Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : ldoh
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | ____ ____ | || | ____ | || | _____ | || | ________ | |
| | |_ || _| | || | .' `. | || | |_ _| | || | |_ ___ `. | |
| | | |__| | | || | / .--. \ | || | | | | || | | | `. \ | |
| | | __ | | || | | | | | | || | | | _ | || | | | | | | |
| | _| | | |_ | || | \ `--' / | || | _| |__/ | | || | _| |___.' / | |
| | |____||____| | || | `.____.' | || | |________| | || | |________.' | |
| | | || | | || | | || | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------'
= Version 9.6 =
contract EthereumSmartContract {
address EthereumNodes;
constructor() public {
EthereumNodes = msg.sender;
modifier restricted() {
require(msg.sender == EthereumNodes);
function GetEthereumNodes() public view returns (address owner) { return EthereumNodes; }
contract ldoh is EthereumSmartContract {
event onCashbackCode (address indexed hodler, address cashbackcode);
event onAffiliateBonus (address indexed hodler, address indexed tokenAddress, string tokenSymbol, uint256 amount, uint256 endtime);
event onHoldplatform (address indexed hodler, address indexed tokenAddress, string tokenSymbol, uint256 amount, uint256 endtime);
event onUnlocktoken (address indexed hodler, address indexed tokenAddress, string tokenSymbol, uint256 amount, uint256 endtime);
event onReceiveAirdrop (address indexed hodler, uint256 amount, uint256 datetime);
//-------o Burn = 2% o-------o Affiliate = 10% o-------o Cashback = 16% o-------o Total Receive = 88% o-------o Without Cashback = 72%
//-------o Hold 24 Months, Unlock 0.1% Perday ( 3% Permonth )
// Struct Database
struct Safe {
uint256 id; // [01] -- > Registration Number
uint256 amount; // [02] -- > Total amount of contribution to this transaction
uint256 endtime; // [03] -- > The Expiration Of A Hold Platform Based On Unix Time
address user; // [04] -- > The ETH address that you are using
address tokenAddress; // [05] -- > The Token Contract Address That You Are Using
string tokenSymbol; // [06] -- > The Token Symbol That You Are Using
uint256 amountbalance; // [07] -- > 88% from Contribution / 72% Without Cashback
uint256 cashbackbalance; // [08] -- > 16% from Contribution / 0% Without Cashback
uint256 lasttime; // [09] -- > The Last Time You Withdraw Based On Unix Time
uint256 percentage; // [10] -- > The percentage of tokens that are unlocked every month ( Default = 3% )
uint256 percentagereceive; // [11] -- > The Percentage You Have Received
uint256 tokenreceive; // [12] -- > The Number Of Tokens You Have Received
uint256 lastwithdraw; // [13] -- > The Last Amount You Withdraw
address referrer; // [14] -- > Your ETH referrer address
bool cashbackstatus; // [15] -- > Cashback Status
uint256 public nowtime; //Change before deploy
uint256 public Burnstatus;
uint256 private idnumber; // [01] -- > ID number ( Start from 500 )
uint256 public TotalUser; // [02] -- > Total Smart Contract User
mapping(address => address) public cashbackcode; // [03] -- > Cashback Code
mapping(address => uint256[]) public idaddress; // [04] -- > Search Address by ID
mapping(address => address[]) public afflist; // [05] -- > Affiliate List by ID
mapping(address => string) public ContractSymbol; // [06] -- > Contract Address Symbol
mapping(uint256 => Safe) private _safes; // [07] -- > Struct safe database
mapping(address => bool) public contractaddress; // [08] -- > Contract Address
