Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : Fishbank
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
function Ownable() public {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
require(newOwner != address(0));
OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
contract Beneficiary is Ownable {
address public beneficiary;
function Beneficiary() public {
beneficiary = msg.sender;
function setBeneficiary(address _beneficiary) onlyOwner public {
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
contract ChestsStore is Beneficiary {
struct chestProduct {
uint256 price; // Price in wei
bool isLimited; // is limited sale chest
uint32 limit; // Sell limit
uint16 boosters; // count of boosters
uint24 raiseChance;// in 1/10 of percent
uint24 raiseStrength;// in 1/10 of percent for params or minutes for timebased boosters
uint8 onlyBoosterType;//If set chest will produce only this type
uint8 onlyBoosterStrength;
chestProduct[255] public chestProducts;
FishbankChests chests;
function ChestsStore(address _chests) public {
chests = FishbankChests(_chests);
//set chests to this address
function initChestsStore() public onlyOwner {
// Create basic chests types
setChestProduct(1, 0, 1, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
setChestProduct(2, 15 finney, 3, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
setChestProduct(3, 20 finney, 5, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function setChestProduct(uint16 chestId, uint256 price, uint16 boosters, bool isLimited, uint32 limit, uint24 raiseChance, uint24 raiseStrength, uint8 onlyBoosterType, uint8 onlyBoosterStrength) onlyOwner public {
chestProduct storage newProduct = chestProducts[chestId];
newProduct.price = price;
newProduct.boosters = boosters;
newProduct.isLimited = isLimited;
newProduct.limit = limit;
newProduct.raiseChance = raiseChance;
newProduct.raiseStrength = raiseStrength;
newProduct.onlyBoosterType = onlyBoosterType;
newProduct.onlyBoosterStrength = onlyBoosterStrength;
function setChestPrice(uint16 chestId, uint256 price) onlyOwner public {
chestProducts[chestId].price = price;
function buyChest(uint16 _chestId) payable public {
chestProduct memory tmpChestProduct = chestProducts[_chestId];
require(tmpChestProduct.price > 0);
// only chests with price
require(msg.value >= tmpChestProduct.price);
//check if enough ether is send
require(!tmpChestProduct.isLimited || tmpChestProduct.limit > 0);
//check limits if they exists
chests.mintChest(msg.sender, tmpChestProduct.boosters, tmpChestProduct.raiseStrength, tmpChestProduct.raiseChance, tmpChestProduct.onlyBoosterType, tmpChestProduct.onlyBoosterStrength);
if (msg.value > chestProducts[_chestId].price) {//send to much ether send some back
msg.sender.transfer(msg.value - chestProducts[_chestId].price);
//send paid eth to beneficiary
contract FishbankBoosters is Ownable {
struct Booster {
address owner;
uint32 duration;
uint8 boosterType;
uint24 raiseValue;
uint8 strength;
uint32 amount;
Booster[] public boosters;
bool public implementsERC721 = true;
string public name = "Fishbank Boosters";
string public symbol = "FISHB";
mapping(uint256 => address) public approved;
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;
address public fishbank;
address public chests;
address public auction;
modifier onlyBoosterOwner(uint256 _tokenId) {
require(boosters[_tokenId].owner == msg.sender);
modifier onlyChest() {
require(chests == msg.sender);
function FishbankBoosters() public {
//nothing yet
//mints the boosters can only be called by owner. could be a smart contract
function mintBooster(address _owner, uint32 _duration, uint8 _type, uint8 _strength, uint32 _amount, uint24 _raiseValue) onlyChest public {
boosters.length ++;
Booster storage tempBooster = boosters[boosters.length - 1];
tempBooster.owner = _owner;
tempBooster.duration = _duration;
tempBooster.boosterType = _type;
tempBooster.strength = _strength;
tempBooster.amount = _amount;
tempBooster.raiseValue = _raiseValue;
Transfer(address(0), _owner, boosters.length - 1);
function setFishbank(address _fishbank) onlyOwner public {
fishbank = _fishbank;
function setChests(address _chests) onlyOwner public {
if (chests != address(0)) {
chests = _chests;
function setAuction(address _auction) onlyOwner public {
auction = _auction;
function getBoosterType(uint256 _tokenId) view public returns (uint8 boosterType) {
boosterType = boosters[_tokenId].boosterType;
function getBoosterAmount(uint256 _tokenId) view public returns (uint32 boosterAmount) {
boosterAmount = boosters[_tokenId].amount;
function getBoosterDuration(uint256 _tokenId) view public returns (uint32) {
if (boosters[_tokenId].boosterType == 4 || boosters[_tokenId].boosterType == 2) {
return boosters[_tokenId].duration + boosters[_tokenId].raiseValue * 60;
return boosters[_tokenId].duration;
function getBoosterStrength(uint256 _tokenId) view public returns (uint8 strength) {
strength = boosters[_tokenId].strength;
