ETH Price: $3,267.73 (+0.76%)
Gas: 2 Gwei

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Base64.sol";

error YoureNotTheOwnerHomie();
error SorryYouCantAbandonOwnershipToTheZeroAddress();

contract goodblocksGen0
        _Owner = msg.sender;
    struct GoodBlock
        uint8 pixelSizeIndex;
        uint8 symmetryIndex;
        uint8 colorGroupIndex;
        uint8 paletteIndex;
        bool isDarkBlock; 
        uint16 tokenIndex;
        bytes3 labelColor;
        string blockDNA;
    uint8[5] private PixelSizes = [5,8,10,20,25];
    uint8[5] private PixelSizeHalf = [3,4,5,10,13];
    uint8[5] private PixelSizePadding = [1,2,2,3,5];
    uint8[5] private PixelSizePercents = [20,0,10,5,4];
    uint8[] private PixelSizeWeights = [25,15,20,15,25];
    uint8[] private BlockSymmetryWeights = [40,25,15,15,4,1];
    uint8[] private ColorGroupWeights = [30,10,20,10,25,30,15];
    uint8[] private PixelColorWeights = [65,20,10,5];
    uint8[] private PixelColorWeightsBiggins1 = [20,35,30,15];
    uint8[] private PixelColorWeightsBiggins2 = [40,30,20,10];
    string private GenerationDescription = "goodblocks generation 0 (gen0) is made up of random pixel images. head to to learn more about the art process!";
    function updateGenerationDescription(string memory _newDescription) external
        if(msg.sender != _Owner) revert YoureNotTheOwnerHomie();
        GenerationDescription = _newDescription;
    string[5] private PixelSizeNames = ["Biggins", "Great Eight", "10 out of 10", "Score", "XXV"];
    string[8] private PixelEightPercents = ["0%", "12.5%", "25%", "37.5%", "50%", "62.5%", "75%", "87.5%"];
    string[6] private BlockSymmetryNames = ["X=0", "Y=0", "Y=X", "Y=-X", "Flipper", "Chaos"];
    string[6] private BlockSymmetryStrings = 
        '(1000,0) scale(-1,1)', // left right
        '(0,1000) scale(1,-1)', // top bottom
        '(1000, 0) scale(-1,1) rotate(-90,500,500)', // diagonal top left to bottom right /
        '(1000, 0) scale(-1,1) rotate(90,500,500)', // diagonal bottom left to top right \
        '(1000,1000) scale(-1,-1)', // flip across x then flip accross y
        '(0,0) scale(1,1)' // do nothing
    string private constant LabelFlags =
        "01000101"  // palette 0 Joy
        "11111111"  // palette 1 Night
        "11000010"  // palette 2 Cosmos
        "00000110"  // palette 3 Earth
        "10100011"  // palette 4 Arctic
        "01111100"  // palette 5 Serenity
        "10111000"; // palette 6 Twilight