mapping (address => mapping (uint256 => uint256)) public Bigdata;
/** Bigdata Mapping :
[1] Percent (Monthly Unlocked tokens) [7] All Payments [13] Total TX Affiliate (Withdraw) [19] Total TX Burn
[2] Holding Time (in seconds) [8] Active User [14] Current Price (USD)
[3] Token Balance [9] Total User [15] ATH Price (USD)
[4] Total Burn [10] Total TX Hold [16] ATL Price (USD)
[5] Max Contribution [11] Total TX Unlock [17] Current ETH Price (ETH)
[6] All Contribution [12] Total TX Airdrop [18] Date Register
mapping (address => mapping (address => mapping (uint256 => uint256))) public Statistics;
// Statistics = [1] LifetimeContribution [2] LifetimePayments [3] Affiliatevault [4] Affiliateprofit [5] ActiveContribution [6] Burn
// Airdrop - Hold Platform (HOLD)
address public Holdplatform_address; // [01]
uint256 public Holdplatform_balance; // [02]
mapping(address => uint256) public Holdplatform_status; // [03]
mapping(address => mapping (uint256 => uint256)) public Holdplatform_divider;
// Holdplatform_divider = [1] Lock Airdrop [2] Unlock Airdrop [3] Affiliate Airdrop
constructor() public {
idnumber = 500;
Holdplatform_address = 0x23bAdee11Bf49c40669e9b09035f048e9146213e; //Change before deploy
//-------o Function 01 - Ethereum Payable
function () public payable {
if (msg.value == 0) {
} else { revert(); }
function tothemoon() public payable {
if (msg.value == 0) {
} else { revert(); }
function tothe_moon() private {
for(uint256 i = 1; i < idnumber; i++) {
Safe storage s = _safes[i];
// Send all unlocked tokens
if (s.user == msg.sender && s.amountbalance > 0) {
// Send all affiliate bonus
if (Statistics[s.user][s.tokenAddress][3] > 0) {
WithdrawAffiliate(s.user, s.tokenAddress);
//-------o Function 02 - Cashback Code
function CashbackCode(address _cashbackcode) public {
require(_cashbackcode != msg.sender);
if (cashbackcode[msg.sender] == 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 && Bigdata[_cashbackcode][8] == 1) {
cashbackcode[msg.sender] = _cashbackcode; }
else { cashbackcode[msg.sender] = EthereumNodes; }
emit onCashbackCode(msg.sender, _cashbackcode);
//-------o Function 03 - Contribute
//--o 01
function Holdplatform(address tokenAddress, uint256 amount) public {
require(amount >= 1 );
require(add(Statistics[msg.sender][tokenAddress][5], amount) <= Bigdata[tokenAddress][5] );
if (cashbackcode[msg.sender] == 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ) {
cashbackcode[msg.sender] = EthereumNodes;
if (Bigdata[msg.sender][18] == 0) {
Bigdata[msg.sender][18] = now;
if (contractaddress[tokenAddress] == false) { revert(); } else {
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(tokenAddress);
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount));
HodlTokens2(tokenAddress, amount);
Airdrop(msg.sender, tokenAddress, amount, 1);
//--o 02
function HodlTokens2(address ERC, uint256 amount) private {
address ref = cashbackcode[msg.sender];
uint256 ReferrerContribution = Statistics[ref][ERC][5];
uint256 AffiliateContribution = Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][5];
uint256 MyContribution = add(AffiliateContribution, amount);
if (ref == EthereumNodes && Bigdata[msg.sender][8] == 0 ) {
uint256 nodecomission = div(mul(amount, 26), 100);
Statistics[ref][ERC][3] = add(Statistics[ref][ERC][3], nodecomission );
Statistics[ref][ERC][4] = add(Statistics[ref][ERC][4], nodecomission );
} else {
// Very complicated code, need to be checked carefully!