function getBoosterRaiseValue(uint256 _tokenId) view public returns (uint24 raiseValue) {
raiseValue = boosters[_tokenId].raiseValue;
//ERC721 functionality
//could split this to a different contract but doesn't make it easier to read
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256 total) {
total = boosters.length;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance){
balance = balances[_owner];
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address owner){
owner = boosters[_tokenId].owner;
function _transfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(boosters[_tokenId].owner == _from);
//can only transfer if previous owner equals from
boosters[_tokenId].owner = _to;
approved[_tokenId] = address(0);
//reset approved of fish on every transfer
balances[_from] -= 1;
//underflow can only happen on 0x
balances[_to] += 1;
//overflows only with very very large amounts of fish
Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public
onlyBoosterOwner(_tokenId) //check if msg.sender is the owner of this fish
returns (bool)
_transfer(msg.sender, _to, _tokenId);
//after master modifier invoke internal transfer
return true;
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public
approved[_tokenId] = _to;
Approval(msg.sender, _to, _tokenId);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public returns (bool) {
require(approved[_tokenId] == msg.sender || msg.sender == fishbank || msg.sender == auction);
//require msg.sender to be approved for this token or to be the fishbank contract
_transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
//handles event, balances and approval reset
return true;
function takeOwnership(uint256 _tokenId) public {
require(approved[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
_transfer(ownerOf(_tokenId), msg.sender, _tokenId);
contract FishbankChests is Ownable {
struct Chest {
address owner;
uint16 boosters;
uint16 chestType;
uint24 raiseChance;//Increace chance to catch bigger chest (1 = 1:10000)
uint8 onlySpecificType;
uint8 onlySpecificStrength;
uint24 raiseStrength;
Chest[] public chests;
FishbankBoosters public boosterContract;
mapping(uint256 => address) public approved;
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;
mapping(address => bool) public minters;
modifier onlyChestOwner(uint256 _tokenId) {
require(chests[_tokenId].owner == msg.sender);
modifier onlyMinters() {
function FishbankChests(address _boosterAddress) public {
boosterContract = FishbankBoosters(_boosterAddress);
function addMinter(address _minter) onlyOwner public {
minters[_minter] = true;
function removeMinter(address _minter) onlyOwner public {
minters[_minter] = false;
//create a chest
function mintChest(address _owner, uint16 _boosters, uint24 _raiseStrength, uint24 _raiseChance, uint8 _onlySpecificType, uint8 _onlySpecificStrength) onlyMinters public {
chests[chests.length - 1].owner = _owner;
chests[chests.length - 1].boosters = _boosters;
chests[chests.length - 1].raiseStrength = _raiseStrength;
chests[chests.length - 1].raiseChance = _raiseChance;
chests[chests.length - 1].onlySpecificType = _onlySpecificType;
chests[chests.length - 1].onlySpecificStrength = _onlySpecificStrength;
Transfer(address(0), _owner, chests.length - 1);
function convertChest(uint256 _tokenId) onlyChestOwner(_tokenId) public {
Chest memory chest = chests[_tokenId];
uint16 numberOfBoosters = chest.boosters;
if (chest.onlySpecificType != 0) {//Specific boosters
if (chest.onlySpecificType == 1 || chest.onlySpecificType == 3) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, chest.onlySpecificType, chest.onlySpecificStrength, chest.boosters, chest.raiseStrength);
} else if (chest.onlySpecificType == 5) {//Instant attack
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 0, 5, 1, chest.boosters, chest.raiseStrength);
} else if (chest.onlySpecificType == 2) {//Freeze
uint32 freezeTime = 7 days;
if (chest.onlySpecificStrength == 2) {
freezeTime = 14 days;
} else if (chest.onlySpecificStrength == 3) {
freezeTime = 30 days;
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, freezeTime, 5, chest.onlySpecificType, chest.boosters, chest.raiseStrength);
} else if (chest.onlySpecificType == 4) {//Watch
uint32 watchTime = 12 hours;
if (chest.onlySpecificStrength == 2) {
watchTime = 48 hours;
} else if (chest.onlySpecificStrength == 3) {
watchTime = 3 days;
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, watchTime, 4, chest.onlySpecificStrength, chest.boosters, chest.raiseStrength);
} else {//Regular chest
for (uint8 i = 0; i < numberOfBoosters; i ++) {
uint24 random = uint16(keccak256(block.coinbase, block.blockhash(block.number - 1), i, chests.length)) % 1000
- chest.raiseChance;
//get random 0 - 9999 minus raiseChance
if (random > 850) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, 1, 1, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Small Agility Booster