    string[7] private ColorGroupNames = ["Joy", "Night", "Cosmos", "Earth", "Arctic", "Serenity", "Twilight"];
    string[56] private ColorPalettes = 
        "#FDFF8F;#A8ECE7;#F4BEEE;#D47AE8", // 0 palette (Joy)
        "#0B0B0D;#474A56;#929AAB;#D3D5FD", // 1 palette (Night)
        "#111D5E;#C70039;#F37121;#C0E218", // 2 palette (Cosmos)
        "#FFFBE9;#E3CAA5;#CEAB93;#AD8B73", // 3 palette (Earth)
        "#42C2FF;#85F4FF;#B8FFF9;#EFFFFD", // 4 palette (Arctic)
        "#99FEFF;#94DAFF;#94B3FD;#B983FF", // 5 palette (Serenity)
        "#35477D;#6C5B7B;#C06C84;#F67280", // 6 palette (Twilight)
    string private constant SvgHeader = '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""'
        ' preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" shape-rendering="crispEdges" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">';
    string[] private svgBody = 
        // 0 - goodblock token number
        '<g id="goodblock',
        // 1 - goodblock background
        '"><g id="bigBlock"><rect id="background" width="100%" height="100%" fill="',
        // 2 - color group 1 fill
        '" /></g><g id="littleBlocks"><g id="yetAnotherGroupForAnimation"><g id="ogBlocks"><g id="colorOneGroup" fill="',
        // 3 - color group blocks
        // 4 - color group 2 fill
        '</g><g id="colorTwoGroup" fill="',
        // 5 - color group 2 blocks
        // 6 - color group 3 fill
        '</g><g id="colorThreeGroup" fill="',
        // 7 - color group 3 blocks
        // 8 - block symmetry
        '</g></g><g id="poserBlocks"><use xlink:href="#ogBlocks" transform="translate',
        // 9 - label colors
        '<text x="10%" y="96%" text-anchor="middle" fill="#',
        // 10 - goodblock name
        '" font-size="18" font-family="Courier New">',
        // 11 - animation1 background values
           ' id="lilNudgeA" xlink:href="#littleBlocks"'
           ' attributeName="transform" type="rotate"'
           ' values="0 500 500;15 500 500;0 500 500;"'
           ' begin="" dur=".5"/>'
           ' xlink:href="#background" attributeName="fill"'
           ' values="',
        // 12 - animation1 background values
        '" begin="" dur=".5"/>'
        '<animate xlink:href="#background" attributeName="fill" values="',
        // 13 - animation2 background values
        '" begin="" dur="2"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#yetAnotherGroupForAnimation"'
            ' attributeName="transform" begin=""'
            ' type="rotate" values="0 500 500;360 500 500" dur="2"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#littleBlocks"'
            ' attributeName="transform" begin=""'
            ' values="0 0;-1000 0" dur=".5"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#littleBlocks"'
            ' attributeName="transform" begin=""'
            ' values="1000 0;-1000 0" dur="1"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#littleBlocks"'
            ' attributeName="transform" begin=""'
            ' values="1000 0;0 0" dur=".5"/>'
        '<animate xlink:href="#background"'
            ' attributeName="fill" begin=""'
            ' values="',
        // 14 - end of svg!
            '" keyTimes="0;.01;.99;1" dur="10"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#yetAnotherGroupForAnimation"'
            ' attributeName="transform" begin=" + .02"'
            ' type="translate" values="0 0;0 50;0 250;0 150;0 0;"'
            ' keyTimes="0;.002;.5;.98;1" dur="9.98s"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#colorOneGroup"'
            ' attributeName="transform" additive="sum" type="scale"'
            ' begin="" values="1;.4;.3;.4;1"'
            ' keyTimes="0;.02;.5;.98;1" dur="10s"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#colorOneGroup"'
            ' attributeName="transform" additive="sum" type="rotate"'
            ' begin=" + .02" values="0 1000 1000; 360 1000 1000"'
            ' dur="9.98s"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#colorTwoGroup"'
            ' attributeName="transform" additive="sum" type="scale"'
            ' begin="" values="1;.6;.5;.6;1"'
            ' keyTimes="0;.02;.5;.98;1" dur="10s"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#colorTwoGroup"'
            ' attributeName="transform" additive="sum" type="rotate"' 
            ' begin=" + .02" values="0 500 600;-360 500 600"'
            ' dur="9.98s"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#colorThreeGroup"'
            ' attributeName="transform" additive="sum" type="scale"'
            ' begin="" values="1;.8;.6;.4;1"'
            ' keyTimes="0;.01;.5;.98;1" dur="10s"/>'
        '<animateTransform xlink:href="#colorThreeGroup"'
            ' attributeName="transform" additive="sum" type="rotate"'
            ' begin=" + .02" values="0 500 500;360 500 500"'
            ' dur="9.98s"/>'
    function updateSvgBody(uint256 _index, string memory _newString) external returns (string[] memory)
        if(msg.sender != _Owner) revert YoureNotTheOwnerHomie();
        svgBody[_index] = _newString;
        return svgBody;
    function substring(string memory str, uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex) private pure returns (string memory)
        bytes memory strBytes = bytes(str);
        bytes memory result = new bytes(endIndex - startIndex);
        for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
            result[i - startIndex] = strBytes[i];
        return string(result);
    function random(string memory _input) private pure returns (uint256)
        return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_input)));
    function getWeightedItem(uint8[] memory weightArray, uint256 i) private pure returns (uint8)
        uint256 index = 0;
        uint256 j = weightArray[0];
        while (j <= i)
            j += weightArray[index];
        return uint8(index);
    function tokenToGoodblock(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns(GoodBlock memory)
        GoodBlock memory goodblock;
        // set index
        goodblock.tokenIndex = uint16(_tokenId);
        // get pixel set
        goodblock.pixelSizeIndex = getWeightedItem(PixelSizeWeights, random(Strings.toString(_tokenId + 20)) % 100);
        // get symmetry
        goodblock.symmetryIndex = getWeightedItem(BlockSymmetryWeights, random(Strings.toString(_tokenId + 22)) % 100) ;
        // get color group
        goodblock.colorGroupIndex = getWeightedItem(ColorGroupWeights, random(Strings.toString(_tokenId + 1)) % 140);
        // get palette index
        goodblock.paletteIndex = uint8(random(string(abi.encodePacked("Wth?", Strings.toString(_tokenId + 4)))) % 8);

