ETH Price: $2,378.61 (-0.20%)

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

File 1 of 1 : Vyper_contract

# @version 0.2.7
@title Curve Fee Distribution
@author Curve Finance
@license MIT

from vyper.interfaces import ERC20

interface VotingEscrow:
    def user_point_epoch(addr: address) -> uint256: view
    def epoch() -> uint256: view
    def user_point_history(addr: address, loc: uint256) -> Point: view
    def point_history(loc: uint256) -> Point: view
    def checkpoint(): nonpayable

event CommitAdmin:
    admin: address

event ApplyAdmin:
    admin: address

event ToggleAllowCheckpointToken:
    toggle_flag: bool

event CheckpointToken:
    time: uint256
    tokens: uint256

event Claimed:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    claim_epoch: uint256
    max_epoch: uint256

struct Point:
    bias: int128
    slope: int128  # - dweight / dt
    ts: uint256
    blk: uint256  # block

WEEK: constant(uint256) = 7 * 86400
TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE: constant(uint256) = 86400

start_time: public(uint256)
time_cursor: public(uint256)
time_cursor_of: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
user_epoch_of: public(HashMap[address, uint256])

last_token_time: public(uint256)
tokens_per_week: public(uint256[1000000000000000])

voting_escrow: public(address)
token: public(address)
total_received: public(uint256)
token_last_balance: public(uint256)

ve_supply: public(uint256[1000000000000000])  # VE total supply at week bounds

admin: public(address)
future_admin: public(address)
can_checkpoint_token: public(bool)
emergency_return: public(address)
is_killed: public(bool)

def __init__(
    _voting_escrow: address,
    _start_time: uint256,
    _token: address,
    _admin: address,
    _emergency_return: address
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _voting_escrow VotingEscrow contract address
    @param _start_time Epoch time for fee distribution to start
    @param _token Fee token address (3CRV)
    @param _admin Admin address
    @param _emergency_return Address to transfer `_token` balance to
                             if this contract is killed
    t: uint256 = _start_time / WEEK * WEEK
    self.start_time = t
    self.last_token_time = t
    self.time_cursor = t
    self.token = _token
    self.voting_escrow = _voting_escrow
    self.admin = _admin
    self.emergency_return = _emergency_return

def _checkpoint_token():
    token_balance: uint256 = ERC20(self.token).balanceOf(self)
    to_distribute: uint256 = token_balance - self.token_last_balance
    self.token_last_balance = token_balance

    t: uint256 = self.last_token_time
    since_last: uint256 = block.timestamp - t
    self.last_token_time = block.timestamp
    this_week: uint256 = t / WEEK * WEEK
    next_week: uint256 = 0

    for i in range(20):
        next_week = this_week + WEEK
        if block.timestamp < next_week:
            if since_last == 0 and block.timestamp == t:
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute * (block.timestamp - t) / since_last
            if since_last == 0 and next_week == t:
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute * (next_week - t) / since_last
        t = next_week
        this_week = next_week

    log CheckpointToken(block.timestamp, to_distribute)

def checkpoint_token():
    @notice Update the token checkpoint
    @dev Calculates the total number of tokens to be distributed in a given week.
         During setup for the initial distribution this function is only callable
         by the contract owner. Beyond initial distro, it can be enabled for anyone
         to call.
    assert (msg.sender == self.admin) or\
           (self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > self.last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE))

def _find_timestamp_epoch(ve: address, _timestamp: uint256) -> uint256:
    _min: uint256 = 0
    _max: uint256 = VotingEscrow(ve).epoch()
    for i in range(128):
        if _min >= _max:
        _mid: uint256 = (_min + _max + 2) / 2
        pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).point_history(_mid)
        if pt.ts <= _timestamp:
            _min = _mid
            _max = _mid - 1
    return _min