} else if (random > 700) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 7 days, 2, 1, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Small Freezer
} else if (random > 550) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, 3, 1, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Small Power Booster
} else if (random > 400) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 12 hours, 4, 1, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Tiny Watch
} else if (random > 325) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 48 hours, 4, 2, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Small Watch
} else if (random > 250) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, 1, 2, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Mid Agility Booster
} else if (random > 175) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 14 days, 2, 2, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Mid Freezer
} else if (random > 100) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, 3, 2, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Mid Power Booster
} else if (random > 80) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, 1, 3, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Big Agility Booster
} else if (random > 60) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 30 days, 2, 3, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Big Freezer
} else if (random > 40) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 2 days, 3, 3, 1, chest.raiseStrength); //Big Power Booster
} else if (random > 20) {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0); //Instant Attack
} else {
boosterContract.mintBooster(msg.sender, 3 days, 4, 3, 1, 0); //Gold Watch
_transfer(msg.sender, address(0), _tokenId); //burn chest
//ERC721 functionality
//could split this to a different contract but doesn't make it easier to read
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256 total) {
total = chests.length;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance){
balance = balances[_owner];
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address owner){
owner = chests[_tokenId].owner;
function _transfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(chests[_tokenId].owner == _from); //can only transfer if previous owner equals from
chests[_tokenId].owner = _to;
approved[_tokenId] = address(0); //reset approved of fish on every transfer
balances[_from] -= 1; //underflow can only happen on 0x
balances[_to] += 1; //overflows only with very very large amounts of fish
Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public
onlyChestOwner(_tokenId) //check if msg.sender is the owner of this fish
returns (bool)
_transfer(msg.sender, _to, _tokenId);
//after master modifier invoke internal transfer
return true;
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public
approved[_tokenId] = _to;
Approval(msg.sender, _to, _tokenId);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public returns (bool) {
require(approved[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
//require msg.sender to be approved for this token
_transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
//handles event, balances and approval reset
return true;
contract FishbankUtils is Ownable {
uint32[100] cooldowns = [
720 minutes, 720 minutes, 720 minutes, 720 minutes, 720 minutes, //1-5
660 minutes, 660 minutes, 660 minutes, 660 minutes, 660 minutes, //6-10
600 minutes, 600 minutes, 600 minutes, 600 minutes, 600 minutes, //11-15
540 minutes, 540 minutes, 540 minutes, 540 minutes, 540 minutes, //16-20
480 minutes, 480 minutes, 480 minutes, 480 minutes, 480 minutes, //21-25
420 minutes, 420 minutes, 420 minutes, 420 minutes, 420 minutes, //26-30
360 minutes, 360 minutes, 360 minutes, 360 minutes, 360 minutes, //31-35
300 minutes, 300 minutes, 300 minutes, 300 minutes, 300 minutes, //36-40
240 minutes, 240 minutes, 240 minutes, 240 minutes, 240 minutes, //41-45
180 minutes, 180 minutes, 180 minutes, 180 minutes, 180 minutes, //46-50
120 minutes, 120 minutes, 120 minutes, 120 minutes, 120 minutes, //51-55
90 minutes, 90 minutes, 90 minutes, 90 minutes, 90 minutes, //56-60
75 minutes, 75 minutes, 75 minutes, 75 minutes, 75 minutes, //61-65
60 minutes, 60 minutes, 60 minutes, 60 minutes, 60 minutes, //66-70
50 minutes, 50 minutes, 50 minutes, 50 minutes, 50 minutes, //71-75
40 minutes, 40 minutes, 40 minutes, 40 minutes, 40 minutes, //76-80
30 minutes, 30 minutes, 30 minutes, 30 minutes, 30 minutes, //81-85
20 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes, //86-90
10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes, //91-95
5 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes //96-100
function setCooldowns(uint32[100] _cooldowns) onlyOwner public {
cooldowns = _cooldowns;
function getFishParams(uint256 hashSeed1, uint256 hashSeed2, uint256 fishesLength, address coinbase) external pure returns (uint32[4]) {
bytes32[5] memory hashSeeds;