        string memory blockDNA =  string(abi.encodePacked(

        // if in list, then label flag
        if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(substring(LabelFlags, (goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + goodblock.paletteIndex), (goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + goodblock.paletteIndex)+1))) == keccak256("1"))
            goodblock.labelColor = bytes3("fff");
        } else
            goodblock.labelColor = bytes3("000");

        // DARK LOGIC
        if(_tokenId < 2133 || _tokenId > 6120)
            goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
            goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
            return goodblock;

        //d check if in y bounds
        if(_tokenId > 2132 && _tokenId < 3789)
            // get y and x respectively
            uint tokenDivY = uint(_tokenId/91);
            uint tokenModX = _tokenId%91;
            // CHECK EASY ONES
            if(tokenDivY < 28)
                if(tokenModX < 40 || tokenModX > 44)
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
                    return goodblock;
                } else
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = true;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_1"));
                    goodblock.labelColor = bytes3("fff");
                    return goodblock;

            // CHECK REGION
            if(tokenModX > 29 && tokenModX < 62)
                tokenDivY = tokenDivY - 28;
                if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(substring(d, tokenDivY*32+tokenModX-30, tokenDivY*32+tokenModX-30 + 1))) == keccak256("1"))
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = true;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_1"));
                    goodblock.labelColor = bytes3("fff");
                    return goodblock;
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
                    return goodblock;
        // g check if in y bounds
        else if(_tokenId > 4077 && _tokenId < 6121)
            // get y and x respectively
            uint tokenDivY = uint(_tokenId/91);
            uint tokenModX = _tokenId%91;
            // CHECK EASY ONES
            // d
            if(tokenDivY < 49)
                if(tokenModX < 74 || tokenModX > 78)
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
                    return goodblock;
                } else
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = true;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_1"));
                    goodblock.labelColor = bytes3("fff");
                    return goodblock;
            // g
            else if(tokenDivY > 62)
                if(tokenModX > 27)
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
                    return goodblock;

            // CHECK REGION
            if(tokenModX > 12 && tokenModX < 79)
                tokenDivY = tokenDivY - 49;
                if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(substring(g, tokenDivY*66+tokenModX-13, tokenDivY*66+tokenModX-13 + 1))) == keccak256("1"))
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = true;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_1"));
                    goodblock.labelColor = bytes3("fff");
                    return goodblock;
                    goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
                    goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
                    return goodblock;
        goodblock.isDarkBlock = false;
        goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(blockDNA,"_0"));
        return goodblock;
    function goodblockToSVG(GoodBlock memory _goodblock) private view returns(string memory)
        // set variables for goodblock generation
        string memory rectPercent;
        string[] memory pixelPercents = new string[](PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]);
        // check if pixel set is 8
        if(PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex] == 8)
            // set rectangle width/height
            rectPercent = "12.5%";
            // set percents for positions
            for(uint256 i=0; i<PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]; i++)
                pixelPercents[i] = PixelEightPercents[i];

