ETH Price: $3,455.30 (-1.74%)
Gas: 4 Gwei

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

File 1 of 1 : LifCrowdsale

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol

 * @title Ownable
 * @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
 * functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
  address public owner;

  event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);

   * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
   * account.
  function Ownable() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

   * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
  modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

   * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
   * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
  function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
    require(newOwner != address(0));
    OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
    owner = newOwner;


// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol

 * @title SafeMath
 * @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {

  * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
  function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    if (a == 0) {
      return 0;
    uint256 c = a * b;
    assert(c / a == b);
    return c;

  * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
  function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
    uint256 c = a / b;
    // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
    return c;

  * @dev Substracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
  function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    assert(b <= a);
    return a - b;

  * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
  function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a + b;
    assert(c >= a);
    return c;

// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Basic.sol

 * @title ERC20Basic
 * @dev Simpler version of ERC20 interface
 * @dev see
contract ERC20Basic {
  function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
  function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
  function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
  event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/BasicToken.sol

 * @title Basic token
 * @dev Basic version of StandardToken, with no allowances.
contract BasicToken is ERC20Basic {
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  mapping(address => uint256) balances;

  uint256 totalSupply_;

  * @dev total number of tokens in existence
  function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
    return totalSupply_;

  * @dev transfer token for a specified address
  * @param _to The address to transfer to.
  * @param _value The amount to be transferred.
  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
    require(_to != address(0));
    require(_value <= balances[msg.sender]);

    // SafeMath.sub will throw if there is not enough balance.
    balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
    balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
    Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
    return true;

  * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address.
  * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of.
  * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
  function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
    return balances[_owner];


// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol

 * @title ERC20 interface
 * @dev see
contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic {
  function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256);
  function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
  function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
  event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/StandardToken.sol

 * @title Standard ERC20 token
 * @dev Implementation of the basic standard token.
 * @dev
 * @dev Based on code by FirstBlood:
contract StandardToken is ERC20, BasicToken {

  mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal allowed;

   * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another
   * @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
   * @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to
   * @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
  function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
    require(_to != address(0));
    require(_value <= balances[_from]);
    require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender]);

    balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value);
    balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
    allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value);
    Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
    return true;

   * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.
   * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old
   * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this
   * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards:
   * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
   * @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
  function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
    allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
    return true;

   * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
   * @param _owner address The address which owns the funds.
   * @param _spender address The address which will spend the funds.
   * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender.
  function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256) {
    return allowed[_owner][_spender];

   * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
   * approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To increment
   * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until
   * the first transaction is mined)
   * From MonolithDAO Token.sol
   * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
   * @param _addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by.
  function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint _addedValue) public returns (bool) {
    allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = allowed[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue);
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]);
    return true;

   * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
   * approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To decrement
   * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until
   * the first transaction is mined)
   * From MonolithDAO Token.sol
   * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
   * @param _subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by.
  function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint _subtractedValue) public returns (bool) {
    uint oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender];
    if (_subtractedValue > oldValue) {
      allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0;
    } else {
      allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.sub(_subtractedValue);
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]);
    return true;


// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/MintableToken.sol

 * @title Mintable token
 * @dev Simple ERC20 Token example, with mintable token creation
 * @dev Issue: *
 * Based on code by TokenMarketNet:
contract MintableToken is StandardToken, Ownable {
  event Mint(address indexed to, uint256 amount);
  event MintFinished();

  bool public mintingFinished = false;

  modifier canMint() {

   * @dev Function to mint tokens
   * @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens.
   * @param _amount The amount of tokens to mint.
   * @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
  function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) onlyOwner canMint public returns (bool) {
    totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.add(_amount);
    balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount);
    Mint(_to, _amount);
    Transfer(address(0), _to, _amount);
    return true;

   * @dev Function to stop minting new tokens.
   * @return True if the operation was successful.
  function finishMinting() onlyOwner canMint public returns (bool) {
    mintingFinished = true;
    return true;

// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol

 * @title Pausable
 * @dev Base contract which allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism.
contract Pausable is Ownable {
  event Pause();
  event Unpause();

  bool public paused = false;

   * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused.
  modifier whenNotPaused() {

   * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused.
  modifier whenPaused() {

   * @dev called by the owner to pause, triggers stopped state
  function pause() onlyOwner whenNotPaused public {
    paused = true;

   * @dev called by the owner to unpause, returns to normal state
  function unpause() onlyOwner whenPaused public {
    paused = false;

// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/PausableToken.sol

 * @title Pausable token
 * @dev StandardToken modified with pausable transfers.
contract PausableToken is StandardToken, Pausable {

  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
    return super.transfer(_to, _value);

  function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
    return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value);

  function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
    return super.approve(_spender, _value);

  function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint _addedValue) public whenNotPaused returns (bool success) {
    return super.increaseApproval(_spender, _addedValue);

  function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint _subtractedValue) public whenNotPaused returns (bool success) {
    return super.decreaseApproval(_spender, _subtractedValue);

// File: contracts/LifToken.sol

   @title Líf, the Winding Tree token

   Implementation of Líf, the ERC827 token for Winding Tree, an extension of the
   ERC20 token with extra methods to transfer value and data to execute a call
   on transfer.
   Uses OpenZeppelin StandardToken, ERC827Token, MintableToken and PausableToken.
contract LifToken is StandardToken, MintableToken, PausableToken {
  // Token Name
  string public constant NAME = "Líf";

  // Token Symbol
  string public constant SYMBOL = "LIF";

  // Token decimals
  uint public constant DECIMALS = 18;

   * @dev Burns a specific amount of tokens.
   * @param _value The amount of tokens to be burned.
  function burn(uint256 _value) public whenNotPaused {

    require(_value <= balances[msg.sender]);

    balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
    totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.sub(_value);

    // a Transfer event to 0x0 can be useful for observers to keep track of
    // all the Lif by just looking at those events
    Transfer(msg.sender, address(0), _value);

   * @dev Burns a specific amount of tokens of an address
   * This function can be called only by the owner in the minting process
   * @param _value The amount of tokens to be burned.
  function burn(address burner, uint256 _value) public onlyOwner {


    require(_value <= balances[burner]);

    balances[burner] = balances[burner].sub(_value);
    totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.sub(_value);

    // a Transfer event to 0x0 can be useful for observers to keep track of
    // all the Lif by just looking at those events
    Transfer(burner, address(0), _value);

// File: contracts/LifMarketValidationMechanism.sol

   @title Market Validation Mechanism (MVM)
contract LifMarketValidationMechanism is Ownable {
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  // The Lif token contract
  LifToken public lifToken;

  // The address of the foundation wallet. It can claim part of the eth funds
  // following an exponential curve until the end of the MVM lifetime (24 or 48
  // months). After that it can claim 100% of the remaining eth in the MVM.
  address public foundationAddr;

  // The amount of wei that the MVM received initially
  uint256 public initialWei;

  // Start timestamp since which the MVM begins to accept tokens via sendTokens
  uint256 public startTimestamp;

  // Quantity of seconds in every period, usually equivalent to 30 days
  uint256 public secondsPerPeriod;

  // Number of periods. It should be 24 or 48 (each period is roughly a month)
  uint8 public totalPeriods;

  // The total amount of wei that was claimed by the foundation so far
  uint256 public totalWeiClaimed = 0;

  // The price at which the MVM buys tokens at the beginning of its lifetime
  uint256 public initialBuyPrice = 0;

  // Amount of tokens that were burned by the MVM
  uint256 public totalBurnedTokens = 0;

  // Amount of wei that was reimbursed via sendTokens calls
  uint256 public totalReimbursedWei = 0;

  // Total supply of tokens when the MVM was created
  uint256 public originalTotalSupply;

  uint256 constant PRICE_FACTOR = 100000;

  // Has the MVM been funded by calling `fund`? It can be funded only once
  bool public funded = false;

  // true when the market MVM is paused
  bool public paused = false;