hashSeeds[0] = keccak256(hashSeed1 ^ hashSeed2); //xor both seed from owner and user so no one can cheat
hashSeeds[1] = keccak256(hashSeeds[0], fishesLength);
hashSeeds[2] = keccak256(hashSeeds[1], coinbase);
hashSeeds[3] = keccak256(hashSeeds[2], coinbase, fishesLength);
hashSeeds[4] = keccak256(hashSeeds[1], hashSeeds[2], hashSeeds[0]);
uint24[6] memory seeds = [
uint24(uint(hashSeeds[3]) % 10e6 + 1), //whale chance
uint24(uint(hashSeeds[0]) % 420 + 1), //power
uint24(uint(hashSeeds[1]) % 420 + 1), //agility
uint24(uint(hashSeeds[2]) % 150 + 1), //speed
uint24(uint(hashSeeds[4]) % 16 + 1), //whale type
uint24(uint(hashSeeds[4]) % 5000 + 1) //rarity
uint32[4] memory fishParams;
if (seeds[0] == 1000000) {//This is a whale 1:1 000 000 chance
if (seeds[4] == 1) {//Orca
fishParams = [140 + uint8(seeds[1] / 42), 140 + uint8(seeds[2] / 42), 75 + uint8(seeds[3] / 6), uint32(500000)];
if(fishParams[0] == 140) {
if(fishParams[1] == 140) {
if(fishParams[2] == 75) {
} else if (seeds[4] < 4) {//Blue whale
fishParams = [130 + uint8(seeds[1] / 42), 130 + uint8(seeds[2] / 42), 75 + uint8(seeds[3] / 6), uint32(500000)];
if(fishParams[0] == 130) {
if(fishParams[1] == 130) {
if(fishParams[2] == 75) {
} else {//Cachalot
fishParams = [115 + uint8(seeds[1] / 28), 115 + uint8(seeds[2] / 28), 75 + uint8(seeds[3] / 6), uint32(500000)];
if(fishParams[0] == 115) {
if(fishParams[1] == 115) {
if(fishParams[2] == 75) {
} else {
if (seeds[5] == 5000) {//Legendary
fishParams = [85 + uint8(seeds[1] / 14), 85 + uint8(seeds[2] / 14), uint8(50 + seeds[3] / 3), uint32(1000)];
if(fishParams[0] == 85) {
if(fishParams[1] == 85) {
} else if (seeds[5] > 4899) {//Epic
fishParams = [50 + uint8(seeds[1] / 12), 50 + uint8(seeds[2] / 12), uint8(25 + seeds[3] / 2), uint32(300)];
if(fishParams[0] == 50) {
if(fishParams[1] == 50) {
} else if (seeds[5] > 4000) {//Rare
fishParams = [20 + uint8(seeds[1] / 14), 20 + uint8(seeds[2] / 14), uint8(25 + seeds[3] / 3), uint32(100)];
if(fishParams[0] == 20) {
if(fishParams[1] == 20) {
} else {//Common
fishParams = [uint8(seeds[1] / 21), uint8(seeds[2] / 21), uint8(seeds[3] / 3), uint32(36)];
if (fishParams[0] == 0) {
fishParams[0] = 1;
if (fishParams[1] == 0) {
fishParams[1] = 1;
if (fishParams[2] == 0) {
fishParams[2] = 1;
return fishParams;
function getCooldown(uint16 speed) external view returns (uint64){
return uint64(now + cooldowns[speed - 1]);
//Ceiling function for fish generator
function ceil(uint base, uint divider) internal pure returns (uint) {
return base / divider + ((base % divider > 0) ? 1 : 0);
/// @title Auction contract for any type of erc721 token
/// @author Fishbank
contract ERC721 {
function implementsERC721() public pure returns (bool);
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256 total);
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance);
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address owner);
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public returns (bool);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);
// Optional
// function name() public view returns (string name);
// function symbol() public view returns (string symbol);
// function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _index) external view returns (uint256 tokenId);
// function tokenMetadata(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (string infoUrl);
contract ERC721Auction is Beneficiary {
struct Auction {
address seller;
uint256 tokenId;
uint64 auctionBegin;
uint64 auctionEnd;
uint256 startPrice;
uint256 endPrice;
uint32 public auctionDuration = 7 days;
ERC721 public ERC721Contract;
uint256 public fee = 45000; //in 1 10000th of a percent so 4.5% at the start
uint256 constant FEE_DIVIDER = 1000000;
mapping(uint256 => Auction) public auctions;
event AuctionWon(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed winner, address indexed seller, uint256 price);
event AuctionStarted(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed seller);
event AuctionFinalized(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed seller);
function startAuction(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _startPrice, uint256 _endPrice) external {
require(ERC721Contract.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId));
//Prices must be in range from 0.01 Eth and 10 000 Eth
require(_startPrice <= 10000 ether && _endPrice <= 10000 ether);
require(_startPrice >= (1 ether / 100) && _endPrice >= (1 ether / 100));
Auction memory auction;
auction.seller = msg.sender;
auction.tokenId = _tokenId;
auction.auctionBegin = uint64(now);
auction.auctionEnd = uint64(now + auctionDuration);
require(auction.auctionEnd > auction.auctionBegin);
auction.startPrice = _startPrice;
auction.endPrice = _endPrice;
auctions[_tokenId] = auction;
AuctionStarted(_tokenId, msg.sender);
function buyAuction(uint256 _tokenId) payable external {
Auction storage auction = auctions[_tokenId];
uint256 price = calculateBid(_tokenId);
uint256 totalFee = price * fee / FEE_DIVIDER; //safe math needed?