        } else
            // set rectangle width/height
            rectPercent = string(abi.encodePacked(Strings.toString(PixelSizePercents[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]), "%"));
            // set percents for positions
            for(uint256 i = 0; i<PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]; i++) 
                pixelPercents[i] = string(abi.encodePacked(Strings.toString(i*PixelSizePercents[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]), "%"));

        // create color groups to house rectangles
        string[3] memory colorGroupRectangles;
        uint256 tempColorGroupIndex;
        string memory blockMap;

        // 0 left right
        // 1 top bottom
        // diag top left
        // diag bottom left
        // diag both
        // chaos

        // create _goodblock
        // loop through y axis top to bottom
        for (uint y=0; y<PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]; y++)
            // check for padding first
            if(y < PixelSizePadding[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex] || 
                PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]-y < PixelSizePadding[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex] + 1)

            // top bottom then skip bottom half
            if(_goodblock.symmetryIndex == 1)
                if((y+1) > PixelSizeHalf[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex])

            // stop halfway if token%2 == 0
            if(_goodblock.symmetryIndex == 2 && _goodblock.tokenIndex % 2 == 0)
                if((y+1) > PixelSizeHalf[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex])

            // stop halfway if token%2 == 0
            if(_goodblock.symmetryIndex == 3 && _goodblock.tokenIndex % 2 == 0)
                if((y+1) < PixelSizeHalf[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex])

            // loop through x axis left to right
            for (uint x=0; x<PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]; x++)
                // check for padding first
                if(x < PixelSizePadding[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex] ||
                    PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]-x < PixelSizePadding[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex] + 1)

                // left right or flipper
                if(_goodblock.symmetryIndex == 0 || _goodblock.symmetryIndex == 4)
                    if((x+1) > PixelSizeHalf[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex])
                // diagonal top left to bottom right
                else if(_goodblock.symmetryIndex == 2)
                    if(_goodblock.tokenIndex % 2 == 0)
                        if((x+1) > PixelSizeHalf[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex])

                    } else
                        if(x > (PixelSizes[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex] - y - 1))
                // diagonal bottom left to top right
                else if(_goodblock.symmetryIndex == 3)
                    if(_goodblock.tokenIndex % 2 == 0)
                        if((x+1) > PixelSizeHalf[_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex]
                    } else
                        if(x < y + 1)
                tempColorGroupIndex = getWeightedItem(PixelColorWeights, random(string(abi.encodePacked(_goodblock.blockDNA, Strings.toString(x*24 + y*22 + _goodblock.tokenIndex)))) % 100);

                // determine color group for next rectangle
                if(_goodblock.pixelSizeIndex == 0)
                    if(_goodblock.tokenIndex % 4 == 0)
                        tempColorGroupIndex = getWeightedItem(PixelColorWeightsBiggins1, random(string(abi.encodePacked(_goodblock.blockDNA, Strings.toString(x*13 + y*4 + 13 + _goodblock.tokenIndex)))) % 100);
                    } else if(_goodblock.tokenIndex % 2 == 0)
                        tempColorGroupIndex = getWeightedItem(PixelColorWeightsBiggins2, random(string(abi.encodePacked(_goodblock.blockDNA, Strings.toString(x*13 + y*4 + 13 + _goodblock.tokenIndex)))) % 100);

                // check if pixel is background color
                if(tempColorGroupIndex == 0)
                    blockMap = string(abi.encodePacked(blockMap, "0"));

                blockMap = string(abi.encodePacked(blockMap, "1"));