def _find_timestamp_user_epoch(ve: address, user: address, _timestamp: uint256, max_user_epoch: uint256) -> uint256:
    _min: uint256 = 0
    _max: uint256 = max_user_epoch
    for i in range(128):
        if _min >= _max:
        _mid: uint256 = (_min + _max + 2) / 2
        pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(user, _mid)
        if pt.ts <= _timestamp:
            _min = _mid
            _max = _mid - 1
    return _min

def ve_for_at(_user: address, _timestamp: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the veCRV balance for `_user` at `_timestamp`
    @param _user Address to query balance for
    @param _timestamp Epoch time
    @return uint256 veCRV balance
    ve: address = self.voting_escrow
    max_user_epoch: uint256 = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_epoch(_user)
    epoch: uint256 = self._find_timestamp_user_epoch(ve, _user, _timestamp, max_user_epoch)
    pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(_user, epoch)
    return convert(max(pt.bias - pt.slope * convert(_timestamp - pt.ts, int128), 0), uint256)

def _checkpoint_total_supply():
    ve: address = self.voting_escrow
    t: uint256 = self.time_cursor
    rounded_timestamp: uint256 = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK

    for i in range(20):
        if t > rounded_timestamp:
            epoch: uint256 = self._find_timestamp_epoch(ve, t)
            pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).point_history(epoch)
            dt: int128 = 0
            if t > pt.ts:
                # If the point is at 0 epoch, it can actually be earlier than the first deposit
                # Then make dt 0
                dt = convert(t - pt.ts, int128)
            self.ve_supply[t] = convert(max(pt.bias - pt.slope * dt, 0), uint256)
        t += WEEK

    self.time_cursor = t

def checkpoint_total_supply():
    @notice Update the veCRV total supply checkpoint
    @dev The checkpoint is also updated by the first claimant each
         new epoch week. This function may be called independently
         of a claim, to reduce claiming gas costs.

def _claim(addr: address, ve: address, _last_token_time: uint256) -> uint256:
    # Minimal user_epoch is 0 (if user had no point)
    user_epoch: uint256 = 0
    to_distribute: uint256 = 0

    max_user_epoch: uint256 = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_epoch(addr)
    _start_time: uint256 = self.start_time

    if max_user_epoch == 0:
        # No lock = no fees
        return 0

    week_cursor: uint256 = self.time_cursor_of[addr]
    if week_cursor == 0:
        # Need to do the initial binary search
        user_epoch = self._find_timestamp_user_epoch(ve, addr, _start_time, max_user_epoch)
        user_epoch = self.user_epoch_of[addr]

    if user_epoch == 0:
        user_epoch = 1

    user_point: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(addr, user_epoch)

    if week_cursor == 0:
        week_cursor = (user_point.ts + WEEK - 1) / WEEK * WEEK

    if week_cursor >= _last_token_time:
        return 0

    if week_cursor < _start_time:
        week_cursor = _start_time
    old_user_point: Point = empty(Point)

    # Iterate over weeks
    for i in range(50):
        if week_cursor >= _last_token_time:

        if week_cursor >= user_point.ts and user_epoch <= max_user_epoch:
            user_epoch += 1
            old_user_point = user_point
            if user_epoch > max_user_epoch:
                user_point = empty(Point)
                user_point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(addr, user_epoch)

            # Calc
            # + i * 2 is for rounding errors
            dt: int128 = convert(week_cursor - old_user_point.ts, int128)
            balance_of: uint256 = convert(max(old_user_point.bias - dt * old_user_point.slope, 0), uint256)
            if balance_of == 0 and user_epoch > max_user_epoch:
            if balance_of > 0:
                to_distribute += balance_of * self.tokens_per_week[week_cursor] / self.ve_supply[week_cursor]

            week_cursor += WEEK

    user_epoch = min(max_user_epoch, user_epoch - 1)
    self.user_epoch_of[addr] = user_epoch
    self.time_cursor_of[addr] = week_cursor