require(price <= msg.value); //revert if not enough ether send
if (price != msg.value) {//send back to much eth
msg.sender.transfer(msg.value - price);
auction.seller.transfer(price - totalFee);
if (!ERC721Contract.transfer(msg.sender, _tokenId)) {
//can't complete transfer if this fails
AuctionWon(_tokenId, msg.sender, auction.seller, price);
delete auctions[_tokenId];
//deletes auction
function saveToken(uint256 _tokenId) external {
require(auctions[_tokenId].auctionEnd < now);
//auction must have ended
require(ERC721Contract.transfer(auctions[_tokenId].seller, _tokenId));
//transfer fish back to seller
AuctionFinalized(_tokenId, auctions[_tokenId].seller);
delete auctions[_tokenId];
//delete auction
function ERC721Auction(address _ERC721Contract) public {
ERC721Contract = ERC721(_ERC721Contract);
function setFee(uint256 _fee) onlyOwner public {
if (_fee > fee) {
revert(); //fee can only be set to lower value to prevent attacks by owner
fee = _fee; // all is well set fee
function calculateBid(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (uint256) {
Auction storage auction = auctions[_tokenId];
if (now >= auction.auctionEnd) {//if auction ended return auction end price
return auction.endPrice;
//get hours passed
uint256 hoursPassed = (now - auction.auctionBegin) / 1 hours;
uint256 currentPrice;
//get total hours
uint16 totalHours = uint16(auctionDuration /1 hours) - 1;
if (auction.endPrice > auction.startPrice) {
currentPrice = auction.startPrice + (hoursPassed * (auction.endPrice - auction.startPrice))/ totalHours;
} else if(auction.endPrice < auction.startPrice) {
currentPrice = auction.startPrice - (hoursPassed * (auction.startPrice - auction.endPrice))/ totalHours;
} else {//start and end are the same
currentPrice = auction.endPrice;
return uint256(currentPrice);
//return the price at this very moment
/// return token if case when need to redeploy auction contract
function returnToken(uint256 _tokenId) onlyOwner public {
require(ERC721Contract.transfer(auctions[_tokenId].seller, _tokenId));
//transfer fish back to seller
AuctionFinalized(_tokenId, auctions[_tokenId].seller);
delete auctions[_tokenId];
/// @title Core contract of fishbank
/// @author Fishbank
contract Fishbank is ChestsStore {
struct Fish {
address owner;
uint8 activeBooster;
uint64 boostedTill;
uint8 boosterStrength;
uint24 boosterRaiseValue;
uint64 weight;
uint16 power;
uint16 agility;
uint16 speed;
bytes16 color;
uint64 canFightAgain;
uint64 canBeAttackedAgain;
struct FishingAttempt {
address fisher;
uint256 feePaid;
address affiliate;
uint256 seed;
uint64 deadline;//till when does the contract owner have time to resolve;
modifier onlyFishOwner(uint256 _tokenId) {
require(fishes[_tokenId].owner == msg.sender);
modifier onlyResolver() {
require(msg.sender == resolver);
modifier onlyMinter() {
require(msg.sender == minter);
Fish[] public fishes;
address public resolver;
address public auction;
address public minter;
bool public implementsERC721 = true;
string public name = "Fishbank";
string public symbol = "FISH";
bytes32[] public randomHashes;
uint256 public hashesUsed;
uint256 public aquariumCost = 1 ether / 100 * 3;//fee for fishing starts at 0.03 ether
uint256 public resolveTime = 30 minutes;//how long does the contract owner have to resolve hashes
uint16 public weightLostPartLimit = 5;
FishbankBoosters public boosters;
FishbankChests public chests;
FishbankUtils private utils;
mapping(bytes32 => FishingAttempt) public pendingFishing;//attempts that need solving;
mapping(uint256 => address) public approved;
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;
mapping(address => bool) public affiliated;
event AquariumFished(
bytes32 hash,
address fisher,
uint256 feePaid
); //event broadcated when someone fishes in aqaurium
event AquariumResolved(bytes32 hash, address fisher);
event Attack(
uint256 attacker,
uint256 victim,
uint256 winner,
uint64 weight,
uint256 ap, uint256 vp, uint256 random
event BoosterApplied(uint256 tokenId, uint256 boosterId);
/// @notice Constructor of the contract. Sets resolver, beneficiary, boosters and chests
/// @param _boosters the address of the boosters smart contract
/// @param _chests the address of the chests smart contract
function Fishbank(address _boosters, address _chests, address _utils) ChestsStore(_chests) public {
resolver = msg.sender;
beneficiary = msg.sender;
boosters = FishbankBoosters(_boosters);
chests = FishbankChests(_chests);
utils = FishbankUtils(_utils);
/// @notice Mints fishes according to params can only be called by the owner