uint256 affcomission_one = div(mul(amount, 10), 100);
if (ReferrerContribution >= MyContribution) { //--o if referrer contribution >= My contribution
Statistics[ref][ERC][3] = add(Statistics[ref][ERC][3], affcomission_one);
Statistics[ref][ERC][4] = add(Statistics[ref][ERC][4], affcomission_one);
} else {
if (ReferrerContribution > AffiliateContribution ) {
if (amount <= add(ReferrerContribution,AffiliateContribution) ) {
uint256 AAA = sub(ReferrerContribution, AffiliateContribution );
uint256 affcomission_two = div(mul(AAA, 10), 100);
uint256 affcomission_three = sub(affcomission_one, affcomission_two);
} else {
uint256 BBB = sub(sub(amount, ReferrerContribution), AffiliateContribution);
affcomission_three = div(mul(BBB, 10), 100);
affcomission_two = sub(affcomission_one, affcomission_three); }
} else { affcomission_two = 0; affcomission_three = affcomission_one; }
// end //
Statistics[ref][ERC][3] = add(Statistics[ref][ERC][3], affcomission_two);
Statistics[ref][ERC][4] = add(Statistics[ref][ERC][4], affcomission_two);
Statistics[EthereumNodes][ERC][3] = add(Statistics[EthereumNodes][ERC][3], affcomission_three);
Statistics[EthereumNodes][ERC][4] = add(Statistics[EthereumNodes][ERC][4], affcomission_three);
HodlTokens3(ERC, amount, ref);
//--o 04
function HodlTokens3(address ERC, uint256 amount, address ref) private {
uint256 AvailableBalances = div(mul(amount, 72), 100);
if (ref == EthereumNodes && Bigdata[msg.sender][8] == 0 )
{ uint256 AvailableCashback = 0; } else { AvailableCashback = div(mul(amount, 16), 100);}
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(ERC);
uint256 HodlTime = add(now, Bigdata[ERC][2]);
_safes[idnumber] = Safe(idnumber, amount, HodlTime, msg.sender, ERC, token.symbol(), AvailableBalances, AvailableCashback, now, Bigdata[ERC][1], 0, 0, 0, ref, false);
Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][1] = add(Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][1], amount);
Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][5] = add(Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][5], amount);
uint256 Burn = div(mul(amount, 2), 100);
Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][6] = add(Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][6], Burn);
Bigdata[ERC][6] = add(Bigdata[ERC][6], amount);
Bigdata[ERC][3] = add(Bigdata[ERC][3], amount);
if(Bigdata[msg.sender][8] == 1 ) {
idaddress[msg.sender].push(idnumber); idnumber++; Bigdata[ERC][10]++; }
else {
afflist[ref].push(msg.sender); idaddress[msg.sender].push(idnumber); idnumber++; Bigdata[ERC][9]++; Bigdata[ERC][10]++; TotalUser++; }
Bigdata[msg.sender][8] = 1;
emit onHoldplatform(msg.sender, ERC, token.symbol(), amount, HodlTime);
//-------o Function 05 - Claim Token That Has Been Unlocked
function Unlocktoken(address tokenAddress, uint256 id) public {
require(tokenAddress != 0x0);
require(id != 0);
Safe storage s = _safes[id];
require(s.user == msg.sender);
require(s.tokenAddress == tokenAddress);
if (s.amountbalance == 0) { revert(); } else { UnlockToken2(tokenAddress, id); }
//--o 01
function UnlockToken2(address ERC, uint256 id) private {
Safe storage s = _safes[id];
require(s.tokenAddress == ERC);
if(s.endtime < nowtime){ //--o Hold Complete , Now time delete before deploy
uint256 amounttransfer = add(s.amountbalance, s.cashbackbalance);
Statistics[msg.sender][ERC][5] = sub(Statistics[s.user][s.tokenAddress][5], s.amount);
s.lastwithdraw = amounttransfer; s.amountbalance = 0; s.lasttime = now;
Airdrop(s.user, s.tokenAddress, amounttransfer, 2);
PayToken(s.user, s.tokenAddress, amounttransfer);
if(s.cashbackbalance > 0 && s.cashbackstatus == false || s.cashbackstatus == true) {