  // total amount of seconds that the MVM was paused
  uint256 public totalPausedSeconds = 0;

  // the timestamp where the MVM was paused
  uint256 public pausedTimestamp;

  uint256[] public periods;

  // Events
  event Pause();
  event Unpause(uint256 pausedSeconds);

  event ClaimedWei(uint256 claimedWei);
  event SentTokens(address indexed sender, uint256 price, uint256 tokens, uint256 returnedWei);

  modifier whenNotPaused(){

  modifier whenPaused(){

     @dev Constructor

     @param lifAddr the lif token address
     @param _startTimestamp see `startTimestamp`
     @param _secondsPerPeriod see `secondsPerPeriod`
     @param _totalPeriods see `totalPeriods`
     @param _foundationAddr see `foundationAddr`
  function LifMarketValidationMechanism(
    address lifAddr, uint256 _startTimestamp, uint256 _secondsPerPeriod,
    uint8 _totalPeriods, address _foundationAddr
  ) {
    require(lifAddr != address(0));
    require(_startTimestamp > block.timestamp);
    require(_secondsPerPeriod > 0);
    require(_totalPeriods == 24 || _totalPeriods == 48);
    require(_foundationAddr != address(0));

    lifToken = LifToken(lifAddr);
    startTimestamp = _startTimestamp;
    secondsPerPeriod = _secondsPerPeriod;
    totalPeriods = _totalPeriods;
    foundationAddr = _foundationAddr;


     @dev Receives the initial funding from the Crowdsale. Calculates the
     initial buy price as initialWei / totalSupply
  function fund() public payable onlyOwner {

    originalTotalSupply = lifToken.totalSupply();
    initialWei = msg.value;
    initialBuyPrice = initialWei.

    funded = true;

     @dev Change the LifToken address
  function changeToken(address newToken) public onlyOwner {
    lifToken = LifToken(newToken);

     @dev calculates the exponential distribution curve. It determines how much
     wei can be distributed back to the foundation every month. It starts with
     very low amounts ending with higher chunks at the end of the MVM lifetime
  function calculateDistributionPeriods() public {
    assert(totalPeriods == 24 || totalPeriods == 48);
    assert(periods.length == 0);

    // Table with the max delta % that can be distributed back to the foundation on
    // each period. It follows an exponential curve (starts with lower % and ends
    // with higher %) to keep the funds in the MVM longer. deltas24
    // is used when MVM lifetime is 24 months, deltas48 when it's 48 months.
    // The sum is less than 100% because the last % is missing: after the last period
    // the 100% remaining can be claimed by the foundation. Values multipled by 10^5

    uint256[24] memory accumDistribution24 = [
      uint256(0), 18, 117, 351, 767, 1407,
      2309, 3511, 5047, 6952, 9257, 11995,
      15196, 18889, 23104, 27870, 33215, 39166,
      45749, 52992, 60921, 69561, 78938, 89076

    uint256[48] memory accumDistribution48 = [
      uint256(0), 3, 18, 54, 117, 214, 351, 534,
      767, 1056, 1406, 1822, 2308, 2869, 3510, 4234,
      5046, 5950, 6950, 8051, 9256, 10569, 11994, 13535,
      15195, 16978, 18888, 20929, 23104, 25416, 27870, 30468,
      33214, 36112, 39165, 42376, 45749, 49286, 52992, 56869,
      60921, 65150, 69560, 74155, 78937, 83909, 89075, 94438

    for (uint8 i = 0; i < totalPeriods; i++) {

      if (totalPeriods == 24) {
      } else {


     @dev Returns the current period as a number from 0 to totalPeriods

     @return the current period as a number from 0 to totalPeriods
  function getCurrentPeriodIndex() public view returns(uint256) {
    assert(block.timestamp >= startTimestamp);
    return block.timestamp.sub(startTimestamp).