                // add rectangle to appropriate color group
                colorGroupRectangles[tempColorGroupIndex-1] = string(abi.encodePacked(
                    '<rect x="',
                    '" y="',
                colorGroupRectangles[tempColorGroupIndex-1] = string(abi.encodePacked(  
                    '" width="',
                    '" height="',

                // next
        _goodblock.blockDNA = string(abi.encodePacked(_goodblock.blockDNA, "_", blockMap));

        string memory animatedBG2;

        // determine background color
        string memory bgColor = substring(ColorPalettes[(_goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + _goodblock.paletteIndex)], 0, 7);
            // update animated bg 2
            animatedBG2 = string(abi.encodePacked(
            // make bg black
            bgColor = "#000";
        } else
            // update animated bg 2
            animatedBG2 = string(abi.encodePacked(

        // 0 - goodblock token number
        // 1 - goodblock background
        // 2 - color group 1 fill
        // 3 - color group blocks
        // 4 - color group 2 fill
        // 5 - color group 2 blocks
        // 6 - color group 3 fill
        // 7 - color group 3 blocks
        // 8 - block symmetry
        // 9 - animation1 background values
        // 10 - animation1 background values
        // 11 - animation2 background values
        // 12 - end of svg!

        string memory blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(

        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
            substring(ColorPalettes[(_goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + _goodblock.paletteIndex)], 8, 15),
        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
            substring(ColorPalettes[(_goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + _goodblock.paletteIndex)], 16, 23),
        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
            substring(ColorPalettes[(_goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + _goodblock.paletteIndex)], 24, 31),

        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
            ' #',
        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
            ColorPalettes[(_goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + _goodblock.paletteIndex)],

        blockSVG = string(abi.encodePacked(
            ColorPalettes[(_goodblock.colorGroupIndex * 8 + _goodblock.paletteIndex)],

        return blockSVG;        
    function blockToMetadata(GoodBlock memory _goodblock) private view returns(string memory)
        string memory metadata = string(abi.encodePacked(
            '{"trait_type": "Pixel Size", "value":"',
            '"},{"trait_type": "Symmetry", "value":"',
            '"},{"trait_type": "Color Group", "value":"',
            '"},{"trait_type": "Palette Index", "value":"',

            metadata = string(abi.encodePacked(
                '{"trait_type": "Special Trait", "value":"Do Good"},'
        } else
            metadata = string(abi.encodePacked(
                '{"trait_type": "Special Trait", "value":"None"},'

        return metadata;
    function tokenGenURI(uint256 _tokenId, string memory _tokenMetadata, string memory _tokenAttributes) public view returns(string memory)
        // get goodblock
        GoodBlock memory goodblock = tokenToGoodblock(_tokenId);        
        // get svg
        string memory goodblockSVG = string(Base64.encode(bytes(goodblockToSVG(goodblock))));
        // get attributes for metadata
        string memory goodblockMetadata = blockToMetadata(goodblock);
        // set up token uri
        string memory tokenUri = string(abi.encodePacked(
            ' #',
        return string(abi.encodePacked("data:application/json;base64,", string(Base64.encode(bytes(tokenUri)))));
    string private constant d = "0000111110111110000001111111000000111111111111100001111111111100011111111111111000111111111111101111111111111110011111111111111111111100011111100111111000111111111110000011111001111100000111111111100000111110011111000001111111111000001111100111110000011111111110000011111001111100000111111111110001111110011111100011111111111111111111100111111111111111011111111111111000111111111111100011111111111110000111111111110000011111101111100000011111110000";
    string private constant g = "000011110011111000000111111100000000001111111000000000011111011111001111111111111000011111111111000000111111111110000001111111111111011111111111111000111111111111100001111111111111000011111111111111111111111111111001111111111111110011111111111111100111111111111111111111000111111001111110001111110011111100011111100111111000111111111110000011111001111100000111110011111000001111100111110000011111111110000011111001111100000111110011111000001111100111110000011111111110000011111001111100000111110011111000001111100111110000011111111110000011111001111100000111110011111000001111100111110000011111111111000111111001111110001111110011111100011111100111111000111111011111111111111001111111111111110011111111111111100111111111111111001111111111111000111111111111100001111111111111000011111111111111000111111011111000011111111111000000111111111110000001111111111111000000000011111000000111111100000000001111111000000000111111011111011100000111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
    address public _Owner;
    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external 
        if(msg.sender != _Owner) revert YoureNotTheOwnerHomie();
        if(_newOwner == address(0)) revert SorryYouCantAbandonOwnershipToTheZeroAddress();
        _Owner = _newOwner;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Strings.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev String operations.
library Strings {
    bytes16 private constant _HEX_SYMBOLS = "0123456789abcdef";

