    function wmul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD;

    function wdiv(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y;

    function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
        require((z = x - y) <= x, "ds-math-sub-underflow");


contract Helpers is DSMath {
     * @dev Return ethereum address
    function getAddressETH() internal pure returns (address) {
        return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // ETH Address

     * @dev Return Memory Variable Address
    function getMemoryAddr() internal pure returns (address) {
        return 0x8a5419CfC711B2343c17a6ABf4B2bAFaBb06957F; // InstaMemory Address

    // /**
    //  * @dev Return InstaEvent Address.
    //  */
    // function getEventAddr() internal pure returns (address) {
    //     return 0x2af7ea6Cb911035f3eb1ED895Cb6692C39ecbA97; // InstaEvent Address
    // }

     * @dev Get Uint value from InstaMemory Contract.
    function getUint(uint getId, uint val) internal returns (uint returnVal) {
        returnVal = getId == 0 ? val : MemoryInterface(getMemoryAddr()).getUint(getId);

     * @dev Set Uint value in InstaMemory Contract.
    function setUint(uint setId, uint val) internal {
        if (setId != 0) MemoryInterface(getMemoryAddr()).setUint(setId, val);

     * @dev Connector Details
    function connectorID() public pure returns(uint _type, uint _id) {
        (_type, _id) = (1, 87);

contract CompoundHelpers is Helpers {
     * @dev Return Compound Comptroller Address
    function getComptrollerAddress() internal pure returns (address) {
        return 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B;

     * @dev Return COMP Token Address.
    function getCompTokenAddress() internal pure returns (address) {
        return 0xc00e94Cb662C3520282E6f5717214004A7f26888;

     * @dev Return InstaDApp Mapping Addresses
    function getMappingAddr() internal pure returns (address) {
        return 0xA8F9D4aA7319C54C04404765117ddBf9448E2082; // InstaMapping Address

     * @dev enter compound market
    function enterMarket(address cToken) internal {
        ComptrollerInterface troller = ComptrollerInterface(getComptrollerAddress());
        address[] memory markets = troller.getAssetsIn(address(this));
        bool isEntered = false;
        for (uint i = 0; i < markets.length; i++) {
            if (markets[i] == cToken) {
                isEntered = true;
        if (!isEntered) {
            address[] memory toEnter = new address[](1);
            toEnter[0] = cToken;

contract BasicResolver is CompoundHelpers {
    event LogDeposit(address indexed token, string tokenId, address cToken, uint256 tokenAmt, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
    event LogWithdraw(address indexed token, string tokenId, address cToken, uint256 tokenAmt, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
    event LogBorrow(address indexed token, string tokenId, address cToken, uint256 tokenAmt, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
    event LogPayback(address indexed token, string tokenId, address cToken, uint256 tokenAmt, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);

     * @dev Deposit ETH/ERC20_Token.
     * @param tokenId token id of the token to deposit.(For eg: ETH-A)
     * @param amt token amount to deposit.
     * @param getId Get token amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set token amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function deposit(string calldata tokenId, uint amt, uint getId, uint setId) external payable{
        uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt);
        (address token, address cToken) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenId);
        require(token != address(0) && cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        if (token == getAddressETH()) {
            _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? address(this).balance : _amt;
        } else {
            TokenInterface tokenContract = TokenInterface(token);
            _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) : _amt;
            tokenContract.approve(cToken, _amt);
            require(CTokenInterface(cToken).mint(_amt) == 0, "deposit-failed");
        setUint(setId, _amt);

        emit LogDeposit(token, tokenId, cToken, _amt, getId, setId);

     * @dev Withdraw ETH/ERC20_Token.
     * @param tokenId token id of the token to withdraw.(For eg: ETH-A)
     * @param amt token amount to withdraw.
     * @param getId Get token amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set token amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function withdraw(string calldata tokenId, uint amt, uint getId, uint setId) external payable{
        uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt);
        (address token, address cToken) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenId);
        require(token != address(0) && cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cToken);
        if (_amt == uint(-1)) {
            TokenInterface tokenContract = TokenInterface(token);
            uint initialBal = token == getAddressETH() ? address(this).balance : tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
            require(cTokenContract.redeem(cTokenContract.balanceOf(address(this))) == 0, "full-withdraw-failed");
            uint finalBal = token == getAddressETH() ? address(this).balance : tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
            _amt = finalBal - initialBal;
        } else {
            require(cTokenContract.redeemUnderlying(_amt) == 0, "withdraw-failed");
        setUint(setId, _amt);

        emit LogWithdraw(token, tokenId, cToken, _amt, getId, setId);

     * @dev Borrow ETH/ERC20_Token.
     * @param tokenId token id of the token to borrow.(For eg: DAI-A)
     * @param amt token amount to borrow.
     * @param getId Get token amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set token amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function borrow(string calldata tokenId, uint amt, uint getId, uint setId) external payable {
        uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt);
        (address token, address cToken) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenId);
        require(token != address(0) && cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        require(CTokenInterface(cToken).borrow(_amt) == 0, "borrow-failed");
        setUint(setId, _amt);

        emit LogBorrow(token, tokenId, cToken, _amt, getId, setId);