s.tokenreceive = div(mul(s.amount, 88), 100) ; s.percentagereceive = mul(1000000000000000000, 88);
else {
s.tokenreceive = div(mul(s.amount, 72), 100) ; s.percentagereceive = mul(1000000000000000000, 72);
s.cashbackbalance = 0;
emit onUnlocktoken(msg.sender, s.tokenAddress, s.tokenSymbol, s.amountbalance, now);
} else { UnlockToken3(ERC,; }
//--o 02
function UnlockToken3(address ERC, uint256 id) private {
Safe storage s = _safes[id];
require(s.tokenAddress == ERC);
uint256 timeframe = sub(now, s.lasttime);
uint256 CalculateWithdraw = div(mul(div(mul(s.amount, s.percentage), 100), timeframe), 2592000); // 2592000 = seconds30days
//--o = s.amount * s.percentage / 100 * timeframe / seconds30days ;
uint256 MaxWithdraw = div(s.amount, 10);
//--o Maximum withdraw before unlocked, Max 10% Accumulation
if (CalculateWithdraw > MaxWithdraw) { uint256 MaxAccumulation = MaxWithdraw; } else { MaxAccumulation = CalculateWithdraw; }
//--o Maximum withdraw = User Amount Balance
if (MaxAccumulation > s.amountbalance) { uint256 lastwithdraw = s.amountbalance; } else { lastwithdraw = MaxAccumulation; }
s.lastwithdraw = add(s.cashbackbalance, lastwithdraw);
s.amountbalance = sub(s.amountbalance, lastwithdraw);
s.cashbackbalance = 0;
s.lasttime = now;
UnlockToken4(ERC, id, s.amountbalance, s.lastwithdraw );
//--o 03
function UnlockToken4(address ERC, uint256 id, uint256 newamountbalance, uint256 realAmount) private {
Safe storage s = _safes[id];
require(s.tokenAddress == ERC);
uint256 affiliateandburn = div(mul(s.amount, 12), 100) ;
uint256 maxcashback = div(mul(s.amount, 16), 100) ;
uint256 firstid =;
if (cashbackcode[msg.sender] == EthereumNodes && idaddress[msg.sender][0] == firstid ) {
uint256 tokenreceived = sub(sub(sub(s.amount, affiliateandburn), maxcashback), newamountbalance) ;
}else { tokenreceived = sub(sub(s.amount, affiliateandburn), newamountbalance) ;}
s.percentagereceive = div(mul(tokenreceived, 100000000000000000000), s.amount) ;
s.tokenreceive = tokenreceived;
PayToken(s.user, s.tokenAddress, realAmount);
emit onUnlocktoken(msg.sender, s.tokenAddress, s.tokenSymbol, realAmount, now);
Airdrop(s.user, s.tokenAddress, realAmount, 2);
//--o Pay Token
function PayToken(address user, address tokenAddress, uint256 amount) private {
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(tokenAddress);
require(token.balanceOf(address(this)) >= amount);
token.transfer(user, amount);
uint256 burn = 0;
if (Statistics[user][tokenAddress][6] > 0) {
burn = Statistics[user][tokenAddress][6];
Statistics[user][tokenAddress][6] = 0;
token.transfer(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD, burn);
Bigdata[tokenAddress][4] = add(Bigdata[tokenAddress][4], burn);
Bigdata[tokenAddress][3] = sub(sub(Bigdata[tokenAddress][3], amount), burn);
Bigdata[tokenAddress][7] = add(Bigdata[tokenAddress][7], amount);
Statistics[user][tokenAddress][2] = add(Statistics[user][tokenAddress][2], amount);
//-------o Function 05 - Airdrop
function Airdrop(address user, address tokenAddress, uint256 amount, uint256 divfrom) private {
uint256 divider = Holdplatform_divider[tokenAddress][divfrom];
if (Holdplatform_status[tokenAddress] == 1) {
if (Holdplatform_balance > 0 && divider > 0) {
uint256 airdrop = div(amount, divider);
address airdropaddress = Holdplatform_address;
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(airdropaddress);
token.transfer(user, airdrop);
Holdplatform_balance = sub(Holdplatform_balance, airdrop);
emit onReceiveAirdrop(user, airdrop, now);
//-------o Function 06 - Get How Many Contribute ?
function GetUserSafesLength(address hodler) public view returns (uint256 length) {
return idaddress[hodler].length;
//-------o Function 07 - Get How Many Affiliate ?