    log Claimed(addr, to_distribute, user_epoch, max_user_epoch)

    return to_distribute

def claim(_addr: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Claim fees for `_addr`
    @dev Each call to claim look at a maximum of 50 user veCRV points.
         For accounts with many veCRV related actions, this function
         may need to be called more than once to claim all available
         fees. In the `Claimed` event that fires, if `claim_epoch` is
         less than `max_epoch`, the account may claim again.
    @param _addr Address to claim fees for
    @return uint256 Amount of fees claimed in the call
    assert not self.is_killed

    if block.timestamp >= self.time_cursor:

    last_token_time: uint256 = self.last_token_time

    if self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE):
        last_token_time = block.timestamp

    last_token_time = last_token_time / WEEK * WEEK

    amount: uint256 = self._claim(_addr, self.voting_escrow, last_token_time)
    if amount != 0:
        token: address = self.token
        assert ERC20(token).transfer(_addr, amount)
        self.token_last_balance -= amount

    return amount

def claim_many(_receivers: address[20]) -> bool:
    @notice Make multiple fee claims in a single call
    @dev Used to claim for many accounts at once, or to make
         multiple claims for the same address when that address
         has significant veCRV history
    @param _receivers List of addresses to claim for. Claiming
                      terminates at the first `ZERO_ADDRESS`.
    @return bool success
    assert not self.is_killed

    if block.timestamp >= self.time_cursor:

    last_token_time: uint256 = self.last_token_time

    if self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE):
        last_token_time = block.timestamp

    last_token_time = last_token_time / WEEK * WEEK
    voting_escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
    token: address = self.token
    total: uint256 = 0

    for addr in _receivers:
        if addr == ZERO_ADDRESS:

        amount: uint256 = self._claim(addr, voting_escrow, last_token_time)
        if amount != 0:
            assert ERC20(token).transfer(addr, amount)
            total += amount

    if total != 0:
        self.token_last_balance -= total

    return True

def burn(_coin: address) -> bool:
    @notice Receive 3CRV into the contract and trigger a token checkpoint
    @param _coin Address of the coin being received (must be 3CRV)
    @return bool success
    assert _coin == self.token
    assert not self.is_killed

    amount: uint256 = ERC20(_coin).balanceOf(msg.sender)
    if amount != 0:
        ERC20(_coin).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, amount)
        if self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > self.last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE):

    return True

def commit_admin(_addr: address):
    @notice Commit transfer of ownership
    @param _addr New admin address
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: access denied
    self.future_admin = _addr
    log CommitAdmin(_addr)

def apply_admin():
    @notice Apply transfer of ownership
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert self.future_admin != ZERO_ADDRESS
    future_admin: address = self.future_admin
    self.admin = future_admin
    log ApplyAdmin(future_admin)

def toggle_allow_checkpoint_token():
    @notice Toggle permission for checkpointing by any account
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    flag: bool = not self.can_checkpoint_token
    self.can_checkpoint_token = flag
    log ToggleAllowCheckpointToken(flag)

def kill_me():
    @notice Kill the contract
    @dev Killing transfers the entire 3CRV balance to the emergency return address
         and blocks the ability to claim or burn. The contract cannot be unkilled.
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    self.is_killed = True

    token: address = self.token
    assert ERC20(token).transfer(self.emergency_return, ERC20(token).balanceOf(self))

def recover_balance(_coin: address) -> bool:
    @notice Recover ERC20 tokens from this contract
    @dev Tokens are sent to the emergency return address.
    @param _coin Token address
    @return bool success
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert _coin != self.token

    amount: uint256 = ERC20(_coin).balanceOf(self)
    response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
            convert(self.emergency_return, bytes32),
            convert(amount, bytes32),
    if len(response) != 0:
        assert convert(response, bool)