     @dev calculates the accumulated distribution percentage as of now,
     following the exponential distribution curve

     @return the accumulated distribution percentage, used to calculate things
     like the maximum amount that can be claimed by the foundation
  function getAccumulatedDistributionPercentage() public view returns(uint256 percentage) {
    uint256 period = getCurrentPeriodIndex();

    assert(period < totalPeriods);

    return periods[period];

     @dev returns the current buy price at which the MVM offers to buy tokens to
     burn them

     @return the current buy price (in eth/lif, multiplied by PRICE_FACTOR)
  function getBuyPrice() public view returns (uint256 price) {
    uint256 accumulatedDistributionPercentage = getAccumulatedDistributionPercentage();

    return initialBuyPrice.

     @dev Returns the maximum amount of wei that the foundation can claim. It's
     a portion of the ETH that was not claimed by token holders

     @return the maximum wei claimable by the foundation as of now
  function getMaxClaimableWeiAmount() public view returns (uint256) {
    if (isFinished()) {
      return this.balance;
    } else {
      uint256 claimableFromReimbursed = initialBuyPrice.
      uint256 currentCirculation = lifToken.totalSupply();
      uint256 accumulatedDistributionPercentage = getAccumulatedDistributionPercentage();
      uint256 maxClaimable = initialWei.

      if (maxClaimable > totalWeiClaimed) {
        return maxClaimable.sub(totalWeiClaimed);
      } else {
        return 0;

     @dev allows to send tokens to the MVM in exchange of Eth at the price
     determined by getBuyPrice. The tokens are burned
  function sendTokens(uint256 tokens) public whenNotPaused {
    require(tokens > 0);

    uint256 price = getBuyPrice();
    uint256 totalWei = tokens.mul(price).div(PRICE_FACTOR);

    lifToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokens);
    totalBurnedTokens = totalBurnedTokens.add(tokens);

    SentTokens(msg.sender, price, tokens, totalWei);

    totalReimbursedWei = totalReimbursedWei.add(totalWei);

     @dev Returns whether the MVM end-of-life has been reached. When that
     happens no more tokens can be sent to the MVM and the foundation can claim
     100% of the remaining balance in the MVM

     @return true if the MVM end-of-life has been reached
  function isFinished() public view returns (bool finished) {
    return getCurrentPeriodIndex() >= totalPeriods;

     @dev Called from the foundation wallet to claim eth back from the MVM.
     Maximum amount that can be claimed is determined by
  function claimWei(uint256 weiAmount) public whenNotPaused {
    require(msg.sender == foundationAddr);

    uint256 claimable = getMaxClaimableWeiAmount();

    assert(claimable >= weiAmount);


    totalWeiClaimed = totalWeiClaimed.add(weiAmount);


     @dev Pauses the MVM. No tokens can be sent to the MVM and no eth can be
     claimed from the MVM while paused. MVM total lifetime is extended by the
     period it stays paused
  function pause() public onlyOwner whenNotPaused {
    paused = true;
    pausedTimestamp = block.timestamp;


     @dev Unpauses the MVM. See `pause` for more details about pausing
  function unpause() public onlyOwner whenPaused {
    uint256 pausedSeconds = block.timestamp.sub(pausedTimestamp);
    totalPausedSeconds = totalPausedSeconds.add(pausedSeconds);
    paused = false;



// File: contracts/VestedPayment.sol

   @title Vested Payment Schedule for LifToken

   An ownable vesting schedule for the LifToken, the tokens can only be
   claimed by the owner. The contract has a start timestamp, a duration
   of each period in seconds (it can be days, months, years), a total
   amount of periods and a cliff. The available amount of tokens will
   be calculated based on the balance of LifTokens of the contract at
   that time.

contract VestedPayment is Ownable {
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  // When the vested schedule starts
  uint256 public startTimestamp;

  // How many seconds each period will last
  uint256 public secondsPerPeriod;

  // How many periods will have in total
  uint256 public totalPeriods;

  // The amount of tokens to be vested in total
  uint256 public tokens;

  // How many tokens were claimed
  uint256 public claimed;

  // The token contract
  LifToken public token;

  // Duration (in periods) of the initial cliff in the vesting schedule
  uint256 public cliffDuration;

     @dev Constructor.