/// @param _owner array of addresses the fishes should be owned by
/// @param _weight array of weights for the fishes
/// @param _power array of power levels for the fishes
/// @param _agility array of agility levels for the fishes
/// @param _speed array of speed levels for the fishes
/// @param _color array of color params for the fishes
function mintFish(address[] _owner, uint32[] _weight, uint8[] _power, uint8[] _agility, uint8[] _speed, bytes16[] _color) onlyMinter public {
for (uint i = 0; i < _owner.length; i ++) {
_mintFish(_owner[i], _weight[i], _power[i], _agility[i], _speed[i], _color[i]);
/// @notice Internal method for minting a fish
/// @param _owner address of owner for the fish
/// @param _weight weight param for fish
/// @param _power power param for fish
/// @param _agility agility param for the fish
/// @param _speed speed param for the fish
/// @param _color color param for the fish
function _mintFish(address _owner, uint32 _weight, uint8 _power, uint8 _agility, uint8 _speed, bytes16 _color) internal {
fishes.length += 1;
uint256 newFishId = fishes.length - 1;
Fish storage newFish = fishes[newFishId];
newFish.owner = _owner;
newFish.weight = _weight;
newFish.power = _power;
newFish.agility = _agility;
newFish.speed = _speed;
newFish.color = _color;
balances[_owner] ++;
Transfer(address(0), _owner, newFishId);
function setWeightLostPartLimit(uint8 _weightPart) onlyOwner public {
weightLostPartLimit = _weightPart;
/// @notice Sets the cost for fishing in the aquarium
/// @param _fee new fee for fishing in wei
function setAquariumCost(uint256 _fee) onlyOwner public {
aquariumCost = _fee;
/// @notice Sets address that resolves hashes for fishing can only be called by the owner
/// @param _resolver address of the resolver
function setResolver(address _resolver) onlyOwner public {
resolver = _resolver;
/// @notice Sets the address getting the proceedings from fishing in the aquarium
/// @param _beneficiary address of the new beneficiary
function setBeneficiary(address _beneficiary) onlyOwner public {
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
function setAuction(address _auction) onlyOwner public {
auction = _auction;
function setBoosters(address _boosters) onlyOwner public {
boosters = FishbankBoosters(_boosters);
function setMinter(address _minter) onlyOwner public {
minter = _minter;
function setUtils(address _utils) onlyOwner public {
utils = FishbankUtils(_utils);
/// batch fishing from 1 to 10 times
function batchFishAquarium(uint256[] _seeds, address _affiliate) payable public {
require(_seeds.length > 0 && _seeds.length <= 10);
require(msg.value >= aquariumCost * _seeds.length);
//must send enough ether to cover costs
require(randomHashes.length > hashesUsed + _seeds.length);
//there needs to be a hash left
if (msg.value > aquariumCost * _seeds.length) {
msg.sender.transfer(msg.value - aquariumCost * _seeds.length);
//send to much ether back
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _seeds.length; i ++) {
if(_affiliate != address(0)) {
pendingFishing[randomHashes[hashesUsed - 1]].affiliate = _affiliate;
function _fishAquarium(uint256 _seed) internal {
//this loop prevents from using the same hash as another fishing attempt if the owner submits the same hash multiple times
while (pendingFishing[randomHashes[hashesUsed]].fisher != address(0)) {
//increase hashesUsed and try next one
FishingAttempt storage newAttempt = pendingFishing[randomHashes[hashesUsed]];
newAttempt.fisher = msg.sender;
newAttempt.feePaid = aquariumCost;
//set the fee paid so it can be returned if the hash doesn't get resolved fast enough
newAttempt.seed = _seed;
//sets the seed that gets combined with the random seed of the owner
newAttempt.deadline = uint64(now + resolveTime);
//saves deadline after which the fisher can redeem his fishing fee
//increase hashes used so it cannot be used again
AquariumFished(randomHashes[hashesUsed - 1], msg.sender, aquariumCost);
//broadcast event
/// @notice Call this to resolve hashes and generate fish/chests
/// @param _seed seed that corresponds to the hash
function _resolveAquarium(uint256 _seed) internal {
bytes32 tempHash = keccak256(_seed);
FishingAttempt storage tempAttempt = pendingFishing[tempHash];
require(tempAttempt.fisher != address(0));
//attempt must be set so we look if fisher is set
if (tempAttempt.affiliate != address(0) && !affiliated[tempAttempt.fisher]) {//if affiliate is set
chests.mintChest(tempAttempt.affiliate, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
//Chest with one random booster