    return True

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

File 1 of 1 : Vyper_contract

# @version 0.2.7
@title Curve Fee Distribution
@author Curve Finance
@license MIT

from vyper.interfaces import ERC20

interface VotingEscrow:
    def user_point_epoch(addr: address) -> uint256: view
    def epoch() -> uint256: view
    def user_point_history(addr: address, loc: uint256) -> Point: view
    def point_history(loc: uint256) -> Point: view
    def checkpoint(): nonpayable

event CommitAdmin:
    admin: address

event ApplyAdmin:
    admin: address

event ToggleAllowCheckpointToken:
    toggle_flag: bool

event CheckpointToken:
    time: uint256
    tokens: uint256

event Claimed:
    recipient: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    claim_epoch: uint256
    max_epoch: uint256

struct Point:
    bias: int128
    slope: int128  # - dweight / dt
    ts: uint256
    blk: uint256  # block

WEEK: constant(uint256) = 7 * 86400
TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE: constant(uint256) = 86400

start_time: public(uint256)
time_cursor: public(uint256)
time_cursor_of: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
user_epoch_of: public(HashMap[address, uint256])

last_token_time: public(uint256)
tokens_per_week: public(uint256[1000000000000000])

voting_escrow: public(address)
token: public(address)
total_received: public(uint256)
token_last_balance: public(uint256)

ve_supply: public(uint256[1000000000000000])  # VE total supply at week bounds

admin: public(address)
future_admin: public(address)
can_checkpoint_token: public(bool)
emergency_return: public(address)
is_killed: public(bool)

def __init__(
    _voting_escrow: address,
    _start_time: uint256,
    _token: address,
    _admin: address,
    _emergency_return: address
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _voting_escrow VotingEscrow contract address
    @param _start_time Epoch time for fee distribution to start
    @param _token Fee token address (3CRV)
    @param _admin Admin address
    @param _emergency_return Address to transfer `_token` balance to
                             if this contract is killed
    t: uint256 = _start_time / WEEK * WEEK
    self.start_time = t
    self.last_token_time = t
    self.time_cursor = t
    self.token = _token
    self.voting_escrow = _voting_escrow
    self.admin = _admin
    self.emergency_return = _emergency_return

def _checkpoint_token():
    token_balance: uint256 = ERC20(self.token).balanceOf(self)
    to_distribute: uint256 = token_balance - self.token_last_balance
    self.token_last_balance = token_balance

    t: uint256 = self.last_token_time
    since_last: uint256 = block.timestamp - t
    self.last_token_time = block.timestamp
    this_week: uint256 = t / WEEK * WEEK
    next_week: uint256 = 0

    for i in range(20):
        next_week = this_week + WEEK
        if block.timestamp < next_week:
            if since_last == 0 and block.timestamp == t:
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute * (block.timestamp - t) / since_last
            if since_last == 0 and next_week == t:
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute
                self.tokens_per_week[this_week] += to_distribute * (next_week - t) / since_last
        t = next_week
        this_week = next_week

    log CheckpointToken(block.timestamp, to_distribute)

def checkpoint_token():
    @notice Update the token checkpoint
    @dev Calculates the total number of tokens to be distributed in a given week.
         During setup for the initial distribution this function is only callable
         by the contract owner. Beyond initial distro, it can be enabled for anyone
         to call.
    assert (msg.sender == self.admin) or\
           (self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > self.last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE))

def _find_timestamp_epoch(ve: address, _timestamp: uint256) -> uint256:
    _min: uint256 = 0
    _max: uint256 = VotingEscrow(ve).epoch()
    for i in range(128):
        if _min >= _max:
        _mid: uint256 = (_min + _max + 2) / 2
        pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).point_history(_mid)
        if pt.ts <= _timestamp:
            _min = _mid
            _max = _mid - 1
    return _min