     @param _startTimestamp see `startTimestamp`
     @param _secondsPerPeriod see `secondsPerPeriod`
     @param _totalPeriods see `totalPeriods
     @param _cliffDuration see `cliffDuration`
     @param _tokens see `tokens`
     @param tokenAddress the address of the token contract
  function VestedPayment(
    uint256 _startTimestamp, uint256 _secondsPerPeriod,
    uint256 _totalPeriods, uint256 _cliffDuration,
    uint256 _tokens, address tokenAddress
  ) {
    require(_startTimestamp >= block.timestamp);
    require(_secondsPerPeriod > 0);
    require(_totalPeriods > 0);
    require(tokenAddress != address(0));
    require(_cliffDuration < _totalPeriods);
    require(_tokens > 0);

    startTimestamp = _startTimestamp;
    secondsPerPeriod = _secondsPerPeriod;
    totalPeriods = _totalPeriods;
    cliffDuration = _cliffDuration;
    tokens = _tokens;
    token = LifToken(tokenAddress);

     @dev Change the LifToken address
  function changeToken(address newToken) public onlyOwner {
    token = LifToken(newToken);

     @dev Get how many tokens are available to be claimed
  function getAvailableTokens() public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 period = block.timestamp.sub(startTimestamp)

    if (period < cliffDuration) {
      return 0;
    } else if (period >= totalPeriods) {
      return tokens.sub(claimed);
    } else {
      return tokens.mul(period.add(1)).div(totalPeriods).sub(claimed);

     @dev Claim the tokens, they can be claimed only by the owner
     of the contract

     @param amount how many tokens to be claimed
  function claimTokens(uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
    assert(getAvailableTokens() >= amount);

    claimed = claimed.add(amount);
    token.transfer(owner, amount);


// File: contracts/LifCrowdsale.sol

   @title Crowdsale for the Lif Token Generation Event

   Implementation of the Lif Token Generation Event (TGE) Crowdsale: A 2 week
   fixed price, uncapped token sale, with a discounted ratefor contributions
   ìn the private presale and a Market Validation Mechanism that will receive
   the funds over the USD 10M soft cap.
   The crowdsale has a minimum cap of USD 5M which in case of not being reached
   by purchases made during the 2 week period the token will not start operating
   and all funds sent during that period will be made available to be claimed by
   the originating addresses.
   Funds up to the USD 10M soft cap will be sent to the Winding Tree Foundation
   wallet at the end of the crowdsale.
   Funds over that amount will be put in a MarketValidationMechanism (MVM) smart
   contract that guarantees a price floor for a period of 2 or 4 years, allowing
   any token holder to burn their tokens in exchange of part of the eth amount
   sent during the TGE in exchange of those tokens.
contract LifCrowdsale is Ownable, Pausable {
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  // The token being sold.
  LifToken public token;

  // Beginning of the period where tokens can be purchased at rate `rate1`.
  uint256 public startTimestamp;
  // Moment after which the rate to buy tokens goes from `rate1` to `rate2`.
  uint256 public end1Timestamp;
  // Marks the end of the Token Generation Event.
  uint256 public end2Timestamp;

  // Address of the Winding Tree Foundation wallet. Funds up to the soft cap are
  // sent to this address. It's also the address to which the MVM distributes
  // the funds that are made available month after month. An extra 5% of tokens
  // are put in a Vested Payment with this address as beneficiary, acting as a
  // long-term reserve for the foundation.
  address public foundationWallet;

  // Address of the Winding Tree Founders wallet. An extra 12.8% of tokens
  // are put in a Vested Payment with this address as beneficiary, with 1 year
  // cliff and 4 years duration.
  address public foundersWallet;

  // TGE min cap, in USD. Converted to wei using `weiPerUSDinTGE`.
  uint256 public minCapUSD = 5000000;

  // Maximun amount from the TGE that the foundation receives, in USD. Converted
  // to wei using `weiPerUSDinTGE`. Funds over this cap go to the MVM.
  uint256 public maxFoundationCapUSD = 10000000;