affiliated[tempAttempt.fisher] = true;
uint32[4] memory fishParams = utils.getFishParams(_seed, tempAttempt.seed, fishes.length, block.coinbase);
_mintFish(tempAttempt.fisher, fishParams[3], uint8(fishParams[0]), uint8(fishParams[1]), uint8(fishParams[2]), bytes16(keccak256(_seed ^ tempAttempt.seed)));
AquariumResolved(tempHash, tempAttempt.fisher);
//broadcast event
delete pendingFishing[tempHash];
//delete fishing attempt
/// @notice Batch resolve fishing attempts
/// @param _seeds array of seeds that correspond to hashes that need resolving
function batchResolveAquarium(uint256[] _seeds) onlyResolver public {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _seeds.length; i ++) {
/// @notice Adds an array of hashes to be used for resolving
/// @param _hashes array of hashes to add
function addHash(bytes32[] _hashes) onlyResolver public {
for (uint i = 0; i < _hashes.length; i ++) {
/// @notice Call this function to attack another fish
/// @param _attacker ID of fish that is attacking
/// @param _victim ID of fish to attack
function attack(uint256 _attacker, uint256 _victim) onlyFishOwner(_attacker) public {
Fish memory attacker = fishes[_attacker];
Fish memory victim = fishes[_victim];
//check if attacker is sleeping
if (attacker.activeBooster == 2 && attacker.boostedTill > now) {//if your fish is sleeping auto awake it
fishes[_attacker].activeBooster = 0;
attacker.boostedTill = uint64(now);
//set booster to invalid one so it has no effect
//check if victim has active sleeping booster
require(!((victim.activeBooster == 2) && victim.boostedTill >= now));
//cannot attack a sleeping fish
require(now >= attacker.canFightAgain);
//check if attacking fish is cooled down
require(now >= victim.canBeAttackedAgain);
//check if victim fish can be attacked again
if (msg.sender == victim.owner) {
uint64 weight = attacker.weight < victim.weight ? attacker.weight : victim.weight;
fishes[_attacker].weight += weight;
fishes[_victim].weight -= weight;
fishes[_attacker].canFightAgain = uint64(utils.getCooldown(attacker.speed));
if (fishes[_victim].weight == 0) {
_transfer(msg.sender, address(0), _victim);
balances[fishes[_victim].owner] --;
//burn token
} else {
fishes[_victim].canBeAttackedAgain = uint64(now + 1 hours);
//set victim cooldown 1 hour
Attack(_attacker, _victim, _attacker, weight, 0, 0, 0);
if (victim.weight < 2 || attacker.weight < 2) {
//revert if one of the fish is below fighting weight
uint256 AP = getFightingAmounts(attacker, true);
// get attacker power
uint256 VP = getFightingAmounts(victim, false);
// get victim power
bytes32 randomHash = keccak256(block.coinbase, block.blockhash(block.number - 1), fishes.length);
uint256 max = AP > VP ? AP : VP;
uint256 attackRange = max * 2;
uint256 random = uint256(randomHash) % attackRange + 1;
uint64 weightLost;
if (random <= (max + AP - VP)) {
weightLost = _handleWin(_attacker, _victim);
Attack(_attacker, _victim, _attacker, weightLost, AP, VP, random);
} else {
weightLost = _handleWin(_victim, _attacker);
Attack(_attacker, _victim, _victim, weightLost, AP, VP, random);
//broadcast event
fishes[_attacker].canFightAgain = uint64(utils.getCooldown(attacker.speed));
fishes[_victim].canBeAttackedAgain = uint64(now + 1 hours);
//set victim cooldown 1 hour
/// @notice Handles lost gained weight after fight
/// @param _winner the winner of the fight
/// @param _loser the loser of the fight
function _handleWin(uint256 _winner, uint256 _loser) internal returns (uint64) {
Fish storage winner = fishes[_winner];
Fish storage loser = fishes[_loser];
uint64 fullWeightLost = loser.weight / sqrt(winner.weight);
uint64 maxWeightLost = loser.weight / weightLostPartLimit;
uint64 weightLost = maxWeightLost < fullWeightLost ? maxWeightLost : fullWeightLost;
if (weightLost < 1) {
weightLost = 1;
// Minimum 1
winner.weight += weightLost;
loser.weight -= weightLost;
return weightLost;
/// @notice get attack and defence from fish
/// @param _fish is Fish token
/// @param _is_attacker true if fish is attacker otherwise false
function getFightingAmounts(Fish _fish, bool _is_attacker) internal view returns (uint256){
return (getFishPower(_fish) * (_is_attacker ? 60 : 40) + getFishAgility(_fish) * (_is_attacker ? 40 : 60)) * _fish.weight;
/// @notice Apply a booster to a fish
/// @param _tokenId the fish the booster should be applied to
/// @param _booster the Id of the booster the token should be applied to
function applyBooster(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _booster) onlyFishOwner(_tokenId) public {