def _find_timestamp_user_epoch(ve: address, user: address, _timestamp: uint256, max_user_epoch: uint256) -> uint256:
    _min: uint256 = 0
    _max: uint256 = max_user_epoch
    for i in range(128):
        if _min >= _max:
        _mid: uint256 = (_min + _max + 2) / 2
        pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(user, _mid)
        if pt.ts <= _timestamp:
            _min = _mid
            _max = _mid - 1
    return _min

def ve_for_at(_user: address, _timestamp: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the veCRV balance for `_user` at `_timestamp`
    @param _user Address to query balance for
    @param _timestamp Epoch time
    @return uint256 veCRV balance
    ve: address = self.voting_escrow
    max_user_epoch: uint256 = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_epoch(_user)
    epoch: uint256 = self._find_timestamp_user_epoch(ve, _user, _timestamp, max_user_epoch)
    pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(_user, epoch)
    return convert(max(pt.bias - pt.slope * convert(_timestamp - pt.ts, int128), 0), uint256)

def _checkpoint_total_supply():
    ve: address = self.voting_escrow
    t: uint256 = self.time_cursor
    rounded_timestamp: uint256 = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK

    for i in range(20):
        if t > rounded_timestamp:
            epoch: uint256 = self._find_timestamp_epoch(ve, t)
            pt: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).point_history(epoch)
            dt: int128 = 0
            if t > pt.ts:
                # If the point is at 0 epoch, it can actually be earlier than the first deposit
                # Then make dt 0
                dt = convert(t - pt.ts, int128)
            self.ve_supply[t] = convert(max(pt.bias - pt.slope * dt, 0), uint256)
        t += WEEK

    self.time_cursor = t

def checkpoint_total_supply():
    @notice Update the veCRV total supply checkpoint
    @dev The checkpoint is also updated by the first claimant each
         new epoch week. This function may be called independently
         of a claim, to reduce claiming gas costs.

def _claim(addr: address, ve: address, _last_token_time: uint256) -> uint256:
    # Minimal user_epoch is 0 (if user had no point)
    user_epoch: uint256 = 0
    to_distribute: uint256 = 0

    max_user_epoch: uint256 = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_epoch(addr)
    _start_time: uint256 = self.start_time

    if max_user_epoch == 0:
        # No lock = no fees
        return 0

    week_cursor: uint256 = self.time_cursor_of[addr]
    if week_cursor == 0:
        # Need to do the initial binary search
        user_epoch = self._find_timestamp_user_epoch(ve, addr, _start_time, max_user_epoch)
        user_epoch = self.user_epoch_of[addr]

    if user_epoch == 0:
        user_epoch = 1

    user_point: Point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(addr, user_epoch)

    if week_cursor == 0:
        week_cursor = (user_point.ts + WEEK - 1) / WEEK * WEEK

    if week_cursor >= _last_token_time:
        return 0

    if week_cursor < _start_time:
        week_cursor = _start_time
    old_user_point: Point = empty(Point)

    # Iterate over weeks
    for i in range(50):
        if week_cursor >= _last_token_time:

        if week_cursor >= user_point.ts and user_epoch <= max_user_epoch:
            user_epoch += 1
            old_user_point = user_point
            if user_epoch > max_user_epoch:
                user_point = empty(Point)
                user_point = VotingEscrow(ve).user_point_history(addr, user_epoch)

            # Calc
            # + i * 2 is for rounding errors
            dt: int128 = convert(week_cursor - old_user_point.ts, int128)
            balance_of: uint256 = convert(max(old_user_point.bias - dt * old_user_point.slope, 0), uint256)
            if balance_of == 0 and user_epoch > max_user_epoch:
            if balance_of > 0:
                to_distribute += balance_of * self.tokens_per_week[week_cursor] / self.ve_supply[week_cursor]

            week_cursor += WEEK

    user_epoch = min(max_user_epoch, user_epoch - 1)
    self.user_epoch_of[addr] = user_epoch
    self.time_cursor_of[addr] = week_cursor