  // Maximum amount from the TGE that makes the MVM to last for 24 months. If
  // funds from the TGE exceed this amount, the MVM will last for 24 months.
  uint256 public MVM24PeriodsCapUSD = 40000000;

  // Conversion rate from USD to wei to use during the TGE.
  uint256 public weiPerUSDinTGE = 0;

  // Seconds before the TGE since when the corresponding USD to
  // wei rate cannot be set by the owner anymore.
  uint256 public setWeiLockSeconds = 0;

  // Quantity of Lif that is received in exchage of 1 Ether during the first
  // week of the 2 weeks TGE
  uint256 public rate1;

  // Quantity of Lif that is received in exchage of 1 Ether during the second
  // week of the 2 weeks TGE
  uint256 public rate2;

  // Amount of wei received in exchange of tokens during the 2 weeks TGE
  uint256 public weiRaised;

  // Amount of lif minted and transferred during the TGE
  uint256 public tokensSold;

  // Address of the vesting schedule for the foundation created at the
  // end of the crowdsale
  VestedPayment public foundationVestedPayment;

  // Address of the vesting schedule for founders created at the
  // end of the crowdsale
  VestedPayment public foundersVestedPayment;

  // Address of the MVM created at the end of the crowdsale
  LifMarketValidationMechanism public MVM;

  // Tracks the wei sent per address during the 2 week TGE. This is the amount
  // that can be claimed by each address in case the minimum cap is not reached
  mapping(address => uint256) public purchases;

  // Has the Crowdsale been finalized by a successful call to `finalize`?
  bool public isFinalized = false;

     @dev Event triggered (at most once) on a successful call to `finalize`
  event Finalized();

     @dev Event triggered every time a presale purchase is done
  event TokenPresalePurchase(address indexed beneficiary, uint256 weiAmount, uint256 rate);

     @dev Event triggered on every purchase during the TGE

     @param purchaser who paid for the tokens
     @param beneficiary who got the tokens
     @param value amount of wei paid
     @param amount amount of tokens purchased
  event TokenPurchase(
    address indexed purchaser,
    address indexed beneficiary,
    uint256 value,
    uint256 amount

     @dev Constructor. Creates the token in a paused state

     @param _startTimestamp see `startTimestamp`
     @param _end1Timestamp see `end1Timestamp`
     @param _end2Timestamp see `end2Timestamp
     @param _rate1 see `rate1`
     @param _rate2 see `rate2`
     @param _foundationWallet see `foundationWallet`
  function LifCrowdsale(
    uint256 _startTimestamp,
    uint256 _end1Timestamp,
    uint256 _end2Timestamp,
    uint256 _rate1,
    uint256 _rate2,
    uint256 _setWeiLockSeconds,
    address _foundationWallet,
    address _foundersWallet
  ) {

    require(_startTimestamp > block.timestamp);
    require(_end1Timestamp > _startTimestamp);
    require(_end2Timestamp > _end1Timestamp);
    require(_rate1 > 0);
    require(_rate2 > 0);
    require(_setWeiLockSeconds > 0);
    require(_foundationWallet != address(0));
    require(_foundersWallet != address(0));

    token = new LifToken();

    startTimestamp = _startTimestamp;
    end1Timestamp = _end1Timestamp;
    end2Timestamp = _end2Timestamp;
    rate1 = _rate1;
    rate2 = _rate2;
    setWeiLockSeconds = _setWeiLockSeconds;
    foundationWallet = _foundationWallet;
    foundersWallet = _foundersWallet;

     @dev Set the wei per USD rate for the TGE. Has to be called by
     the owner up to `setWeiLockSeconds` before `startTimestamp`

     @param _weiPerUSD wei per USD rate valid during the TGE
  function setWeiPerUSDinTGE(uint256 _weiPerUSD) public onlyOwner {
    require(_weiPerUSD > 0);
    assert(block.timestamp < startTimestamp.sub(setWeiLockSeconds));

    weiPerUSDinTGE = _weiPerUSD;

     @dev Returns the current Lif per Eth rate during the TGE

     @return the current Lif per Eth rate or 0 when not in TGE
  function getRate() public view returns (uint256) {
    if (block.timestamp < startTimestamp)
      return 0;
    else if (block.timestamp <= end1Timestamp)
      return rate1;
    else if (block.timestamp <= end2Timestamp)
      return rate2;
      return 0;

     @dev Fallback function, payable. Calls `buyTokens`
  function () payable {

     @dev Allows to get tokens during the TGE. Payable. The value is converted to
     Lif using the current rate obtained by calling `getRate()`.