     * @dev Payback borrowed ETH/ERC20_Token.
     * @param tokenId token id of the token to payback.(For eg: COMP-A)
     * @param amt token amount to payback.
     * @param getId Get token amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set token amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function payback(string calldata tokenId, uint amt, uint getId, uint setId) external payable {
        uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt);
        (address token, address cToken) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenId);
        require(token != address(0) && cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cToken);
        _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) : _amt;

        if (token == getAddressETH()) {
            require(address(this).balance >= _amt, "not-enough-eth");
        } else {
            TokenInterface tokenContract = TokenInterface(token);
            require(tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amt, "not-enough-token");
            tokenContract.approve(cToken, _amt);
            require(cTokenContract.repayBorrow(_amt) == 0, "repay-failed.");
        setUint(setId, _amt);

        emit LogPayback(token, tokenId, cToken, _amt, getId, setId);

contract ExtraResolver is BasicResolver {
    event LogClaimedComp(uint256 compAmt, uint256 setId);
    event LogDepositCToken(
        address indexed token,
        string tokenId,
        address cToken,
        uint256 tokenAmt,
        uint256 cTokenAmt,
        uint256 getId,
        uint256 setId
    event LogWithdrawCToken(
        address indexed token,
        string tokenId,
        address cToken,
        uint256 tokenAmt,
        uint256 cTokenAmt,
        uint256 getId,
        uint256 setId
    event LogLiquidate(
        address indexed borrower,
        address indexed tokenToPay,
        address indexed tokenInReturn,
        uint256 tokenAmt,
        uint256 getId,
        uint256 setId

    struct LiquidateData {
        address tokenToPay;
        address tokenInReturn;
        address cTokenPay;
        address cTokenColl;

     * @dev Deposit ETH/ERC20_Token.
     * @param tokenId token id of the token to depositCToken.(For eg: DAI-A)
     * @param amt token amount to depositCToken.
     * @param getId Get token amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set ctoken amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function depositCToken(string calldata tokenId, uint amt, uint getId, uint setId) external payable{
        uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt);
        (address token, address cToken) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenId);
        require(token != address(0) && cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");

        CTokenInterface ctokenContract = CTokenInterface(cToken);
        uint initialBal = ctokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));

        if (token == getAddressETH()) {
            _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? address(this).balance : _amt;
        } else {
            TokenInterface tokenContract = TokenInterface(token);
            _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) : _amt;
            tokenContract.approve(cToken, _amt);
            require( == 0, "deposit-ctoken-failed.");

        uint finalBal = ctokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
        uint _cAmt = finalBal - initialBal;
        setUint(setId, _cAmt);

        emit LogDepositCToken(token, tokenId, cToken, _amt, _cAmt, getId, setId);

     * @dev Withdraw CETH/CERC20_Token using cToken Amt.
     * @param tokenId token id of the token to withdraw CToken.(For eg: ETH-A)
     * @param cTokenAmt ctoken amount to withdrawCToken.
     * @param getId Get ctoken amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set token amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function withdrawCToken(string calldata tokenId, uint cTokenAmt, uint getId, uint setId) external payable {
        uint _cAmt = getUint(getId, cTokenAmt);
        (address token, address cToken) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenId);
        require(token != address(0) && cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cToken);
        TokenInterface tokenContract = TokenInterface(token);
        _cAmt = _cAmt == uint(-1) ? cTokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) : _cAmt;

        uint withdrawAmt;

            uint initialBal = token != getAddressETH() ? tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) : address(this).balance;
            require(cTokenContract.redeem(_cAmt) == 0, "redeem-failed");
            uint finalBal = token != getAddressETH() ? tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) : address(this).balance;

            withdrawAmt = sub(finalBal, initialBal);

        setUint(setId, withdrawAmt);

        emit LogWithdrawCToken(token, tokenId, cToken, withdrawAmt, _cAmt, getId, setId);

     * @dev Liquidate a position.
     * @param borrower Borrower's Address.
     * @param tokenIdToPay token id of the token to pay for liquidation.(For eg: ETH-A)
     * @param tokenIdInReturn token id of the token to return for liquidation.(For eg: USDC-A)
     * @param amt token amount to pay for liquidation.
     * @param getId Get token amount at this ID from `InstaMemory` Contract.
     * @param setId Set token amount at this ID in `InstaMemory` Contract.
    function liquidate(
        address borrower,
        string calldata tokenIdToPay,
        string calldata tokenIdInReturn,
        uint amt,
        uint getId,
        uint setId
    ) external payable
        uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt);

        LiquidateData memory data;

        (data.tokenToPay, data.cTokenPay) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenIdToPay);
        require(data.tokenToPay != address(0) && data.cTokenPay != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        (data.tokenInReturn, data.cTokenColl) = InstaMappingV2(getMappingAddr()).getMapping(tokenIdInReturn);
        require(data.tokenInReturn != address(0) && data.cTokenColl != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
        CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(data.cTokenPay);

            (,, uint shortfal) = ComptrollerInterface(getComptrollerAddress()).getAccountLiquidity(borrower);
            require(shortfal != 0, "account-cannot-be-liquidated");

        _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(borrower) : _amt;
        if (data.tokenToPay == getAddressETH()) {
            require(address(this).balance >= _amt, "not-enought-eth");
            CETHInterface(data.cTokenPay).liquidateBorrow.value(_amt)(borrower, data.cTokenColl);
        } else {
            TokenInterface tokenContract = TokenInterface(data.tokenToPay);
            require(tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amt, "not-enough-token");
            tokenContract.approve(data.cTokenPay, _amt);
            require(cTokenContract.liquidateBorrow(borrower, _amt, data.cTokenColl) == 0, "liquidate-failed");
        setUint(setId, _amt);

        emit LogLiquidate(

contract ConnectCompound is ExtraResolver {
    string public name = "Compound-v1.4";

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