    log Claimed(addr, to_distribute, user_epoch, max_user_epoch)

    return to_distribute

def claim(_addr: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Claim fees for `_addr`
    @dev Each call to claim look at a maximum of 50 user veCRV points.
         For accounts with many veCRV related actions, this function
         may need to be called more than once to claim all available
         fees. In the `Claimed` event that fires, if `claim_epoch` is
         less than `max_epoch`, the account may claim again.
    @param _addr Address to claim fees for
    @return uint256 Amount of fees claimed in the call
    assert not self.is_killed

    if block.timestamp >= self.time_cursor:

    last_token_time: uint256 = self.last_token_time

    if self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE):
        last_token_time = block.timestamp

    last_token_time = last_token_time / WEEK * WEEK

    amount: uint256 = self._claim(_addr, self.voting_escrow, last_token_time)
    if amount != 0:
        token: address = self.token
        assert ERC20(token).transfer(_addr, amount)
        self.token_last_balance -= amount

    return amount

def claim_many(_receivers: address[20]) -> bool:
    @notice Make multiple fee claims in a single call
    @dev Used to claim for many accounts at once, or to make
         multiple claims for the same address when that address
         has significant veCRV history
    @param _receivers List of addresses to claim for. Claiming
                      terminates at the first `ZERO_ADDRESS`.
    @return bool success
    assert not self.is_killed

    if block.timestamp >= self.time_cursor:

    last_token_time: uint256 = self.last_token_time

    if self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE):
        last_token_time = block.timestamp

    last_token_time = last_token_time / WEEK * WEEK
    voting_escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
    token: address = self.token
    total: uint256 = 0

    for addr in _receivers:
        if addr == ZERO_ADDRESS:

        amount: uint256 = self._claim(addr, voting_escrow, last_token_time)
        if amount != 0:
            assert ERC20(token).transfer(addr, amount)
            total += amount

    if total != 0:
        self.token_last_balance -= total

    return True

def burn(_coin: address) -> bool:
    @notice Receive 3CRV into the contract and trigger a token checkpoint
    @param _coin Address of the coin being received (must be 3CRV)
    @return bool success
    assert _coin == self.token
    assert not self.is_killed

    amount: uint256 = ERC20(_coin).balanceOf(msg.sender)
    if amount != 0:
        ERC20(_coin).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, amount)
        if self.can_checkpoint_token and (block.timestamp > self.last_token_time + TOKEN_CHECKPOINT_DEADLINE):

    return True

def commit_admin(_addr: address):
    @notice Commit transfer of ownership
    @param _addr New admin address
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: access denied
    self.future_admin = _addr
    log CommitAdmin(_addr)

def apply_admin():
    @notice Apply transfer of ownership
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert self.future_admin != ZERO_ADDRESS
    future_admin: address = self.future_admin
    self.admin = future_admin
    log ApplyAdmin(future_admin)

def toggle_allow_checkpoint_token():
    @notice Toggle permission for checkpointing by any account
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    flag: bool = not self.can_checkpoint_token
    self.can_checkpoint_token = flag
    log ToggleAllowCheckpointToken(flag)

def kill_me():
    @notice Kill the contract
    @dev Killing transfers the entire 3CRV balance to the emergency return address
         and blocks the ability to claim or burn. The contract cannot be unkilled.
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    self.is_killed = True

    token: address = self.token
    assert ERC20(token).transfer(self.emergency_return, ERC20(token).balanceOf(self))

def recover_balance(_coin: address) -> bool:
    @notice Recover ERC20 tokens from this contract
    @dev Tokens are sent to the emergency return address.
    @param _coin Token address
    @return bool success
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert _coin != self.token

    amount: uint256 = ERC20(_coin).balanceOf(self)
    response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
            convert(self.emergency_return, bytes32),
            convert(amount, bytes32),
    if len(response) != 0:
        assert convert(response, bool)

    return True

Context size (optional):