     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.
    function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        // Inspired by OraclizeAPI's implementation - MIT licence

        if (value == 0) {
            return "0";
        uint256 temp = value;
        uint256 digits;
        while (temp != 0) {
            temp /= 10;
        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);
        while (value != 0) {
            digits -= 1;
            buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));
            value /= 10;
        return string(buffer);

     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.
    function toHexString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        if (value == 0) {
            return "0x00";
        uint256 temp = value;
        uint256 length = 0;
        while (temp != 0) {
            temp >>= 8;
        return toHexString(value, length);

     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation with fixed length.
    function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length + 2);
        buffer[0] = "0";
        buffer[1] = "x";
        for (uint256 i = 2 * length + 1; i > 1; --i) {
            buffer[i] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[value & 0xf];
            value >>= 4;
        require(value == 0, "Strings: hex length insufficient");
        return string(buffer);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (utils/Base64.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Provides a set of functions to operate with Base64 strings.
 * _Available since v4.5._
library Base64 {
     * @dev Base64 Encoding/Decoding Table
    string internal constant _TABLE = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

     * @dev Converts a `bytes` to its Bytes64 `string` representation.
    function encode(bytes memory data) internal pure returns (string memory) {
         * Inspired by Brecht Devos (Brechtpd) implementation - MIT licence
        if (data.length == 0) return "";

        // Loads the table into memory
        string memory table = _TABLE;

        // Encoding takes 3 bytes chunks of binary data from `bytes` data parameter
        // and split into 4 numbers of 6 bits.
        // The final Base64 length should be `bytes` data length multiplied by 4/3 rounded up
        // - `data.length + 2`  -> Round up
        // - `/ 3`              -> Number of 3-bytes chunks
        // - `4 *`              -> 4 characters for each chunk
        string memory result = new string(4 * ((data.length + 2) / 3));

        assembly {
            // Prepare the lookup table (skip the first "length" byte)
            let tablePtr := add(table, 1)

            // Prepare result pointer, jump over length
            let resultPtr := add(result, 32)

            // Run over the input, 3 bytes at a time
            for {
                let dataPtr := data
                let endPtr := add(data, mload(data))
            } lt(dataPtr, endPtr) {

            } {
                // Advance 3 bytes
                dataPtr := add(dataPtr, 3)
                let input := mload(dataPtr)

                // To write each character, shift the 3 bytes (18 bits) chunk
                // 4 times in blocks of 6 bits for each character (18, 12, 6, 0)
                // and apply logical AND with 0x3F which is the number of
                // the previous character in the ASCII table prior to the Base64 Table
                // The result is then added to the table to get the character to write,
                // and finally write it in the result pointer but with a left shift
                // of 256 (1 byte) - 8 (1 ASCII char) = 248 bits

                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(18, input), 0x3F))))
                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance

                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(12, input), 0x3F))))
                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance

                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(6, input), 0x3F))))
                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance

                mstore8(resultPtr, mload(add(tablePtr, and(input, 0x3F))))
                resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1) // Advance

            // When data `bytes` is not exactly 3 bytes long
            // it is padded with `=` characters at the end
            switch mod(mload(data), 3)
            case 1 {
                mstore8(sub(resultPtr, 1), 0x3d)
                mstore8(sub(resultPtr, 2), 0x3d)
            case 2 {
                mstore8(sub(resultPtr, 1), 0x3d)

        return result;

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