require(msg.sender == boosters.ownerOf(_booster));
//only owner can do this
require(boosters.getBoosterAmount(_booster) >= 1);
Fish storage tempFish = fishes[_tokenId];
uint8 boosterType = uint8(boosters.getBoosterType(_booster));
if (boosterType == 1 || boosterType == 2 || boosterType == 3) {//if booster is attack or agility or sleep
tempFish.boosterStrength = boosters.getBoosterStrength(_booster);
tempFish.activeBooster = boosterType;
tempFish.boostedTill = boosters.getBoosterDuration(_booster) * boosters.getBoosterAmount(_booster) + uint64(now);
tempFish.boosterRaiseValue = boosters.getBoosterRaiseValue(_booster);
else if (boosterType == 4) {//watch booster
require(tempFish.boostedTill > uint64(now));
//revert on using watch on booster that has passed;
tempFish.boosterStrength = boosters.getBoosterStrength(_booster);
tempFish.boostedTill += boosters.getBoosterDuration(_booster) * boosters.getBoosterAmount(_booster);
//add time to booster
else if (boosterType == 5) {//Instant attack
require(boosters.getBoosterAmount(_booster) == 1);
//Can apply only one instant attack booster
tempFish.canFightAgain = 0;
require(boosters.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(0), _booster));
//burn booster
BoosterApplied(_tokenId, _booster);
/// @notice square root function used for weight gain/loss
/// @param x uint64 to get square root from
function sqrt(uint64 x) pure internal returns (uint64 y) {
uint64 z = (x + 1) / 2;
y = x;
while (z < y) {
y = z;
z = (x / z + z) / 2;
//utlitiy function for easy testing can be removed later
function doKeccak256(uint256 _input) pure public returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(_input);
function getFishPower(Fish _fish) internal view returns (uint24 power) {
power = _fish.power;
if (_fish.activeBooster == 1 && _fish.boostedTill > now) {// check if booster active
uint24 boosterPower = (10 * _fish.boosterStrength + _fish.boosterRaiseValue + 100) * power / 100 - power;
if (boosterPower < 1 && _fish.boosterStrength == 1) {
power += 1;
} else if (boosterPower < 3 && _fish.boosterStrength == 2) {
power += 3;
} else if (boosterPower < 5 && _fish.boosterStrength == 3) {
power += 5;
} else {
power = boosterPower + power;
function getFishAgility(Fish _fish) internal view returns (uint24 agility) {
agility = _fish.agility;
if (_fish.activeBooster == 3 && _fish.boostedTill > now) {// check if booster active
uint24 boosterPower = (10 * _fish.boosterStrength + _fish.boosterRaiseValue + 100) * agility / 100 - agility;
if (boosterPower < 1 && _fish.boosterStrength == 1) {
agility += 1;
} else if (boosterPower < 3 && _fish.boosterStrength == 2) {
agility += 3;
} else if (boosterPower < 5 && _fish.boosterStrength == 3) {
agility += 5;
} else {
agility = boosterPower + agility;
//ERC721 functionality
//could split this to a different contract but doesn't make it easier to read
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256 total) {
total = fishes.length;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance){
balance = balances[_owner];
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address owner){
owner = fishes[_tokenId].owner;
function _transfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(fishes[_tokenId].owner == _from);
//can only transfer if previous owner equals from
fishes[_tokenId].owner = _to;
approved[_tokenId] = address(0);
//reset approved of fish on every transfer
balances[_from] -= 1;
//underflow can only happen on 0x
balances[_to] += 1;
//overflows only with very very large amounts of fish
Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public
onlyFishOwner(_tokenId) //check if msg.sender is the owner of this fish
returns (bool)
_transfer(msg.sender, _to, _tokenId);
//after master modifier invoke internal transfer
return true;
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public
approved[_tokenId] = _to;
Approval(msg.sender, _to, _tokenId);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public returns (bool) {
require(approved[_tokenId] == msg.sender || msg.sender == auction);
Fish storage fish = fishes[_tokenId];
if (msg.sender == auction) {
fish.activeBooster = 2;
//Freeze for auction
fish.boostedTill = uint64(now + 7 days);
fish.boosterStrength = 1;
//require msg.sender to be approved for this token
_transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
//handles event, balances and approval reset
return true;
function takeOwnership(uint256 _tokenId) public {
require(approved[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
_transfer(ownerOf(_tokenId), msg.sender, _tokenId);