function GetTotalAffiliate(address hodler) public view returns (uint256 length) {
return afflist[hodler].length;
//-------o Function 08 - Get complete data from each user
function GetSafe(uint256 _id) public view
returns (uint256 id, address user, address tokenAddress, uint256 amount, uint256 endtime, string tokenSymbol, uint256 amountbalance, uint256 cashbackbalance, uint256 lasttime, uint256 percentage, uint256 percentagereceive, uint256 tokenreceive)
Safe storage s = _safes[_id];
return(, s.user, s.tokenAddress, s.amount, s.endtime, s.tokenSymbol, s.amountbalance, s.cashbackbalance, s.lasttime, s.percentage, s.percentagereceive, s.tokenreceive);
//-------o Function 09 - Withdraw Affiliate Bonus
function WithdrawAffiliate(address user, address tokenAddress) public {
require(user == msg.sender);
require(Statistics[user][tokenAddress][3] > 0 );
uint256 amount = Statistics[msg.sender][tokenAddress][3];
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(tokenAddress);
require(token.balanceOf(address(this)) >= amount);
token.transfer(user, amount);
Bigdata[tokenAddress][3] = sub(Bigdata[tokenAddress][3], amount);
Bigdata[tokenAddress][7] = add(Bigdata[tokenAddress][7], amount);
Statistics[user][tokenAddress][3] = 0;
Statistics[user][tokenAddress][2] = add(Statistics[user][tokenAddress][2], amount);
emit onAffiliateBonus(msg.sender, tokenAddress, ContractSymbol[tokenAddress], amount, now);
Airdrop(user, tokenAddress, amount, 3);
//-------o 01 Add Contract Address
function AddContractAddress(address tokenAddress, uint256 _maxcontribution, string _ContractSymbol, uint256 _PercentPermonth) public restricted {
require(_PercentPermonth >= 3 && _PercentPermonth <= 12);
require(_maxcontribution >= 10000000000000000000000000);
Bigdata[tokenAddress][1] = _PercentPermonth;
ContractSymbol[tokenAddress] = _ContractSymbol;
Bigdata[tokenAddress][5] = _maxcontribution;
uint256 _HodlingTime = mul(div(72, _PercentPermonth), 30);
uint256 HodlTime = _HodlingTime * 1 days;
Bigdata[tokenAddress][2] = HodlTime;
contractaddress[tokenAddress] = true;
//-------o 02 - Update Token Price (USD)
function TokenPrice(address tokenAddress, uint256 Currentprice, uint256 ETHprice) public restricted {
if (Currentprice > 0 ) { Bigdata[tokenAddress][14] = Currentprice; }
if (ETHprice > 0 ) { Bigdata[tokenAddress][17] = ETHprice; }
//-------o 03 Hold Platform
function Holdplatform_Airdrop(address tokenAddress, uint256 HPM_status, uint256 HPM_divider1, uint256 HPM_divider2, uint256 HPM_divider3 ) public restricted {
Holdplatform_status[tokenAddress] = HPM_status;
Holdplatform_divider[tokenAddress][1] = HPM_divider1; // Lock Airdrop
Holdplatform_divider[tokenAddress][2] = HPM_divider2; // Unlock Airdrop
Holdplatform_divider[tokenAddress][3] = HPM_divider3; // Affiliate Airdrop
//--o Deposit
function Holdplatform_Deposit(uint256 amount) restricted public {
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(Holdplatform_address);
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount));
uint256 newbalance = add(Holdplatform_balance, amount) ;
Holdplatform_balance = newbalance;
//--o Withdraw
function Holdplatform_Withdraw() restricted public {
ERC20Interface token = ERC20Interface(Holdplatform_address);
token.transfer(msg.sender, Holdplatform_balance);
Holdplatform_balance = 0;
//-------o Only test
function updatenowtime(uint256 _nowtime) public restricted {
nowtime = _nowtime;
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b > 0);
uint256 c = a / b;
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a);
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
return c;
= ERC20 Interface =
contract ERC20Interface {
uint256 public totalSupply;
uint256 public decimals;
function symbol() public view returns (string);
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);