ETH Price: $3,446.64 (-0.03%)
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File 1 of 1 : AppicsToken

// Appics token smart contract.
// Developed by Phenom.Team <[email protected]>

pragma solidity ^ 0.4.15;

 *   @title SafeMath
 *   @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a * b;
        assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
        return c;

    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns(uint256) {
        assert(b > 0);
        uint256 c = a / b;
        assert(a == b * c + a % b);
        return c;

    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns(uint256) {
        assert(b <= a);
        return a - b;

    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns(uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        assert(c >= a);
        return c;

 *   @title ERC20
 *   @dev Standart ERC20 token interface
contract ERC20 {
    uint256 public totalSupply = 0;
    mapping(address => uint256) balances;
    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) allowed;
    function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns(uint256);
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns(bool);
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns(bool);
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns(bool);
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns(uint256);
    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);

 *   @title 
 *   @dev Appics token contract
contract AppicsToken is ERC20 {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    string public name = "Appics";
    string public symbol = "XAP";
    uint256 public decimals = 18;

    // Ico contract address
    address public ico;
    event Burn(address indexed from, uint256 value);

    // Disables/enables token transfers
    bool public tokensAreFrozen = true;

    // Allows execution by the ico only
    modifier icoOnly {
        require(msg.sender == ico);

    *   @dev Contract constructor function sets Ico address
    *   @param _ico          ico address
    function AppicsToken(address _ico) public {
        ico = _ico;

    *   @dev Mint tokens
    *   @param _holder       beneficiary address the tokens will be issued to
    *   @param _value        number of tokens to issue
    function mintTokens(address _holder, uint256 _value) external icoOnly {
        require(_value > 0);
        balances[_holder] = balances[_holder].add(_value);
        totalSupply = totalSupply.add(_value);
        Transfer(0x0, _holder, _value);

    *   @dev Enables token transfers
    function defrostTokens() external icoOnly {
      tokensAreFrozen = false;

    *   @dev Disables token transfers
    function frostTokens() external icoOnly {
      tokensAreFrozen = true;

    *   @dev Burn Tokens
    *   @param _investor     token holder address which the tokens will be burnt
    *   @param _value        number of tokens to burn
    function burnTokens(address _investor, uint256 _value) external icoOnly {
        require(balances[_investor] > 0);
        totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(_value);
        balances[_investor] = balances[_investor].sub(_value);
        Burn(_investor, _value);

    *   @dev Get balance of investor
    *   @param _owner        investor's address
    *   @return              balance of investor
    function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns(uint256) {
      return balances[_owner];

    *   @dev Send coins
    *   throws on any error rather then return a false flag to minimize
    *   user errors
    *   @param _to           target address
    *   @param _amount       transfer amount
    *   @return true if the transfer was successful
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) public returns(bool) {
        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_amount);
        balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount);
        Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
        return true;

    *   @dev An account/contract attempts to get the coins
    *   throws on any error rather then return a false flag to minimize user errors
    *   @param _from         source address
    *   @param _to           target address
    *   @param _amount       transfer amount
    *   @return true if the transfer was successful
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) public returns(bool) {
        balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_amount);
        allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_amount);
        balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount);
        Transfer(_from, _to, _amount);
        return true;

    *   @dev Allows another account/contract to spend some tokens on its behalf
    *   throws on any error rather then return a false flag to minimize user errors
    *   also, to minimize the risk of the approve/transferFrom attack vector
    *   approve has to be called twice in 2 separate transactions - once to
    *   change the allowance to 0 and secondly to change it to the new allowance
    *   value
    *   @param _spender      approved address
    *   @param _amount       allowance amount
    *   @return true if the approval was successful
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) public returns(bool) {
        require((_amount == 0) || (allowed[msg.sender][_spender] == 0));
        allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount;
        Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount);
        return true;

    *   @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
    *   @param _owner        the address which owns the funds
    *   @param _spender      the address which will spend the funds
    *   @return              the amount of tokens still avaible for the spender
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns(uint256) {
        return allowed[_owner][_spender];

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