     @param beneficiary Address to which Lif should be sent
  function buyTokens(address beneficiary) public payable whenNotPaused validPurchase {
    require(beneficiary != address(0));
    assert(weiPerUSDinTGE > 0);

    uint256 weiAmount = msg.value;

    // get current price (it depends on current block number)
    uint256 rate = getRate();

    assert(rate > 0);

    // calculate token amount to be created
    uint256 tokens = weiAmount.mul(rate);

    // store wei amount in case of TGE min cap not reached
    weiRaised = weiRaised.add(weiAmount);
    purchases[beneficiary] = purchases[beneficiary].add(weiAmount);
    tokensSold = tokensSold.add(tokens);, tokens);
    TokenPurchase(msg.sender, beneficiary, weiAmount, tokens);

     @dev Allows to add the address and the amount of wei sent by a contributor
     in the private presale. Can only be called by the owner before the beginning
     of TGE

     @param beneficiary Address to which Lif will be sent
     @param weiSent Amount of wei contributed
     @param rate Lif per ether rate at the moment of the contribution
  function addPrivatePresaleTokens(
    address beneficiary, uint256 weiSent, uint256 rate
  ) public onlyOwner {
    require(block.timestamp < startTimestamp);
    require(beneficiary != address(0));
    require(weiSent > 0);

    // validate that rate is higher than TGE rate
    require(rate > rate1);

    uint256 tokens = weiSent.mul(rate);

    weiRaised = weiRaised.add(weiSent);, tokens);

    TokenPresalePurchase(beneficiary, weiSent, rate);

     @dev Internal. Forwards funds to the foundation wallet and in case the soft
     cap was exceeded it also creates and funds the Market Validation Mechanism.
  function forwardFunds(bool deployMVM) internal {

    // calculate the max amount of wei for the foundation
    uint256 foundationBalanceCapWei = maxFoundationCapUSD.mul(weiPerUSDinTGE);

    // If the minimiun cap for the MVM is not reached or the MVM cant be deployed
    // transfer all funds to foundation else if the min cap for the MVM is reached,
    // create it and send the remaining funds.
    // We use weiRaised to compare becuase that is the total amount of wei raised in all TGE
    // but we have to distribute the balance using `this.balance` because thats the amount
    // raised by the crowdsale
    if ((weiRaised <= foundationBalanceCapWei) || !deployMVM) {



    } else {

      uint256 mmFundBalance = this.balance.sub(foundationBalanceCapWei);

      // check how much preiods we have to use on the MVM
      uint8 MVMPeriods = 24;
      if (mmFundBalance > MVM24PeriodsCapUSD.mul(weiPerUSDinTGE))
        MVMPeriods = 48;


      MVM = new LifMarketValidationMechanism(
        address(token), block.timestamp.add(30 days), 30 days, MVMPeriods, foundationWallet



     @dev Internal. Distribute extra tokens among founders,
     team and the foundation long-term reserve. Founders receive
     12.8% of tokens in a 4y (1y cliff) vesting schedule.
     Foundation long-term reserve receives 5% of tokens in a
     vesting schedule with the same duration as the MVM that
     starts when the MVM ends. An extra 7.2% is transferred to
     the foundation to be distributed among advisors and future hires
  function mintExtraTokens(uint256 foundationMonthsStart) internal {
    // calculate how much tokens will the founders,
    // foundation and advisors will receive
    uint256 foundersTokens = token.totalSupply().mul(128).div(1000);
    uint256 foundationTokens = token.totalSupply().mul(50).div(1000);
    uint256 teamTokens = token.totalSupply().mul(72).div(1000);

    // create the vested payment schedule for the founders
    foundersVestedPayment = new VestedPayment(
      block.timestamp, 30 days, 48, 12, foundersTokens, token
    );, foundersTokens);

    // create the vested payment schedule for the foundation
    uint256 foundationPaymentStart = foundationMonthsStart.mul(30 days)
      .add(30 days);
    foundationVestedPayment = new VestedPayment(
      block.timestamp.add(foundationPaymentStart), 30 days,
      foundationMonthsStart, 0, foundationTokens, token
    );, foundationTokens);

    // transfer the token for advisors and future employees to the foundation, teamTokens);


     @dev Modifier
     ok if the transaction can buy tokens on TGE
  modifier validPurchase() {
    bool withinPeriod = now >= startTimestamp && now <= end2Timestamp;
    bool nonZeroPurchase = msg.value != 0;
    assert(withinPeriod && nonZeroPurchase);

     @dev Modifier
     ok when block.timestamp is past end2Timestamp
  modifier hasEnded() {
    assert(block.timestamp > end2Timestamp);

     @dev Modifier
     @return true if minCapUSD has been reached by contributions during the TGE
  function funded() public view returns (bool) {
    assert(weiPerUSDinTGE > 0);
    return weiRaised >= minCapUSD.mul(weiPerUSDinTGE);

     @dev Allows a TGE contributor to claim their contributed eth in case the
     TGE has finished without reaching the minCapUSD
  function claimEth() public whenNotPaused hasEnded {

    uint256 toReturn = purchases[msg.sender];
    assert(toReturn > 0);

    purchases[msg.sender] = 0;


     @dev Allows the owner to return an purchase to a contributor
  function returnPurchase(address contributor)
    public hasEnded onlyOwner

    uint256 toReturn = purchases[contributor];
    assert(toReturn > 0);

    uint256 tokenBalance = token.balanceOf(contributor);

    // Substract weiRaised and tokens sold
    weiRaised = weiRaised.sub(toReturn);
    tokensSold = tokensSold.sub(tokenBalance);
    token.burn(contributor, tokenBalance);
    purchases[contributor] = 0;


     @dev Finalizes the crowdsale, taking care of transfer of funds to the
     Winding Tree Foundation and creation and funding of the Market Validation
     Mechanism in case the soft cap was exceeded. It also unpauses the token to
     enable transfers. It can be called only once, after `end2Timestamp`
  function finalize(bool deployMVM) public onlyOwner hasEnded {

    // foward founds and unpause token only if minCap is reached
    if (funded()) {


      // finish the minting of the token

      // transfer the ownership of the token to the foundation


    isFinalized = true;


// File: contracts/deploy/TGEDeployer.sol

   @title TGEDeployer, A deployer contract for the Winding Tree TGE

   This contract is used to create a crowdsale and issue presale tokens in batches
   it will also set the weiPerUSD and transfer ownership, after that everything is
   ready for the TGE to succed.
contract TGEDeployer {

  LifCrowdsale public crowdsale;
  address public wallet;
  address public owner;

  function TGEDeployer(
    uint256 startTimestamp,
    uint256 end1Timestamp,
    uint256 end2Timestamp,
    uint256 rate1,
    uint256 rate2,
    uint256 setWeiLockSeconds,
    address foundationWallet,
    address foundersWallet
  ) public {
    crowdsale = new LifCrowdsale(
      startTimestamp, end1Timestamp, end2Timestamp, rate1, rate2,
      setWeiLockSeconds, foundationWallet, foundersWallet
    wallet = foundationWallet;
    owner = msg.sender;

  // Mint a batch of presale tokens
  function addPresaleTokens(address[] contributors, uint256[] values, uint256 rate) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
    require(contributors.length == values.length);
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < contributors.length; i ++) {
      crowdsale.addPrivatePresaleTokens(contributors[i], values[i], rate);

  // Set the wei per USD in the crowdsale and then transfer ownership to foundation
  function finish(uint256 weiPerUSDinTGE) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner);


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